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Brain Stem Tumors

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1, 72 - 89, 31.03.2025


İntra kranial tümörlerinin %5 i, posterior fossa tümörlerinin ’de %25 i beyin sapından köken alır. Çoğunluğu ponsta ve çocukluk çağında görülür, kötü prognozludur, Bu tümörler mesensefalon, pons, medulla, serviko medullar bileşkede yerleşir.
Beyin tümörlerinde, Bununla birlikte 19. yy da operasyonlar yapılmaya başlandı. Beyin sapında hayati merkezler olduğundan, tümörün kesin lokalizasyonu ve ulaşım yolları belirlenemediğinden operasyonlardan kaçınıldı.
2000 li yıllarda magnetik resonans görüntüleme yöntemlerindeki gelişme; histolojik tanıyı, önemli merkezleri ve traktusları, tümöre ulaşma yollarını net olarak gösterdi. Operasyon anında navigasyon, stimülatör, monitörizasyon ve manyetik resonans görüntülemenin kullanılması operasyonda gross total rezeksiyon şansını arttır.
Özellikle: mesen sefalon, medulla, serviko medullar bileşek tümörleri, fokal, exophytic ve iyi damarkasyona sahip olduklarından gross total rezeke edilmeye başlandı. Pontin intrensik, infiltratif gliomlarda hala kesin operasyon endikasyonu yoktur. Bu tümörler supratentorial malign astrositomlar gibi yayılmaya, rekürens yapmaya meyillidir, demarkasyonu yoktur, traktuslar boyunca hızla yayılırlar.
Beyin sapı tümörleri daha çok çocukluk yaşında görüldüğü için 4 yaşına kadar girus, sulkus, fissürler gelişmediğinden, 8 yaştan önce fonksiyonel haritalama, navigasyon yapılamadığından, afonksiyonel giriş yerinin bulunması hala problemlidir. Bu nedenle radyoterapi (3 yaştan sonra), kemoterapi, metilasyon ajanları, DNA tamir tedavileri, adaptif terapi ve eğer genetik tarama uygunsa, kök hücre tedavisi önemlidir.


5% of all intracranial and 25% of posterior fossa tumors are originated from the brain stem. Seen mostly in children and in pons. They usually have bad prognosis. They imerge at mesencephalon, pons, medulla or cervico-medullay junction.
Brain surgeries were performed in the 19th century. Operation of the brain stem tumors howewer, were avoided because of their vital functions, diffculties of localization of the tumor and approaches.
In 2000`s the development of MRI and new sequences, allowed the surgeons to identify the important-vital centers, tracts and the ways to approach the pathology. Intaoperative use of navigation systems, electrophysiology, intaoperative MRI scanning increased the possibilitiy of gross total resection of tumors
At first, especially mesencephalon, medulla, cervico medullar junction tumors can be gross-total resected because they have better demarcation and are easily dissected from their surrounding tissue. There is still no absolute indication to resect intrensic infiltrative gliomas of pons. These tumors used to behave as malignant astocytomas, they are invasive, recurrence rate is high, spreads rapidly thorough the tracts.
Brain stem tumors are mostly seen in childhood and is still a challenge to find the afunctional entry point for the tumor because sulcus, gyrus and fissures are not properly developed until 4 years and it is not possible to perform a brain mapping until 8 years of age. Radiotherapy (>3 years age), chemotherapy, methilating agents, DNA repair treatments, adoptive therapy if genetic screening allows, stem cell therapy are important for the treatment.


  • 1. Kaufman B Brainstem Gliomas. Text book of neuro oncology Chapter 8 eds: Berger S.M, Prados M.D. Elsevier Saunders Philadelphia 627-33: 2005
  • 2. Laigle- Donadey F, Doz F, Delattre J-Y. Brainstem gliomas in children and adults Curr. Opin. Oncol. 2008; 20;(6) 662-67
  • 3. Goodrich TJ. Landmarks in the history. Principles of Neurosurgery. Eds: Rengacharg S.S, Wilkinsin H.R 1.2-1.25 Mosby London :1994
  • 4. Kaye H.A, Laws R.E Historical perspective. Bran Tumors Third eds: Kaye H.A, Laws R.E.Elsevier New York :1-6;2012
  • 5. Koos W, Miller M.H. Granulomas Tuberculomas. Intracranial Tumors of Infants and ChildrenGeorg Thieme Verlog Stutgard; 137-38; 1971
  • 6. Burton E.C, Lamborn K.R, Feuerstein B.G, Prados M, Scott J, Forsyth P, Passe S, Jenkins R. B, Aldape J.K. Genetic Aberrations Defined by Comparative Genomic Hybridization Distinguish Long-Term from Typical Survivors of Glioblastoma. Cancer Research 2002; Vol 62; Issue 21; 6205-10
  • 7. Warrem K.E, Killian K, Suuriniemi M, Wang Y, Quezado M, Maltzer P.S. Genomic aberrations in pediatric diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas. Neuro-Oncology 2012; Vol 14; Issue 3; 326-32
  • 8. Davis M.j, Ramakrishnan L. The role of the Granuloma in Expansion and Dissemination of Early Tuberculous Infection. Cell 2009; Vol 136: Issue; 1; 37-49
  • 9. Dubey A, Patwardhan R.V, Sampth S, Santosh V, Kolluri S, Nanda A. İntracranial Fungal Granulomas analysis of 40 patients and review of the literatüre,İntracranial Fungal Granulomas analysis of 40 patients and review of the literatüre. Surg Neurol. 2005; 63(3); 254-60
  • 10. Guillamo J.S, François D, Jean-Yves D. Brain stem Gliomas. Curr. Opin. Neurol. 2001; 14 (6) 711-15
  • 11. Albers A, Gutmann D, Gliomas in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutisc 2009; Vol: 9 ; Issue; 4 ; 535-39.
  • 12. Farrell C.J, Plotkin S.R. Genetic causes of the brain tunors: neurofibromatosis tuberous sclerosis, von Hippel-Lindau, and other syndromes. Neurol. Clin. 2007; Vol 25; Issue 4; 925-46
  • 13. Klaeboe L, Blaasaas K.G, Haldorsen T, Tynes T. Residental and occupational exposure to 50-Hz magnetic field and brain tumors in Norway: A population-based study. İnt. J. Cancer. 2005; 115 (1) 137-41
  • 14. Warren K, Jakacki R, Widemann B, Aikin A, Libucha M, Packer R. et al. Phase II trial of İntervenous labradimil and corboplatin in childhood brain tumors: A report from the children’s oncology group. Cancer Chemotherapy and Parmacology. 2006; (58) 343-47
  • 15. Warren E.K, Lonser R.R. Brainstem Tumors. . Brain tumors. third edition Kaya H.A, Laws R.E; Elsevier New York, 424-35; 2012
  • 16. Petritsch C, VandenBerg S.R. Stem cells and progenitor cell lineages as targets for neoplastic transformation in the central nervous system. Brain tumors. 3nd ed (Eds Kaya H.A, Laws R.E New York Elsevie; 6-35; 2012
  • 17. Asthagiri R.A, Warren E.K, Lonser R.R. Brain tumors associated with neurofibromatosis Brain tumors. 3nd ed (Eds Kaya H.A, Laws R.E) 558-99 New Yıork Elsevier, 2012
  • 18. Pollack I.F, Pang D, Albright A.L, The long term outcome in children with late onset aqueductal stenosis resulting from bening intrinsic tectal tumors. J. Neurosurg 1994; (80) 681-88
  • 19. Salunke S, Sura , Tewari M.K, Gupta K, Khandelwal N.K. An exophytic brain stem glioblastoma in an elderly presinting as a cerebellopontin angle syndrome. Bristish J. Neurosurg 2012; Vol: 26; Issue 1; 96-8
  • 20. Fisher P.G, Breiter S.N, Carson B.S, Wharam M.D, Williams J.A, Weingart .Jon D. et al. A clinicopathologic reappraisal of brain stem tumor calcification: indentification of pilocytic astrocytoma and fibrillary astrocytoma as distinct entities. Cancer 2000; ol 9; Issue 7; 1569-76
  • 21. Truty JM, Targe Cancer Therapy Anderson Surgical Oncology eds: Bally W.E, Ching D.C. 818-39; 2012
  • 22. Amano T, Inamura T, Nakamizo A, Inoha S, Wu C-M, Ikezaki K. Case management of hydrocephalus associated with progression of childhood brain stem gliomas. Child’s Nervous System. 2002; (18); 599-604
  • 23. Smith M.A, Freidlin B, Gloeckler Ries L.A, Simon R. Trends in reported incidence of primary malignant brain tumors in children in the United States. J. National Cancer İnstitute. 1998; Vol 90; Issue 17; 1269-77
  • 24. Donaldson s.s, Laningham F, Fisher P.G. Advances toward an understanding of brainstem gliomas. J. Of Clinical Oncology 2006; Vol 24; Issue 8; 1266-72
  • 25. Framer J.P, Mc Neely P.D, Freeman C.R. Brainstem gliomas. Principles and pratice of pediatric neurosurgery.( Eds Albright A, Pollack I, Adelson P. ) 640-54;Thieme, New York 2008
  • 26. Di Maio S, Gul S.M, Cochrane D.D, Hendson G, Sargent MA, Steinbok P. Clinical Radilogic and Pathologic Features and Outcome Following Surgery for Cervicomedullary Gliomas in Children. Child’s Nervous System 2009: 25: 1401-10
  • 27. Gómez-Gosálvez F.A, Menor F, Morant A, Clemente F, Escrivá P, Carbonell J, et al. Tectal tumors in paediatrics. A review of eight patients. Revista de Neurologia. 2001; 33 (7): 605-11
  • 28. Ternier J, Wray A, Putged S, Bodaert N. Tectal plate lesion in children. J. Neurosurgery. 2006; Vol 104: Issue 6; 369-76
  • 29. Chico-Ponce se León F, Perezpeña- Diazconti M, Casto-Sierra E, Guerrero-Jazo F.J, Gordillo-Dominguez L.F, Gutiérrez-Guerra R, et al. Stereotactically-guided biopsies of brainstem tumors. Child’s Nervous System. 2003; 19; 305-10
  • 30. Samadani U, Judy K.D. Sterotactic brainstem biopsy is indicadet fort he diagnosis of a vast array of brainstem pathology.Stero. Funct. Neurosurgery 2004; Vol:81; Issue 1-4; 5-9
  • 31. Bowers D.C, Georgiades C, Aronson L.J, Carson B.S, Weingart J.D, Wharam M.D, etMelhem E.RBurger P.C, Cohen K.J. Tectal gliomas: natural history of an indolent lesion in pediatric patients. Pediatr Neurosurg : 2000; 32 (1); 24-29
  • 32. Robinson N.J, Kieran M.W. Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: A reassessment.J. Neuro-Oncology 2014; 119; 7-15
  • 33. Narayan P, Mapstrore B.T. Dorsaly exophytic brain stem gliomas Tex book of the Neuro-Oncology Eds: Berger S.M, Parados P.M. Elsevier Philadelphia 634-37;2005
  • 34. Wang C, Zhang J, Liu A. Sun D, Zhao Y. Surgical treament of primary midbrain gliomas. Surgical Neurology. 2000; Vol 53 Issue 1; 41-51
  • 35. Başarır M, Özek MM. Beyin Sapı Tümörlerinde Güncel Tedavi Seçenekleri. Türk Nöroşirurji Derg. 2016; 43-51
  • 36. Pollack I.F, Hoffman H.J, Humphreys R.P, Becker L. The long term outcome after surgical treatment of dorsally exophytic rainstem gliomas. J. Neurosurg 1993; 78: 859-63
  • 37. Joshi B.H, Puri R.A, Leland P, Varricchio F, Gupta G, Kocak al. Indentification of interleukin-13 receptor α2 chain overexpression in situ in high-grade diffusely infiltrative pediatric brainstem glioma. Neuro-Oncology 2008; Vol:10 issu 3; 265-74
  • 38. Young Poussaint T. Yousuf N, Barnes P.D, Anthony D.C, Zurakowski D, Scot R.M et al. Cervicomedullary astrocytomas of childhood clinical and imaging follow up. Pediatric Radiology 1999; (29) 662-6
  • 39. Grenberg ML, Fisher PG, Freeman C, Korones D.N, Bernstein M, Friedman, et al; Etoposide, vincristine, and cyclosporine A with standard dose radiation therapy in newly diagnosed diffuse intrinic brainstem gliomas: A pediatric oncology group phase I study. Pediatr Blood & Cancer 2005; 45; 644-48

Beyin Sapı Tümörleri

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1, 72 - 89, 31.03.2025


İntra kranial tümörlerinin %5 i, posterior fossa tümörlerinin ’de %25 i beyin sapından köken alır. Çoğunluğu ponsta ve çocukluk çağında görülür, kötü prognozludur, Bu tümörler mesensefalon, pons, medulla, serviko medullar bileşkede yerleşir.
Beyin tümörlerinde, Bununla birlikte 19. yy da operasyonlar yapılmaya başlandı. Beyin sapında hayati merkezler olduğundan, tümörün kesin lokalizasyonu ve ulaşım yolları belirlenemediğinden operasyonlardan kaçınıldı.
2000 li yıllarda magnetik resonans görüntüleme yöntemlerindeki gelişme; histolojik tanıyı, önemli merkezleri ve traktusları, tümöre ulaşma yollarını net olarak gösterdi. Operasyon anında navigasyon, stimülatör, monitörizasyon ve manyetik resonans görüntülemenin kullanılması operasyonda gross total rezeksiyon şansını arttır.
Özellikle: mesen sefalon, medulla, serviko medullar bileşek tümörleri, fokal, exophytic ve iyi damarkasyona sahip olduklarından gross total rezeke edilmeye başlandı. Pontin intrensik, infiltratif gliomlarda hala kesin operasyon endikasyonu yoktur. Bu tümörler supratentorial malign astrositomlar gibi yayılmaya, rekürens yapmaya meyillidir, demarkasyonu yoktur, traktuslar boyunca hızla yayılırlar.
Beyin sapı tümörleri daha çok çocukluk yaşında görüldüğü için 4 yaşına kadar girus, sulkus, fissürler gelişmediğinden, 8 yaştan önce fonksiyonel haritalama, navigasyon yapılamadığından, afonksiyonel giriş yerinin bulunması hala problemlidir. Bu nedenle radyoterapi (3 yaştan sonra), kemoterapi, metilasyon ajanları, DNA tamir tedavileri, adaptif terapi ve eğer genetik tarama uygunsa, kök hücre tedavisi önemlidir.


  • 1. Kaufman B Brainstem Gliomas. Text book of neuro oncology Chapter 8 eds: Berger S.M, Prados M.D. Elsevier Saunders Philadelphia 627-33: 2005
  • 2. Laigle- Donadey F, Doz F, Delattre J-Y. Brainstem gliomas in children and adults Curr. Opin. Oncol. 2008; 20;(6) 662-67
  • 3. Goodrich TJ. Landmarks in the history. Principles of Neurosurgery. Eds: Rengacharg S.S, Wilkinsin H.R 1.2-1.25 Mosby London :1994
  • 4. Kaye H.A, Laws R.E Historical perspective. Bran Tumors Third eds: Kaye H.A, Laws R.E.Elsevier New York :1-6;2012
  • 5. Koos W, Miller M.H. Granulomas Tuberculomas. Intracranial Tumors of Infants and ChildrenGeorg Thieme Verlog Stutgard; 137-38; 1971
  • 6. Burton E.C, Lamborn K.R, Feuerstein B.G, Prados M, Scott J, Forsyth P, Passe S, Jenkins R. B, Aldape J.K. Genetic Aberrations Defined by Comparative Genomic Hybridization Distinguish Long-Term from Typical Survivors of Glioblastoma. Cancer Research 2002; Vol 62; Issue 21; 6205-10
  • 7. Warrem K.E, Killian K, Suuriniemi M, Wang Y, Quezado M, Maltzer P.S. Genomic aberrations in pediatric diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas. Neuro-Oncology 2012; Vol 14; Issue 3; 326-32
  • 8. Davis M.j, Ramakrishnan L. The role of the Granuloma in Expansion and Dissemination of Early Tuberculous Infection. Cell 2009; Vol 136: Issue; 1; 37-49
  • 9. Dubey A, Patwardhan R.V, Sampth S, Santosh V, Kolluri S, Nanda A. İntracranial Fungal Granulomas analysis of 40 patients and review of the literatüre,İntracranial Fungal Granulomas analysis of 40 patients and review of the literatüre. Surg Neurol. 2005; 63(3); 254-60
  • 10. Guillamo J.S, François D, Jean-Yves D. Brain stem Gliomas. Curr. Opin. Neurol. 2001; 14 (6) 711-15
  • 11. Albers A, Gutmann D, Gliomas in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutisc 2009; Vol: 9 ; Issue; 4 ; 535-39.
  • 12. Farrell C.J, Plotkin S.R. Genetic causes of the brain tunors: neurofibromatosis tuberous sclerosis, von Hippel-Lindau, and other syndromes. Neurol. Clin. 2007; Vol 25; Issue 4; 925-46
  • 13. Klaeboe L, Blaasaas K.G, Haldorsen T, Tynes T. Residental and occupational exposure to 50-Hz magnetic field and brain tumors in Norway: A population-based study. İnt. J. Cancer. 2005; 115 (1) 137-41
  • 14. Warren K, Jakacki R, Widemann B, Aikin A, Libucha M, Packer R. et al. Phase II trial of İntervenous labradimil and corboplatin in childhood brain tumors: A report from the children’s oncology group. Cancer Chemotherapy and Parmacology. 2006; (58) 343-47
  • 15. Warren E.K, Lonser R.R. Brainstem Tumors. . Brain tumors. third edition Kaya H.A, Laws R.E; Elsevier New York, 424-35; 2012
  • 16. Petritsch C, VandenBerg S.R. Stem cells and progenitor cell lineages as targets for neoplastic transformation in the central nervous system. Brain tumors. 3nd ed (Eds Kaya H.A, Laws R.E New York Elsevie; 6-35; 2012
  • 17. Asthagiri R.A, Warren E.K, Lonser R.R. Brain tumors associated with neurofibromatosis Brain tumors. 3nd ed (Eds Kaya H.A, Laws R.E) 558-99 New Yıork Elsevier, 2012
  • 18. Pollack I.F, Pang D, Albright A.L, The long term outcome in children with late onset aqueductal stenosis resulting from bening intrinsic tectal tumors. J. Neurosurg 1994; (80) 681-88
  • 19. Salunke S, Sura , Tewari M.K, Gupta K, Khandelwal N.K. An exophytic brain stem glioblastoma in an elderly presinting as a cerebellopontin angle syndrome. Bristish J. Neurosurg 2012; Vol: 26; Issue 1; 96-8
  • 20. Fisher P.G, Breiter S.N, Carson B.S, Wharam M.D, Williams J.A, Weingart .Jon D. et al. A clinicopathologic reappraisal of brain stem tumor calcification: indentification of pilocytic astrocytoma and fibrillary astrocytoma as distinct entities. Cancer 2000; ol 9; Issue 7; 1569-76
  • 21. Truty JM, Targe Cancer Therapy Anderson Surgical Oncology eds: Bally W.E, Ching D.C. 818-39; 2012
  • 22. Amano T, Inamura T, Nakamizo A, Inoha S, Wu C-M, Ikezaki K. Case management of hydrocephalus associated with progression of childhood brain stem gliomas. Child’s Nervous System. 2002; (18); 599-604
  • 23. Smith M.A, Freidlin B, Gloeckler Ries L.A, Simon R. Trends in reported incidence of primary malignant brain tumors in children in the United States. J. National Cancer İnstitute. 1998; Vol 90; Issue 17; 1269-77
  • 24. Donaldson s.s, Laningham F, Fisher P.G. Advances toward an understanding of brainstem gliomas. J. Of Clinical Oncology 2006; Vol 24; Issue 8; 1266-72
  • 25. Framer J.P, Mc Neely P.D, Freeman C.R. Brainstem gliomas. Principles and pratice of pediatric neurosurgery.( Eds Albright A, Pollack I, Adelson P. ) 640-54;Thieme, New York 2008
  • 26. Di Maio S, Gul S.M, Cochrane D.D, Hendson G, Sargent MA, Steinbok P. Clinical Radilogic and Pathologic Features and Outcome Following Surgery for Cervicomedullary Gliomas in Children. Child’s Nervous System 2009: 25: 1401-10
  • 27. Gómez-Gosálvez F.A, Menor F, Morant A, Clemente F, Escrivá P, Carbonell J, et al. Tectal tumors in paediatrics. A review of eight patients. Revista de Neurologia. 2001; 33 (7): 605-11
  • 28. Ternier J, Wray A, Putged S, Bodaert N. Tectal plate lesion in children. J. Neurosurgery. 2006; Vol 104: Issue 6; 369-76
  • 29. Chico-Ponce se León F, Perezpeña- Diazconti M, Casto-Sierra E, Guerrero-Jazo F.J, Gordillo-Dominguez L.F, Gutiérrez-Guerra R, et al. Stereotactically-guided biopsies of brainstem tumors. Child’s Nervous System. 2003; 19; 305-10
  • 30. Samadani U, Judy K.D. Sterotactic brainstem biopsy is indicadet fort he diagnosis of a vast array of brainstem pathology.Stero. Funct. Neurosurgery 2004; Vol:81; Issue 1-4; 5-9
  • 31. Bowers D.C, Georgiades C, Aronson L.J, Carson B.S, Weingart J.D, Wharam M.D, etMelhem E.RBurger P.C, Cohen K.J. Tectal gliomas: natural history of an indolent lesion in pediatric patients. Pediatr Neurosurg : 2000; 32 (1); 24-29
  • 32. Robinson N.J, Kieran M.W. Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: A reassessment.J. Neuro-Oncology 2014; 119; 7-15
  • 33. Narayan P, Mapstrore B.T. Dorsaly exophytic brain stem gliomas Tex book of the Neuro-Oncology Eds: Berger S.M, Parados P.M. Elsevier Philadelphia 634-37;2005
  • 34. Wang C, Zhang J, Liu A. Sun D, Zhao Y. Surgical treament of primary midbrain gliomas. Surgical Neurology. 2000; Vol 53 Issue 1; 41-51
  • 35. Başarır M, Özek MM. Beyin Sapı Tümörlerinde Güncel Tedavi Seçenekleri. Türk Nöroşirurji Derg. 2016; 43-51
  • 36. Pollack I.F, Hoffman H.J, Humphreys R.P, Becker L. The long term outcome after surgical treatment of dorsally exophytic rainstem gliomas. J. Neurosurg 1993; 78: 859-63
  • 37. Joshi B.H, Puri R.A, Leland P, Varricchio F, Gupta G, Kocak al. Indentification of interleukin-13 receptor α2 chain overexpression in situ in high-grade diffusely infiltrative pediatric brainstem glioma. Neuro-Oncology 2008; Vol:10 issu 3; 265-74
  • 38. Young Poussaint T. Yousuf N, Barnes P.D, Anthony D.C, Zurakowski D, Scot R.M et al. Cervicomedullary astrocytomas of childhood clinical and imaging follow up. Pediatric Radiology 1999; (29) 662-6
  • 39. Grenberg ML, Fisher PG, Freeman C, Korones D.N, Bernstein M, Friedman, et al; Etoposide, vincristine, and cyclosporine A with standard dose radiation therapy in newly diagnosed diffuse intrinic brainstem gliomas: A pediatric oncology group phase I study. Pediatr Blood & Cancer 2005; 45; 644-48
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Cerrahi (Diğer)
Bölüm Derleme

Ersin Haciyakupoglu 0000-0002-9712-9913

Derviş Mansuri Yılmaz 0000-0002-5137-4526

Sebahattin Hacıyakupoğlu 0000-0002-0700-7593

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

AMA Haciyakupoglu E, Yılmaz DM, Hacıyakupoğlu S. Beyin Sapı Tümörleri. aktd. Mart 2025;34(1):72-89. doi:10.17827/aktd.1585844