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Organik Gübreler ve Kimyasal Olmayan Yabancı Ot Kontrolünün Buğday Üzerine Etkileri: I-Bitki Gelişmesi ve Tane Verimi

Year 2012, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 9 - 20, 04.03.2012


Organik buğdayın verimi iklim, uygun olmayan çeşit seçimi, besin eksikliği ve yabancı ot rekabeti tarafından sınırlanır. Organik gübreler ve kimyasal olmayan yabancı ot kontrolünün buğdayın tane verimine etkisi 2006-07, 2007-08 ve 2008-09 ürün yıllarında Erzurum sulamasız koşullarında incelenmiştir. Tesadüf bloklarında faktöriyel deneme deseninde yürütülen araştırmada iki ekmeklik buğday çeşidi (Doğu 88 ve Kırik), üç yabancı ot kontrol yöntemi (yabancı otlu kontrol, elle yolma ve sık ekim) ve yedi gübre kaynağı (gübresiz, mineral NP, Bio, Bio SR, Leonardit, Organik Gübre ve sığır gübresi) yer almıştır. Bir ıslah çeşidi olan Doğu 88 yerel Kırik çeşidine göre daha yüksek yaprak alanı indeksi, tane dolum süresi, m2 ’de başak sayısı, başakta tane sayısı, tane verimi ve hasat indeksine sahip olmuştur. Yılların ortalaması olarak, yabancı ot mücadelesinin yapılmadığı koşullar ile karşılaştırıldığında, tane verimini elle yolma %9.2, sık ekim ise %7.7 oranında artırmıştır. En yüksek tane verimi mineral NP uygulamasından elde edilmiştir. Organik gübrelerden en yüksek tane verimini sığır gübresi sağlamış, bunu Organik Gübre izlemiştir. Gübresiz koşullara göre tane verimini sığır gübresi %25.6, Organik Gübre ise %23.2 oranında artırmış olup, verim artışları başlıca m2 ’deki başak sayısı artışları ile ilgili olmuştur. Benzer ekolojik koşullarda Doğu 88 çeşidinin Kırik çeşidine tercih edilmesi gerektiği, sık ekimin buğdaya yabancı otlara karşı rekabette avantaj sağladığı, toprak verimliliği ve buğdayın tane verimini artırmak için kuru şartlarda sığır gübresinin kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. 


  • Abouziena H F, Faida A A S & El-Doseki E R (2008). Efficacy of cultivar and weed control treatments on wheat yield and associated weeds in sandy soils. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4 (3): 384- 389
  • Badaruddin M, Reynolds M P & Ageeb O A A (1999). Wheat management in warm environments: Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers, irrigation frequency, and mulching. Agronomy Journal 91 (6): 975-983.
  • Baresel J P, Zimmermann E G & Reents E H J (2008). Effects of genotype and environment on N uptake and N partition in organically grown winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Germany. Euphytica 163 (3): 347–354
  • Barzegar A R, Yousefi A & Daryashenas A (2002). The effect of addition of different amounts and types of organic materials on soil physical properties and yield of wheat. Plant and Soil 247 (2): 295-301
  • Bertholdsson N O (2005). Early vigour and allelopathy–two useful traits for enhanced barley and wheat competitiveness against weeds. Weed Research 45 (2): 94-102
  • Birinci A, Ozturk A, Bulut S & Ikikat Tumer E (2010). Farklı Gübre Kaynakları ve Yabancı Ot Kontrol Yöntemlerinin Organik Buğdayda Gayri Safi Üretim Değeri ve Brüt Kâr Üzerine Etkisi. Türkiye IV. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu. Bildiri Kitabı: 114-118. 28 Haziran – 1 Temmuz 2010, Erzurum
  • Carr P M, Kandel H J, Porter P M, Horsley R D & Zwinger S F (2006). Wheat cultivar performance on certified organic fields in Minnesota and North Dakota. Crop Science 46 (5): 1963-1971
  • David C, Jeuffroy M H, Henning J & Meynard J M (2005). Yield variation in organic winter wheat: a diagnostic study in the Southeast of France. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 25 (2): 213-223
  • Doll H (1997). The ability of barley to compete with weeds. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 14 (1): 43-51
  • Freed R, Einensmith S P, Guetz S, Reicosky D, Smail V W & Wolberg P (1989). User’s Guide to MSTAT-C Analysis of Agronomic Research Experiments. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
  • Garcia-Martin A, Lopez-Bellido R J & Coleto J M (2007). Fertilization and weed control effects on yield and weeds in durum wheat grown under rainfed conditions in a Mediterranean climate. Weed Research 47 (2): 140-148
  • Gopinath K A, Saha S, Mina B L, Pande H, Kundu S & Gupta H S (2008). Influence of organic amendments on growth, yield and quality of wheat and on soil properties during transition to organic production. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 82 (1): 51-60
  • Hiltbrunner J, Liedgens M, Stamp P & Streit B (2005). Effects of row spacing and liquid manure on directly drilled winter wheat in organic farming. Europen Journal of Agronomy 22 (4): 441-447
  • Kaut A H E E, Mason H E, Navabi A, Donovan J T O & Spaner D (2008). Organic and conventional management of mixtures of wheat and spring cereals. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 28 (3): 363-371
  • Kironmay B, Amaresh K, Ghosh S K, Pritma G & Dipali M (2006). Bio-efficacy of some new herbicides for ecosafe weed management in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Crop and Weed 2 (1): 9-12
  • Kitchen J L, McDonald G K, Shepherd K W, Lorimer M F & Graham RD (2003). Comparing wheat grown in South Australian organic and conventional farming systems. I. Growth and grain yield. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54 (9): 889-901
  • Liebman M & Davis AS (2000). Integration of soil, crop and weed management in low-external-input farming system. Weed Research 40 (1): 27-47
  • Olesen J E, Askegaard M & Rasmussen I A (2009). Winter cereal yields as affected by animal manure and green manure in organic arable farming. European Journal of Agronomy 30 (2): 119-128
  • Oudhia P (2000). Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus and Ageratum conyzoides on wheat var. Sujata. Crop Research 20 (3): 563-566
  • Ozturk A, Caglar O & Bulut S (2006). Growth and yield response of facultative wheat to winter sowing, freezing sowing and spring sowing at different seeding rates. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 192 (1): 10-16
  • Poutala R T, Korva J & Varis E (1993). Spring wheat cultivars performance in ecological and conventional cropping systems. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 3 (3): 63-68
  • Rodrigues M A, Pereira A, Cabanas J E, Dias L, Pires J & Arrobas M (2006). Crop use-efficiency of nitrogen from manures permitted in organic farming. European Journal of Agronomy 25 (4): 328-335
  • Steel R G, Torrie J H & Dickey D A (1997). Principles and Procedure of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. McGraw-Hill, New York
  • TUIK (2008). Turkish Statistical Institute: Agriculture, Crop Production Statistics. Available:
  • Weiner J, Griepentrog H W & Kristensen L (2001). Suppression of weeds by spring wheat Triticum aestivum increases with crop density and spatial uniformity. Journal of Applied Ecology 38 (4): 784- 790
  • Yunusa I A M & Sedgley R H (1992). Reduced tillering spring wheats for heavy textured soils in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 168 (3): 159-168
  • Zadoks J C, Chang T T & Konzak C F (1974). A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Weed Research 14 (6): 415-421

Effects of Organic Manures and Non-chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield

Year 2012, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 9 - 20, 04.03.2012


Organic wheat yield is limited by climatic and agronomic factors including nutrient deficiency, weed competition and no suitable cultivars. The effects of organic manures and non-chemical weed control on grain yield of wheat were investigated during the 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 growing seasons, in Erzurum (Turkey) rain-fed conditions. The experiment contained three experimental factors in a factorial design: (1) cultivar (Doğu 88, Kırik), (2) weed control (weedy control, hand weeding, dense sowing) and (3) manure (unfertilized, mineral NP, Bio, Bio SR, Leonardit, Organic Manure, cattle manure). The modern cultivar Doğu 88 had significantly higher leaf area index, grain filling period, spikes per m2, kernels per spike, grain yield and harvest index than the local cultivar Kırik. On average of years, hand weeding and dense sowing increased grain yield by 9.2% and 7.7% compared to weedy control, respectively. Application of mineral NP resulted in the highest grain yield. Among the organic manures, the highest grain yield was obtained at cattle manure and Organic Manure, respectively. Cattle manure and Organic Manure increased grain yield of wheat by 25.6% and 23.2%, respectively, compared to unfertilized treatment. Improved performance in response to treatments was generally related to spikes per m2. Doğu 88 should be preferred to local cultivar Kırik. Dense sowing appears to be a useful method to provide the wheat a competitive advantage against weeds. As a result, cattle manure can be used for improvement of grain yield of wheat and soil fertility under rain-fed conditions.


  • Abouziena H F, Faida A A S & El-Doseki E R (2008). Efficacy of cultivar and weed control treatments on wheat yield and associated weeds in sandy soils. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4 (3): 384- 389
  • Badaruddin M, Reynolds M P & Ageeb O A A (1999). Wheat management in warm environments: Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers, irrigation frequency, and mulching. Agronomy Journal 91 (6): 975-983.
  • Baresel J P, Zimmermann E G & Reents E H J (2008). Effects of genotype and environment on N uptake and N partition in organically grown winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Germany. Euphytica 163 (3): 347–354
  • Barzegar A R, Yousefi A & Daryashenas A (2002). The effect of addition of different amounts and types of organic materials on soil physical properties and yield of wheat. Plant and Soil 247 (2): 295-301
  • Bertholdsson N O (2005). Early vigour and allelopathy–two useful traits for enhanced barley and wheat competitiveness against weeds. Weed Research 45 (2): 94-102
  • Birinci A, Ozturk A, Bulut S & Ikikat Tumer E (2010). Farklı Gübre Kaynakları ve Yabancı Ot Kontrol Yöntemlerinin Organik Buğdayda Gayri Safi Üretim Değeri ve Brüt Kâr Üzerine Etkisi. Türkiye IV. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu. Bildiri Kitabı: 114-118. 28 Haziran – 1 Temmuz 2010, Erzurum
  • Carr P M, Kandel H J, Porter P M, Horsley R D & Zwinger S F (2006). Wheat cultivar performance on certified organic fields in Minnesota and North Dakota. Crop Science 46 (5): 1963-1971
  • David C, Jeuffroy M H, Henning J & Meynard J M (2005). Yield variation in organic winter wheat: a diagnostic study in the Southeast of France. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 25 (2): 213-223
  • Doll H (1997). The ability of barley to compete with weeds. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 14 (1): 43-51
  • Freed R, Einensmith S P, Guetz S, Reicosky D, Smail V W & Wolberg P (1989). User’s Guide to MSTAT-C Analysis of Agronomic Research Experiments. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
  • Garcia-Martin A, Lopez-Bellido R J & Coleto J M (2007). Fertilization and weed control effects on yield and weeds in durum wheat grown under rainfed conditions in a Mediterranean climate. Weed Research 47 (2): 140-148
  • Gopinath K A, Saha S, Mina B L, Pande H, Kundu S & Gupta H S (2008). Influence of organic amendments on growth, yield and quality of wheat and on soil properties during transition to organic production. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 82 (1): 51-60
  • Hiltbrunner J, Liedgens M, Stamp P & Streit B (2005). Effects of row spacing and liquid manure on directly drilled winter wheat in organic farming. Europen Journal of Agronomy 22 (4): 441-447
  • Kaut A H E E, Mason H E, Navabi A, Donovan J T O & Spaner D (2008). Organic and conventional management of mixtures of wheat and spring cereals. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 28 (3): 363-371
  • Kironmay B, Amaresh K, Ghosh S K, Pritma G & Dipali M (2006). Bio-efficacy of some new herbicides for ecosafe weed management in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Crop and Weed 2 (1): 9-12
  • Kitchen J L, McDonald G K, Shepherd K W, Lorimer M F & Graham RD (2003). Comparing wheat grown in South Australian organic and conventional farming systems. I. Growth and grain yield. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54 (9): 889-901
  • Liebman M & Davis AS (2000). Integration of soil, crop and weed management in low-external-input farming system. Weed Research 40 (1): 27-47
  • Olesen J E, Askegaard M & Rasmussen I A (2009). Winter cereal yields as affected by animal manure and green manure in organic arable farming. European Journal of Agronomy 30 (2): 119-128
  • Oudhia P (2000). Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus and Ageratum conyzoides on wheat var. Sujata. Crop Research 20 (3): 563-566
  • Ozturk A, Caglar O & Bulut S (2006). Growth and yield response of facultative wheat to winter sowing, freezing sowing and spring sowing at different seeding rates. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 192 (1): 10-16
  • Poutala R T, Korva J & Varis E (1993). Spring wheat cultivars performance in ecological and conventional cropping systems. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 3 (3): 63-68
  • Rodrigues M A, Pereira A, Cabanas J E, Dias L, Pires J & Arrobas M (2006). Crop use-efficiency of nitrogen from manures permitted in organic farming. European Journal of Agronomy 25 (4): 328-335
  • Steel R G, Torrie J H & Dickey D A (1997). Principles and Procedure of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. McGraw-Hill, New York
  • TUIK (2008). Turkish Statistical Institute: Agriculture, Crop Production Statistics. Available:
  • Weiner J, Griepentrog H W & Kristensen L (2001). Suppression of weeds by spring wheat Triticum aestivum increases with crop density and spatial uniformity. Journal of Applied Ecology 38 (4): 784- 790
  • Yunusa I A M & Sedgley R H (1992). Reduced tillering spring wheats for heavy textured soils in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 168 (3): 159-168
  • Zadoks J C, Chang T T & Konzak C F (1974). A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Weed Research 14 (6): 415-421
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Ali Öztürk

Sancar Bulut

Nesrin Yıldız

Mehmet Karaoğlu

Publication Date March 4, 2012
Submission Date October 27, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA Öztürk, A., Bulut, S., Yıldız, N., Karaoğlu, M. (2012). Effects of Organic Manures and Non-chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(1), 9-20.
AMA Öztürk A, Bulut S, Yıldız N, Karaoğlu M. Effects of Organic Manures and Non-chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2012;18(1):9-20. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001188
Chicago Öztürk, Ali, Sancar Bulut, Nesrin Yıldız, and Mehmet Karaoğlu. “Effects of Organic Manures and Non-Chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18, no. 1 (March 2012): 9-20.
EndNote Öztürk A, Bulut S, Yıldız N, Karaoğlu M (March 1, 2012) Effects of Organic Manures and Non-chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18 1 9–20.
IEEE A. Öztürk, S. Bulut, N. Yıldız, and M. Karaoğlu, “Effects of Organic Manures and Non-chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 9–20, 2012, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001188.
ISNAD Öztürk, Ali et al. “Effects of Organic Manures and Non-Chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18/1 (March 2012), 9-20.
JAMA Öztürk A, Bulut S, Yıldız N, Karaoğlu M. Effects of Organic Manures and Non-chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2012;18:9–20.
MLA Öztürk, Ali et al. “Effects of Organic Manures and Non-Chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 18, no. 1, 2012, pp. 9-20, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001188.
Vancouver Öztürk A, Bulut S, Yıldız N, Karaoğlu M. Effects of Organic Manures and Non-chemical Weed Control on Wheat: I-Plant Growth and Grain Yield. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2012;18(1):9-20.

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