Bir Belirsiz Para Sasakiyan Manifoldun Lightlike Hiperyüzeyleri
Yıl 2019,
, 352 - 373, 30.12.2019
Selcen Yüksel Perktaş
Erol Kılıç
Mukut Mani Tripathi
Bu makalede, bir belirsiz para Sasakiyan manifoldun yapı vektör alanına teğet olan lightlike hiperyüzeyleri çalışılmıştır. Özel olarak, değişmez lightlike hiperyüzeyler ve ekran yarı-değişmez lightlike hiperyüzeyler tanıtılarak bazı örnekler verilmiştir. Bir belirsiz para Sasakian manifoldun ekran yarı-değişmez lightlike hiperyüzeyine dahil olan distribüsyonlar için integrallenebilirlik koşulları incelenmiştir.
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Lightlike Hypersurfaces of an Indefinite Para Sasakian Manifold
Yıl 2019,
, 352 - 373, 30.12.2019
Selcen Yüksel Perktaş
Erol Kılıç
Mukut Mani Tripathi
In this paper, we initiate the study of lightlike hypersurfaces of an indefinite almost paracontact metric manifold which are tangent to the structure vector field. In particular, we give definitions of invariant lightlike hypersurfaces and screen semi-invariant lightlike hypersurfaces, and give some examples. Integrability conditions for the distributions involved in the screen semi-invariant lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite para Sasakian manifold are investigated.
- [1] Küpeli, D.N., On null submanifolds in spacetimes, Geometriae Dedicata, 23(1), 33-51, 1987.
- [2] Bejancu, A., Duggal, K.L., Real hypersurfaces of indefinite Kaehler manifolds, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 16(3), 545-556, 1993.
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- [4] Sasaki, S., On differentiable manifolds with certain structures which are closely related to almost contact structure , Tohoku Mathematical Journal, (2) 12, 459-476, 1960.
- [5] Blair, D.E., Riemannian geometry of contact and symplectic manifolds (Second edition) Progress in Mathematics, 203. Birkhauser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA, 2010.
- [6] Sato, I., On a structure similar to the almost contact structure, Tensor (N.S.), 30(3), 219-224, 1976.
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- [9] Duggal, K.L., Space time manifolds and contact structures, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 13(3), 545-553, 1990.
- [10] Duggal, K.L., Şahin, B., Lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Art. ID 57585, 21 pp., 2007.
- [11] Kang, T.H., Jung, S.D., Kim, B.H., Pak, H.K., Pak, J.S., Lightlike hypersurfaces of indefinite Sasakian manifolds, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 34 (9), 1369-1380, 2003.
- [12] Matsumoto, K., On Lorentzian paracontact manifolds, Bullet in of the Yamagata University, Natural Science, 12(2), 151-156, 1989.
- [13] Tripathi, M.M., Kılıç, E., Yüksel Perktaş, S., Keleş, S., Indefinite almost paracontact metric manifolds, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Art. Id. 846195, pp. 19, 2010.
- [14] Yüksel Perktaş, S., Kılıç, E., Tripathi, M.M., Keleş, S., On indefinite - para Sasakian -manifolds, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 77(4), 485-499, 2012.
- [15] Shukla, S.S., Yadev, A., Radical transversal lightlike submanifolds of indefinite para-Sasakian manifolds, Demonstratio Mathematica, vol. XVLVII, No. 4, 994-1011, 2014.
- [16] Shukla, S.S., Yadev, A., Lightlike submanifolds of indefinite para-Sasakian manifolds, Matematicki Vesnik, 66 (4), 371-386, 2014.
- [17] O’Neill, B., Semi-Riemannian geometry with applications to relativity, Pure and Applied Mathematics, 103. Academic Press, Inc. [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers], New York, 1983.
- [18] Duggal, K.L., Jin, D.H., Null Curves and Hypersurfaces of Semi-Riemannian Manifolds, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2007.
- [19] Beem, J.K., Ehrlich, P.E., Global Lorentzian geometry, Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 67. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1981.