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Toprak Tuzluluğu ve Bitki Gelişimi

Yıl 2001, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 171 - 1179, 01.06.2001


Tarım alanlarında bitki gelişiminin ve verimliliğinin azalmasına yol açan en önemli çevre faktörlerinden birisi toprak tuzluluğudur. Ülkemizde ve dünyada tuzluluk problemi olan alanların miktarı günden güne artmaktadır. Tuzluluk problemine daha çok kurak ve yarı-kurak bölgelerde rastlanmakla birlikte aşırı nemli bölgeler, bataklıklar ve deniz kenarlarında da görülebilmektedir. Yanlış sulamanın yanında toprakta tuz birikimine neden olan diğer etmenlere bakıldığında kurak ve yarı-kurak bölgelerde ormanların yok olması, aşırı otlatma, çevre kirliliği, hava ve su yolu ile tuz taşınması sayılabilir. Tuzlu topraklarda bitkisel üretimin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için günümüzde iki önemli yaklaşım; 1) doğal olarak tuzluluğa dayanıklı yabani bitkilerin (halofitler) kültüre alınıp kullanılması ve 2) kültür bitkilerinin genetik olarak tuzluluğa toleranslarının arttırılmasıdır. Tuzluluk nedeniyle henüz zarar görmemiş bölgelerde, stres faktörlerinin ortadan kaldırılması gerekir. Tuzluluğun giderilemediği veya toprak ıslahının mümkün olmadığı ekonomik olarak tam anlamıyla toprağa bağımlı olunduğu durumlarda tuza dayanıklı bitkilerden yararlanılabilir. Klasik ıslah yöntemleri ile birlikte gen transferi, somoklonal varyasyon, mutasyon gibi biyoteknolojik yöntemler ile bitkilerde tuzluluğa tolerans arttırılmaya çalışılmaktadır, fakat tam bir dayanıklılık sağlanamamıştır. Sonuç olarak tuzluluğa dayanıklılık için fizyolojik, biyokimyasal ve moleküler genetik çalışmaları hep birlikte içeren bir ıslah programının uygulaması başarı oranını arttıracaktır.


  • Bisson, M. A. and Gutknecht, J., 1980. Osmotic regulation in algae. In: R.M. Spanswick, W .J. Lucas ve J. Dainty (Editors), Plant Membrane Transport: Current Conceptual Issues. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 131.
  • Blits, K. C. and Gallagher, J. L., 1990. Salinity tolerance of Kosteletzkya virginica. I. Shoot growth, ion and water relations, Plant Cell Environment, 13: 409-418.
  • Carlsson, R., 1994. Potential plants and crops for cultivation under moderately saline conditions. In: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA, pp. 531-541.
  • Chaubey, C. N and Senadhira, D., 1994. Conventional Plant Breeding for Tolerance to Problem Soils. In: A.R. Yeo ve T.J. Flowers (Editor), Soil Mineral Stresses. Approaches to Crop Improvement. Brighton, UK, pp. 11-29.
  • Cossgrove, D. J., 1989. Characterization of longterm extension of isolated cell walls from growing cucumber hypocotyls. Planta, 177: 121-124.
  • Flowers, T. J., Troke, P. F. and Yeo, A. R. 1977. The mechanism of salt tolerance in halophytes, Annual Review of Plant Physiology, 28: 89-121.
  • Francois, L. E. and Maas, E. V., 1994. Potential plants and crops for cultivation under moderately saline conditions. In: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA, pp. 531-541.
  • Garcia, C. and Hernandez, T., 1996. Influence of salinity on the biological and biochemical activity of a calciorthid soil. Plant and Soil, 178: 255-263.
  • Geraldson, C. M., 1957. Control of blossom-end rot of tomatoes. Proceedings of American Society of Horticultural Science, 69: 309-317.
  • Hasson, E. and Poljakoff-Mayer, A., 1981. Does salinity induce early ageing of pea tissue? Oecologia, 50: 94-97.
  • Hoffman, G. J., Rawlins, S. L., Garber, M. J. and Cullen, E. M., 1971. Water relations and growth of cotton as influenced by salinity and relative humidity. Agronomy Journal, 63: 822-826.
  • Jacobsen, T. and Adams, R. M. 1968. Salt and silt in ancient Mesopotamian Agriculture. Science, 128: 1251-1258.
  • Jacoby, B., 1994. Mechanisms involved in salt tolerance by plants. IN: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA, pp. 3-11.
  • Jahromi, P. H., 1996. Genetic studies on salt tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), PhD. Thesis, The University of Reading, England, 150 S.
  • Johnson, R. C., 1991. Salinity resistance, water retention and salt content of crested and tall wheatgrass accessions. Crop Science, 31: 30-734.
  • Kaplan M., Sönmez, S., Çaycı G. and Baran A., 1999. The evaluation of saline soils reclamation processes used in greenhouses of the Kumluca-Fenike Regions. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Greenhouse Managment for Better Yield and Quality in Mild Winter Climates. Acta Horticulture, 486: 283-288.
  • Kaplan M. and Akay S., 1995. Salinity of irrigation water of greenhouses and its effects on the soil salinity in Kumluca and Finike Regions. Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Management 9 th International Symposium of CIEC 25-30 September, Kuşadası, Turkey, pp. 379-384.
  • Longstretch, D. J. and Nobel, P. S., 1979. Salinity effect on leaf anatomy. Consequences of photosynthesis Plant Physiology, 63: 700-703.
  • Lovato, M. B, Filho J. P. L and Martins P. S., 1999. Growth responses of Stylosanthes humilis (Fabaceae) populations to saline stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 41: 145-153.
  • Maas, E. V. and Neiman, R. H., 1978. Physiology of plant tolerance to salinity. In: E. V. Maas and R.H. Neiman (Editors). Crop Tolerance to Suboptimal Land Conditions, pp. 277-299.
  • Maggio, A., Reddy, M. P. and Joly, R. J., 2000. Leaf gas exchange and solute accumulation in the halophyte Salvadora persica grown at moderate salinity. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 44: 31-38.
  • Mayber, A. P. and Lerner, H. R. 1994. Plants in Saline Environments. In: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA, pp. 3-11.
  • Mozafar, A. and Goodin, J. R., 1970. Vesiculated hairs: A mechanism for salt tolerance in Atriplex halimus L. Plant Physiology, 45: 62.
  • Ram, R. N. V. and Nabors, M. W., 1985. Salinity stress. In: P. N. Cheremisinoff and R. P. Quellette (Editors), Biotechnology Application and Research. Lancaster, USA, pp. 623-642.
  • Reed, R. H., Collins, J.C. and Russel, G., 1981. The effects of salinity upon ion content and ion transport of the marine red alga Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C.Ag., Journal of Experimental Botany, 32: 347.
  • Robinson, S. P., Downton, W. J. S. and Millhouse, J. A., 1983. Photosynthesis and ion content of leaves and isolated chloroplast of salt stressed spinach. Plant Physiology, 73: 238-242.
  • Rush, D. W. and Epstein, E., 1976. Genotypic responses to salinity. Differences between salt sensitive and salt tolerant genotypes of tomato. Plant Physiology, 57: 162-166.
  • Salisbury, F. B. and Ross, C. B., 1992. Plant Physiology, 4th Ed., Wadsworth, Inc. Belmont, CA, USA., 45 S.
  • Shannon, M. C., Grieve, C. M. and Francois, L. E., 1994. Whole - plant response to salinity. In: R. E. Wilkinson (Editor), Plant-Environment Interaction. New York, USA, pp. 199-244.
  • Sönmez S. ve Kaplan M., 1997. Toprak tuzluluğunun bitki gelişimi üzerine etkileri. Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10: 323-335.
  • Szabolcs, I., 1994. Soils and Salinization. In: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA pp. 3-11.
  • Tal, M. and Shannon, M. C., 1983. Salt tolerance in the wild relatives of the cultivated tomato: Responses of Lycopersicon esculentum, L. cheesmanii, L. peruvianum, Solanum pennellii and F1, hybrids to high salinity, Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 10: 109-117.
  • Turhan, H. , Wetten, A. C., Thompson, C. and Caligari, P. D. S., 1995. Production of transgenic potatoes expressing oxalate oxidase. Book of Abstract, 4 th International Symposium on Molecular Biology of the Potato, July 17-20, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 126.
  • Turhan, H., 1997. Salinity Studies in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Reading, England, 255 s.
  • Turhan, H. 1999. Bazı Patates (Solanum tuberosum L.) Çeşitlerinin NaCl Stresine Karşı İn Vitro ve İn Vivo Koşullarındaki Yanıtlarının Karşılaştırılması. Türkiye 3. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, Adana, Cilt II, 65-70.
  • Wolf, O., Jeschke, W. D. and Hartung, W., 1990. Long distance transport of abscisic acid in salt stressed Lupinus albus plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 41: 593.
  • Wood, M., 1995. Environmental Soil Biology. Blackie Academic and Professional, London, UK pp. 103-104.
  • Yeo, A. R. and Flowers, T. J., 1980. Salt tolerance in the halophyte Suaeda maritima L. Dum: evaluation of the effect of salinity upon growth. Journal of Experimental Botany, 31: 1171-1183.
  • Yeo, A. R. and Flowers, T. J., 1986. Ion transport in Suaeda maritima: ıts relation to growth and implications for the pathway of radial transport of ions across the roots. Journal of Experimental Botany, 37: 143.

Salinity and Plant Growth

Yıl 2001, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 171 - 1179, 01.06.2001


Salinity is one of the most severe environmental factors in agriculture that limits plant growth and productivity. There is an increase in amount of salt affected soils in the World and Turkey. The salinity problem occurs in arid and semiarid regions; sometimes it can also occur in high humidity climate, marshes and seashores. In addition to mismanagement irrigation, deforestation in arid and semiarid areas, overgrazing, contamination with chemicals as a result of environmental pollution, transportation of air-borne and water-borne salts could cause salinization in the soil. Today two important approaches for sustaining sufficient plant production in salt-affected soils, these include; 1) cultivation and use of potential wild plants and crops, 2) improvement of salinity tolerance in crop plants. In the areas that have not yet diminished by salinization, stress factors should be eliminated. The soils in where preventive and reclamation procedures can not be undertaken and economically depending on agricultural production, in these areas salt tolerant crops could be grown. Salinity tolerance of crops was partially, but not completely, increased by using conventional plant breeding methods combining with biotechnological methods such as genetic transformation, somoclonal variation and mutation. As a result, a plant-breeding programme with integration of physiology, biochemistry and molecular genetics aspects would be more appropriate for the development of salt tolerant crops.


  • Bisson, M. A. and Gutknecht, J., 1980. Osmotic regulation in algae. In: R.M. Spanswick, W .J. Lucas ve J. Dainty (Editors), Plant Membrane Transport: Current Conceptual Issues. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 131.
  • Blits, K. C. and Gallagher, J. L., 1990. Salinity tolerance of Kosteletzkya virginica. I. Shoot growth, ion and water relations, Plant Cell Environment, 13: 409-418.
  • Carlsson, R., 1994. Potential plants and crops for cultivation under moderately saline conditions. In: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA, pp. 531-541.
  • Chaubey, C. N and Senadhira, D., 1994. Conventional Plant Breeding for Tolerance to Problem Soils. In: A.R. Yeo ve T.J. Flowers (Editor), Soil Mineral Stresses. Approaches to Crop Improvement. Brighton, UK, pp. 11-29.
  • Cossgrove, D. J., 1989. Characterization of longterm extension of isolated cell walls from growing cucumber hypocotyls. Planta, 177: 121-124.
  • Flowers, T. J., Troke, P. F. and Yeo, A. R. 1977. The mechanism of salt tolerance in halophytes, Annual Review of Plant Physiology, 28: 89-121.
  • Francois, L. E. and Maas, E. V., 1994. Potential plants and crops for cultivation under moderately saline conditions. In: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA, pp. 531-541.
  • Garcia, C. and Hernandez, T., 1996. Influence of salinity on the biological and biochemical activity of a calciorthid soil. Plant and Soil, 178: 255-263.
  • Geraldson, C. M., 1957. Control of blossom-end rot of tomatoes. Proceedings of American Society of Horticultural Science, 69: 309-317.
  • Hasson, E. and Poljakoff-Mayer, A., 1981. Does salinity induce early ageing of pea tissue? Oecologia, 50: 94-97.
  • Hoffman, G. J., Rawlins, S. L., Garber, M. J. and Cullen, E. M., 1971. Water relations and growth of cotton as influenced by salinity and relative humidity. Agronomy Journal, 63: 822-826.
  • Jacobsen, T. and Adams, R. M. 1968. Salt and silt in ancient Mesopotamian Agriculture. Science, 128: 1251-1258.
  • Jacoby, B., 1994. Mechanisms involved in salt tolerance by plants. IN: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA, pp. 3-11.
  • Jahromi, P. H., 1996. Genetic studies on salt tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), PhD. Thesis, The University of Reading, England, 150 S.
  • Johnson, R. C., 1991. Salinity resistance, water retention and salt content of crested and tall wheatgrass accessions. Crop Science, 31: 30-734.
  • Kaplan M., Sönmez, S., Çaycı G. and Baran A., 1999. The evaluation of saline soils reclamation processes used in greenhouses of the Kumluca-Fenike Regions. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Greenhouse Managment for Better Yield and Quality in Mild Winter Climates. Acta Horticulture, 486: 283-288.
  • Kaplan M. and Akay S., 1995. Salinity of irrigation water of greenhouses and its effects on the soil salinity in Kumluca and Finike Regions. Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Management 9 th International Symposium of CIEC 25-30 September, Kuşadası, Turkey, pp. 379-384.
  • Longstretch, D. J. and Nobel, P. S., 1979. Salinity effect on leaf anatomy. Consequences of photosynthesis Plant Physiology, 63: 700-703.
  • Lovato, M. B, Filho J. P. L and Martins P. S., 1999. Growth responses of Stylosanthes humilis (Fabaceae) populations to saline stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 41: 145-153.
  • Maas, E. V. and Neiman, R. H., 1978. Physiology of plant tolerance to salinity. In: E. V. Maas and R.H. Neiman (Editors). Crop Tolerance to Suboptimal Land Conditions, pp. 277-299.
  • Maggio, A., Reddy, M. P. and Joly, R. J., 2000. Leaf gas exchange and solute accumulation in the halophyte Salvadora persica grown at moderate salinity. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 44: 31-38.
  • Mayber, A. P. and Lerner, H. R. 1994. Plants in Saline Environments. In: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA, pp. 3-11.
  • Mozafar, A. and Goodin, J. R., 1970. Vesiculated hairs: A mechanism for salt tolerance in Atriplex halimus L. Plant Physiology, 45: 62.
  • Ram, R. N. V. and Nabors, M. W., 1985. Salinity stress. In: P. N. Cheremisinoff and R. P. Quellette (Editors), Biotechnology Application and Research. Lancaster, USA, pp. 623-642.
  • Reed, R. H., Collins, J.C. and Russel, G., 1981. The effects of salinity upon ion content and ion transport of the marine red alga Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C.Ag., Journal of Experimental Botany, 32: 347.
  • Robinson, S. P., Downton, W. J. S. and Millhouse, J. A., 1983. Photosynthesis and ion content of leaves and isolated chloroplast of salt stressed spinach. Plant Physiology, 73: 238-242.
  • Rush, D. W. and Epstein, E., 1976. Genotypic responses to salinity. Differences between salt sensitive and salt tolerant genotypes of tomato. Plant Physiology, 57: 162-166.
  • Salisbury, F. B. and Ross, C. B., 1992. Plant Physiology, 4th Ed., Wadsworth, Inc. Belmont, CA, USA., 45 S.
  • Shannon, M. C., Grieve, C. M. and Francois, L. E., 1994. Whole - plant response to salinity. In: R. E. Wilkinson (Editor), Plant-Environment Interaction. New York, USA, pp. 199-244.
  • Sönmez S. ve Kaplan M., 1997. Toprak tuzluluğunun bitki gelişimi üzerine etkileri. Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10: 323-335.
  • Szabolcs, I., 1994. Soils and Salinization. In: M. Pessarakli (Editor), Plant and Crop Stress. New York, USA pp. 3-11.
  • Tal, M. and Shannon, M. C., 1983. Salt tolerance in the wild relatives of the cultivated tomato: Responses of Lycopersicon esculentum, L. cheesmanii, L. peruvianum, Solanum pennellii and F1, hybrids to high salinity, Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 10: 109-117.
  • Turhan, H. , Wetten, A. C., Thompson, C. and Caligari, P. D. S., 1995. Production of transgenic potatoes expressing oxalate oxidase. Book of Abstract, 4 th International Symposium on Molecular Biology of the Potato, July 17-20, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 126.
  • Turhan, H., 1997. Salinity Studies in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Reading, England, 255 s.
  • Turhan, H. 1999. Bazı Patates (Solanum tuberosum L.) Çeşitlerinin NaCl Stresine Karşı İn Vitro ve İn Vivo Koşullarındaki Yanıtlarının Karşılaştırılması. Türkiye 3. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, Adana, Cilt II, 65-70.
  • Wolf, O., Jeschke, W. D. and Hartung, W., 1990. Long distance transport of abscisic acid in salt stressed Lupinus albus plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 41: 593.
  • Wood, M., 1995. Environmental Soil Biology. Blackie Academic and Professional, London, UK pp. 103-104.
  • Yeo, A. R. and Flowers, T. J., 1980. Salt tolerance in the halophyte Suaeda maritima L. Dum: evaluation of the effect of salinity upon growth. Journal of Experimental Botany, 31: 1171-1183.
  • Yeo, A. R. and Flowers, T. J., 1986. Ion transport in Suaeda maritima: ıts relation to growth and implications for the pathway of radial transport of ions across the roots. Journal of Experimental Botany, 37: 143.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Hakan Turhan Bu kişi benim

İsmet Başer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2001
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2001 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Turhan, H., & Başer, İ. (2001). Toprak Tuzluluğu ve Bitki Gelişimi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 14(1), 171-1179.
AMA Turhan H, Başer İ. Toprak Tuzluluğu ve Bitki Gelişimi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. Haziran 2001;14(1):171-1179.
Chicago Turhan, Hakan, ve İsmet Başer. “Toprak Tuzluluğu Ve Bitki Gelişimi”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 14, sy. 1 (Haziran 2001): 171-1179.
EndNote Turhan H, Başer İ (01 Haziran 2001) Toprak Tuzluluğu ve Bitki Gelişimi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 14 1 171–1179.
IEEE H. Turhan ve İ. Başer, “Toprak Tuzluluğu ve Bitki Gelişimi”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 14, sy. 1, ss. 171–1179, 2001.
ISNAD Turhan, Hakan - Başer, İsmet. “Toprak Tuzluluğu Ve Bitki Gelişimi”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 14/1 (Haziran 2001), 171-1179.
JAMA Turhan H, Başer İ. Toprak Tuzluluğu ve Bitki Gelişimi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2001;14:171–1179.
MLA Turhan, Hakan ve İsmet Başer. “Toprak Tuzluluğu Ve Bitki Gelişimi”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 14, sy. 1, 2001, ss. 171-1179.
Vancouver Turhan H, Başer İ. Toprak Tuzluluğu ve Bitki Gelişimi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2001;14(1):171-1179.