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Development of Group Buying in Turkey: Shopping on Daily Deal Websites

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 18, 39 - 56, 01.01.2015


Daily deals or deal-of-the-day is a relatively new business model based on online group buying, a shopping strategy providing volume discounts on products and services. Started in the USA in 2008, the daily deals system has become so successful that in a period of four years hundreds of clone group buying web sites have disseminated across the world mainly because all the involved parties in the system have enjoyed the benefits in a short period of time. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the online group buying system in Turkey, with an emphasis on the influence of some moderator variables on purchase intention of consumers when they shop on daily deal sites. The research was conducted with 400 customers in Istanbul to shed a light on their motivations, behavior, and perception of the online buying system in 2014.The results indicated that on an overall basis the visit and shopping frequencies of the customer to the deal-of-the day web sites will have significant impact on their perceptions of feeling smart shoppers, having trust and being loyal to the visited web sites.


  • Afra, S. (2011).Why You Should Pay Attention to Turkey's Startup Scene Business Insider. -to-turkeysstartup-scene-2011-7
  • AICPA Survey: 23 Million Americans Bought From Online Deal Sites in Past Year. (2011, April 21). Retrieved from
  • Ajzen, I. (1991).The theory of planned behavior. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 50(2), 179-211.
  • Beiles, K., Humphrey, T., Solarz, E., & Harrison, J. S. (2012). Groupon, Inc.Robins Case Network.
  • Boon, E., Wiid, R., & Desautels, P. (2012). Teeth whitening, boot camp, and a brewery tour: A practical analysis of 'deal of the day'. Journal of Public Affairs, 12(2), 137-144. doi:10.1002/pa.1415
  • Brustein, J. (2013). Bloomberg Businessweek. sending-them.
  • Byers, J., Mitzenmacher, M. and Zervas, G. (2012). Daily deals: prediction, social diffusion, and reputational ramifications. The Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining (WSDM '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp.543-552. DOI=10.1145/2124295.2124361 10.1145/ 2124295. 2124361
  • Dholakia, U. M. (2010). How effective are Groupon promotions for businesses? Available at SSRN 1696327.
  • Dholakia, U. M. (2011b). What Makes Groupon Promotions Profitable for Businesses? Available at SSRN 1790414.
  • Dholakia, U.M.(2011c).What Makes Groupon Promotions Profitable for Businesses? Available at SSRN: or http:// 10.2139/ssrn. 1790414.
  • Dholakia, U.M., (2011a) How Businesses Fare with Daily Deals: A Multi-Site Analysis of Groupon, Livingsocial, Opentable, Travelzoo, and Buy With Me Promotions. Available at SSRN: or
  • Erdoğmuş, İ. E., & Cicek, M. (2012).The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty. ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 1353-1360.
  • Eliason, E., Frezgi, Y. & Khan, F. (2010). Daily deals white paper: Understanding the industry dynamics of daily deals and implications for merchants and consumers. Harvard Business School Edelman Field Study Fall 2010. eMarketer. (2001). The Global report.
  • Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to Theory and Research.
  • Fortin, D. R. (2000).Clipping coupons in cyberspace: A proposed model of behavior for deal-prone consumers. Psychology & Marketing, 17(6), 515. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/doc view/227677077?accountid=17384
  • Gannes, L. (2010, April 16) Tippr Buys Up Patents to Take on Groupon. Retrieved from Groupon & LivingSocial US daily deal market shows continued negative revenue growth in August.
  • Is the US market saturated? (2011, Sep 06). PR Newswire Retrieved from
  • Grup Satın Alma ve Fırsat Sektörünün Türkiye ve Dünyadaki Gelişimi. (2013, April 22). Retrieved from
  • İnternetten yapılan kartlı ödeme işlemleri. (2014). Retrieved from sanal_ pos_ile_yapilan_eticaret_islemleri.asp
  • Hu, M., Shi, M., & Wu, J. (2013). Simultaneous vs. sequential group-buying mechanisms. Management Science, 59(12), 2805-2822.
  • Hughes, S., & Beukes, C. (2012). Growth and implications of social E-commerce and group buying daily deal sites: The case of groupon and livingsocial. The International Business & Economics Research Journal (Online), 11(8), 921. Retrieved from /docview /1418719095?accountid=17384
  • Jing, X., &Xie, J. (2011). Group buying: A new mechanism for selling through social interactions. Management Science, 57(8), 1354-1372.
  • Kang, H., Hahn, M., Fortin, D. R., Hyun, Y. J., &Eom, Y. (2006).Effects of perceived behavioral control on the consumer usage intention of e-coupons. Psychology & Marketing, 23(10), 11. Retrieved from /doc view /227716141? Account id=17384 Kauffman, R.J. Handbook of Electronic Commerce in Business Society (2002-01-01) , 1-44
  • Kauffman, R. J. & Wang, B. (2002). Bid together, buy together: On the efficacy of group-buying business models in Internet-based selling. The E-Business Handbook, 99-137.
  • Kaya, M. (2010) Yılın en sıcak iş modeli: Grup satın almasiteleri. Digital Age Magazine. http://
  • Kim, M., Kim, J. H., & Lennon, S. J. (2006). Online service attributes available on apparel retail web sites: an ES-QUAL approach. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 16(1), 51-77.
  • Kimes, S. E. & Dholakia, U. M. (2011).Customer response to restaurant daily deals. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://ssrn. com/abstract, 1925932.
  • Limayem, M., Khalifa, M., &Frini, A. (2000). What makes consumers buy from Internet? A longitudinal study of online shopping. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions on, 30(4), 421-432.
  • Local Offer Network (2011). The daily deal phenomenon: a year in review, 201. Retrieved from
  • Malhotra, N. (2004). Marketing Research an applied orientation. Prentice Hall International.
  • Pacheco, E. & Udowitz, R. (2011, September 13). BIA/Kelsey Revises Deals Forecast Upward Slightly, Due to More Entrants, Rapid Market Expansion and Growing Consumer Adoption
  • Patwardhan, P., & Yang, J. (2003). Internet dependency relations and online consumer behavior: a media system dependency theory perspective on why people shop, chat, and read news online. Journal of Interactive advertising, 3(2), 57-69.
  • Radwanick, S. (2013, February 22). UK Leads Online Engagement across Europe. Retrieved from Engagement -across-Europe
  • Ratchford, B. T., Lee, M. S., &Talukdar, D. (2003). The impact of the Internet on information search for automobiles. Journal of Marketing Research, 40(2), 193-209.
  • Rowley, J. (2000). Product search in e-shopping: a review and research propositions. Journal of consumer Marketing, 17(1), 20-35.
  • Shim, S., Eastlick, M. A., Lotz, S. L., & Warrington, P. (2001). An online prepurchase intentions model: The role of intention to search: Best Overall Paper Award—The Sixth Triennial AMS/ACRA Retailing Conference, 2000 11 Decision made by a panel of Journal of Retailing editorial board members. Journal of Retailing, 77(3), 397-416.
  • Steiner, C. (2010). Meet the fastest growing company ever. Forbes Magazine (online). August 30.
  • Surasvadi, N.,Tang C. and Vulcano, G. (2014) Operating a Group-Buy Mechanism in the Presence of Strategic Consumers
  • Swinyard, W. R., & Smith, S. M. (2003). Why people (don't) shop online: A lifestyle study of the Internet consumer. Psychology & Marketing, 20(7), 567-597.
  • Turban, E., Lee, J. K., King, D., Liang, T. P., & Turban, D. (2009). Electronic commerce 2010. Prentice Hall Press.
  • Usage and Population Statistics. (2013, December 31). Retrieved from
  • Ünlü, U. (2013, April) Private Shopping. Retrieved from: modelleri/fırsat-sitesi
  • Zeithaml, V. A., Parasuraman, A., & Malhotra, A. (2002). Service quality delivery through web sites: a critical review of extant knowledge. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 30(4), 362- 375.
  • Zhao, M., Wang, Y., &Gan, X. (2014).Signaling effect of daily deal promotion for a start-up service provider. Journal of the Operational Research Socie

Grup Satın Alma Uygulamasının Türkiye'de Gelişimi: Günlük Fırsat Siteleri

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 18, 39 - 56, 01.01.2015


Günlük fırsat siteleri, çok sayıda tüketicinin eşzamanlı ürün/hizmet alımlarında yüksek adetten kaynaklanan fiyat indirimi sağlaması prensibine dayalı “grup satın alma” kavramının uygulandığı en yeni iş modelidir. 2008 yılında ABD’de başlayıp dört yılda tüm dünyada yüzlerce kopyası oluşan günlük indirim sitelerinin başarısı ilgili tüm tarafların kısa sürede sistemin faydalarını gördüğü gerçeğinde gizli. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’de hizmet veren çevrimiçi günlük indirim sitelerini incelemek ve özellikle bazı değişkenlerin bu sitelerde alışveriş yapan tüketicilerin satın alma niyetlerine etkisini araştırmaktır. 2014 yılında İstanbul’da 400 adet tüketicinin günlük indirim sitelerinde çevrimiçi alışveriş ile ilgili ile güdüleri, davranışları ve grup satın alma sistemi ile ilgili algıları araştırıldı. Araştırmanın sonuçları günlük fırsat sitelerini ziyaret ve etme ve bu sitelerde alışveriş yapma sıklığının tüketicilerin kendilerini akıllı müşteri olarak algılama, bu sitelere güvenme ve sadık kalma süreçlerinde anlamlı etkileri olduğu gösterdi.


  • Afra, S. (2011).Why You Should Pay Attention to Turkey's Startup Scene Business Insider. -to-turkeysstartup-scene-2011-7
  • AICPA Survey: 23 Million Americans Bought From Online Deal Sites in Past Year. (2011, April 21). Retrieved from
  • Ajzen, I. (1991).The theory of planned behavior. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 50(2), 179-211.
  • Beiles, K., Humphrey, T., Solarz, E., & Harrison, J. S. (2012). Groupon, Inc.Robins Case Network.
  • Boon, E., Wiid, R., & Desautels, P. (2012). Teeth whitening, boot camp, and a brewery tour: A practical analysis of 'deal of the day'. Journal of Public Affairs, 12(2), 137-144. doi:10.1002/pa.1415
  • Brustein, J. (2013). Bloomberg Businessweek. sending-them.
  • Byers, J., Mitzenmacher, M. and Zervas, G. (2012). Daily deals: prediction, social diffusion, and reputational ramifications. The Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining (WSDM '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp.543-552. DOI=10.1145/2124295.2124361 10.1145/ 2124295. 2124361
  • Dholakia, U. M. (2010). How effective are Groupon promotions for businesses? Available at SSRN 1696327.
  • Dholakia, U. M. (2011b). What Makes Groupon Promotions Profitable for Businesses? Available at SSRN 1790414.
  • Dholakia, U.M.(2011c).What Makes Groupon Promotions Profitable for Businesses? Available at SSRN: or http:// 10.2139/ssrn. 1790414.
  • Dholakia, U.M., (2011a) How Businesses Fare with Daily Deals: A Multi-Site Analysis of Groupon, Livingsocial, Opentable, Travelzoo, and Buy With Me Promotions. Available at SSRN: or
  • Erdoğmuş, İ. E., & Cicek, M. (2012).The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty. ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 1353-1360.
  • Eliason, E., Frezgi, Y. & Khan, F. (2010). Daily deals white paper: Understanding the industry dynamics of daily deals and implications for merchants and consumers. Harvard Business School Edelman Field Study Fall 2010. eMarketer. (2001). The Global report.
  • Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to Theory and Research.
  • Fortin, D. R. (2000).Clipping coupons in cyberspace: A proposed model of behavior for deal-prone consumers. Psychology & Marketing, 17(6), 515. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/doc view/227677077?accountid=17384
  • Gannes, L. (2010, April 16) Tippr Buys Up Patents to Take on Groupon. Retrieved from Groupon & LivingSocial US daily deal market shows continued negative revenue growth in August.
  • Is the US market saturated? (2011, Sep 06). PR Newswire Retrieved from
  • Grup Satın Alma ve Fırsat Sektörünün Türkiye ve Dünyadaki Gelişimi. (2013, April 22). Retrieved from
  • İnternetten yapılan kartlı ödeme işlemleri. (2014). Retrieved from sanal_ pos_ile_yapilan_eticaret_islemleri.asp
  • Hu, M., Shi, M., & Wu, J. (2013). Simultaneous vs. sequential group-buying mechanisms. Management Science, 59(12), 2805-2822.
  • Hughes, S., & Beukes, C. (2012). Growth and implications of social E-commerce and group buying daily deal sites: The case of groupon and livingsocial. The International Business & Economics Research Journal (Online), 11(8), 921. Retrieved from /docview /1418719095?accountid=17384
  • Jing, X., &Xie, J. (2011). Group buying: A new mechanism for selling through social interactions. Management Science, 57(8), 1354-1372.
  • Kang, H., Hahn, M., Fortin, D. R., Hyun, Y. J., &Eom, Y. (2006).Effects of perceived behavioral control on the consumer usage intention of e-coupons. Psychology & Marketing, 23(10), 11. Retrieved from /doc view /227716141? Account id=17384 Kauffman, R.J. Handbook of Electronic Commerce in Business Society (2002-01-01) , 1-44
  • Kauffman, R. J. & Wang, B. (2002). Bid together, buy together: On the efficacy of group-buying business models in Internet-based selling. The E-Business Handbook, 99-137.
  • Kaya, M. (2010) Yılın en sıcak iş modeli: Grup satın almasiteleri. Digital Age Magazine. http://
  • Kim, M., Kim, J. H., & Lennon, S. J. (2006). Online service attributes available on apparel retail web sites: an ES-QUAL approach. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 16(1), 51-77.
  • Kimes, S. E. & Dholakia, U. M. (2011).Customer response to restaurant daily deals. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://ssrn. com/abstract, 1925932.
  • Limayem, M., Khalifa, M., &Frini, A. (2000). What makes consumers buy from Internet? A longitudinal study of online shopping. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions on, 30(4), 421-432.
  • Local Offer Network (2011). The daily deal phenomenon: a year in review, 201. Retrieved from
  • Malhotra, N. (2004). Marketing Research an applied orientation. Prentice Hall International.
  • Pacheco, E. & Udowitz, R. (2011, September 13). BIA/Kelsey Revises Deals Forecast Upward Slightly, Due to More Entrants, Rapid Market Expansion and Growing Consumer Adoption
  • Patwardhan, P., & Yang, J. (2003). Internet dependency relations and online consumer behavior: a media system dependency theory perspective on why people shop, chat, and read news online. Journal of Interactive advertising, 3(2), 57-69.
  • Radwanick, S. (2013, February 22). UK Leads Online Engagement across Europe. Retrieved from Engagement -across-Europe
  • Ratchford, B. T., Lee, M. S., &Talukdar, D. (2003). The impact of the Internet on information search for automobiles. Journal of Marketing Research, 40(2), 193-209.
  • Rowley, J. (2000). Product search in e-shopping: a review and research propositions. Journal of consumer Marketing, 17(1), 20-35.
  • Shim, S., Eastlick, M. A., Lotz, S. L., & Warrington, P. (2001). An online prepurchase intentions model: The role of intention to search: Best Overall Paper Award—The Sixth Triennial AMS/ACRA Retailing Conference, 2000 11 Decision made by a panel of Journal of Retailing editorial board members. Journal of Retailing, 77(3), 397-416.
  • Steiner, C. (2010). Meet the fastest growing company ever. Forbes Magazine (online). August 30.
  • Surasvadi, N.,Tang C. and Vulcano, G. (2014) Operating a Group-Buy Mechanism in the Presence of Strategic Consumers
  • Swinyard, W. R., & Smith, S. M. (2003). Why people (don't) shop online: A lifestyle study of the Internet consumer. Psychology & Marketing, 20(7), 567-597.
  • Turban, E., Lee, J. K., King, D., Liang, T. P., & Turban, D. (2009). Electronic commerce 2010. Prentice Hall Press.
  • Usage and Population Statistics. (2013, December 31). Retrieved from
  • Ünlü, U. (2013, April) Private Shopping. Retrieved from: modelleri/fırsat-sitesi
  • Zeithaml, V. A., Parasuraman, A., & Malhotra, A. (2002). Service quality delivery through web sites: a critical review of extant knowledge. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 30(4), 362- 375.
  • Zhao, M., Wang, Y., &Gan, X. (2014).Signaling effect of daily deal promotion for a start-up service provider. Journal of the Operational Research Socie
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Can Erdem Bu kişi benim

Aşkın Demirağ Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdem, C., & Demirağ, A. (2015). Development of Group Buying in Turkey: Shopping on Daily Deal Websites. AJIT-E: Academic Journal of Information Technology, 6(18), 39-56.