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Identification of Pathogen Bacteria from Bovine Mastitis In Yozgat Province And Determination of Antimicrobial Susceptibility

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 454 - 458, 01.01.2017


Backround/Aim: The aim of this study was to isolate and identify the bacterial microorganisms causing subclinical mastitis and to determine their susceptibility and resistant to antibiotics in Yozgat province and districts. Results and Conclusion: In isolated milk samples 174 with bacterial growth, Gram positive 63 and Gram negative 111 microorganisms were respectively isolated at 36.21% and 63.79%. A total of 238 bovine milk samples with mastitis were used and the isolated agents were identified as Aeromonas hydrophila 30 17.24% , Citrobacter diversus 4 2.29% , Citrobacter freundii 2 1.14% , Corynebacterium sp. 24 13.79% , Escherichia coli 18 10.34% , Enterobacter cloacae 2 1.14% , Flavobacter sp. 3 1.72% , Lactobacillus sp. 21 12.06% , Pasteurella pneumonia 2 1.14% , Plesiomonas shigelloides 11 6.32% , Providencia sp. 2 1.14% , Salmonella sp. 2 1.14% , Serratia liquefacians 2 1.14% , Shigella sp. 18 10.34% , Vibrio cholerae 6 3.45% , Yersinia enterocolitica 1 0.57% , coagulase-negative staphylococcus CNS 18 10.34% and Staphylococcus aureus 8 4.59% . Aeromonas hydrophila 17.24% was the most isolated agent from milk samples. Antibiotic resistance was evaluated in all isolated pathogens and the highest resistance was observed against erythromycin 63/174, 36.20% followed by penicillin G 53/174, 30.45% , amoxicillin 38/174, 21.83% and gentamicin 23/174, 13.21% .


  • Acar G, Yılmaz E, Solmaz H and Cantekin Z(2012). Isolation of streptococcal agents from cattle with subclinical mastitis in Hatay region and detection of their susceptibilities against some antibiotics. Adana Veteriner Kontrol Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Dergisi, 2,1-5.
  • Ateş M, Erganiş O, Çorlu M and Serpek B(1991). Konya yöresindeki mastitisli ineklerden elde edilen süt örneklerinin mikrobiyel florası ve LDH aktivitesi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 16, 19-29.
  • Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute(2002). Performance standards for antimicrobial disk and dilution susceptibility tests for bacteria isolated from animals. Approved Standard, M31-A2, M37-A2. 2nd ed. Pennsylvania.
  • Çetin M and Alan M(2008).Mammary diseases encountered in the obstetrics and gynecology clinics of veterinary faculty of Yuzuncu Yil University. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 1-6.
  • Çokal Y and Konuş R(2012). Isolation of aerobic bacteria from cow milks with subclinical mastitis. Balıkesir Sağlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2, 65-69.
  • Dinç G, Ata Z and Temelli S(2012). Investigation of extended- spectrum beta-lactamase activity and antibiotic resistance profile of Escherichia coli strains isolated from bovine mastitis. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi,59, 85-88.
  • Eberhart RJ(1986). Management of dry cows to reduce mastitis. Journal of Dairy Science, 69, 1721.
  • Ergün Y, Aslantaş O, Doğruer G and Cantekin Z(2004). Hatay ilindeki aile tipi süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde subklinik mastitislerin epidemiyolojisi. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 20, 25-28.
  • Gülcü HB and Ertaş HB(2004). Elazığ yöresinde mezbahada kesilen ineklerde mastitisli meme loblarının bakteriyolojik incelenmesi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,28, 91-94.
  • Kandasamy S, Green BB, Benjamin AL and Kerr DE(2011). Between- cow variation in dermal fibroblast respons to olipopolysaccharide reflected in resolution of inflammation during Escherichia coli mastitis. Journal of Dairy Science, 94, 5963-75.
  • Koneman EW, Allen SD, Janda WM, Schreckenberger PC and Winn WC(1997). Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology. 5th Ed., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, WoltersKluwer Company, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • Macun HC, Yağcı IP, Ünal N, Kalender H, Sakarya F, and Yıldırım M(2011). Agent isolation and antibiotic resistance in dairy cows with subclinical mastitis in Kırıkkale. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 8, 83-89.
  • Makovec JA and Ruegg PL(2003). Antimicrobial resistance of bacteria isolated from dairy cow milk samples submitted for bacterial culture: 8,905 samples (1994-2001). Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, 222, 1582-9.
  • Neave FK, Dodd FH, Kingwill RG and Westgarth DR(1969). Control of Mastitis in the Dairy Herd by Hygiene and Management. Journal of Dairy Science,52, 696-707.
  • Özdemir S and Kaymaz M(2013).Comparison of diagnostic methods and incidence of subclinical mastitis on local breeds. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi,8, 71-79.
  • Şahin M, Çolak A, Otlu S, Aydın F, Genç O, Güler MA and Oral H(1997). Studies on the prevalence of subclinic and clinic mastitis and antibiotic sensitivity in imported simmental cows in Kars district. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 3, 49-55.
  • Smith KL(1983). Mastitis control: a discussion. Journal of Dairy Science 66, 1790-1794.
  • Svensson C, Nyman AK, Persson-Waller K, Emanuelson U(2006). Effects of housing, management, and health of dairy heifers on first lactation udder health in Southwest Sweden. Journal of Dairy Science, 89, 1990-1999.
  • Szweda P, Schielmann M, Frankowska A, Kot B and Zalewska M(2014). Antibiotic resistance in staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from cows with mastitis in eastern Poland and analysis of susceptibility of resistant strains to alternative nonantibiotic agents: lysostaphin, nisin and polymyxin b. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science,76, 355-362.
  • Tel OY, Keskin O, Zonturlu AK and Arserim Kaya NB(2009). Subclinical mastitis prevalance and determination of the antibiotics susceptibility in Şanliurfa region. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlik Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi,23, 101-106.
  • Wolfova M, Stipkova M and Wolf J(2006). Incidence and economics of clinical mastitis in five Holstein herds in the Czech Republic. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,77, 48-64.
  • Yeşilmen S, Özyurtlu N and Bademkıran S(2012). The isolation of subclinical mastitis agents and determination of the sensitive antibiotics in dairy cows in Diyarbakır province. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 1, 24-29.

Yozgat İlinde Bulunan Sığır Mastitislerinden Patojen Bakterilerin İdentifikasyonu Ve Antibiyotiklere Duyarlılıklarının Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 454 - 458, 01.01.2017


Özbilgi/Amaç: Bu çalışmada Yozgat ili merkez ve ilçelerinde bulunan ve mastitis enfeksiyonlarına neden olan bakteriyel etkenlerin izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu ile bu etkenlere karşı etkili ve dirençli olan antibiyotiklerin belirlenmesi amacıyla toplam 238 adet mastitisli sığır süt örneği kullanılmıştır. Bulgular ve Sonuç: Bakteriyel üremenin meydana geldiği süt örneklerinde 174 %36.21 oranında Gram pozitif 63 ve %63.79 oranında Gram negatif 111 mikroorganizma izole edilmiştir. İzole edilen etkenler Aeromonas hydrophila 30 %17.24 , Citrobacter diversus 4 %2.29 , Citrobacter freundii 2 %1.14 , Corynebacterium sp. 24 %13.79 , Escherichia coli 18 %10.34 , Enterobacter cloacae 2 %1.14 , Flavobacter sp. 3 %1.72 , Lactobacillus sp. 21 %12.06 , Pasteurella pneumonia 2 %1.14 , Plesiomonas shigelloides 11 %6.32 , Providencia sp. 2 %1.14 , Salmonella sp. 2 %1.14 , Serratia liquefacians 2 %1.14 , Shigella sp. 18 %10.34 , Vibrio cholerae 6 %3.45 , Yersinia enterocolitica 1 %0.57 , Koagülaz Negatif Staphylococcus 18 %10.34 ve Staphylococcus aureus 8 %4.59 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Süt örneklerinde en çok izolasyonu yapılan tür %17.24 oranla Aeromonas hydrophila olmuştur. Tüm izole edilen patojenlerin antibiyotik direnç durumu değerlendirildiğinde en fazla direnç eritromisin’de 63/174, %36.20 görülmüş ve penisilin G 53/174, %30.45 , amoksisilin 38/174, %21.83 ve gentamisin 23/174, %13.21 ’nin takip ettiği gözlenmiştir.


  • Acar G, Yılmaz E, Solmaz H and Cantekin Z(2012). Isolation of streptococcal agents from cattle with subclinical mastitis in Hatay region and detection of their susceptibilities against some antibiotics. Adana Veteriner Kontrol Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Dergisi, 2,1-5.
  • Ateş M, Erganiş O, Çorlu M and Serpek B(1991). Konya yöresindeki mastitisli ineklerden elde edilen süt örneklerinin mikrobiyel florası ve LDH aktivitesi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 16, 19-29.
  • Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute(2002). Performance standards for antimicrobial disk and dilution susceptibility tests for bacteria isolated from animals. Approved Standard, M31-A2, M37-A2. 2nd ed. Pennsylvania.
  • Çetin M and Alan M(2008).Mammary diseases encountered in the obstetrics and gynecology clinics of veterinary faculty of Yuzuncu Yil University. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 1-6.
  • Çokal Y and Konuş R(2012). Isolation of aerobic bacteria from cow milks with subclinical mastitis. Balıkesir Sağlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2, 65-69.
  • Dinç G, Ata Z and Temelli S(2012). Investigation of extended- spectrum beta-lactamase activity and antibiotic resistance profile of Escherichia coli strains isolated from bovine mastitis. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi,59, 85-88.
  • Eberhart RJ(1986). Management of dry cows to reduce mastitis. Journal of Dairy Science, 69, 1721.
  • Ergün Y, Aslantaş O, Doğruer G and Cantekin Z(2004). Hatay ilindeki aile tipi süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde subklinik mastitislerin epidemiyolojisi. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 20, 25-28.
  • Gülcü HB and Ertaş HB(2004). Elazığ yöresinde mezbahada kesilen ineklerde mastitisli meme loblarının bakteriyolojik incelenmesi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,28, 91-94.
  • Kandasamy S, Green BB, Benjamin AL and Kerr DE(2011). Between- cow variation in dermal fibroblast respons to olipopolysaccharide reflected in resolution of inflammation during Escherichia coli mastitis. Journal of Dairy Science, 94, 5963-75.
  • Koneman EW, Allen SD, Janda WM, Schreckenberger PC and Winn WC(1997). Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology. 5th Ed., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, WoltersKluwer Company, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • Macun HC, Yağcı IP, Ünal N, Kalender H, Sakarya F, and Yıldırım M(2011). Agent isolation and antibiotic resistance in dairy cows with subclinical mastitis in Kırıkkale. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 8, 83-89.
  • Makovec JA and Ruegg PL(2003). Antimicrobial resistance of bacteria isolated from dairy cow milk samples submitted for bacterial culture: 8,905 samples (1994-2001). Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, 222, 1582-9.
  • Neave FK, Dodd FH, Kingwill RG and Westgarth DR(1969). Control of Mastitis in the Dairy Herd by Hygiene and Management. Journal of Dairy Science,52, 696-707.
  • Özdemir S and Kaymaz M(2013).Comparison of diagnostic methods and incidence of subclinical mastitis on local breeds. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi,8, 71-79.
  • Şahin M, Çolak A, Otlu S, Aydın F, Genç O, Güler MA and Oral H(1997). Studies on the prevalence of subclinic and clinic mastitis and antibiotic sensitivity in imported simmental cows in Kars district. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 3, 49-55.
  • Smith KL(1983). Mastitis control: a discussion. Journal of Dairy Science 66, 1790-1794.
  • Svensson C, Nyman AK, Persson-Waller K, Emanuelson U(2006). Effects of housing, management, and health of dairy heifers on first lactation udder health in Southwest Sweden. Journal of Dairy Science, 89, 1990-1999.
  • Szweda P, Schielmann M, Frankowska A, Kot B and Zalewska M(2014). Antibiotic resistance in staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from cows with mastitis in eastern Poland and analysis of susceptibility of resistant strains to alternative nonantibiotic agents: lysostaphin, nisin and polymyxin b. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science,76, 355-362.
  • Tel OY, Keskin O, Zonturlu AK and Arserim Kaya NB(2009). Subclinical mastitis prevalance and determination of the antibiotics susceptibility in Şanliurfa region. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlik Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi,23, 101-106.
  • Wolfova M, Stipkova M and Wolf J(2006). Incidence and economics of clinical mastitis in five Holstein herds in the Czech Republic. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,77, 48-64.
  • Yeşilmen S, Özyurtlu N and Bademkıran S(2012). The isolation of subclinical mastitis agents and determination of the sensitive antibiotics in dairy cows in Diyarbakır province. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 1, 24-29.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Volkan Özavcı Bu kişi benim

Uğur Parın Bu kişi benim

Hafize Tuğba Yüksel Bu kişi benim

And Şükrü Kırkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özavcı, V., Parın, U., Yüksel, H. T., Kırkan, A. Ş. (2017). Identification of Pathogen Bacteria from Bovine Mastitis In Yozgat Province And Determination of Antimicrobial Susceptibility. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 6(1), 454-458.