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Doğum İstatistiklerinin Analizi, Sezaryen Oranları ve Sezaryen Endikasyonlarının İncelenmesi; Retrospektif çalışma

Yıl 2024, , 95 - 99, 30.10.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, kliniğimizde 2019 ile 2022 yılları arasında doğum yapan hastalar arasında sezaryen doğum yapanların oranlarını ve sezaryen doğum endikasyonlarını araştırma amacıyla yapıldı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma için, bir Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum kliniğinde, 2019 ile 2022 yılları arasında doğum yapan 16.559 hastanın verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Bu tarihler arasındaki doğumu gerçekleştirilen bebeklerin doğum şekli, cinsiyet bilgileri, fetal doğum ağırlığı, vajinal doğum ve sezaryen doğum oranları ve sezaryen endikasyonları incelendi.
Bulgular: Kliniğimizde 01 Ocak 2019 ile 31 Aralık 2022 tarihleri arasında doğum yapan hastaların %58,1’i vajinal doğum yaparken %41,9’u sezaryen yöntemi ile doğum yaptı. Dört yıllık ortalamaya göre doğan bebeklerin %48,5’i kız, %51,5’i erkek bebek olarak doğdu. En sık karşılaşılan sezaryen endikasyonu geçirilmiş uterin cerrahi oldu. Sezaryen doğumlar arasında primer sezaryen oranı %47 olarak saptandı. Primer sezaryen doğumlar arasında en sık karşılaşılan endikasyonlar fetal distress, makat prezentasyon ve ilerlemeyen eylem olarak saptandı.
Sonuç: Kliniğimizde, dört yıllık ortalama sezaryen doğum oranı %41,9 olarak gerçekleşti. Bu oran her ne kadar %53 olan Türkiye ortalamasının altında kalsa da Sağlık Bakanlığının Türkiye genelinde amaçladığı oran olan %35’in üzerindedir. İlimiz özelinde değerlendirildiğinde bunun başlıca nedeni ilçelerde kadın doğum uzman hekim yetersizliği ve hastanemizin çok sevk almasından kaynaklandığını düşünmekteyiz. Yine de bu sonuçlar göz önüne alındığında sezaryen doğum oranlarını azaltmak için daha kapsamlı çalışmalar yapmak gerektiği açıktır.


  • 1. Mathai M, Hofmeyr GJ, Mathai NE. Abdominal surgical incisions for caesarean section. Cochrane Database of Syst Rev. 2013;2013(5): CD004453.
  • 2. Souza J, Betran A, Dumont A, De Mucio B, Gibbs Pickens C, Deneux-Tharaux C, et al. A global reference for caesarean section rates (C-Model): a multicountry cross-sectional study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2016;123(3):427-36.
  • 3. Clark SL, Belfort MA, Dildy GA, Herbst MA, Meyers JA, Hankins GD. Maternal death in the 21st century: causes, prevention, and relationship to cesarean delivery. Am J obstet gynecol. 2008;199(1):36.e1-36.e5.
  • 4. Cunningham F, Leveno K, Bloom S. Cesarean section and peripartum hysterectomy. In: Williams Obstetrics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2010. p. 697-723.
  • 5. Betrán AP, Ye J, Moller A-B, Zhang J, Gulmezoglu AM, Torloni MR. The increasing trend in caesarean section rates: global, regional and national estimates: 1990-2014. PloS one. 2016;11(2):e0148343.
  • 6. Duman F, Gölbaşi Z. Effects of increasing caesarean birth rate on maternal-infant health and strategies for reducing caesarean births. Turkish J Fam Med Prim Care. 2023;17(1):188-94.
  • 7. Öter EG, Bozkurt ÖD, Hadımlı A, Yorulmaz A, Daştı D. Factors affecting birth satisfaction of women in Turkey: A cross-sectional study. Midwifery. 2022;115:103495.
  • 8. Ensari Ta, Kavak D, Yirci B, Elmas B, Esin S, Yalvac S, et al. Women's preferences regarding the mode of delivery and review of the current status of Cesarean as a delivery method in Turkey. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol. 2022;19(3).
  • 9. World Health Organization. WHO statement on caesarean section rates. 10th Directorate HSG. EUROSTAT Database. OECD Health Data; 2018
  • 10. Enstitüsü HÜNE. Türkiye nüfus ve sağlık araştırması (TNSA), 2018(Rapor no: NEE-HÜ. 19.01). Erişim adresi: http://www hips hacettepe edu tr/tnsa2018/rapor/TNSA2018_ana_Rapor pdf. 2014.
  • 11. Demirbaş M, Karabel MP, İnci MB. Changing cesarean section frequency in Turkey and the world and possible causes. Sakarya Med J. 2018;7(4):158-63.
  • 12. Aksoy H, Özyurt S, Aksoy Ü, Açmaz G, Karadağ Öİ, Babayiğit MA. Overview of cesarean section in Turkey in the light of cesarean section rate and indication distribution in our hospital. Kocaeli Med J. 2014;3(3):1-7.
  • 13. Robson SJ, De Costa CM. Thirty years of the World Health Organization's target caesarean section rate: time to move on. Med J Aust. 2017;206(4):181-5.
  • 14. Uçkan K, Uçkan T. Four-year delivery data and evaluation of cesarean section indications in our clinic. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol Med. 2020;17(1):285-90.
  • 15. Kiremitli S, Kiremitli T, Yilmaz N. Evaluation of the results of emergency and elective cesarean deliveries performed in our hospital in the last year. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol Med. 2022;19(1):1121-6.
  • 16. Alfirevic Z, Gyte GM, Cuthbert A, Devane D. Continuous cardiotocography (CTG) as a form of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) for fetal assessment during labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017;(2)
  • 17. Kucukbas G, Moraloglu O, Ozel S, Erkaya S, Tasci Y, Findik R. The cesarean rates and indications between 2010 and 2014 in the Obstetrics Department of Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Maternal Health Training and Research Hospital. Perinat J. 2016;24:61-5.
  • 18. Practice ACoO. ACOG Committee Opinion No. 340. Mode of term singleton breech delivery. Obstet Gynecol. 2006;108(1):235-7.
  • 19. Cambaztepe B, Yücel FD, Pektaş G, Bulut B, Uzun HC, Mihmanlı V. Pregnancy in women 40 years old or older: maternal and neonatal outcomes. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol Med. 2017;19(1):112-8.
  • 20. Luke B, Gopal D, Cabral H, Stern JE, Diop H. Pregnancy, birth, and infant outcomes by maternal fertility status: the Massachusetts Outcomes Study of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017;217(3):327.e1-.327.e14.
  • 21. Boz İ, Özçetin E, Teskereci G. Becoming a mother in infertility: A theoretical analysis. Curr Approaches Psychiatry. 2018;10(4):506-21.
  • 22. Sheffer-Mimouni G, Mashiach S, Dor J, Levran D, Seidman DS. Factors influencing the obstetric and perinatal outcome after oocyte donation. Hum Reprod. 2002;17(10):2636-40.

Analysis of Birth Statistics, Examination of Caesarean Rates and Caesarean Indications; Retrospective Study

Yıl 2024, , 95 - 99, 30.10.2024


Aim: This study investigated cesarean delivery rates and indications for cesarean delivery among patients who gave birth in our clinic between 2019 and 2022.
Material and Method: For the study, the data of 16,559 patients who gave birth between 2019 and 2022 in the Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic of a Training and Research Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. The mode of delivery, gender information, fetal birth weight, vaginal delivery, and cesarean section rates and indications for cesarean section were analyzed.
Results: Among the patients who gave birth in our clinic between January 01, 2019, and December 31, 2022, 58.1% delivered vaginally, and 41.9% delivered by cesarean section. According to the four-year average, 48.5% of the babies born were girls, and 51.5% were boys. The most common indication for cesarean section was previous uterine surgery. The rate of primary cesarean section among cesarean deliveries was 47%. The most common indications for primary cesarean section were fetal distress, breech presentation, and non-progressive labor. Conclusion: In our clinic, the four-year average cesarean delivery rate was 41.9%. Although this rate is below the national average of 53%, it is above the Ministry of Health's target rate of 35% in Turkey. When evaluated specifically for our province, we think this is mainly due to the lack of obstetrician-gynecologists in the districts and the high number of referrals to our hospital. Nevertheless, considering these results, it is clear that more comprehensive studies are needed to reduce cesarean section rates.


  • 1. Mathai M, Hofmeyr GJ, Mathai NE. Abdominal surgical incisions for caesarean section. Cochrane Database of Syst Rev. 2013;2013(5): CD004453.
  • 2. Souza J, Betran A, Dumont A, De Mucio B, Gibbs Pickens C, Deneux-Tharaux C, et al. A global reference for caesarean section rates (C-Model): a multicountry cross-sectional study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2016;123(3):427-36.
  • 3. Clark SL, Belfort MA, Dildy GA, Herbst MA, Meyers JA, Hankins GD. Maternal death in the 21st century: causes, prevention, and relationship to cesarean delivery. Am J obstet gynecol. 2008;199(1):36.e1-36.e5.
  • 4. Cunningham F, Leveno K, Bloom S. Cesarean section and peripartum hysterectomy. In: Williams Obstetrics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2010. p. 697-723.
  • 5. Betrán AP, Ye J, Moller A-B, Zhang J, Gulmezoglu AM, Torloni MR. The increasing trend in caesarean section rates: global, regional and national estimates: 1990-2014. PloS one. 2016;11(2):e0148343.
  • 6. Duman F, Gölbaşi Z. Effects of increasing caesarean birth rate on maternal-infant health and strategies for reducing caesarean births. Turkish J Fam Med Prim Care. 2023;17(1):188-94.
  • 7. Öter EG, Bozkurt ÖD, Hadımlı A, Yorulmaz A, Daştı D. Factors affecting birth satisfaction of women in Turkey: A cross-sectional study. Midwifery. 2022;115:103495.
  • 8. Ensari Ta, Kavak D, Yirci B, Elmas B, Esin S, Yalvac S, et al. Women's preferences regarding the mode of delivery and review of the current status of Cesarean as a delivery method in Turkey. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol. 2022;19(3).
  • 9. World Health Organization. WHO statement on caesarean section rates. 10th Directorate HSG. EUROSTAT Database. OECD Health Data; 2018
  • 10. Enstitüsü HÜNE. Türkiye nüfus ve sağlık araştırması (TNSA), 2018(Rapor no: NEE-HÜ. 19.01). Erişim adresi: http://www hips hacettepe edu tr/tnsa2018/rapor/TNSA2018_ana_Rapor pdf. 2014.
  • 11. Demirbaş M, Karabel MP, İnci MB. Changing cesarean section frequency in Turkey and the world and possible causes. Sakarya Med J. 2018;7(4):158-63.
  • 12. Aksoy H, Özyurt S, Aksoy Ü, Açmaz G, Karadağ Öİ, Babayiğit MA. Overview of cesarean section in Turkey in the light of cesarean section rate and indication distribution in our hospital. Kocaeli Med J. 2014;3(3):1-7.
  • 13. Robson SJ, De Costa CM. Thirty years of the World Health Organization's target caesarean section rate: time to move on. Med J Aust. 2017;206(4):181-5.
  • 14. Uçkan K, Uçkan T. Four-year delivery data and evaluation of cesarean section indications in our clinic. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol Med. 2020;17(1):285-90.
  • 15. Kiremitli S, Kiremitli T, Yilmaz N. Evaluation of the results of emergency and elective cesarean deliveries performed in our hospital in the last year. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol Med. 2022;19(1):1121-6.
  • 16. Alfirevic Z, Gyte GM, Cuthbert A, Devane D. Continuous cardiotocography (CTG) as a form of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) for fetal assessment during labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017;(2)
  • 17. Kucukbas G, Moraloglu O, Ozel S, Erkaya S, Tasci Y, Findik R. The cesarean rates and indications between 2010 and 2014 in the Obstetrics Department of Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Maternal Health Training and Research Hospital. Perinat J. 2016;24:61-5.
  • 18. Practice ACoO. ACOG Committee Opinion No. 340. Mode of term singleton breech delivery. Obstet Gynecol. 2006;108(1):235-7.
  • 19. Cambaztepe B, Yücel FD, Pektaş G, Bulut B, Uzun HC, Mihmanlı V. Pregnancy in women 40 years old or older: maternal and neonatal outcomes. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol Med. 2017;19(1):112-8.
  • 20. Luke B, Gopal D, Cabral H, Stern JE, Diop H. Pregnancy, birth, and infant outcomes by maternal fertility status: the Massachusetts Outcomes Study of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017;217(3):327.e1-.327.e14.
  • 21. Boz İ, Özçetin E, Teskereci G. Becoming a mother in infertility: A theoretical analysis. Curr Approaches Psychiatry. 2018;10(4):506-21.
  • 22. Sheffer-Mimouni G, Mashiach S, Dor J, Levran D, Seidman DS. Factors influencing the obstetric and perinatal outcome after oocyte donation. Hum Reprod. 2002;17(10):2636-40.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Elmin Eminov 0000-0003-1587-1821

Ayşe Eminov 0000-0003-2587-8584

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Eminov E, Eminov A. Analysis of Birth Statistics, Examination of Caesarean Rates and Caesarean Indications; Retrospective Study. Ağrı Med J. Ekim 2024;2(3):95-99. doi:10.61845/agrimedical.1555002