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Partenocarpy and Its Importance in Tomato Breeding

Yıl 1994, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 90 - 100, 01.12.1994


Tomato with hermaphrodite flowers is highly self- fertilized and produces seeded fruit. However fruit set and fruit growth under unfavorable environments e.g. high and low temperatures are important problems. In this paper studies are reported on genetic parthenocarpy which offers an alternative method of dealing with the problem of poor fruit set.


  • 1. George, W.L., Scott, jr, J.W. and Splittstoesser, W.E., Parthenocarpy in Tomato. Hort. Rev., 6:62-85, 1984.
  • 2. Leopold, A.C., Kriedemann, P.E., Plant Growth and Development. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 314-316, 1975.
  • 3. Weaver, R.J., Plant Growth Substance in Agriculture. W.H. Freemann and Company, Sanfransisco, 225-227, 1972.
  • 4. Piçken, A.J.F., Hurd, R.G., Vince-Prue, D., Lycopersi-con esculentum. In: CRC Handbook of Flowering Vol. III. (Halevy, A.H., ed.), 330-345, 1985.
  • 5. Ercan, N., Domateste Düşük ve Yüksek Sıcaklıkların Meyve Bağlamaya Etkileri. Doktora tezi E.ü.Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Izmir, 1993.
  • 6. Ho, L.C., Hewitt, J.D.F., Fruit Development. In: The Tomato Crop. (Atherton, J.G. and Rudich, J., Eds.) Chapman and Hall, London and Newyork. 201-239, 1986.
  • 7. Stevens, M.A., Rick, C.M., Genetics and Breeding. In: The Tomato Crop. (Atherton, J.G. and Rudich, J., Eds.) Chapman and Hall, London and Newyork, 79-80, 1986.
  • 8. Philouze, J., Maisseneuve, B., Heredity of the Natural Ability to set Parthenocarpic Fruit Set in a German Line. TGC Rep., 28, 12, 1978.
  • 9. Lin, S., George W.L., Splittstoesser, W.E., Expression and Inheritance of Parthenocarpy in Severianin Tomato. J. Hered. 75:62-66, 1984.
  • 10. Philouze, J., Attemps to Map pat-2. TGC Rep, 33, 9-11, 1983.
  • 11. Philouze, J., Epistatic Relations between Is and pat-2. TGC Rep., 33:9-12, 1983.
  • 12. Charles, W.B., Harris, R.E., Tomato Fruit-Set at High anu Low Temperatures. Can. J. Pi. Sci. , 52:497-506 , 1972.
  • 13. Baggett, J.R., Frazier, W.A., Oregon T5-4 Parthenocarpic Tomato Breeding Line. HortScience 13:599, 1978.
  • 14. Baggett, J.R., .Frazier, W.A. , Oregon 11 Early Parthenocarpic Tomato Breeding Line. HortScience 17:984-985, 1982 .
  • 15. Kubicki, B., Michalska A.M., Transgression of Early Yield in hybrids of Early Forms of Tomato (L. esculentum Mill.) Genetica Poloniza 19:291-307, 1978.
  • 16. Preil, W., Zuchtziele bei Tomaten. Gemuse 14:48-51, 1978.
  • 17. Soressi, G.P., Tomato Mutants Following EMS Seed Treatments. TGC Rep., 20, 59, 1970.
  • 18. Soressi, G.P., Salamani, F., A Monomendelian Gene Inducing Parthenocarpic Fruits. TGC Rep., 25, 22, 1975.
  • 19. Peacaut, P., Philouze, J., A sha-pat Line Obtained by Natural Mutation. TGC rep., 28, 12, 1978.
  • 20. Philouze, J., Latterrot, H., Maisseneuve, B., I. Etude de l'aptitude a la Parthenocarpie Naturelle, in Rapport d'Activite, pp 91-99, 1980.
  • 21. Iwahori, S., High Temperature Injuries in Tomato. V. Fertilization and Development of Embriyo with Special Reference to the Abnormalities Caused by High Temperature. J.Japan Hort. Sci. 35:379-386, 1966.
  • 22. Smith, O., Pollination and Life History Studies of the Tomato (L.esculentum Mill.). Cornell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Mem., 184, 1935.
  • 23. Lin, S., Splittstoesser, W.E., George W.L., A Comparision of Normal Seeds and Pseudoembriyos Produced in Parthenocarpic Fruit of Severianin Tomato. HortScience, 18(1) :75-76., 1983
  • 24. King, G.N. , Artifical Parthenocarpy in Lycopersicon escuIentum:Tissua Development. PI. Physiol. 22:572-581, 1947.
  • 25. Mapelli, S.; Torti, G.; Badino, M., Soressi, G.P., Effects of GA3 on Flowering and Fruit-Set in a Mutant of Tomato. HortScience 14:736-737, 1979.
  • 26. Johnson, S.P., Hall, W.C., Parthenocarpy in Tomato. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 63:329-332, 1954.
  • 27. Nitsch, C., Effects of Growth Substance on the Induction of Flowering of a Short-day Plant in Vitro. In: Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Growth Substance (Wightman, F. and Setterfield, G., eds.), 1385-1398, 1968.
  • 28. Mapelli, S., Frova, C., Torti, G., Soressi, G.P., Relationship between Set, Development and Activities of Groth Regulators in Tomato Fruits. PI. Cell Physiol., 19; 1281-1288, 1978.
  • 29. Varga, A., Bruinsma, J., Roles of Seeds and Auxins in Tomato Fruit Growth. Z. PflanzenPhysiol. 80:95-104, 1976.
  • 30. Musahold, J., Untersuchungen über den Zusammenhang von spontanen Anderungen im Grad der Parthenokarpie und dem Natürlichen Wuchsstoffgehalt bei drei Genotypen von Tomaten. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 37:281-292, 1972.
  • 31. Bünger-Kibler, S., Bangerth, F., Relationship between Cell Number, Cell Size and Fruit Size of Seeded Fruits of Tomato (L.esculentum Mill.), and Those Induced Parthenocarpically by the Application of Plant Growth Regulators. Plant Growth Regulation, 1:143-154, 1983.
  • 32. Abdel-Rahman, M. , Thomas, T.H., Doss, G.J., Howell, L., Changes in Endogenous Plant Hormones in cherry Tomato Fruits During Development and Maturation. Physiol. Pi., 34, 39-42, 1975.
  • 33. Mapelli, S., Changes in Cytokinin in the Fruits of Parthenocarpic and Normal Tomatoes. Pl.Sci. 22, 227-233, 1981.
  • 34. Leopold, A.C., Parthenocarpy. In: Auxins and Plant Growth. University of California Press. Berekeley and Los Angles, 214-230, 1960.
  • 35. Abad, M., Monteiro, A.A., The Use of Auxins for the Production of Greenhouse Tomatoes in Mild Winter conditions : A Review. Scienta Hort. 38:167-192, 1989.
  • 36. Beyer, E.M., Quebedeaux, B. Partehenocarpy in Cucumber: Mechanism of Action of Auxin Transport Inhibitors. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 99: 385-390, 1974.
  • 37. Wittwer, S.H., Bukovac, M.J., Sell, H.M., Wellero, L.E.,. Some Effects of Gibberellins on Flowering and Fruit Setting. Pi. Physiol., 32:39-41. 1957.
  • 38. Shawney, V.K., Greyson, R.I., Induction of Multilocular Ovary in Tomato by Gibberellic Acid. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 96:196-198, 1971.
  • 39. Nitsch, C., Perrenation through Seeds and Other Structures. In:Plant Physiology, (Steward F., ed.). Vol. 6 A Academic Press, New York, 1972.
  • 40. Philouze, J., Comparision between Nearly Isogenic Parthenocarpic and Normal Tomato Lines or Hybrids, In: A New Era in Tomato Breeding. Proc. Meet. Eucarpia Tomato Working Group, Wageningen, 22-26, 1984.
  • 41. Falavigna, A., Badino, M., Soressi, G.P., Potential of the Monomendelian Factor pat in the Tomato Breeding for Industry. Genet. Agraria, 32:159-160, 1978.
  • 42. Dryanovska, O.A., Induced Parthenocarpy with Pollen Irradiated with Gamma Rays. C.R.Acad. Bulg. Sci., 28:1273-1276, 1975.
  • 43. Stevens, M.A., Kader, A.A., Albright-Holton, M., Intercultivar Variation in Composition of Locular and Pericarp Portions of Fresh Market Tomatoes. J. Am. Soc. Hort. SCİ., 102:689-692, 1977.
  • 44. Osborne, D.L., Went, F.W., Climatic Factors Influencing Parthenocarpy and Normal Fruit Set in Tomatoes. Bot. Gaz., 114:312-322, 1953.
  • 45. Scott, J.W., George Jr, W.L., Influence of Pollination Treatments on Fruit Set and Development in Parthenocarpic Tomato. HortScience 19:874-876, 1984.

Partenokarpi ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri

Yıl 1994, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 90 - 100, 01.12.1994


Erselik çiçek yapısına sahip olan domates genellikle kendine döllenir ve tohumlu meyve meydana getirir. Ancak uygun olmayan çevresel şartlarda örneğin yüksek ve düşük sıcaklıklarda meyve tutumu ve meyve gelişiminde önemli sorunlar bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede uygun olmayan çevresel koşullarda meyve tutumu ile ilgili problemlere alternetif bir çözüm sunan genetik partenokarpi konusunda yapılmış çalışmalar özetlenmiştir.


  • 1. George, W.L., Scott, jr, J.W. and Splittstoesser, W.E., Parthenocarpy in Tomato. Hort. Rev., 6:62-85, 1984.
  • 2. Leopold, A.C., Kriedemann, P.E., Plant Growth and Development. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 314-316, 1975.
  • 3. Weaver, R.J., Plant Growth Substance in Agriculture. W.H. Freemann and Company, Sanfransisco, 225-227, 1972.
  • 4. Piçken, A.J.F., Hurd, R.G., Vince-Prue, D., Lycopersi-con esculentum. In: CRC Handbook of Flowering Vol. III. (Halevy, A.H., ed.), 330-345, 1985.
  • 5. Ercan, N., Domateste Düşük ve Yüksek Sıcaklıkların Meyve Bağlamaya Etkileri. Doktora tezi E.ü.Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Izmir, 1993.
  • 6. Ho, L.C., Hewitt, J.D.F., Fruit Development. In: The Tomato Crop. (Atherton, J.G. and Rudich, J., Eds.) Chapman and Hall, London and Newyork. 201-239, 1986.
  • 7. Stevens, M.A., Rick, C.M., Genetics and Breeding. In: The Tomato Crop. (Atherton, J.G. and Rudich, J., Eds.) Chapman and Hall, London and Newyork, 79-80, 1986.
  • 8. Philouze, J., Maisseneuve, B., Heredity of the Natural Ability to set Parthenocarpic Fruit Set in a German Line. TGC Rep., 28, 12, 1978.
  • 9. Lin, S., George W.L., Splittstoesser, W.E., Expression and Inheritance of Parthenocarpy in Severianin Tomato. J. Hered. 75:62-66, 1984.
  • 10. Philouze, J., Attemps to Map pat-2. TGC Rep, 33, 9-11, 1983.
  • 11. Philouze, J., Epistatic Relations between Is and pat-2. TGC Rep., 33:9-12, 1983.
  • 12. Charles, W.B., Harris, R.E., Tomato Fruit-Set at High anu Low Temperatures. Can. J. Pi. Sci. , 52:497-506 , 1972.
  • 13. Baggett, J.R., Frazier, W.A., Oregon T5-4 Parthenocarpic Tomato Breeding Line. HortScience 13:599, 1978.
  • 14. Baggett, J.R., .Frazier, W.A. , Oregon 11 Early Parthenocarpic Tomato Breeding Line. HortScience 17:984-985, 1982 .
  • 15. Kubicki, B., Michalska A.M., Transgression of Early Yield in hybrids of Early Forms of Tomato (L. esculentum Mill.) Genetica Poloniza 19:291-307, 1978.
  • 16. Preil, W., Zuchtziele bei Tomaten. Gemuse 14:48-51, 1978.
  • 17. Soressi, G.P., Tomato Mutants Following EMS Seed Treatments. TGC Rep., 20, 59, 1970.
  • 18. Soressi, G.P., Salamani, F., A Monomendelian Gene Inducing Parthenocarpic Fruits. TGC Rep., 25, 22, 1975.
  • 19. Peacaut, P., Philouze, J., A sha-pat Line Obtained by Natural Mutation. TGC rep., 28, 12, 1978.
  • 20. Philouze, J., Latterrot, H., Maisseneuve, B., I. Etude de l'aptitude a la Parthenocarpie Naturelle, in Rapport d'Activite, pp 91-99, 1980.
  • 21. Iwahori, S., High Temperature Injuries in Tomato. V. Fertilization and Development of Embriyo with Special Reference to the Abnormalities Caused by High Temperature. J.Japan Hort. Sci. 35:379-386, 1966.
  • 22. Smith, O., Pollination and Life History Studies of the Tomato (L.esculentum Mill.). Cornell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Mem., 184, 1935.
  • 23. Lin, S., Splittstoesser, W.E., George W.L., A Comparision of Normal Seeds and Pseudoembriyos Produced in Parthenocarpic Fruit of Severianin Tomato. HortScience, 18(1) :75-76., 1983
  • 24. King, G.N. , Artifical Parthenocarpy in Lycopersicon escuIentum:Tissua Development. PI. Physiol. 22:572-581, 1947.
  • 25. Mapelli, S.; Torti, G.; Badino, M., Soressi, G.P., Effects of GA3 on Flowering and Fruit-Set in a Mutant of Tomato. HortScience 14:736-737, 1979.
  • 26. Johnson, S.P., Hall, W.C., Parthenocarpy in Tomato. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 63:329-332, 1954.
  • 27. Nitsch, C., Effects of Growth Substance on the Induction of Flowering of a Short-day Plant in Vitro. In: Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Growth Substance (Wightman, F. and Setterfield, G., eds.), 1385-1398, 1968.
  • 28. Mapelli, S., Frova, C., Torti, G., Soressi, G.P., Relationship between Set, Development and Activities of Groth Regulators in Tomato Fruits. PI. Cell Physiol., 19; 1281-1288, 1978.
  • 29. Varga, A., Bruinsma, J., Roles of Seeds and Auxins in Tomato Fruit Growth. Z. PflanzenPhysiol. 80:95-104, 1976.
  • 30. Musahold, J., Untersuchungen über den Zusammenhang von spontanen Anderungen im Grad der Parthenokarpie und dem Natürlichen Wuchsstoffgehalt bei drei Genotypen von Tomaten. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 37:281-292, 1972.
  • 31. Bünger-Kibler, S., Bangerth, F., Relationship between Cell Number, Cell Size and Fruit Size of Seeded Fruits of Tomato (L.esculentum Mill.), and Those Induced Parthenocarpically by the Application of Plant Growth Regulators. Plant Growth Regulation, 1:143-154, 1983.
  • 32. Abdel-Rahman, M. , Thomas, T.H., Doss, G.J., Howell, L., Changes in Endogenous Plant Hormones in cherry Tomato Fruits During Development and Maturation. Physiol. Pi., 34, 39-42, 1975.
  • 33. Mapelli, S., Changes in Cytokinin in the Fruits of Parthenocarpic and Normal Tomatoes. Pl.Sci. 22, 227-233, 1981.
  • 34. Leopold, A.C., Parthenocarpy. In: Auxins and Plant Growth. University of California Press. Berekeley and Los Angles, 214-230, 1960.
  • 35. Abad, M., Monteiro, A.A., The Use of Auxins for the Production of Greenhouse Tomatoes in Mild Winter conditions : A Review. Scienta Hort. 38:167-192, 1989.
  • 36. Beyer, E.M., Quebedeaux, B. Partehenocarpy in Cucumber: Mechanism of Action of Auxin Transport Inhibitors. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 99: 385-390, 1974.
  • 37. Wittwer, S.H., Bukovac, M.J., Sell, H.M., Wellero, L.E.,. Some Effects of Gibberellins on Flowering and Fruit Setting. Pi. Physiol., 32:39-41. 1957.
  • 38. Shawney, V.K., Greyson, R.I., Induction of Multilocular Ovary in Tomato by Gibberellic Acid. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 96:196-198, 1971.
  • 39. Nitsch, C., Perrenation through Seeds and Other Structures. In:Plant Physiology, (Steward F., ed.). Vol. 6 A Academic Press, New York, 1972.
  • 40. Philouze, J., Comparision between Nearly Isogenic Parthenocarpic and Normal Tomato Lines or Hybrids, In: A New Era in Tomato Breeding. Proc. Meet. Eucarpia Tomato Working Group, Wageningen, 22-26, 1984.
  • 41. Falavigna, A., Badino, M., Soressi, G.P., Potential of the Monomendelian Factor pat in the Tomato Breeding for Industry. Genet. Agraria, 32:159-160, 1978.
  • 42. Dryanovska, O.A., Induced Parthenocarpy with Pollen Irradiated with Gamma Rays. C.R.Acad. Bulg. Sci., 28:1273-1276, 1975.
  • 43. Stevens, M.A., Kader, A.A., Albright-Holton, M., Intercultivar Variation in Composition of Locular and Pericarp Portions of Fresh Market Tomatoes. J. Am. Soc. Hort. SCİ., 102:689-692, 1977.
  • 44. Osborne, D.L., Went, F.W., Climatic Factors Influencing Parthenocarpy and Normal Fruit Set in Tomatoes. Bot. Gaz., 114:312-322, 1953.
  • 45. Scott, J.W., George Jr, W.L., Influence of Pollination Treatments on Fruit Set and Development in Parthenocarpic Tomato. HortScience 19:874-876, 1984.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Nurgül Ercan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1994
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1994 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ercan, N. (1994). Partenokarpi ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 7(1), 90-100.
AMA Ercan N. Partenokarpi ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. Aralık 1994;7(1):90-100.
Chicago Ercan, Nurgül. “Partenokarpi Ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 7, sy. 1 (Aralık 1994): 90-100.
EndNote Ercan N (01 Aralık 1994) Partenokarpi ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 7 1 90–100.
IEEE N. Ercan, “Partenokarpi ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 90–100, 1994.
ISNAD Ercan, Nurgül. “Partenokarpi Ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 7/1 (Aralık 1994), 90-100.
JAMA Ercan N. Partenokarpi ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1994;7:90–100.
MLA Ercan, Nurgül. “Partenokarpi Ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 7, sy. 1, 1994, ss. 90-100.
Vancouver Ercan N. Partenokarpi ve Domates Islahındaki Yeri. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1994;7(1):90-100.