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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 324 - 342, 31.12.2022


Ormanların katılımcı yaklaşımla ekosistem tabanlı ve çok amaçlı planlanması sürdürülebilir ormancılığın temel hedefidir. Bu hedefe ulaşmak; meşcere gelişimlerinin kestirilmesi, işletme amaçları ile orman yapıları arasında fonksiyonel ilişkilerin kurulması ve planlamanın karar destek sistemleriyle düzenlenmesiyle ancak mümkündür. Planlama hedefleri arasında yer alan ve küresel iklim değişikliği ile gündeme gelen karbon yönetimi, büyük ölçüde ormanların geliştirilmesi, korunması ve atmosfere salınan karbonun azaltılması ve geciktirilmesine bağlıdır. Orman amenajman planları, karbon miktarının hesaplanması, tutulumun artırılması, düzeninin sağlanması ve sürdürülebilir planlama esaslarıyla birlikte tüketici davranışlarının düzenlenmesini dahi içeren bir dizi konuları da kapsar hale gelmektedir. Geleneksel işletme amaçları ve koruma hedeflerinin yanı sıra, son dönemlerde karbon tutulumunun artırılması da planlamada dikkate alınacak hedefler arasında yer almaya başlamıştır. Bu eserde, amenajman planlarının hazırlanmasında karbon artırımına yönelik planlama parametreleri ile karbon dinamikleri arasındaki ilişkiler ile karbon odaklı planlama stratejilerine yer verilmiştir. Sonuçta; meşcere silvikültürel bakımlarının yetişme ortamı koşullarına göre zamanında yapılması, yangın, böcek ve mantar gibi doğal olaylara karşı meşcere dayanaklıklarının artırılması ve koruyucu tedbirlerin alınması, idare sürelerinin ve orman fonksiyonlarının isabetli belirlenmesi ve nihayetinde sürdürülebilir planlamanın karar verme teknikleriyle kararlaştırılması, karbon tutulumunun orman amenajman planlarına yansıtılmasında dikkate alınması gerekli öncelikli unsurlar olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Anonim, 2004. Türkiye Ulusal Ormancılık Programı (2004-2023). Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı, 95s, Ankara.
  • Asan, Ü., Destan, S., Özkan, U.Y. 2002. İstanbul korularının karbon depolama, oksijen üretimi ve toz tutma kapasitesinin kestirilmesi. Orman Amenajmanında Kavramsal Açılımlar ve Yeni Hedefler Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul,194–202
  • Asan, Ü. 2012. Türkiye Ormanlarındaki Yıllık Karbon Stok Değişimi Trendinin İrdelenmesi ve 2023Yılındaki Durumun Kestirilmesi, KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, Özel Sayı, 2012, Sayfa 109-121.
  • Aydın, Ç., 2010. Artvin Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Borçka Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü Sarıçam Biyokütle Tabloları, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, KT Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Backéus, S., Wikström, P., Lämås, T. 2005. A model for regional analysis of carbon sequestration and timber production. Forest Ecology and Management, 216, 28–40.
  • Başkent, E.Z., Başkaya, Ş., and Terzioğlu, S. 2008. Developing and implementing participatory and ecosystem based multiple use forest management planning approach (ETÇAP): Yalnızçam case study, Forest Ecology and Management, 256: 798–807
  • Baysal, İ., Bilgili, E. ve Başkent, EZ. 2016. Orman Yangınları ve Orman Amenajman Planları, Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016, 16 (1): 169-180
  • Birdsey, R.A. 1992. Carbon storage and accumulation in United States forest ecosystems. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service GTR WO-59
  • Bragg, DC. and Guldin JM. 2010. Estimating Long-Term Carbon Sequestration Patterns in Even- and Uneven-Aged Southern Pine Stands. In Jain, Theresa B.; Graham, Russell T.; and Sandquist, Jonathan, tech. eds.2010. Integrated management of carbon sequestration and biyokütles utilization opportunities in a changing climate: Proceedings of the 2009 National Silviculture Workshop; 2009 June 15-18; Bois., RMRS-P-61. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service.
  • Bravo, F., Bravo-Oviedo, A., Díaz-Balteiro, L. 2008a. Carbon sequestration in Spanish Mediterranean forest under two management alternatives: a modeling approach. Eur. J. For. Res., 127: 225-234.
  • Bravo-Oviedo, A., Ruiz-Peinado, R., Modrego, P., Alonso, R., Montero, G. 2015. Forest thinning impact on carbon stock and soil condition in Southern European populations of P. sylvestris L. For. Ecol. Manag., 357: 259-267.
  • Brown, S. 2002. Measuring carbon in forests: current status and future challenges. Environmental Pollution, 116, 363-372
  • Brown, S., Sathaye, J., Cannell, M., Kauppi, P.E. 1996 Management of forests for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. In: Climate Change 1995 - Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical Analyses. Watson R.T., Zinyowera M.C., Moss R.H., Dokken D.J. (eds.), Contribution of Working Group II to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, p. 773-797.
  • Buringh, P. 1984. Organic carbon in soils of the world. In: Woodwell, C. M., ed. The role of terrestrial vegetation in the global carbon cycle, SCOPE 23. New York: John Wiley & Sons: 91-109 pp.
  • Canadell, JG., Raupach, MR. 2008. Managing forests for climate change mitigation. Science, 320: 1456-1457. https://doi. org/10.1126/science.1155458
  • Chen, YT, Zheng, CL, Chang, CTç 2011. Efficiently mapping an appropriate thinning schedule for optimum carbon sequestration: An application of multi-segment goal programming, Forest ecology and management, 262(7): 1168-1173
  • Çakıl, E., 2008. Zonguldak Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Karaçam Biyokütle Tablolarının Düzenlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi. FBE, 167.
  • ÇOB, 2008. İklim Değişikliği ve Yapılan Çalışmalar, Çevre ve Orman Baanlığı, 2008.
  • ÇŞB, 2011. İklim Değişikliği Eylem Planı, Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı 2011.
  • Durkaya, B., 1998. Zonguldak Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Meşe Meşcerelerinin Biyokütle Tablolarının Düzenlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 110.
  • FAO, 2012. Forest and climate change working paper 10. Forest Management and Climate Change: a literature review. 45 pages.
  • FAO, 2015. Global forest resources assessment 2015. FAO Forestry Series 49. Roma, 44 pp FAO, 2016. FAO yearbook of forest products: 2010-2014. Roma, 243 pp
  • FAO, 2016. FAO yearbook of forest products: 2010-2014. Roma, 243 pp.
  • Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Pukkala, T., Borges, JG. 2014. Integrating fire risk in stand management scheduling. An application to maritime pine stands in Portugal. Ann. Oper. Res., 219: 379-395.
  • Garcia-Franco, N., Wiesmeier, M., Goberna, M., MartínezMena, M., Albaladejo, J. 2014. Carbon dynamics after afforestation of semiarid shrublands: Implications of site preparation techniques. For. Ecol. Manag., 319: 107-115
  • Gonzalez-Olabarría, JR., Palahí, M., Pukkala, T., Trasobares, A. 2008. Optimising the management of Pinus nigra Arn. stands under endogenous risk of fire in Catalonia. Invest Agrar: Sist. Recur. For., 17: 10-17. srf/2008171-01019
  • Grassi, G., House, J., Dentener, F., Federici, S., Elzen, M.D., Penman, J. 2017. The key role of forests in meeting climate targets requires science for credible mitigation. Nat. Clim. Chang. 2017, 7, 220–226.
  • Haripriya, G.S. 2002. Biyokütles carbon of truncated diameter classes in Indian forests. For Ecol Manage, 168: 1–13
  • Hashimotio, T., Kojima, K., Tange, T., Sasaki, S. 2000. Changes in carbon storage in fallow forests in the tropical lowlands of Borneo. For. Ecol. Manage., 126: 331–337
  • Howlett, DS., Mosquera-Losada, MR., Nair, PKR., Nair, VD., Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A. 2011b. Soil carbon storage in silvopastoral systems and a treeless pasture in Northwestern Spain. J Environ Qual 40: 825-832. https://
  • IPCC, 2006. IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme [Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Tokyo, Japan, 2006]
  • Jandl, R., Ledermann, L., Kindermann, G., Freudenschuss, A., Gschwantner, T. and Weiss, P. 2018. Strategies for Climate-Smart Forest Management in Austria. Forests, 9, 592.
  • Jiménez, MN., Navarro, FB. 2016. Thinning effects on litterfall remaining after 8 years and improved stand resilience in Aleppo pine aforestation (SE Spain). J. Environ. Manage., 169: 174-183. Keleş, S., Başkent, E.Z. 2006. Orman Ekosistemlerindeki Karbon Değişiminin Orman Amenajman Planlarına Yansıtılması: Kavramsal Çerçeve ve Bir Örnek Uygulama (1. Bölüm), Orman ve Av Dergisi, 83, 2, 36-41 Krankina, O.N., Harmon, M.E., Winjum, J.K. 1996. Carbon storage and sequestration in the Russian forest sector. Ambio, 25, 284–288
  • Kurz, W.A. and Apps, M.J. 1993. Contribution of northern forests to the global carbon cycle: Canada as a case study. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 70, 163–176
  • Laganière, J., Angers, DA., Paré, D. 2010. Carbon accumulation in agricultural soils after afforestation: A meta-analysis. Glob. Chang. Biol., 16: 439-453. j.1365-2486.2009.01930.x
  • Luyssaert, S., Schulze, E., Borner, A., Knohl, A., Hessenmoller, D., Law, B., Grace, J. (2008). Old-growth forests as global carbon sinks. Nature,455, 213-215
  • Liski, J., Pussinen, A., Pingoud, K., Mäkipää, R. and Karjalainen, T. 2004: Which rotation length is favourable to carbon sequestration? — Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 31: 2004–2013.
  • Masera, O.R., Garza-Caligaris, J.F., Kanninen, M., Karjalainen, T., Liski, J., Nabuurs, G.J., Pussinen, A., de Jong, B.H.J., and Mohren, G.M.J. 2003. Modeling carbon sequestration in afforestation, agroforestry and forest management projects: the CO2FIX V.2 approach. Ecological Modelling, 164: 177 – 199.
  • Nave, LE., Vance, ED., Swanston, CW., Curtis, PS. 2010. Harvest impacts on soil carbon storage in temperate forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 857-866
  • Pan, Y., Birdsey, RA., Fang, J., Houghton, R., Kauppi, PE., Kurz, WA., Phillips, OL., Shvidenko, A., Lewis, SL., Canadell, JG. et al., 2011. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests. Science, 333: 988-993.
  • Powers, MD., Kolka, R., Palik, B., McDonald, R., Jurgensen, M. 2011. Long-term management impacts on carbon storage in Lake States forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 262: 424-431.
  • Puhlick, J.J., Weiskittel, AR., Fernandez, I.J., Fraver, .S, Kenefic, LS., Seymour, RS., Kolka, RK., Rustad, LE., Brissette, JC. 2016. Long-term influence of alternative forest management treatments on total ecosystem and wood product carbon storage. Can. J. For. Res., 46: 1404-1412. https://doi. org/10.1139/cjfr-2016-0193
  • Pukkala, T. 2014 Does biofuel harvesting and continuous cover management increase carbon sequestration?. For. Policy Econ., 43, 41
  • Pukkala, T. 2016. Which type of forest management provides most ecosystem services? Forest Ecosystems, 3: 9.
  • Ruiz-Peinado, R., Bravo-Oviedo, A., Lopez-Senespleda, E., Bravo, F. and Río, M. 2017. Forest management and carbon sequestration in the Mediterranean region: A review. Forest Systems, 26(2):25.
  • Saraçoğlu, N., 1988. Kızılağaç (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn. subsp. barbata (CA Mey.) Yalt.) Gövde Hacım ve Biyokütle Tablolarının Düzenlenmesi. Basılmamış Doktora Tezi. KTÜ Orman Fakültesi, 105 s.
  • Sathre, R., and O’Connor, J. 2010A. A Synthesis of Research on Wood Products and Greenhouse Gas Impacts (2nd Edition). Vanvouver, B.C. FPInnovations. 117p. (Technical Report No. TR-19R)
  • Sathre, R., and O’Connor, J. 2010B. Meta-analysis of greenhouse gas displacement factors of wood product substitution. Environmental Science & Policy, 13: 104–114.
  • Spittlehouse, D. 2005. Integrating climate change adaptation into forest management, The Forestry Chronicle, Vol 81, No. 5., Pp: 691-695.
  • Tolunay, D., 2012. Bolu-Aladağ’daki Genç Sarıçam Meşcereleri için Oluşturulan Bitkisel Kütle Denklemleri ve Katsayıları. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University (JFFIU), 62(2): 97-111.
  • Valeria, G., Ville, H., Roni, K., Mitja, N., Vesa, N., Michael P. 2013. Impacts of forest management practices on forest carbon. In HENVI Workshop 2013: Interdisciplinary approach to forests and climate change Helsinki University Centre for Environment, HENVI University of Helsinki
  • Wang, J, Wang, H, Fu, X, Xu, M., Wang, Y., 2016. Effects of site preparation treatments before afforestation on soil carbon release. Forest Ecology and Management, 361: 277-285.
  • Ying-Ta, C., Zheng, C., Ching-Ter. 2011. Chang Efficiently mapping an appropriate thinning schedule for optimum carbon sequestration: An application of multi-segment goal programming. Forest Ecology and Management, 262:1168–1173.
  • Zhang, J., Powers R. and Skinner, CN. 2010. To Manage or Not to Manage: The Role of Silviculture in Sequestering Carbon in the Specter of Climate Change. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-61.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 324 - 342, 31.12.2022


Managing the forests for multiple uses based on ecosystem approach is a fundamental target of sustainable management. Projection of stand development over time, establishing the functional relationships between stand structure and forest values and the use of decision support systems in planning are all imperative to accomplish the objective. Carbon management as part of the global climate change programme and among the forest management policies is closely associated with the protection of forests, enlargement of forest areas and delay of carbon emission back to the atmosphere. Forest management plans are vital mechanism in measuring the amount of carbon, accumulation and regulation of carbon change and even controlling consumer behaviors in using forest resources. Increasing carbon sequestration potential of forest ecosystems in addition to the conventional forest management objectives can be realized through developing carbon-based forest management planning approaches. This paper touches upon the possible management strategies related to the carbon sequestration capacity of forests within forest management planning. This paper concludes that silvicultural actions need to be implemented in right time according to the site conditions, stand stability must be improved against and insect, fire and other natural disturbances, rotation periods and forest stratification should be carefully determined and thus the management plans need to be prepared with decision support systems.


  • Anonim, 2004. Türkiye Ulusal Ormancılık Programı (2004-2023). Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı, 95s, Ankara.
  • Asan, Ü., Destan, S., Özkan, U.Y. 2002. İstanbul korularının karbon depolama, oksijen üretimi ve toz tutma kapasitesinin kestirilmesi. Orman Amenajmanında Kavramsal Açılımlar ve Yeni Hedefler Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul,194–202
  • Asan, Ü. 2012. Türkiye Ormanlarındaki Yıllık Karbon Stok Değişimi Trendinin İrdelenmesi ve 2023Yılındaki Durumun Kestirilmesi, KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, Özel Sayı, 2012, Sayfa 109-121.
  • Aydın, Ç., 2010. Artvin Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Borçka Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü Sarıçam Biyokütle Tabloları, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, KT Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Backéus, S., Wikström, P., Lämås, T. 2005. A model for regional analysis of carbon sequestration and timber production. Forest Ecology and Management, 216, 28–40.
  • Başkent, E.Z., Başkaya, Ş., and Terzioğlu, S. 2008. Developing and implementing participatory and ecosystem based multiple use forest management planning approach (ETÇAP): Yalnızçam case study, Forest Ecology and Management, 256: 798–807
  • Baysal, İ., Bilgili, E. ve Başkent, EZ. 2016. Orman Yangınları ve Orman Amenajman Planları, Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016, 16 (1): 169-180
  • Birdsey, R.A. 1992. Carbon storage and accumulation in United States forest ecosystems. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service GTR WO-59
  • Bragg, DC. and Guldin JM. 2010. Estimating Long-Term Carbon Sequestration Patterns in Even- and Uneven-Aged Southern Pine Stands. In Jain, Theresa B.; Graham, Russell T.; and Sandquist, Jonathan, tech. eds.2010. Integrated management of carbon sequestration and biyokütles utilization opportunities in a changing climate: Proceedings of the 2009 National Silviculture Workshop; 2009 June 15-18; Bois., RMRS-P-61. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service.
  • Bravo, F., Bravo-Oviedo, A., Díaz-Balteiro, L. 2008a. Carbon sequestration in Spanish Mediterranean forest under two management alternatives: a modeling approach. Eur. J. For. Res., 127: 225-234.
  • Bravo-Oviedo, A., Ruiz-Peinado, R., Modrego, P., Alonso, R., Montero, G. 2015. Forest thinning impact on carbon stock and soil condition in Southern European populations of P. sylvestris L. For. Ecol. Manag., 357: 259-267.
  • Brown, S. 2002. Measuring carbon in forests: current status and future challenges. Environmental Pollution, 116, 363-372
  • Brown, S., Sathaye, J., Cannell, M., Kauppi, P.E. 1996 Management of forests for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. In: Climate Change 1995 - Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical Analyses. Watson R.T., Zinyowera M.C., Moss R.H., Dokken D.J. (eds.), Contribution of Working Group II to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, p. 773-797.
  • Buringh, P. 1984. Organic carbon in soils of the world. In: Woodwell, C. M., ed. The role of terrestrial vegetation in the global carbon cycle, SCOPE 23. New York: John Wiley & Sons: 91-109 pp.
  • Canadell, JG., Raupach, MR. 2008. Managing forests for climate change mitigation. Science, 320: 1456-1457. https://doi. org/10.1126/science.1155458
  • Chen, YT, Zheng, CL, Chang, CTç 2011. Efficiently mapping an appropriate thinning schedule for optimum carbon sequestration: An application of multi-segment goal programming, Forest ecology and management, 262(7): 1168-1173
  • Çakıl, E., 2008. Zonguldak Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Karaçam Biyokütle Tablolarının Düzenlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi. FBE, 167.
  • ÇOB, 2008. İklim Değişikliği ve Yapılan Çalışmalar, Çevre ve Orman Baanlığı, 2008.
  • ÇŞB, 2011. İklim Değişikliği Eylem Planı, Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı 2011.
  • Durkaya, B., 1998. Zonguldak Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Meşe Meşcerelerinin Biyokütle Tablolarının Düzenlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 110.
  • FAO, 2012. Forest and climate change working paper 10. Forest Management and Climate Change: a literature review. 45 pages.
  • FAO, 2015. Global forest resources assessment 2015. FAO Forestry Series 49. Roma, 44 pp FAO, 2016. FAO yearbook of forest products: 2010-2014. Roma, 243 pp
  • FAO, 2016. FAO yearbook of forest products: 2010-2014. Roma, 243 pp.
  • Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Pukkala, T., Borges, JG. 2014. Integrating fire risk in stand management scheduling. An application to maritime pine stands in Portugal. Ann. Oper. Res., 219: 379-395.
  • Garcia-Franco, N., Wiesmeier, M., Goberna, M., MartínezMena, M., Albaladejo, J. 2014. Carbon dynamics after afforestation of semiarid shrublands: Implications of site preparation techniques. For. Ecol. Manag., 319: 107-115
  • Gonzalez-Olabarría, JR., Palahí, M., Pukkala, T., Trasobares, A. 2008. Optimising the management of Pinus nigra Arn. stands under endogenous risk of fire in Catalonia. Invest Agrar: Sist. Recur. For., 17: 10-17. srf/2008171-01019
  • Grassi, G., House, J., Dentener, F., Federici, S., Elzen, M.D., Penman, J. 2017. The key role of forests in meeting climate targets requires science for credible mitigation. Nat. Clim. Chang. 2017, 7, 220–226.
  • Haripriya, G.S. 2002. Biyokütles carbon of truncated diameter classes in Indian forests. For Ecol Manage, 168: 1–13
  • Hashimotio, T., Kojima, K., Tange, T., Sasaki, S. 2000. Changes in carbon storage in fallow forests in the tropical lowlands of Borneo. For. Ecol. Manage., 126: 331–337
  • Howlett, DS., Mosquera-Losada, MR., Nair, PKR., Nair, VD., Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A. 2011b. Soil carbon storage in silvopastoral systems and a treeless pasture in Northwestern Spain. J Environ Qual 40: 825-832. https://
  • IPCC, 2006. IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme [Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Tokyo, Japan, 2006]
  • Jandl, R., Ledermann, L., Kindermann, G., Freudenschuss, A., Gschwantner, T. and Weiss, P. 2018. Strategies for Climate-Smart Forest Management in Austria. Forests, 9, 592.
  • Jiménez, MN., Navarro, FB. 2016. Thinning effects on litterfall remaining after 8 years and improved stand resilience in Aleppo pine aforestation (SE Spain). J. Environ. Manage., 169: 174-183. Keleş, S., Başkent, E.Z. 2006. Orman Ekosistemlerindeki Karbon Değişiminin Orman Amenajman Planlarına Yansıtılması: Kavramsal Çerçeve ve Bir Örnek Uygulama (1. Bölüm), Orman ve Av Dergisi, 83, 2, 36-41 Krankina, O.N., Harmon, M.E., Winjum, J.K. 1996. Carbon storage and sequestration in the Russian forest sector. Ambio, 25, 284–288
  • Kurz, W.A. and Apps, M.J. 1993. Contribution of northern forests to the global carbon cycle: Canada as a case study. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 70, 163–176
  • Laganière, J., Angers, DA., Paré, D. 2010. Carbon accumulation in agricultural soils after afforestation: A meta-analysis. Glob. Chang. Biol., 16: 439-453. j.1365-2486.2009.01930.x
  • Luyssaert, S., Schulze, E., Borner, A., Knohl, A., Hessenmoller, D., Law, B., Grace, J. (2008). Old-growth forests as global carbon sinks. Nature,455, 213-215
  • Liski, J., Pussinen, A., Pingoud, K., Mäkipää, R. and Karjalainen, T. 2004: Which rotation length is favourable to carbon sequestration? — Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 31: 2004–2013.
  • Masera, O.R., Garza-Caligaris, J.F., Kanninen, M., Karjalainen, T., Liski, J., Nabuurs, G.J., Pussinen, A., de Jong, B.H.J., and Mohren, G.M.J. 2003. Modeling carbon sequestration in afforestation, agroforestry and forest management projects: the CO2FIX V.2 approach. Ecological Modelling, 164: 177 – 199.
  • Nave, LE., Vance, ED., Swanston, CW., Curtis, PS. 2010. Harvest impacts on soil carbon storage in temperate forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 857-866
  • Pan, Y., Birdsey, RA., Fang, J., Houghton, R., Kauppi, PE., Kurz, WA., Phillips, OL., Shvidenko, A., Lewis, SL., Canadell, JG. et al., 2011. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests. Science, 333: 988-993.
  • Powers, MD., Kolka, R., Palik, B., McDonald, R., Jurgensen, M. 2011. Long-term management impacts on carbon storage in Lake States forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 262: 424-431.
  • Puhlick, J.J., Weiskittel, AR., Fernandez, I.J., Fraver, .S, Kenefic, LS., Seymour, RS., Kolka, RK., Rustad, LE., Brissette, JC. 2016. Long-term influence of alternative forest management treatments on total ecosystem and wood product carbon storage. Can. J. For. Res., 46: 1404-1412. https://doi. org/10.1139/cjfr-2016-0193
  • Pukkala, T. 2014 Does biofuel harvesting and continuous cover management increase carbon sequestration?. For. Policy Econ., 43, 41
  • Pukkala, T. 2016. Which type of forest management provides most ecosystem services? Forest Ecosystems, 3: 9.
  • Ruiz-Peinado, R., Bravo-Oviedo, A., Lopez-Senespleda, E., Bravo, F. and Río, M. 2017. Forest management and carbon sequestration in the Mediterranean region: A review. Forest Systems, 26(2):25.
  • Saraçoğlu, N., 1988. Kızılağaç (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn. subsp. barbata (CA Mey.) Yalt.) Gövde Hacım ve Biyokütle Tablolarının Düzenlenmesi. Basılmamış Doktora Tezi. KTÜ Orman Fakültesi, 105 s.
  • Sathre, R., and O’Connor, J. 2010A. A Synthesis of Research on Wood Products and Greenhouse Gas Impacts (2nd Edition). Vanvouver, B.C. FPInnovations. 117p. (Technical Report No. TR-19R)
  • Sathre, R., and O’Connor, J. 2010B. Meta-analysis of greenhouse gas displacement factors of wood product substitution. Environmental Science & Policy, 13: 104–114.
  • Spittlehouse, D. 2005. Integrating climate change adaptation into forest management, The Forestry Chronicle, Vol 81, No. 5., Pp: 691-695.
  • Tolunay, D., 2012. Bolu-Aladağ’daki Genç Sarıçam Meşcereleri için Oluşturulan Bitkisel Kütle Denklemleri ve Katsayıları. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University (JFFIU), 62(2): 97-111.
  • Valeria, G., Ville, H., Roni, K., Mitja, N., Vesa, N., Michael P. 2013. Impacts of forest management practices on forest carbon. In HENVI Workshop 2013: Interdisciplinary approach to forests and climate change Helsinki University Centre for Environment, HENVI University of Helsinki
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Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derlemeler

Emin Başkent 0000-0003-2053-0298

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Başkent, E. (2022). KARBON TUTULUMUNUN ORMAN AMENAJMAN PLANLARINA ENTEGRASYONU. ArtGRID - Journal of Architecture Engineering and Fine Arts, 4(2), 324-342.