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Canine Dermatomyositis

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 477 - 480, 01.01.2017


Backround/Aim: The aim of this review is to give information about dermatomyositis which is ra rely seen and diffucult to diagnose. Conclusion: Dermatomyositis is a rarely seen disease that affects skin, skeletal muscle and blood vessels especially in Shetland Sheepdog and Collie. Neither the cause nor the pathogenesis of dermatomyositis are known, it is thought to be originated from autoimmune reasons. Anamnesis, physical examination, histopathological changes obtained from skin biopsies and electromyelography EMG are used for diagnostic approach. Vitamine E, corticosteroids and pentoxifylline are recommended for the treatment of dermatomyositis.


  • Abedon ST (2009). Kinetics of phage-mediated biocontrol of bacteria. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 6, 807-815.
  • Abhilash M, Vidya A, Jagadevi T (2008). Bacteriophage Therapy: A War Against Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine. 7(1), 5.
  • Ackermann HW (2009). Phage classification and characterization. In Bacteriophages. Methods and Protocols, Vol. I, Isolation, Characterization, and Interactions (Clokie M.R.J. and Kropinski A.M, eds), Humana Press, Clifton, NJ. Methods in Molecular Biology, 501, 127–140.
  • Ackermann HW (2012). Who went into phage research? Bacteriophage. , 2, 55–9.
  • Arda M (1997). Bakteri Virusları (Bkteriyobakteriyofajlar). Temel Mikrobiyoloji. Medisan Yayınları. 209-224.
  • Brabban AD, Hite E, Callaway TR (2005). Evolution of foodborne pathogens via temperate bacteriophage-mediated gene transfer. Foodborne Pathog Disease, 2, 287–303.
  • Drulis-Kawa Z, Majkowska-Skrobek G, Maciejewska B, Delattre AS, Lavigne R (2012). Learning from bacteriophages advantages and limitations of phage and phage-encoded protein applications. Curr Protein Pept Sci. 13, 699–722.
  • Edgar R, Friedman N, Molshanski-Mor S, Qimron U (2012). Reversing bacterial resistance to antibiotics by phage-mediated delivery of dominant sensitive genes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78, 744–51.
  • Fujiwara A, Fujisawa M, Hamasaki R, Kawasaki T (2011). Biocontrol of Ralstonia solanacearum by treatment with lytic bacteriophages. Appl Environ Microbiology. 77(12), 4155–4162
  • Guttman B, Raya RA, and Kutter E (2005). Basic Phage Biology. In: Bacteriophages Biology and Applications. Eds: E. Kutter and A. Sulakvelidze. CRC Press, USA, 510, 29-66.
  • Hagens S, Loessner MJ (2010). Bacteriophage for biocontrol of foodborne pathogens: calculations and considerations. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 11, 58-68.
  • Jassim SAA, Abdulamir AS, Abu Bakar F (2012). Novel phage-based bio- processing of pathogenic Escherichia coli and its biofilms. World J Microbiol Biotechnology, 28, 47–60.
  • Jassim SAA, Limoges RG (2014). Natural solution to antibiotic resistance: bacteriophages ‘The Living Drugs’. World J Microbiol Biotechnology, 30, 2153-2170
  • Leverentz B, Conway WS, Camp MJ, Jan-isiewicz WJ, Abuladze T, Yang M, Saftner R, Sulakvelidze A (2003). Biocontrol of Listeria monocytogenes on fresh-cut produce by treatment with lytic bacteriophages and a bacteriocin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69, 4519–4526.
  • Maiques E, Ubeda C, Tormo MA, Ferrer MD, Lasa I, Novick RP, Penadés JR (2007). Role of staphylococcal phage and SaPI integrase in intra- and interspecies SaPI transfer. J Bacteriology, 189, 5608–16.
  • Merril CR, Scholl D, Adhya SL (2003). The prospect for bacteriophage therapy in Western medicine. Nat Rev Drug Discov, 2, 489–497.
  • Midilli K (2012). İnfeksiyonlara Antibiyotik Dışı Tedavi Yaklaşımları: Bakteriyofaj ve Mikro-RNA Kullanımı.
  • Miedzybrodzki R, Fortuna W, Weber-Dabrowska B, Górski A (2007). Phage therapy of staphylococcal infections (including MRSA) may be less expensive than antibiotic treatment. Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online), 61, 461–5.
  • Sulakvelidze A (2011). Bacteriophage: A new journal for the most ubiquitous organisms on Earth.Bacteriophage. , 1, 1–2.
  • Wagner PL, Waldor MK (2002). Bacteriophage control of bacterial virulance. İnfect İmmun, 70(8), 3985-93.
  • Weinbauer MG (2004). Ecology of prokaryotic viruses. FEMS Microbiol Review, 28, 127–81.
  • Wittebole X , Roock S, Opal SM (2014). A historical overview of bacteriophage therapy as an alternative to antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial pathogens. Virulence, 5, 1.
  • Wright A, Hawkins CH, Änggård EE, Harper DR (2009). A controlled clinical trial of a therapeutic bacteriophage preparation in chronic otitis due to antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa; a preliminary report of efficacy. Clinical Otolaryngology, 34(4),349- 357.

Köpeklerde Dermatomiyozitis

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 477 - 480, 01.01.2017


Özbilgi/Amaç: Bu derlemede nadir olarak rastlanan ve teşhisi zor olan Dermatomiyozitis hastalığı hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç: Dermatomiyozitis, özellikle Shetland Çoban köpekleri ve Collie ırkı köpeklerde gözlenen deri, kas ve kan damarlarını etkileyen nadir görülen bir hastalıktır. Nedeni ve patogenezi tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte, otoimmun sebeplerden kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir. Hastalığın tanısında anamnez, fiziksel muayene, deri biyopsileri sonucunda elde edilen histopatolojik değişimler ve elektromiyelografiden EMG yararlanılmaktadır. Tedavisinde E Vitamini, kortikosteroidler ve pentoksifilin vb. ilaçların kullanılması önerilmektedir.


  • Abedon ST (2009). Kinetics of phage-mediated biocontrol of bacteria. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 6, 807-815.
  • Abhilash M, Vidya A, Jagadevi T (2008). Bacteriophage Therapy: A War Against Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine. 7(1), 5.
  • Ackermann HW (2009). Phage classification and characterization. In Bacteriophages. Methods and Protocols, Vol. I, Isolation, Characterization, and Interactions (Clokie M.R.J. and Kropinski A.M, eds), Humana Press, Clifton, NJ. Methods in Molecular Biology, 501, 127–140.
  • Ackermann HW (2012). Who went into phage research? Bacteriophage. , 2, 55–9.
  • Arda M (1997). Bakteri Virusları (Bkteriyobakteriyofajlar). Temel Mikrobiyoloji. Medisan Yayınları. 209-224.
  • Brabban AD, Hite E, Callaway TR (2005). Evolution of foodborne pathogens via temperate bacteriophage-mediated gene transfer. Foodborne Pathog Disease, 2, 287–303.
  • Drulis-Kawa Z, Majkowska-Skrobek G, Maciejewska B, Delattre AS, Lavigne R (2012). Learning from bacteriophages advantages and limitations of phage and phage-encoded protein applications. Curr Protein Pept Sci. 13, 699–722.
  • Edgar R, Friedman N, Molshanski-Mor S, Qimron U (2012). Reversing bacterial resistance to antibiotics by phage-mediated delivery of dominant sensitive genes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78, 744–51.
  • Fujiwara A, Fujisawa M, Hamasaki R, Kawasaki T (2011). Biocontrol of Ralstonia solanacearum by treatment with lytic bacteriophages. Appl Environ Microbiology. 77(12), 4155–4162
  • Guttman B, Raya RA, and Kutter E (2005). Basic Phage Biology. In: Bacteriophages Biology and Applications. Eds: E. Kutter and A. Sulakvelidze. CRC Press, USA, 510, 29-66.
  • Hagens S, Loessner MJ (2010). Bacteriophage for biocontrol of foodborne pathogens: calculations and considerations. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 11, 58-68.
  • Jassim SAA, Abdulamir AS, Abu Bakar F (2012). Novel phage-based bio- processing of pathogenic Escherichia coli and its biofilms. World J Microbiol Biotechnology, 28, 47–60.
  • Jassim SAA, Limoges RG (2014). Natural solution to antibiotic resistance: bacteriophages ‘The Living Drugs’. World J Microbiol Biotechnology, 30, 2153-2170
  • Leverentz B, Conway WS, Camp MJ, Jan-isiewicz WJ, Abuladze T, Yang M, Saftner R, Sulakvelidze A (2003). Biocontrol of Listeria monocytogenes on fresh-cut produce by treatment with lytic bacteriophages and a bacteriocin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69, 4519–4526.
  • Maiques E, Ubeda C, Tormo MA, Ferrer MD, Lasa I, Novick RP, Penadés JR (2007). Role of staphylococcal phage and SaPI integrase in intra- and interspecies SaPI transfer. J Bacteriology, 189, 5608–16.
  • Merril CR, Scholl D, Adhya SL (2003). The prospect for bacteriophage therapy in Western medicine. Nat Rev Drug Discov, 2, 489–497.
  • Midilli K (2012). İnfeksiyonlara Antibiyotik Dışı Tedavi Yaklaşımları: Bakteriyofaj ve Mikro-RNA Kullanımı.
  • Miedzybrodzki R, Fortuna W, Weber-Dabrowska B, Górski A (2007). Phage therapy of staphylococcal infections (including MRSA) may be less expensive than antibiotic treatment. Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online), 61, 461–5.
  • Sulakvelidze A (2011). Bacteriophage: A new journal for the most ubiquitous organisms on Earth.Bacteriophage. , 1, 1–2.
  • Wagner PL, Waldor MK (2002). Bacteriophage control of bacterial virulance. İnfect İmmun, 70(8), 3985-93.
  • Weinbauer MG (2004). Ecology of prokaryotic viruses. FEMS Microbiol Review, 28, 127–81.
  • Wittebole X , Roock S, Opal SM (2014). A historical overview of bacteriophage therapy as an alternative to antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial pathogens. Virulence, 5, 1.
  • Wright A, Hawkins CH, Änggård EE, Harper DR (2009). A controlled clinical trial of a therapeutic bacteriophage preparation in chronic otitis due to antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa; a preliminary report of efficacy. Clinical Otolaryngology, 34(4),349- 357.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Ege Güllüoğlu Bu kişi benim

Banu Dokuzeylül Bu kişi benim

Çağla Parkan Yaramış Bu kişi benim

Remzi Gönül Bu kişi benim

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güllüoğlu, E., Dokuzeylül, B., Yaramış, Ç. P., Gönül, R., vd. (2017). Köpeklerde Dermatomiyozitis. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 6(1), 477-480.