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Ayçiçeğ i Helianthus annuus L. Melez, Hat ve Çeşitlerinde Baz ı Verim ve Verim Öğeleri aras ı ndaki Korelasyon

Year 2004, , 111 - 115, 01.01.2004


Bu araşt ı rma; 1995,1997 ve 1998 y ı lları nda Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tarlas ı nda tesadüf bloklar ı deneme desenine göre üç tekerrtı rlü olarak kurulmu ştur. Deneme materyali olarak genetik erk ı s ı r hatlar, melezler ve Ekiz-1, Vn ıı mk-8931 ve Süper-25 çe ş itleri kullan ı lm ışt ı r. Korelasyon Analizi sonuçlar ı na göre; bitki boyu ile tabla çap ı , sap verimi ve tohum verimi; tabla çap ı ile sap verimi, tohum verimi, 1000 tohum ağı rl ığı ve yağ oran ı ; sap verimi ile 1000 tohum a ğı rl ığı ve tohum verimi aras ı nda olumlu bir ili şki kaydedilmiştir.


  • Alba, E., A. Benvenuti, R. Tuberosa and G. P. Vanozzi, 1979. A path coeffı cient analysis of some yield components in sunflower. Helia, 2: 25-28.
  • Alba, E., I. Greco, 1979. An analysis of the association factors influencing seed yield in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Sımflower Newsl. 3 (2): 13-15.
  • Benjamin, H. and S. Geng, 1982. Interrelationships of morphological and economic characters of sunflower. Crop Sci. 22: 817-822.
  • Chaudhary, S. K. and I. J. Anand, 1993. Relationship of metric traits with seed filling in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under open pollination. Int. J. of Tropical Agriculture, 11 (2): 146-148.
  • Coşge, B. 1999. Ayçiçek ya ğı n ı n tı bbi önemi ve ayçiçek yağı sanayii. Ekin, 3 (9) : 90-95.
  • Dedio, W. 1993. Heterosis and prediction of achene's oil content in sunflower hybrids from parental lines. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73: 737-742.
  • Düzgüneş O., T. Kesici, O. Kavuncu ve F. Gürbüz, 1987. Araşt ı rma ve Deneme Metotlar ı (istatistik Metotlar ı Il). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay. No: 1021, 298 s., Ankara.
  • Gencer, O. 1986. Ayçiçe ğ inde verim ve unsurlar ı n ı n korelasyon ve path katsay ı s ı analizi üzerinde bir ara şt ı rma. TÜB İTAK Yay ı n No: 629, Ankara.
  • İ lisulu, K. 1968. Erk ı s ı r, kendilenmi ş hat ve normal ayçiçeğ i çeş itleri ile bunlara ait melezlerde verimle ilgili baz ı vas ı flar ı n mukayesesi. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay. No: 309, 55 s., Ankara.
  • İ ncekara, F., W. Schuster and M. E. Tugay, 1983. Çe şitli yağ bitkilerinde kimi nicelik özelliklerinin kal ı tsal yap ı ya ve çevreye bağ l ı değ i ş imi. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay. No: 473, Bornova.
  • Kovac ı k, A. and V. Skauld, 1976. Changes in kernel-husk relationship in sunflower inbreeding-heterosis selection. Proc. VII. Int. Sunflower Conf. 1: 327-329.
  • Lakshmanrai, N. G., Shambulingappa, K. G., P. Kusumakumari, 1985. Studies on path-coefficient analysis on sunflower. Proc. XI Sunflower Conf., 10-13 March, Argentina.
  • Marinkovic, R., D. Skoric, 1988. Path-coefficient analysis of Components of sunflower seed yield. Proc. The 12th. Int. Sunflower Conf. 1; 25-29 July, Yugoslavia.
  • Martinez, J. F. 1987. Efficient strategies and techniques in oilseed. Crop Breeding. Dept. of Breed. and Agron. Center of Agrarian Res. of Cordoba Apatado 240, Spain.
  • Miralles, O. B., J. A. Juan, and F. M. Santa, 1997. Growth, development and yield of five sunflower hybrids. European J. of Agron. 6 (1-2):47-59.
  • Narayana, E. and J. C. Patel, 1998. Correlation studies in sunflower. Gujarat Agric. University Res. J. 23 (2): 100- 102.
  • Pasda, G. and W. Diepenbrock, 1990. The physiological yield analysis of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Part I: Basic biology and yield formation. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie, 92:8.
  • Sezer, C. S., 1991. Oroban şa dayan ı kl ı ayçiçeğ i (Helianthus annuus L.) hatlar ı ile dayan ı kl ı genetik erk ı s ı r hatlar aras ı melez ve heterosis. Doktora tezi (bas ı lmam ış ). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Ankara.
  • Shrı n ı vasa, K. 1982. Inheritance of fertility restoration and oil content in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Thesis Abst. Plant Breed. Abst., 8 (1): 70-71.
  • Soltani, E. and Y. Archi, 1988. Correlation between oil content and 1000 kernels weight their narrow sense heritability on sunflower variety (Zarja) in dry farming condition. Proc. Int. Sunflower Conf., 23-27 July, Minnesota-USA.
  • Toms, E. M., H. S. Pooni, 1995. An evaluation of crosses between some French male sterile and UK restorer lines of the sunflower. Helia, 18:22.
  • Tyagi, A.P., 1985. Association and path analysis of yield components and oil percentage in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Proc. Xl. Int. Sunflower Conf. Republican Argent, Argentina.
  • Ünlü, G. 1994. Oroban şa (Orobanche cumana Wallrr) dayan ı kl ı genetik erk ı s ı r kaynakl ı ayçiçeğ i (Helianthus annuus L.) hatları n ı n melez ve ataları nda verim, verim ö ğ eleri, fertil ve erk ı s ı r oranlar ı . Yüksek lisans tezi (bas ı lmamış ). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Ankara.
  • Vanisree, V. D. 1988. Correlation and path co-effı cient analysis in sunflower. J. of Oilseeds R. 5 (2): 46-51.
  • Vanozzi, G. P. 1987. Correlations among yield components in sunflower. Field Crop Abst. 40: 80.
  • Visic, M. 1988. Interdependence of characteristics and their influence on the yield with sunflower hybrids. Proc. 12 th. Int. Sunflower Conf., 1: 25-29 July, Yugoslavia.
  • Zali, A. A. and B. Y. Somadi, 1978. Association of seed yield and seed oil content with other plant and seed characteristics in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Proc. 8th . Int. Sunflower Cönf., 23-27 July, Minnesota-USA.

Correlations between Some Yield and Yield Components in Sunflower Helianthus annuus L. Hybrid, Line and Varieties

Year 2004, , 111 - 115, 01.01.2004


This study was conducted on experimental field of Field Crops Department at Agricultural Faculty of Ankara University in 1995, 1997 and 1998. The trials were designed in randomized block design with three replications. Genetic male sterile lines, hybrids and Ekiz-1, Vn ıı mk-8931 and Super-25 varieties were used as a material. According to the results of correlation analysis; positive correlations between SeY, SY, HD and PH; between OR, TSW, SeY and HD; between SeY, TSW and SY were recorded.


  • Alba, E., A. Benvenuti, R. Tuberosa and G. P. Vanozzi, 1979. A path coeffı cient analysis of some yield components in sunflower. Helia, 2: 25-28.
  • Alba, E., I. Greco, 1979. An analysis of the association factors influencing seed yield in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Sımflower Newsl. 3 (2): 13-15.
  • Benjamin, H. and S. Geng, 1982. Interrelationships of morphological and economic characters of sunflower. Crop Sci. 22: 817-822.
  • Chaudhary, S. K. and I. J. Anand, 1993. Relationship of metric traits with seed filling in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under open pollination. Int. J. of Tropical Agriculture, 11 (2): 146-148.
  • Coşge, B. 1999. Ayçiçek ya ğı n ı n tı bbi önemi ve ayçiçek yağı sanayii. Ekin, 3 (9) : 90-95.
  • Dedio, W. 1993. Heterosis and prediction of achene's oil content in sunflower hybrids from parental lines. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73: 737-742.
  • Düzgüneş O., T. Kesici, O. Kavuncu ve F. Gürbüz, 1987. Araşt ı rma ve Deneme Metotlar ı (istatistik Metotlar ı Il). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay. No: 1021, 298 s., Ankara.
  • Gencer, O. 1986. Ayçiçe ğ inde verim ve unsurlar ı n ı n korelasyon ve path katsay ı s ı analizi üzerinde bir ara şt ı rma. TÜB İTAK Yay ı n No: 629, Ankara.
  • İ lisulu, K. 1968. Erk ı s ı r, kendilenmi ş hat ve normal ayçiçeğ i çeş itleri ile bunlara ait melezlerde verimle ilgili baz ı vas ı flar ı n mukayesesi. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay. No: 309, 55 s., Ankara.
  • İ ncekara, F., W. Schuster and M. E. Tugay, 1983. Çe şitli yağ bitkilerinde kimi nicelik özelliklerinin kal ı tsal yap ı ya ve çevreye bağ l ı değ i ş imi. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay. No: 473, Bornova.
  • Kovac ı k, A. and V. Skauld, 1976. Changes in kernel-husk relationship in sunflower inbreeding-heterosis selection. Proc. VII. Int. Sunflower Conf. 1: 327-329.
  • Lakshmanrai, N. G., Shambulingappa, K. G., P. Kusumakumari, 1985. Studies on path-coefficient analysis on sunflower. Proc. XI Sunflower Conf., 10-13 March, Argentina.
  • Marinkovic, R., D. Skoric, 1988. Path-coefficient analysis of Components of sunflower seed yield. Proc. The 12th. Int. Sunflower Conf. 1; 25-29 July, Yugoslavia.
  • Martinez, J. F. 1987. Efficient strategies and techniques in oilseed. Crop Breeding. Dept. of Breed. and Agron. Center of Agrarian Res. of Cordoba Apatado 240, Spain.
  • Miralles, O. B., J. A. Juan, and F. M. Santa, 1997. Growth, development and yield of five sunflower hybrids. European J. of Agron. 6 (1-2):47-59.
  • Narayana, E. and J. C. Patel, 1998. Correlation studies in sunflower. Gujarat Agric. University Res. J. 23 (2): 100- 102.
  • Pasda, G. and W. Diepenbrock, 1990. The physiological yield analysis of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Part I: Basic biology and yield formation. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie, 92:8.
  • Sezer, C. S., 1991. Oroban şa dayan ı kl ı ayçiçeğ i (Helianthus annuus L.) hatlar ı ile dayan ı kl ı genetik erk ı s ı r hatlar aras ı melez ve heterosis. Doktora tezi (bas ı lmam ış ). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Ankara.
  • Shrı n ı vasa, K. 1982. Inheritance of fertility restoration and oil content in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Thesis Abst. Plant Breed. Abst., 8 (1): 70-71.
  • Soltani, E. and Y. Archi, 1988. Correlation between oil content and 1000 kernels weight their narrow sense heritability on sunflower variety (Zarja) in dry farming condition. Proc. Int. Sunflower Conf., 23-27 July, Minnesota-USA.
  • Toms, E. M., H. S. Pooni, 1995. An evaluation of crosses between some French male sterile and UK restorer lines of the sunflower. Helia, 18:22.
  • Tyagi, A.P., 1985. Association and path analysis of yield components and oil percentage in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Proc. Xl. Int. Sunflower Conf. Republican Argent, Argentina.
  • Ünlü, G. 1994. Oroban şa (Orobanche cumana Wallrr) dayan ı kl ı genetik erk ı s ı r kaynakl ı ayçiçeğ i (Helianthus annuus L.) hatları n ı n melez ve ataları nda verim, verim ö ğ eleri, fertil ve erk ı s ı r oranlar ı . Yüksek lisans tezi (bas ı lmamış ). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Ankara.
  • Vanisree, V. D. 1988. Correlation and path co-effı cient analysis in sunflower. J. of Oilseeds R. 5 (2): 46-51.
  • Vanozzi, G. P. 1987. Correlations among yield components in sunflower. Field Crop Abst. 40: 80.
  • Visic, M. 1988. Interdependence of characteristics and their influence on the yield with sunflower hybrids. Proc. 12 th. Int. Sunflower Conf., 1: 25-29 July, Yugoslavia.
  • Zali, A. A. and B. Y. Somadi, 1978. Association of seed yield and seed oil content with other plant and seed characteristics in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Proc. 8th . Int. Sunflower Cönf., 23-27 July, Minnesota-USA.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Belgin Coşge This is me

Nilgün Bayraktar This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2004
Submission Date January 1, 2004
Published in Issue Year 2004


APA Coşge, B., & Bayraktar, N. (2004). Correlations between Some Yield and Yield Components in Sunflower Helianthus annuus L. Hybrid, Line and Varieties. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10(01), 111-115.

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