Dikey Kök Kırığına Bağlı Mandibular Molar Dişlerde Kök Rezeksiyonu ve Hemiseksiyon Uygulamaları Sonrası Kuron Protezi ile Rehabilitasyonları: İki Olgu Sunumu
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 91 - 101, 17.04.2024
Bige Koç
Doğan Koç
Deniz Sen
Amaç: Hemiseksiyon; tek kök kırığı olan mandibular molar dişlerde, dişlerin çekimi öncesi düşünülebilecek multidisipliner bir tedavi yöntemidir.
Olgu sunumu: Bu olgu sunumunda dikey kök kırığı olan iki mandibular molar diş olgusu hemiseksiyon yöntemiyle tedavi edilmiştir. Dikey kök kırıkların tek kökte sınırlı olması nedeniyle her iki olgu da yönteme uygun bulunmuştur. Dikey kök kırığı bulunan kökler, ilgili kuronları ile birlikte furkasyon bölgesinden ayrılarak çekilmiştir. Çekim yerlerinin iyileşmesi için her olguda 3 ay beklenmiştir. Her iki olgunun protetik rehbailitasyonunda da tek kuron protezi planlanmış, üst yapılardan biri metal-porselen, diğeri ise zirkonyum olarak tercih edilmiştir. 1 yıllık takip sürecinde hemiseksiyon yöntemine bağlı klinik ve radyografik bir soruna rastlanmamıştır.
Sonuç: Dikey kök kırığı olan mandibular molar dişleri, eğer kırık tek kökte sınırlı ise hemiseksiyon yöntemini takiben kuron protezi ile başarılı bir şekilde tedavi edilebilir. Bu yöntem, dişin çekiminden önce düşünülebilir.
- Sims T, Takei HH. Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology.
20 th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier; 2015. Chapter
62, Furcation: Involvement and Treatment; pp. 621-
- American Association of Endodontists. Glossary of
Endodontic Terms. 9 th ed. 180 N, Stetson Ave, Suite
1500 Chicago, IL 60601 2016;9:1–50.
- Moule AJ, Kahler B. Diagnosis and management of
teeth with vertical root fractures. Australian Dental
Journal 1999;44:(2):75-87.
- Tamse A. Vertical root fractures in endodontically
treated teeth: diagnostic signs and clinical
management. Endodontic Topics 2006; 13, 84–94.
- Neha D, Kansal R, Joshi R, Grover HS, Kaur S,
Johal S, Kaur S. Vertical root fractures: A clinical
dilemma. International journal of clinical dentistry
2011; Volume 4 number 4.
- Corbella S, Tamse A, Nemcovsky C, Taschieri S.
Diagnostic issues dealing with the management of
teeth with vertical root fractures: a narrative review.
Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia 2014 28, 91—96
- Uysal İ, Kaya S, Nigiz R, Gunes RF. Vertical Root
Fracture of The Mandibular Molar Tooth with
Hemisection Treatment Method: A Case Report. J
Dent Fac Atatürk Uni. 2015; 32-36
- Taori P, Nikhade PP, Mahapatra J. Hemisection: A
Different Approach from Extraction. Cureus 2022;
14(9): e29410.
- Saraf AA, Patil AC. Hemisection. World J Dent
- Parmar G, Vashi P. Hemisection: a case report and
review. Endodontology 15(1): p 26-29, Jan–Jun 2003.
- Weine FS. Endodontic Therapy. 5th ed. St. Louis,
USA: Mosby; 1996. p. 154-68.
- Arora A, Arya A, Singhal RK, Khatana R. Hemisection:
A conservative approach. Indian J Dent Sci 2017;9:206-
- Park JB. Hemisection of teeth with questionable
prognosis. Report of case with seven-year results. J
Int Acad Periodontol 2009 Jul;11(3):214-9.
- Saad MN, Moreno J, Crawford C. Hemisection as
an alternative treatment for decayed multirooted
terminal abutment: A case report. J Can Dent Assoc
- Hanafi L. An approach of preserving a mandibular
primary second molar by a hemisection procedure: A
case report with 36 months period. Heliyon 8 2022;
- Cetinbas T, Halil S, Akcam MO, Sari S, Cetiner S.
Hemisection of a fused tooth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007;104:e120-e124
- Ganesan K, Balagangadharan M, Sengoden T, Santhi
B, Vasudevan M, Dhamodharan YT. Hemisection-A
challenge for perio-endo lesions: A case report. J
Pharm Bioall Sci 2020;12:S631-4.
- Haueisen H, Heidemann D. Hemisection for treatment
of an advanced endodontic-periodontal lesion. Int
Endod J 2002 Jun; 35,557-572.
- Napte B, Raghavendra SS. Management of
periodontally compromised mandibular molar with
Hemisectioning: A case report. J Int Clin Dent Res
Organ 2014;6:130-3.
- Kharbanda A, Bali R, Sharma V, Sood P. Hemisection:
An Alternative Prosthetic Management. Indian Journal
of Dental Sciences 2012 Dec; Issue:5, Vol.:4
- Yadav P, Tahir M, Kumar MVS, Rao H. Prosthetic
Rehabilitation of a Hemisected Maxillary Molar: A
Rare Entity. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2013; 13(3):373–
- Oktay C, Celebi M. Bir hemisection vak’ası üzerine. J
Istanbul Univ Fac Dent. 2013;8(4):316-9.
- Teicher R, Henschel M. Hemisection in the age of
dental implants. Compendium of continueing education
indentistry 2023 March; volume 44 number 3.
- Falakaloglu S, Adiguzel O, Oztekin F, Deger Y,
Ozdemir G. Hemisection: Two case reports Int Dent
Res 2016;6:16-20.
- Mokbel N, Kassir AR, Naaman N, Megarbane JM.
Root Resection and Hemisection Revisited. Part
I: Systematic Review. The International journal
of periodontics and restorative dentistry 2019 Jan/
- Megarbane JM, Kassir AR, Mokbel N, Naaman N.
Root Resection and Hemisection Revisited. Part II: A
Retrospective Analysis of 195 Treated patients with
Up to 40 years Follow-up. The International journal
of periodontics and restorative dentistry 2018 Nov/
- Buhler H. Evaluation of root resected teeth. Results
after ten years. J Periodontol 1988;59:805-10.
- Blomlöf L, Jansson L, Appelgren R, Ehnevid H,
Lindskog S. Prognosis and mortality of root-resected
molars. Int J Periodont Restorat Dent 1997;17:191-
- Yuh DY, Lin FG, Fang WH, Chien WC, Chung
CH, Mau LP, Shen EC, Fu E, Shieh YS, Huang RY.
The impact of Medical institutions on the treatment
decisions and outcome of root-resected molars: a retrospective claims analysis from a representative
database. J Med Sci 2014;34(1):1-8
- Harrita S, Ganapathy D. Knowledge attitude and
practice of radisection and hemisection among interns
and dental practititoners. International Journal of
Pharmaceutical Research 2020 Oct-Dec. Vol 12, Issue
- Ronay V, Bindl A, Sahrmann P, Schmidlin PR.
Retrospective evaluation of Cad/Cam cantilever
reconstructions to restore compromised posterior
teeth: a preliminary report. In J Prosthedont. 2014 Mar-
- Schmitz J, Granata S, Magheri P, Noe G.
Single crowns on tooth root- resected molars: a
retrospective multicentric study. J Prosthet Dent 2020
- Zhang SF, Zhang DM, Wang Y, Zhang T, Mao Y.
Analysis of different fixed prosthesis designs following
molar hemisection therapy. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi
Xue Za Zhi 2007 Jul;42(7):395-8.
- Zafiropoulos GG, Hoffmann O, Kasaj A, Willershausen
B, Deli G, Tatakis DN. Mandibular molar root resection
versus implant therapy: a retrospective nonrandomized
study. J Oral Implantol. 2009;35(2):52-62.
- Fugazzotto FA. A comparison of the success of root
resected molars and molar position implants in function
in a private practice: results of up to 15-plus years. J
Periodontol 2001 Aug;72(8):1113-23.
Rehabilitation of Mandibular Molar Teeth with Single Crown Prosthesis After Root Resection and Hemisection Applications Due to Vertical Root Fracture: Two Case Reports
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 91 - 101, 17.04.2024
Bige Koç
Doğan Koç
Deniz Sen
Objectives: Hemisection is a multidisciplinary treatment method that might be considered on mandibular molars with single root fractures before extraction.
Case report: In this present case report, two mandibular first molars were treated with hemisection due to the vertical root fracture on one of the roots. Fractured roots were separated from the furcation area together with the associated crowns and extracted. 3 months were waited for each case for the recovery of extraction sites. Both cases were planned as single crowns, one of the superstructure was metal-porcelain and the other was a zirconia crown. During the 1 year follow up period, no clinical or radiographic problem was found related to the hemisection method.
Conclusion: Mandibular molar teeth with vertical root fracture, if the fracture is limited to one root only, can be successfully treated with the hemisection method and restored with a single crown prosthesis. This method might be considered prior to extraction.
- Sims T, Takei HH. Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology.
20 th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier; 2015. Chapter
62, Furcation: Involvement and Treatment; pp. 621-
- American Association of Endodontists. Glossary of
Endodontic Terms. 9 th ed. 180 N, Stetson Ave, Suite
1500 Chicago, IL 60601 2016;9:1–50.
- Moule AJ, Kahler B. Diagnosis and management of
teeth with vertical root fractures. Australian Dental
Journal 1999;44:(2):75-87.
- Tamse A. Vertical root fractures in endodontically
treated teeth: diagnostic signs and clinical
management. Endodontic Topics 2006; 13, 84–94.
- Neha D, Kansal R, Joshi R, Grover HS, Kaur S,
Johal S, Kaur S. Vertical root fractures: A clinical
dilemma. International journal of clinical dentistry
2011; Volume 4 number 4.
- Corbella S, Tamse A, Nemcovsky C, Taschieri S.
Diagnostic issues dealing with the management of
teeth with vertical root fractures: a narrative review.
Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia 2014 28, 91—96
- Uysal İ, Kaya S, Nigiz R, Gunes RF. Vertical Root
Fracture of The Mandibular Molar Tooth with
Hemisection Treatment Method: A Case Report. J
Dent Fac Atatürk Uni. 2015; 32-36
- Taori P, Nikhade PP, Mahapatra J. Hemisection: A
Different Approach from Extraction. Cureus 2022;
14(9): e29410.
- Saraf AA, Patil AC. Hemisection. World J Dent
- Parmar G, Vashi P. Hemisection: a case report and
review. Endodontology 15(1): p 26-29, Jan–Jun 2003.
- Weine FS. Endodontic Therapy. 5th ed. St. Louis,
USA: Mosby; 1996. p. 154-68.
- Arora A, Arya A, Singhal RK, Khatana R. Hemisection:
A conservative approach. Indian J Dent Sci 2017;9:206-
- Park JB. Hemisection of teeth with questionable
prognosis. Report of case with seven-year results. J
Int Acad Periodontol 2009 Jul;11(3):214-9.
- Saad MN, Moreno J, Crawford C. Hemisection as
an alternative treatment for decayed multirooted
terminal abutment: A case report. J Can Dent Assoc
- Hanafi L. An approach of preserving a mandibular
primary second molar by a hemisection procedure: A
case report with 36 months period. Heliyon 8 2022;
- Cetinbas T, Halil S, Akcam MO, Sari S, Cetiner S.
Hemisection of a fused tooth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007;104:e120-e124
- Ganesan K, Balagangadharan M, Sengoden T, Santhi
B, Vasudevan M, Dhamodharan YT. Hemisection-A
challenge for perio-endo lesions: A case report. J
Pharm Bioall Sci 2020;12:S631-4.
- Haueisen H, Heidemann D. Hemisection for treatment
of an advanced endodontic-periodontal lesion. Int
Endod J 2002 Jun; 35,557-572.
- Napte B, Raghavendra SS. Management of
periodontally compromised mandibular molar with
Hemisectioning: A case report. J Int Clin Dent Res
Organ 2014;6:130-3.
- Kharbanda A, Bali R, Sharma V, Sood P. Hemisection:
An Alternative Prosthetic Management. Indian Journal
of Dental Sciences 2012 Dec; Issue:5, Vol.:4
- Yadav P, Tahir M, Kumar MVS, Rao H. Prosthetic
Rehabilitation of a Hemisected Maxillary Molar: A
Rare Entity. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2013; 13(3):373–
- Oktay C, Celebi M. Bir hemisection vak’ası üzerine. J
Istanbul Univ Fac Dent. 2013;8(4):316-9.
- Teicher R, Henschel M. Hemisection in the age of
dental implants. Compendium of continueing education
indentistry 2023 March; volume 44 number 3.
- Falakaloglu S, Adiguzel O, Oztekin F, Deger Y,
Ozdemir G. Hemisection: Two case reports Int Dent
Res 2016;6:16-20.
- Mokbel N, Kassir AR, Naaman N, Megarbane JM.
Root Resection and Hemisection Revisited. Part
I: Systematic Review. The International journal
of periodontics and restorative dentistry 2019 Jan/
- Megarbane JM, Kassir AR, Mokbel N, Naaman N.
Root Resection and Hemisection Revisited. Part II: A
Retrospective Analysis of 195 Treated patients with
Up to 40 years Follow-up. The International journal
of periodontics and restorative dentistry 2018 Nov/
- Buhler H. Evaluation of root resected teeth. Results
after ten years. J Periodontol 1988;59:805-10.
- Blomlöf L, Jansson L, Appelgren R, Ehnevid H,
Lindskog S. Prognosis and mortality of root-resected
molars. Int J Periodont Restorat Dent 1997;17:191-
- Yuh DY, Lin FG, Fang WH, Chien WC, Chung
CH, Mau LP, Shen EC, Fu E, Shieh YS, Huang RY.
The impact of Medical institutions on the treatment
decisions and outcome of root-resected molars: a retrospective claims analysis from a representative
database. J Med Sci 2014;34(1):1-8
- Harrita S, Ganapathy D. Knowledge attitude and
practice of radisection and hemisection among interns
and dental practititoners. International Journal of
Pharmaceutical Research 2020 Oct-Dec. Vol 12, Issue
- Ronay V, Bindl A, Sahrmann P, Schmidlin PR.
Retrospective evaluation of Cad/Cam cantilever
reconstructions to restore compromised posterior
teeth: a preliminary report. In J Prosthedont. 2014 Mar-
- Schmitz J, Granata S, Magheri P, Noe G.
Single crowns on tooth root- resected molars: a
retrospective multicentric study. J Prosthet Dent 2020
- Zhang SF, Zhang DM, Wang Y, Zhang T, Mao Y.
Analysis of different fixed prosthesis designs following
molar hemisection therapy. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi
Xue Za Zhi 2007 Jul;42(7):395-8.
- Zafiropoulos GG, Hoffmann O, Kasaj A, Willershausen
B, Deli G, Tatakis DN. Mandibular molar root resection
versus implant therapy: a retrospective nonrandomized
study. J Oral Implantol. 2009;35(2):52-62.
- Fugazzotto FA. A comparison of the success of root
resected molars and molar position implants in function
in a private practice: results of up to 15-plus years. J
Periodontol 2001 Aug;72(8):1113-23.