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Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı ile Taze, Yıkanmış ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta vulgaris var. cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması

Year 2016, , 9 - 19, 01.01.2016


Taze, yıkanmış ve doğranmış fresh-cut ürünlerde gıda güvenliği yaygın bir sorun olup, farklı yıkama ajanları kullanımı ile bu sorunun giderilmesi mümkün olabilir. Bununla birlikte, bu ajanların kullanımının proses ve daha sonra saklama1. IntroductionWashing fruits and vegetables with sanitizing agents, like chlorine Cl , ozone O3 , hydrogen peroxide H2O2 , is a common practice to reduce the number of microorganisms and to extend the shelf life of the product. There are many scientific studies dealing with the effects of these washing processes most of which have focused on the microbial inactivation efficacy Achen & Yousef 2001; Singh et al 2002; Garcia et al 2003; Selma et al 2007; Zorlugenc et al 2008; Olmez 2010; Zhou et al 2012; Elizaquivel et al 2012; Luo et al 2012 . However, very little is known about the effects of these agents on the physical and chemical characteristics of the produce. Use of these agents at high concentrations in order to achieve higher microbial inactivation can cause deleterious effects on product quality such as losses in color, aroma, and nutritional value.Chlorine Cl , usually as hypochlorous acid HOCl, formed by dissociation of sodium carotenoids Henry et al 2000 and anthocyanins Simmons et al 1997 were reported.activities, oxidations of color pigments such as koşullarına bağlı olarak, ürün kalitesini olumsuz etkileyebilir. Bu çalışmada, farklı düzeylerde klor 50-200 mg L-1 , hidrojen peroksit % 5.00-15.0 ve ozon 6.50 ve 10.0 mg L-1 yıkama ajanı olarak kullanımının, soğuk depolama süresince 15 gün/4 °C taze, yıkamış ve doğranmış Beta vulgaris var. cicla pazı klorofil içeriğine etkileri HPLC-DAD kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, sanitasyon yıkama ajanlarının kullanımı ile örneklerin klorofil a ve klorofil b içeriğinde düşüş belirlenmiştir. Bu düşüş genel olarak kullanılan ajan konsantrasyonu değişim düzeyi ile aynı yönde olmuştur. Klorofil a’nın, klorofil b’ye göre kullanılan ajanlardan kaynaklanan oksidasyona daha hassas olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ozonla muamele edilen örneklerdeki klorofil kaybı, diğer ajanların kullanıldığı örneklere göre daha yüksek olarak belirlenmiştir. Klor ve hidrojen peroksit ile muamele edilmiş örneklerin klorofil içeriği arasındaki farklar çok küçük olduğu için, hidrojen peroksit pazı sanitasyonunda klora alternatif olarak önerilebilir P


  • Achen M & Yousef A E (2001). Efficacy of ozone against Escherichia coli O157:H7 on apples. Journal of Food Science 66: 1380-1384
  • APHA (1992). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (18th edition): 4500-O3. Indigo Colorimetric Method, Washington, USA
  • Beltran D, Selma M V, Marin A & Gil M I (2005). Ozonated water extends the shelf life of fresh-cut lettuce. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53: 5654-5663
  • Bolin H R & Huxsoll C C (1991). Effect of preparation procedures and storage parameters on quality retention of salad-cut lettuce. Journal of Food Science 56: 60-62
  • Elizaquivel P, Sanchez G, Selma M V & Aznar R (2012). Application pf propidium monoazide-qPCR to evaluate the ultrasonic inactivation of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in fresh-cut vegetable wash water. Food Microbiology 30(1): 316-320
  • Ferrante A, Incrocci L, Maggini R, Serra G & Tognoni F (2004). Colour changes of fresh cut leafy vegetables during storage. Journal of Food Agriculture Environment 2: 40-44
  • FR (Federal Register) (2001). Secondary direct food additives permitted in food for human consumption. Rules and Regulations June 26, 66, 123, Sec:173.368 Ozone, Final Rule
  • Gabler F M, Smilanick J L, Mansour M F & Karaca H (2010). Influence of fumigation with high concentrations of ozone gas on postharvest gray mold and fungicide residues on table grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology 55: 85-90
  • Garcia A, Mount J R & Davidson P M (2003). Ozone and chlorine treatment of minimally processed lettuce. Journal of Food Science 68: 2747-2751.
  • Gornicki K & Kaleta A (2007). Modelling convection drying of blanched parsley root slices. Biosystem Engineering 97: 51-59
  • Henry L K, Puspitasari-Nienaber N L, Jaren-Galan M, van Breemen R B, Catignani G L & Schwartz S J (2000). Effects of ozone and oxygen on the degradation of carotenoids in an aqueous model system. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48: 5008-5013
  • Karaca H (2010). Effect of ozonation on microbial inactivation and shelf life of lettuce, spinach, and parsley. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, pp. 91, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Kato M & Shimizu S (1987). Chlorophyll metabolism in higher plants. VII-Chlorophyll degradation in senescing tobacco leaves–phenolic-dependent peroxidative degradation. Canadian Journal of Botany 65: 729-735
  • Kenny O & O’Beirne D (2009). The effects of washing treatment on antioxidant retention in ready-to-use iceberg lettuce. International Journal of Food Science Technology 44: 1146-1156
  • Khadre M A & Yousef A E (2001). Decontamination of a multilaminated aseptic food packaging material and stainless steel by ozone. Journal of Food Safety 21: 1-13
  • Kim H J, Fonseca J M, Kubota C & Choi J H (2007). Effect of hydrogen peroxide on quality of fresh-cut tomato. Journal of Food Science 72: 463-467
  • Kim J G, Yousef A E & Dave S (1999). Application of ozone for enhancing the microbiological safety and quality of foods: A review. Journal of Food Protection 62: 1071-1087
  • Kim J G, Yousef A E & Khadre M A (2003). Ozone and its current and future application in the food industry. Advances in Food Nutrition Research 45: 167-218
  • Kirca A, Yemis O & Ozkan M (2006). Chlorophyll and colour changes in grapevine leaves preserved by passive modification. European Food Research and Technology 223: 387-393
  • Klockow P A & Keener K M (2009). Safety and quality assessment of packaged spinach treated with a novel ozone-generation system. LWT-Food Science and Technology 42: 1047-1053
  • Kubo A, Saji H, Tanak K & Kondo N (1995). Expression of arabidopsis cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase gene in response to ozone or sulfur dioxide. Plant Molecular Biology 29: 479-489
  • Lopez-Galvez F, Allende A, Martinez-Sanchez A, Tudela J A, Selma M V & Gil M V (2010). Suitability of aqueous chlorine dioxide versus sodium hypochlorite as an effective sanitizer for preserving quality of fresh-cut lettuce while avoiding by-product formation. Postharvest Biology and Technology 55: 53-60
  • Luo Y, Nou X, Millner P, Zhou B, Shen C, Yang Y, Wu Y, Wang Q, Feng H & Shelton D (2012). A pilot plant scale evaluation of a new process aid for enhancing chlorine efficacy aganist pathogen survival and cross- contamination during wash. International Journal of Food Microbiology 158(2): 133-139
  • Nunes M C N & Emond J P (1999). Chlorinated water treatments affects postharvest quality of green bell peppers. Journal of Food Quality 22: 353-361
  • Olmez H & Akbas M Y (2009). Optimization of ozone treatment of fresh-cut green leaf lettuce. Journal of Food Engineering 90: 487-494
  • Olmez H (2010). Effect of different sanitizing methods and incubation time and temperature on inactivation of Escherichia coli on lettuce. Journal of Food Safety 30: 288-299
  • Philosoph-Hadas S, Meir S, Akiri B & Kanner J (1994). Oxidative defense systems in leaves o three edible herb species in relation to their senescence rates. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44: 2376-2381
  • Roura S I, Davidovich L A & del Valle C E (2000). Quality loss in minimally processed Swiss chard related to amount of damaged area. LWT-Food Science and Technology 33: 53-59
  • Selma M V, Beltran D, Allende A, Chacon-Vera E, Gil, M I (2007). Elimination by ozone of Shigella sonnei in shredded lettuce and water. Food Microbiology 24: 492-499
  • Simmons G F, Smilanick J L, John S & Margosan D A (1997). Reduction of microbial populations on prunes by vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Food Protection 60: 188-191
  • Singh N, Singh R K, Bhunia A K & Stroshine R L (2002). Efficacy of chlorine dioxide, ozone, and thyme essential oil or a sequential washing in killing Escherichia coli O157 : H7 on lettuce and baby carrots. LWT- Food Science and Technology 35: 720- 729
  • Skog L J & Chu C L (2001). Effect of ozone on qualities of fruits and vegetables in cold storage. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 81: 773-778
  • Teng S S & Chen B H (1999). Formation of pyrochlorophylls and their derivatives in spinach leaves during heating. Food Chemistry 65: 367-373
  • Turkmen N, Poyrazoglu E S, Sari F & Velioglu Y S (2006). Effects of cooking methods on chlorophylls, pheophytins and colour of selected green vegetables. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 41: 281-288
  • Vurma M, Pandit R B, Sastry S K & Yousef A E (2009). Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and natural microbiota on spinach leaves using gaseous ozone during vacuum cooling and simulated transportation. Journal of Food Protection 72: 1538-1546
  • Weemaes C A, Ooms V, Loey A M V & Hendrickx M E (1999). Kinetics of chlorophyll degradation and color loss in heated broccoli juice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47: 2404-2409
  • Yamauchi N, Funamoto Y & Shigyo M (2004). Peroxidase- mediated chlorophyll degradation in horticultural crops. Phytochemistry Reviews 3: 221-228
  • Zhou J Y, Sun C D, Zhang L L, Dai X A, Xu C J & Chen K S (2010). Preferential accumulation of orange- colored carotenoids in Ponkan (Citrus reticulata) fruit peel following postharvest application of ethylene or ethephon. Scientia Horticulturae 126: 229-235
  • Zhou B, Feng H & Pearlstein A J (2012). Continuous- flow ultrasonic washing system for fresh produce surface decontamination. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 16: 427-435
  • Zorlugenc B, Zorlugenc F K, Oztekin S & Evliya I B (2008). The influence of gaseous ozone and ozonated water on microbial flora and degradation of aflatoxin B1 in dried figs. Food and Chemical Toxicology 46: 3593-3597

Chlorophylls Reductions in Fresh-Cut Chard Beta vulgaris var. cicla with Various Sanitizing Agents

Year 2016, , 9 - 19, 01.01.2016


Safety of fresh-cut products is a widespread health concern and can be achieved by washing treatments with various agents. However, use of these agents can adversely affect the product quality depending on the processing and subsequent storage conditions. The effects of washing treatments with chlorine 50-200 mg L-1 , hydrogen peroxide 5.00-15.0% and ozone 6.50 and 10.0 mg L-1 followed by a cold storage 15 days/4 °C period on chlorophylls contents of fresh-cut Beta vulgaris var. cicla chard were investigated by HPLC-DAD. In this study, treating samples with the sanitizing agents resulted in reductions in both chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b contents. These reductions generally increased with increasing the agent concentration. Chlorophyll a was found to be more sensitive than chlorophyll b to oxidation reactions with the agents used. Chlorophyll reductions of samples treated with ozone were at the higher level than samples treated by using other agents. Since the differences between chlorophylls contents of the samples treated with chlorine and hydrogen peroxide are very small, hydrogen peroxide can be suggested as an alternative to chlorine for sanitizing chard P


  • Achen M & Yousef A E (2001). Efficacy of ozone against Escherichia coli O157:H7 on apples. Journal of Food Science 66: 1380-1384
  • APHA (1992). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (18th edition): 4500-O3. Indigo Colorimetric Method, Washington, USA
  • Beltran D, Selma M V, Marin A & Gil M I (2005). Ozonated water extends the shelf life of fresh-cut lettuce. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53: 5654-5663
  • Bolin H R & Huxsoll C C (1991). Effect of preparation procedures and storage parameters on quality retention of salad-cut lettuce. Journal of Food Science 56: 60-62
  • Elizaquivel P, Sanchez G, Selma M V & Aznar R (2012). Application pf propidium monoazide-qPCR to evaluate the ultrasonic inactivation of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in fresh-cut vegetable wash water. Food Microbiology 30(1): 316-320
  • Ferrante A, Incrocci L, Maggini R, Serra G & Tognoni F (2004). Colour changes of fresh cut leafy vegetables during storage. Journal of Food Agriculture Environment 2: 40-44
  • FR (Federal Register) (2001). Secondary direct food additives permitted in food for human consumption. Rules and Regulations June 26, 66, 123, Sec:173.368 Ozone, Final Rule
  • Gabler F M, Smilanick J L, Mansour M F & Karaca H (2010). Influence of fumigation with high concentrations of ozone gas on postharvest gray mold and fungicide residues on table grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology 55: 85-90
  • Garcia A, Mount J R & Davidson P M (2003). Ozone and chlorine treatment of minimally processed lettuce. Journal of Food Science 68: 2747-2751.
  • Gornicki K & Kaleta A (2007). Modelling convection drying of blanched parsley root slices. Biosystem Engineering 97: 51-59
  • Henry L K, Puspitasari-Nienaber N L, Jaren-Galan M, van Breemen R B, Catignani G L & Schwartz S J (2000). Effects of ozone and oxygen on the degradation of carotenoids in an aqueous model system. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48: 5008-5013
  • Karaca H (2010). Effect of ozonation on microbial inactivation and shelf life of lettuce, spinach, and parsley. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, pp. 91, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Kato M & Shimizu S (1987). Chlorophyll metabolism in higher plants. VII-Chlorophyll degradation in senescing tobacco leaves–phenolic-dependent peroxidative degradation. Canadian Journal of Botany 65: 729-735
  • Kenny O & O’Beirne D (2009). The effects of washing treatment on antioxidant retention in ready-to-use iceberg lettuce. International Journal of Food Science Technology 44: 1146-1156
  • Khadre M A & Yousef A E (2001). Decontamination of a multilaminated aseptic food packaging material and stainless steel by ozone. Journal of Food Safety 21: 1-13
  • Kim H J, Fonseca J M, Kubota C & Choi J H (2007). Effect of hydrogen peroxide on quality of fresh-cut tomato. Journal of Food Science 72: 463-467
  • Kim J G, Yousef A E & Dave S (1999). Application of ozone for enhancing the microbiological safety and quality of foods: A review. Journal of Food Protection 62: 1071-1087
  • Kim J G, Yousef A E & Khadre M A (2003). Ozone and its current and future application in the food industry. Advances in Food Nutrition Research 45: 167-218
  • Kirca A, Yemis O & Ozkan M (2006). Chlorophyll and colour changes in grapevine leaves preserved by passive modification. European Food Research and Technology 223: 387-393
  • Klockow P A & Keener K M (2009). Safety and quality assessment of packaged spinach treated with a novel ozone-generation system. LWT-Food Science and Technology 42: 1047-1053
  • Kubo A, Saji H, Tanak K & Kondo N (1995). Expression of arabidopsis cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase gene in response to ozone or sulfur dioxide. Plant Molecular Biology 29: 479-489
  • Lopez-Galvez F, Allende A, Martinez-Sanchez A, Tudela J A, Selma M V & Gil M V (2010). Suitability of aqueous chlorine dioxide versus sodium hypochlorite as an effective sanitizer for preserving quality of fresh-cut lettuce while avoiding by-product formation. Postharvest Biology and Technology 55: 53-60
  • Luo Y, Nou X, Millner P, Zhou B, Shen C, Yang Y, Wu Y, Wang Q, Feng H & Shelton D (2012). A pilot plant scale evaluation of a new process aid for enhancing chlorine efficacy aganist pathogen survival and cross- contamination during wash. International Journal of Food Microbiology 158(2): 133-139
  • Nunes M C N & Emond J P (1999). Chlorinated water treatments affects postharvest quality of green bell peppers. Journal of Food Quality 22: 353-361
  • Olmez H & Akbas M Y (2009). Optimization of ozone treatment of fresh-cut green leaf lettuce. Journal of Food Engineering 90: 487-494
  • Olmez H (2010). Effect of different sanitizing methods and incubation time and temperature on inactivation of Escherichia coli on lettuce. Journal of Food Safety 30: 288-299
  • Philosoph-Hadas S, Meir S, Akiri B & Kanner J (1994). Oxidative defense systems in leaves o three edible herb species in relation to their senescence rates. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44: 2376-2381
  • Roura S I, Davidovich L A & del Valle C E (2000). Quality loss in minimally processed Swiss chard related to amount of damaged area. LWT-Food Science and Technology 33: 53-59
  • Selma M V, Beltran D, Allende A, Chacon-Vera E, Gil, M I (2007). Elimination by ozone of Shigella sonnei in shredded lettuce and water. Food Microbiology 24: 492-499
  • Simmons G F, Smilanick J L, John S & Margosan D A (1997). Reduction of microbial populations on prunes by vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Food Protection 60: 188-191
  • Singh N, Singh R K, Bhunia A K & Stroshine R L (2002). Efficacy of chlorine dioxide, ozone, and thyme essential oil or a sequential washing in killing Escherichia coli O157 : H7 on lettuce and baby carrots. LWT- Food Science and Technology 35: 720- 729
  • Skog L J & Chu C L (2001). Effect of ozone on qualities of fruits and vegetables in cold storage. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 81: 773-778
  • Teng S S & Chen B H (1999). Formation of pyrochlorophylls and their derivatives in spinach leaves during heating. Food Chemistry 65: 367-373
  • Turkmen N, Poyrazoglu E S, Sari F & Velioglu Y S (2006). Effects of cooking methods on chlorophylls, pheophytins and colour of selected green vegetables. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 41: 281-288
  • Vurma M, Pandit R B, Sastry S K & Yousef A E (2009). Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and natural microbiota on spinach leaves using gaseous ozone during vacuum cooling and simulated transportation. Journal of Food Protection 72: 1538-1546
  • Weemaes C A, Ooms V, Loey A M V & Hendrickx M E (1999). Kinetics of chlorophyll degradation and color loss in heated broccoli juice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47: 2404-2409
  • Yamauchi N, Funamoto Y & Shigyo M (2004). Peroxidase- mediated chlorophyll degradation in horticultural crops. Phytochemistry Reviews 3: 221-228
  • Zhou J Y, Sun C D, Zhang L L, Dai X A, Xu C J & Chen K S (2010). Preferential accumulation of orange- colored carotenoids in Ponkan (Citrus reticulata) fruit peel following postharvest application of ethylene or ethephon. Scientia Horticulturae 126: 229-235
  • Zhou B, Feng H & Pearlstein A J (2012). Continuous- flow ultrasonic washing system for fresh produce surface decontamination. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 16: 427-435
  • Zorlugenc B, Zorlugenc F K, Oztekin S & Evliya I B (2008). The influence of gaseous ozone and ozonated water on microbial flora and degradation of aflatoxin B1 in dried figs. Food and Chemical Toxicology 46: 3593-3597
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hakan Karaca This is me

Ozlem Sevılgen This is me

Nevzat Konar This is me

Yakup Sedat Velıoglu This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Karaca, H., Sevılgen, O., Konar, N., Velıoglu, Y. S. (2016). Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı ile Taze, Yıkanmış ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta vulgaris var. cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(1), 9-19.
AMA Karaca H, Sevılgen O, Konar N, Velıoglu YS. Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı ile Taze, Yıkanmış ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta vulgaris var. cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2016;22(1):9-19. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001363
Chicago Karaca, Hakan, Ozlem Sevılgen, Nevzat Konar, and Yakup Sedat Velıoglu. “Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı Ile Taze, Yıkanmış Ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta Vulgaris Var. Cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 1 (January 2016): 9-19.
EndNote Karaca H, Sevılgen O, Konar N, Velıoglu YS (January 1, 2016) Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı ile Taze, Yıkanmış ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta vulgaris var. cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 1 9–19.
IEEE H. Karaca, O. Sevılgen, N. Konar, and Y. S. Velıoglu, “Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı ile Taze, Yıkanmış ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta vulgaris var. cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 9–19, 2016, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001363.
ISNAD Karaca, Hakan et al. “Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı Ile Taze, Yıkanmış Ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta Vulgaris Var. Cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/1 (January 2016), 9-19.
JAMA Karaca H, Sevılgen O, Konar N, Velıoglu YS. Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı ile Taze, Yıkanmış ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta vulgaris var. cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:9–19.
MLA Karaca, Hakan et al. “Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı Ile Taze, Yıkanmış Ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta Vulgaris Var. Cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 1, 2016, pp. 9-19, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001363.
Vancouver Karaca H, Sevılgen O, Konar N, Velıoglu YS. Farklı Sanitasyon Ajanları Kullanımı ile Taze, Yıkanmış ve Doğranmış Pazılarda Beta vulgaris var. cicla Klorofil Düzeyinin Azalması. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(1):9-19.

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