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Nohutta Antraknoz İçin lslah: Dayanıklılık Kaynakları ve Dayanıklılığın Kalıtımı

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 108 - 122, 01.12.1996


Akdeniz havzasında, nohut verimi ekim tarihinin yazlık ekimden kışlık ekime değişmesiyle artmaktadır. Fakat kışlık ekimlerde antraknoz (Ascochyta rabiei (Pass) Labr.) hastalığı ile sonuçlanmaktadır. Biz bu derlemede, ıslahçılara antraknoz hastalığı için yol gösterdik ve hastalığın önemini özetledik. Ayrıca, antraknoz hastalığı için dayanıklılık kaynakları, dayanıklılığın kalıtımı ve ıslah yöntemlerinin önemi bir ıslah programı için vurgulanmıştır.


  • 1. Nene, Y.L., Reed,W., Integrated Management Systems to Control Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Cool Season Food Legumes, in Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes, Eds.F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Kaiser, Kluwer Academic Pub., printed the Netherlands, p:666-78, 1994.
  • 2. Haq, M.A., Singh, K.B., Induction of Cold Tolerance in Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Through Induced Mutations, Mutation Breeding Newsletter, 41: 5-7, 1994.
  • 3. Hawtin, G.C., Singh, K.B., Prospects and Potential of Winter Sowing of Chickpeas in the Mediterranean Region, in Ascochyta Blight and Winter Sowing of Chickpea (Saxena M.C. and Singh, K.B. eds.) The Mague, Neterlands: Martinur Nijhoff/W, Junk Pub., p:7-16, 1984.
  • 4. Singh, K.B., Chickpea Breeding, In The Chickpea, Edited by M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh,Pub. by CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, OX108DE, U.K., p:127-63, 1987.
  • 5. Saxsena, M.C., ICARDA, Kabuli Chickpea, Legume Program Annual Report, Aleppo, Syria, p: 1-7, 1993.
  • 6. Şakar, D., Yılmaz, B., Effect of Advancing Sowing Dates on Chickpea Production in Turkey, Chickpea in the Nineties: Proceeding of the Second International Workshop on Chickpea Improvement, 4-8 Dec., ICRISAT Center, India, 1989.
  • 7. Nene, Y.L., Reddy, M.V., Chickpea Disease and Their Control, in The Chickpea, Edited by M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh, Publised by CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, OX108DE, U.K., p:233-70, 1987.
  • 8. Saxena, M.C., Agronomy of Chickpea, in The Chickpea, Edited by M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh, Pub. by CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, OX108DE, U.K., p:207-32, 1987.
  • 9. Nene, Y.L., Sheila, V.K., Sharma, S.B., A World List of Chickpea and Pigeonpea Pathogens, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, pp:27, 1996.
  • 10. Singh, K.B., Reddy, M.V., Inheritance of Resistance to Ascochyta Blight In Chickpea, Cro Sci., 23:9-10, 1983.
  • 11. Eser, D., Hertability of Some Important Characters, Their Relationships with Yield and Inheritance of Blight Resistance in Chickpea, In Turkish, Ankara Üniv., Zir. Fak. Yayınları No:620, pp:40, 1976.
  • 12. Açıkgöz, N., Şakar, D., Breeding for Ascochyta Blight -resistant Kabuli Chickpea in Turkey, Disease Resistance Breeding in Chickpea, Proceedings of the Consultative Meeting on Breeding for Disease Resistance in Kabuli Chickpea, 6-8 March, 1989, Aleppo, Syria, p:71-76, 1992.
  • 13. Açıkgöz, N., Karaca, M., Meyveci, K., Chickpea and Lentil Production in Turkey, in Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes, Eds.F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Kaiser, Kluwer Academic Publishers, printed in the Netherlands, p:388-98, 1994.
  • 14. Açıkgöz, N., Evaluation of Chickpea Lines for Resistance to Ascochyta Blight, 9th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, September 18-24, 1994, Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey, p:1—3, 1994.
  • 15. Kaemmer, D., Ramser, J., Schön, M., Weigand, F., Saxena, M.C., Driesel, A.J., Kahl, G., Weising, K., DNA Fingerprinting of Fungal Genomes: A Case Study with Ascochyta rabiei, BTF 10, Advances in Mol. Gen. 5:255-70, 1992.
  • 16. Jimenez-Diaz, R.M., Crino, P., Halila, M.H., Mosconi, C., Trapero-Casas, Screening for Resistance to Fusarium Wilt and Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea, In Breeding for Stress Tolerance in Cool-Season Food Legumes, Eds. by K. B. Singh and M.C.Saxena,; A Wiley-Sayce Pub. p:77-95, 1993.
  • 17. Maden, S., Singh, D., Mathur, S.B., Neergard, P., Detection and Location of Seed-borne Inoculum of Ascochyta rabiei and its transmission in chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Seed and Technology, 3:667-81, 1975.
  • 18. Weigand, F., ICARDA, Lignification as an Active Resistance Mechanism, Food Legume Improvement Program, Annual Report, Aleppo, Syria, p:170-1, 1988.
  • 19. Önögür, E., and Göçmen, G., Some Observations on the physiology of resistance to Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab. in Chickpea, IV Türkiye Fitapatoloji Kongresi, 8-11 Ekim, 1985.
  • 20. Açıkgöz, N., The Evaluation of Local and External Germplasm Used in the Chickpea Breeding Program of Turkey with Respect to Ascochyta Blight, 7th Sciences Congress of TUBITAK, Adana, Turkey, p:421-27, 1980.
  • 21. Açıkgöz, N., Demir, I., Nohut Antraknozu (Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labr.)’nın Dayanıklılık Kaynakları ve Dayanıklılığın Kalıtımı üzerine Araştırmalar, Ege Üni., Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21/2, 145-156, 1984.
  • 22. Singh, K.B., Reddy, M.V., Genetics of Resistance to Ascochyta Blight in Four Chickpea Lines, Crop Sci., 29:657-59, 1989.
  • 23. Singh, K.B., Reddy, M.V., Resistance to Six Races of Ascochyta rabiei in the World Germplasm Collection of Chickpea, Crop Sci., 33:186-189, 1993.
  • 24. Singh, K.B., ICARDA, Sources of Resistance, Legume Program Annual Report, Aleppo, Syria, p: 20, 1993.
  • 25. Küsmenoğlu, İ, Muehlbauer, F.J., Kazan, K., Inheritance of Isozyme Variation in Ascochyta Blight-Resistant Chickpea Lines, Crop Sci., 32:121-27, 1992.
  • 26. Singh, K.B., Haware, M.P., Malhotra, R.S., Saxena, M.C., ICARDA, Combined Resistance Ascochyta Blight and Cold, Legume Program, Annual Report, Aleppo, Syria, p:130-1 , 1988.
  • 27. Singh, K.B., Hawtin, G.C., Nene, Y.L., Reddy, M.V., Resistance in Chickpea to Ascochyta Blight, Plant Disease, 65:586-87, 1981.
  • 28. Reddy, M.V., Singh, K.B., Nene, Y.L., Screening Techniques for Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea, Proceedings of the Workshop, 4-7 May 1981, Aleppo, Syria. World Crops: Production, Utilization, Description vol.9. The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff/W. Junk, p:45-54, 1984.
  • 29. Sharma, Y.R., Singh, G., Livinder, K., A Rapid Technique for Ascochyta Blight Resistance in Chickpea, International Chickpea and Pigonpea Newsletter, 2:34-5, 1996.
  • 30. Slinkard, A.E., Breeding Methods for Stress Tolerance in Self-pollinated Plants, In Breeding for Stress Tolerance in Cool-Season Food Legumes, Edited by K.B. Singh and M.C. Saxsena, A Wiley-Sayce Pub., p:429-38, 1993.
  • 31. Porta-puglia, A., Singh, K.B., Infantino, A., Strategies for Multiple-Stress Resistance breeding in Cool Season Food Legumes, In Breeding for Stress Tolerance in Cool -Season Food Legumes, Edited by K.B. Singh and M.C. Saxsena, A Wiley-Sayce Pub., p:411-27, 1993.
  • 32. Toker, C., Çagırgan, M.İ., Kendine Döllenen Bitkilerde Tekrarlamalı Seleksiyon Yönteminin Uygulaması, Ak.Ü., Zir.Fak., Derg., 8:264-70, 1995.

Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 108 - 122, 01.12.1996


In the Mediterranean basin, yield of chickpea is increased by changing the date of sowing of chickpea from spring to winter, resulted in an ascochyta blight (Ascachyta rabiei (Pass) Labr.) epidemic. In this review, we addressed to breeder for ascochyta blight and summarized to its importance. Also, importance of sources of resistance, its inheritance and breeding methods for ascochyta blight were emphasized in a breeding programe.


  • 1. Nene, Y.L., Reed,W., Integrated Management Systems to Control Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Cool Season Food Legumes, in Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes, Eds.F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Kaiser, Kluwer Academic Pub., printed the Netherlands, p:666-78, 1994.
  • 2. Haq, M.A., Singh, K.B., Induction of Cold Tolerance in Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Through Induced Mutations, Mutation Breeding Newsletter, 41: 5-7, 1994.
  • 3. Hawtin, G.C., Singh, K.B., Prospects and Potential of Winter Sowing of Chickpeas in the Mediterranean Region, in Ascochyta Blight and Winter Sowing of Chickpea (Saxena M.C. and Singh, K.B. eds.) The Mague, Neterlands: Martinur Nijhoff/W, Junk Pub., p:7-16, 1984.
  • 4. Singh, K.B., Chickpea Breeding, In The Chickpea, Edited by M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh,Pub. by CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, OX108DE, U.K., p:127-63, 1987.
  • 5. Saxsena, M.C., ICARDA, Kabuli Chickpea, Legume Program Annual Report, Aleppo, Syria, p: 1-7, 1993.
  • 6. Şakar, D., Yılmaz, B., Effect of Advancing Sowing Dates on Chickpea Production in Turkey, Chickpea in the Nineties: Proceeding of the Second International Workshop on Chickpea Improvement, 4-8 Dec., ICRISAT Center, India, 1989.
  • 7. Nene, Y.L., Reddy, M.V., Chickpea Disease and Their Control, in The Chickpea, Edited by M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh, Publised by CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, OX108DE, U.K., p:233-70, 1987.
  • 8. Saxena, M.C., Agronomy of Chickpea, in The Chickpea, Edited by M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh, Pub. by CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, OX108DE, U.K., p:207-32, 1987.
  • 9. Nene, Y.L., Sheila, V.K., Sharma, S.B., A World List of Chickpea and Pigeonpea Pathogens, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, pp:27, 1996.
  • 10. Singh, K.B., Reddy, M.V., Inheritance of Resistance to Ascochyta Blight In Chickpea, Cro Sci., 23:9-10, 1983.
  • 11. Eser, D., Hertability of Some Important Characters, Their Relationships with Yield and Inheritance of Blight Resistance in Chickpea, In Turkish, Ankara Üniv., Zir. Fak. Yayınları No:620, pp:40, 1976.
  • 12. Açıkgöz, N., Şakar, D., Breeding for Ascochyta Blight -resistant Kabuli Chickpea in Turkey, Disease Resistance Breeding in Chickpea, Proceedings of the Consultative Meeting on Breeding for Disease Resistance in Kabuli Chickpea, 6-8 March, 1989, Aleppo, Syria, p:71-76, 1992.
  • 13. Açıkgöz, N., Karaca, M., Meyveci, K., Chickpea and Lentil Production in Turkey, in Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes, Eds.F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Kaiser, Kluwer Academic Publishers, printed in the Netherlands, p:388-98, 1994.
  • 14. Açıkgöz, N., Evaluation of Chickpea Lines for Resistance to Ascochyta Blight, 9th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, September 18-24, 1994, Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey, p:1—3, 1994.
  • 15. Kaemmer, D., Ramser, J., Schön, M., Weigand, F., Saxena, M.C., Driesel, A.J., Kahl, G., Weising, K., DNA Fingerprinting of Fungal Genomes: A Case Study with Ascochyta rabiei, BTF 10, Advances in Mol. Gen. 5:255-70, 1992.
  • 16. Jimenez-Diaz, R.M., Crino, P., Halila, M.H., Mosconi, C., Trapero-Casas, Screening for Resistance to Fusarium Wilt and Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea, In Breeding for Stress Tolerance in Cool-Season Food Legumes, Eds. by K. B. Singh and M.C.Saxena,; A Wiley-Sayce Pub. p:77-95, 1993.
  • 17. Maden, S., Singh, D., Mathur, S.B., Neergard, P., Detection and Location of Seed-borne Inoculum of Ascochyta rabiei and its transmission in chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Seed and Technology, 3:667-81, 1975.
  • 18. Weigand, F., ICARDA, Lignification as an Active Resistance Mechanism, Food Legume Improvement Program, Annual Report, Aleppo, Syria, p:170-1, 1988.
  • 19. Önögür, E., and Göçmen, G., Some Observations on the physiology of resistance to Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab. in Chickpea, IV Türkiye Fitapatoloji Kongresi, 8-11 Ekim, 1985.
  • 20. Açıkgöz, N., The Evaluation of Local and External Germplasm Used in the Chickpea Breeding Program of Turkey with Respect to Ascochyta Blight, 7th Sciences Congress of TUBITAK, Adana, Turkey, p:421-27, 1980.
  • 21. Açıkgöz, N., Demir, I., Nohut Antraknozu (Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labr.)’nın Dayanıklılık Kaynakları ve Dayanıklılığın Kalıtımı üzerine Araştırmalar, Ege Üni., Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21/2, 145-156, 1984.
  • 22. Singh, K.B., Reddy, M.V., Genetics of Resistance to Ascochyta Blight in Four Chickpea Lines, Crop Sci., 29:657-59, 1989.
  • 23. Singh, K.B., Reddy, M.V., Resistance to Six Races of Ascochyta rabiei in the World Germplasm Collection of Chickpea, Crop Sci., 33:186-189, 1993.
  • 24. Singh, K.B., ICARDA, Sources of Resistance, Legume Program Annual Report, Aleppo, Syria, p: 20, 1993.
  • 25. Küsmenoğlu, İ, Muehlbauer, F.J., Kazan, K., Inheritance of Isozyme Variation in Ascochyta Blight-Resistant Chickpea Lines, Crop Sci., 32:121-27, 1992.
  • 26. Singh, K.B., Haware, M.P., Malhotra, R.S., Saxena, M.C., ICARDA, Combined Resistance Ascochyta Blight and Cold, Legume Program, Annual Report, Aleppo, Syria, p:130-1 , 1988.
  • 27. Singh, K.B., Hawtin, G.C., Nene, Y.L., Reddy, M.V., Resistance in Chickpea to Ascochyta Blight, Plant Disease, 65:586-87, 1981.
  • 28. Reddy, M.V., Singh, K.B., Nene, Y.L., Screening Techniques for Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea, Proceedings of the Workshop, 4-7 May 1981, Aleppo, Syria. World Crops: Production, Utilization, Description vol.9. The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff/W. Junk, p:45-54, 1984.
  • 29. Sharma, Y.R., Singh, G., Livinder, K., A Rapid Technique for Ascochyta Blight Resistance in Chickpea, International Chickpea and Pigonpea Newsletter, 2:34-5, 1996.
  • 30. Slinkard, A.E., Breeding Methods for Stress Tolerance in Self-pollinated Plants, In Breeding for Stress Tolerance in Cool-Season Food Legumes, Edited by K.B. Singh and M.C. Saxsena, A Wiley-Sayce Pub., p:429-38, 1993.
  • 31. Porta-puglia, A., Singh, K.B., Infantino, A., Strategies for Multiple-Stress Resistance breeding in Cool Season Food Legumes, In Breeding for Stress Tolerance in Cool -Season Food Legumes, Edited by K.B. Singh and M.C. Saxsena, A Wiley-Sayce Pub., p:411-27, 1993.
  • 32. Toker, C., Çagırgan, M.İ., Kendine Döllenen Bitkilerde Tekrarlamalı Seleksiyon Yönteminin Uygulaması, Ak.Ü., Zir.Fak., Derg., 8:264-70, 1995.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Cengiz Toker Bu kişi benim

M. İlhan Çağırgan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Toker, C., & Çağırgan, M. İ. (1996). Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 9(1), 108-122.
AMA Toker C, Çağırgan Mİ. Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. Aralık 1996;9(1):108-122.
Chicago Toker, Cengiz, ve M. İlhan Çağırgan. “Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 9, sy. 1 (Aralık 1996): 108-22.
EndNote Toker C, Çağırgan Mİ (01 Aralık 1996) Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 9 1 108–122.
IEEE C. Toker ve M. İ. Çağırgan, “Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 9, sy. 1, ss. 108–122, 1996.
ISNAD Toker, Cengiz - Çağırgan, M. İlhan. “Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 9/1 (Aralık 1996), 108-122.
JAMA Toker C, Çağırgan Mİ. Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1996;9:108–122.
MLA Toker, Cengiz ve M. İlhan Çağırgan. “Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 9, sy. 1, 1996, ss. 108-22.
Vancouver Toker C, Çağırgan Mİ. Breeding for Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea: Sources and Inheritance of Resistance. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1996;9(1):108-22.