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A Review on Parapoxviruses Observed in Ruminants: History, Epidemiology, Molecular Characterization, Pathogenesis, Clinical Findings, Immunotherapy and Use as a Vector in Recombinant Vaccines

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 551 - 557, 01.01.2018


Backround/Aim: This review generally includes ruminant infections caused by parapoxviruses, which cause localized, cutaneous, or muco-cutaneous lesions at the skin and can infect a wide variety of species. Additionally, there are general information about parapoxviruses which is inclued taxonomic classification, etiological characteristics, animal species they affect, clinical findings, pathogenesis, epidemiological status. Parapoxviruses can infect various types of terrestrial and marine life for example, red and black tailed deer, elephant, seals and sea lions , as well as infections in economically viable species such as cattle, sheep, goats and camels. Conclusion: Since the viruses found in the parapoxvirus gene have zoonotic potential, veterinarians, farmers, butchers and other occupational groups in contact with infected animals or infected animal products are also at risk.


  • Abu Elzein EM, Housawi FM (1997). Severe Long-Lasting Contagious Ecthyma İnfection İn A Goat’s Kid. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B 44: 561–564
  • Akkutay-Yoldar AZ. Oğuzoğlu TC, Akça Y (2016). Diagnosis and phylogenetic analysis of orf virus in Aleppo and Saanen goats from an outbreak in Turkey. Virologica Sinica, 31, (2):1-4.
  • Amann R, Rohde J, Wulle U, Conlee D, Raue R, Martinon O, Rziha HJ (2013). A New Rabies Vaccine Based On A Recombinant Orf Virus (Parapoxvirus) Expressing The Rabies Virus Glycoprotein. J Virol. 2013 Feb;87(3):1618-30. Doi: 10.1128/Jvı.02470-12. Epub 2012 Nov 21.
  • Aynaud M (1923). La Stomatite Pustuleuse Contagieuse Des Ovins (Chancre Du Mouton. Ann Inst Pasteur) (Paris) 36: 498–527
  • Azwai SM, Carter SD, Woldehiwet Z (1995). Immune Responses Of The Camel (Camelus Dromedarius) To Contagious Ecthyma (Orf) Virus İnfection. Vet Microbiol 47: 119–131
  • Becher P, Konig M, Muller G, Siebert U, Thiel HJ (2002). Characterization Of Sealpox Virus, A Separate Member Of The Parapoxviruses. Arch Virol 147: 1133–1140
  • Blomqvist G, Ullman K, Segall T, Hauzenberger E, Renström L, Persson- Waller K, Leijon M, Valarcher JF (2018). An Unusual Presentation Of Pseudocowpox Associated With An Outbreak Of Pustular Ulcerative Vulvovaginitis İn A Swedish Dairy Herd. Journal Of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2018, Vol. 30(2) 256 –259
  • Burgu I, Akca Y (1987). First İsolation Of Ibr Virus İn Turkey Trop Anim Health Prod. 1987 Feb;19(1):56.
  • Buttner M, Von Einem C, Mcınnes C, Oksanen A (1995) Clinical Findings And Diagnosis Of A Severe Parapoxvirus Epidemic İn Finnish Reindeer. Tierarztl Prax 23: 614–618
  • Buttner M, Rziha HJ (2002). Parapoxviruses: From The Lesion To The Viral Genome. J Vet Med B Infect Dis Vet Public Health 49: 7–16
  • Carson CA, Kerr KM (1967) Bovine Papular Stomatitis With Apparent Transmission To Man. J Am Vet Med Assoc 151:183–187
  • De Sant’ana FJF, Rabelo RE, Vulcani VAS, Cargnelutti JF, Flores EF (2012). Bovine Papular Stomatitis Affecting Dairy Cows And Milkers İn Midwestern Brazil. Journal Of Veterinary Diagnostic İnvestigation 24:2 442-445
  • Delhon G, Tulman ER, Afonso CL, Lu Z, De La Concha-Bermejillo A, Lehmkuhl HD, Piccone ME, Kutish GF, Rock DL (2004). Genomes Of The Parapoxviruses Orf Virus And Bovine Papular Stomatitis Virus. J Virol 78:168–177
  • Degive A (1884). Une Affection-Type Ou Maladie İnedite – La Stomatite Papillaire Ou Papillomateuse – Observee Sur Quatre Genesis. Ann Med Vet 33: 369; Cited İn: M Binns, Gl Smith (Eds): Recombinant Poxviruses. Crc Press, Boca Raton
  • Fachinger V, Schlapp T, Saalmüller A (2000). Evidence For A Parapox Ovis Virus-Associated Superantigen. Eur J Immunol 2000; 30: 29622971.
  • Fleming Sb, Mccaughan Ca, Andrews Ae, Nash Ad, Mercer Aa (1997). A Homologue Of İnterleukin-10 İs Encoded By The Poxvirus Orf Virus. J Virol 71: 4857–4861
  • Griesemer Ra, Cole Cr (1961). Bovine Papular Stomatitis. Iı. The Experimentally Produced Disease. Am J Vet Res 22: 473–481
  • Gökçe G, Irmak K, Sural E, Uzlu E (1997). Koyun Çiçeğinde İmmunomodülatörlerin Sağaltıcı Ve Koruyucu Etkileri Üzerinde Klinik Gözlemler. Kafkas Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg. Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2 Sayfa: 217-221
  • Groves RW, Wilson-Jones E, Macdonald DM (1991). Human Orf And Milkers’ Nodule: A Clinicopathologic Study. J Am Acad Dermatol 25: 706–711
  • Günther T, Haas L, Alawi M, Wohlsein P, Marks J, Grundhoff A, Becher P, Fischer N (2017). Recovery Of The First Full-Length Genome Sequence Of A Parapoxvirus Directly From A Clinical Sample
  • Haig Dm, Mercer AA (1998). Ovine Diseases. Orf. Vet Res 29:311–326
  • Haig Dm, Mcınnes CJ, Thomson J, Wood A, Bunyan K, Mercer A (1998). The Orf Virus Ov20.0l Gene Product İs İnvolved İn İnterferon Resistance And İnhibits An İnterferon-İnducible, Double-Stranded Rna-Dependent Kinase. Immunology 93: 335–340
  • Haig Dm, Mcınnes CJ (2002). Immunity And Counter-İmmunity During İnfection With The Parapoxvirus Orf Virus. Virus Res 88: 3–16
  • Hiramatsu Y, Uno F, Yoshida M, Hatano Y, Nii S (1999). Poxvirus Virions: Their Surface Ultrastructure And İnteraction With The Surface Membrane Of Host Cells. J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) 48: 937–946
  • Horner GW, Robinson AJ, Hunter R, Cox BT, Smith R (1987). Parapoxvirus İnfections İn New Zealand Farmed Red Deer. Nz Vet J 35: 41–45
  • Inoshima Y, Yamamoto Y, Takahashi T, Shino M, Katsumi A, Shimizu S, Sentsui H (2001). Serological Survey Of Parapoxvirus İnfection İn Wild Ruminants İn Japan İn 1996–99. Epidemiol Infect 126: 153–156
  • Inoshima Y, Murakami K, WU D, Sentsui H (2002). Characterization Of Parapoxviruses Circulating Among Wild Japanese Serows (Capricornis Crispus). Microbiol Immunol 46: 583–587
  • Jezek Z, Kriz B, Rothbauer V (1983). Camelpox And İts Risk To The Human Population. J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol 27: 29–42
  • Karakaş A, Oğuzoğlu Tc, Coskun O, Artuk C, Mert G, Gul Hc, Sener K, Ozkul A (2013). First Molecular Characterization Of The Turkish Orf Virus Strain From A Human Based On A Partial B2l Sequence. Arch Virol. 2013;158:1105–8
  • Knipe D.M, Howley PM (2016). Field’s Virology Sixth Edition. Pg 2157
  • Koptopoulos G, Reid HW, Pow I (1982). Cytotoxic Antibodiies İn Orf Virus İnfection Of Sheep. Zentralblatt Fur Vet. Med. B29:284-291.
  • Lear A, Hutchison G, Reid HW, Norval M, Haig DM (1996). Phenotypic Characterisation Of The Dendritic Cells Accumulating İn Ovine Dermis Following Primary And Secondary Orf Virus İnfections. Eur J Dermatol 6: 135–140
  • Lipschutz B (1932). Paravaccine, Julius Springer, Berlin; Cited İn: M Binns, Gl Smith (Eds): Recombinant Poxviruses. Crc Press, Boca Raton
  • Lyttle DJ, Fraser KM, Fleming SB, Mercer AA, Robinson AJ (1994). Homologs Of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Are Encoded By The Poxvirus Orf Virus. J Virol 68: 84–92
  • Maclachlan NJ ve Dubovi EJ (2017). Fenner’s Veterinary Virology 5. Edition
  • Maeda AD ve Scott GR (1985). Use Of İndirect Haemagglutination Test To Detect Humoral Antibodies Of Orf Disease. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 23:65-67.
  • Maollin AS ve Zessin KH (1988). Outbreak Of Camel Contagious Ecthyma İn Central Somalia. Trop Anim Health Prod 20: 185
  • Mayr B ve Mayr A (1995). Present State Of Preclinical Research On The Efficacy And Safety Of Para İmmunity İnducers From Poxviruses. A Study Of The Literature. Tierarztl Prax. 1995 Dec;23(6):542-52.
  • Mcınnes CJ, Wood AR, Mercer AA (1998). Orf Virus Encodes A Homolog Of The Vaccinia Virus İnterferon-Resistance Gene E3l. Virus Genes 17: 107–115
  • Mercer AA ve Haig D (1999). Encyclopedia Of Virology, Second Edition
  • Mercer AA, Ueda N, Friederichs SM (2006). Comparative Analysis Of Genome Sequences Of Three İsolates Of Orf Virus Reveals Unexpected Sequence Variation. Virus Res 2006;116:146–158.
  • Midilli K, Erkılıc A, Kuşkucu M, Analay H, Erkılıc S, Benzonana N, Yıldırım MS, Mulayim K, Acar H, Ergonul O (2012). Nosocomial Outbreak Of Disseminated Orf İnfection İn A Burn Unit, Gaziantep, Turkey, October To December 2012. Euro Surveill. 2013;18(11):20425
  • Mercer AA, Yirrell DL, Reid HW, Robinson AJ (1994). Lack Of Cross- Protection Between Vaccinia Virus And Orf Virus İn Hysterectomy- Procured, Barrier Maintained Lambs. Vet Microbiol 41: 373–382
  • Mitchiner MB (1969). The Envelope Of Vaccinia And Orf Viruses: An Electroncytochemical İnvestigation. J Gen Virol 5: 211–220
  • Munz E, Schillinger D, Reimann M, Mahnel H (1986). Electron Microscopical Diagnosis Of Ecthyma Contagiosum İn Camels (Camelus Dromedarius). First Report Of The Disease İn Kenya. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B 33: 73–77
  • Nandi S, De UK, Choudhary S (2011). Current Status Of Contagious Ecthyma Or Orf Disease İn Goat And Sheep- A Global Perspective. Small Rum. Res. 96:73–82.
  • Nagington J, Horne RW (1962). Morphological Studies Of Orf And Vaccinia Viruses. Virology 16: 248–260
  • Newson L ve Cross F (1934). Sore mouth transmissible to man. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1934;85:150–178.
  • Oguzoglu TÇ, Bahattin TK, Armağan K ve Mehmet TT (2014a). Evidence of zoonotic pseudocowpox virus infection from a cattle in Turkey Virusdisease. 2014 Sep; 25(3): 381–384.
  • Oguzoglu TC, Karakaş A, Koç BT, Salar S (2014b). Parapoxvirus infections in Turkey. International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance. 31.10-3.11.2014, Vienna-Austria
  • Ohtani A, Yokoyama A, Narushige H, Inoshima Y (2017). First İsolation And Genetic Characterization Of Pseudocowpox Virus From Cattle İn Japan. Virol J. 2017 Sep 6;14(1):172. Doi: 10.1186/S12985-017-0840-3.
  • Plowright WR, Ferris RD (1959). Papular Stomatitis Of Cattle. Iı. Reproduction Of The Disease With Culture-Passaged Virus. Vet Rec 71: 828; Cited İn: M Binns, Gl Smith (Eds): Recombinant Poxviruses. Crc Press, Boca Raton
  • Reid HW (1991). Orf. In: Wb Martin, Id Aitken (Eds) Diseases Of Sheep. Blackwell, London, 265–269
  • Robinson AJ, Mercer AA (1988). Orf Virus And Vaccinia Virus Do Not Cross-Protect Sheep. Arch Virol 101: 255–259
  • Rosliakov AA (1972). Comparative Ultrastructure Of Viruses Of Camel Pox, Poxlike Disease Of Camels (Auzduk) And Contagious Ecthyma Of Sheep. Voprosi Virusol 17: 26–30
  • Robinson AJ, Mercer AA (1995). Parapoxvirus Of Red Deer: Evidence For İts İnclusion As A New Member İn The Genus Parapoxvirus. Virology 208: 812–815
  • Sentsui H, Inoshima Y, Minami A, Yamamoto Y, Murakami K, Shimizu S (2000). Survey On Antibody Against Parapoxvirus Among Cattle İn Japan. Microbiol Immunol. 2000;44:73–6.
  • Schütze N, Raue R, Büttner M, Köhler G, Mcınnes CJ, Alber G (2010). Specific Antibodies İnduced By İnactivated Parapoxvirus Ovis Potently Enhance Oxidative Burst İn Canine Blood Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes And Monocytes. Vet Microbiol. 2010 Jan 6;140(1-2):81-91. Doi: 10.1016/J.Vetmic.2009.07.027. Epub 2009 Aug 8.
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  • Günther T,Haas L,Alawi M, Wohlsein P, Marks J, Grundhoff A, Becher P, ve Fischer N (2017). Recovery of the first full- length genome sequence of a Parapoxvirus directly from a clinical sample
  • Thomas K, Tompkins DM, Sainsbury AW (2003). A Novel Poxvirus Lethal To Red Squirrels (Sciurus Vulgaris). J Gen Virol 2003;84:3337–3341.
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  • Weber O, Siegling A, Friebe A, Limmer A, Schlapp T, Knolle P, Mercer A, Schaller H, Volk Hd. (2003). Inactivated Parapoxvirus Ovis (Orf Virus) Has Antiviral Activity Against Hepatitis B Virus And Herpes Simplex Virus. J Gen Virol. 2003 Jul;84(Pt 7):1843-52.
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Ruminantlarda Gözlenen Parapoxviruslar: Tarihçe, Epidemiyoloji, Patogenez, Klinik Bulgular, İmmunoterapide ve Rekombinant Aşılarda Vektör Olarak Kullanımı

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 551 - 557, 01.01.2018


Özbilgi/Amaç: Bu derleme genellikle deride lokalize, kutanöz veya mukokütanöz lezyonlara neden olan ve çok çeşitli türleri enfekte edebilen viruslar olan Parapoxvirusların ruminant türlerinde neden olduğu enfeksiyonları kapsamaktadır. Ek olarak Parapoxvirusların taksonomik sınıflandırmadaki yeri, etiyolojik özellikleri, etkiledikleri hayvan türleri, meydana getirdikleri klinik bulgular, patogenez, gibi bilgiler yanı sıra, Parapoxvirusların epidemiyolojik durumu hakkında genel bilgiler bulunmaktadır. Parapoxviruslar karasal ve deniz canlılarının çeşitli türlerini örneğin, kırmızı ve siyah kuyruklu geyikler, fil, fok ve deniz arslanları enfekte edebildikleri gibi özellikle sığır, koyun, keçi ve deve gibi ekonomik öneme sahip ruminantlar türlerinde de enfeksiyonlara neden olurlar. Sonuç: Parapoxvirus genusunda bulunan viruslar zoonotik potansiyele sahip olduklarından; veteriner hekimler, çiftçiler, kasaplar ve enfekte olmuş hayvanlar veya enfekte hayvan ürünleri ile temas eden diğer meslek grupları da risk altındadır.


  • Abu Elzein EM, Housawi FM (1997). Severe Long-Lasting Contagious Ecthyma İnfection İn A Goat’s Kid. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B 44: 561–564
  • Akkutay-Yoldar AZ. Oğuzoğlu TC, Akça Y (2016). Diagnosis and phylogenetic analysis of orf virus in Aleppo and Saanen goats from an outbreak in Turkey. Virologica Sinica, 31, (2):1-4.
  • Amann R, Rohde J, Wulle U, Conlee D, Raue R, Martinon O, Rziha HJ (2013). A New Rabies Vaccine Based On A Recombinant Orf Virus (Parapoxvirus) Expressing The Rabies Virus Glycoprotein. J Virol. 2013 Feb;87(3):1618-30. Doi: 10.1128/Jvı.02470-12. Epub 2012 Nov 21.
  • Aynaud M (1923). La Stomatite Pustuleuse Contagieuse Des Ovins (Chancre Du Mouton. Ann Inst Pasteur) (Paris) 36: 498–527
  • Azwai SM, Carter SD, Woldehiwet Z (1995). Immune Responses Of The Camel (Camelus Dromedarius) To Contagious Ecthyma (Orf) Virus İnfection. Vet Microbiol 47: 119–131
  • Becher P, Konig M, Muller G, Siebert U, Thiel HJ (2002). Characterization Of Sealpox Virus, A Separate Member Of The Parapoxviruses. Arch Virol 147: 1133–1140
  • Blomqvist G, Ullman K, Segall T, Hauzenberger E, Renström L, Persson- Waller K, Leijon M, Valarcher JF (2018). An Unusual Presentation Of Pseudocowpox Associated With An Outbreak Of Pustular Ulcerative Vulvovaginitis İn A Swedish Dairy Herd. Journal Of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2018, Vol. 30(2) 256 –259
  • Burgu I, Akca Y (1987). First İsolation Of Ibr Virus İn Turkey Trop Anim Health Prod. 1987 Feb;19(1):56.
  • Buttner M, Von Einem C, Mcınnes C, Oksanen A (1995) Clinical Findings And Diagnosis Of A Severe Parapoxvirus Epidemic İn Finnish Reindeer. Tierarztl Prax 23: 614–618
  • Buttner M, Rziha HJ (2002). Parapoxviruses: From The Lesion To The Viral Genome. J Vet Med B Infect Dis Vet Public Health 49: 7–16
  • Carson CA, Kerr KM (1967) Bovine Papular Stomatitis With Apparent Transmission To Man. J Am Vet Med Assoc 151:183–187
  • De Sant’ana FJF, Rabelo RE, Vulcani VAS, Cargnelutti JF, Flores EF (2012). Bovine Papular Stomatitis Affecting Dairy Cows And Milkers İn Midwestern Brazil. Journal Of Veterinary Diagnostic İnvestigation 24:2 442-445
  • Delhon G, Tulman ER, Afonso CL, Lu Z, De La Concha-Bermejillo A, Lehmkuhl HD, Piccone ME, Kutish GF, Rock DL (2004). Genomes Of The Parapoxviruses Orf Virus And Bovine Papular Stomatitis Virus. J Virol 78:168–177
  • Degive A (1884). Une Affection-Type Ou Maladie İnedite – La Stomatite Papillaire Ou Papillomateuse – Observee Sur Quatre Genesis. Ann Med Vet 33: 369; Cited İn: M Binns, Gl Smith (Eds): Recombinant Poxviruses. Crc Press, Boca Raton
  • Fachinger V, Schlapp T, Saalmüller A (2000). Evidence For A Parapox Ovis Virus-Associated Superantigen. Eur J Immunol 2000; 30: 29622971.
  • Fleming Sb, Mccaughan Ca, Andrews Ae, Nash Ad, Mercer Aa (1997). A Homologue Of İnterleukin-10 İs Encoded By The Poxvirus Orf Virus. J Virol 71: 4857–4861
  • Griesemer Ra, Cole Cr (1961). Bovine Papular Stomatitis. Iı. The Experimentally Produced Disease. Am J Vet Res 22: 473–481
  • Gökçe G, Irmak K, Sural E, Uzlu E (1997). Koyun Çiçeğinde İmmunomodülatörlerin Sağaltıcı Ve Koruyucu Etkileri Üzerinde Klinik Gözlemler. Kafkas Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg. Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2 Sayfa: 217-221
  • Groves RW, Wilson-Jones E, Macdonald DM (1991). Human Orf And Milkers’ Nodule: A Clinicopathologic Study. J Am Acad Dermatol 25: 706–711
  • Günther T, Haas L, Alawi M, Wohlsein P, Marks J, Grundhoff A, Becher P, Fischer N (2017). Recovery Of The First Full-Length Genome Sequence Of A Parapoxvirus Directly From A Clinical Sample
  • Haig Dm, Mercer AA (1998). Ovine Diseases. Orf. Vet Res 29:311–326
  • Haig Dm, Mcınnes CJ, Thomson J, Wood A, Bunyan K, Mercer A (1998). The Orf Virus Ov20.0l Gene Product İs İnvolved İn İnterferon Resistance And İnhibits An İnterferon-İnducible, Double-Stranded Rna-Dependent Kinase. Immunology 93: 335–340
  • Haig Dm, Mcınnes CJ (2002). Immunity And Counter-İmmunity During İnfection With The Parapoxvirus Orf Virus. Virus Res 88: 3–16
  • Hiramatsu Y, Uno F, Yoshida M, Hatano Y, Nii S (1999). Poxvirus Virions: Their Surface Ultrastructure And İnteraction With The Surface Membrane Of Host Cells. J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) 48: 937–946
  • Horner GW, Robinson AJ, Hunter R, Cox BT, Smith R (1987). Parapoxvirus İnfections İn New Zealand Farmed Red Deer. Nz Vet J 35: 41–45
  • Inoshima Y, Yamamoto Y, Takahashi T, Shino M, Katsumi A, Shimizu S, Sentsui H (2001). Serological Survey Of Parapoxvirus İnfection İn Wild Ruminants İn Japan İn 1996–99. Epidemiol Infect 126: 153–156
  • Inoshima Y, Murakami K, WU D, Sentsui H (2002). Characterization Of Parapoxviruses Circulating Among Wild Japanese Serows (Capricornis Crispus). Microbiol Immunol 46: 583–587
  • Jezek Z, Kriz B, Rothbauer V (1983). Camelpox And İts Risk To The Human Population. J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol 27: 29–42
  • Karakaş A, Oğuzoğlu Tc, Coskun O, Artuk C, Mert G, Gul Hc, Sener K, Ozkul A (2013). First Molecular Characterization Of The Turkish Orf Virus Strain From A Human Based On A Partial B2l Sequence. Arch Virol. 2013;158:1105–8
  • Knipe D.M, Howley PM (2016). Field’s Virology Sixth Edition. Pg 2157
  • Koptopoulos G, Reid HW, Pow I (1982). Cytotoxic Antibodiies İn Orf Virus İnfection Of Sheep. Zentralblatt Fur Vet. Med. B29:284-291.
  • Lear A, Hutchison G, Reid HW, Norval M, Haig DM (1996). Phenotypic Characterisation Of The Dendritic Cells Accumulating İn Ovine Dermis Following Primary And Secondary Orf Virus İnfections. Eur J Dermatol 6: 135–140
  • Lipschutz B (1932). Paravaccine, Julius Springer, Berlin; Cited İn: M Binns, Gl Smith (Eds): Recombinant Poxviruses. Crc Press, Boca Raton
  • Lyttle DJ, Fraser KM, Fleming SB, Mercer AA, Robinson AJ (1994). Homologs Of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Are Encoded By The Poxvirus Orf Virus. J Virol 68: 84–92
  • Maclachlan NJ ve Dubovi EJ (2017). Fenner’s Veterinary Virology 5. Edition
  • Maeda AD ve Scott GR (1985). Use Of İndirect Haemagglutination Test To Detect Humoral Antibodies Of Orf Disease. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 23:65-67.
  • Maollin AS ve Zessin KH (1988). Outbreak Of Camel Contagious Ecthyma İn Central Somalia. Trop Anim Health Prod 20: 185
  • Mayr B ve Mayr A (1995). Present State Of Preclinical Research On The Efficacy And Safety Of Para İmmunity İnducers From Poxviruses. A Study Of The Literature. Tierarztl Prax. 1995 Dec;23(6):542-52.
  • Mcınnes CJ, Wood AR, Mercer AA (1998). Orf Virus Encodes A Homolog Of The Vaccinia Virus İnterferon-Resistance Gene E3l. Virus Genes 17: 107–115
  • Mercer AA ve Haig D (1999). Encyclopedia Of Virology, Second Edition
  • Mercer AA, Ueda N, Friederichs SM (2006). Comparative Analysis Of Genome Sequences Of Three İsolates Of Orf Virus Reveals Unexpected Sequence Variation. Virus Res 2006;116:146–158.
  • Midilli K, Erkılıc A, Kuşkucu M, Analay H, Erkılıc S, Benzonana N, Yıldırım MS, Mulayim K, Acar H, Ergonul O (2012). Nosocomial Outbreak Of Disseminated Orf İnfection İn A Burn Unit, Gaziantep, Turkey, October To December 2012. Euro Surveill. 2013;18(11):20425
  • Mercer AA, Yirrell DL, Reid HW, Robinson AJ (1994). Lack Of Cross- Protection Between Vaccinia Virus And Orf Virus İn Hysterectomy- Procured, Barrier Maintained Lambs. Vet Microbiol 41: 373–382
  • Mitchiner MB (1969). The Envelope Of Vaccinia And Orf Viruses: An Electroncytochemical İnvestigation. J Gen Virol 5: 211–220
  • Munz E, Schillinger D, Reimann M, Mahnel H (1986). Electron Microscopical Diagnosis Of Ecthyma Contagiosum İn Camels (Camelus Dromedarius). First Report Of The Disease İn Kenya. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B 33: 73–77
  • Nandi S, De UK, Choudhary S (2011). Current Status Of Contagious Ecthyma Or Orf Disease İn Goat And Sheep- A Global Perspective. Small Rum. Res. 96:73–82.
  • Nagington J, Horne RW (1962). Morphological Studies Of Orf And Vaccinia Viruses. Virology 16: 248–260
  • Newson L ve Cross F (1934). Sore mouth transmissible to man. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1934;85:150–178.
  • Oguzoglu TÇ, Bahattin TK, Armağan K ve Mehmet TT (2014a). Evidence of zoonotic pseudocowpox virus infection from a cattle in Turkey Virusdisease. 2014 Sep; 25(3): 381–384.
  • Oguzoglu TC, Karakaş A, Koç BT, Salar S (2014b). Parapoxvirus infections in Turkey. International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance. 31.10-3.11.2014, Vienna-Austria
  • Ohtani A, Yokoyama A, Narushige H, Inoshima Y (2017). First İsolation And Genetic Characterization Of Pseudocowpox Virus From Cattle İn Japan. Virol J. 2017 Sep 6;14(1):172. Doi: 10.1186/S12985-017-0840-3.
  • Plowright WR, Ferris RD (1959). Papular Stomatitis Of Cattle. Iı. Reproduction Of The Disease With Culture-Passaged Virus. Vet Rec 71: 828; Cited İn: M Binns, Gl Smith (Eds): Recombinant Poxviruses. Crc Press, Boca Raton
  • Reid HW (1991). Orf. In: Wb Martin, Id Aitken (Eds) Diseases Of Sheep. Blackwell, London, 265–269
  • Robinson AJ, Mercer AA (1988). Orf Virus And Vaccinia Virus Do Not Cross-Protect Sheep. Arch Virol 101: 255–259
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Onur Ülgenalp Bu kişi benim

B. Taylan Koç Bu kişi benim

T. Çiğdem Oğuzoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ülgenalp, O., Koç, B. T., & Oğuzoğlu, T. Ç. (2018). Ruminantlarda Gözlenen Parapoxviruslar: Tarihçe, Epidemiyoloji, Patogenez, Klinik Bulgular, İmmunoterapide ve Rekombinant Aşılarda Vektör Olarak Kullanımı. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 7(1), 551-557.