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Yıl 2022, Sayı: 70, 306 - 322, 01.05.2022


18. Yüzyılın ikinci yarısından sonra İngiltere, Rusya ve Avusturya gibi devletlerin Osmanlı İmparatorluğu üzerindeki emperyalist politikaları, Fransa’nın da Kuzey Afrika ve Doğu Akdeniz stratejisi üzerinde önemli değişimlere neden olmuştur. Yüzyılın sonuna kadar Osmanlı İmparatorluğu denge politikalarıyla dış siyasetini yürütmeye çalışsa da topraklarında ticari faaliyetler adı altında batılı devletlerin koloni oluşturmak maksadıyla nüfus sevkiyatının önüne geçememiştir. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda kanunlaşma hareketleri olarak bilinen 1839 Tanzimat Fermanı ve 1856 Islahat fermanları ile kapitülasyonların verdiği ayrıcalıkları, Osmanlı topraklarında “Levanten (doğulu)” adı altında ticaretle uğraşan yeni bir batılı yerleşimci nüfusunun artmasına, ayrıca bu nüfusla birlikte bölgede açılan misyoner okulları ile de Suriye, Lübnan ve Ürdün bölgelerinde ayrılıkçı Arap nüfusu teşkilatlandırarak desteklemiştir. Osmanlı İmparatoru’nun Rusya karşısında 1878’de aldığı büyük yenilgi ve devamında Berlin Kongresi ile Fransa, Kuzey Afrika topraklarına (Cezayir, Fas, Tunus ve Mısır) göz dikmiş ve birer birer işgal etmişse de, İngiltere’nin doğu ticaret yolu üzerinde bulunan Mısır’dan üç yıl sonra çekilmek zorunda kalmıştır. Birinci Dünya Savaşı ile Fransa’nın doğu stratejisi diğer iki müttefiki İngiltere ve Rusya arasında imzaladıkları Sykes-Picot Anlaşmasıyla belirginleşmiş; Fransa, Suriye ve Lübnan ile birlikte 1860’dan beri Fransız Levantenler için cazibe merkezi haline gelen, birçok sanayi ürününün hammadde deposu olan Çukurova üzerinde de kontrolü sağlama fırsatını ele geçirmişti. Batı ve Afrika sömürgelerinin çoğunu İngiltere’ye kaptıran Fransa endüstrisi için hayati öneme haiz bu bölgenin işgal edilmesi çok değerli bir kazanım olacaktı. Çalışmanın konusu; Fransa`nın doğu stratejisinin temelini oluşturan ve Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrası İngiltere ile yapmış olduğu Suriye İttifaknamesi ile işgal ettiği Çukurova Bölgesi ile ilgili stratejisini analiz etmektir.


  • Adamof, Evgenii Alexandrovich. The Desires of the Russians, the Partition of Anatolia. Trans. Babaeskili Huseyin Rahmi. Istanbul, 1969.
  • Akinci, Hasan. “Memories of the War of Independence”, Kuvayi Milliye Magazine. 57 (1965).
  • Akyuz, Yahya. Turkish War of Independence and French Public Opinion 1919-1922. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press, 1988.
  • Arikoglu, Damar. My Memories. Istanbul: Tan Newspaper and Printing House, 1961.
  • Atatürk's Circular, Telegram and Declarations IV (1917-1938). Ankara: Turkish Revolution History Institute Ankara University Press, 1964.
  • Ayhan, Yusuf. Mustafa Kemal's Pozantı Congress and the Liberation of Adana. Adana: İpek Printing House, 1963.
  • Bıyıklıoğlu, Tevfik. Turkish War of Independence Mudros Armistice and Exercise. Ankara: General Staff Press, 1962.
  • Bildirici, Yusuf Ziya. "French-Armenian Relations in Çukurova and the Massacres of 1919", Journal of Atatürk Research Center. 36 (November 1996), 755-764.
  • Bozkurt, Ibrahim. “Mersin in the Years of Occupation (1918-1922)”, Journal of Atatürk University Social Sciences Institute. 1 (March 2018), 407-435.
  • Bremond, Edouard. La Cilicie Best 1919-1920. Paris, 1921.
  • Celik, Kemal. “A New Document, Dated 1920, Published by the French Propaganda and Espionage Activities and the National Forces Against This During the Occupation of Çukurova”, Gazi Academic Perspective. 3 (Winter 2008), 103-124.
  • Cıplak, Mustafa Necati. Icel History. Ankara: Fine Arts Press, 1968.
  • Ener, Kasım. Adana Front in Çukurova War of Independence. Ankara: Turkish National Forces, Fighters and Veterans Association Publications, San Printing House, 1970.
  • Erikan, Celal. Commander Ataturk. Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Cultural Publications, Second Edition, 1972.
  • Evans, Laurence. Sharing of Turkey (1914-1924). Trans. Tevfik Alanay. Istanbul, 1972.
  • Genç, Şeref. “The Roles of the French in the Grain Works”, Yeni Mersin. February 17, 1946.
  • Genç, Şeref. “Cilician Market”, Yeni Mersin. April 13, 1946.
  • Gurun, Kamuran. Armenian File. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press, 1985.
  • Hatipoglu, Suleyman. “French-Armenian Cooperation in Çukurova”, Belleten. 247 (December 2002), 943-966.
  • Hatipoglu, Suleyman. The French Occupation of Çukurova and the Pozantı Congress. Ankara: Ministry of Culture Publications: 1023, 1989.
  • Hatipoglu, Suleyman. Turkish-French Struggle (Middle Taurus Passes, 1915-1921). Ankara: Atatürk High Council of Culture, Language and History (AKD-TYK) Atatürk Research Center, Yücel Ofset, 2001.
  • Ilter, Erdal. "The Function of the Eastern Legion (Legion D Orient) in the French Occupation Zone in the National Struggle", Ataturk’s Way Magazine. 03 (March 1989), 419-436.
  • Islam, Abraham. New Adana Newspaper in the National Struggle. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Atatürk University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of History, 1995.
  • Jaeschke, Gotthard. British Documents Related to the War of Independence. Translated by Cemal Köprülü. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Publications, 1971.
  • Kocaturk, Utkan. Atatürk and the History of the Republic of Turkey, 1918-1938. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press, 1983.
  • Kodaman, Bayram. “The Origins of the Armenian Question”, Turkish Culture Magazine. 219 (1981).
  • Kurdakul, Necdet. From the Ottoman Empire to the Middle East, "Oriental Issue with Documents". Istanbul: Dergâh Publications, 1976.
  • Ozcelik, Ismail. Armenian Question and Facts. Ankara: Gündüz Education and Publishing, 2005.
  • Ozoguz, Esat. Memories of Adana's Liberation Struggle. Istanbul: Ülkü Printing House, 1935.
  • Saral Ahmet, Hulki. Turkish War of Independence, Southern Front IV. Skin. Ankara: Official Publications of the Department of War History of the General Staff, Serial No: 1, 1966.
  • Saral, Hulki, Tosun Saral. How the Homeland Was Saved. Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Cultural Publications, 1970.
  • Sonyel, Salâhı R. "Armenian Deportations in the Light of New Documents", Belleten. 141 (January 1972).
  • Sonyel, Salahi R. "How Armenian Propaganda on Deportations and Crimea Deceived the Christian World", Belleten. 161 (January 1977).
  • Tekelioglu, Sinan. “Adana Front From My Remembrance”, Dirlik newspaper. 655 (August 14, 1965).
  • Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: A Study in The Contact Of Civilizations. London, 1922.
  • Tuncer, Huner. Ottoman-European Relations in the 19th Century. Ankara: Ümit Publishing, 2000.
  • Turan, Serafettin. Turkish Revolution History. Ankara: Bilgi Publishing House, 1991.
  • Véou, Paul Du, La Passion de la Cilicie 1919-1922. Trans.: Resat Gogen. Unpublished typewritten text under the name of Cilician Disasters, Paris, 1937, General Staff Presidency ATASE Archive Library.
  • Yavuz, Bige. Turkish-French Relations during the War of Independence in Terms of French Archive Documents 1919-1922. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press, 1994.
  • Yavuz, Bige. “Preparatory Stages of the 1921 Turkish-French Agreement”, Journal of Atatürk Research Center. 23 (1992), 273-308.
  • Yuregir, Ahmet Remzi. “Cukurova in the National Struggle”, Yeni Adana Newspaper. 8515, 18 June 1953.
  • Yeni Adana Newspaper, 8 January 1953; 124, 10 July 1337-1921; 27-31, 6-20 Teşrin-i sani (November) 1336 (1920); 66, 26 March 1921.


Yıl 2022, Sayı: 70, 306 - 322, 01.05.2022


After the second half of the 18th century; the imperialist policies of the states such as England, Russia and Austria on the Ottoman Empire, caused significant changes in France's strategy in North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. Although the Ottoman Empire tried to carry out its foreign policy with its balance policies until the end of the century, it couldn’t prevent the transfer of population to the western states in order to establish colonies under the name of commercial activities in its territory. The privileges granted by the capitulations with the 1839 Tanzimat and 1856 Islahat edicts, known as the enactment movements in the Ottoman Empire, increased the population of a new western settler dealing with trade under the name of "Levantine (eastern)" in the Ottoman lands. As well as the missionary schools opened in the region with this population, organized and supported by the separatist Arab population in Lebanon and Jordan. Despite the great defeat of the Ottoman Emperor against Russia in 1878 and the subsequent Berlin Congress, France set its sights on the North African lands (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt) and occupied them one by one. Although this occupation, France had to withdraw from Egypt, three years later, which was on the eastern trade route of England. By the First World War, France's eastern strategy became clear with the Sykes-Picot Agreement signed between two other allies, England and Russia. Along with Syria and Lebanon, France seized the opportunity to gain control over Çukurova, which has become a center of attraction for the French Levantines since 1860 and also the raw material warehouse of many industrial products. The occupation of this region, which was of vital importance for the French industry, which lost most of its Western and African colonies to England, would be a very valuable gain. The aim of this study is to analyze the strategy of the Çukurova Region, which was the basis of France's eastern strategy and also was occupied by the Syria Alliance with Britain after the First World War.


  • Adamof, Evgenii Alexandrovich. The Desires of the Russians, the Partition of Anatolia. Trans. Babaeskili Huseyin Rahmi. Istanbul, 1969.
  • Akinci, Hasan. “Memories of the War of Independence”, Kuvayi Milliye Magazine. 57 (1965).
  • Akyuz, Yahya. Turkish War of Independence and French Public Opinion 1919-1922. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press, 1988.
  • Arikoglu, Damar. My Memories. Istanbul: Tan Newspaper and Printing House, 1961.
  • Atatürk's Circular, Telegram and Declarations IV (1917-1938). Ankara: Turkish Revolution History Institute Ankara University Press, 1964.
  • Ayhan, Yusuf. Mustafa Kemal's Pozantı Congress and the Liberation of Adana. Adana: İpek Printing House, 1963.
  • Bıyıklıoğlu, Tevfik. Turkish War of Independence Mudros Armistice and Exercise. Ankara: General Staff Press, 1962.
  • Bildirici, Yusuf Ziya. "French-Armenian Relations in Çukurova and the Massacres of 1919", Journal of Atatürk Research Center. 36 (November 1996), 755-764.
  • Bozkurt, Ibrahim. “Mersin in the Years of Occupation (1918-1922)”, Journal of Atatürk University Social Sciences Institute. 1 (March 2018), 407-435.
  • Bremond, Edouard. La Cilicie Best 1919-1920. Paris, 1921.
  • Celik, Kemal. “A New Document, Dated 1920, Published by the French Propaganda and Espionage Activities and the National Forces Against This During the Occupation of Çukurova”, Gazi Academic Perspective. 3 (Winter 2008), 103-124.
  • Cıplak, Mustafa Necati. Icel History. Ankara: Fine Arts Press, 1968.
  • Ener, Kasım. Adana Front in Çukurova War of Independence. Ankara: Turkish National Forces, Fighters and Veterans Association Publications, San Printing House, 1970.
  • Erikan, Celal. Commander Ataturk. Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Cultural Publications, Second Edition, 1972.
  • Evans, Laurence. Sharing of Turkey (1914-1924). Trans. Tevfik Alanay. Istanbul, 1972.
  • Genç, Şeref. “The Roles of the French in the Grain Works”, Yeni Mersin. February 17, 1946.
  • Genç, Şeref. “Cilician Market”, Yeni Mersin. April 13, 1946.
  • Gurun, Kamuran. Armenian File. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press, 1985.
  • Hatipoglu, Suleyman. “French-Armenian Cooperation in Çukurova”, Belleten. 247 (December 2002), 943-966.
  • Hatipoglu, Suleyman. The French Occupation of Çukurova and the Pozantı Congress. Ankara: Ministry of Culture Publications: 1023, 1989.
  • Hatipoglu, Suleyman. Turkish-French Struggle (Middle Taurus Passes, 1915-1921). Ankara: Atatürk High Council of Culture, Language and History (AKD-TYK) Atatürk Research Center, Yücel Ofset, 2001.
  • Ilter, Erdal. "The Function of the Eastern Legion (Legion D Orient) in the French Occupation Zone in the National Struggle", Ataturk’s Way Magazine. 03 (March 1989), 419-436.
  • Islam, Abraham. New Adana Newspaper in the National Struggle. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Atatürk University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of History, 1995.
  • Jaeschke, Gotthard. British Documents Related to the War of Independence. Translated by Cemal Köprülü. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Publications, 1971.
  • Kocaturk, Utkan. Atatürk and the History of the Republic of Turkey, 1918-1938. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press, 1983.
  • Kodaman, Bayram. “The Origins of the Armenian Question”, Turkish Culture Magazine. 219 (1981).
  • Kurdakul, Necdet. From the Ottoman Empire to the Middle East, "Oriental Issue with Documents". Istanbul: Dergâh Publications, 1976.
  • Ozcelik, Ismail. Armenian Question and Facts. Ankara: Gündüz Education and Publishing, 2005.
  • Ozoguz, Esat. Memories of Adana's Liberation Struggle. Istanbul: Ülkü Printing House, 1935.
  • Saral Ahmet, Hulki. Turkish War of Independence, Southern Front IV. Skin. Ankara: Official Publications of the Department of War History of the General Staff, Serial No: 1, 1966.
  • Saral, Hulki, Tosun Saral. How the Homeland Was Saved. Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Cultural Publications, 1970.
  • Sonyel, Salâhı R. "Armenian Deportations in the Light of New Documents", Belleten. 141 (January 1972).
  • Sonyel, Salahi R. "How Armenian Propaganda on Deportations and Crimea Deceived the Christian World", Belleten. 161 (January 1977).
  • Tekelioglu, Sinan. “Adana Front From My Remembrance”, Dirlik newspaper. 655 (August 14, 1965).
  • Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: A Study in The Contact Of Civilizations. London, 1922.
  • Tuncer, Huner. Ottoman-European Relations in the 19th Century. Ankara: Ümit Publishing, 2000.
  • Turan, Serafettin. Turkish Revolution History. Ankara: Bilgi Publishing House, 1991.
  • Véou, Paul Du, La Passion de la Cilicie 1919-1922. Trans.: Resat Gogen. Unpublished typewritten text under the name of Cilician Disasters, Paris, 1937, General Staff Presidency ATASE Archive Library.
  • Yavuz, Bige. Turkish-French Relations during the War of Independence in Terms of French Archive Documents 1919-1922. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Press, 1994.
  • Yavuz, Bige. “Preparatory Stages of the 1921 Turkish-French Agreement”, Journal of Atatürk Research Center. 23 (1992), 273-308.
  • Yuregir, Ahmet Remzi. “Cukurova in the National Struggle”, Yeni Adana Newspaper. 8515, 18 June 1953.
  • Yeni Adana Newspaper, 8 January 1953; 124, 10 July 1337-1921; 27-31, 6-20 Teşrin-i sani (November) 1336 (1920); 66, 26 March 1921.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Murat Kütükçü 0000-0003-4311-8036

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Eylül 2021
Kabul Tarihi 24 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 70

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Kütükçü, Murat. “ÇUKUROVA STRATEGY OF FRANCE IN THE NATIONAL STRUGGLE PERİOD”. Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, sy. 70 (Mayıs 2022): 306-22.

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