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Yıl 2024, , 387 - 401, 31.12.2024


Blokzincir tabanlı akıllı sözleşme algoritmalarının yaygınlaşması ile sözleşme koşullarının uygulanması hızlanmakta ve üçüncü taraflara ödenen komisyon maliyetleri önemli ölçüde azalmaktadır. Bu çalışmada blokzincir tabanlı akıllı sözleşme algoritması ile bir inşaatın boya işlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi için maliyet, süre ve kalite hususlarını dikkate alarak süreci yönetebilecek bir çerçeve sistem önerilmiştir. İnşaat öncesi hazırlanan iş programı ve metraj değerlerini dikkate alan akıllı sözleşme algoritması ne zaman ve ne kadar boya malzemesine ihtiyaç duyulacağını sözleşmede tanımlanan kalite, renk ve sınıf tariflerini dikkate alarak belirlemektedir. Önceden anlaşılan tedarikçinin stok durumu dikkate alınarak zamanında teslimat yapma imkânı değerlendirilmekte ve teslimat süreci başlayan malzeme için ön ödemeler gerçekleştirilmektedir. Barkod ve renk kodu okumalarıyla boyanın sözleşmede belirtilen standartlara uygunluğu kontrol edilmektedir. Ödemeler blokzincir aracılığıyla kripto paralarla yapılacağından, üçüncü taraflara ödenecek komisyonlar azalacaktır. Önerilen sistemle, malzeme sipariş ve teslimat süreçlerindeki insan müdahalesi ve hatalar en aza indirilecek, proje paydaşları arasındaki anlaşmazlıklar azalacak, süreç hızlanacak ve maliyetler düşecektir.

Proje Numarası

FYL-2024-3471 (İnönü Üniversitesi BAP)


  • Alsadı, Mohammed, et al. Blockchain tabanlı bir veri yönetim modeli. Journal of Information Systemsand Management Research, 2019, 1.1: 31-36.
  • Mustaçoğlu, Ahmet Fatih. Blockchain-Based Data SharingandManagingSensitive Data. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2018, 14: 235-240.
  • Prakash, Anand; Ambekar, Sudhir. Digitaltransformationusingblockchaintechnology in theconstructionindustry. Journal of informationtechnologycaseandapplicationresearch, 2020, 22.4: 256-278.
  • Özyürek, Hamide. Blockchain teknolojisinin mevcut ve muhtemel kullanimalanlari. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021, 22.4: 31-50.
  • Erınle,Yimika, et al. SoK: Design, vulnerabilitiesanddefense of cryptocurrency wallets. arXivpreprint arXiv:2307.12874, 2023.
  • Turk, Žiga; Klınc, Robert. Potentials of blockchaintechnologyforconstructionmanagement. Procediaengineering, 2017, 196: 638-645.
  • Şımşek, Mehmet Ali. A Study of Blockchain in IoT Architecture. International Journal of EngineeringandInnovativeResearch, 2021, 3.2: 163-174.
  • Shojaeı, Alireza. Exploringapplications of blockchaintechnology in theconstructionindustry. Editedby Didem Ozevin, HosseinAtaei, Mehdi Modares, Asli Pelin Gurgun, SiamakYazdani, andAmarjit Singh. Proceedings of International StructuralEngineeringand Construction, 2019, 6.
  • Dounas, Theodoros; Lombardı, Davide; JABI, Wassim. Framework fordecentralisedarchitecturaldesign BIM and Blockchain integration. International journal of architecturalcomputing, 2021, 19.2: 157-173.
  • Zheng, Rongyue, et al. bcBIM: A Blockchain‐BasedBig Data Model for BIM ModificationAuditandProvenance in Mobile Cloud. Mathematical problems in engineering, 2019, 2019.1: 5349538.
  • Polat, Mustafa; Özyürek, Hamide; baysal, zeynep. BlockchaınTechnologıes: A Lıght On Future Works. Ejostımtech International Electronic Journal Of Ostımtech, 1.1: 35-50.
  • Osunsanmı, Temidayo O.;Aıgbavboa, Clinton; OKE, Ayodeji. Construction 4.0: thefuture of theconstructionindustry in South Africa. International Journal of CivilandEnvironmentalEngineering, 2018, 12.3: 206-212.
  • Alaloul, Wesam S., et al. Industryrevolution IR 4.0: futureopportunitiesandchallenges in constructionindustry. In: Matec web of conferences. EDP Sciences, 2018. p. 02010.
  • Levıäkangas, Pekka; PAIK, SeongMok; Moon,Sungkon. Keepingupwiththepace of digitization: Thecase of theAustralianconstructionindustry. Technology in Society, 2017, 50: 33-43.
  • Chowdhury, Tabinda; Adafın, Johnson; Wılkınson, Suzanne. Review of digitaltechnologiestoimproveproductivity of New Zealandconstructionindustry. 2019.
  • Nawarı, Nawari O.;Ravındran, Shriraam. Blockchain technologyand BIM process: reviewandpotentialapplications. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 2019, 24.
  • Lıu, Zhen, et al. Buildinginformationmanagement (BIM) andblockchain (BC) forsustainablebuildingdesigninformationmanagementframework. Electronics, 2019, 8.7: 724.
  • Maskurıy, Raihan, et al. Industry 4.0 fortheconstructionindustry—how ready is theindustry?. AppliedSciences, 2019, 9.14: 2819.
  • Ünal, Gökhan; Uluyol, Çelebi. Blokzinciri teknolojisi. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 2020, 13.2: 167-175.
  • Das, Moumita; Tao, Xingyu; Cheng, Jack CP. BIM security: A criticalreviewandrecommendationsusingencryptionstrategyandblockchain. Automation in construction, 2021, 126: 103682.
  • Erbaş, Sefa. Reklamcılıkta ve Pazarlamada Yeni Nesil Teknolojİ: Blockchaın. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2019, 7.2: 712-729.
  • Salman, S., Alaswad, S. Vehicles emissions consideration in transportation network design using Markov chain traffic assignment. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE, 2020.
  • Nırantar, Ketki, et al. Blockchain basedsupplychainmanagement. In: 2022 3rd internationalconferenceforemergingtechnology (INCET). IEEE, 2022. p. 1-8.
  • Hamledarı, Hesam; Fıscher, Martin. Construction paymentautomationusingblockchain-enabledsmartcontractsandroboticrealitycapturetechnologies. Automation in Construction, 2021, 132: 103926.
  • Kumı, Sandra; Lomotey, Richard K.;Deters, Ralph. A Blockchain-based platform fordatamanagementandsharing. ProcediaComputerScience, 2022, 203: 95-102.
  • Fıgueıredo, Karoline, et al. Assessingtheusability of blockchainforsustainability: Extendingkeythemestotheconstructionindustry. Journal of CleanerProduction, 2022, 343: 131047.
  • Yang, Zhihan, et al. Blockchain technology in buildingenvironmentalsustainability: A systematicliteraturereviewandfutureperspectives. Buildingand Environment, 2023, 245: 110970.
  • Shıshehgarkhaneh, MiladBaghalzadeh; Moehler, Robert C.;Moradınıa, Sina Fard. Blockchain in theconstructionindustrybetween 2016 and 2022: a review, bibliometric, and network analysis. Smart Cities, 2023, 6.2: 819-845.
  • Weı,PengCheng, et al. Blockchain data-basedcloud data integrityprotectionmechanism. FutureGenerationComputerSystems, 2020, 102: 902-911.
  • Agarwal, Udit, et al. Blockchain technologyforsecuresupplychainmanagement: A comprehensivereview. Ieee Access, 2022, 10: 85493-85517.
  • Waqar, Ahsan; Khan, Abdul Mateen; Othman, Idris. Blockchain empowerment in constructionsupplychains: Enhancingefficiencyandsustainabilityfor an infrastructuredevelopment. Journal of InfrastructureIntelligenceandResilience, 2024, 3.1: 100065.
  • Wong, Pooi-Mun; RkSınha, Shreya; Chuı, Chee-Kong. Blockchain in manufacturingqualitycontrol: A computersimulationstudy. Plosone, 2021, 16.3: e0247925.
  • Wu, Haitao, et al. Blockchain technology in theconstructionindustry: Currentstatus, challenges, andfuturedirections. Journal of constructionengineeringandmanagement, 2022, 148.10: 03122007.
  • Mahmudnıa, Dena; Arashpour, Mehrdad; Yang, Rebecca. Blockchain in constructionmanagement: Applications, advantagesandlimitations. Automation in construction, 2022, 140: 104379.
  • Sheng, Da, et al. Construction qualityinformationmanagementwithblockchains. Automation in construction, 2020, 120: 103373.


Yıl 2024, , 387 - 401, 31.12.2024


With the widespread use of blockchain-based smart contract algorithms, the implementation of contract terms is accelerated and commission costs paid to third parties are significantly reduced. In this study, a framework system that can manage the process by taking into account the cost, time and quality issues for the realization of the painting works of a construction with a blockchain-based smart contract algorithm is proposed. Taking into account the work schedule and bill of quantities prepared before construction, the smart contract algorithm determines when and how much paint material will be needed, taking into account the quality, color and class descriptions defined in the contract. Considering the stock status of the previously agreed supplier, the possibility of timely delivery is evaluated and prepayments are made for the material for which the delivery process has started. The conformity of the paint to the standards specified in the contract is checked through barcode and color code readings. Since payments will be made with cryptocurrencies through the blockchain, commissions to be paid to third parties will be reduced. With the proposed system, human intervention and errors in material ordering and delivery processes will be minimized, disputes between project stakeholders will be reduced, the process will accelerate and costs will decrease.

Proje Numarası

FYL-2024-3471 (İnönü Üniversitesi BAP)


  • Alsadı, Mohammed, et al. Blockchain tabanlı bir veri yönetim modeli. Journal of Information Systemsand Management Research, 2019, 1.1: 31-36.
  • Mustaçoğlu, Ahmet Fatih. Blockchain-Based Data SharingandManagingSensitive Data. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2018, 14: 235-240.
  • Prakash, Anand; Ambekar, Sudhir. Digitaltransformationusingblockchaintechnology in theconstructionindustry. Journal of informationtechnologycaseandapplicationresearch, 2020, 22.4: 256-278.
  • Özyürek, Hamide. Blockchain teknolojisinin mevcut ve muhtemel kullanimalanlari. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021, 22.4: 31-50.
  • Erınle,Yimika, et al. SoK: Design, vulnerabilitiesanddefense of cryptocurrency wallets. arXivpreprint arXiv:2307.12874, 2023.
  • Turk, Žiga; Klınc, Robert. Potentials of blockchaintechnologyforconstructionmanagement. Procediaengineering, 2017, 196: 638-645.
  • Şımşek, Mehmet Ali. A Study of Blockchain in IoT Architecture. International Journal of EngineeringandInnovativeResearch, 2021, 3.2: 163-174.
  • Shojaeı, Alireza. Exploringapplications of blockchaintechnology in theconstructionindustry. Editedby Didem Ozevin, HosseinAtaei, Mehdi Modares, Asli Pelin Gurgun, SiamakYazdani, andAmarjit Singh. Proceedings of International StructuralEngineeringand Construction, 2019, 6.
  • Dounas, Theodoros; Lombardı, Davide; JABI, Wassim. Framework fordecentralisedarchitecturaldesign BIM and Blockchain integration. International journal of architecturalcomputing, 2021, 19.2: 157-173.
  • Zheng, Rongyue, et al. bcBIM: A Blockchain‐BasedBig Data Model for BIM ModificationAuditandProvenance in Mobile Cloud. Mathematical problems in engineering, 2019, 2019.1: 5349538.
  • Polat, Mustafa; Özyürek, Hamide; baysal, zeynep. BlockchaınTechnologıes: A Lıght On Future Works. Ejostımtech International Electronic Journal Of Ostımtech, 1.1: 35-50.
  • Osunsanmı, Temidayo O.;Aıgbavboa, Clinton; OKE, Ayodeji. Construction 4.0: thefuture of theconstructionindustry in South Africa. International Journal of CivilandEnvironmentalEngineering, 2018, 12.3: 206-212.
  • Alaloul, Wesam S., et al. Industryrevolution IR 4.0: futureopportunitiesandchallenges in constructionindustry. In: Matec web of conferences. EDP Sciences, 2018. p. 02010.
  • Levıäkangas, Pekka; PAIK, SeongMok; Moon,Sungkon. Keepingupwiththepace of digitization: Thecase of theAustralianconstructionindustry. Technology in Society, 2017, 50: 33-43.
  • Chowdhury, Tabinda; Adafın, Johnson; Wılkınson, Suzanne. Review of digitaltechnologiestoimproveproductivity of New Zealandconstructionindustry. 2019.
  • Nawarı, Nawari O.;Ravındran, Shriraam. Blockchain technologyand BIM process: reviewandpotentialapplications. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 2019, 24.
  • Lıu, Zhen, et al. Buildinginformationmanagement (BIM) andblockchain (BC) forsustainablebuildingdesigninformationmanagementframework. Electronics, 2019, 8.7: 724.
  • Maskurıy, Raihan, et al. Industry 4.0 fortheconstructionindustry—how ready is theindustry?. AppliedSciences, 2019, 9.14: 2819.
  • Ünal, Gökhan; Uluyol, Çelebi. Blokzinciri teknolojisi. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 2020, 13.2: 167-175.
  • Das, Moumita; Tao, Xingyu; Cheng, Jack CP. BIM security: A criticalreviewandrecommendationsusingencryptionstrategyandblockchain. Automation in construction, 2021, 126: 103682.
  • Erbaş, Sefa. Reklamcılıkta ve Pazarlamada Yeni Nesil Teknolojİ: Blockchaın. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2019, 7.2: 712-729.
  • Salman, S., Alaswad, S. Vehicles emissions consideration in transportation network design using Markov chain traffic assignment. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE, 2020.
  • Nırantar, Ketki, et al. Blockchain basedsupplychainmanagement. In: 2022 3rd internationalconferenceforemergingtechnology (INCET). IEEE, 2022. p. 1-8.
  • Hamledarı, Hesam; Fıscher, Martin. Construction paymentautomationusingblockchain-enabledsmartcontractsandroboticrealitycapturetechnologies. Automation in Construction, 2021, 132: 103926.
  • Kumı, Sandra; Lomotey, Richard K.;Deters, Ralph. A Blockchain-based platform fordatamanagementandsharing. ProcediaComputerScience, 2022, 203: 95-102.
  • Fıgueıredo, Karoline, et al. Assessingtheusability of blockchainforsustainability: Extendingkeythemestotheconstructionindustry. Journal of CleanerProduction, 2022, 343: 131047.
  • Yang, Zhihan, et al. Blockchain technology in buildingenvironmentalsustainability: A systematicliteraturereviewandfutureperspectives. Buildingand Environment, 2023, 245: 110970.
  • Shıshehgarkhaneh, MiladBaghalzadeh; Moehler, Robert C.;Moradınıa, Sina Fard. Blockchain in theconstructionindustrybetween 2016 and 2022: a review, bibliometric, and network analysis. Smart Cities, 2023, 6.2: 819-845.
  • Weı,PengCheng, et al. Blockchain data-basedcloud data integrityprotectionmechanism. FutureGenerationComputerSystems, 2020, 102: 902-911.
  • Agarwal, Udit, et al. Blockchain technologyforsecuresupplychainmanagement: A comprehensivereview. Ieee Access, 2022, 10: 85493-85517.
  • Waqar, Ahsan; Khan, Abdul Mateen; Othman, Idris. Blockchain empowerment in constructionsupplychains: Enhancingefficiencyandsustainabilityfor an infrastructuredevelopment. Journal of InfrastructureIntelligenceandResilience, 2024, 3.1: 100065.
  • Wong, Pooi-Mun; RkSınha, Shreya; Chuı, Chee-Kong. Blockchain in manufacturingqualitycontrol: A computersimulationstudy. Plosone, 2021, 16.3: e0247925.
  • Wu, Haitao, et al. Blockchain technology in theconstructionindustry: Currentstatus, challenges, andfuturedirections. Journal of constructionengineeringandmanagement, 2022, 148.10: 03122007.
  • Mahmudnıa, Dena; Arashpour, Mehrdad; Yang, Rebecca. Blockchain in constructionmanagement: Applications, advantagesandlimitations. Automation in construction, 2022, 140: 104379.
  • Sheng, Da, et al. Construction qualityinformationmanagementwithblockchains. Automation in construction, 2020, 120: 103373.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Dağıtık Bilgi İşleme ve Sistem Yazılımı (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Uzunkaya 0009-0002-4580-2739

Önder Halis Bettemir 0000-0002-5692-7708

Proje Numarası FYL-2024-3471 (İnönü Üniversitesi BAP)
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 29 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Uzunkaya, A., & Bettemir, Ö. H. (2024). BOYA MALZEMESİNİN KABULÜ İÇİN BLOKZİNCİR TABANLI AKILLI SÖZLEŞME ALGORİTMASI ÖNERİSİ. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(24), 387-401.
AMA Uzunkaya A, Bettemir ÖH. BOYA MALZEMESİNİN KABULÜ İÇİN BLOKZİNCİR TABANLI AKILLI SÖZLEŞME ALGORİTMASI ÖNERİSİ. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. Aralık 2024;11(24):387-401. doi:10.54365/adyumbd.1515460
Chicago Uzunkaya, Ali, ve Önder Halis Bettemir. “BOYA MALZEMESİNİN KABULÜ İÇİN BLOKZİNCİR TABANLI AKILLI SÖZLEŞME ALGORİTMASI ÖNERİSİ”. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 11, sy. 24 (Aralık 2024): 387-401.
EndNote Uzunkaya A, Bettemir ÖH (01 Aralık 2024) BOYA MALZEMESİNİN KABULÜ İÇİN BLOKZİNCİR TABANLI AKILLI SÖZLEŞME ALGORİTMASI ÖNERİSİ. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 11 24 387–401.
IEEE A. Uzunkaya ve Ö. H. Bettemir, “BOYA MALZEMESİNİN KABULÜ İÇİN BLOKZİNCİR TABANLI AKILLI SÖZLEŞME ALGORİTMASI ÖNERİSİ”, Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 24, ss. 387–401, 2024, doi: 10.54365/adyumbd.1515460.
ISNAD Uzunkaya, Ali - Bettemir, Önder Halis. “BOYA MALZEMESİNİN KABULÜ İÇİN BLOKZİNCİR TABANLI AKILLI SÖZLEŞME ALGORİTMASI ÖNERİSİ”. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 11/24 (Aralık 2024), 387-401.
JAMA Uzunkaya A, Bettemir ÖH. BOYA MALZEMESİNİN KABULÜ İÇİN BLOKZİNCİR TABANLI AKILLI SÖZLEŞME ALGORİTMASI ÖNERİSİ. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;11:387–401.
MLA Uzunkaya, Ali ve Önder Halis Bettemir. “BOYA MALZEMESİNİN KABULÜ İÇİN BLOKZİNCİR TABANLI AKILLI SÖZLEŞME ALGORİTMASI ÖNERİSİ”. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 24, 2024, ss. 387-01, doi:10.54365/adyumbd.1515460.
Vancouver Uzunkaya A, Bettemir ÖH. BOYA MALZEMESİNİN KABULÜ İÇİN BLOKZİNCİR TABANLI AKILLI SÖZLEŞME ALGORİTMASI ÖNERİSİ. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;11(24):387-401.