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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 1 - 10, 30.12.2022


Ballı bitkilerin türleri ve yoğunlukları rakıma bağlı olarak değişir. Bu da farklı rakımlardaki kovanlarda üretilen balın miktarının ve fizikokimyasal yapısının değişmesine neden olur. Bu çalışmada Eylül ayının ilk haftasında aynı havza içerisinde, farklı rakımlara yerleştirilmiş bal arısı kolonilerinden bal hasadı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Alınan bal örneklerinin bazı fizikokimyasal özelliklerini belirlemek için standart laboratuvar yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Bal örneklerinin analizleri sonucunda elde edilen minimum ve maksimum ortalama değerlerden bazıları; nem %15,60 ve %19,70, serbest asitlik 20,10 meq/kg ve 25,90 meq/kg, pH 3,20 ve 4,30, EC 0,20 ve 0,41 mS/cm, früktoz %31 - %45, glikoz %19,70 - %26,60, sakaroz %0,13 %0,19, maltoz %0,86 ile %1,97 arasında değişmiştir.
Farklı yüksekliklerde üretilen balların fizikokimyasal yapılarının istatistiksel olarak birbirinden farklı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, yükselti farkının balın miktar ve fizikokimyasal yapısına etkisini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • Anklam E. (1998). “A review of the analytical methods to determine the geographical and botanical origin of honey”, Food Chemistry, 63, S. 549-562.
  • Ashraf M.W. and Akram S. (2008). “Physicochemical characteristics and heavy metal contents of saudi arabian floral honeys”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 17, S. 877-881.
  • Azeredo LD.C. and Azeredo M. and De Souza, S. and Dutra, V. (2003). “Protein contents and physicochemical properties in honey samples of Apis Mellifera of different floral origins”, Food Chemistry.
  • Batu A. ve Küçük E. ve Çimen M. (2013). “Doğu Anadolu Ve Doğu Karadeniz bölgeleri çiçek ballarının fizikokimyasal ve biyokimyasal değerlerinin belirlenmesi”, Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 8, S. 52-62.
  • Bogdanov, S. and Martin, P. and Lüllmann, CJA. (1997). Harmonised methods of the european honey commission, Elsevier.
  • Bogdanov.S. (2009). “Harmonized methods of the ınternational honey commission”, International Honey Commission, S. 1–61.
  • CAC, (2001). “Codex Alimentarius Commission. Revised codex standard for honey codex standard 12-1981”, Codex Standard, 12, S. 1–7.
  • Can, Z. and Yildiz, O. and Sahin, H. and Turumtay EA. and Silici, S. and Kolayli, S. (2015). “An Investigation of Turkish Honeys: Their Physico-Chemical Properties, Antioxidant Capacities and Phenolic Profiles”, Food Chemistry, 180, S. 133-141.
  • Carbonari, V. and Malaspina. O. and Alves, V.V. and Polatto, L.P. (2016). “Variation in honey yield per hive of africanized bees depending on the ıntroducing time of young queens”, Ciência Rural, 46, S. 895-900.
  • Cengiz, M.M. and Tosun, M. and Topal, M. (2018). “Determination of the Physicochemical Properties and of Some Honeys from the Northeast Anatolia Region of Turkey”, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 69, S. 39-44.
  • Commission C.A. (1981). “Revised codex standard for honey codex stan 12-1981”, Rev. 1 (1987), Rev. 2 (2001), 24 th Session, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy, 12, S. 1-7.
  • Conti M.E. (2000). “Lazio Region (Central Italy) Honeys: A Survey of Mineral Content and Typical Quality Parameters”, Food Control, 11, S. 459-463.
  • Da Silva P.M. and Gauche, C. and Gonzaga, L.V. and Costa, A.C.O. and Fett, R. (2016). “Honey: chemical composition, stability and authenticity”, Food Chemistry, 196, S. 309-323.
  • Dag, A. and Afik, O. and Yeselson, Y. and Schaffer, A. and Shafir, S. (2006). “Physical, chemical and palynological characterization of avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) honey in Israel”, International Journal of Food Science Technology, 41, S. 387-394.
  • De Rodrı́guez, G.O. and De Ferrer, B.S. and Ferrer, A. and Rodrı́guez, B.J.F.C. (2004). “Characterization of Honey Produced in Venezuela”, Turkish Journal of Agriculture, 84, S. 499-502.
  • Draiaia, R. and Rezki, A. and Chefrour, E. (2014). “Quality of some algerian honey: study of botanical and some physicochemical parameters”, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 22, S. 1363-1371.
  • Erdogan, Y. and Dodologlu, A. and Emsen, B. (2009). “Some physiological characteristics of honeybee (Apis Mellifera L.) housed in heated, fan wooden and ınsulated beehives”, Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances, 8, S. 1516-1519.
  • Erdoğan Y. (2019). “Comparison of colony performances of honeybee (Apis Mellifera L.) housed in hives made of different materials”, Italian Journal of Animal Science, 18(1), 934-940.
  • Erdoğan, Y. and Erdoğan, Ü. (2014). “Pollen analysis of honeys from the Çoruh Valley (Turkey)”, International Journal of Plant Animal Environmental Sciences, 4, S. 5-13.
  • Estevinho, L.M. and Feás, X. and Seijas, J.A. and Vázquez-Tato, M.P. (2012). “Organic honey from Trás-Os-Montes Region (Portugal): chemical, palynological, microbiological and bioactive compounds characterization”, Food Chemical Toxicology, 50, S. 258-264.
  • Fallico, B. and Zappala, M. and Arena, E. and Verzera, A. (2004). “Effects of conditioning on hmf content in unifloral honeys”, Food Chemistry, 85, S. 305-313.
  • Faustino, C. and Pinheiro, L. and Méndez-Vilas, A. (2015). “Antimicrobial properties and therapeutic benefits of honey in the quest for more efficient antimicrobial agents, the battle against microbial pathogens: basic science”, Technological Advances, 1, S. 98-108.
  • Finola M.S. and Lasagno, M.C. and Marioli, J.M. (2007). “Microbiological and chemical characterization of honeys from central Argentina”, Food Chemistry, 100, S. 1649-1653.
  • Fredes, C. and Montenegro, G. (2006). “Heavy metals and other trace elements contents in chilean honey 1”, Cien Inv Agr, 33, S. 50-58.
  • Habib, H.M. and Al Meqbali, F.T. and Kamal, H. and Souka, U.D. and Ibrahim, W.H. (2014). “Physicochemical and biochemical properties of honeys from arid regions”, Food Chemistry, 153, S. 35-43.
  • IHC. (2009). Harmonized Methods of the International Honey Commission, Erişim adresi: http://www.Ihcplatform.Net/Ihcmethods2009.Pdf.
  • Kahraman, T. and Buyukunal, S.K. and Vural, A. and Altunatmaz, S.S. (2010). “Physico-chemical properties in honey from different regions of Turkey”, Food Chemistry, 123, S. 41-44.
  • Kaškonienė, V. and Venskutonis, P. and Čeksterytė, V. (2010). “Carbohydrate composition and electrical conductivity of different origin honeys from Lithuania”, LWT-Food Science Technology, 43, S. 801-807. Krell, R. (1996). Value-Added Products from Beekeeping, Food & Agriculture Org.
  • Küçük, M. and Kolaylı, S. and Karaoğlu, Ş. and Ulusoy, E. and Baltacı, C. and Candan, F. (2007). “Biological Activities and Chemical Composition of Three Honeys of Different Types from Anatolia”, Food Chemistry, 100, S. 526-534.
  • Leite, J.D.C. and Trugo, L. and Costa, L. and Quinteiro, L. and Barth, O. and Dutra, V. and De Maria, C. (2000). “Determination of oligosaccharides in Brazilian honeys of different botanical origin”, Food Chemistry, 70, S. 93-98.
  • Manzanares, A.B. and García, Z.H. and Galdón, B.R. and Rodríguez-Rodríguez, E.M. and Romero, C.D. (2017). “Physicochemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of monofloral honeys from tenerife, Spain”, Food Chemistry, 228, S. 441-446.
  • Mendes, E. and Proença, E.B. and Ferreira, I. and Ferreira, M. (1998). “Quality evaluation of Portuguese honey”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 37, S. 219-223.
  • Ouchemoukh, S. and Louaileche, H. and Schweitzer, P. (2007). “Physicochemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of some Algerian honeys”, Food Control, 18, S. 52-58.
  • Russo-Almeida, P. (1997). “Honey of transmontane terra quente: some chemical parameters of honey from transmontane terra quente”, Apicultor, 5, S. 29-35.
  • Serra Bonvehi, J. and Escolà Jordà, R. (1997). “Nutrient composition and microbiological quality of honeybee-collected pollen in Spain”, Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 45, S. 725-732.
  • Sunay, A. (2006). “Problem of antibiotic residues in honey”, Uludag Bee Journal, 6, S. 143-148.
  • Şahinler, N. ve Gül, A. (2004). “Yayla ve ayçiçeği ballarının biyokimyasal analizi”, Iv. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi: 01-03.
  • Şahinler, N. ve Şahinler, S. ve Gül, A. (2001). “Hatay yöresi ballarının bileşimi ve biyokimyasal analizi”, MKÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6, S. 93-108.
  • Terrab, A. and Dı́ez M.J. and Heredia, F. (2002). “Characterisation of moroccan unifloral honeys by their physicochemical characteristics”, Food Chemistry, 79, S. 373-379.
  • Union, E. (2001). Council Directive 2001/110/Ec of 20 December 2001 Relating to Honey. Official Journal of the European Communities 12: L10/47–L10/52.
  • Ünal, C. and Küplülü, Ö. (2006). “Chemical quality of strained honey consumed in Ankara”, Anakara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(1), S. 1-4.
  • Vit, P. and Rodríguez-Malaver, A. and Roubik, D.W. and Moreno, E. and Souza, B.A. and Sancho, M. and Fernández-Muiño, M. and Almeida-Anacleto, D. and Marchini, L. and Gil, F. (2009). “Expanded parameters to assess the quality of honey from Venezuelan bees (Apis Mellifera)”, Journal of Apiproduct Apimedical Science, 1, S. 72-81.
  • Yılmaz, H. and Küfrevioğlu, İ. (2001). “Composition of honeys collected from eastern and south-eastern anatolia and effect of storage on hydroxymethylfurfural content and diastase activity”, Turkish Journal of Agriculture Forestry, 25, S. 347-349.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 1 - 10, 30.12.2022


The types and densities of honey plants vary with altitude. This causes the amount and physicochemical structure of honey produced in hives at different altitudes to change. In this study, honey was harvested from honey bee colonies located at different altitudes in the same basin in the first week of September. Standard laboratory methods were used to determine some physicochemical properties of honey samples. Some of the minimum and maximum average values obtained as a result of the analysis of honey samples; humidity 15.60% and 19.70%, free acidity 20.10 meq/kg and 25.90 meq/kg, pH 3.20 and 4.30, EC 0.20 and 0.41 mS/cm, fructose % 31 - 45%, glucose 19.70% - 26.60%, sucrose 0.13% 0.19%, maltose 0.86% - 1.97%.
It has been determined that the physicochemical structures of honey produced at different heights are statistically different from each other. This study aims to determine the effect of altitude difference on the amount and physicochemical structure of honey.


  • Anklam E. (1998). “A review of the analytical methods to determine the geographical and botanical origin of honey”, Food Chemistry, 63, S. 549-562.
  • Ashraf M.W. and Akram S. (2008). “Physicochemical characteristics and heavy metal contents of saudi arabian floral honeys”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 17, S. 877-881.
  • Azeredo LD.C. and Azeredo M. and De Souza, S. and Dutra, V. (2003). “Protein contents and physicochemical properties in honey samples of Apis Mellifera of different floral origins”, Food Chemistry.
  • Batu A. ve Küçük E. ve Çimen M. (2013). “Doğu Anadolu Ve Doğu Karadeniz bölgeleri çiçek ballarının fizikokimyasal ve biyokimyasal değerlerinin belirlenmesi”, Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 8, S. 52-62.
  • Bogdanov, S. and Martin, P. and Lüllmann, CJA. (1997). Harmonised methods of the european honey commission, Elsevier.
  • Bogdanov.S. (2009). “Harmonized methods of the ınternational honey commission”, International Honey Commission, S. 1–61.
  • CAC, (2001). “Codex Alimentarius Commission. Revised codex standard for honey codex standard 12-1981”, Codex Standard, 12, S. 1–7.
  • Can, Z. and Yildiz, O. and Sahin, H. and Turumtay EA. and Silici, S. and Kolayli, S. (2015). “An Investigation of Turkish Honeys: Their Physico-Chemical Properties, Antioxidant Capacities and Phenolic Profiles”, Food Chemistry, 180, S. 133-141.
  • Carbonari, V. and Malaspina. O. and Alves, V.V. and Polatto, L.P. (2016). “Variation in honey yield per hive of africanized bees depending on the ıntroducing time of young queens”, Ciência Rural, 46, S. 895-900.
  • Cengiz, M.M. and Tosun, M. and Topal, M. (2018). “Determination of the Physicochemical Properties and of Some Honeys from the Northeast Anatolia Region of Turkey”, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 69, S. 39-44.
  • Commission C.A. (1981). “Revised codex standard for honey codex stan 12-1981”, Rev. 1 (1987), Rev. 2 (2001), 24 th Session, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy, 12, S. 1-7.
  • Conti M.E. (2000). “Lazio Region (Central Italy) Honeys: A Survey of Mineral Content and Typical Quality Parameters”, Food Control, 11, S. 459-463.
  • Da Silva P.M. and Gauche, C. and Gonzaga, L.V. and Costa, A.C.O. and Fett, R. (2016). “Honey: chemical composition, stability and authenticity”, Food Chemistry, 196, S. 309-323.
  • Dag, A. and Afik, O. and Yeselson, Y. and Schaffer, A. and Shafir, S. (2006). “Physical, chemical and palynological characterization of avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) honey in Israel”, International Journal of Food Science Technology, 41, S. 387-394.
  • De Rodrı́guez, G.O. and De Ferrer, B.S. and Ferrer, A. and Rodrı́guez, B.J.F.C. (2004). “Characterization of Honey Produced in Venezuela”, Turkish Journal of Agriculture, 84, S. 499-502.
  • Draiaia, R. and Rezki, A. and Chefrour, E. (2014). “Quality of some algerian honey: study of botanical and some physicochemical parameters”, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 22, S. 1363-1371.
  • Erdogan, Y. and Dodologlu, A. and Emsen, B. (2009). “Some physiological characteristics of honeybee (Apis Mellifera L.) housed in heated, fan wooden and ınsulated beehives”, Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances, 8, S. 1516-1519.
  • Erdoğan Y. (2019). “Comparison of colony performances of honeybee (Apis Mellifera L.) housed in hives made of different materials”, Italian Journal of Animal Science, 18(1), 934-940.
  • Erdoğan, Y. and Erdoğan, Ü. (2014). “Pollen analysis of honeys from the Çoruh Valley (Turkey)”, International Journal of Plant Animal Environmental Sciences, 4, S. 5-13.
  • Estevinho, L.M. and Feás, X. and Seijas, J.A. and Vázquez-Tato, M.P. (2012). “Organic honey from Trás-Os-Montes Region (Portugal): chemical, palynological, microbiological and bioactive compounds characterization”, Food Chemical Toxicology, 50, S. 258-264.
  • Fallico, B. and Zappala, M. and Arena, E. and Verzera, A. (2004). “Effects of conditioning on hmf content in unifloral honeys”, Food Chemistry, 85, S. 305-313.
  • Faustino, C. and Pinheiro, L. and Méndez-Vilas, A. (2015). “Antimicrobial properties and therapeutic benefits of honey in the quest for more efficient antimicrobial agents, the battle against microbial pathogens: basic science”, Technological Advances, 1, S. 98-108.
  • Finola M.S. and Lasagno, M.C. and Marioli, J.M. (2007). “Microbiological and chemical characterization of honeys from central Argentina”, Food Chemistry, 100, S. 1649-1653.
  • Fredes, C. and Montenegro, G. (2006). “Heavy metals and other trace elements contents in chilean honey 1”, Cien Inv Agr, 33, S. 50-58.
  • Habib, H.M. and Al Meqbali, F.T. and Kamal, H. and Souka, U.D. and Ibrahim, W.H. (2014). “Physicochemical and biochemical properties of honeys from arid regions”, Food Chemistry, 153, S. 35-43.
  • IHC. (2009). Harmonized Methods of the International Honey Commission, Erişim adresi: http://www.Ihcplatform.Net/Ihcmethods2009.Pdf.
  • Kahraman, T. and Buyukunal, S.K. and Vural, A. and Altunatmaz, S.S. (2010). “Physico-chemical properties in honey from different regions of Turkey”, Food Chemistry, 123, S. 41-44.
  • Kaškonienė, V. and Venskutonis, P. and Čeksterytė, V. (2010). “Carbohydrate composition and electrical conductivity of different origin honeys from Lithuania”, LWT-Food Science Technology, 43, S. 801-807. Krell, R. (1996). Value-Added Products from Beekeeping, Food & Agriculture Org.
  • Küçük, M. and Kolaylı, S. and Karaoğlu, Ş. and Ulusoy, E. and Baltacı, C. and Candan, F. (2007). “Biological Activities and Chemical Composition of Three Honeys of Different Types from Anatolia”, Food Chemistry, 100, S. 526-534.
  • Leite, J.D.C. and Trugo, L. and Costa, L. and Quinteiro, L. and Barth, O. and Dutra, V. and De Maria, C. (2000). “Determination of oligosaccharides in Brazilian honeys of different botanical origin”, Food Chemistry, 70, S. 93-98.
  • Manzanares, A.B. and García, Z.H. and Galdón, B.R. and Rodríguez-Rodríguez, E.M. and Romero, C.D. (2017). “Physicochemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of monofloral honeys from tenerife, Spain”, Food Chemistry, 228, S. 441-446.
  • Mendes, E. and Proença, E.B. and Ferreira, I. and Ferreira, M. (1998). “Quality evaluation of Portuguese honey”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 37, S. 219-223.
  • Ouchemoukh, S. and Louaileche, H. and Schweitzer, P. (2007). “Physicochemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of some Algerian honeys”, Food Control, 18, S. 52-58.
  • Russo-Almeida, P. (1997). “Honey of transmontane terra quente: some chemical parameters of honey from transmontane terra quente”, Apicultor, 5, S. 29-35.
  • Serra Bonvehi, J. and Escolà Jordà, R. (1997). “Nutrient composition and microbiological quality of honeybee-collected pollen in Spain”, Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 45, S. 725-732.
  • Sunay, A. (2006). “Problem of antibiotic residues in honey”, Uludag Bee Journal, 6, S. 143-148.
  • Şahinler, N. ve Gül, A. (2004). “Yayla ve ayçiçeği ballarının biyokimyasal analizi”, Iv. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi: 01-03.
  • Şahinler, N. ve Şahinler, S. ve Gül, A. (2001). “Hatay yöresi ballarının bileşimi ve biyokimyasal analizi”, MKÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6, S. 93-108.
  • Terrab, A. and Dı́ez M.J. and Heredia, F. (2002). “Characterisation of moroccan unifloral honeys by their physicochemical characteristics”, Food Chemistry, 79, S. 373-379.
  • Union, E. (2001). Council Directive 2001/110/Ec of 20 December 2001 Relating to Honey. Official Journal of the European Communities 12: L10/47–L10/52.
  • Ünal, C. and Küplülü, Ö. (2006). “Chemical quality of strained honey consumed in Ankara”, Anakara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(1), S. 1-4.
  • Vit, P. and Rodríguez-Malaver, A. and Roubik, D.W. and Moreno, E. and Souza, B.A. and Sancho, M. and Fernández-Muiño, M. and Almeida-Anacleto, D. and Marchini, L. and Gil, F. (2009). “Expanded parameters to assess the quality of honey from Venezuelan bees (Apis Mellifera)”, Journal of Apiproduct Apimedical Science, 1, S. 72-81.
  • Yılmaz, H. and Küfrevioğlu, İ. (2001). “Composition of honeys collected from eastern and south-eastern anatolia and effect of storage on hydroxymethylfurfural content and diastase activity”, Turkish Journal of Agriculture Forestry, 25, S. 347-349.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kimya Mühendisliği, Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer), Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Gıda Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yaşar Erdoğan 0000-0001-6154-7008

Sadik Çıvracı 0000-0002-0750-1823

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Aralık 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, Y., & Çıvracı, S. (2022). RAKIM FARKININ BALLARIN BAZI KİMYASAL ÖZELLİKLERİ ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. Arı Ve Arıcılık Teknolojileri Dergisi, 1(1), 1-10.