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Bipolar Bozukluk Tanılı Hastalarda Tedaviye Uyum ve İlişkili Faktörler

Yıl 2022, , 21 - 27, 31.03.2022


Mevcut tedavi seçeneklerine rağmen, bipolar bozukluk tanılı hastaların tedavi uyumunda belirgin bir artış görülmemektedir. Kronik hastalığı olanlarda, tedaviye uyum iyileşmeyi etkileyen önemli bir faktördür. Tedaviye uyumsuzluk psikiyatrik bozukluklarda genelde “içgörü eksikliği” ile açıklanır. Tedaviye uyumu hastanın ailesinin ve kendisinin hastalığı algılama şekilleri de etkilemektedir. Sosyal desteği yeterli olmayan, rahatsızlık ile ilgili bilgi eksiği olan, ailesinde işlevsiz tutumlar ve damgalanma korkusu olan hastaların ilaç uyumu olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Çalışmalarda ilaç tedavisine uyumlu olmama ile ilgili üç temel madde saptanmıştır. Hastaya bağlı faktörler ; yaş, cinsiyet, medeni durum, madde kullanımı, psikotik bozukluk, kişilik bozukluğu, hasta rolüne bağlı kazançlar, hastalığa bağlı faktörler; içgörünün yetersiz olması, uzun süreli ilaç kullanımına dair yetersiz bilgi , hastalığın kronisite kazanması, hastalıkla ilgili bilgi eksikliği, stigma, hastalık kabulü/reddi, ilaca bağlı faktörler; iyileşme veya hiçbir iyileşme belirtisi olmaması, yan etkiler, ilaç bağımlılığı konusundaki endişelerdir. Bu maddeler arasında en bilinen ilaca bağlı yan etkilerdir. Bipolar bozukluk tanılı bireylerde ilaç uyumsuzluğu, yaşam kalitesini düşürüp , hastaneye yatış oranlarını artırmaktadır. Aynı zamanda bakım masrafları ve mortalitenin yüksek olmasına, depresif ataklara, intiharlara, neden olmaktadır. Tedavi uyumsuzluğuna sebep olan etkenlerin belirlenmesi ve ortadan kaldırılması tedavi uyumunu arttırmakla birlikte, tedavi masraflarını ve hastaneye yatış sayısını azaltacaktır.


  • 1. Işık E. Duygu Durumu Bozuklukları Depresyon ve Bipolar Bozukluklar. İstanbul, Görsel Sanatlar Matbaacılık, 2003
  • 2. Sofuoğlu S, Turan T. Antipsikotik ilaç Tedavisinde Uyum Problemleri: Bunların Ekstrapiramidal Yan Etkilerle İlişkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Der. 2000; 1/2:100–106.
  • 3. Balikci A, Erdem M, Zincir S, Bolu A, Bozkurt S, Ercan S et al. Adherence with outpatient appointments and medication : A two-year prospective study of patients with schizophrenia. Bull Clin Psychopharmacol. 2016;23(1):57-64.
  • 4. World Health Organization. (2003), Adherence to Long-Term Therapies: Evidence for Action. Geneva: World Health Organization.
  • 5. Riley WT, Velligan DI, Sajatovic M, Valenstein M, Safren S, Lewis-Fernaídez R et al. Adherence to psychiatric treatments. Psychiatry. 2009;20(4):89 - 96.
  • 6. Crowe M, Wilson L, Inder M. Patients’ reports of the factors influencing medication adherence in bipolar disorder–an integrative review of the literature. International journal of nursing studies, 2011, 48.7: 894-903.
  • 7. Sajatovic M , Valenstein M, Blow F, Ganoczy D, Ignacio R. Treatment adherence with lithium and anticonvulsant medications among patients with bipolar disorder. Psychiatric Services, 2007, 58.6: 855-863.
  • 8. Kripalani S, Risser J, Gatti ME. Development And Evaluation Of The Adherence To Refills And Medications Scale (ARMS) Among Low-Literacy Patients With Chronic Disease. Value in Health. 2009; 12(1):118–123.
  • 9. Johnson FR, Özdemir S, Manjunath R, Hauber AB, Burch SP, Thompson TR. Factors That Affect Adherence To Bipolar Disorder Treatments A Stated-Preference Approach. Med Care. 2007; 45(6): 545–552.
  • 10. Gonzalez-Pinto A,Mosquera F, Alonso M, López P, Ramírez F, Vieta E et al. Suicidal risk in bipolar I disorder patients and adherence to long‐term lithium treatment. Bipolar disorders, 2006, 8.5p2: 618-624.
  • 11. Mazza M, Mandelli L, Di Nicola M, Harnic D, Catalano V, Tedeschi D et al. Clinical features, response to treatment and functional outcome of bipolar disorder patients with and without co-occurring substance use disorder: 1-year follow-up. Journal of affective disorders. 2009; 115: 27-35.
  • 12. Pompili M, Harnic D, Gonda X, Forte A, Dominici G, İnnamorati M et al. Impact of living with bipolar patients: Making sense of caregivers’ burden. World Journal of Psychiatry.2014; 4.1: 1.
  • 13. Mert DG, Turgut NH, Kelleci M, Semiz M. Perspectives on reasons of medication nonadherence in psychiatric patients. Patient preference and adherence. 2015; 9: 87.
  • 14. Semahegn A, Torpey K, Manu A, Assefa N, Tesfaye G, Ankomah A. Psychotropic medication non-adherence and its associated factors among patients with major psychiatric disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic reviews. 2020; 9.1: 1-18.
  • 15. Maurel M, Azorin JM, Adida M, Fakra E, Richieri R, Bottai T, et al. Bipolar affective disorders: models and assessment of psychological treatments. L'encephale. 2010; 36: 202-5.
  • 16. Scott J. Predicting Medication Non-Adherence In Severe Affective Disorders. Acta Neurolopsychiatr . 2000; 12:128-30.
  • 17. Johnson R, Mcfarland B. Lithium Use And Discontinuation In A Health Maintenance Organisation, Am J P sychiatry. 1998;153:993-1000.
  • 18. Jamison KR, Gerner RH, Goodwin FK. Patient and Physician Attitudes Toward Lithiumo Title. Arch Gen Psychiatry.1979; 36, 866–869.
  • 19. Keck P, Mccelroy S, Strawkoski S, Bourne M, West S. Compliance with Maintenance Treatment In Bipolar Disorder. Psychopharmacol Bull. 1997; 33:87-91.
  • 20. Colom F, Vieta E, Tacchi MJ, Sanchez-Moreno J, Scott J . Identifying and improving non- adherence in bipolar disorders, Bipolar Disord. 2005; 5:24–31.
  • 21. Selvakumar N, Menon V, Kattimani S. A Cross-sectional analysis of patterns and predictors of medication adherence in bipolar disorder : Single center experience from. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2018;16(2):168–175.
  • 22. Svarstad BL, Shireman TI, Sweeney JK. Using drug claims data to assess the relationship of medication adherence with hospitalization and costs. Psychiatr. Serv.2001; 52: 805–811.
  • 23. Martin DJ, Garske JP, Davis MK. Relation of the therapeutic alliance with outcome and other variables: a meta-analytic review. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.2000; 68(3):438.
  • 24. Mitchell AJ, Selmes T. Why don't patients take their medicine? Reasons and solutions in psychiatry. Advances in psychiatric treatment.2007; 13(5): 336-346.
  • 25. McCabe R, Bullenkamp J, Hansson L, Lauber C, Martinez-Leal R, Rössler W, et al. The therapeutic relationship and adherence to antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia. PLoS One.2012; 7(4): e36080.
  • 26. Sajatovic M, Davies M, Bauer MS, McBride L, Hays RW, Safavi R, et al. Attitudes regarding the collaborative practice model and treatment adherence among individuals with bipolar disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry.2005; 46(4):272-277.
  • 27. Zeber JE, Copeland LA, Good CB, Fine MJ, Bauer MS, Amy M ve ark. Therapeutic Alliance Perceptions And Medication Adherence in Patients With Bipolar Disorder. Journal Of Affective Disorders.2008; 107:53–62.
  • 28. Calogero R, Pedrotty K. Daily practices for mindful exercise. in Low-Cost Approaches to Promote Physical and Mental Health: Theory, Research, and Practice. 2007. doi:10.1007/0-387-36899-X_7.
  • 29. Cochran SD, Gitlin MJ. Attitudinal correlates of lithium compliance in bipolar affective disorders. The Journal of nervous and mental disease.1998; 176(8):457-464.
  • 30. Karadağ H, Kokurcan A, Güriz O, Atmar M, Örsel S. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology Assessing the treatment adherence and clinical correlates of low adherence among bipolar disorder outpatients: a cross-sectional study Assessing the treatment adherence and clinical correlates of low adherence among bipolar disorder outpatients: a cross-sectional study. 2018. doi:10.1080/24750573.201.
  • 31. Karaytug MO, Keskin N, Tamam L, Ozpoyraz N, Demirkol ME, Gurbuz M. Assessment of treatment adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.2017:7(4); 185-90.
  • 32. Dilsaver SC, Chen YW, Swann AC, Shoaib AM, Dilsaver YT, Krajewski KJ. Panic disorder and psychosis in bipolar depression, depresive-mania and pure-mania. Psychiatry Res.1997; 73:47-56.
  • 33. Coryell W, Scheftner WA, Keller M. The enduring psychosocial conequences of mania and depression. Am J Psychiatry. 1993; 150:720-7.
  • 34. Tsai SY, Kuo CJ, Chen CC. Risk factors for completed suicide in bipolar disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 2002; 63 (6) : 469-76.
  • 35. Kora K, Saylan M, Akaya C, Karamustafalıoğlu N, Tomruk N, Yasan A, et al. Predictive factors for time to remission and recurrence in patients treated 66 for acute mania: health outcomes of manic episodes (HOME) study. Prim Care Companion,J Clin Psychiatry. 2008; 10(2): 114-119.
  • 36. Gitlin MJ, Swendsen j, Heler TL, Hammen C. Relapse and impairment in bipolar disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 1995; 152(11);1635-40.
  • 37. Berk M, Berk L, Castle DA. collaborative approach to the treatment alliance in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord.2004; 6: 504–518.
  • 38. Berk L, Hallam KT, Colom F, Vieta E, Hasty M, Macneil C, Berk M. Enhancing medication adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Human psychopharmacology: clinical and experimental.2010; 25(1): 1-16.
  • 39. Crowe M, Wilson L, Inder M. Patients’ Reports of the Factors Influencing Medication Adherence in Bipolar Disorder – An Integrative Review of the Literature. International Journal Of Nursing Studies. 2011; 48: 894–903.
  • 40. Lingam, R. & Scott, J. Treatment non-adherence in affective disorders.Acta Psychiatr. Scand. 2002;105: 164–172.
  • 41. Miasso AI, Monteschi M, Giacchero KG. Bipolar Affective Disorder: Medication Adherence And Satisfaction With Treatment And Guidance By The Health Team In A Mental Health Service, Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2009; 17(4):548–556.
  • 42. Strauss JL, Johnson SL. Role of treatment alliance in the clinical management of bipolar disorder: stronger alliances prospectively predict fewer manic symptoms. Psychiatry Research.2006; 145(2-3): 215-223.
  • 43. Rakofsky JJ, Levy ST, Dunlop BW. Conceptualizing treatment nonadherence in patients with bipolar disorder and PTSD. CNS spectrums.2011; 16(1): 11-20.
  • 44. Lewis L. Patient perspective on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord. Suppl. 2005;7:33–37 .
  • 45. Kleindienst N, Greil . Are illness concepts a powerful predictor of adherence to prophylactic treatment in bipolar disorder?. Journal of Clinical psychiatry.2004; 65(7): 966-974.
  • 46. Sajatovic M, Biswas K, Kilbourne AK, Fenn H, Williford W, Bauer MS. Factors associated with prospective long-term treatment adherence among individuals with bipolar disorder. Psychiatric services.2008; 59(7): 753-759.
  • 47. Chakrabarti S. Treatment-adherence in bipolar disorder: A patient-centred approach. World J. Psychiatry.2016; 6: 399.
  • 48. Velligan DI, Weiden PJ, Sajatovic M, Scott J, Carpenter D, Ross R, et al. Expert Consensus Panel on Adherence Problems in Serious and Persistent Mental Illness. The expert consensus guideline series: adherence problems in patients with serious and persistent mental illness. J Clin Psychiatry.2009; 70:1-46.
  • 49. Byrne N, Regan C, Livingston G. Adherence to treatment in mood disorders. Current opinion in psychiatry.2006; 19(1): 44-49.
  • 50. Clatworthy J, Bowskill R, Rank T, Parham R, Horne R. Adherence To Medication İn Bipolar Disorder: A Qualitative Study Exploring The Role Of Patients Beliefs About The Condition And its Treatment. Bipolar Disord. 2007; 9:656–664.
  • 51. Demirkol ME, Evlice YE, Karaytuğ MO, Tamam L. Psikiyatri Hastalarının Tedaviye Uyumu Cukurova Med J.2015. doi:10.17826/cutf.04659.
Yıl 2022, , 21 - 27, 31.03.2022


Despite the current treatment options, there is no significant increase in the treatment compliance of patients with bipolar disorder. In those with chronic disease, adherence to treatment is an important factor affecting recovery. Non-adherence to treatment is generally explained by “lack of insight” in psychiatric disorders. Adherence to treatment also affects the way the patient's family and himself perceive the disease. Medication compliance is adversely affected by patients with insufficient social support, lack of knowledge about the disorder, dysfunctional attitudes in their families, and fear of stigma. Three main items related to non-compliance with drug therapy were identified in the studies. Patient-related factors; age, gender, marital status, substance use, psychotic disorder, personality disorder, earnings related to patient role, factors related to illness; insufficient insight, insufficient information on long-term drug use, the disease becoming chronic, lack of information about the disease, stigma, disease acceptance/rejection, drug-related factors; improvement or no signs of improvement, side effects, and concerns about drug addiction. Among these substances, the most known are drug-related side effects. In individuals with bipolar disorder, drug non-compliance decreases the quality of life and increases the rate of hospitalization. It also causes high care costs and mortality, depressive episodes and suicides. Identifying and eliminatingthe factors that cause treatment non-compliance will increase treatment compliance and reduce treatment costs and the number of hospitalizations.


  • 1. Işık E. Duygu Durumu Bozuklukları Depresyon ve Bipolar Bozukluklar. İstanbul, Görsel Sanatlar Matbaacılık, 2003
  • 2. Sofuoğlu S, Turan T. Antipsikotik ilaç Tedavisinde Uyum Problemleri: Bunların Ekstrapiramidal Yan Etkilerle İlişkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Der. 2000; 1/2:100–106.
  • 3. Balikci A, Erdem M, Zincir S, Bolu A, Bozkurt S, Ercan S et al. Adherence with outpatient appointments and medication : A two-year prospective study of patients with schizophrenia. Bull Clin Psychopharmacol. 2016;23(1):57-64.
  • 4. World Health Organization. (2003), Adherence to Long-Term Therapies: Evidence for Action. Geneva: World Health Organization.
  • 5. Riley WT, Velligan DI, Sajatovic M, Valenstein M, Safren S, Lewis-Fernaídez R et al. Adherence to psychiatric treatments. Psychiatry. 2009;20(4):89 - 96.
  • 6. Crowe M, Wilson L, Inder M. Patients’ reports of the factors influencing medication adherence in bipolar disorder–an integrative review of the literature. International journal of nursing studies, 2011, 48.7: 894-903.
  • 7. Sajatovic M , Valenstein M, Blow F, Ganoczy D, Ignacio R. Treatment adherence with lithium and anticonvulsant medications among patients with bipolar disorder. Psychiatric Services, 2007, 58.6: 855-863.
  • 8. Kripalani S, Risser J, Gatti ME. Development And Evaluation Of The Adherence To Refills And Medications Scale (ARMS) Among Low-Literacy Patients With Chronic Disease. Value in Health. 2009; 12(1):118–123.
  • 9. Johnson FR, Özdemir S, Manjunath R, Hauber AB, Burch SP, Thompson TR. Factors That Affect Adherence To Bipolar Disorder Treatments A Stated-Preference Approach. Med Care. 2007; 45(6): 545–552.
  • 10. Gonzalez-Pinto A,Mosquera F, Alonso M, López P, Ramírez F, Vieta E et al. Suicidal risk in bipolar I disorder patients and adherence to long‐term lithium treatment. Bipolar disorders, 2006, 8.5p2: 618-624.
  • 11. Mazza M, Mandelli L, Di Nicola M, Harnic D, Catalano V, Tedeschi D et al. Clinical features, response to treatment and functional outcome of bipolar disorder patients with and without co-occurring substance use disorder: 1-year follow-up. Journal of affective disorders. 2009; 115: 27-35.
  • 12. Pompili M, Harnic D, Gonda X, Forte A, Dominici G, İnnamorati M et al. Impact of living with bipolar patients: Making sense of caregivers’ burden. World Journal of Psychiatry.2014; 4.1: 1.
  • 13. Mert DG, Turgut NH, Kelleci M, Semiz M. Perspectives on reasons of medication nonadherence in psychiatric patients. Patient preference and adherence. 2015; 9: 87.
  • 14. Semahegn A, Torpey K, Manu A, Assefa N, Tesfaye G, Ankomah A. Psychotropic medication non-adherence and its associated factors among patients with major psychiatric disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic reviews. 2020; 9.1: 1-18.
  • 15. Maurel M, Azorin JM, Adida M, Fakra E, Richieri R, Bottai T, et al. Bipolar affective disorders: models and assessment of psychological treatments. L'encephale. 2010; 36: 202-5.
  • 16. Scott J. Predicting Medication Non-Adherence In Severe Affective Disorders. Acta Neurolopsychiatr . 2000; 12:128-30.
  • 17. Johnson R, Mcfarland B. Lithium Use And Discontinuation In A Health Maintenance Organisation, Am J P sychiatry. 1998;153:993-1000.
  • 18. Jamison KR, Gerner RH, Goodwin FK. Patient and Physician Attitudes Toward Lithiumo Title. Arch Gen Psychiatry.1979; 36, 866–869.
  • 19. Keck P, Mccelroy S, Strawkoski S, Bourne M, West S. Compliance with Maintenance Treatment In Bipolar Disorder. Psychopharmacol Bull. 1997; 33:87-91.
  • 20. Colom F, Vieta E, Tacchi MJ, Sanchez-Moreno J, Scott J . Identifying and improving non- adherence in bipolar disorders, Bipolar Disord. 2005; 5:24–31.
  • 21. Selvakumar N, Menon V, Kattimani S. A Cross-sectional analysis of patterns and predictors of medication adherence in bipolar disorder : Single center experience from. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2018;16(2):168–175.
  • 22. Svarstad BL, Shireman TI, Sweeney JK. Using drug claims data to assess the relationship of medication adherence with hospitalization and costs. Psychiatr. Serv.2001; 52: 805–811.
  • 23. Martin DJ, Garske JP, Davis MK. Relation of the therapeutic alliance with outcome and other variables: a meta-analytic review. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.2000; 68(3):438.
  • 24. Mitchell AJ, Selmes T. Why don't patients take their medicine? Reasons and solutions in psychiatry. Advances in psychiatric treatment.2007; 13(5): 336-346.
  • 25. McCabe R, Bullenkamp J, Hansson L, Lauber C, Martinez-Leal R, Rössler W, et al. The therapeutic relationship and adherence to antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia. PLoS One.2012; 7(4): e36080.
  • 26. Sajatovic M, Davies M, Bauer MS, McBride L, Hays RW, Safavi R, et al. Attitudes regarding the collaborative practice model and treatment adherence among individuals with bipolar disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry.2005; 46(4):272-277.
  • 27. Zeber JE, Copeland LA, Good CB, Fine MJ, Bauer MS, Amy M ve ark. Therapeutic Alliance Perceptions And Medication Adherence in Patients With Bipolar Disorder. Journal Of Affective Disorders.2008; 107:53–62.
  • 28. Calogero R, Pedrotty K. Daily practices for mindful exercise. in Low-Cost Approaches to Promote Physical and Mental Health: Theory, Research, and Practice. 2007. doi:10.1007/0-387-36899-X_7.
  • 29. Cochran SD, Gitlin MJ. Attitudinal correlates of lithium compliance in bipolar affective disorders. The Journal of nervous and mental disease.1998; 176(8):457-464.
  • 30. Karadağ H, Kokurcan A, Güriz O, Atmar M, Örsel S. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology Assessing the treatment adherence and clinical correlates of low adherence among bipolar disorder outpatients: a cross-sectional study Assessing the treatment adherence and clinical correlates of low adherence among bipolar disorder outpatients: a cross-sectional study. 2018. doi:10.1080/24750573.201.
  • 31. Karaytug MO, Keskin N, Tamam L, Ozpoyraz N, Demirkol ME, Gurbuz M. Assessment of treatment adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.2017:7(4); 185-90.
  • 32. Dilsaver SC, Chen YW, Swann AC, Shoaib AM, Dilsaver YT, Krajewski KJ. Panic disorder and psychosis in bipolar depression, depresive-mania and pure-mania. Psychiatry Res.1997; 73:47-56.
  • 33. Coryell W, Scheftner WA, Keller M. The enduring psychosocial conequences of mania and depression. Am J Psychiatry. 1993; 150:720-7.
  • 34. Tsai SY, Kuo CJ, Chen CC. Risk factors for completed suicide in bipolar disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 2002; 63 (6) : 469-76.
  • 35. Kora K, Saylan M, Akaya C, Karamustafalıoğlu N, Tomruk N, Yasan A, et al. Predictive factors for time to remission and recurrence in patients treated 66 for acute mania: health outcomes of manic episodes (HOME) study. Prim Care Companion,J Clin Psychiatry. 2008; 10(2): 114-119.
  • 36. Gitlin MJ, Swendsen j, Heler TL, Hammen C. Relapse and impairment in bipolar disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 1995; 152(11);1635-40.
  • 37. Berk M, Berk L, Castle DA. collaborative approach to the treatment alliance in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord.2004; 6: 504–518.
  • 38. Berk L, Hallam KT, Colom F, Vieta E, Hasty M, Macneil C, Berk M. Enhancing medication adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Human psychopharmacology: clinical and experimental.2010; 25(1): 1-16.
  • 39. Crowe M, Wilson L, Inder M. Patients’ Reports of the Factors Influencing Medication Adherence in Bipolar Disorder – An Integrative Review of the Literature. International Journal Of Nursing Studies. 2011; 48: 894–903.
  • 40. Lingam, R. & Scott, J. Treatment non-adherence in affective disorders.Acta Psychiatr. Scand. 2002;105: 164–172.
  • 41. Miasso AI, Monteschi M, Giacchero KG. Bipolar Affective Disorder: Medication Adherence And Satisfaction With Treatment And Guidance By The Health Team In A Mental Health Service, Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2009; 17(4):548–556.
  • 42. Strauss JL, Johnson SL. Role of treatment alliance in the clinical management of bipolar disorder: stronger alliances prospectively predict fewer manic symptoms. Psychiatry Research.2006; 145(2-3): 215-223.
  • 43. Rakofsky JJ, Levy ST, Dunlop BW. Conceptualizing treatment nonadherence in patients with bipolar disorder and PTSD. CNS spectrums.2011; 16(1): 11-20.
  • 44. Lewis L. Patient perspective on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord. Suppl. 2005;7:33–37 .
  • 45. Kleindienst N, Greil . Are illness concepts a powerful predictor of adherence to prophylactic treatment in bipolar disorder?. Journal of Clinical psychiatry.2004; 65(7): 966-974.
  • 46. Sajatovic M, Biswas K, Kilbourne AK, Fenn H, Williford W, Bauer MS. Factors associated with prospective long-term treatment adherence among individuals with bipolar disorder. Psychiatric services.2008; 59(7): 753-759.
  • 47. Chakrabarti S. Treatment-adherence in bipolar disorder: A patient-centred approach. World J. Psychiatry.2016; 6: 399.
  • 48. Velligan DI, Weiden PJ, Sajatovic M, Scott J, Carpenter D, Ross R, et al. Expert Consensus Panel on Adherence Problems in Serious and Persistent Mental Illness. The expert consensus guideline series: adherence problems in patients with serious and persistent mental illness. J Clin Psychiatry.2009; 70:1-46.
  • 49. Byrne N, Regan C, Livingston G. Adherence to treatment in mood disorders. Current opinion in psychiatry.2006; 19(1): 44-49.
  • 50. Clatworthy J, Bowskill R, Rank T, Parham R, Horne R. Adherence To Medication İn Bipolar Disorder: A Qualitative Study Exploring The Role Of Patients Beliefs About The Condition And its Treatment. Bipolar Disord. 2007; 9:656–664.
  • 51. Demirkol ME, Evlice YE, Karaytuğ MO, Tamam L. Psikiyatri Hastalarının Tedaviye Uyumu Cukurova Med J.2015. doi:10.17826/cutf.04659.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Mahmut Onur Karaytuğ 0000-0002-6338-2195

Lut Tamam 0000-0002-9750-7531

Mehmet Emin Demirkol 0000-0003-3965-7360

Zeynep Namlı 0000-0001-8954-5901

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2022
Kabul Tarihi 14 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

AMA Karaytuğ MO, Tamam L, Demirkol ME, Namlı Z. Bipolar Bozukluk Tanılı Hastalarda Tedaviye Uyum ve İlişkili Faktörler. aktd. Mart 2022;31(1):21-27. doi:10.17827/aktd.1055451