Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2020, , 1 - 29, 10.06.2020



  • Anderson, C. K. (2012). The Impact of Social Media on Lodging Performance. Cornell Hospitality Report, 12(15), 6-11.
  • Baird, C. H., & Parasnis, G. (2011). From social media to social customer relationship management. Strategy & Leadership, 39(5), 30-37.
  • Baltagi, B. (2011). Useful introduction and solid training in Econometrics. Berlin: Springer.
  • Barcala, M. F., Díaz, M. G., & Rodriguez, J. P. (2009). Factors influencing guests' hotel quality appraisals. European Journal of Тourism Research, 2(1), 25-40.
  • Barriocanal, E. G., Sicilia, M. A., & Korfiatis, N. (2010). Exploring hotel service quality experience indicators in user-generated content: A case using trip advisor data. Association for Information Systems, 9(1), 1-12.
  • Bausch, P., Haughey, M., & Hourihan, M. (2002). We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Boyd, D., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210-230.
  • Briggs, S., Sutherlanda, J., & Drummond, S. (2007). Are hotels serving quality? An exploratory study of service quality in the Scottish hotel sector. Tourism Management, 28(4), 1006-1019.
  • Bronner, F., & Hoog, R. d. (2011). Vacationers and eWOM: Who Posts, and Why, Where, and What? Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 15-26.
  • Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet-The state of eTourism research. Tourism Management, 29(4), 609-623.
  • Casaló, L. V., Flavián, C., Guinalíu, M., & Ekinci, Y. (2015). Avoiding the dark side of positive online consumer reviews: Enhancing reviews' usefulness for high risk-averse travelers. Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1829-1835.
  • Chan, I. C., Lam, L. W., Chow, C. W., Fong, L. H., & Law, R. (2017). The effect of online reviews on hotel booking intention: The role of reader-reviewer similarity. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 66(1), 54-65.
  • Chen, G. M., & Ng, Y. M. (2017). Nasty online comments anger you more than me, but nice ones make me as happy as you. Computers in Human Behavior, 71(1), 181-188.
  • Chen, Y.-F., & Law, R. (2016). A Review of Research on Electronic Word-of-Mouth in Hospitality and Tourism Management. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 17(4), 347-372.
  • Chung, J. Y., & Buhalis, D. (2008). Web 2.0: A study of online travel community. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 1(1), 70-81.
  • Constantinides, E., & Stagno, M. C. (2011). Potential of the social media as instruments of higher education marketing: a segmentation study. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 21(1), 7-24.
  • Çetin, M., & Ecevit, E. (2010). Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisi: OECD Ülkeleri Üzerine Bir Panel Regresyon Analizi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 11(2), 166-182.
  • Dahlander, L., & Gann, D. M. (2010). How open is innovation? Research Policy, 39(6), 699-709.
  • Deng, S., Huang, L., & Xu, G. (2014). Social network-based service recommendation with trust enhancement. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(18), 8075-8084.
  • Dickinger, A. (2011). The Trustworthiness of Online Channels for Experience - and Goal - Directed Search Tasks. Journal of Travel Research, 50(4), 378-391.
  • Eley, B., & Tilley, S. (2009). Online Marketing Inside Out (Online Marketing: Sitepoint). Canada: SitePoint Pty.Ltd.
  • Godes, D., & Mayzlin, D. (2004). Using Online Conversations to Study Word-of-Mouth Communication. Marketing Science, 23(4), 545-560.
  • Gretzel, U., & Yoo, K. H. (2008). Use and Impact of Online travel Reviews. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 1(1), 35-46.
  • Hashim, N. H., & Murphy, J. (2007). Branding on the web: Evolving domain name usage among Malaysian hotels. Tourism Management, 28(2), 621-624.
  • Howe, J. (2009). Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business. New York City: Crown Business.
  • Im, K. S., Pesaran, M., & Shin, Y. (2003). Testing for Unit Roots in Heterogeneous. Journal of Econometrics, 115(1), 53-74.
  • Jeong, M., & Jeon, M. M. (2008). Customer Reviews of Hotel Experiences through Consumer Generated Media (CGM). Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 17(1), 121-138.
  • Ladhari, R., & Michaud, M. (2015). eWOM effects on hotel booking intentions, attitudes, trust,and website perceptions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46(3), 36-45.
  • Lado-Sestayo, R., Otero-González, L., & Vivel-Búa, M. (2014). Impact of the location and market structure in the performance of hotel establishments. Tourism & Management Studies, 10(2), 41-49.
  • Law, R. (2006). Internet and tourism. Part XXI. TripAdvisor. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 20(1), 75-77.
  • Law, R., Leung, R., & Buhalis, D. (2009). Information Technology Applications in Hospitality and Tourism: A Review of. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26(5), 599-623.
  • Lee, M., & Youn, S. (2009). Electronic word of mouth (eWOM): How eWOM platforms influence consumer product judgement. International Journal of Advertising, 28(3), 473-499.
  • Leung, D., Law, R., Hoof, H. V., & Buhalis, D. (2013). Social Media in Tourism and Hospitality: A Literature Review. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 30(1), 3-22.
  • Levin, A., Lin, C.-F., & Chu, C.-S. J. (2002). Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics, 108(1), 1-24.
  • Levy, S. E., Duan, W., & Boo, S. (2013). An Analysis of One-Star Online Reviews and Responses in the Washington, D.C., Lodging Market. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(1), 49-63.
  • Limberger, P. F., Anjos, F. A., Meira, J. V., & Anjos, S. J. (2014). Satisfaction in hospitality on An analysis of the correlation between evaluation criteria and overall satisfaction. Tourism & Management Studies, 10(1), 59-65.
  • Litvin, S. W., Goldsmith, R. E., & Pan, B. (2008). Electronic word-of-mouth in hospitality and tourism management. Tourism Management, 29(3), 458-468.
  • Liu, Z., & Park, S. (2015). What makes a useful online review? Implication for travel product websites. Tourism Management, 47(1), 140-151.
  • Lombardi, I., & Vernero, F. (2017). What and who with: A social approach to double-sided recommendation. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 101(1), 62-75.
  • Lu, W., & Stepchenkova, S. (2012). Ecotourism experiences reported online: Classification of satisfaction attributes. Tourism Management, 33(3), 702-712.
  • Luo, C., Luo, X. R., Xu, Y., Warkentin, M., & Sia, C. L. (2015). Examining the moderating role of sense of membership in online review evaluations. Information & Management, 52(3), 305-316.
  • Mariani, M. M., & Borghi, M. (2018). Effects of the rating system: Bringing hotel class into the picture. Tourism Management, 66(1), 47-52.
  • Mazzarol, T., Sweeney, J., & Soutar, G. (2007). Conceptualizing word‐of‐mouth activity, triggers and conditions: an exploratory study. European Journal of Marketing, 41(11), 1475-1494.
  • Miguéns, J., Baggio, R. F., & Costa, C. (2008). Social media and Tourism Destinations: TripAdvisor Case Study. Advances in Tourism Research, 194(1), 1-6.
  • Milano, R., Baggio, R., & Piattelli, R. (2011). The effects of online social media on tourism websites. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 1(1), 471-483.
  • Molinillo, S., XimÈnez-de-Sandoval, J. L., Fernández-Morales, A., & Coca-Stefaniak, A. (2016). Hotel assessment through social media: The case of TripAdvisor. Tourism & Management Studies, 12(1), 15-24.
  • Murugesan, S. (2007). Understanding Web 2.0. Australasian Journal of Social Science, 9(4), 34-41.
  • Nardi, B. A., Schiano, D. J., Gumbrecht, M., & Swartz, L. (2007). Why we blog. Communication of the ACM, 47(12), 41-46.
  • Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D., & Ladkin, A. (2012). Conceptualising technology enhanced destination experiences. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 1(1), 36-46.
  • O’Connor, P. (2008). User-Generated content and travel: A case study on Tripadvisor.Com. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 1(1), 47-58.
  • O'Connor, P. (2010). Managing a hotel’s image on TripAdvisor. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(7), 754-772.
  • Ostrander, B. (2007). Problems and Solutions to Corporate Blogging: Model Corporate Blogging Guidelines. Journal of High Technology Law, 7(1), 226-248.
  • Pan, B., & Crotts, J. C. (2007). Travel Blogs and Their Implications for Destination Marketing. Journal of Travel Research, 46(1), 35-45.
  • Park, D.-H., & Kim, S. (2008). The effects of consumer knowledge on message processing of electronic word-of-mouth via online consumer reviews. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 7(4), 399-410.
  • Park, S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2015). Asymmetric effects of online consumer reviews. Annals of Tourism Research, 50(1), 67-83.
  • Park, S.-Y., & Allen, J. P. (2013). Responding to online reviews: Problem solving and engagement in hotels. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(1), 64-73.
  • Phillips, P., Barnes, S., Zigan, K., & Schegg, R. (2017). Understanding the ımpact of online reviews on hotel performance: An empirical analysis. Journal of Travel Research, 56(2), 235-249.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital ımmigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
  • Rosario, A. H., Rodríguez, M. G., & Pérez, M. C. (2013). Development of social media and web 2.0 in the top hotel chains. Tourism & Management Studies, 9(1), 13-19.
  • Ruiz-Mafe, C., Chatzipanagiotou, K., & Curras-Perez, R. (2018). The role of emotions and conflicting online reviews on consumers' purchase intentions. Journal of Business Research, 89(1), 36-344.
  • Seyrek, İ. H., & Yilmaz, E. S. (2016). Tüketicilerin satın alma kararlarında sosyal paylaşım sitelerinin etkisi. The Journal of Academic Social Science, 37(4), 43-62.
  • Sigala, M. (2012). Exploiting Web 2.0 for new service development: Findings and ımplications from the Greek tourism ındustry. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14(6), 551-566.
  • Simms, A. (2012). Online user-generated content for travel planning - different for different kinds of trips? E-review of Tourism Research, 10(3), 76-85.
  • Sparks, B. A., & Browning, V. (2010). Complaining in cyberspace: The motives and forms of hotel guests' complaints online. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(7), 797-818.
  • Stringam, B. B., & Gerdes Jr, J. (2010). An analysis of word-of-mouse ratings and guest comments of online hotel distribution sites. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(7), 773-796.
  • Stringam, B. B., Gerdes Jr, J., & Vanleeuwen, D. M. (2010). Assessing the ımportance and relationships of ratings on user-generated traveler reviews. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 11(2), 73-92.
  • Sweeney, J., Soutar, G., & Mazzarol, T. (2008). Factors influencing word of mouth effectiveness: Receiver perspectives. European Journal of Marketing, 42(3), 344-364.
  • Tejada, P., & Lozano, M. (2013). Patterns of innovation in tourism ‘Small and Medium-size Enterprises’. The Service Industries Journal, 33(7), 749-758.
  • Tsao, H.-Y., Chen, M.-Y., Lin, H.-C. K., & Ma, Y.-C. (2018). The asymmetric effect of review valence on numerical rating: A viewpoint from a sentiment analysis of users of TripAdvisor. Online Information Review, 43(2), 283-300.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. (2018). Retrieved 16 July, 2019, from,aralik-2018pdf.pdf?0.
  • Vásquez, C. (2011). Complaints online: The case of TripAdvisor. Journal of Pragmatics, 43(6), 1707–1717.
  • Werthner, H., & Ricci, F. (2004). E-commerce and tourism. Communications of the ACM, 47(12), 101-105.
  • Williams, J. B., & Jacobs, J. (2004). Exploring the use of blogs as learning spaces in the higher education sector. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 20(2), 232-247.
  • Xie, K. L., Chen, C., & Wu, S. (2016). Online consumer review factors affecting offline hotel popularity: Evidence from Tripadvisor. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 33(2), 211-223.
  • Xie, K. L., Zhang, Z., & Zhang, Z. (2014). The business value of online consumer reviews and management response to hotel performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 43(1), 1-12.
  • Yamamoto, G. T., & Şekeroğlu, Ö. K. (2014). Sosyal Medya ve Blog. İstanbul: Kriter Yayınevi.
  • Yang, H.-L., & Chao, A. F. (2015). Sentiment analysis for Chinese reviews of movies in multi-genre based on morpheme-based features and collocations. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(6), 1335-1352.
  • Yilmaz, E. S. (2017). Analyzing the Effects of Comments on Social Networking Sites on Consumer Purchasing Decision Process. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(6), 140-162.
  • Yilmaz, E. S., & Aytekin, M. (2018). The Determinants of Tourist Preferences of the Mediterranean Region in Turkey. Administrative Sciences, 8(4), 1-14.
  • Yoo, K.-H., & Gretzel, U. (2009). Comparison of Deceptive and Truthful Travel Reviews. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 1(1), 37-47.
  • Zheng, T., Youn, H., & Kincaid, C. S. (2009). An analysis of customers' e-complaints for luxury resort properties. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 18(7), 718-729.
  • Zhou, L., Ye, S., Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y. (2014). Refreshing hotel satisfaction studies by reconfiguring customer review data. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 38(1), 1-10.

The Effects on Consumer Behavior of Hotel Related Comments on the TripAdvisor Website: An Istanbul Case

Yıl 2020, , 1 - 29, 10.06.2020


In parallel with the major developments witnessed
in information technologies, social media, supported by its broad area of
usage, is gaining significance in every field, with the tourism sector being no
exception in this regard. The transfer of changing marketing strategies via
digital channels into social media has transformed the way customers interact
with the tourism sector, having now the ability to access the comments of other
consumers via social media, and adjusting their preferences accordingly. In
this study, the impact of the content analysis on the star rating given to
hotels is examined with a “Panel Data Analysis” of all the hotels in Istanbul
that have received a maximum of 25 reviews on the TripAdvisor website, with a
total of 12,000 comments assessed. It was found that the location of the hotel,
the access to transport facilities, the food and beverage concept, the quality
of staff/service, and the cleanliness of the facilities all affected the star
ratings given to hotels; while the architectural structure and the
recommendations of other guests had a lesser effect. It was further noted that
entertainment-animation programs had little effect on guest preferences.


  • Anderson, C. K. (2012). The Impact of Social Media on Lodging Performance. Cornell Hospitality Report, 12(15), 6-11.
  • Baird, C. H., & Parasnis, G. (2011). From social media to social customer relationship management. Strategy & Leadership, 39(5), 30-37.
  • Baltagi, B. (2011). Useful introduction and solid training in Econometrics. Berlin: Springer.
  • Barcala, M. F., Díaz, M. G., & Rodriguez, J. P. (2009). Factors influencing guests' hotel quality appraisals. European Journal of Тourism Research, 2(1), 25-40.
  • Barriocanal, E. G., Sicilia, M. A., & Korfiatis, N. (2010). Exploring hotel service quality experience indicators in user-generated content: A case using trip advisor data. Association for Information Systems, 9(1), 1-12.
  • Bausch, P., Haughey, M., & Hourihan, M. (2002). We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Boyd, D., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210-230.
  • Briggs, S., Sutherlanda, J., & Drummond, S. (2007). Are hotels serving quality? An exploratory study of service quality in the Scottish hotel sector. Tourism Management, 28(4), 1006-1019.
  • Bronner, F., & Hoog, R. d. (2011). Vacationers and eWOM: Who Posts, and Why, Where, and What? Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 15-26.
  • Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet-The state of eTourism research. Tourism Management, 29(4), 609-623.
  • Casaló, L. V., Flavián, C., Guinalíu, M., & Ekinci, Y. (2015). Avoiding the dark side of positive online consumer reviews: Enhancing reviews' usefulness for high risk-averse travelers. Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1829-1835.
  • Chan, I. C., Lam, L. W., Chow, C. W., Fong, L. H., & Law, R. (2017). The effect of online reviews on hotel booking intention: The role of reader-reviewer similarity. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 66(1), 54-65.
  • Chen, G. M., & Ng, Y. M. (2017). Nasty online comments anger you more than me, but nice ones make me as happy as you. Computers in Human Behavior, 71(1), 181-188.
  • Chen, Y.-F., & Law, R. (2016). A Review of Research on Electronic Word-of-Mouth in Hospitality and Tourism Management. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 17(4), 347-372.
  • Chung, J. Y., & Buhalis, D. (2008). Web 2.0: A study of online travel community. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 1(1), 70-81.
  • Constantinides, E., & Stagno, M. C. (2011). Potential of the social media as instruments of higher education marketing: a segmentation study. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 21(1), 7-24.
  • Çetin, M., & Ecevit, E. (2010). Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisi: OECD Ülkeleri Üzerine Bir Panel Regresyon Analizi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 11(2), 166-182.
  • Dahlander, L., & Gann, D. M. (2010). How open is innovation? Research Policy, 39(6), 699-709.
  • Deng, S., Huang, L., & Xu, G. (2014). Social network-based service recommendation with trust enhancement. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(18), 8075-8084.
  • Dickinger, A. (2011). The Trustworthiness of Online Channels for Experience - and Goal - Directed Search Tasks. Journal of Travel Research, 50(4), 378-391.
  • Eley, B., & Tilley, S. (2009). Online Marketing Inside Out (Online Marketing: Sitepoint). Canada: SitePoint Pty.Ltd.
  • Godes, D., & Mayzlin, D. (2004). Using Online Conversations to Study Word-of-Mouth Communication. Marketing Science, 23(4), 545-560.
  • Gretzel, U., & Yoo, K. H. (2008). Use and Impact of Online travel Reviews. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 1(1), 35-46.
  • Hashim, N. H., & Murphy, J. (2007). Branding on the web: Evolving domain name usage among Malaysian hotels. Tourism Management, 28(2), 621-624.
  • Howe, J. (2009). Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business. New York City: Crown Business.
  • Im, K. S., Pesaran, M., & Shin, Y. (2003). Testing for Unit Roots in Heterogeneous. Journal of Econometrics, 115(1), 53-74.
  • Jeong, M., & Jeon, M. M. (2008). Customer Reviews of Hotel Experiences through Consumer Generated Media (CGM). Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 17(1), 121-138.
  • Ladhari, R., & Michaud, M. (2015). eWOM effects on hotel booking intentions, attitudes, trust,and website perceptions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46(3), 36-45.
  • Lado-Sestayo, R., Otero-González, L., & Vivel-Búa, M. (2014). Impact of the location and market structure in the performance of hotel establishments. Tourism & Management Studies, 10(2), 41-49.
  • Law, R. (2006). Internet and tourism. Part XXI. TripAdvisor. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 20(1), 75-77.
  • Law, R., Leung, R., & Buhalis, D. (2009). Information Technology Applications in Hospitality and Tourism: A Review of. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26(5), 599-623.
  • Lee, M., & Youn, S. (2009). Electronic word of mouth (eWOM): How eWOM platforms influence consumer product judgement. International Journal of Advertising, 28(3), 473-499.
  • Leung, D., Law, R., Hoof, H. V., & Buhalis, D. (2013). Social Media in Tourism and Hospitality: A Literature Review. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 30(1), 3-22.
  • Levin, A., Lin, C.-F., & Chu, C.-S. J. (2002). Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics, 108(1), 1-24.
  • Levy, S. E., Duan, W., & Boo, S. (2013). An Analysis of One-Star Online Reviews and Responses in the Washington, D.C., Lodging Market. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(1), 49-63.
  • Limberger, P. F., Anjos, F. A., Meira, J. V., & Anjos, S. J. (2014). Satisfaction in hospitality on An analysis of the correlation between evaluation criteria and overall satisfaction. Tourism & Management Studies, 10(1), 59-65.
  • Litvin, S. W., Goldsmith, R. E., & Pan, B. (2008). Electronic word-of-mouth in hospitality and tourism management. Tourism Management, 29(3), 458-468.
  • Liu, Z., & Park, S. (2015). What makes a useful online review? Implication for travel product websites. Tourism Management, 47(1), 140-151.
  • Lombardi, I., & Vernero, F. (2017). What and who with: A social approach to double-sided recommendation. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 101(1), 62-75.
  • Lu, W., & Stepchenkova, S. (2012). Ecotourism experiences reported online: Classification of satisfaction attributes. Tourism Management, 33(3), 702-712.
  • Luo, C., Luo, X. R., Xu, Y., Warkentin, M., & Sia, C. L. (2015). Examining the moderating role of sense of membership in online review evaluations. Information & Management, 52(3), 305-316.
  • Mariani, M. M., & Borghi, M. (2018). Effects of the rating system: Bringing hotel class into the picture. Tourism Management, 66(1), 47-52.
  • Mazzarol, T., Sweeney, J., & Soutar, G. (2007). Conceptualizing word‐of‐mouth activity, triggers and conditions: an exploratory study. European Journal of Marketing, 41(11), 1475-1494.
  • Miguéns, J., Baggio, R. F., & Costa, C. (2008). Social media and Tourism Destinations: TripAdvisor Case Study. Advances in Tourism Research, 194(1), 1-6.
  • Milano, R., Baggio, R., & Piattelli, R. (2011). The effects of online social media on tourism websites. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 1(1), 471-483.
  • Molinillo, S., XimÈnez-de-Sandoval, J. L., Fernández-Morales, A., & Coca-Stefaniak, A. (2016). Hotel assessment through social media: The case of TripAdvisor. Tourism & Management Studies, 12(1), 15-24.
  • Murugesan, S. (2007). Understanding Web 2.0. Australasian Journal of Social Science, 9(4), 34-41.
  • Nardi, B. A., Schiano, D. J., Gumbrecht, M., & Swartz, L. (2007). Why we blog. Communication of the ACM, 47(12), 41-46.
  • Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D., & Ladkin, A. (2012). Conceptualising technology enhanced destination experiences. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 1(1), 36-46.
  • O’Connor, P. (2008). User-Generated content and travel: A case study on Tripadvisor.Com. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 1(1), 47-58.
  • O'Connor, P. (2010). Managing a hotel’s image on TripAdvisor. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(7), 754-772.
  • Ostrander, B. (2007). Problems and Solutions to Corporate Blogging: Model Corporate Blogging Guidelines. Journal of High Technology Law, 7(1), 226-248.
  • Pan, B., & Crotts, J. C. (2007). Travel Blogs and Their Implications for Destination Marketing. Journal of Travel Research, 46(1), 35-45.
  • Park, D.-H., & Kim, S. (2008). The effects of consumer knowledge on message processing of electronic word-of-mouth via online consumer reviews. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 7(4), 399-410.
  • Park, S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2015). Asymmetric effects of online consumer reviews. Annals of Tourism Research, 50(1), 67-83.
  • Park, S.-Y., & Allen, J. P. (2013). Responding to online reviews: Problem solving and engagement in hotels. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(1), 64-73.
  • Phillips, P., Barnes, S., Zigan, K., & Schegg, R. (2017). Understanding the ımpact of online reviews on hotel performance: An empirical analysis. Journal of Travel Research, 56(2), 235-249.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital ımmigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
  • Rosario, A. H., Rodríguez, M. G., & Pérez, M. C. (2013). Development of social media and web 2.0 in the top hotel chains. Tourism & Management Studies, 9(1), 13-19.
  • Ruiz-Mafe, C., Chatzipanagiotou, K., & Curras-Perez, R. (2018). The role of emotions and conflicting online reviews on consumers' purchase intentions. Journal of Business Research, 89(1), 36-344.
  • Seyrek, İ. H., & Yilmaz, E. S. (2016). Tüketicilerin satın alma kararlarında sosyal paylaşım sitelerinin etkisi. The Journal of Academic Social Science, 37(4), 43-62.
  • Sigala, M. (2012). Exploiting Web 2.0 for new service development: Findings and ımplications from the Greek tourism ındustry. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14(6), 551-566.
  • Simms, A. (2012). Online user-generated content for travel planning - different for different kinds of trips? E-review of Tourism Research, 10(3), 76-85.
  • Sparks, B. A., & Browning, V. (2010). Complaining in cyberspace: The motives and forms of hotel guests' complaints online. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(7), 797-818.
  • Stringam, B. B., & Gerdes Jr, J. (2010). An analysis of word-of-mouse ratings and guest comments of online hotel distribution sites. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(7), 773-796.
  • Stringam, B. B., Gerdes Jr, J., & Vanleeuwen, D. M. (2010). Assessing the ımportance and relationships of ratings on user-generated traveler reviews. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 11(2), 73-92.
  • Sweeney, J., Soutar, G., & Mazzarol, T. (2008). Factors influencing word of mouth effectiveness: Receiver perspectives. European Journal of Marketing, 42(3), 344-364.
  • Tejada, P., & Lozano, M. (2013). Patterns of innovation in tourism ‘Small and Medium-size Enterprises’. The Service Industries Journal, 33(7), 749-758.
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Toplam 82 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Emrah Sitki Yılmaz 0000-0003-2741-4222

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, E. S. (2020). The Effects on Consumer Behavior of Hotel Related Comments on the TripAdvisor Website: An Istanbul Case. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 8(1), 1-29.

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