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Heritability Estimates of Certain Anthropometric Traits

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 32, 1 - 12, 30.12.2016


The analysis of the phenotypic variability of the continuous variation traits among individuals and populations was habitually documented through the study of biologically related individuals, such as twin pairs, identical as well as biological and adopted siblings, parents and children pairs, and other kinds of relatives more or less distant. In the last hundred years there have been many reports on familial resemblance for anthropometric traits in a variety of populations having different genetic and environmental characteristics. The familial correlations of the different generation (parent-offspring individuals) and same generation (siblings) are considered as indicators of the degree of genetic determination of anthropometric traits, even though they can be influenced by some environmental factors like common environment, assortative mating and ontogenic age. The present study carried out to examine the heritability estimates of different anthropometric traits in


  • Allison, D.B., Neale, M.C., Kezis, M.I., Alfonso, V.C., Heshka, S., Heymsfield, S.B. (1996) “Assortative mating for relative weight: Genetic implications”. Behaviour Genetics S.26, ss.103-111.
  • Arya, R., Duggirala, R., Comuzzie, A.G., Puppala, S., Modem, S., Busi, B.R., Crawford, M.H., (2002) Heritability of anthropometric phenotypes in caste populations of Visakhapatnam, India. Human Biology 74:325–344.
  • Baydaş, B., Erdem, A.., Yavuz I., Ceylan, I. (2007) “Heritability of facial proportions and soft-tissue profile characteristics in Turkish Anatolian siblings”. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop cilt 131, S.4, ss. 504-509.
  • Baydaş¸ B., Oktay, H., Dağsuyu, I.M. (2005) “The effect of heritability on Bolton tooth-size discrepancy”. Eur J Orthod S.27, ss. 98-10.
  • Baydaş, B. (1998), Heritabilitiy of dentofacial measurements as assessed from siblings (thesis). Erzurum, Turkey: Atatürk University.
  • Byard, P.J., Siervogel RM, Roche AF. (1989) “X-linked pattern of inheritance for serial mesures of weight/stature2”. Ann Hum Biol S.1, ss. 443-449.
  • Bektaş, Y. (2010) Genetik ve Çevrenin Antropometrik Özellikler Üzerine Etkisi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Bektaş, Y. (2013a) Antropometrik karakterlerin ailesel benzerliği ve kalıtım derecesi, 5. Ulusal Biyolojik Antropoloji Sempozyumu 24-25 Ekim 2013 Ankara.
  • Bektaş, Y. (2013b) Boy ve ağırlık ölçülerinde aile üyeleri arasında gözlenen korelasyonlar, 5. Ulusal Biyolojik Antropoloji Sempozyumu 24-25 Ekim 2013 Ankara.
  • Bektaş, Y. (2016) “Familial resemblance for height and weight in Ankara, Turkey”, Anthropology and Public Health, M. Vidovic (Ed.). National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 289-302.
  • Bektaş, Y., Akın, G, Saeidlou, SN. (2012) Heritability estimates of body height and weight in families from Ankara, Turkey, 18th Congress of the European Anthropological Association August 3 – 6 September, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Cole, T.J. (1988) Fitting smoothed centile curves to reference data, J R Statist Soc A 151(3):385-418.
  • Cole, T.J., Freeman, J.V., Preece, M.A. (1998) British 1990 growth reference centiles for weight, height, body mass index and head circumference fitted by maximum penalize likelihood. Statistics in Medicine 17:407-429.
  • Jelenkovic, A., Poveda, A., Susanne, C., Rebato, E. (2008) “Contribution of Genetics and Environment to Craniofacial Anthropometric Phenotypes in Belgian Nuclear Families”. Human Biology cilt 80, S.6, ss. 637–654.
  • Jelenkovic, A., Poveda, A., Susanne, C., Rebato, E. (2010) “Common genetic and environmental factors among craniofacial traits in Belgian nuclear families: Comparing skeletal and soft-tissue related phenotypes”. Homo cilt 61, S.3, ss. 191-203.
  • Kapoor S., Kapoor, A.K., Bhalla, R., Singh, I.P. (1985) “Parent–offspring correlation for body measurements and subcutaneous fat distribution”. Human Biology S.57, ss. 141–150.
  • Kaur, D.P. ve Singh, R. (1981) “Parent-adult offspring correlations and heritability of body measurements in a rural Indian population”. Ann Hum Biol S.8, ss. 333-339.
  • Lande, R., Kirkpatrick, M. (1990) “Selection response in traits with maternal inheritance”. Genetical Research in Cambridge S.55, ss. 189-197.
  • Lohman, T.G., Roche, A.F., Martorell, R. (1988) Anthropometric standardization reference manual, Campaign, IL: Human Kinetics Books.
  • Mueller, W.H., Malina, R.M. (1980) “Genetic and environmental influences on growth of Philadelphia black and white schoolchildren”. Ann Hum Biol S.7, ss. 441- 448.
  • Nikolova, M. ve Susanne, C. (1996) “Familial resemblance for anthropometrical traits in Bulgarian population”. Int J Anth S.11, ss. 17-33.
  • Onat, T. (1977) “The influence of genetical and environmental factors on female adult height”, Growth and Development, Physique Symp. Biol. Hung. S.20, ss. 43-48.
  • Raychaudhuri, A., Ghosh, R., Vasulu, T.S., Bharati, P. (2003) “Heritability estimates of height and weight in Mahishya caste population”. Int J Hum Genet S. 3, s. 151–154.
  • Rebato, E., Salces, I., San Martin, L., Rosique, J., Hauspie, R.C., Susanne C. (1997) “Age variations in sibling correlations for height, sitting height and weight”. Ann Hum Biol S. 24, ss. 585–592.
  • Rebato, E., Salces, I., Rosique, J., San Martı´n, L., Susanne, C. (2000) “Analysis of sibling resemblance in anthropometric somatotype components”. Ann Hum Biol S.27, ss. 149–161.
  • Rebato E, Salces I, Saha R, Sinha M, Susanne C, Hauspie RC, Dasgupta P. (2005) “Age trends of sibling resemblance for height, weight and BMI during growth in a mixed longitudinal sample from Sarsuna–Barisha, India”. Ann Hum Biol S.32, ss. 339–350.
  • Rebato, E. ve Salces, I. (2007) Heritability of the anthropometric traits, In: Essentials of Biological Anthropology, Blaha, P. Susanne, C. Rebato, E. (eds). Karolina Press.
  • Rebato, E., Jelenovic, A., Salces, I. (2007a) “Heritability of the somatotype components in Biscay families”. Journal of Comparative Human Biology S. 58, ss. 199- 210.
  • Rebato, E., Salces, I., Jelenkovic, A.,Susanne, C. (2007b) “Familial resemblance in fatness and fat distribution in nuclear families from Biscay (Basque country)”. Human Ecology Special Issue S. 15, ss. 23-29.
  • Relethford, J.H. (2007) The use of quantitative traits in anthropological genetic studies of population structure and history, In: Anthropological Genetics: Theory, methods and applications, Ed: Michael Crawford, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Rice, T.K., Borecki, I.B. (2001) “Familial resemblance and heritability”. Adv Genet S. 42, ss. 35–44.
  • Rice, T., Warwick Daw E.,Gagnon, J., Bouchard, C., Leon, A.S., Skinner, J.S., Wilmore, J.H. ve Rao, D.C., (1997) Familial resembalnce for body composition measures: The HERITAGE Family Study. Obes. Res. 5:557-562.
  • Salces, I., Rebato, E., Susanne, C., San Martin, L., Rosique, J., Vinagre, A. (2002) “Family resemblance for anthropometric traits. II. Assessment of occupational maternal and age effects”. Homo S.52, ss. 201–213.
  • Salces I, Rebato E, Slachmuylder JL, Vercauteren M, Rosique J, Susanne C. (2003) “Genetic and environmental sources on familial transmission in Basque families. II. Stature, weight and body mass index”. Ann Hum Biol S. 30, ss. 176–190.
  • Salces I, Susanne C., Rebato E. (2004a) Familial correlations in body fatness indicators in the Biscay population. (In) Biennal Books of EAA (Ed) Susanne, C., Bodzsar, E., ELTE University Press.
  • Salces I, Rebato E, Susanne C. (2004b) “Evidences of phenotypic and social assortative mating for anthropometric and physiological traits in couples from the Basque Country (Spain)”. Journal of Biosocial Science S. 36, ss. 235–250.
  • Sanchez-Andres, A., ve Mesa, M.S. (1994a) “Assortative mating in a Spanish population: effets of social factors and cohabitation time”. J Biooc Sci S.26, ss. 441-450.
  • Sanchez-Andres, A. ve Mesa, M.S. (1994b) “Heritabilities of morphological and body composition characteristics in a Spanish population”. Anthropol Anz S.52, ss. 341–349.
  • Saranga, S.P.J., Prista, A., Nhantumbo, L., Beunen, G., Rocha, J., Williams- Blangero, S., Maia, L.A. (2008) “Heritabilities of Somatotype Components in a Population from Rural Mozambique”. Am J of Hum Biol S.20, ss. 642–646.
  • Sengupta, M. ve Karmakar, B. (2007) “Inheritance of six anthropometric traits in Vaidyas of West Bengal, India”. Ann Hum Biol cilt34, S.1, ss. 80–90.
  • Sharma K, Byard PJ, Russel JM, Rao DC. (1984) A family study of anthropometric traits in a Punjabi community. I. Introduction and familial correlations. Am J Phys Anthropol 63:389–395.
  • Sharma, K. (1986) “Heritability of morphological traits in a Punjabi population of India”. Z Morph Anthropol S.77, ss. 87–93.
  • Susanne, C. (1975) “Genetic and environmental influences on morphological characteristics”. Ann Hum Biol S.2, ss. 279–287.
  • Susanne, C. (1976) Heredity of anthropometric measurements: analysis with the method of Fisher (1918) Laboratorium V. Anthropogenetika. Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussels.
  • Susanne, C. (1977) “Heritability of anthropological characters”. Human Biology S.49, ss. 573-580.
  • Susanne, C. (1979) “Assortative mating: Biodemographical structure of human populations”. J Hum Evol S.8, ss. 799–804.
  • Susanne, C. (1982) “Quantitative genetics during the growth period of children: Methodology and factors”. Anthrop Közl S.26, ss. 5-11.
  • Susanne, C. (1994) “Genetics of growth”. Auxology 94, Human Biology Budapest. S.25, ss. 31-39.
  • Susanne, C., Rebato, E., Vercauteren, M., Salces, I., San Martin, L., Rosique, J. (2000) “Human growth and development, genetic and/or environmental interpretations”. Human Ecology Special Issue S.9, ss. 201-211.
  • Towne, B., Demerath, E.W., Czerwinski, S.A. (2002) The genetic epidemiology of growth and development, In: Human Growth and Development Ed: Noel Cameron, Academic Press, New York.
  • Visscher, P.M. (2008) Sizing up human height variation. Nature Genetics 40:489- 490.
  • Weiner, J.S., Lourie, J.A. (1981) Practical Human Biology. New York: Academic Press.
  • Wilson, K.J.W., Waugh, A. (1996) Anatomy and physiology in health and illness. London: Harcourt Brace.

Bazı antropometrik karakterlerin kalıtım derecesi tahminleri

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 32, 1 - 12, 30.12.2016


Bireyler ve populasyonlar arasında sürekli varyasyon gösteren özelliklerin fenotipik çeşitliliğinin analizi, öz ve evlatlık kardeşler ebeveyn ve çocuk çiftleri ve diğer çeşit yakın ya da uzak akrabalıklar gibi biyolojik olarak ilişkili bireylerin incelenmesi sayesinde geleneksel biçimde belgelenmiştir. Son yüz yılda farklı genetik ve çevresel karakteristiklere sahip çok çeşitli populasyonlarda antropometrik özelliklerin ailesel yakınlığı üzerine çok sayıda rapor bulunmaktadır. Aynı (kardeşler) ve farklı jenerasyonların (ebeveyn-çocuk) ailesel korelasyonları, paylaşılan çevre, seçkili eş seçimi ve ontojenik yaş gibi bazı çevresel faktörlerden etkilenebilmelerine rağmen, antropometrik karakterlerin genetik belirlenim derecesinin göstergeleri olarak düşünülmektedirler. Bu çalışmanın örneklem grubunu Ankara’da yaşayan 100 çekirdek aile oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem grubunda yer alan aile üyeleri arasında gözlenen korelasyon katsayıları incelenerek bazı antropometrik karakterlerin kalıtım derecesi değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, incelenen antropometrik karakterlerde gözlenen yüksek kalıtım derecesi değerleri güçlü bir genetik kontrolün etkisini yansıtmaktadır


  • Allison, D.B., Neale, M.C., Kezis, M.I., Alfonso, V.C., Heshka, S., Heymsfield, S.B. (1996) “Assortative mating for relative weight: Genetic implications”. Behaviour Genetics S.26, ss.103-111.
  • Arya, R., Duggirala, R., Comuzzie, A.G., Puppala, S., Modem, S., Busi, B.R., Crawford, M.H., (2002) Heritability of anthropometric phenotypes in caste populations of Visakhapatnam, India. Human Biology 74:325–344.
  • Baydaş, B., Erdem, A.., Yavuz I., Ceylan, I. (2007) “Heritability of facial proportions and soft-tissue profile characteristics in Turkish Anatolian siblings”. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop cilt 131, S.4, ss. 504-509.
  • Baydaş¸ B., Oktay, H., Dağsuyu, I.M. (2005) “The effect of heritability on Bolton tooth-size discrepancy”. Eur J Orthod S.27, ss. 98-10.
  • Baydaş, B. (1998), Heritabilitiy of dentofacial measurements as assessed from siblings (thesis). Erzurum, Turkey: Atatürk University.
  • Byard, P.J., Siervogel RM, Roche AF. (1989) “X-linked pattern of inheritance for serial mesures of weight/stature2”. Ann Hum Biol S.1, ss. 443-449.
  • Bektaş, Y. (2010) Genetik ve Çevrenin Antropometrik Özellikler Üzerine Etkisi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Bektaş, Y. (2013a) Antropometrik karakterlerin ailesel benzerliği ve kalıtım derecesi, 5. Ulusal Biyolojik Antropoloji Sempozyumu 24-25 Ekim 2013 Ankara.
  • Bektaş, Y. (2013b) Boy ve ağırlık ölçülerinde aile üyeleri arasında gözlenen korelasyonlar, 5. Ulusal Biyolojik Antropoloji Sempozyumu 24-25 Ekim 2013 Ankara.
  • Bektaş, Y. (2016) “Familial resemblance for height and weight in Ankara, Turkey”, Anthropology and Public Health, M. Vidovic (Ed.). National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 289-302.
  • Bektaş, Y., Akın, G, Saeidlou, SN. (2012) Heritability estimates of body height and weight in families from Ankara, Turkey, 18th Congress of the European Anthropological Association August 3 – 6 September, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Cole, T.J. (1988) Fitting smoothed centile curves to reference data, J R Statist Soc A 151(3):385-418.
  • Cole, T.J., Freeman, J.V., Preece, M.A. (1998) British 1990 growth reference centiles for weight, height, body mass index and head circumference fitted by maximum penalize likelihood. Statistics in Medicine 17:407-429.
  • Jelenkovic, A., Poveda, A., Susanne, C., Rebato, E. (2008) “Contribution of Genetics and Environment to Craniofacial Anthropometric Phenotypes in Belgian Nuclear Families”. Human Biology cilt 80, S.6, ss. 637–654.
  • Jelenkovic, A., Poveda, A., Susanne, C., Rebato, E. (2010) “Common genetic and environmental factors among craniofacial traits in Belgian nuclear families: Comparing skeletal and soft-tissue related phenotypes”. Homo cilt 61, S.3, ss. 191-203.
  • Kapoor S., Kapoor, A.K., Bhalla, R., Singh, I.P. (1985) “Parent–offspring correlation for body measurements and subcutaneous fat distribution”. Human Biology S.57, ss. 141–150.
  • Kaur, D.P. ve Singh, R. (1981) “Parent-adult offspring correlations and heritability of body measurements in a rural Indian population”. Ann Hum Biol S.8, ss. 333-339.
  • Lande, R., Kirkpatrick, M. (1990) “Selection response in traits with maternal inheritance”. Genetical Research in Cambridge S.55, ss. 189-197.
  • Lohman, T.G., Roche, A.F., Martorell, R. (1988) Anthropometric standardization reference manual, Campaign, IL: Human Kinetics Books.
  • Mueller, W.H., Malina, R.M. (1980) “Genetic and environmental influences on growth of Philadelphia black and white schoolchildren”. Ann Hum Biol S.7, ss. 441- 448.
  • Nikolova, M. ve Susanne, C. (1996) “Familial resemblance for anthropometrical traits in Bulgarian population”. Int J Anth S.11, ss. 17-33.
  • Onat, T. (1977) “The influence of genetical and environmental factors on female adult height”, Growth and Development, Physique Symp. Biol. Hung. S.20, ss. 43-48.
  • Raychaudhuri, A., Ghosh, R., Vasulu, T.S., Bharati, P. (2003) “Heritability estimates of height and weight in Mahishya caste population”. Int J Hum Genet S. 3, s. 151–154.
  • Rebato, E., Salces, I., San Martin, L., Rosique, J., Hauspie, R.C., Susanne C. (1997) “Age variations in sibling correlations for height, sitting height and weight”. Ann Hum Biol S. 24, ss. 585–592.
  • Rebato, E., Salces, I., Rosique, J., San Martı´n, L., Susanne, C. (2000) “Analysis of sibling resemblance in anthropometric somatotype components”. Ann Hum Biol S.27, ss. 149–161.
  • Rebato E, Salces I, Saha R, Sinha M, Susanne C, Hauspie RC, Dasgupta P. (2005) “Age trends of sibling resemblance for height, weight and BMI during growth in a mixed longitudinal sample from Sarsuna–Barisha, India”. Ann Hum Biol S.32, ss. 339–350.
  • Rebato, E. ve Salces, I. (2007) Heritability of the anthropometric traits, In: Essentials of Biological Anthropology, Blaha, P. Susanne, C. Rebato, E. (eds). Karolina Press.
  • Rebato, E., Jelenovic, A., Salces, I. (2007a) “Heritability of the somatotype components in Biscay families”. Journal of Comparative Human Biology S. 58, ss. 199- 210.
  • Rebato, E., Salces, I., Jelenkovic, A.,Susanne, C. (2007b) “Familial resemblance in fatness and fat distribution in nuclear families from Biscay (Basque country)”. Human Ecology Special Issue S. 15, ss. 23-29.
  • Relethford, J.H. (2007) The use of quantitative traits in anthropological genetic studies of population structure and history, In: Anthropological Genetics: Theory, methods and applications, Ed: Michael Crawford, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Rice, T.K., Borecki, I.B. (2001) “Familial resemblance and heritability”. Adv Genet S. 42, ss. 35–44.
  • Rice, T., Warwick Daw E.,Gagnon, J., Bouchard, C., Leon, A.S., Skinner, J.S., Wilmore, J.H. ve Rao, D.C., (1997) Familial resembalnce for body composition measures: The HERITAGE Family Study. Obes. Res. 5:557-562.
  • Salces, I., Rebato, E., Susanne, C., San Martin, L., Rosique, J., Vinagre, A. (2002) “Family resemblance for anthropometric traits. II. Assessment of occupational maternal and age effects”. Homo S.52, ss. 201–213.
  • Salces I, Rebato E, Slachmuylder JL, Vercauteren M, Rosique J, Susanne C. (2003) “Genetic and environmental sources on familial transmission in Basque families. II. Stature, weight and body mass index”. Ann Hum Biol S. 30, ss. 176–190.
  • Salces I, Susanne C., Rebato E. (2004a) Familial correlations in body fatness indicators in the Biscay population. (In) Biennal Books of EAA (Ed) Susanne, C., Bodzsar, E., ELTE University Press.
  • Salces I, Rebato E, Susanne C. (2004b) “Evidences of phenotypic and social assortative mating for anthropometric and physiological traits in couples from the Basque Country (Spain)”. Journal of Biosocial Science S. 36, ss. 235–250.
  • Sanchez-Andres, A., ve Mesa, M.S. (1994a) “Assortative mating in a Spanish population: effets of social factors and cohabitation time”. J Biooc Sci S.26, ss. 441-450.
  • Sanchez-Andres, A. ve Mesa, M.S. (1994b) “Heritabilities of morphological and body composition characteristics in a Spanish population”. Anthropol Anz S.52, ss. 341–349.
  • Saranga, S.P.J., Prista, A., Nhantumbo, L., Beunen, G., Rocha, J., Williams- Blangero, S., Maia, L.A. (2008) “Heritabilities of Somatotype Components in a Population from Rural Mozambique”. Am J of Hum Biol S.20, ss. 642–646.
  • Sengupta, M. ve Karmakar, B. (2007) “Inheritance of six anthropometric traits in Vaidyas of West Bengal, India”. Ann Hum Biol cilt34, S.1, ss. 80–90.
  • Sharma K, Byard PJ, Russel JM, Rao DC. (1984) A family study of anthropometric traits in a Punjabi community. I. Introduction and familial correlations. Am J Phys Anthropol 63:389–395.
  • Sharma, K. (1986) “Heritability of morphological traits in a Punjabi population of India”. Z Morph Anthropol S.77, ss. 87–93.
  • Susanne, C. (1975) “Genetic and environmental influences on morphological characteristics”. Ann Hum Biol S.2, ss. 279–287.
  • Susanne, C. (1976) Heredity of anthropometric measurements: analysis with the method of Fisher (1918) Laboratorium V. Anthropogenetika. Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussels.
  • Susanne, C. (1977) “Heritability of anthropological characters”. Human Biology S.49, ss. 573-580.
  • Susanne, C. (1979) “Assortative mating: Biodemographical structure of human populations”. J Hum Evol S.8, ss. 799–804.
  • Susanne, C. (1982) “Quantitative genetics during the growth period of children: Methodology and factors”. Anthrop Közl S.26, ss. 5-11.
  • Susanne, C. (1994) “Genetics of growth”. Auxology 94, Human Biology Budapest. S.25, ss. 31-39.
  • Susanne, C., Rebato, E., Vercauteren, M., Salces, I., San Martin, L., Rosique, J. (2000) “Human growth and development, genetic and/or environmental interpretations”. Human Ecology Special Issue S.9, ss. 201-211.
  • Towne, B., Demerath, E.W., Czerwinski, S.A. (2002) The genetic epidemiology of growth and development, In: Human Growth and Development Ed: Noel Cameron, Academic Press, New York.
  • Visscher, P.M. (2008) Sizing up human height variation. Nature Genetics 40:489- 490.
  • Weiner, J.S., Lourie, J.A. (1981) Practical Human Biology. New York: Academic Press.
  • Wilson, K.J.W., Waugh, A. (1996) Anatomy and physiology in health and illness. London: Harcourt Brace.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Antropoloji
Diğer ID JA49TP79JB
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yener Bektaş

A. Cem Erkman Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2016
Kabul Tarihi 29 Kasım 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Sayı: 32

Kaynak Göster

APA Bektaş, Y., & Erkman, A. C. (2016). Bazı antropometrik karakterlerin kalıtım derecesi tahminleri. Anthropology(32), 1-12.


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