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Effects Of Acupuncture Hemoglobin, Erythrocyte and Formula Leucocyte Ratios of Dogs

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 299 - 303, 01.06.2014


Background/Aim: In the present study, determination of acupuncture points stimulating that effects of acupuncture on hemoglobin, erythrocyte and formula leucocyte ratios were analyzed in dogs. Material and Method: Twenty-four female healty dogs aged between 2 and 5 were employed in this study. These dogs fooding 6 day for adaptation period. According to beginning hemogram Hemavet CDC 850 levels the dogs divided into 4 groups of 6 dogs each. In test group I, LI-4, ST-36, BL-23, PC-6; in test group II, LI-11, GV-14, GV-26, KI-3 and GB-30 points and in test group III, all the acupoints were stimulated. In control group, shame acupuncture point was stimulated for one 25 minute-session and blood samples was collected and hemogram levels were determined.Results and Conclusion: In conclusion, we observed that acupuncture stimulation increased total leukocyte, neutrophil, erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels, and stimulation of GB-30, Gv-14, Gv-26, K-3, LI-11 acupoints caused lymphocyte increases, resulting in increased immune response. So we can suggest that acupuncture may be used where immune response usage is required.


  • Beal MW (1999). Acupuncture and acupressor: applications to wo- men’s reproductive, health care. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 44 (3), 217-230.
  • Chao WK and Loh WP (1987). The immunologic responses of acupun- cture stimulation. Acupuncture & Electro-Therepeutics Research, 12, 3-5.
  • Chin TF, Lin JG and Wang SY (1988). Induction of circulation interferon in humansby acupuncture. American Journal of Acupuncture, 16 (4), 319-322.
  • Collu R, Franschini F, Visconti P and Martini L (1972). Adrenergic and serotoninergic control of growth hormone secretion in adult male rats. Endocrinology, 90, 1231-1237.
  • Huang YS, Jiang JW, Wu GC and Cao XD (2002). Effect of melatonin and electro-acupuncture (EA) on NK Cell activity, interleukin -2 produc- tion and POMC-derived peptides in traumatics rats. Acupuncture & Electreo-Therapeutics Research, 27 (2), 95-105.
  • Karagül H, Altıntaş A, Fidancı UR and Sel T (2000). Klinik Biyokimya, 419-42 Medisan Yayınevi Serisi: 45, ISBN 975-7774-42-1, Birinci Baskı ANKARA.
  • Karst M Scheinichen D, Rueckert T, Wagner T, Wiese B and Fink M (2002). Acupuncture has no immediate treatment effect on the neutrophil respiratory burst: A randomized single-blinded two peri- od crossover study. Brain Behavior and Immunity 16, 813-816.
  • Kendall DE (1989). A scientific model for acupuncture part I. American Journal of Acupuncture, 17 (3), 251-280.
  • Kendall DE (1989). A scientific model for acupuncture part II. American Journal of Acupuncture, 17 (4), 343-360.
  • Kuan TK, Lee SP, Lin JG and Shen M (1986). The effect of needle stimula- tion of acupuncture loci Tienshu (St-25) Chung-Wan (CV-12) on the immune response in sensitized mice against experimental cholera, Am J Chin Med.14 (1-2): 73-83.7.
  • Liu LJ, Guo CJ and Jiao XM (1995). Effect of acupuncture on immuno- logic function and histopathology of transplanted mammary cancer in mice. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi, 15 (10), 615-617.
  • Looney AL (2000). Using acupuncture in veterinary practice. Veterinary Medicine 95(8), 615-630.
  • Malarkey WB, Wang J, Cheney C, Glaser R and Nagaraja H (2001). Hu- man lymphocyte growth hormone stimulates interferon gamma production and is inhibited by cortisol and norepinephrine. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 123, 180-187.
  • Miki N, Ono M, Shizune K (1984) Evidence that opiatergic and α-adre- nergic mechanism stimulate rat growth hormone release via growth hormone releasing factor (GRF), Endocrinology, 117, 787-789.
  • Murakami Y, Kato Y, Kabayama Y, Tojo K, Inoue T and Imura H (1986). Involvement of growth hormone (GH)-releasing factor in GH secre- tion induced by seretoninergic mechanisms in conscious rats. En- docrinology 119, 1089-1092.
  • Okumura M, Toriizuka K, Iijima K, Haruyama K, Ishino S and Cyong JC (1999). Effects of acupuncture peripheral T- lymphocyte subpopila- iton and amounts of serebral catecholamines in mice. Acupuncture & Electreo-Therapeutics Research, 24, 127-139.
  • Petti F, Bangrazi A, Liguori A, Reale G and Ippoliti F (1998). Effects of acupuncture on immune response related to opioid-like peptides. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 18 (1), 55-63.
  • Rogers PA, Schoen AM and Limehouse J (1992). Acupuncture for immu- ne-mediated disorders, Literaure review and clinical applications. Problems in veterinary medicine, 4 (1), 162-193.
  • Santini G, Patrignani P, Sciulli MG, Seta F, Tacconelli S, Panara MR, Ricci- otti E, Capone ML and Patrono C (2001). The human pharmacology of monocyte cyclooxgenase 2 inhibition by cortisol and synthetic glucocorticoids. Clin Pharm & Therap, 70(5),475-83.
  • Smith FWK (1992). Neurophysiologic Basis of Acupuncture. Problems in veterinary medicine, 4 (1), 34-52.
  • Still J and Konrad J (1985). The effect of acupuncture on hematologic and biochemical values in dogs with endoparasitic infections. Vete- rinary Medicine (Praha), 30(11).687-698.
  • Verburg-Van Kemanade BML, Nowak B, Engelsma MY and Weyts FAA (1999). Diffrential effects of cortisol on apoptosis and proliferation of carp B-lympocytes from head kidney, spleen and blood. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 9, 405-415.
  • Wu JL, Chai XM and Wang YL (1986). Acupuncture effects on alpha nap- hthyl acetate esterase staining patterns of circulating lymphocytes and E-rosette forming cells. American Journal of Acupuncture, 14, 270.
  • Wu B, Zhou RX and Zhou MS (1994). Effect of acupuncture on inter- leukin-2 level and NK cell immunoactivity of peripheral blood of malignant tumor patients. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi, 14 (9), 537-539.
  • Yılmaz B (1999). Hormonlar ve Üreme Fizyolojisi, Feryal Matbacılık, Tuğra Ajans, Ankara, Birinci Basım, 211-221.
  • Zhang Y, Wu GC, He QZ and Cao XD (2000). Effect of morphine and electroacupuncture on apoptosis thymocytes. Acupuncture & Electro-Therepeutics Research, 25, 17-26.
  • Zhao J and Liu W (1988). Relationship between acupuncture induced immunity and the regulation of central neurotransmitters in the rabbits I effect of the central catecholaminergic neurons in regu- lation of acupuncture-induced immune function, Acupuncture & Electreo-Therapeutics Research, 13, 79-85.
  • Zhao J and Liu W (1989). Relationship between acupuncture induced- immunity and the regulation of central neurotransmitters systems in the rabbits... II effect of the endogenous opioid peptides on the regulation of acupuncture-induced immune reaction. Acupuncture & Electreo-Therapeutics Research, 13, 79-85.
  • Zhao R, Ma C, Tan L, Zhao X and Zhuang D (1994). The effect of acupun- cture on the function of macrophages in rats of immunodepression. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu,19 (2), 66-68.

Köpeklerde Akupunkturun Hemoglobin, Eritrosit ve Formül Lökosit Oranlarına Etkileri

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 299 - 303, 01.06.2014


Özbilgi/Amaç: Bu çalışmada; köpeklerde akupunktur uygulamasının hemoglobin, eritrosit, formül lökosit oranlarına etkileri araştırıldı.Materyal ve Metot: Araştırmada, sağlıklı 2-5 yaşlı, 24 adet dişi sokak köpeği kullanıldı. Adaptasyon için 6 gün süreyle bakım ve beslenmesi yapıldı. Başlangıç hemogram Hemavet CDC 850 düzeylerine göre hayvanlar altışarlı 4 gruba ayrıldı. Deneme I grubunda LI-4, ST-36, BL-23, PC-6; deneme II grubunda LI-11, GV-14, GV-26, KI-3 ve GB-30 noktaları; deneme III grubunda ise tüm noktalara beraberce akupunktur uygulaması yapıldı. Kontrol grubundaki hayvanlara 25 dakika süreyle tek sefer sham akupunktur uygulaması yapılarak, kan örnekleri alınıp hemogram düzeylerine bakıldı.Bulgular ve Sonuç: Sonuç olarak köpeklerde akupunkturun; total lökosit, nötrofil, eritrosit ve hemoglobin düzeylerini yükselttiği, GB-30, Gv-14, Gv-26, K-3, LI-11 noktalarının ise lenfosit artışına neden olarak immun sistemi güçlendirdiği gerekli olduğu durumlarda akupunkturun alternatif olarak kullanılabileceği kanısına varılmıştır.


  • Beal MW (1999). Acupuncture and acupressor: applications to wo- men’s reproductive, health care. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 44 (3), 217-230.
  • Chao WK and Loh WP (1987). The immunologic responses of acupun- cture stimulation. Acupuncture & Electro-Therepeutics Research, 12, 3-5.
  • Chin TF, Lin JG and Wang SY (1988). Induction of circulation interferon in humansby acupuncture. American Journal of Acupuncture, 16 (4), 319-322.
  • Collu R, Franschini F, Visconti P and Martini L (1972). Adrenergic and serotoninergic control of growth hormone secretion in adult male rats. Endocrinology, 90, 1231-1237.
  • Huang YS, Jiang JW, Wu GC and Cao XD (2002). Effect of melatonin and electro-acupuncture (EA) on NK Cell activity, interleukin -2 produc- tion and POMC-derived peptides in traumatics rats. Acupuncture & Electreo-Therapeutics Research, 27 (2), 95-105.
  • Karagül H, Altıntaş A, Fidancı UR and Sel T (2000). Klinik Biyokimya, 419-42 Medisan Yayınevi Serisi: 45, ISBN 975-7774-42-1, Birinci Baskı ANKARA.
  • Karst M Scheinichen D, Rueckert T, Wagner T, Wiese B and Fink M (2002). Acupuncture has no immediate treatment effect on the neutrophil respiratory burst: A randomized single-blinded two peri- od crossover study. Brain Behavior and Immunity 16, 813-816.
  • Kendall DE (1989). A scientific model for acupuncture part I. American Journal of Acupuncture, 17 (3), 251-280.
  • Kendall DE (1989). A scientific model for acupuncture part II. American Journal of Acupuncture, 17 (4), 343-360.
  • Kuan TK, Lee SP, Lin JG and Shen M (1986). The effect of needle stimula- tion of acupuncture loci Tienshu (St-25) Chung-Wan (CV-12) on the immune response in sensitized mice against experimental cholera, Am J Chin Med.14 (1-2): 73-83.7.
  • Liu LJ, Guo CJ and Jiao XM (1995). Effect of acupuncture on immuno- logic function and histopathology of transplanted mammary cancer in mice. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi, 15 (10), 615-617.
  • Looney AL (2000). Using acupuncture in veterinary practice. Veterinary Medicine 95(8), 615-630.
  • Malarkey WB, Wang J, Cheney C, Glaser R and Nagaraja H (2001). Hu- man lymphocyte growth hormone stimulates interferon gamma production and is inhibited by cortisol and norepinephrine. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 123, 180-187.
  • Miki N, Ono M, Shizune K (1984) Evidence that opiatergic and α-adre- nergic mechanism stimulate rat growth hormone release via growth hormone releasing factor (GRF), Endocrinology, 117, 787-789.
  • Murakami Y, Kato Y, Kabayama Y, Tojo K, Inoue T and Imura H (1986). Involvement of growth hormone (GH)-releasing factor in GH secre- tion induced by seretoninergic mechanisms in conscious rats. En- docrinology 119, 1089-1092.
  • Okumura M, Toriizuka K, Iijima K, Haruyama K, Ishino S and Cyong JC (1999). Effects of acupuncture peripheral T- lymphocyte subpopila- iton and amounts of serebral catecholamines in mice. Acupuncture & Electreo-Therapeutics Research, 24, 127-139.
  • Petti F, Bangrazi A, Liguori A, Reale G and Ippoliti F (1998). Effects of acupuncture on immune response related to opioid-like peptides. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 18 (1), 55-63.
  • Rogers PA, Schoen AM and Limehouse J (1992). Acupuncture for immu- ne-mediated disorders, Literaure review and clinical applications. Problems in veterinary medicine, 4 (1), 162-193.
  • Santini G, Patrignani P, Sciulli MG, Seta F, Tacconelli S, Panara MR, Ricci- otti E, Capone ML and Patrono C (2001). The human pharmacology of monocyte cyclooxgenase 2 inhibition by cortisol and synthetic glucocorticoids. Clin Pharm & Therap, 70(5),475-83.
  • Smith FWK (1992). Neurophysiologic Basis of Acupuncture. Problems in veterinary medicine, 4 (1), 34-52.
  • Still J and Konrad J (1985). The effect of acupuncture on hematologic and biochemical values in dogs with endoparasitic infections. Vete- rinary Medicine (Praha), 30(11).687-698.
  • Verburg-Van Kemanade BML, Nowak B, Engelsma MY and Weyts FAA (1999). Diffrential effects of cortisol on apoptosis and proliferation of carp B-lympocytes from head kidney, spleen and blood. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 9, 405-415.
  • Wu JL, Chai XM and Wang YL (1986). Acupuncture effects on alpha nap- hthyl acetate esterase staining patterns of circulating lymphocytes and E-rosette forming cells. American Journal of Acupuncture, 14, 270.
  • Wu B, Zhou RX and Zhou MS (1994). Effect of acupuncture on inter- leukin-2 level and NK cell immunoactivity of peripheral blood of malignant tumor patients. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi, 14 (9), 537-539.
  • Yılmaz B (1999). Hormonlar ve Üreme Fizyolojisi, Feryal Matbacılık, Tuğra Ajans, Ankara, Birinci Basım, 211-221.
  • Zhang Y, Wu GC, He QZ and Cao XD (2000). Effect of morphine and electroacupuncture on apoptosis thymocytes. Acupuncture & Electro-Therepeutics Research, 25, 17-26.
  • Zhao J and Liu W (1988). Relationship between acupuncture induced immunity and the regulation of central neurotransmitters in the rabbits I effect of the central catecholaminergic neurons in regu- lation of acupuncture-induced immune function, Acupuncture & Electreo-Therapeutics Research, 13, 79-85.
  • Zhao J and Liu W (1989). Relationship between acupuncture induced- immunity and the regulation of central neurotransmitters systems in the rabbits... II effect of the endogenous opioid peptides on the regulation of acupuncture-induced immune reaction. Acupuncture & Electreo-Therapeutics Research, 13, 79-85.
  • Zhao R, Ma C, Tan L, Zhao X and Zhuang D (1994). The effect of acupun- cture on the function of macrophages in rats of immunodepression. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu,19 (2), 66-68.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Mehmet Özdemir Bu kişi benim

Nüri Başpınar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, M., & Başpınar, N. (2014). Köpeklerde Akupunkturun Hemoglobin, Eritrosit ve Formül Lökosit Oranlarına Etkileri. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 3(2), 299-303.