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Application and Using Possibilities of In Vitro Micrografting Technique to Grapevine

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 131 - 142, 01.12.1999


In this article, the in vitro micrografting technique was descripted and applications to grapevine were submitted in detail. In vitro micrografting is a technique that consists of grafting a shoot- tip meristem of 0.1-0.8 mm on top of the decapitated surface of generative or vegetative rootstocks in steril conditions. The technique is applicated to grapevine following 5 steps (obtaining of rootstocks, obtaining of shoot-tip meristems, grafting procedure, growing of micrografted plant in vitro and acclimatization of micrografted plants). In vitro micrografting is applied to grapevine for some purposes such as recov ery of virus and virus¬like free plants, studies on graft incompatibilty mechanism, morpholocigal and anatomical studies on cell activity of graft union, rapid diagnosis of virus and virus-like diseases and quarantine procedures.


  • Abboussalun, A. and Mantell, S.H., 1992. Micrografting of Pictachia. Plant Ceell and Tissue Culture, 29:1321-31324.
  • Alfaro, F. and Murashige, T., 1987. Possible Rejuvenation of Adult Avakado by Graftage onto Juvenile Rootstocks In Vitro. Hortscience, 22(6): 1321-1324.
  • Bauer, H., Ireutter, D., Schmid, P.S., Schmitt, E. andFeucht, W., 1989. Specific Accumulation of Odiphenols in Stressed Leaves of Primus Avium. Phytochemistry, 28(5): 1363-1364.
  • Biricolti, S. and Chiari, A., 1994. Meristem Culture and Micrografting of Passiflora Edutis F. Edulis. Advances InHort. Sci., 8(3):!7i-175.
  • Benin, M. and Grenan, S., 1984. Le Microgreffage Nouvella Tecnique D'elimination des Virus de la Vigne. Le Progres Agricole et Viticole, 101:33-36.
  • Boubals, D. and Huglin, P., 1950. Etude de L’incompatibilite au Greffage de Certains Cepages et du 57 Richter. Prog.Agnc. Et Vitic., 67, 183-189.
  • Camaggia, D., 1986. Lateral Micrografting In Vitro in Association with Heat Treatment for the Regeneration of Fruit Tree Cultivars. Fruits, 41(9):557-561.
  • Chee, R.P.A. and Pool, R.M., 1987. The Effects of Growth Subtances and Photoperiod on the Development of Shoot Apices of Vitis cultured In Vitro. Scienta Hort., 16:17-27.
  • Contas, M., Ales, G., Troncoso, A., Perez,- Camacho, F. and Medina, M., 1995. Morphological and Anatomical Aspects of Cleft Micrografting of Grape Explants In Vitro. Acta Hort., 388-135-139.
  • Cupidi, A. and Barba, M., 1993. Ottimizzaziona Del Microinnesto In Vitro per il Risanomento Della Vite. Vignevini, 4:43-46.
  • De Lange, J.H., Nan, Vuuren, S.P. and Bredell, G.S., 1981. Groeipuntenting Suiwer Sitrusklone vir die Superplantskema van Viruses. Suptropica, 2:11-16.
  • Deograties, J.M, Lutz, A. and Dosba, F., 1986. In Vitro Shoot Tip Micrografting from Juvenile and Adult Primus Avium, Prunus Persica to Produce Virus-Free Plants. Acta Hort 193:139-145.
  • Deograties, J.M., Castelloni, V., Dosba, F., Juarez, J., Arregui, J.M., Ortega, C., Ortega, V., Llacer, G. and Navarro, L., 1991. Study of Growth Parameters on Apricot Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro Acta Hort. 293: 363-371.
  • D'kili, B., Boubals, D. and Grenan, S., 1994. Etude de L’incompatibilite au Greffage Chez la Vigne. Prog.Agric. Et Vitic., Ill, 351-359.
  • D’Khili, B. and Grenan, S., 1995. Rapid Diognosis of Vein Necrosis Diseases by In Vitro Tecnique. Journal Int. Des Sciences De La Vigne Et Du Vin. 29(1): 11-15.
  • D’khili, B., Michaux-Ferriere, N. and Grenan, S., 1995. Etude Histochimique de L’mcompatibilite au Microgreffage et Greffage de Bouters Herbacees Chez la Vigne. Vitis, 34(3): 135-140.
  • Edriss, M.H. and Burger, D.W., 1984. Micrografting Shoot-Tip Culture of Citrus on Tree Trifoliate Rootstocks. Scienta Hort. 23:255-259.
  • Gebhardt, K. and Goldbach, H, 1988. Establishment, Graft Union Characteristics and Growth of Prunus Micrografts. Physiol. Plant, 72:153-159.
  • Grenan, S. and Valat, C., 1987. Incompatibilite au Greffage D’un Clone de Syrah. IV. Eme Symp. Intern. De La Selection Clonale, 1 Au.-4 Sep. 1986. Nyons-Changins. la Recherche Agronomique En Suisse, 3(26), 317-319.
  • Gonzales, M, Pena, I. and Rodriguez, L, 1980. Influencia de Patrones Medios Nutritiuos Sobre el Prendimiento 4. de Sorolle In Vitro de Injerto de Apices Para la Obtencion de Plantas Libres del Viroide de la Exocortis a Partir de un Clan Citrus Liman Infestada. Agrotecnia de Cuba, 12:67-76.
  • Göktttrk-Baydar, N., 1997. Bağcılıkta In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniği ile Çoğaltma Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Ankara üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Göktürk-Baydar, N. ve Çelik, H., 1999. Asmada (Vitis vinifera L.) Sürgün Ucu Kaynağının In Vitro Mikroaşılamada Başarı Üzerine Etkileri. TÜBİTAK Tanın ve Ormancılık Dergisi, 23 (Ek Sayı 3), 741-747.
  • Hassani, Z., 1990. Influence de L’acide Beta Indole- Butyrique sur le Comportement des Microgreffes de Vigne Cultivees In Vitro. Progres Agricole et Vıticole. 107(17):375-379.
  • Huang, S.C. and Millikan, D.F., 1980. In Vitro Micrografting of Apple Shoot Tips. Hortscience, 15(6):741-743.
  • Jonard, R., Hugard, J, Macheix, J.J., Martinez, J., Chancel, L.M., Bessel, J.L. and Villemur, P., 1983. In Vitro Micrografting and its Aplications to Fruit Science. Scientia-Hort., 20:147-149.
  • Jonard, R., 1986. Biotecnology in Agriculturae and Forestry. Chapter III. Micrografting and its Applications to Tree Improvement. 1:31-48.
  • Jonard, R., Lukman, D., Schall, F. and Villemur, P., 1990 Early Testing of Graft Incompatibilities m Apricot and Limon Trees Using In Vitro Tecmques. Scientia Hort. 43:117-128.
  • Juarez, J., Arregui, J.M., Camarasa, E., Cambra, N., Llacer, G., Ortega, C., Ortega, V. and Navarro, L., 1988. Recovery of Virus-Free Peach Trees from Selected Clones by Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro. Acta Hort. 35:77-83.
  • Juarez, J., Arregui, J.M., Deograties, J.M., and Navarro, L., 1990. Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro Temperature Stone Fruit Trees. VHth Int. Cong. On Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, June 24-29. 119 P. Amsterdam.
  • Juarez, J., Camarasa,E., Ortega, V., Arregui, J.M., Cambra, N., Llacer, G and Navarro, L., 1992. Recovery of Virus-Free Almond Plants by Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro. Acta Hort. 309: 393-400.
  • Kassams, B. and Posnetta, P., 1961. Thermoterapy of Virüs Infected Plant Recents. Adv.Bot., 1:557-563.
  • Kee, S., Cai, O. and Skirvın, R.M., 1993. Micrografting speeds growth and Fruiting of Protoplast Derived Clones of Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa L). J. of Hort. Sci., 68(6):837-840.
  • Kırbayır, T., 1995. Bazı Kiraz Çeşitlerinin (Prunus Avium) Mikroaşılama Yöntemiyle Çoğaltılmaları. A.Ü Fen Bilimleri Ens. Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara.
  • Kuyucu, S., 1995. Antepfıstıklarının In Vitro Koşullarda Mikroaşılanması Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adana.
  • Martinez, X, Hugard, J. and Jonard, R., 1979. Sur Differents Combinations de Greffages des Apex Realises In Vitro Entre le Peach (Prunus Persica), Abricotier (Prunus Armeniaca) et Myrobalan (Prutıus Cerasifera). C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris. 288:759-762.
  • Martinez, J., Poessel, J.L., Hugard, J. and Jonard, R., 1981. L’utilization du Microgreffage İn Vitro Pour L’etude des Grefies Ineompatibles. C.R., Acad. Sc. Paris, 294-964.
  • Martino, L., 1991. II Microinnesto In Vitro Della Vite. Petria, 2(Supplementol) : 17-25.
  • Mosella, Ch.L., Riedel, M. and Jonard, R., 1979. Sur Amelioration Apportees aux Techniques de Microgrcffage des Apex In Vitro Chez les Arbres Fruitieres. Cas du Pecher (Prumts Persica Batsch), C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 289:505-508.
  • Montennius, O. and Dumas, E., 1992 Morphological Features as Indicators Maturity in Acclimatized Prumts pinaster from Different Origins. Canadian J. of Forest Reseach, 22 (9): 1417-1421.
  • Monteuuis, O., 1995. In Vivo Grafting and In Vitro Micrografting of Acacia Mangium. Impact of Ortet Age. Silvae-Genetica, 44(4):190-I93.
  • Mosse, B., 1962. Graft-Incompatibility in Fruit Trees. Commun. Comm. Bur. Hort. Plant. Crops, 28.
  • Murashige, T. and Skoog, F., 1962. A Revised Medium for Rapid Growth and Bio Assays with Tobacco Tissue Cultures. Physiol Plant, 15:473-497.
  • Murashige, T., Bitters, W.P., Rangan, T.S., Nauer, E. M., Roistacher, C.N. and Holliday, P.B., 1972. A Tecnique of Shoot Apex Grafting and its Utilization Towards Recovering Virus-Free Citrus Clones. Hortscience, 7:118-119.
  • Nauer, E.M., Roistacher, C.N., Carson, T.L. and Murashige, T., 1983. In Vitro Shoot-Tip Grafting To Eliminate Citrus Viruses and Virus-Like Pathogens Produces Uniform Bud Lines. Hortscience, 18(3): 308-309.
  • Navarro, L., Roistacher, C.N. and Murashige, T., 1975. Improvement of Shoot Tip Grafting In Vitro for Virus-Free Citrus. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 100(5):471-479.
  • Navarro, L., Llacer, G., Cambra, M., Arregui, J.M. and Juarez, J., 1982. Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro for Elimination of Viruses in Peach Plants (.Prumts Persica Batsch). Acta Hort. 130:185- 192.
  • Navarro, L., 1983. Citrus Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro (STG) and its Applications. A Review 452-456. In:K. Matsumoto (Ed). Proc. Int Soc. Citruculture,Vol: 1 Nov.9-12, 1981. Tokyo-Japon.
  • Özzambak, E. and Schmidt, H., 1991. In Vitro and In Vivo Micrografting of Cherry (Prunus Avium). Gartenbauwissenschaft 56(5): 221-223.
  • Paiva, L.V., Carvalho, S.A.-De, Sauza, M.-De, De- Carvalko, S.A. and De-Sauza, M, 1993. Obtaining A Virus-Free "Seleta Folha Mureha" Through Micrografting In Vitro. Pesquisa- Agropecuaria-Brasileira, 28(11):1341-1344.
  • Pena-Iglesias, A. And Ayuso, P., 1980. Shoot Apex (Meristeme) Micrografting And Indexing Of Infected Grapevine Varieties At The Same Time. P.333-338. In: A.J. Mcginnis (Ed). Proc. 7th Meet. Int. Council Virus-Like Diseases Grapevine, Canada
  • Perrin, Y., Lardet, L., Enjahic, F. And Carron, M.P., 1994. Rejeunissement De Clones Matures D'hevea Brasiliensis (Mull. Arg.) Par Microgrcffage In Vitro. Canadian J. of Plant Science, 74(3):623-630.
  • Plastira, V., 1987. Application of the Method of Micrografting Mandarin Cultivar Clemantine Poros to Obtain Virus-Free Plants. Annales-De- I’institut-Phytopath. Que-Benaki, 15(2):95-108.
  • Phego, A, Alfora, F. and Murashige, T., 1987. Possible Rejuvenation of Adult Avocado by Graftage onto Juvenile Rootstoks In Vitro Hortscience, 22(6): 1321-1324.
  • Roistacher, C.N. and Kitto, S.L., 1977. Elimination of Additional Citrus Viruses by Shoot-Tip Grafting in Vitro. Plant D.S. Rep., 61:594-596.
  • Roistacher, C.N., 1978. Elimination of Citrus Pathogens in Propagative Budwood. l. Budwood Selection, Indexing and Thermotherapy, Proc. Int. Soc. Citruculture, 3:965-972.
  • Stubbs, L.L., 1968. Apparent Elimination of Exocortis and Yellowing Viruses in Lemon by Heat Therapy and Shoot Tip Propagation. In: J.F.L. Childs (Ed). Proc. 4th Cong. Int. Organ Citrus Virol., Univ. of Florida, Press- Gainesville.
  • Tamer, I., 1988. Virüs ve Virüs Benzeri Hastalık Etmenlerinin Navel Portakallarından Arındırılması. Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Bahçe Bitkileri Anabılım Dalı Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • Topakbaş, M., 1992. Turunçgil Çeşitlerinde Mikroaşılama Tekniğinde Kullanılan Farklı Kesim Şekillerinin Aşıda Başan Üzerine Etkileri. Ç.O. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adana.
  • Tranvan, H., Bardat, F., Jacques, M. and Amaud, Y., 1991. Rejeunissement ehez le Sequia sempervirens. Affect du Microgreffage In Vitro. Canadian J. of Botany, 69(8): 1772-1779.
  • Vogel, R., Nicoli, M. and Bove, J.M., 1988. In Vitro Meristem. Micrografting Used in Corsica for Regenerating Citrus Varieties. Fruits, 43(3): 167- 173.
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  • Yamamoto, Y. and Matsumoto, O., 1994. Inhibition of Recallusing and Promotion of Shoot Formation of Adventitious Buds in Solatium rnelongena by Micrografting. J. Japanese Soc. Hort. Sci. 63(1 ):67-72.

Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı ve Kullanım Olanakları

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 131 - 142, 01.12.1999


Bu derlemede, in vitro mikroaşılama tekniğinin tanımı, asmada uygulanışı ve kullanım alanları konusunda detaylı bilgi verilmiştir. Büyüklüğü 0.1-0.8 mm arasında değişen sürgün ucu meristeminin, tepesi vurularak değişik şekillerde kesit açılmış vejetatif ya da generatif anaçlar üzerine steril koşullarda yerleştirilme işlemi olarak tanımlanabilen in vitro mikroaşılama; asmaya, anacın yetiştirilmesi, sürgün ucu meristemlerinin elde edilmesi, aşılama, in vitro’da aşılı bitkilerin bakımı ve mikroaşdı bitkilerin dış koşullara alıştınlması olmak üzere birbirini takip eden 5 aşamada uygulanmaktadır. Asmada in vitro mikroaşılama tekniği, virüs ve benzeri etmenlerden arındırılmış bitki elde etme, aşı uyuşmazlığı mekanizmasının incelenmesi, aşı yerinde meydana gelen hücre aktivitelerinin morfolojik ve anatomik olarak belirlenmesi, indeksleme çalışmalarının kısa sürede sonuçlandırılması ve hastalık etmenlerinin yayılmasını önlemeye yönelik karantina önlemleri çerçev esinde kullanılmaktadır


  • Abboussalun, A. and Mantell, S.H., 1992. Micrografting of Pictachia. Plant Ceell and Tissue Culture, 29:1321-31324.
  • Alfaro, F. and Murashige, T., 1987. Possible Rejuvenation of Adult Avakado by Graftage onto Juvenile Rootstocks In Vitro. Hortscience, 22(6): 1321-1324.
  • Bauer, H., Ireutter, D., Schmid, P.S., Schmitt, E. andFeucht, W., 1989. Specific Accumulation of Odiphenols in Stressed Leaves of Primus Avium. Phytochemistry, 28(5): 1363-1364.
  • Biricolti, S. and Chiari, A., 1994. Meristem Culture and Micrografting of Passiflora Edutis F. Edulis. Advances InHort. Sci., 8(3):!7i-175.
  • Benin, M. and Grenan, S., 1984. Le Microgreffage Nouvella Tecnique D'elimination des Virus de la Vigne. Le Progres Agricole et Viticole, 101:33-36.
  • Boubals, D. and Huglin, P., 1950. Etude de L’incompatibilite au Greffage de Certains Cepages et du 57 Richter. Prog.Agnc. Et Vitic., 67, 183-189.
  • Camaggia, D., 1986. Lateral Micrografting In Vitro in Association with Heat Treatment for the Regeneration of Fruit Tree Cultivars. Fruits, 41(9):557-561.
  • Chee, R.P.A. and Pool, R.M., 1987. The Effects of Growth Subtances and Photoperiod on the Development of Shoot Apices of Vitis cultured In Vitro. Scienta Hort., 16:17-27.
  • Contas, M., Ales, G., Troncoso, A., Perez,- Camacho, F. and Medina, M., 1995. Morphological and Anatomical Aspects of Cleft Micrografting of Grape Explants In Vitro. Acta Hort., 388-135-139.
  • Cupidi, A. and Barba, M., 1993. Ottimizzaziona Del Microinnesto In Vitro per il Risanomento Della Vite. Vignevini, 4:43-46.
  • De Lange, J.H., Nan, Vuuren, S.P. and Bredell, G.S., 1981. Groeipuntenting Suiwer Sitrusklone vir die Superplantskema van Viruses. Suptropica, 2:11-16.
  • Deograties, J.M, Lutz, A. and Dosba, F., 1986. In Vitro Shoot Tip Micrografting from Juvenile and Adult Primus Avium, Prunus Persica to Produce Virus-Free Plants. Acta Hort 193:139-145.
  • Deograties, J.M., Castelloni, V., Dosba, F., Juarez, J., Arregui, J.M., Ortega, C., Ortega, V., Llacer, G. and Navarro, L., 1991. Study of Growth Parameters on Apricot Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro Acta Hort. 293: 363-371.
  • D'kili, B., Boubals, D. and Grenan, S., 1994. Etude de L’incompatibilite au Greffage Chez la Vigne. Prog.Agric. Et Vitic., Ill, 351-359.
  • D’Khili, B. and Grenan, S., 1995. Rapid Diognosis of Vein Necrosis Diseases by In Vitro Tecnique. Journal Int. Des Sciences De La Vigne Et Du Vin. 29(1): 11-15.
  • D’khili, B., Michaux-Ferriere, N. and Grenan, S., 1995. Etude Histochimique de L’mcompatibilite au Microgreffage et Greffage de Bouters Herbacees Chez la Vigne. Vitis, 34(3): 135-140.
  • Edriss, M.H. and Burger, D.W., 1984. Micrografting Shoot-Tip Culture of Citrus on Tree Trifoliate Rootstocks. Scienta Hort. 23:255-259.
  • Gebhardt, K. and Goldbach, H, 1988. Establishment, Graft Union Characteristics and Growth of Prunus Micrografts. Physiol. Plant, 72:153-159.
  • Grenan, S. and Valat, C., 1987. Incompatibilite au Greffage D’un Clone de Syrah. IV. Eme Symp. Intern. De La Selection Clonale, 1 Au.-4 Sep. 1986. Nyons-Changins. la Recherche Agronomique En Suisse, 3(26), 317-319.
  • Gonzales, M, Pena, I. and Rodriguez, L, 1980. Influencia de Patrones Medios Nutritiuos Sobre el Prendimiento 4. de Sorolle In Vitro de Injerto de Apices Para la Obtencion de Plantas Libres del Viroide de la Exocortis a Partir de un Clan Citrus Liman Infestada. Agrotecnia de Cuba, 12:67-76.
  • Göktttrk-Baydar, N., 1997. Bağcılıkta In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniği ile Çoğaltma Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Ankara üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Göktürk-Baydar, N. ve Çelik, H., 1999. Asmada (Vitis vinifera L.) Sürgün Ucu Kaynağının In Vitro Mikroaşılamada Başarı Üzerine Etkileri. TÜBİTAK Tanın ve Ormancılık Dergisi, 23 (Ek Sayı 3), 741-747.
  • Hassani, Z., 1990. Influence de L’acide Beta Indole- Butyrique sur le Comportement des Microgreffes de Vigne Cultivees In Vitro. Progres Agricole et Vıticole. 107(17):375-379.
  • Huang, S.C. and Millikan, D.F., 1980. In Vitro Micrografting of Apple Shoot Tips. Hortscience, 15(6):741-743.
  • Jonard, R., Hugard, J, Macheix, J.J., Martinez, J., Chancel, L.M., Bessel, J.L. and Villemur, P., 1983. In Vitro Micrografting and its Aplications to Fruit Science. Scientia-Hort., 20:147-149.
  • Jonard, R., 1986. Biotecnology in Agriculturae and Forestry. Chapter III. Micrografting and its Applications to Tree Improvement. 1:31-48.
  • Jonard, R., Lukman, D., Schall, F. and Villemur, P., 1990 Early Testing of Graft Incompatibilities m Apricot and Limon Trees Using In Vitro Tecmques. Scientia Hort. 43:117-128.
  • Juarez, J., Arregui, J.M., Camarasa, E., Cambra, N., Llacer, G., Ortega, C., Ortega, V. and Navarro, L., 1988. Recovery of Virus-Free Peach Trees from Selected Clones by Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro. Acta Hort. 35:77-83.
  • Juarez, J., Arregui, J.M., Deograties, J.M., and Navarro, L., 1990. Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro Temperature Stone Fruit Trees. VHth Int. Cong. On Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, June 24-29. 119 P. Amsterdam.
  • Juarez, J., Camarasa,E., Ortega, V., Arregui, J.M., Cambra, N., Llacer, G and Navarro, L., 1992. Recovery of Virus-Free Almond Plants by Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro. Acta Hort. 309: 393-400.
  • Kassams, B. and Posnetta, P., 1961. Thermoterapy of Virüs Infected Plant Recents. Adv.Bot., 1:557-563.
  • Kee, S., Cai, O. and Skirvın, R.M., 1993. Micrografting speeds growth and Fruiting of Protoplast Derived Clones of Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa L). J. of Hort. Sci., 68(6):837-840.
  • Kırbayır, T., 1995. Bazı Kiraz Çeşitlerinin (Prunus Avium) Mikroaşılama Yöntemiyle Çoğaltılmaları. A.Ü Fen Bilimleri Ens. Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara.
  • Kuyucu, S., 1995. Antepfıstıklarının In Vitro Koşullarda Mikroaşılanması Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adana.
  • Martinez, X, Hugard, J. and Jonard, R., 1979. Sur Differents Combinations de Greffages des Apex Realises In Vitro Entre le Peach (Prunus Persica), Abricotier (Prunus Armeniaca) et Myrobalan (Prutıus Cerasifera). C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris. 288:759-762.
  • Martinez, J., Poessel, J.L., Hugard, J. and Jonard, R., 1981. L’utilization du Microgreffage İn Vitro Pour L’etude des Grefies Ineompatibles. C.R., Acad. Sc. Paris, 294-964.
  • Martino, L., 1991. II Microinnesto In Vitro Della Vite. Petria, 2(Supplementol) : 17-25.
  • Mosella, Ch.L., Riedel, M. and Jonard, R., 1979. Sur Amelioration Apportees aux Techniques de Microgrcffage des Apex In Vitro Chez les Arbres Fruitieres. Cas du Pecher (Prumts Persica Batsch), C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 289:505-508.
  • Montennius, O. and Dumas, E., 1992 Morphological Features as Indicators Maturity in Acclimatized Prumts pinaster from Different Origins. Canadian J. of Forest Reseach, 22 (9): 1417-1421.
  • Monteuuis, O., 1995. In Vivo Grafting and In Vitro Micrografting of Acacia Mangium. Impact of Ortet Age. Silvae-Genetica, 44(4):190-I93.
  • Mosse, B., 1962. Graft-Incompatibility in Fruit Trees. Commun. Comm. Bur. Hort. Plant. Crops, 28.
  • Murashige, T. and Skoog, F., 1962. A Revised Medium for Rapid Growth and Bio Assays with Tobacco Tissue Cultures. Physiol Plant, 15:473-497.
  • Murashige, T., Bitters, W.P., Rangan, T.S., Nauer, E. M., Roistacher, C.N. and Holliday, P.B., 1972. A Tecnique of Shoot Apex Grafting and its Utilization Towards Recovering Virus-Free Citrus Clones. Hortscience, 7:118-119.
  • Nauer, E.M., Roistacher, C.N., Carson, T.L. and Murashige, T., 1983. In Vitro Shoot-Tip Grafting To Eliminate Citrus Viruses and Virus-Like Pathogens Produces Uniform Bud Lines. Hortscience, 18(3): 308-309.
  • Navarro, L., Roistacher, C.N. and Murashige, T., 1975. Improvement of Shoot Tip Grafting In Vitro for Virus-Free Citrus. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 100(5):471-479.
  • Navarro, L., Llacer, G., Cambra, M., Arregui, J.M. and Juarez, J., 1982. Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro for Elimination of Viruses in Peach Plants (.Prumts Persica Batsch). Acta Hort. 130:185- 192.
  • Navarro, L., 1983. Citrus Shoot-Tip Grafting In Vitro (STG) and its Applications. A Review 452-456. In:K. Matsumoto (Ed). Proc. Int Soc. Citruculture,Vol: 1 Nov.9-12, 1981. Tokyo-Japon.
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Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Nilgün Göktürk Baydar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1999
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1999 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Göktürk Baydar, N. (1999). Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı ve Kullanım Olanakları. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 12(1), 131-142.
AMA Göktürk Baydar N. Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı ve Kullanım Olanakları. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. Aralık 1999;12(1):131-142.
Chicago Göktürk Baydar, Nilgün. “Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı Ve Kullanım Olanakları”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 12, sy. 1 (Aralık 1999): 131-42.
EndNote Göktürk Baydar N (01 Aralık 1999) Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı ve Kullanım Olanakları. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 12 1 131–142.
IEEE N. Göktürk Baydar, “Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı ve Kullanım Olanakları”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 12, sy. 1, ss. 131–142, 1999.
ISNAD Göktürk Baydar, Nilgün. “Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı Ve Kullanım Olanakları”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 12/1 (Aralık 1999), 131-142.
JAMA Göktürk Baydar N. Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı ve Kullanım Olanakları. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1999;12:131–142.
MLA Göktürk Baydar, Nilgün. “Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı Ve Kullanım Olanakları”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 12, sy. 1, 1999, ss. 131-42.
Vancouver Göktürk Baydar N. Asmada In Vitro Mikroaşılama Tekniğinin Uygulanışı ve Kullanım Olanakları. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1999;12(1):131-42.