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Perinatal Hepatitis B Virüs Bulaşı

Yıl 2016, , 304 - 318, 30.09.2016


Hepatit B virüs (HBV) taşıyıcılığı prevelansının yüksek olduğu ülkelerde bulaşın en önemli şekli perinatal anneden çocuğa bulaştır. Perinatal bulaş intrauterin bulaş, doğum sırasında bulaş ve postpartum bulaş olmak üzere üç şekilde gerçekleşebilir ve yüksek oranda enfeksiyonun kronikleşmesi ile sonuçlanmaktadır. Bu nedenlerden HBV enfeksiyonunun perinatal bulaşının önlenmesi önemlidir. Doğumda uygulanan hepatit B immunglobulini (HBIG) ve ilk doz HBV aşılaması sonucunda özellikle doğum sırasında bulaş ve postpartum bulaş engellenebilirken intrauterin bulaşa etki yoktur. Doğum sonrası doğru bir şekilde uygulanan HBIG ve aşıya rağmen devam eden perinatal bulaş rezidüel riski nedeniyle, diğer stratejiler (antiviral profilaksi, anneye HBIG uygulanması, doğum şekli vb.) ile ilgili birçok çalışma yapılmaktadır. 


  • World Health Organization (WHO). 2014. Hepatitis B Fact Sheet 2014. mediacentre/factsheets/fs204/en. (accessed Dec 2, 2015).
  • Mıstık R, Balık İ. Türkiye’de viral hepatitlerin epidemiyolojik analizi. In Viral Hepatit Kitabı 2001 (Eds K Kılıçturgay, S Badur):10-55. İstanbul, Viral Hepatitle Savaşım Derneği, 2001.
  • Bolat AD, Akın FE, Yürekli ÖT. Gebelikte hepatit B virus enfeksiyonu-anneden bebeğe geçişte etkili risk faktörleri ve yönetimi. Journal of Clinical Analytical Medicine. 2015;62:262-7.
  • Liu CP, Zeng YL, Zhou M, Chen LL, Hu R, Wang L et al. Factors associated with mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus despite immunoprophylaxis. Intern Med. 2015;54:711-6.
  • Gentile I, Borgia G. Vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus: challenges and solutions. Int J Womens Health. 2014;10:605-11.
  • Chen T, Wang J, Feng Y, Yan Z, Zhang T, Liu M et al. Dynamic changes of HBV markers and HBV DNA load in infants born to HBsAg (+) mothers: Can positivity of HBsAg or HBV DNA at birth be an indicator for HBV infection of infants? BMC Infect Dis. 2013;6:524.
  • Wang JS, Chen H, Zhu QR. Transformation of hepatitis B serologic markers in babies born to hepatitis B surface antigen positive mothers. World J Gastroenterol. 2005;11:3582–5.
  • Ahmed MM, Huang TH, Xie QD. A sensitive and rapid assay for investigating vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus via male germ line using EGFP Vector as reporter. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2008;2008:495436.
  • Bai GQ, Li SH, Yue YF, Shi L. The study on role of peripheral blood mononuclear cell in HBV intrauterine infection. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2011;283:317–21.
  • Xu DZ, Yan YP, Choi BC, Xu JQ, Men K, Zhang JX et al. Risk factors and mechanism of trans- placental transmission of hepatitis B virus: a case-control study. J Med Virol. 2002;67:20–6.
  • Towers CV, Asrat T, Rumney P. The presence of hepatitis B surface antigen and deoxyribonucleic acid in amniotic fluid and cord blood. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001;184:1514–20.
  • Ko TM, Tseng LH, Chang MH, Chen DS, Hsieh FJ, Chuang SM et al. Amniocentesis in mothers who are hepatitis B virus carriers does not expose the infant to an increased risk of hepatitis B virus infection. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 1994;255:25–30.
  • Günşar F. Gebelik ve hepatit b virüs enfeksiyonu. Güncel Gastroenteroloji. 2012;16:299-302.
  • Tse K, Siu SL, Yip KT, Chan SM, Que TL, Lui WY et al. Immunoprophylaxis of babies born to hepatitis B carrier mothers. Hong Kong Med J. 2006;12:368–74.
  • Tran TT, Gordon SC, Fung S, Dinh P, Yee L, Martins EB et al. Hepatitis B e antigen status and hepatitis B DNA levels in women of childbearing age with chronic hepatitis B infection screening for clinical trials. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0121632.
  • Wu Y, Zhou Q, Wang H, Tian T, Zhu Q, Wang H et al. Potential role of mannose-binding lectin in intrauterine transmission of hepatitis B virus. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2013;66:391-3.
  • Piratvisuth T. Optimal management of HBV infection during pregnancy. Liver Int. 2013;33:188- 94.
  • Li S, Zhou H, Huang G, Liu N. Inhibition of HBV infection by bovine lactoferrin and iron, zinc- saturated lactoferrin. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2009;198:19-25.
  • Hill JB, Sheffield JS, Kim MJ, Alexander JM, Sercely B, Wendel GD. Risk of hepatitis B transmission in breast-fed infants of chronic hepatitis B carriers. Obstet Gynecol. 2002;99:1049–52.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) 2011. Hepatitis B and breastfeeding. Available from: breastfeeding.pdf. Erişim: 02 Aralık 2015.
  • Zhang Z, Chen C, Li Z, Wu YH, Xiao XM. Individualized management of pregnant women with high hepatitis B virus DNA levels. World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20:12056-61.
  • European Association fort the study of the liver. EASL clinical practice guidelines: management of chronic hepatitis B virus infection. J Hepatol. 2012;57:167-85.
  • Cao LH, Li YR, Wang SY, Liu ZM, Sun SC, Xu DB et al. Effect of hepatitis B vaccination in hepatitis B surface antibody-negative pregnant mothers on the vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus from father to infant. Exp Ther Med. 2015;10:279-84.
  • Zhang P, Lu W, Sun Z, Liu Y, Liu XL. Clinical study on blocking paternal fetal transmission of hepatitis B virus. Zhonghua Chuan Ran Bing Za Zhi. 2010;28:688-9.
  • Belopolskaya M, Avrutin V, Firsov S, Yakovlev A. HBsAg level and hepatitis B viral load correlation with focus on pregnancy. Ann Gastroenterol. 2015;28:379-84.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Hepatitis B information, information for health professionals- perinatal transmission. (accessed Dec 2, 2015).
  • Ko SC, Schhillie SF, Walker T, Veselsky SL, Nelson NP, Lazaroff J et al. Hepatitis B vaccine response among infants born to hepatitis b surface antigen-positive women. Vaccine. 2014;32:2127-33.
  • Plotkin SA, Orenstein WA. Hepatitis B vaccine. In Vaccines (Eds. E Mast, F Mahoney, M Kane):299- 337. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2004.
  • Ghaziasadi A, Alavian SM, Norouzi M, Fazel Z, Jazayeri SM. Mutational analysis of HBsAg positive mothers and their infected children despite immunoprophylaxis. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol.
  • Zhao N, Wang X, Zhang Y, Gu Q, Huang F, Zheng W et al. Gestational zinc deficiency ımpairs humoral and cellular immune responses to Hepatitis B vaccination in offspring mice. PLoS One. 2013;10:e73461.
  • Yin YZ, Chen XW, Li XM, Hou HY, Shi ZJ. Intrauterine HBV infection: risk factors and impact of HBV DNA. Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xuebao. 2006;26:1452-4.
  • Zou H, Chen Y, Duan Z, Zhang H, Pan C. Virologic factors associated with failure to passive-active immunoprophylaxis in infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers. J Viral Hepat. 2012;19:e18–e25.
  • Fan L, Owusu-Edusei K Jr., Schillie SF, Murphy TV. Antiviral treatment among pregnant women with chronic hepatitis B. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2014;2014:546165.
  • Wang L, Kourtis AP, Ellington S, Legardy-Williams J, Bulterys M. Safety of tenofovir during pregnancy for the mother and fetus: a systematic review. Clin Infect Dis. 2013;57:1773-81.
  • Han L, Zhang HW, Xie JX, Zhang Q, Wang HY, Cao GW. A meta-analysis of lamivudine for interruption of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus. World J Gastroenterol. 2011;17:4321-33.
  • Shi Z, Yang Y, Ma L, Li X, Schreiber A. Lamivudine in late pregnancy to interrupt in utero transmission of hepatitis B virus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2010;116:147-59.
  • Xu WM, Cui YT, Wang L, Yang H, Liang ZQ, Li XM et al. Lamivudine in late pregnancy to prevent perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus infection: a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Viral Hepat. 2009;16:94-103.
  • Celen MK, Mert D, Ay M, Dal T, Kaya S, Yildirim N et al. Efficacy and safety of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in pregnancy for the prevention of vertical transmission of HBV infection. World J Gastroenterol. 2013;19:9377-82.
  • Zeng H, Cai H, Wang Y, Shen Y. Growth and development of children prenatally exposed to telbivudine administered for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in their mothers. Int J Infect Dis. 2015;33:97-103.
  • Han GR, Cao MK, Zhao W, Jiang HX, Wang CM, Bai SF et al. A prospective and open-label study for the efficacy and safety of telbivudine in pregnancy for the prevention of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus infection. J Hepatol. 2011;55:1215-21.
  • Han GR, Jiang HX, Wang GJ, Yue X, Wang CM, Kan NY et al. Efficacy and safety of telbivudine in pregnant women to prevent perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus. Zhonghua Gan Zang Bing Za Zhi. 2012;20:201-5.
  • Bzowej NH. Optimal management of the Hepatitis B patient who desires pregnancy or is pregnant. Curr Hepat Rep. 2012;11:82-9.
  • Munderi P, Wilkes H, Tumukunde D, Chidziva E, Nalumenya R, Gilks C et al. DART Trial Team. Pregnancy rates and outcomes among women on triple-drug antiretroviral therapy in the DART trial [Poster WEPEB261]. 5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, 19- 22 July 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • The Antiretroviral Pregancy Registry Interim Report for 1 January 1989 through 31 July 2011. (accessed Dec 2015).
  • Hu YH, Liu M, Yi W, Cao YJ, Cai HD. Tenofovir rescue therapy in pregnant females with chronic hepatitis B. World J Gastroenterol. 2015;21:2504-9.
  • Kubo A, Shlager L, Marks AR, Lakritz D, Beaumont C, Gabellini K et al. Prevention of vertical transmission of Hepatitis B: An observation study. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:828–35.
  • Keeffe EB, Dieterich DT, Han SH, Jacobson IM, Martin P, Schiff ER et al. A treatment algorithm for the management of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the United States: 2008 update. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008;6:1315–41.
  • Kazim SN, Wakil SM, Khan LA, Hasnain SE, Sarin SK. Vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus despite maternal lamivudine therapy. Lancet. 2002;359:1488–9.
  • Buchanan C, Tran TT. Management of chronic hepatitis B in pregnancy. Clin Liver Dis. 2010;14:495-504.
  • Yuan J, Lin J, Xu A, Li H, Hu B, Chen J et al. Antepartum immunoprophylaxis of three doses of hepatitis B immunoglobulin is not effective: a single-centre randomized study. J Viral Hepat. 2006;13:597-604.
  • Han ZH, Zhong LH, Wang J, Zhao QL, Sun YG, Li LW et al. The impact of antepartum injection of hepatitis B immunoglobulin on maternal serum HBV DNA and anti-HBs in the newborns. Zhonghua Nei Ke Zazhi. 2007;46:376-8.
  • Xiao XM, Li AZ, Chen X, Zhu YK, Miao J. Prevention of vertical hepatitis B transmission by hepatitis B immunoglobulin in the third trimester of pregnancy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2007;96:167-70.
  • Jin H, Zhao Y, Tan Z, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Wang B et al. Immunization interventions to interrupt hepatitis B virus mother-to-child transmission: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Pediatr. 2014;14: 07.
  • Liu J, Feng Y, Wang J, Li X, Lei C, Jin D et al. An "immune barrier" is formed in the placenta by hepatitis B immunoglobulin to protect the fetus from hepatitis B virus infection from the mother. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2015;11:2068-76.
  • Shi Z, Li X, Ma L, Yang Y. Hepatitis B immunoglobulin injection in pregnancy to interrupt hepatitis B virus mother-to child transmission-a meta-analysis. Int J Infect Dis. 2010;14:e622-e634.
  • Li T, Qiu JM, Miao MH, Su XJ, Duan T. Meta-analysis on the effect of hepatitis B immunoglobulin on blocking intrauterine infection of HBV during the third-trimester. XianDai Fuke Jinzhan.
  • Gupta I, Ratho RK. Immunogenicity and safety of two schedules of Hepatitis B vaccination during pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2003;29:84-6.
  • Duan WB, Wang BL, Zhou XP, Zhong YX. Anti-HBV immunoglobulin combined with hepatitis B vaccine in preventing intrauterine infection of HBV. Disi Junyi Daxue Xuebao. 2005;26:191-2.
  • Lin HH. Perinatal transmission of hepatitis viruses: the possible mechanisms. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2004;43:1-4.
  • Wang J, Zhu Q, Zhang X. Effect of delivery mode on maternal-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus by immunoprophylaxis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2002;115:1510-2.
  • Yang J, Zeng XM, Men YL, Zhao LS. Elective caesarean section versus vaginal delivery for preventing mother to child transmission of hepatitis B virus--a systematic review. Virol J. 2008;5:100.
  • Fan Y, Xiao XM. Meta-analysis on the effect of delivery mode on maternal-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus. Zhongguo Fuyou Baojian. 2007;22:3787-9.
  • Zou H, Chen Y, Duan Z, Zhang H, Pan C. A retrospective study for clinical outcome of caesarean section on perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus in infants born to HBeAg positive mothers with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology. 2010;52:441A.
  • Obstetric group of the branch of obstetrics and gynecology in Chinese medical association. Clinical guidelines of prevent HBV mother-to-child transmission (first edition). Zhongguo Fuchanke Zazhi. 2013;48:151-4.
  • Huang L, Fan H, Ji B, Ye M. Research about the efficacy of delivery mode on maternal-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus. Zhongguo Xinyixue. 2012;43:247-9.
  • Pan CQ, Zou HB, Chen Y, Zhang X, Zhang H, Li J, et al. Cesarean section reduces perinatal transmission of HBV infection from Hepatitis B surface antigen-positive women to their infants. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013;11:1349-55.
  • Fan L, Owusu-Edusei K, Schillie SF, Murphy TV. Cost-effectiveness of active-passive prophylaxis and antiviral prophylaxis during pregnancy to prevent perinatal hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatology. 2016;63:1471-80.
  • Correspondence Address / Yazışma Adresi Murat Afyon
  • GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi İstanbul, Turkey
  • e-mail:
  • Geliş tarihi/ Received: 04.12.2015
  • Kabul tarihi/Accepted: 08.01.2016

Perinatal Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus

Yıl 2016, , 304 - 318, 30.09.2016


Perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the predominant mode of transmission in countries with a high prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen carriage. Perinatal transmission can occur via three modalities: intrauterine transmission; transmission during delivery; and postpartum transmission and perinatal transmission results in a high frequency of chronic infection. Therefore, it is important to prevent perinatal transmission. At-birth prophylaxis with hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) and the first dose of the HBV vaccine can prevent transmission during delivery or in the postpartum period, but it has no effect on the intrauterine route of transmission. Due to the residual risk of perinatal transmission despite correct use of birth prophylaxis with HBIG and vaccine, other strategies (namely, antiviral drugs, HBIG to the mother, and mode of delivery) have been tested in several studies.  


  • World Health Organization (WHO). 2014. Hepatitis B Fact Sheet 2014. mediacentre/factsheets/fs204/en. (accessed Dec 2, 2015).
  • Mıstık R, Balık İ. Türkiye’de viral hepatitlerin epidemiyolojik analizi. In Viral Hepatit Kitabı 2001 (Eds K Kılıçturgay, S Badur):10-55. İstanbul, Viral Hepatitle Savaşım Derneği, 2001.
  • Bolat AD, Akın FE, Yürekli ÖT. Gebelikte hepatit B virus enfeksiyonu-anneden bebeğe geçişte etkili risk faktörleri ve yönetimi. Journal of Clinical Analytical Medicine. 2015;62:262-7.
  • Liu CP, Zeng YL, Zhou M, Chen LL, Hu R, Wang L et al. Factors associated with mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus despite immunoprophylaxis. Intern Med. 2015;54:711-6.
  • Gentile I, Borgia G. Vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus: challenges and solutions. Int J Womens Health. 2014;10:605-11.
  • Chen T, Wang J, Feng Y, Yan Z, Zhang T, Liu M et al. Dynamic changes of HBV markers and HBV DNA load in infants born to HBsAg (+) mothers: Can positivity of HBsAg or HBV DNA at birth be an indicator for HBV infection of infants? BMC Infect Dis. 2013;6:524.
  • Wang JS, Chen H, Zhu QR. Transformation of hepatitis B serologic markers in babies born to hepatitis B surface antigen positive mothers. World J Gastroenterol. 2005;11:3582–5.
  • Ahmed MM, Huang TH, Xie QD. A sensitive and rapid assay for investigating vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus via male germ line using EGFP Vector as reporter. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2008;2008:495436.
  • Bai GQ, Li SH, Yue YF, Shi L. The study on role of peripheral blood mononuclear cell in HBV intrauterine infection. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2011;283:317–21.
  • Xu DZ, Yan YP, Choi BC, Xu JQ, Men K, Zhang JX et al. Risk factors and mechanism of trans- placental transmission of hepatitis B virus: a case-control study. J Med Virol. 2002;67:20–6.
  • Towers CV, Asrat T, Rumney P. The presence of hepatitis B surface antigen and deoxyribonucleic acid in amniotic fluid and cord blood. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001;184:1514–20.
  • Ko TM, Tseng LH, Chang MH, Chen DS, Hsieh FJ, Chuang SM et al. Amniocentesis in mothers who are hepatitis B virus carriers does not expose the infant to an increased risk of hepatitis B virus infection. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 1994;255:25–30.
  • Günşar F. Gebelik ve hepatit b virüs enfeksiyonu. Güncel Gastroenteroloji. 2012;16:299-302.
  • Tse K, Siu SL, Yip KT, Chan SM, Que TL, Lui WY et al. Immunoprophylaxis of babies born to hepatitis B carrier mothers. Hong Kong Med J. 2006;12:368–74.
  • Tran TT, Gordon SC, Fung S, Dinh P, Yee L, Martins EB et al. Hepatitis B e antigen status and hepatitis B DNA levels in women of childbearing age with chronic hepatitis B infection screening for clinical trials. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0121632.
  • Wu Y, Zhou Q, Wang H, Tian T, Zhu Q, Wang H et al. Potential role of mannose-binding lectin in intrauterine transmission of hepatitis B virus. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2013;66:391-3.
  • Piratvisuth T. Optimal management of HBV infection during pregnancy. Liver Int. 2013;33:188- 94.
  • Li S, Zhou H, Huang G, Liu N. Inhibition of HBV infection by bovine lactoferrin and iron, zinc- saturated lactoferrin. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2009;198:19-25.
  • Hill JB, Sheffield JS, Kim MJ, Alexander JM, Sercely B, Wendel GD. Risk of hepatitis B transmission in breast-fed infants of chronic hepatitis B carriers. Obstet Gynecol. 2002;99:1049–52.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) 2011. Hepatitis B and breastfeeding. Available from: breastfeeding.pdf. Erişim: 02 Aralık 2015.
  • Zhang Z, Chen C, Li Z, Wu YH, Xiao XM. Individualized management of pregnant women with high hepatitis B virus DNA levels. World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20:12056-61.
  • European Association fort the study of the liver. EASL clinical practice guidelines: management of chronic hepatitis B virus infection. J Hepatol. 2012;57:167-85.
  • Cao LH, Li YR, Wang SY, Liu ZM, Sun SC, Xu DB et al. Effect of hepatitis B vaccination in hepatitis B surface antibody-negative pregnant mothers on the vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus from father to infant. Exp Ther Med. 2015;10:279-84.
  • Zhang P, Lu W, Sun Z, Liu Y, Liu XL. Clinical study on blocking paternal fetal transmission of hepatitis B virus. Zhonghua Chuan Ran Bing Za Zhi. 2010;28:688-9.
  • Belopolskaya M, Avrutin V, Firsov S, Yakovlev A. HBsAg level and hepatitis B viral load correlation with focus on pregnancy. Ann Gastroenterol. 2015;28:379-84.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Hepatitis B information, information for health professionals- perinatal transmission. (accessed Dec 2, 2015).
  • Ko SC, Schhillie SF, Walker T, Veselsky SL, Nelson NP, Lazaroff J et al. Hepatitis B vaccine response among infants born to hepatitis b surface antigen-positive women. Vaccine. 2014;32:2127-33.
  • Plotkin SA, Orenstein WA. Hepatitis B vaccine. In Vaccines (Eds. E Mast, F Mahoney, M Kane):299- 337. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2004.
  • Ghaziasadi A, Alavian SM, Norouzi M, Fazel Z, Jazayeri SM. Mutational analysis of HBsAg positive mothers and their infected children despite immunoprophylaxis. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol.
  • Zhao N, Wang X, Zhang Y, Gu Q, Huang F, Zheng W et al. Gestational zinc deficiency ımpairs humoral and cellular immune responses to Hepatitis B vaccination in offspring mice. PLoS One. 2013;10:e73461.
  • Yin YZ, Chen XW, Li XM, Hou HY, Shi ZJ. Intrauterine HBV infection: risk factors and impact of HBV DNA. Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xuebao. 2006;26:1452-4.
  • Zou H, Chen Y, Duan Z, Zhang H, Pan C. Virologic factors associated with failure to passive-active immunoprophylaxis in infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers. J Viral Hepat. 2012;19:e18–e25.
  • Fan L, Owusu-Edusei K Jr., Schillie SF, Murphy TV. Antiviral treatment among pregnant women with chronic hepatitis B. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2014;2014:546165.
  • Wang L, Kourtis AP, Ellington S, Legardy-Williams J, Bulterys M. Safety of tenofovir during pregnancy for the mother and fetus: a systematic review. Clin Infect Dis. 2013;57:1773-81.
  • Han L, Zhang HW, Xie JX, Zhang Q, Wang HY, Cao GW. A meta-analysis of lamivudine for interruption of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus. World J Gastroenterol. 2011;17:4321-33.
  • Shi Z, Yang Y, Ma L, Li X, Schreiber A. Lamivudine in late pregnancy to interrupt in utero transmission of hepatitis B virus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2010;116:147-59.
  • Xu WM, Cui YT, Wang L, Yang H, Liang ZQ, Li XM et al. Lamivudine in late pregnancy to prevent perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus infection: a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Viral Hepat. 2009;16:94-103.
  • Celen MK, Mert D, Ay M, Dal T, Kaya S, Yildirim N et al. Efficacy and safety of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in pregnancy for the prevention of vertical transmission of HBV infection. World J Gastroenterol. 2013;19:9377-82.
  • Zeng H, Cai H, Wang Y, Shen Y. Growth and development of children prenatally exposed to telbivudine administered for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in their mothers. Int J Infect Dis. 2015;33:97-103.
  • Han GR, Cao MK, Zhao W, Jiang HX, Wang CM, Bai SF et al. A prospective and open-label study for the efficacy and safety of telbivudine in pregnancy for the prevention of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus infection. J Hepatol. 2011;55:1215-21.
  • Han GR, Jiang HX, Wang GJ, Yue X, Wang CM, Kan NY et al. Efficacy and safety of telbivudine in pregnant women to prevent perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus. Zhonghua Gan Zang Bing Za Zhi. 2012;20:201-5.
  • Bzowej NH. Optimal management of the Hepatitis B patient who desires pregnancy or is pregnant. Curr Hepat Rep. 2012;11:82-9.
  • Munderi P, Wilkes H, Tumukunde D, Chidziva E, Nalumenya R, Gilks C et al. DART Trial Team. Pregnancy rates and outcomes among women on triple-drug antiretroviral therapy in the DART trial [Poster WEPEB261]. 5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, 19- 22 July 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • The Antiretroviral Pregancy Registry Interim Report for 1 January 1989 through 31 July 2011. (accessed Dec 2015).
  • Hu YH, Liu M, Yi W, Cao YJ, Cai HD. Tenofovir rescue therapy in pregnant females with chronic hepatitis B. World J Gastroenterol. 2015;21:2504-9.
  • Kubo A, Shlager L, Marks AR, Lakritz D, Beaumont C, Gabellini K et al. Prevention of vertical transmission of Hepatitis B: An observation study. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:828–35.
  • Keeffe EB, Dieterich DT, Han SH, Jacobson IM, Martin P, Schiff ER et al. A treatment algorithm for the management of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the United States: 2008 update. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008;6:1315–41.
  • Kazim SN, Wakil SM, Khan LA, Hasnain SE, Sarin SK. Vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus despite maternal lamivudine therapy. Lancet. 2002;359:1488–9.
  • Buchanan C, Tran TT. Management of chronic hepatitis B in pregnancy. Clin Liver Dis. 2010;14:495-504.
  • Yuan J, Lin J, Xu A, Li H, Hu B, Chen J et al. Antepartum immunoprophylaxis of three doses of hepatitis B immunoglobulin is not effective: a single-centre randomized study. J Viral Hepat. 2006;13:597-604.
  • Han ZH, Zhong LH, Wang J, Zhao QL, Sun YG, Li LW et al. The impact of antepartum injection of hepatitis B immunoglobulin on maternal serum HBV DNA and anti-HBs in the newborns. Zhonghua Nei Ke Zazhi. 2007;46:376-8.
  • Xiao XM, Li AZ, Chen X, Zhu YK, Miao J. Prevention of vertical hepatitis B transmission by hepatitis B immunoglobulin in the third trimester of pregnancy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2007;96:167-70.
  • Jin H, Zhao Y, Tan Z, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Wang B et al. Immunization interventions to interrupt hepatitis B virus mother-to-child transmission: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Pediatr. 2014;14: 07.
  • Liu J, Feng Y, Wang J, Li X, Lei C, Jin D et al. An "immune barrier" is formed in the placenta by hepatitis B immunoglobulin to protect the fetus from hepatitis B virus infection from the mother. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2015;11:2068-76.
  • Shi Z, Li X, Ma L, Yang Y. Hepatitis B immunoglobulin injection in pregnancy to interrupt hepatitis B virus mother-to child transmission-a meta-analysis. Int J Infect Dis. 2010;14:e622-e634.
  • Li T, Qiu JM, Miao MH, Su XJ, Duan T. Meta-analysis on the effect of hepatitis B immunoglobulin on blocking intrauterine infection of HBV during the third-trimester. XianDai Fuke Jinzhan.
  • Gupta I, Ratho RK. Immunogenicity and safety of two schedules of Hepatitis B vaccination during pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2003;29:84-6.
  • Duan WB, Wang BL, Zhou XP, Zhong YX. Anti-HBV immunoglobulin combined with hepatitis B vaccine in preventing intrauterine infection of HBV. Disi Junyi Daxue Xuebao. 2005;26:191-2.
  • Lin HH. Perinatal transmission of hepatitis viruses: the possible mechanisms. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2004;43:1-4.
  • Wang J, Zhu Q, Zhang X. Effect of delivery mode on maternal-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus by immunoprophylaxis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2002;115:1510-2.
  • Yang J, Zeng XM, Men YL, Zhao LS. Elective caesarean section versus vaginal delivery for preventing mother to child transmission of hepatitis B virus--a systematic review. Virol J. 2008;5:100.
  • Fan Y, Xiao XM. Meta-analysis on the effect of delivery mode on maternal-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus. Zhongguo Fuyou Baojian. 2007;22:3787-9.
  • Zou H, Chen Y, Duan Z, Zhang H, Pan C. A retrospective study for clinical outcome of caesarean section on perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus in infants born to HBeAg positive mothers with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology. 2010;52:441A.
  • Obstetric group of the branch of obstetrics and gynecology in Chinese medical association. Clinical guidelines of prevent HBV mother-to-child transmission (first edition). Zhongguo Fuchanke Zazhi. 2013;48:151-4.
  • Huang L, Fan H, Ji B, Ye M. Research about the efficacy of delivery mode on maternal-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus. Zhongguo Xinyixue. 2012;43:247-9.
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  • Correspondence Address / Yazışma Adresi Murat Afyon
  • GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi İstanbul, Turkey
  • e-mail:
  • Geliş tarihi/ Received: 04.12.2015
  • Kabul tarihi/Accepted: 08.01.2016
Toplam 72 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Murat Afyon Bu kişi benim

Cumhur Artuk Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2016
Kabul Tarihi 8 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

AMA Afyon M, Artuk C. Perinatal Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus. aktd. Eylül 2016;25(3):304-318. doi:10.17827/aktd.237672