Yıl 2024,
, 533 - 546, 31.12.2024
Merve Akdemir
Salih Yılmaz
İçmesuyu yönetiminde kayıplarla mücadele günümüzde en önemli çalışmalardan biri olmuştur. Artan su ihtiyaçları ile birlikte azalan temiz su kaynakları içmesuyu sistemlerinde su kayıplarıyla mücadelenin önemini artırmıştır. Basınç yönetimi ise uluslararası literatürde en önemli su kayıp mücadele yöntemi olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada su kayıp yönetimi kapsamında 4 farklı izole alt bölgede basınç yönetimi uygulanmıştır. Basınç yönetimi uygulaması yapılan izole alt bölgeler birbirinden farklı basınç düzenleme yöntemleriyle Kayseri Su ve Kanalizasyon İdaresi (KASKİ) tarafından işletilen şebekelerden seçilmiştir. Basınç düzenlemesi yapılmasının finansal olarak ne kadar fayda sağlayacağı oluşturulan algoritmalarla teorik olarak hesaplanmıştır. Teorik hesaplamaların doğruluğu gerçek saha uygulaması sonuçlarıyla kıyaslanarak algoritmanın doğruluğu test edilmiştir. Teorik hesaplamanın doğruluğunun analiz edilmesinin ardından maliyetler de hesaplanarak fayda ve maliyet analizi yapılmış ve yatırımın geri dönüş süresi hesaplanmıştır.
This study is based on the master's thesis written by Merve AKDEMİR. We would like to thank KASKİ for their support in providing the data required for the analyses in this study.
- Mian HR, Hu G, Hewage K, Rodriguez MJ, Sadiq R. Drinking water management strategies for distribution networks: An integrated performance assessment framework. J Environ Manage 2023; 1-12.
- Kyaw T. Adsorption desalination: theory & experiments. Ph.D. thesis. National University of Singapore; 2010.
- Akdemir M. İçme suyu sistemlerinde farklı basınç düzenleyici vanaların fayda maliyet analizi. Master's thesis. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi; 2024.
- Brennan M, Rondón-Sulbarán J, Sabogal-Paz LP, Fernandez-Ibañez P, Galdos-Balzategui A. Conceptualising global water challenges: A transdisciplinary approach for understanding different discourses in sustainable development. J Environ Manage 2021; 298: 1–10.
- Akdemir M, Yılmaz S, İçme suyu sistemlerinde sızıntıların uygulamalı ve teorik olarak karşılaştırılması. İleri Teknolojilerde Çalışmalar Dergisi 2023; 55-66.
- Adedeji KB, Hamam Y, Abe BT, Abu-Mahfouz AM. pressure management strategies for water loss reduction in large-scale water piping networks: a review. 1st ed. Advances in Hydroinformatics: Springer Water; 2018.
- Zhang T, Yao H, Chu S, Yu T, Shao Y. Optimized dma partition to reduce background leakage rate in water distribution networks. J Water Resour Plan Management 2021; 147: 1-14.
- Darvini G, Soldini L. Pressure control for WDS management: a case study. Procedia Eng. 2015; 119: 984–993.
- AL-Washali T, Sharma S, Kennedy M. methods of assessment of water losses in water supply systems: a review. Water Resources Management 2016; 14: 4985–5001.
- Moslehi I, Jalili Ghazizadeh M, Yousefi-Khoshqalb E. An economic valuation model for alternative pressure management schemes in water distribution networks. Util Policy 2020; 67: 101–29.
- Özdemir Ö, Fırat M, Yılmaz S, Usluer M. Analysis of the effect of pressure control on leakages in distribution systems by FAVAD equation and field applications. Water Pract Technol. 2021; 16(2): 320–332.
- Koşucu MM, Demirel MC. Cost efficiency assessment of four pressure management methods in water distribution systems." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 2024;150(3): 1-16.
- Thornton J, Sturm R, P.E. GK. Water loss control. 2nd ed. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2008.
- Farley M, Trow S. Losses in water distribution networks: a practitioners. Guide to Assessment, Monitoring and Control: IWA Publishing; 2015.
- John Henry M. Pressure dependent leakage. World Water and Environmental Engineering; 1994.
- Burn LS, De Silva D, Shipton RJ. Effect of demand management and system operation on potable water infrastructure costs. Urban Water 2002; 4(3): 229–36.
- Creaco E, Walski T. Economic analysis of pressure control for leakage and pipe burst reduction. J Water Resour Plan Management 2017;143(12): 1-18.
- Mckenzie RS, Wegelin W. Implementation of pressure management in municipal water supply systems: IWA Publishing; 2009.
- Lambert A, Thornton J. Pressure bursts relationships influence of pipe materials, validation of scheme results and implications of extended asset life. Water Loss 2012; 2(11):1-20.
- Kayseri Su ve Kanal İdaresi Performans Raporu; 2024.
Yıl 2024,
, 533 - 546, 31.12.2024
Merve Akdemir
Salih Yılmaz
Combating losses in drinking water has become one of the most essential freedoms today. With increasing water problems, the decreasing clean water resources have increased the fight against water losses in drinking water systems. In international literature, pressure management is the most important method of fighting against water loss. In this study, pressure management was applied in 4 different isolated sub-regions within the scope of water loss management. The isolated sub-regions under pressure management were selected from the networks operated by the Kayseri Water and Wastewater Administration (KASKİ) with different pressure regulation methods. The financial benefits of pressure regulation were theoretically calculated using algorithms. The algorithm's accuracy was tested by comparing the accuracy of the theoretical calculations with the actual field practice results. After analyzing the accuracy of the theoretical calculation, the costs were also calculated, and the return period of the investment was calculated by making a benefit and cost analysis.
This study is based on the master's thesis written by Merve AKDEMİR. We would like to thank KASKİ for their support in providing the data required for the analyses in this study.
- Mian HR, Hu G, Hewage K, Rodriguez MJ, Sadiq R. Drinking water management strategies for distribution networks: An integrated performance assessment framework. J Environ Manage 2023; 1-12.
- Kyaw T. Adsorption desalination: theory & experiments. Ph.D. thesis. National University of Singapore; 2010.
- Akdemir M. İçme suyu sistemlerinde farklı basınç düzenleyici vanaların fayda maliyet analizi. Master's thesis. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi; 2024.
- Brennan M, Rondón-Sulbarán J, Sabogal-Paz LP, Fernandez-Ibañez P, Galdos-Balzategui A. Conceptualising global water challenges: A transdisciplinary approach for understanding different discourses in sustainable development. J Environ Manage 2021; 298: 1–10.
- Akdemir M, Yılmaz S, İçme suyu sistemlerinde sızıntıların uygulamalı ve teorik olarak karşılaştırılması. İleri Teknolojilerde Çalışmalar Dergisi 2023; 55-66.
- Adedeji KB, Hamam Y, Abe BT, Abu-Mahfouz AM. pressure management strategies for water loss reduction in large-scale water piping networks: a review. 1st ed. Advances in Hydroinformatics: Springer Water; 2018.
- Zhang T, Yao H, Chu S, Yu T, Shao Y. Optimized dma partition to reduce background leakage rate in water distribution networks. J Water Resour Plan Management 2021; 147: 1-14.
- Darvini G, Soldini L. Pressure control for WDS management: a case study. Procedia Eng. 2015; 119: 984–993.
- AL-Washali T, Sharma S, Kennedy M. methods of assessment of water losses in water supply systems: a review. Water Resources Management 2016; 14: 4985–5001.
- Moslehi I, Jalili Ghazizadeh M, Yousefi-Khoshqalb E. An economic valuation model for alternative pressure management schemes in water distribution networks. Util Policy 2020; 67: 101–29.
- Özdemir Ö, Fırat M, Yılmaz S, Usluer M. Analysis of the effect of pressure control on leakages in distribution systems by FAVAD equation and field applications. Water Pract Technol. 2021; 16(2): 320–332.
- Koşucu MM, Demirel MC. Cost efficiency assessment of four pressure management methods in water distribution systems." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 2024;150(3): 1-16.
- Thornton J, Sturm R, P.E. GK. Water loss control. 2nd ed. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2008.
- Farley M, Trow S. Losses in water distribution networks: a practitioners. Guide to Assessment, Monitoring and Control: IWA Publishing; 2015.
- John Henry M. Pressure dependent leakage. World Water and Environmental Engineering; 1994.
- Burn LS, De Silva D, Shipton RJ. Effect of demand management and system operation on potable water infrastructure costs. Urban Water 2002; 4(3): 229–36.
- Creaco E, Walski T. Economic analysis of pressure control for leakage and pipe burst reduction. J Water Resour Plan Management 2017;143(12): 1-18.
- Mckenzie RS, Wegelin W. Implementation of pressure management in municipal water supply systems: IWA Publishing; 2009.
- Lambert A, Thornton J. Pressure bursts relationships influence of pipe materials, validation of scheme results and implications of extended asset life. Water Loss 2012; 2(11):1-20.
- Kayseri Su ve Kanal İdaresi Performans Raporu; 2024.