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Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits

Year 1998, Volume: 04 Issue: 02, 15 - 20, 01.05.1998


n this research it was aimed to determine the effects of different fat sources animal fat and vegetable oil and different fat levels O ` /0, 2.5 °İ. and 5 % on various blood parameters of rabbits. With this aim, 5 different group each of with male and female sub-groups were established Group 1= O % fat, grup 2=2.5 % vegetable oil V0 , group 3= 5 % vegetable oil, group 4= 2.5 % animal fat AF , group 5= 5 % animal fat and animals were allocated into these groups. At the end of the experiment, it was determined that blood parameters LDL-C, total cholesterol, phospolipid, HDL-C, tryglyceride, free cholesterol were influenced by different fat sources and levels at different manner and animal fats increased these blood parameters.


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Farkl ı Yağ Düzeyleri ve Kaynakları nı n Tavşanlar ı n Kan Kolesterol Düzeyleri Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 1998, Volume: 04 Issue: 02, 15 - 20, 01.05.1998


Bu çal ışma farkl ı yağ kaynakları hayvansal yağ ve bitkisel yağ ve düzeylerinin % O, % 2.5 ve % 5 tavşanlarda çeşitli kan parametreleri üzerine olan etkilerinin belirlenmesi amac ı yla yap ı lm ışt ı r. Bu amaçla, herbirinde erkek ve di ş i alt gruplar ı bulunan 5 farkl ı grup oluşturulmuş Grup 1= % O ya ğ , grup 2= % 2.5 BY, grup 3= % 5 BY, grup 4= %2.5 HY, grup 5= %5 HY ve hayvanlar bu gruplara da ğı t ı lm ışt ı r. Denemenin son ıı cunda tavşan kan ı ndaki parametrelerin LDL-C, total kolesterol, fosfolipid, HDL-C, trigliserid, serbest kolesterol farkl ı yağ kaynaklar ı ve seviyelerinden farkl ı düzeyde etkilendikleri ve hayvansal yağ ları n bu parametreleri art ı rı c ı yönde etki yapt ı kları belirlenmiştir.


  • Ajuyah, A.O., Lee, K.H., Hardin, R.T., Sim, J.S., 1991. influence of Dietary Full-fat Seeds and Oils on Total Lipid Cholesterol and Fatty acid Composition of Broiler Meats. Journal of animai Science, 71 (4) 1011 -1019.
  • Aky ı ld ı z, A.R., 1984. Yemler Bilgisi Laboratuvar K ı lavuzu. A.U. Zir. Fak. Yay:895, Uygu. Kil. 213, Ankara
  • Aksoy, A., Ha ş imoğ lu, S., Çak ı r., A., 1981. Besin Maddeleri ve Hayvan Besleme. A.Ü. Zir. Fak. Yay.256. Erzurum.
  • Anonymous, 1993. Medicana Sağl ı k Ansiklopedisi, Ana Yay ı nc ı l ı k A. Ş . Istanbul.
  • Bergeron, N., Deshales, Y., Lavigne, C., Jacq ıı es, H., 1990. Interaction Between Dietary Proteins and Lipids in the Regulation of Serum ar ıd Liver Lipids in the rabbit. Effect of Fish Protein. Lir ı ids, Vol. 26, No..9 (1991).
  • Bergeron, N., Deshales, Y. , Jacques, H., 1992. Factorial Experiment to determine Influence of Fish protein and Fish Oil on Serum and Liver Lipids in Rabbits. Nutrition Vol.8, No.5, September/October 1992.
  • Bhagaron, N.V., 1992. Medical Biochemistry. Jones and Borthett Publishers Inc. (London), pp: 420-57.
  • Constantinider, P., 1984. Arteriosclerosis- A General Survey and Synthesis. Surv. Synth., 3: 477-98.
  • Düzgüneş , O., Kesici, T., Kavuncu, 0.,Gürbüz, F. 1987. Araştı rma ve deneme Metodlar ı (istatistik Metodlar ı -2). Ank. ()oh/. Z.r. Fak. Yay. 1021, Ders Kitab ı : 295, Ankara
  • Ensminger, M.E., Oldfield, C.E., Heineman, W.W., 1990. Feeds and Nutrition (Second Edition). The Ensminger Publishing Company, Clavis, California.
  • Flekete, S., Hullar, I., Febel, H., Bokar,J., 1990. Effect of Animal Fat and Vegetable Oil Supplemantion ı f Feeds of Different Energy Concentration Upon the Digestibility of Nutrients and Some Blood Parameters in Rabbits. Nutr. Abst. and Reviews (Sedes B), 1991, Vol:61, No:10 (539).
  • Heinle, H., Liebich, H., 1980. The lıfluence of Diet-induced Hypercholesterolemia on The Degree of Oxidation of Glutathione in Rabbit Aorta Arteriosclerosis. 37: 637- 640.
  • Kurowska, E.M., Carroll, K.K.,1994. Hypercholesterolomic Responses in Rabbits to Selected Groups of Dietary Essential Amino Acids. Nutr. 124: 364-370.
  • Özen, N., 1994. Hayvan Biyokimyasl. Akdeniz On Yay. Antalya.
  • Trinder, P., 1969 J. Clin. Path. 22, 158.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

B.zehra Sarıçıçek This is me

Ali Vaiz Garıpoğlu This is me

Ramazan Amanvermez This is me

Publication Date May 1, 1998
Published in Issue Year 1998 Volume: 04 Issue: 02


APA Sarıçıçek, B., Garıpoğlu, A. V., & Amanvermez, R. (1998). Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 04(02), 15-20.
AMA Sarıçıçek B, Garıpoğlu AV, Amanvermez R. Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. May 1998;04(02):15-20.
Chicago Sarıçıçek, B.zehra, Ali Vaiz Garıpoğlu, and Ramazan Amanvermez. “Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 04, no. 02 (May 1998): 15-20.
EndNote Sarıçıçek B, Garıpoğlu AV, Amanvermez R (May 1, 1998) Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 04 02 15–20.
IEEE B. Sarıçıçek, A. V. Garıpoğlu, and R. Amanvermez, “Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 04, no. 02, pp. 15–20, 1998.
ISNAD Sarıçıçek, B.zehra et al. “Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 04/02 (May 1998), 15-20.
JAMA Sarıçıçek B, Garıpoğlu AV, Amanvermez R. Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1998;04:15–20.
MLA Sarıçıçek, B.zehra et al. “Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 04, no. 02, 1998, pp. 15-20.
Vancouver Sarıçıçek B, Garıpoğlu AV, Amanvermez R. Effects of Various Fat Levels and Sources on Blood Cholosterol Levels in Rabbits. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1998;04(02):15-20.

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