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Çanakkale’de Satılan Tereyağlarının Uçucu Bileşenleri, Kimyasal ve Duyusal Özellikleri

Year 2016, , 99 - 108, 01.01.2016


Bu çalışmanın amacı Çanakkale’de satılan tereyağı örneklerinin fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla onbir tereyağı örneğinin, renk, viskozite, refraktif indeks, erime noktası, nem % , toplam asitlik % , asit değeri ve yağ içeriği belirlenmiştir. Uçucu bileşenler gaz kromatografisi-kütle spektrometresi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Örneklerin duyusal özellikleri SpectrumTM metodu ile ortaya konmuştur. Fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özellikler bakımından örnekler arasında önemli farklar olduğu bulunmuştur. Örneklerin viskozite, refraktif indeks, erime noktası, nem, toplam asitlik ve yağ içeriği sırasıyla 45.40-62.0 cP, 1.3331-1.4672, 32.50-37.50 ˚C, % 15.03-19.06, % 0.24-0.42, % 82-89 arasında değişmektedir. Diasetil, asetoin, asetik asit, hekzanoik asit, butirik asit ve δ-dekalakton tereyağı örneklerinin önemli uçucu bileşenleridir. Ayrıca, pişmiş, kremamsı, ransit ve margarin benzeri panelistler tarafından geliştirilmiş karakteristik terimlerdir


  • Abdel-Mageed M & Fadel H H M (1994). Effect of freeze storage on the volatiles of butter. Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 7: 185-188
  • Altun I, Andıc S, Tuncturk Y, Cecen A & Findik O (2011). Some chemical characteristics of butters obtained from Van market. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17: 645-648
  • Anonymous (2005). Turkish food codex for butter, milk fat based spreadable products and anhydrous milk fat. Codex number: 2005/19
  • Arslan N, Guneser O & Karagul-Yuceer Y (2011). Geleneksel ve endüstriyel tereyağlarının bazı kalite özellikleri (Some quality characteristics of traditional and industrial butters). Hasad Gıda 26: 16-21
  • Atamer M, Senel E & Oztekin S (2007). Farklı tür sütlerden üretilen yayık tereyağlarının bazı nitelikleri (Some characteristics of churning butter produced from different types of milk). TUBITAK, Project no: 105O157, Ankara
  • Avsar Y K, Karagul-Yuceer Y, Drake M A, Singh T K, Yoon Y & Cadwallader K R (2004). Characterization of nutty flavor in Cheddar cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 87: 1999-2010
  • Bendixen H A (1940). Acid values and acid ratios as related to the keeping quality of salted butter. Journal of Dairy Science 23: 275-284
  • Bradley J R L, Arnold J E, Barbano D M, Semerad R G, Smith D E & Vines B K (1992). Chemical and physical methods. In: R T Marshal (Ed), Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, pp. 363-532
  • Bradley J R L & Smukowski M (2009). Butter. In: S Clark, M Costello, M A Drake & F Bodyfelt (Eds), Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products, Springer Science + Business Media, New York, pp. 135-167
  • Curioni P M G & Bosset J O (2002). Key odorants in various cheese types as determined by gas chromatography-olfactometry. International Dairy Journal 12: 959-984
  • Fatouh A E, Singh R K, Koehler P E, Mahran G A, El- Ghandour M A & Metwally A E (2003). Chemical and thermal characteristics of buffalo butter oil fractions obtained by multi-step dry fractionation. LWT-Food Science and Technology 36: 483-496
  • Glibowski P, Zarzycki P & Krzepkowska M (2008). The rheological and instrumental textural properties of selected table fats. International Journal of Food Properties 11: 678-686
  • Guneser O & Karagül-Yüceer Y (2011). Characterization of aroma-active compounds, chemical and sensory properties of acid-coagulated cheese: Circassian cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 64: 517-525
  • Hayaloglu A A (1999). A comparative study on physicochemical, microbiological and organoleptic qualities of butter produced from cream and yoghurt in Malatya region. M.Sc. Thesis, Çukurova University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Adana, Turkey
  • Hickey M, Hillier W A J & Jago G R (1983). Metabolism of pyruvate and citrate in lactobacilli. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 36: 487-496
  • Hocalar B T (2011). Tereyağı Teknolojisi (Technology of Butter). Izmir: Ege Universitesi Yayınları, Ege Meslek Yüksek Okulu Yayın No: 22
  • Jay J M, Loessner M J & Golden D (2005). Milk, fermentation, and fermented and nonfermented dairy products. In: J M Jay, M J Loessner & D Golden (Eds), Modern Food Microbiology, Springer Science, NY, USA, pp. 149-175
  • Jinjarak S, Walker J H, Olabi A & Jimenez-Flores R (2006). Sensory, functional, and analytical comparisons of whey butter with other butters. Journal of Dairy Science 89: 2428-2440
  • Kochhar S P (1996). Oxidative pathways to the formation of off-flavours. In: M J Saxby (Ed), Food Taints and Off-flavors,Blackie Academic & professional, Chapman & Hall., Wester Cleddens Road, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow-UK, pp. 168-225
  • Koczon P, Gruczynska E, Kowalski (2008). Changes in the acid value of butter during storage at different temperatures as assessed by standard methods or by FT-IR Spectroscopy. American Journal of Food Technology 3: 154-163
  • Krause A J, Lopetcharat K & Drake M A (2007). Identification of the characteristics that drive consumer liking of butter. Journal of Dairy Science 90: 2091-2102
  • Krause A J, Miracle R E, Sanders T H, Dean L L & Drake M A (2008). The effect of refrigerated and frozen storage on butter flavor and texture. Journal of Dairy Science 91: 455-465
  • Lozano L P, Miracle R E, Krause A J, Drake M & Cadwallader K R (2007). Effect of cold storage and packaging material on the major aroma components of sweet cream butter. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 55: 7840-7846
  • Mallia S, Escher F & Schlichtherle-Cerny H (2008). Aroma-active compounds of butter: A review. European Food Research and Technology 226: 315- 325
  • Mallia S, Escher F, Schieberle P, Dubois S & Schlichtherle- Cerny H (2009). Characterization and quantification of odor-active compounds in unsaturated fatty acid/ conjugated linoleic acid (UFA/CLA)-enriched butter and in conventional butter during storage and induced oxidation. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 57: 7464-7472
  • Mariaca R G, Berger T F H, Gauch R, Imhof M I, Jeangros B & Bosset J O (1997). Occurrence of volatile mono- and sesquiterpenoids in highland and lowland plant species as possible precursors for flavor compounds in milk and dairy products. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 45: 4423-4434
  • Mayo B, Aleksandrzak-Piekrczyk T, Fernandez M, Kowalezyk M, Alvarez-MartinP & Bardowski J (2010). Updates in the metabolism of lactic acid bacteria. In M. Fernanda, R R Raya & G M Vignolo (Eds), Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications, Blackwell Publishing, State Avenue, Ames, Iowa, USA, pp. 3-35
  • Meilgaard M, Civille G V & Carr B T (1999). Descriptive analysis techniques. In M. Meilgaard, G V Civille & B T Carr (Eds) Sensory Evaluation Techniques, CRC Press, FL: Boca Raton
  • Minitab 16.1 (2010). PA, USA, Minitab Inc. State College
  • Nas S, Gokalp H S & Unsal M (2001). Bitkisel yağ teknolojisi (Technology of vegetable oils), Pamukkale Üniversitesi Ders Kitapları, Yayın No: 005, Denizli, Turkey
  • Nikolova K, Panchev I & Sainov S (2007). Refractometric investigation of butter and margarine. European Food Research and Technology 225:139-143
  • Nursten H E (1997). The flavour of milk and dairy products: I. milk of different kinds, milk powder, butter and cream. International Journal of Dairy Technology 50: 48-56
  • Parliament T H & McGorrin R J (2000). Critical flavor compounds in dairy products. In: S J, Risch & C T Ho (Eds), Flavor Chemistry. ACS Symposium Series 756, ACS Books, Washington, D.C
  • Pawliszyn J (2012). Theory of solid phase micro extraction. In: J Pawliszyn (Ed), Handbook of solid phase microextraction, Elsevier Inc., Waltham, MA, USA, pp. 13-57
  • Peterson D G & Reineccius G A (2003). Determination of the aroma impact compounds in heated sweet cream butter. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 18: 320-324
  • Rae Lee S, Macku C & Shibamoto T (1991). Isolation and identification of headspace Volatiles Formed in Heated Butter. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 39: 1972-1975
  • Ronholt S, Kirkensgaard J J K, Pedersen T B, Mortensen K & Knudsen J C (2012). Polymorphism, microstructure and rheology of butter: Effects of cream heat treatment. Food Chemistry 135: 1730-1739
  • Sagdıc O, Donmez M & Demirci M. (2004). Comparison of characteristics and fatty acid profiles of traditional Turkish yayik butters produced from goats’, ewes’ or cows’ milk. Food Control 6: 485-490
  • Sancak C Y, Işleyici O, Alişarlı M, Akkaya L & Elibol C (2002). Van’da tüketime sunulan kahvaltılık tereyağlarının mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal nitelikleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 13: 108-113
  • Sarrazin E, Frerot E, Bagnoud A, Aeberhardt K & Rubin M (2011). Discovery of new lactones in sweet cream butter oil. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 59: 6657-6666
  • Schieberle P, Gassenmeier K, Guth H, Sen A & Grosch W (1993). Character impact odour compounds of different kinds of butter. LWT-Food Science and Technology 26: 347-356
  • Sheskin D J (2004). Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures, Chapman and Hall / CRC press, New York
  • Shukla A, Bhaskar A R, Rizvi S S H, & Mulvaney S J (1994). Physicochemical and rheological properties of butter made from supercritically fractionated milk fat. Journal of Dairy Science 1: 45-54
  • SPSS (2008). SPSS Professional Statistics 17.0, Chicago, IL SPSS Inc
  • Senel E (2006). Bazı üretim parametrelerinin yoğurttan üretilen yayık tereyağının nitelikleri üzerine etkisi (The effect of some production parameters on yayık butter produced from yoghurt), Ph.D. Thesis, Ankara University Department of Dairy Technology, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey
  • Şenel E, Atamer M & Oztekin F S (2011). The oxidative and lipolytic stability of Yayık butter produced from different species of mammals milk (cow, sheep, goat) yoghurt. Food Chemistry 127: 333-339
  • Üçüncü M (2010). Süt ve Mamülleri Teknolojisi. Sidas Yayıncılık, İzmir
  • Viallon C, Martin B, Verdier-Metz I, Pradel P, Garel J P & Coulon J B (2000). Transfer of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes from forages into milk fat. Le Lait 80: 635-641
  • Widder S & Grosch W (1997). Precursors of 2-nonenals causing the cardboard off-flavour in butter oil. Nahrung 41: 42-45
  • Wilbey R A (2009). Butter. In: A Tamime (Ed), Dairy fat and related products, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames Iowa, USA, pp. 86-106.
  • Wright A J, Scanlon M G, Hartel R W & Marangoni A G (2001). Rheological properties of milkfat and butter. Journal of Food Science 66: 1056-1071

Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale

Year 2016, , 99 - 108, 01.01.2016


The aim of this study was to determine physical, chemical and sensory properties and volatile components of butter samples sold in Çanakkale. For this purpose, color, viscosity, refractive index, melting point, moisture % , total acidity % , acid degree value and fat content % of the samples were determined in eleven butter samples. Volatile compounds were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sensory properties of samples were determined by SpectrumTM method. There were significant differences among butter samples in terms of physical, chemical and sensory properties. Viscosity, refractive index, melting point, moisture, total acidity and fat content of the samples ranged between 45.40-62.0 cP, 1.3331-1.4672, 32.50-37.50 ˚C, 15.03-19.06%, 0.24-0.42%, 82-89%, respectively. Diacetyl, acetoin, acetic acid, hexanoic acid, butyric acid and δ-decalactone were major volatiles in butter samples. In addition, cooked, creamy, rancid and margarine-like were the characteristic terms developed by the panelists


  • Abdel-Mageed M & Fadel H H M (1994). Effect of freeze storage on the volatiles of butter. Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 7: 185-188
  • Altun I, Andıc S, Tuncturk Y, Cecen A & Findik O (2011). Some chemical characteristics of butters obtained from Van market. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17: 645-648
  • Anonymous (2005). Turkish food codex for butter, milk fat based spreadable products and anhydrous milk fat. Codex number: 2005/19
  • Arslan N, Guneser O & Karagul-Yuceer Y (2011). Geleneksel ve endüstriyel tereyağlarının bazı kalite özellikleri (Some quality characteristics of traditional and industrial butters). Hasad Gıda 26: 16-21
  • Atamer M, Senel E & Oztekin S (2007). Farklı tür sütlerden üretilen yayık tereyağlarının bazı nitelikleri (Some characteristics of churning butter produced from different types of milk). TUBITAK, Project no: 105O157, Ankara
  • Avsar Y K, Karagul-Yuceer Y, Drake M A, Singh T K, Yoon Y & Cadwallader K R (2004). Characterization of nutty flavor in Cheddar cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 87: 1999-2010
  • Bendixen H A (1940). Acid values and acid ratios as related to the keeping quality of salted butter. Journal of Dairy Science 23: 275-284
  • Bradley J R L, Arnold J E, Barbano D M, Semerad R G, Smith D E & Vines B K (1992). Chemical and physical methods. In: R T Marshal (Ed), Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, pp. 363-532
  • Bradley J R L & Smukowski M (2009). Butter. In: S Clark, M Costello, M A Drake & F Bodyfelt (Eds), Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products, Springer Science + Business Media, New York, pp. 135-167
  • Curioni P M G & Bosset J O (2002). Key odorants in various cheese types as determined by gas chromatography-olfactometry. International Dairy Journal 12: 959-984
  • Fatouh A E, Singh R K, Koehler P E, Mahran G A, El- Ghandour M A & Metwally A E (2003). Chemical and thermal characteristics of buffalo butter oil fractions obtained by multi-step dry fractionation. LWT-Food Science and Technology 36: 483-496
  • Glibowski P, Zarzycki P & Krzepkowska M (2008). The rheological and instrumental textural properties of selected table fats. International Journal of Food Properties 11: 678-686
  • Guneser O & Karagül-Yüceer Y (2011). Characterization of aroma-active compounds, chemical and sensory properties of acid-coagulated cheese: Circassian cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 64: 517-525
  • Hayaloglu A A (1999). A comparative study on physicochemical, microbiological and organoleptic qualities of butter produced from cream and yoghurt in Malatya region. M.Sc. Thesis, Çukurova University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Adana, Turkey
  • Hickey M, Hillier W A J & Jago G R (1983). Metabolism of pyruvate and citrate in lactobacilli. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 36: 487-496
  • Hocalar B T (2011). Tereyağı Teknolojisi (Technology of Butter). Izmir: Ege Universitesi Yayınları, Ege Meslek Yüksek Okulu Yayın No: 22
  • Jay J M, Loessner M J & Golden D (2005). Milk, fermentation, and fermented and nonfermented dairy products. In: J M Jay, M J Loessner & D Golden (Eds), Modern Food Microbiology, Springer Science, NY, USA, pp. 149-175
  • Jinjarak S, Walker J H, Olabi A & Jimenez-Flores R (2006). Sensory, functional, and analytical comparisons of whey butter with other butters. Journal of Dairy Science 89: 2428-2440
  • Kochhar S P (1996). Oxidative pathways to the formation of off-flavours. In: M J Saxby (Ed), Food Taints and Off-flavors,Blackie Academic & professional, Chapman & Hall., Wester Cleddens Road, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow-UK, pp. 168-225
  • Koczon P, Gruczynska E, Kowalski (2008). Changes in the acid value of butter during storage at different temperatures as assessed by standard methods or by FT-IR Spectroscopy. American Journal of Food Technology 3: 154-163
  • Krause A J, Lopetcharat K & Drake M A (2007). Identification of the characteristics that drive consumer liking of butter. Journal of Dairy Science 90: 2091-2102
  • Krause A J, Miracle R E, Sanders T H, Dean L L & Drake M A (2008). The effect of refrigerated and frozen storage on butter flavor and texture. Journal of Dairy Science 91: 455-465
  • Lozano L P, Miracle R E, Krause A J, Drake M & Cadwallader K R (2007). Effect of cold storage and packaging material on the major aroma components of sweet cream butter. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 55: 7840-7846
  • Mallia S, Escher F & Schlichtherle-Cerny H (2008). Aroma-active compounds of butter: A review. European Food Research and Technology 226: 315- 325
  • Mallia S, Escher F, Schieberle P, Dubois S & Schlichtherle- Cerny H (2009). Characterization and quantification of odor-active compounds in unsaturated fatty acid/ conjugated linoleic acid (UFA/CLA)-enriched butter and in conventional butter during storage and induced oxidation. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 57: 7464-7472
  • Mariaca R G, Berger T F H, Gauch R, Imhof M I, Jeangros B & Bosset J O (1997). Occurrence of volatile mono- and sesquiterpenoids in highland and lowland plant species as possible precursors for flavor compounds in milk and dairy products. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 45: 4423-4434
  • Mayo B, Aleksandrzak-Piekrczyk T, Fernandez M, Kowalezyk M, Alvarez-MartinP & Bardowski J (2010). Updates in the metabolism of lactic acid bacteria. In M. Fernanda, R R Raya & G M Vignolo (Eds), Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications, Blackwell Publishing, State Avenue, Ames, Iowa, USA, pp. 3-35
  • Meilgaard M, Civille G V & Carr B T (1999). Descriptive analysis techniques. In M. Meilgaard, G V Civille & B T Carr (Eds) Sensory Evaluation Techniques, CRC Press, FL: Boca Raton
  • Minitab 16.1 (2010). PA, USA, Minitab Inc. State College
  • Nas S, Gokalp H S & Unsal M (2001). Bitkisel yağ teknolojisi (Technology of vegetable oils), Pamukkale Üniversitesi Ders Kitapları, Yayın No: 005, Denizli, Turkey
  • Nikolova K, Panchev I & Sainov S (2007). Refractometric investigation of butter and margarine. European Food Research and Technology 225:139-143
  • Nursten H E (1997). The flavour of milk and dairy products: I. milk of different kinds, milk powder, butter and cream. International Journal of Dairy Technology 50: 48-56
  • Parliament T H & McGorrin R J (2000). Critical flavor compounds in dairy products. In: S J, Risch & C T Ho (Eds), Flavor Chemistry. ACS Symposium Series 756, ACS Books, Washington, D.C
  • Pawliszyn J (2012). Theory of solid phase micro extraction. In: J Pawliszyn (Ed), Handbook of solid phase microextraction, Elsevier Inc., Waltham, MA, USA, pp. 13-57
  • Peterson D G & Reineccius G A (2003). Determination of the aroma impact compounds in heated sweet cream butter. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 18: 320-324
  • Rae Lee S, Macku C & Shibamoto T (1991). Isolation and identification of headspace Volatiles Formed in Heated Butter. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 39: 1972-1975
  • Ronholt S, Kirkensgaard J J K, Pedersen T B, Mortensen K & Knudsen J C (2012). Polymorphism, microstructure and rheology of butter: Effects of cream heat treatment. Food Chemistry 135: 1730-1739
  • Sagdıc O, Donmez M & Demirci M. (2004). Comparison of characteristics and fatty acid profiles of traditional Turkish yayik butters produced from goats’, ewes’ or cows’ milk. Food Control 6: 485-490
  • Sancak C Y, Işleyici O, Alişarlı M, Akkaya L & Elibol C (2002). Van’da tüketime sunulan kahvaltılık tereyağlarının mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal nitelikleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 13: 108-113
  • Sarrazin E, Frerot E, Bagnoud A, Aeberhardt K & Rubin M (2011). Discovery of new lactones in sweet cream butter oil. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 59: 6657-6666
  • Schieberle P, Gassenmeier K, Guth H, Sen A & Grosch W (1993). Character impact odour compounds of different kinds of butter. LWT-Food Science and Technology 26: 347-356
  • Sheskin D J (2004). Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures, Chapman and Hall / CRC press, New York
  • Shukla A, Bhaskar A R, Rizvi S S H, & Mulvaney S J (1994). Physicochemical and rheological properties of butter made from supercritically fractionated milk fat. Journal of Dairy Science 1: 45-54
  • SPSS (2008). SPSS Professional Statistics 17.0, Chicago, IL SPSS Inc
  • Senel E (2006). Bazı üretim parametrelerinin yoğurttan üretilen yayık tereyağının nitelikleri üzerine etkisi (The effect of some production parameters on yayık butter produced from yoghurt), Ph.D. Thesis, Ankara University Department of Dairy Technology, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey
  • Şenel E, Atamer M & Oztekin F S (2011). The oxidative and lipolytic stability of Yayık butter produced from different species of mammals milk (cow, sheep, goat) yoghurt. Food Chemistry 127: 333-339
  • Üçüncü M (2010). Süt ve Mamülleri Teknolojisi. Sidas Yayıncılık, İzmir
  • Viallon C, Martin B, Verdier-Metz I, Pradel P, Garel J P & Coulon J B (2000). Transfer of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes from forages into milk fat. Le Lait 80: 635-641
  • Widder S & Grosch W (1997). Precursors of 2-nonenals causing the cardboard off-flavour in butter oil. Nahrung 41: 42-45
  • Wilbey R A (2009). Butter. In: A Tamime (Ed), Dairy fat and related products, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames Iowa, USA, pp. 86-106.
  • Wright A J, Scanlon M G, Hartel R W & Marangoni A G (2001). Rheological properties of milkfat and butter. Journal of Food Science 66: 1056-1071
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Aslı Demirkol This is me

Onur Guneser This is me

Yonca Karagul Yuceer This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Demirkol, A., Guneser, O., & Karagul Yuceer, Y. (2016). Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(1), 99-108.
AMA Demirkol A, Guneser O, Karagul Yuceer Y. Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2016;22(1):99-108. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001372
Chicago Demirkol, Aslı, Onur Guneser, and Yonca Karagul Yuceer. “Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 1 (January 2016): 99-108.
EndNote Demirkol A, Guneser O, Karagul Yuceer Y (January 1, 2016) Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 1 99–108.
IEEE A. Demirkol, O. Guneser, and Y. Karagul Yuceer, “Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 99–108, 2016, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001372.
ISNAD Demirkol, Aslı et al. “Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/1 (January 2016), 99-108.
JAMA Demirkol A, Guneser O, Karagul Yuceer Y. Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:99–108.
MLA Demirkol, Aslı et al. “Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 1, 2016, pp. 99-108, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001372.
Vancouver Demirkol A, Guneser O, Karagul Yuceer Y. Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Çanakkale. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(1):99-108.

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