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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 35 - 41, 01.03.2025


Ev sahibi avantajı, başta futbol olmak üzere birçok takım sporunda önemli bir fenomendir. Son yıllarda giderek artan önemi nedeniyle daha fazla araştırma yapılmaktadır. Araştırmalar, seyirci desteği ve sahaya aşinalık gibi faktörlerin sadece ev sahibi takımın performansını artırmakla kalmadığını, aynı zamanda rakip takımlar üzerinde psikolojik olarak olumsuz etkileri olabileceğini göstermektedir. Bu derleme, mevcut bulguları analiz ederek ve katkıda bulunan faktörleri değerlendirerek futbolda ev sahibi avantajını araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Geleneksel bir derleme yöntemi izleyen bu çalışma, elit futbolda ev sahibi avantajına odaklanmıştır. Bulgular, elit futbolda ev sahibi olma avantajını vurgulamaktadır. Ev sahibi takımlar gol, şut, isabetli şut, pas ve isabetli pas gibi temel maç performans göstergelerinde deplasman takımlarından daha iyi performans gösterme eğilimindedir. Bununla birlikte, deplasman takımlarının, daha yüksek kart sayısı, ofsayt ve kendilerine karşı verilen penaltılarda nedeniyle, hakem yanlılığı yaşama olasılığı daha yüksektir. Ancak seyircisiz oynanan maçlarda ev sahibi avantajının azaldığını tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçlar ev sahibi avantajına katkıda bulunan en önemli faktörün seyirci desteği ve daha sonra hakem önyargısı olduğunu göstermektedir. Mevcut derleme gelecekteki araştırmalar için bazı pratik çıkarımlar sunmaktadır. Araştırmalar çoğunlukla futbolda ev sahibi olma avantajını incelerken, takım yeteneği gibi bu avantajı etkileyebilecek önemli bir faktörü göz ardı etmektedir. Bu nedenle, gelecekteki araştırmalar takım yeteneğinin ev sahibi avantajı üzerindeki olası etkilerine odaklanabilir.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışma derleme olması nedeniyle etik kurul iznine tabi değildir


  • Alonso, E., Lorenzo, A., Ribas, C., & Gómez, M. Á. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on HOME advantage in different European Professional basketball leagues. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 129(2), 328-342.
  • Anderson, M., Wolfson, S., Neave, N., & Moss, M. (2012). Perspectives on the home advantage: A comparison of football players, fans and referees. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(3), 311-316.
  • Bilalić, M., Gula, B., & Vaci, N. (2021). Home advantage mediated (HAM) by referee bias and team performance during covid. Scientific Reports, 11(1),21558.
  • Boyko, R. H., Boyko, A. R., & Boyko, M. G. (2007).Referee bias contributes to home advantage inEnglish Premiership football. Journal of sportssciences, 25(11), 1185-1194.
  • Carron, A. V., Loughhead, T. M., & Bray, S. R. (2005).The home advantage in sport competitions: Courneyaand Carron's (1992) conceptual framework a decadelater. Journal of sports sciences, 23(4), 395-407.
  • Clarke, S. R., & Norman, J. M. (1995). Home ground advantage of individual clubs in English soccer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 44(4), 509-521.
  • Courneya, K. S., & Carron, A. V. (1992). The home advantage in sport competitions: a literature review. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 14(1).
  • Dellagrana, R. A., Nunes, R. F., & Silva, R. L. (2023). The Importance of Crowd Support and Team Quality to Home Advantage in Brazilian Soccer League First Division. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 130(3), 1255–1268.
  • Dohmen, T., & Sauermann, J. (2016). Referee bias. Journal of Economic Surveys, 30(4), 679-695.
  • Dosseville, F., Edoh, K. P., & Molinaro, C. (2016). Sports officials in home advantage phenomenon: A new framework. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 14(3), 250-254.
  • Dowie, J. (1982). Why Spain should win the world cup. New Scientist, 94(10), 693-695.
  • Fischer, K., & Haucap, J. (2021). Does crowd support drive the home advantage in professional football? Evidence from German ghost games during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Sports Economics, 22(8), 982-1008.
  • Garicano, L., Palacios-Huerta, I., & Prendergast, C. (2005). Favoritism under social pressure. Review of Economics and Statistics, 87(2), 208-216.
  • Gasparetto, T., & Loktionov, K. (2023). Does the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) mitigate referee bias on professional football? Plos one, 18(11), e0294507.
  • Gómez, M. A., & Pollard, R. (2011). Reduced home advantage for basketball teams from capital cities in Europe. European journal of sport science, 11(2), 143-148.
  • Goumas, C. (2014). Tyranny of distance: Home advantage and travel in international club football. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 14(1), 1-13.
  • Illmer, S., & Daumann, F. (2022). The effects of weather factors and altitude on physical and technical performance in professional soccer: A systematic review. JSAMS Plus, 1, 100002.
  • Işın, A. (2023a). Home advantage and Referee Bias: a comparative analysis of League Level differences. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 130(6), 2621-2631.
  • Işın, A. (2023b). Video Yardımcı Hakem Uygulamasının Hakem Kararları Üzerine Etkileri: Tanımlayıcı Araştırma. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 15(2), 237-242.
  • Işın, A., & Gómez Ruano, M. Á. (2023). How the 12thMan influences Football matches: the role of fans andreferees in the home advantage phenomenon. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 130(5), 2177-2188.
  • Işın, A., & Yi, Q. (2024). Does video assistant refereetechnology change the magnitude and direction ofhome advantages and referee bias? A proof-ofconcept study. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 16(1), 21.
  • Jamieson, J. P. (2010). The home field advantage inathletics: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(7), 1819-1848.
  • Loughead, T. M., Carron, A. V., Bray, S. R., & Kim, A.J. (2003). Facility familiarity and the home advantagein professional sports. International Journal of Sportand Exercise Psychology, 1(3), 264-274.
  • McCarrick, D., Bilalic, M., Neave, N., & Wolfson, S.(2021). Home advantage during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyses of European football leagues. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 56, 102013.
  • Moore, J. C., & Brylinsky, J. (1995). Facility familiarityand the home advantage. Journal of Sport Behavior,18(4), 302.
  • Morris, D. (1981). The soccer tribe. Jonathan Cape.Oberhofer, H., Philippovich, T., & Winner, H. (2010).Distance matters in away games: Evidence from theGerman football league. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(2), 200-211.
  • Pollard, R. (1986). Home advantage in soccer: Aretrospective analysis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 4(3), 237-248.
  • Pollard, R. (2002). Evidence of a reduced homeadvantage when a team moves to a new stadium.Journal of sports sciences, 20(12), 969-973.
  • Pollard, R. (2008). Home advantage in football: Acurrent review of an unsolved puzzle. The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 1(1).
  • Pollard, R., & Gómez, M. A. (2009). Home advantage infootball in South‐West Europe: Long‐term trends,regional variation, and team differences. Europeanjournal of sport science, 9(6), 341-352.
  • Pollard, R., & Seckin, A. (2007). Why is homeadvantage in South-east Europe the highest in theworld. Book of long papers, 12th European Congressof Sport psychology,
  • Schreyer, D., Schmidt, S. L., & Torgler, B. (2018).Game outcome uncertainty in the English Premier League: Do German fans care? Journal of Sports Economics, 19(5), 625-644.
  • Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal ofbusiness research, 104, 333-339.
  • Sors, F., Grassi, M., Agostini, T., & Murgia, M. (2021). The sound of silence in association football: Home advantage and referee bias decrease in matches played without spectators. European Journal of sport science, 21(12), 1597-1605.
  • Sors, F., Grassi, M., Agostini, T., & Murgia, M. (2022). A complete season with attendance restrictions confirms the relevant contribution of spectators to home advantage and referee bias in association football. Peer J, 10, e13681.
  • Sors, F., Grassi, M., Agostini, T., & Murgia, M. (2023). The influence of spectators on home advantage and referee bias in national teams matches: insights from UEFA Nations League. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 21(2), 290-305.
  • Staufenbiel, K., Lobinger, B., & Strauss, B. (2015). Home advantage in soccer–A matter of expectations, goal setting and tactical decisions of coaches? Journal of sports sciences, 33(18), 1932-1941.
  • Waters, A., & Lovell, G. (2002). An examination of the homefield advantage in a professional English soccer team from a psychological standpoint. Football studies, 5(1), 46-59.
  • Wunderlich, F., Weigelt, M., Rein, R., & Memmert, D. (2021). How does spectator presence affect football? Home advantage remains in European top-class football matches played without spectators during the COVID-19 pandemic. Plos one, 16(3), e0248590

Home Advantage in Football: Influencing Factors and Effects on Match Performance Indicators

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 35 - 41, 01.03.2025


Home advantage is an important phenomenon in many team sports, particularly football. In recent years, it has been increasingly analyzed due to its increasing popularity. Studies show that factors such as spectator support and familiarity with the pitch not only improve the performance of the home team, but can also have psychologically negative effects on away teams. This review aims to explore home advantage in football by analyzing existing findings and assessing contributing factors. Following a traditional review methodology, this study focused on home advantage in elite football. The findings highlight the home advantage in elite football. Home teams tend to perform better than away teams in main match performance indicators such as goals, shots, shots on target, passes and passes on target. However, away teams are more likely to suffer from referee bias due to a higher number of cards, offside and penalties awarded against them. Nevertheless, it was found that home advantage decreased in matches played without spectators. The results show that the main factor contributing to home advantage is spectator support, followed by referee bias. The current review provides some practical implications for future research. Although research has mostly analyzed home advantage in football, it neglects an important factor such as team ability, which may influence this advantage. Therefore, future research may focus on the possible effects of team ability on home advantage.


  • Alonso, E., Lorenzo, A., Ribas, C., & Gómez, M. Á. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on HOME advantage in different European Professional basketball leagues. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 129(2), 328-342.
  • Anderson, M., Wolfson, S., Neave, N., & Moss, M. (2012). Perspectives on the home advantage: A comparison of football players, fans and referees. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(3), 311-316.
  • Bilalić, M., Gula, B., & Vaci, N. (2021). Home advantage mediated (HAM) by referee bias and team performance during covid. Scientific Reports, 11(1),21558.
  • Boyko, R. H., Boyko, A. R., & Boyko, M. G. (2007).Referee bias contributes to home advantage inEnglish Premiership football. Journal of sportssciences, 25(11), 1185-1194.
  • Carron, A. V., Loughhead, T. M., & Bray, S. R. (2005).The home advantage in sport competitions: Courneyaand Carron's (1992) conceptual framework a decadelater. Journal of sports sciences, 23(4), 395-407.
  • Clarke, S. R., & Norman, J. M. (1995). Home ground advantage of individual clubs in English soccer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 44(4), 509-521.
  • Courneya, K. S., & Carron, A. V. (1992). The home advantage in sport competitions: a literature review. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 14(1).
  • Dellagrana, R. A., Nunes, R. F., & Silva, R. L. (2023). The Importance of Crowd Support and Team Quality to Home Advantage in Brazilian Soccer League First Division. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 130(3), 1255–1268.
  • Dohmen, T., & Sauermann, J. (2016). Referee bias. Journal of Economic Surveys, 30(4), 679-695.
  • Dosseville, F., Edoh, K. P., & Molinaro, C. (2016). Sports officials in home advantage phenomenon: A new framework. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 14(3), 250-254.
  • Dowie, J. (1982). Why Spain should win the world cup. New Scientist, 94(10), 693-695.
  • Fischer, K., & Haucap, J. (2021). Does crowd support drive the home advantage in professional football? Evidence from German ghost games during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Sports Economics, 22(8), 982-1008.
  • Garicano, L., Palacios-Huerta, I., & Prendergast, C. (2005). Favoritism under social pressure. Review of Economics and Statistics, 87(2), 208-216.
  • Gasparetto, T., & Loktionov, K. (2023). Does the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) mitigate referee bias on professional football? Plos one, 18(11), e0294507.
  • Gómez, M. A., & Pollard, R. (2011). Reduced home advantage for basketball teams from capital cities in Europe. European journal of sport science, 11(2), 143-148.
  • Goumas, C. (2014). Tyranny of distance: Home advantage and travel in international club football. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 14(1), 1-13.
  • Illmer, S., & Daumann, F. (2022). The effects of weather factors and altitude on physical and technical performance in professional soccer: A systematic review. JSAMS Plus, 1, 100002.
  • Işın, A. (2023a). Home advantage and Referee Bias: a comparative analysis of League Level differences. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 130(6), 2621-2631.
  • Işın, A. (2023b). Video Yardımcı Hakem Uygulamasının Hakem Kararları Üzerine Etkileri: Tanımlayıcı Araştırma. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 15(2), 237-242.
  • Işın, A., & Gómez Ruano, M. Á. (2023). How the 12thMan influences Football matches: the role of fans andreferees in the home advantage phenomenon. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 130(5), 2177-2188.
  • Işın, A., & Yi, Q. (2024). Does video assistant refereetechnology change the magnitude and direction ofhome advantages and referee bias? A proof-ofconcept study. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 16(1), 21.
  • Jamieson, J. P. (2010). The home field advantage inathletics: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(7), 1819-1848.
  • Loughead, T. M., Carron, A. V., Bray, S. R., & Kim, A.J. (2003). Facility familiarity and the home advantagein professional sports. International Journal of Sportand Exercise Psychology, 1(3), 264-274.
  • McCarrick, D., Bilalic, M., Neave, N., & Wolfson, S.(2021). Home advantage during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyses of European football leagues. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 56, 102013.
  • Moore, J. C., & Brylinsky, J. (1995). Facility familiarityand the home advantage. Journal of Sport Behavior,18(4), 302.
  • Morris, D. (1981). The soccer tribe. Jonathan Cape.Oberhofer, H., Philippovich, T., & Winner, H. (2010).Distance matters in away games: Evidence from theGerman football league. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(2), 200-211.
  • Pollard, R. (1986). Home advantage in soccer: Aretrospective analysis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 4(3), 237-248.
  • Pollard, R. (2002). Evidence of a reduced homeadvantage when a team moves to a new stadium.Journal of sports sciences, 20(12), 969-973.
  • Pollard, R. (2008). Home advantage in football: Acurrent review of an unsolved puzzle. The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 1(1).
  • Pollard, R., & Gómez, M. A. (2009). Home advantage infootball in South‐West Europe: Long‐term trends,regional variation, and team differences. Europeanjournal of sport science, 9(6), 341-352.
  • Pollard, R., & Seckin, A. (2007). Why is homeadvantage in South-east Europe the highest in theworld. Book of long papers, 12th European Congressof Sport psychology,
  • Schreyer, D., Schmidt, S. L., & Torgler, B. (2018).Game outcome uncertainty in the English Premier League: Do German fans care? Journal of Sports Economics, 19(5), 625-644.
  • Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal ofbusiness research, 104, 333-339.
  • Sors, F., Grassi, M., Agostini, T., & Murgia, M. (2021). The sound of silence in association football: Home advantage and referee bias decrease in matches played without spectators. European Journal of sport science, 21(12), 1597-1605.
  • Sors, F., Grassi, M., Agostini, T., & Murgia, M. (2022). A complete season with attendance restrictions confirms the relevant contribution of spectators to home advantage and referee bias in association football. Peer J, 10, e13681.
  • Sors, F., Grassi, M., Agostini, T., & Murgia, M. (2023). The influence of spectators on home advantage and referee bias in national teams matches: insights from UEFA Nations League. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 21(2), 290-305.
  • Staufenbiel, K., Lobinger, B., & Strauss, B. (2015). Home advantage in soccer–A matter of expectations, goal setting and tactical decisions of coaches? Journal of sports sciences, 33(18), 1932-1941.
  • Waters, A., & Lovell, G. (2002). An examination of the homefield advantage in a professional English soccer team from a psychological standpoint. Football studies, 5(1), 46-59.
  • Wunderlich, F., Weigelt, M., Rein, R., & Memmert, D. (2021). How does spectator presence affect football? Home advantage remains in European top-class football matches played without spectators during the COVID-19 pandemic. Plos one, 16(3), e0248590
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Egzersiz ve Spor Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Ali Işın 0000-0003-4666-2117

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Şubat 2025
Kabul Tarihi 27 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

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