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Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 128 - 137, 01.01.2017


Alfalfa is the most important forage plant species. There are numerous alfalfa varieties in the world with improved yield potential and forage quality. Many of them have also been created in the region of Southeast Europe, using various breeding techniques. This investigation was carried out in central Serbia and it included 15 alfalfa varieties of different origin nine from USA and six from Europe . The objective was to determine their yield in each cut and total dry matter yield TDMY in the second A1 and third A2 year of exploitation, as well as forage quality: the content of mineral matter MM , crude protein CP , crude fiber CF , crude fat matter CFM and nitrogen-free extract NFE . Investigated varieties exhibited high total variability in dry matter yield DMY A1: CV= 13.19%; A2: CV= 9.33% . DMY variability was higher with the varieties from USA A1: CV= 13.65%; A2: CV= 9.92% than with those from Europe A1: CV= 6.67%; A2: CV= 8.01% . Varieties from USA also proved more variable in crude protein CP content than European varieties CV= 6.27% and CV= 2.68%, respectively . Differences between the investigated varieties genotypes also influenced total variability of forage quality parameters, with total CV ranging from 5.07% for CP to 10.48% for CF. Dry matter yield DMY had significant positive correlation with CP r= 0.344 , CF r= 0.342 and CFM r= 0.306 , and the strongest correlation, although negative, was between CF and NFE r= -0.917


  • Albayrak S & Turk M D (2013). Changes in the forage yield and quality of legume-grass mixtures throughout a vegetation period. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 37: 139-147
  • Altinok S & Karakaya A (2002). Forage yield of different alfalfa cultivars under Ankara conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 26: 11-16
  • AOAC (1990). Official methods of the association of official analytical chemists. Agricultural chemicals, contaminants, drugs. Volume one. Fefteenth Edition, AOAC, Inc., Arlington, Virginia, USA
  • Brummer E (2004). Applying genomics to alfalfa breeding programs. Crop Science 44: 1904-1906
  • Delić D, Tajković O, Miličić B, Kuzmanović İ, Rasuluć N, Radović J & Tomić Z (2007). Effects of different strains of Sinorhizobium meliloti on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) biomass yield. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 23(5-6): 601-607
  • Geleti D, Hailemariam M, Mengistu A & Tolera A (2014). Biomass yield potential and nutritive value of selected alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars grown under tepid to cool sub-moist agro-ecology of Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Research and Development 4(1): 7-14
  • Heuze V, Tran G, Boval M, Lebas F, Lessire M, Noblet J & Renaudeau D (2013). Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), a programme by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. Last updated on December 9
  • Hintz H F, Schryver H F & Williams J (1985). Correlation coefficients between nutrients in forages. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 65(1): 251-253
  • Ivanov I (1988). Alfalfa. Published by Oxonian Press Pvt. New Delhi
  • Katić S, Milić D & Vasiljević S (2005). Variability of dry matter yield and quality of lucerne genotypes depending on geographic origin. EGF, Grassland Science in Europe, 29-31 August, Estonia, pp. 537- 540
  • Keskin B, Yilmaz I, Zorer S & Arvas O (2009). Yield properties of some alfalfa cultivars in East Anatolia Region of Turkey. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4(6): 720-723
  • Lamb J F S, Sheaffer C C, Rhodes L H, Sulc R M, Undersander D J & Brummer E C (2006). Five decades of alfalfa cultivar improvement: Impact on forage yield, persistence, and nutritive value. Crop Science 46: 902-909
  • Marković J, Radović J, Štrbanović R, Milenković J & İokić D (2008). Changes in chemical constituents of alfalfa depending of cut and growth stage. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 24: 315-321
  • Milić D, Karagić İ, Vasiljević S, Mikić A, Milošević B & Katić S (2014). Breeding and improvement of quality traits in alfalfa (Medicago sativa ssp. sativa L.). Genetika 1: 11-18
  • Nešić Z, Tomić Z, Žujović M & Krnjaja V (2005). Production characteristics of domestic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars in agroecological conditions of Srem district. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 21: 169-174
  • Petcu E, Schitea M & Cirstea V E (2009). The effect of water stress on cuticular transpiration and its association with alfalfa yield. Romanian Agricultural Research 26: 53-56
  • Radović J, Sokolović D & Marković J (2009). Alfalfa- most important perennial forage legume in animal husbandry. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 25: 465-475
  • Ridy H & Brummer E C (2002). Heterosis of forage quality in alfalfa. Crop Science 42: 1088-1093
  • Robins J G, Hansen J L, Viands D R & Brummer E C (2008). Genetic mapping of persistence in tetraploid alfalfa. Crop Science 48: 1780-1786
  • Schitea M, Varga P, Martura T, Petcu E & Dihoru A (2007). New Romanian cultivars of alfalfa developed at NARDI Fundulea. Romanian Agricultural Research 24: 47-50
  • Stanisavljević R (2006). The effect of crop density on yield and quality of fodder and alfalfa seed (Medicago sativa L.). PhD thesis. University of Novi Sad (Unpublished), Serbia
  • Stanisavljević R, Beković D, İukić D, Stevović V, Terzić D, Milenković J & İokić D (2012). Influence of plant density on yield components, yield and quality of seed and forage yields of alfalfa varieties. Romanian Agricultural Research 29: 245-254
  • Štrbanović R (2010). Genetic variability for agronomical traitc of different alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes. McS thesis. University of Belgrade (Unpublished), Serbia
  • Tomić Z, Nešić Z, Krnjaja V & Žujović M (2005). Parameters of production and quality of new cultivars of perennial leguminous plants as livestock feed. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 21(3-4): 89-96
  • Tucak M, Popović S, Grljušić S, Čupić T, Kozumplik V & Šimić B (2008). Variability and relationships of important alfalfa germplasm agronomic traits. Periodicum Biologorum 110(4): 311-315
  • Tucak M, Popović S, Cupić T, Simić G, Gantner R & Meglič V (2009). Evaluation of alfalfa germplasm collection by multivariate analysis based on phenotypic traits. Romanian Agricultural Research 26: 47-52

Farklı Orijinlere Sahip Yonca Genotiplerinin Verim ve Ot Kalitesindeki Değişimler ve Korelasyonları

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 128 - 137, 01.01.2017


Yonca önemli bir yem bitkisi türüdür. Dünyada, yüksek verim ve ot kalitesine sahip çok sayıda yonca çeşidi vardır. Farklı ıslah yöntemleriyle Güneydoğu Avrupa’da ıslah edilmiş yonca çeşitleri de vardır. Orta Sırbıstan’da yapılmış olan bu çalışmada farklı orijinlere sahip 9 adedi Amerika ve 6 adedi Avrupa 15 yonca çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; tesisin ikinci A1 ve üçüncü A2 yılında her biçimde yonca genotiplerinin verim ve toplam kuru madde verimi TKMV yanında mineral madde MM , ham protein HP , ham lif HL , ham yağ madde HY ve azotsuz ekstrakt AE içeriklerini belirlemektir. Yonca genotipleri kuru madde verimleri KMV açısından yüksek toplam değişkenlik göstermişlerdir A1: CV= % 13.19; A2: CV= % 9.33 . KMV değişkenliği, Amerika orijinli genotiplerde A1: CV= % 13.65; A2: CV= % 9.92 Avrupa orijinli genotiplere A1: CV= % 6.67; A2: CV= % 8.01 göre daha yüksek olmuştur. Amerika orijinli genotipler, ham protein HP açısından da Avrupa orijinli genotiplere gore daha yüksek değişkenlik göstermişlerdir sırasıyla CV= % 6.27 ve CV= % 2.68 . Genotipler arası farklılık; HP için toplam CV % 5.07’den HL için % 10.48’e değişecek şekilde ot kalitesindeki toplam değişkenliği de etkilemiştir. Kuru madde verimi KMY ile HP r= 0.344 , HL r= 0.342 ve HYM r= 0.306 arasında önemli olumlu ilişki belirlenirken HL ile AE r= -0917 arasında önemli olumsuz ilişki belirlenmiştir.


  • Albayrak S & Turk M D (2013). Changes in the forage yield and quality of legume-grass mixtures throughout a vegetation period. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 37: 139-147
  • Altinok S & Karakaya A (2002). Forage yield of different alfalfa cultivars under Ankara conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 26: 11-16
  • AOAC (1990). Official methods of the association of official analytical chemists. Agricultural chemicals, contaminants, drugs. Volume one. Fefteenth Edition, AOAC, Inc., Arlington, Virginia, USA
  • Brummer E (2004). Applying genomics to alfalfa breeding programs. Crop Science 44: 1904-1906
  • Delić D, Tajković O, Miličić B, Kuzmanović İ, Rasuluć N, Radović J & Tomić Z (2007). Effects of different strains of Sinorhizobium meliloti on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) biomass yield. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 23(5-6): 601-607
  • Geleti D, Hailemariam M, Mengistu A & Tolera A (2014). Biomass yield potential and nutritive value of selected alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars grown under tepid to cool sub-moist agro-ecology of Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Research and Development 4(1): 7-14
  • Heuze V, Tran G, Boval M, Lebas F, Lessire M, Noblet J & Renaudeau D (2013). Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), a programme by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. Last updated on December 9
  • Hintz H F, Schryver H F & Williams J (1985). Correlation coefficients between nutrients in forages. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 65(1): 251-253
  • Ivanov I (1988). Alfalfa. Published by Oxonian Press Pvt. New Delhi
  • Katić S, Milić D & Vasiljević S (2005). Variability of dry matter yield and quality of lucerne genotypes depending on geographic origin. EGF, Grassland Science in Europe, 29-31 August, Estonia, pp. 537- 540
  • Keskin B, Yilmaz I, Zorer S & Arvas O (2009). Yield properties of some alfalfa cultivars in East Anatolia Region of Turkey. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4(6): 720-723
  • Lamb J F S, Sheaffer C C, Rhodes L H, Sulc R M, Undersander D J & Brummer E C (2006). Five decades of alfalfa cultivar improvement: Impact on forage yield, persistence, and nutritive value. Crop Science 46: 902-909
  • Marković J, Radović J, Štrbanović R, Milenković J & İokić D (2008). Changes in chemical constituents of alfalfa depending of cut and growth stage. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 24: 315-321
  • Milić D, Karagić İ, Vasiljević S, Mikić A, Milošević B & Katić S (2014). Breeding and improvement of quality traits in alfalfa (Medicago sativa ssp. sativa L.). Genetika 1: 11-18
  • Nešić Z, Tomić Z, Žujović M & Krnjaja V (2005). Production characteristics of domestic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars in agroecological conditions of Srem district. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 21: 169-174
  • Petcu E, Schitea M & Cirstea V E (2009). The effect of water stress on cuticular transpiration and its association with alfalfa yield. Romanian Agricultural Research 26: 53-56
  • Radović J, Sokolović D & Marković J (2009). Alfalfa- most important perennial forage legume in animal husbandry. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 25: 465-475
  • Ridy H & Brummer E C (2002). Heterosis of forage quality in alfalfa. Crop Science 42: 1088-1093
  • Robins J G, Hansen J L, Viands D R & Brummer E C (2008). Genetic mapping of persistence in tetraploid alfalfa. Crop Science 48: 1780-1786
  • Schitea M, Varga P, Martura T, Petcu E & Dihoru A (2007). New Romanian cultivars of alfalfa developed at NARDI Fundulea. Romanian Agricultural Research 24: 47-50
  • Stanisavljević R (2006). The effect of crop density on yield and quality of fodder and alfalfa seed (Medicago sativa L.). PhD thesis. University of Novi Sad (Unpublished), Serbia
  • Stanisavljević R, Beković D, İukić D, Stevović V, Terzić D, Milenković J & İokić D (2012). Influence of plant density on yield components, yield and quality of seed and forage yields of alfalfa varieties. Romanian Agricultural Research 29: 245-254
  • Štrbanović R (2010). Genetic variability for agronomical traitc of different alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes. McS thesis. University of Belgrade (Unpublished), Serbia
  • Tomić Z, Nešić Z, Krnjaja V & Žujović M (2005). Parameters of production and quality of new cultivars of perennial leguminous plants as livestock feed. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 21(3-4): 89-96
  • Tucak M, Popović S, Grljušić S, Čupić T, Kozumplik V & Šimić B (2008). Variability and relationships of important alfalfa germplasm agronomic traits. Periodicum Biologorum 110(4): 311-315
  • Tucak M, Popović S, Cupić T, Simić G, Gantner R & Meglič V (2009). Evaluation of alfalfa germplasm collection by multivariate analysis based on phenotypic traits. Romanian Agricultural Research 26: 47-52
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Ratibor Strbanovıc This is me

Rade Stanısavljevıc This is me

Lana Dukanovıc This is me

Dobrivoj Postıc This is me

Jordan Markovıc This is me

Veljko Gavrılovıc This is me

Nenad Dolovac This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Strbanovıc, R., Stanısavljevıc, R., Dukanovıc, L., Postıc, D., et al. (2017). Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(1), 128-137.
AMA Strbanovıc R, Stanısavljevıc R, Dukanovıc L, Postıc D, Markovıc J, Gavrılovıc V, Dolovac N. Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2017;23(1):128-137.
Chicago Strbanovıc, Ratibor, Rade Stanısavljevıc, Lana Dukanovıc, Dobrivoj Postıc, Jordan Markovıc, Veljko Gavrılovıc, and Nenad Dolovac. “Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23, no. 1 (January 2017): 128-37.
EndNote Strbanovıc R, Stanısavljevıc R, Dukanovıc L, Postıc D, Markovıc J, Gavrılovıc V, Dolovac N (January 1, 2017) Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23 1 128–137.
IEEE R. Strbanovıc, R. Stanısavljevıc, L. Dukanovıc, D. Postıc, J. Markovıc, V. Gavrılovıc, and N. Dolovac, “Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 128–137, 2017.
ISNAD Strbanovıc, Ratibor et al. “Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23/1 (January 2017), 128-137.
JAMA Strbanovıc R, Stanısavljevıc R, Dukanovıc L, Postıc D, Markovıc J, Gavrılovıc V, Dolovac N. Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23:128–137.
MLA Strbanovıc, Ratibor et al. “Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 1, 2017, pp. 128-37.
Vancouver Strbanovıc R, Stanısavljevıc R, Dukanovıc L, Postıc D, Markovıc J, Gavrılovıc V, Dolovac N. Variability and Correlation of Yield and Forage Quality in Alfalfa Varieties of Different Origin. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23(1):128-37.

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