Root canal retreatment is traditionally considered an “all or none” treatment approach. However, the use of three-dimensional imaging such as cone-beam computed tomographic imaging allows for a more accurate evaluation of the periapical status of individual roots associated with multi-rooted teeth. This information has introduced a novel and conservative treatment alternative for previously endodontically treated teeth with multiple roots presenting with post-treatment disease. This new approach is termed selective root retreatment. This case report presents the selective retreatment by using CBCT and 5-year follow-up of the lower second premolar tooth, which has been previously treated with canal treatment but has recurrent infection symptoms. The patient was followed up for 6 months, 1 year and 5 years. At control appointments, the patient was asymptomatic and radiographic evaluation showed that periapical infection had healed. This case report shows that the selective retreatment method can be successfully applied to multi-rooted teeth with symptoms of recurrent infection after root canal treatment.