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Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 56 - 60, 01.10.2018


Dünyanın farklı yerlerinde uygulanan, cinsel istismar suçlularına yönelik tedavi seçeneklerinden biri olan kimyasal kastrasyonun ülkemizde de hukuksal bir yaptırım olarak uygulanması konusunun önemi artmıştır. Kimyasal kastrasyonda kullanılan ilaçlar siproteron asetat, medroksiprogesteron asetat, luteinizan hormonu salıverici hormon LHRH /gonadotropin salıverici hormon GnRH analogları sapkın cinsel davranışların ortaya çıkışını engelleyerek cinsel suçların tekrarını önemli ölçüde azaltmaktadır. Farklı etki gücü ve yan etki profiline sahip bu ilaçların antilibidinal etkileri geri dönüşlüdür. Kimyasal kastrasyonu cerrahi kastrasyondan ayıran temel özellik de zaten etkilerinin geri dönüşlü olmasıdır. Tedavi süresi konusunda tam bir birlik olmamakla birlikte en az üç yıl olması gerektiği belirtilmektedir. Ömür boyu tedavi gerektiren olgular da mevcuttur. Kimyasal kastrasyon, tedavi süresince cinsel suçların tekrarını azaltmaktadır ancak bu tedavinin tek başına uygulanması yeterli değildir, psikoterapi ile kombine edilmesi gerekmektedir


  • Harrison K. The high-risk sex offender strategy in England and Wales: is chemical castration an option? The Howard J Crim Justice 2007; 46(1):17.
  • Scott CL, Holmberg T. Castration of sex offenders: prisoners' rights versus public safety. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 2003; 31(4): 502-9.
  • Lee JY, Cho KS. Chemical castration for sexual offenders: physicians’ views. J Korean Med Sci 2013; 28: 171-2.
  • Russel S. Castration of repeat sexual offenders: an international comparative analysis. Houston J Int Law 1997; 19(2): 437.
  • Peter J, Gimino III. Mandatory chemical castration for perpetrators of sex offenses against children: Pepperdine Law Rev 1998; 25(1): 67-70. California's lead.
  • Carpenter, Alison G. Belgium, Germany, England, Denmark and the United States: the implementation of registration and castration laws as protection against habitual sex offenders. Penn State Int Law Rev 1998; 16(2): 441-2.
  • Carpenter, Alison G. Belgium, Germany, England, Denmark and the United States: the implementation of registration and castration laws as protection against habitual sex offenders. Penn State Int Law Rev 1998; 16(2): 445.
  • Peter J, Gimino III. Mandatory chemical castration for perpetrators of sex offenses against children: following California's lead. Pepperdine Law Rev 1998; 25(1): 78.
  • Akbaba ZB. Kimyasal hadım yönteminin anayasaya uygunluğu-I. Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi 2009; 81: 371-80.
  • Şen E. (2016). Cinsel suçlarda tıbbi tedaviye tabi tutulma. Baro Türk Hukuk Merkezi: tedaviye-tabi-tutulma 650yy.htm. Son erişim: 27 Mart 2018
  • Ceza ve Güvenlik Tedbirlerinin İnfazı Hakkında Kanun. (2004). T.C. Resmi Gazete, 25685, 29 Aralık 2004.
  • Hill A, Briken P, Kraus C, Strohm K, Berner W. Differential pharmacological treatment of paraphilias and sex offenders. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol 2003; 47: 407.
  • Rubinow DR, Schmidt PJ. Androgens, brain and behavior. Am J Psychiatr 1996; 153: 974-84.
  • Chrousos GP. The gonadal hormones & Inhibitors. In: Katzung BG, ed. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 14th ed. San Francisco: McGraw-Hill Education 2018:744.
  • Jeffcoate WJ, Matthews RW, Edwards CR, Field LH, Besser GM. The effect of cyproterone acetate on serum testosterone, LH, FSH and prolactin in male sexual offenders. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1980; 13(2): 189-95.
  • Neuman F. Pharmacology and potential use of cyproterone acetate. Horm Metab Res 1977; 9:1- 3.
  • Cooper AJ. A placebo controlled trial of the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate in deviant hypersexuality. Comp Psychiatr 1981; 22(5): 458-65.
  • Thibaut F, De La Barra F, Gordon H, Cosyns P, Bradford JM; WFSBP Task Force on Sexual Disorders. The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatr (WFSBP) Guidelines for the biological treatment of paraphilias. World J Biol Psychiatr 2010; 11: 604–55.
  • Southren AL, Gordon GG, Vittek J, Altman K. Effect of progestagens on androgen metabolism. In: Martini L, Motta M, editors. Androgens and antiandrogens. New York: Raven Press 1977; 263-79.
  • Kiersch TA. Treatment of sex offenders with Depo Provera. Bull Am Acad Psychiatr Law 1990; 18: 179-87.
  • Belchetz PE, Plant TM, Nakai Y, Keogh EJ, Knobil E. Hypophysal responses to continuous and intermittent delivery of hypothalamic gonadotrophin releasing hormone. Science 1978; 202: 631-3.
  • Chrousos GP. The gonadal hormones & Inhibitors. In: Katzung BG, ed. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 14th ed. San Francisco: McGraw-Hill Education 2018:676-7
  • Briken P. Pharmacotherapy of paraphilia with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormon agonists. Arch Gen Psychiatr 2002; 59: 469-70.
  • Briken P, Nika E, Berner W. Treatment of paraphilia with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists. J Sex Marital Ther 2001; 27: 45-55.
  • Thibaut F, Cordier B, Kuhn JM. Effect of a long- lasting hormone agonist in six cases of severe male paraphilia. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1993; 87: 445- 50. hormone-releasing
  • Thibaut F, Cordier B, Kuhn J. Gonadotrophin hormone releasing hormone agonist in cases of severe paraphilia: a lifetime treatment? Psychoneuroendocrinol 1996; 21(4): 411-9.
  • Thibaut F, Kuhn JM, Cordier B, Petit M. Hormonal treatment of sex offenses. Encephale 1998; 24: 132-7.
  • Schober JM, Kuhn PJ, Kovacs PG, Earle JH, Byrne PM, Fries RA. Leuprolide acetate suppresses pedophilic urges and arousability. Arch Sex Behav 2005; 34(6): 691-705
  • Schober JM, Byrne P, Kuhn PJ. Leuprolide acetate is a familiar drug that may modify sex- offender behaviour: the urologist’s role. BJU Int 2006; 97(4): 684-6.
  • Kadar T, Telegdy G, Schally AV. Behavioral effects of centrally administered LH-RH agonist in rats. Physiol Behav 1992; 50: 601-5.

Chemical Castration Medical Orchiectomy

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 56 - 60, 01.10.2018


The importance of applying chemical castration as a legal sanction in our country, which is one of the treatment options for sex offenders and applied in different parts of the world, has increased. Drugs which are used ın chemical castration cyproterone acetate, medroxyprogesterone acetate, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone lhrh /gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH analogues significantly reduce the recidivism by preventing the appearance of deviant sexual behavior. The antilibidinal effects of these drugs which have different efficacy and side effect profile are reversible. The main feature which separates chemical castration from surgical castration is that the effects are reversible. Although there is no consensus on duration of sex offenders’ treatment, it is stated that at least three years are necessary. For some patients a life-long treatment may be needed. Chemical castration reduces recidivism during treatment, but it is not only enough to administer this treatment alone, but it also must be combined with psychotherapy


  • Harrison K. The high-risk sex offender strategy in England and Wales: is chemical castration an option? The Howard J Crim Justice 2007; 46(1):17.
  • Scott CL, Holmberg T. Castration of sex offenders: prisoners' rights versus public safety. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 2003; 31(4): 502-9.
  • Lee JY, Cho KS. Chemical castration for sexual offenders: physicians’ views. J Korean Med Sci 2013; 28: 171-2.
  • Russel S. Castration of repeat sexual offenders: an international comparative analysis. Houston J Int Law 1997; 19(2): 437.
  • Peter J, Gimino III. Mandatory chemical castration for perpetrators of sex offenses against children: Pepperdine Law Rev 1998; 25(1): 67-70. California's lead.
  • Carpenter, Alison G. Belgium, Germany, England, Denmark and the United States: the implementation of registration and castration laws as protection against habitual sex offenders. Penn State Int Law Rev 1998; 16(2): 441-2.
  • Carpenter, Alison G. Belgium, Germany, England, Denmark and the United States: the implementation of registration and castration laws as protection against habitual sex offenders. Penn State Int Law Rev 1998; 16(2): 445.
  • Peter J, Gimino III. Mandatory chemical castration for perpetrators of sex offenses against children: following California's lead. Pepperdine Law Rev 1998; 25(1): 78.
  • Akbaba ZB. Kimyasal hadım yönteminin anayasaya uygunluğu-I. Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi 2009; 81: 371-80.
  • Şen E. (2016). Cinsel suçlarda tıbbi tedaviye tabi tutulma. Baro Türk Hukuk Merkezi: tedaviye-tabi-tutulma 650yy.htm. Son erişim: 27 Mart 2018
  • Ceza ve Güvenlik Tedbirlerinin İnfazı Hakkında Kanun. (2004). T.C. Resmi Gazete, 25685, 29 Aralık 2004.
  • Hill A, Briken P, Kraus C, Strohm K, Berner W. Differential pharmacological treatment of paraphilias and sex offenders. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol 2003; 47: 407.
  • Rubinow DR, Schmidt PJ. Androgens, brain and behavior. Am J Psychiatr 1996; 153: 974-84.
  • Chrousos GP. The gonadal hormones & Inhibitors. In: Katzung BG, ed. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 14th ed. San Francisco: McGraw-Hill Education 2018:744.
  • Jeffcoate WJ, Matthews RW, Edwards CR, Field LH, Besser GM. The effect of cyproterone acetate on serum testosterone, LH, FSH and prolactin in male sexual offenders. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1980; 13(2): 189-95.
  • Neuman F. Pharmacology and potential use of cyproterone acetate. Horm Metab Res 1977; 9:1- 3.
  • Cooper AJ. A placebo controlled trial of the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate in deviant hypersexuality. Comp Psychiatr 1981; 22(5): 458-65.
  • Thibaut F, De La Barra F, Gordon H, Cosyns P, Bradford JM; WFSBP Task Force on Sexual Disorders. The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatr (WFSBP) Guidelines for the biological treatment of paraphilias. World J Biol Psychiatr 2010; 11: 604–55.
  • Southren AL, Gordon GG, Vittek J, Altman K. Effect of progestagens on androgen metabolism. In: Martini L, Motta M, editors. Androgens and antiandrogens. New York: Raven Press 1977; 263-79.
  • Kiersch TA. Treatment of sex offenders with Depo Provera. Bull Am Acad Psychiatr Law 1990; 18: 179-87.
  • Belchetz PE, Plant TM, Nakai Y, Keogh EJ, Knobil E. Hypophysal responses to continuous and intermittent delivery of hypothalamic gonadotrophin releasing hormone. Science 1978; 202: 631-3.
  • Chrousos GP. The gonadal hormones & Inhibitors. In: Katzung BG, ed. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 14th ed. San Francisco: McGraw-Hill Education 2018:676-7
  • Briken P. Pharmacotherapy of paraphilia with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormon agonists. Arch Gen Psychiatr 2002; 59: 469-70.
  • Briken P, Nika E, Berner W. Treatment of paraphilia with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists. J Sex Marital Ther 2001; 27: 45-55.
  • Thibaut F, Cordier B, Kuhn JM. Effect of a long- lasting hormone agonist in six cases of severe male paraphilia. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1993; 87: 445- 50. hormone-releasing
  • Thibaut F, Cordier B, Kuhn J. Gonadotrophin hormone releasing hormone agonist in cases of severe paraphilia: a lifetime treatment? Psychoneuroendocrinol 1996; 21(4): 411-9.
  • Thibaut F, Kuhn JM, Cordier B, Petit M. Hormonal treatment of sex offenses. Encephale 1998; 24: 132-7.
  • Schober JM, Kuhn PJ, Kovacs PG, Earle JH, Byrne PM, Fries RA. Leuprolide acetate suppresses pedophilic urges and arousability. Arch Sex Behav 2005; 34(6): 691-705
  • Schober JM, Byrne P, Kuhn PJ. Leuprolide acetate is a familiar drug that may modify sex- offender behaviour: the urologist’s role. BJU Int 2006; 97(4): 684-6.
  • Kadar T, Telegdy G, Schally AV. Behavioral effects of centrally administered LH-RH agonist in rats. Physiol Behav 1992; 50: 601-5.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme

Seyhan Polat Bu kişi benim

Onural Ozhan Bu kişi benim

Hakan Parlakpınar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Polat, S., Ozhan, O., & Parlakpınar, H. (2018). Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi. Annals of Health Sciences Research, 7(2), 56-60.
AMA Polat S, Ozhan O, Parlakpınar H. Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi. Ann Health Sci Res. Ekim 2018;7(2):56-60.
Chicago Polat, Seyhan, Onural Ozhan, ve Hakan Parlakpınar. “Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi”. Annals of Health Sciences Research 7, sy. 2 (Ekim 2018): 56-60.
EndNote Polat S, Ozhan O, Parlakpınar H (01 Ekim 2018) Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi. Annals of Health Sciences Research 7 2 56–60.
IEEE S. Polat, O. Ozhan, ve H. Parlakpınar, “Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi”, Ann Health Sci Res, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 56–60, 2018.
ISNAD Polat, Seyhan vd. “Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi”. Annals of Health Sciences Research 7/2 (Ekim 2018), 56-60.
JAMA Polat S, Ozhan O, Parlakpınar H. Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi. Ann Health Sci Res. 2018;7:56–60.
MLA Polat, Seyhan vd. “Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi”. Annals of Health Sciences Research, c. 7, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 56-60.
Vancouver Polat S, Ozhan O, Parlakpınar H. Kimyasal Kastrasyon Medikal Orşiektomi. Ann Health Sci Res. 2018;7(2):56-60.