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Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 241 - 255, 01.12.1996


Bu çalışmada, bitki su stresinin izlenmesinde topraktaki ve bitkideki ölçümlere dayanan iki teknikten yararlanılarak belirlenen toprak suyu potansiyeli (Ψ) ve bitki su stresi indeksi (CWSI) değerlerinin, mısır bitkisinin sulama zamanının saptanması ve sulamaya ilişkin bazı pratik sonuçlara ulaşılmasında kullanılabilirlikleri Antalya koşullarında araştırılmıştır.
Farklı sulama konularında toprak nemi nötronmetre yöntemi ile izlenmiştir. Ψ değerlerinin ölçülmesinde bir termokapl psikrometre kullanılmıştır. CWSI değerleri ise, elde taşınabilir bir infrared termometre ile ölçülen bitki taç sıcaklığı değerlerinden yararlanılarak belirlenmiştir. Ψ ve CWSI’nin bitki su stresinin değerlendirilmesinde kullanılabileceği,  Ψ =-9 bar ve CWSI= 0.39 değerlerinin mısır bitkisinin sulama zamanına karar vermede ölçüt olarak alınabileceği, mevsimlik ortalama CWSI değerlerinden yaralanılarak mısır dane veriminin tahmin edilebileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca, Ψ ve CWSI arasında belirlenen regresyon denkleminden yararlanılarak bir teknikle ölçülen stres düzeyinin diğerine dönüştürülebileceği saptanmıştır.


  • 1. Campbell, G.S., Soil Water Potential Measurement! An Overview. Irrig. Sci., 9 ! 265-273, 1988.
  • 2. Campbell, E.C.; Campbell, G.S. and Barlow, W.K., A Dew¬point Hygrometer for Water Potential Measurement. Agric. Meteorology 12 : 113-121, 1973.
  • 3. Rawlins, S.L.; Campbell, G.S., Water Potential! Thermo¬couple Psychrometry, Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods. Amer. Soc. of Agron.- Soil Sci. Soc. of Amer., Agron. Monog. No. 9 (2nd Ed.), p. 597-618, 1986.
  • 4. Phene, C.J.; Allee, C.P., and Pierro, J.D., Soil Matric Potential Sensor Measurements in Real-Time Irrigation Scheduling. Agric. Water Manag., 16 : 173-185, 1989.
  • 5. Ehrler, W.L., Cotton Leaf Temperatures as Related to Soil Water Depletion and Meteorological Factors. Agron. J. 65:404-409, 1973.
  • 6. Ehrler, W.L.; Idso, S.B.? Jackson, R.D. and Reginato, R.J., Weat Canopy Temperature: Relation to Plant Water Potential. Agron. J., 70:251-256, 1978.
  • 7. Idso, S.B., Jackson, R.D., Pinter, P.J., Jr., Normalizing the Stress Degree-Day Parameter for Environmental Varia¬bility. Agric. Meteorol., 24 : 45-55, 1981.
  • 8. Jackson, R.D., Idso, S.B., Reginato, R.J., Pinter, P.J., Jr., Canopy Temperature as Crop Water Stress Indicator. Water Resour. Res., 17: 1133-1138, 1981.
  • 9. Idso, S.B.; Reginato, R.J.; Jackson, R.D.; Pinter, P.J. Jr., Measuring Yield-Reducing Plant Water Potential Depression in Wheat by Infrared Thermometry. Irrig.Sci., 2 : 205-212, 1981.
  • 10. Pinter, P.J., Jr., Reginato, R.J., A Thermal Infrared Technique for Monitoring Cotton Water Stress and Scheduling Irrigations. Trans. ASAE, 25 : 1661-1655, 1982.
  • 11. Idso, Ş.B., Non-Water Stressed Baselines: A key to Monitoring and Interpreting Plant Water Stress. Agric. Meteorol., 27 : 59-77, 1982.
  • 12. Idso, S.B., Pinter, P.J., Jr., Reginato, R.J., Non Water Stressed Baseliness: The Importance of Site Selection for Air Temperature and Air Vapour Pressure Deficit Measure¬ments. Agric. and Forest Meteorol., 53 : 73-80, 1990.
  • 13. Singh, C.B.; Sandhu, B.S.J Khera, K.L., Irrigation and Leaf Foliage Effects on Radiation and Canopy Temperature Regimes of Maize in Monsoonal Tropical Area., Ann. Agric. Res., 12 : 219-224, 1991.
  • 14. Reginato, R.J., Field Quantification of Crop Water Stress. Trans. ASAE, 26 : 772-775/781, 1983.
  • 15. Hove 11, T.A., Hatfield, J.L., Yamada, H., Evaluation of Cotton Canopy Temperature to Detect Crop Water Stress. Trans. ASAE, 27:84-88, 1984.
  • 16. Tubaileh, A.S., Sammis, T.W., Lugg, D.G., Utilization of Thermal Infrared. Thermometry for Detection of Water Stress in Spring Barley. Agric. Water Manag., 12:75-85, 1986.
  • 17. Howell, T.A., Musick, J.T., Tolk, J.A., Canopy Temperature of Irrigated Winter Wheat. Trans. ASAE, 29s1692-1698/1706 1986.
  • 18. Nielsen, D.G., Gardner, B.R., Scheduling Irrigations for Corn Wheat the Crop Water Stress Index(CWSI). Apply. Agr. Res., 2 S 295-300, 1987.
  • 19. Yazar, A., Utilization of Infrared Thermometry Technique for Assessing Crop Water Stress and Irrigation Scheduling for Soybean. Doga Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 14 r 517-633, 1990.
  • 20. Sojka, R.E.$ Sadler, E.J.; Camp, C.R.; Arnold, F.B., A Comparison of Pressure Chamber, Leaf-Press, and Canopy Temperature for four Species Under Humid Conditions. Environ, and Exper. Botany, 30 : 75-83, 1990.
  • 21. Morey, R.V.; Gilley, R.J., Bergsrud, F.G.; Dirkzwager, L. R., Yield Response of Corn Related to Soil Moisture. Trans. ASAE, 23 : 1165-1170, 1980.
  • 22. Kanber, R., Yazar, A., Eylen, M., Çukurova Koşullarında Buğdaydan Sonra Yetiştirilen İkinci ürün Mısırın Su-Verim İlişkisi. K.H.G.M., Tarsus Ar. Ens. Md. Yay. Gen. Yay. No : 173 J Rap. Ser. No î 108, 1990.
  • 23. Musick, J.T.} Dusek, D.A., Irrigated Corn Yield Response to Water. Trans. ASAE, 23 î 92-103, 1980.
  • 24. Doorenbos, J., and Kassam, A.H., Yield Response to Water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper. No : 33, Rome, 1979.
  • 25. Glatzel, G., Root Distribution and Soil Water Depletion in an Oak-Hornbeam Stand(Quercus Petraea, Q. Robur, Carpinus Betulus) and a Spruce Thicket(Picea Abies). Root Ecology and Its Practical Application. Int. Symp. Bundesanstalt Gumpenstein, A-8952 Irdning, 577-584, 1983.
  • 26. Pelaez, D., V., and, Boo, R., M., Plant water Potential for Shrubs in Argentina. Jour, of Range Management, 40:6- 9, 1987.
  • 27. Gardner, B.R., Blad, B.L., Garrity, D.P., Watts, D.G., Relationships Between Crop Temperature, Grain Yield, Evapotranspiration, and Phenologioal Development in Two Hybrids of Moisture Stressed Sorghum. Irrig.Sci., 2 : 213- 224, 1981.
  • 28. Reginato, R.J.; Howe, J., Irrigation Scheduling Using Crop Indicators. J. Irrig. and Drain. Eng., 111:125-133, 1985.
  • 29. Hsiao, T.C., Plant Responses to Water Stress. Ann. Rev. Plant Phsiol., 24 : 519-570, 1973.
  • 30. Pinter, P.J.,Jr., Reginato, R.J., A Thermal Infrared Tech¬nique for Monitoring Cotton Water Stress and Scheduling Irrigations. Trans. ASAE, 25 : 1651-1655, 1982.
  • 31. Nielsen, D.C., Scheduling Irrigations for Soybeans with the Crop Water stress Index(CWSI). Field Crops Res., 23 : 103-106, 1990.
  • 32. Jackson, S.H., Relationships Between Normalized Leaf Water Potential and Crop Water Stress Index Values for Acala Cotton. Affric. Water Manag., 20 : 109-118, 1991.

Utilization of Soil Water Potential and Crop Water Stress lndex (CWSI) Values in Maize Irrigation

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 241 - 255, 01.12.1996


This experiment was condueted to investigate the utilization possibility of soil water potential (Ψ ) and crop water stress index (CWSI) values, which can be determined from the two of crop water stress monitoring techniques based on soil and plant measurements, for determining of irrigation time and for obtaining some practical results about irrigation of maize under Antalya conditions.
Soil water contents for different irrigation treatments were measured with a neutron moisture meter. The Ψ value measurements were made vith the thermocouple psychrometry technique. Canopy temperature measurements, for determining the CWSI values were obtained by using a portable hand-held infrared thermometer. The results have shown that Ψ and CWSI can be used for guantifying crop water stress. It was found that Ψ=-9 bars and CWSI= 0.39 values can be taken as criteria for deciding irragation time. Average CWSI values of maize under varying soil water regimes were negatively correlated with grain yield. It was also demonstrated that regression between Ψ and CWSI values, allowed direct comparison of stress levels from one technique to the other.


  • 1. Campbell, G.S., Soil Water Potential Measurement! An Overview. Irrig. Sci., 9 ! 265-273, 1988.
  • 2. Campbell, E.C.; Campbell, G.S. and Barlow, W.K., A Dew¬point Hygrometer for Water Potential Measurement. Agric. Meteorology 12 : 113-121, 1973.
  • 3. Rawlins, S.L.; Campbell, G.S., Water Potential! Thermo¬couple Psychrometry, Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods. Amer. Soc. of Agron.- Soil Sci. Soc. of Amer., Agron. Monog. No. 9 (2nd Ed.), p. 597-618, 1986.
  • 4. Phene, C.J.; Allee, C.P., and Pierro, J.D., Soil Matric Potential Sensor Measurements in Real-Time Irrigation Scheduling. Agric. Water Manag., 16 : 173-185, 1989.
  • 5. Ehrler, W.L., Cotton Leaf Temperatures as Related to Soil Water Depletion and Meteorological Factors. Agron. J. 65:404-409, 1973.
  • 6. Ehrler, W.L.; Idso, S.B.? Jackson, R.D. and Reginato, R.J., Weat Canopy Temperature: Relation to Plant Water Potential. Agron. J., 70:251-256, 1978.
  • 7. Idso, S.B., Jackson, R.D., Pinter, P.J., Jr., Normalizing the Stress Degree-Day Parameter for Environmental Varia¬bility. Agric. Meteorol., 24 : 45-55, 1981.
  • 8. Jackson, R.D., Idso, S.B., Reginato, R.J., Pinter, P.J., Jr., Canopy Temperature as Crop Water Stress Indicator. Water Resour. Res., 17: 1133-1138, 1981.
  • 9. Idso, S.B.; Reginato, R.J.; Jackson, R.D.; Pinter, P.J. Jr., Measuring Yield-Reducing Plant Water Potential Depression in Wheat by Infrared Thermometry. Irrig.Sci., 2 : 205-212, 1981.
  • 10. Pinter, P.J., Jr., Reginato, R.J., A Thermal Infrared Technique for Monitoring Cotton Water Stress and Scheduling Irrigations. Trans. ASAE, 25 : 1661-1655, 1982.
  • 11. Idso, Ş.B., Non-Water Stressed Baselines: A key to Monitoring and Interpreting Plant Water Stress. Agric. Meteorol., 27 : 59-77, 1982.
  • 12. Idso, S.B., Pinter, P.J., Jr., Reginato, R.J., Non Water Stressed Baseliness: The Importance of Site Selection for Air Temperature and Air Vapour Pressure Deficit Measure¬ments. Agric. and Forest Meteorol., 53 : 73-80, 1990.
  • 13. Singh, C.B.; Sandhu, B.S.J Khera, K.L., Irrigation and Leaf Foliage Effects on Radiation and Canopy Temperature Regimes of Maize in Monsoonal Tropical Area., Ann. Agric. Res., 12 : 219-224, 1991.
  • 14. Reginato, R.J., Field Quantification of Crop Water Stress. Trans. ASAE, 26 : 772-775/781, 1983.
  • 15. Hove 11, T.A., Hatfield, J.L., Yamada, H., Evaluation of Cotton Canopy Temperature to Detect Crop Water Stress. Trans. ASAE, 27:84-88, 1984.
  • 16. Tubaileh, A.S., Sammis, T.W., Lugg, D.G., Utilization of Thermal Infrared. Thermometry for Detection of Water Stress in Spring Barley. Agric. Water Manag., 12:75-85, 1986.
  • 17. Howell, T.A., Musick, J.T., Tolk, J.A., Canopy Temperature of Irrigated Winter Wheat. Trans. ASAE, 29s1692-1698/1706 1986.
  • 18. Nielsen, D.G., Gardner, B.R., Scheduling Irrigations for Corn Wheat the Crop Water Stress Index(CWSI). Apply. Agr. Res., 2 S 295-300, 1987.
  • 19. Yazar, A., Utilization of Infrared Thermometry Technique for Assessing Crop Water Stress and Irrigation Scheduling for Soybean. Doga Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 14 r 517-633, 1990.
  • 20. Sojka, R.E.$ Sadler, E.J.; Camp, C.R.; Arnold, F.B., A Comparison of Pressure Chamber, Leaf-Press, and Canopy Temperature for four Species Under Humid Conditions. Environ, and Exper. Botany, 30 : 75-83, 1990.
  • 21. Morey, R.V.; Gilley, R.J., Bergsrud, F.G.; Dirkzwager, L. R., Yield Response of Corn Related to Soil Moisture. Trans. ASAE, 23 : 1165-1170, 1980.
  • 22. Kanber, R., Yazar, A., Eylen, M., Çukurova Koşullarında Buğdaydan Sonra Yetiştirilen İkinci ürün Mısırın Su-Verim İlişkisi. K.H.G.M., Tarsus Ar. Ens. Md. Yay. Gen. Yay. No : 173 J Rap. Ser. No î 108, 1990.
  • 23. Musick, J.T.} Dusek, D.A., Irrigated Corn Yield Response to Water. Trans. ASAE, 23 î 92-103, 1980.
  • 24. Doorenbos, J., and Kassam, A.H., Yield Response to Water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper. No : 33, Rome, 1979.
  • 25. Glatzel, G., Root Distribution and Soil Water Depletion in an Oak-Hornbeam Stand(Quercus Petraea, Q. Robur, Carpinus Betulus) and a Spruce Thicket(Picea Abies). Root Ecology and Its Practical Application. Int. Symp. Bundesanstalt Gumpenstein, A-8952 Irdning, 577-584, 1983.
  • 26. Pelaez, D., V., and, Boo, R., M., Plant water Potential for Shrubs in Argentina. Jour, of Range Management, 40:6- 9, 1987.
  • 27. Gardner, B.R., Blad, B.L., Garrity, D.P., Watts, D.G., Relationships Between Crop Temperature, Grain Yield, Evapotranspiration, and Phenologioal Development in Two Hybrids of Moisture Stressed Sorghum. Irrig.Sci., 2 : 213- 224, 1981.
  • 28. Reginato, R.J.; Howe, J., Irrigation Scheduling Using Crop Indicators. J. Irrig. and Drain. Eng., 111:125-133, 1985.
  • 29. Hsiao, T.C., Plant Responses to Water Stress. Ann. Rev. Plant Phsiol., 24 : 519-570, 1973.
  • 30. Pinter, P.J.,Jr., Reginato, R.J., A Thermal Infrared Tech¬nique for Monitoring Cotton Water Stress and Scheduling Irrigations. Trans. ASAE, 25 : 1651-1655, 1982.
  • 31. Nielsen, D.C., Scheduling Irrigations for Soybeans with the Crop Water stress Index(CWSI). Field Crops Res., 23 : 103-106, 1990.
  • 32. Jackson, S.H., Relationships Between Normalized Leaf Water Potential and Crop Water Stress Index Values for Acala Cotton. Affric. Water Manag., 20 : 109-118, 1991.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Ruhi Baştuğ Bu kişi benim

Suat Irmak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Baştuğ, R., & Irmak, S. (1996). Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 9(1), 241-255.
AMA Baştuğ R, Irmak S. Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. Aralık 1996;9(1):241-255.
Chicago Baştuğ, Ruhi, ve Suat Irmak. “Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli Ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 9, sy. 1 (Aralık 1996): 241-55.
EndNote Baştuğ R, Irmak S (01 Aralık 1996) Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 9 1 241–255.
IEEE R. Baştuğ ve S. Irmak, “Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 9, sy. 1, ss. 241–255, 1996.
ISNAD Baştuğ, Ruhi - Irmak, Suat. “Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli Ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 9/1 (Aralık 1996), 241-255.
JAMA Baştuğ R, Irmak S. Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1996;9:241–255.
MLA Baştuğ, Ruhi ve Suat Irmak. “Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli Ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 9, sy. 1, 1996, ss. 241-55.
Vancouver Baştuğ R, Irmak S. Toprak Suyu Potansiyeli ve Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) Değerlerinin Mısır Sulamasında Kullanılması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1996;9(1):241-55.