Year 2021,
, 204 - 210, 04.06.2021
Hooman Mansoori
Mohammad Ghorbani
Mohammad Reza Kohansal
- Allen R, Pereira L, Raes S & Smith D (1998). Crop evapotranspiration, Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56.
- Balmann A (1997). Farm-Based Modelling of Regional Structural Change: A Cellular Automata Approach. European Review of Agricultural Economics 24(1): 85-108.
- Bert F, Poodesta P, Rovere S & Menendez A (2011). An agent-based model to simulate structural and land use changes in agricultural systems of the argentine pampas, Journal of Ecological Modelling 222:3486-3499.
- Brady M, Sahrbacher C, Kellermann K & Hoppe K (2012). An agent-based approach to modeling impacts of agricultural policy on land use, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Journal of Landscape Ecology 27:1363–1381.
- Freeman T, Nolan J, & Schoney R (2009). An Agent‐Based Simulation Model of Structural Change in Canadian Prairie Agriculture, 1960–2000. Canadian Journal of agricultural economics 57: 537-554.
- Karimi V, Karami E, & Keshavarz M (2017). Climate change and agriculture: Impacts and adaptive responses in Iran. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 17: 1-15
- Nassiri M, Koocheki A, Kamali G A & Shahandeh H (2006). Potential impact of climate change on rained wheat production in Iran. Journal of Archives of Agronomy and Soil Sciences 52: 113–124.
- Parker D C, Manson S M, Janssen M A, Hoffman M J & Deadman P (2003). Multi-Agent Systems for the Simulation of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: A Review. Journal of the Association of American Geographers 93(2): 314-337.
- Valbuena D, Verbung P, & Bregt H (2008). A method to define a typology for agent-based analysis in regional land-use research. Journal of Agricultural, Ecosystem and Environment 128: 27-36.
- Valbuena D, Verbung P H, Bregt A & Lightenberg A (2010). An agent-based approach to model land-use change at a regional scale. Journal of Landscape Ecology 25(2): 185-199.
Determining the Effects of Climate Change and Market Prices on Farm’s Structure by Using an Agent Based Model
Year 2021,
, 204 - 210, 04.06.2021
Hooman Mansoori
Mohammad Ghorbani
Mohammad Reza Kohansal
In this study, an agent-based model was used to simulate structure change of farms during 20 years period of climate and market price changes in the rural area of Eslamshahr City in Iran. Decision rules that used in the model are based on the information that collected by direct interviews with farmers. So the model includes rules that define the relationship between agents and their environment. Results clearly showed that farmers' behavior patterns and the cover of agricultural land in the region affected by environmental and market factors changes. Comparison of the results of model implementation for various scenarios has shown that the highest yield and income loss has occurred in scenarios where there was a 10% reduction in access to water. Also, there is a less decrease in the crops land size in groups which includes small and medium farmers.
- Allen R, Pereira L, Raes S & Smith D (1998). Crop evapotranspiration, Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56.
- Balmann A (1997). Farm-Based Modelling of Regional Structural Change: A Cellular Automata Approach. European Review of Agricultural Economics 24(1): 85-108.
- Bert F, Poodesta P, Rovere S & Menendez A (2011). An agent-based model to simulate structural and land use changes in agricultural systems of the argentine pampas, Journal of Ecological Modelling 222:3486-3499.
- Brady M, Sahrbacher C, Kellermann K & Hoppe K (2012). An agent-based approach to modeling impacts of agricultural policy on land use, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Journal of Landscape Ecology 27:1363–1381.
- Freeman T, Nolan J, & Schoney R (2009). An Agent‐Based Simulation Model of Structural Change in Canadian Prairie Agriculture, 1960–2000. Canadian Journal of agricultural economics 57: 537-554.
- Karimi V, Karami E, & Keshavarz M (2017). Climate change and agriculture: Impacts and adaptive responses in Iran. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 17: 1-15
- Nassiri M, Koocheki A, Kamali G A & Shahandeh H (2006). Potential impact of climate change on rained wheat production in Iran. Journal of Archives of Agronomy and Soil Sciences 52: 113–124.
- Parker D C, Manson S M, Janssen M A, Hoffman M J & Deadman P (2003). Multi-Agent Systems for the Simulation of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: A Review. Journal of the Association of American Geographers 93(2): 314-337.
- Valbuena D, Verbung P, & Bregt H (2008). A method to define a typology for agent-based analysis in regional land-use research. Journal of Agricultural, Ecosystem and Environment 128: 27-36.
- Valbuena D, Verbung P H, Bregt A & Lightenberg A (2010). An agent-based approach to model land-use change at a regional scale. Journal of Landscape Ecology 25(2): 185-199.