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Tracing The Cinematic Female Gaze Through Textual Film Analysis of Something Useful (2017)

Yıl 2024, , 122 - 134, 31.10.2024


It is essential to investigate what constitutes the cinematic female gaze to discuss the potential differentiation in films directed by female directors from traditional cinema. The concept of the female gaze, frequently brought to the forefront in recent years, remains a subject of ongoing academic research. This study aims to contribute to the definition of the cinematic female gaze by examining how it is constructed in cinema. For this purpose, the film Something Useful (2017) directed by Pelin Esmer, was selected and analyzed using a textual film analysis method that prioritizes visual, auditory, and thematic elements. According to the findings, the look, sound, perspective, emotions, thoughts, feelings, and inner state of the female character in Something Useful, briefly the qualities that nourish her subjectivity—are conveyed to the audience or are made to be felt by the audience, through various cinematographic, editing, and mise-en-scène tools. The subjectivity of woman is also thematically emphasized by her interaction with social life, relationships between women and a curiosity to understand and define life. The film diverges from mainstream cinema codes by having process-orientedness and passionate detachment. When these features are considered along with other studies in the literature, it becomes possible to propose a potential definition for the construction of the cinematic female gaze.


  • Akerman, C. (Director). (1975). Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles [Movie]. Paradise.
  • Ayala, D. (n. d.). The female gaze: Simply, what is it? Sociomix.
  • Barsam, R., & Monahan D. (2016). Looking at movies-An Introduction to film (5th ed.). W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Bateman, J. E. ,& Wildfeuer, J. (2017). Film text analysis: New perspectives on the analysis of filmic meaning (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Bergman, I. (Director). (1966). Persona. [Movie]. Svensk Filmindustri.
  • Bordwell, D., Thompson K., & Smith J. (2017). Film Art-An Introduction (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Citron, M. (Director). (1980). Daughter rite [Movie]. Women Make Movies.
  • Coles, H. C., (2023). Desire in Bridgerton: Defining the female gaze. (Publication No. 844) [Honors College Theses, Georgia Southern University]. Digitalcommons. https://digitalcommons.
  • Cuarón, A. (Director). (2013). Gravity [Movie]. Warner Brothers.
  • De Lauretis, T. (1984). Alice doesn’t - Feminism, semiotics, cinema (1st ed.). Indiana University Press.
  • Dyer, R. (2016, January 26). The persistence of textual analysis [Video]. Kracauer Lectures-King’s College. https://www.
  • Esmer, P. (Director). (2017). Something useful [Movie]. Sinefilm.
  • Forster, S. (2018, June 12). Yes, there’s such a thing as a ‘female gaze.’ But it’s not what you think. Medium. https://medium. com/truly-social/yes-theres-such-a-thing-as-a-female-gaze-but-it-s-not-what-you-think-d27be6fc2fed
  • French, L. (2021). The female gaze in documentary film-An international perspective (1st ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Genette, G. (1980). Narrative discourse- An essay in method (1st ed.) (J. E. Lewin, Trans.). Cornell University.
  • Haskell, M. (1974). From reverence to rape: The treatment of women in the movies (1st ed.). Penguin Books.
  • Huvenne, M. (2017). Editing space as an audio-visual composition. In J. E. Bateman & J. Wildfeuer (Eds.), Film text analysis: New perspectives on the analysis of filmic meaning (pp. 46-65). Routledge.
  • Ince, K. (2017). The body and the screen-female subjectivities in contemporary women’s cinema (1st ed.). Bloomsbury.
  • Irigaray, L. (1993). An ethics of sexual difference (2nd ed.) (C. Burke & G. C. Gill, Trans.). Cornell University Press. Johnston, C. (1999). Women’s cinema as counter cinema. S. Thornham (Ed.), Feminist film theory-a reader (pp. 31-40) Edinburgh University Press.
  • Jost F. (1989). L’oeil camera: Entre film et roman (2nd ed.). Presses Universitaires de Lyon.
  • Jost, F. (2004). The look: from film to novel-An essay in comparative narratology. In R. Stam & A. Raengo (Eds.), A companion to literature and film (pp. 71-80). Blackwell.
  • Kaplan, E. A. (2001). Women and film: Both sides of the camera (7th ed.). Methuen & Co.
  • Kaya, A. Z. (2024). Türk sinemasında feminist perspektife bir örnek: Bana karanlığını anlat film analizi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 39-56. tr/pub/pauibd/issue/85587/1478524
  • Kuhn, A. (1982). Women’s pictures, feminism and cinema (1st ed.). Verso.
  • Malone, A. (2018). The female gaze-Essential movies made by women (1st ed.). Mango Publishing Group.
  • Mulvey, L. (1975). Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. Screen, 16(3), 6-19.
  • Mulvey, L. (1996). Fetishism and curiosity (1st ed.). BFI Publishing.
  • Mulvey, L., & Wollen, P. (Director). (1977). Riddles of the sphinx [Movie]. BFI.
  • Öztürk, S. R. (2004). Sinemanın dişil yüzü Türkiye’de kadın yönetmenler (1st ed.). Om Yay.
  • Petrie, D. W., & Boggs, J. M. (2018). The art of watching films (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Potter, S. (Director). (1979). Thriller [Movie]. Arts Council of Great Britain.
  • Raamanujan. (2023, May 27). The female gaze: Why women in art matter? Medium. the-female-gaze-why-women-in-art-matter-fb41e7655859#:~: text=To%20put%20it%20simply%2C%20the,portrayal%20of%20women%20having%20agency
  • Rainer, Y. (Director). (1972). Lives of performers [Movie]. Zeitgeist.
  • Rashkin, E. J. (2001). Women filmmakers in Mexico: The country of which we dream (1st ed.). University of Texas Press.
  • Reynolds, L. (n. d.). Riddles of the sphinx. Luxonline. https://www.
  • Rosen, M. (1973). Popcorn venus: Women, movies, & the American dream (1st ed.). Coward, Mccann & Geoghegan.
  • Silverman, K.(1990). Dis-embodying the female voice, In P. Erens (Ed.), Issues in feminist film criticism (pp. 309-327). Indiana University Press.
  • Sistach, M. (Director). (1991). Anna’s steps [Movie]. Imcine.
  • Smelik, A. (1998). And the mirror cracked-Feminist cinema and film theory (1st ed.). MacMillan.
  • Sönmez, S., & Satıcı, H. (2019). Kadının kamerasından-2000 sonrası Türkiye’de kadın yönetmenler (1st ed.). Doruk Yayıncılık.
  • Tanrıöver, H. U. (2016). Women as film directors in Turkish cinema. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 25(4), 321-335.
  • Telfer, T. (2018, August 2). How do we define the female gaze in 2018? Vulture.
  • Tiff. (2016). Joey Soloway on the female gaze MASTER CLASS/ TIFF [Youtube channel]. ppooD9I/
  • Uğuz, B. (2023). Constructing a perspective: Female gaze in Ceylan Özgün Özçelik’s film Inflame. Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies, (27), 90–102. iukad.2023.1330638
  • Van Leeuwen, T., & Boeriis, M. (2017). Towards a semiotics of film lighting. In J. E. Bateman & J. Wildfeuer (Eds.), Film text analysis: New perspectives on the analysis of filmic meaning (pp. 24-45). Routledge.
  • Yaşartürk, G. (2018). Changing images of women in Turkish cinema in the 2000s: Woman as subject in ‘The Blue Wave’ and woman as riddle of narrative in ‘For both of Us’. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 8(3), 518-525.
  • Yenilmez, Ö. (2017, October 26). İşe yarar bir şey: Pelin Esmer ile şiirsel bir yolculuk söyleşisi. Fil’m Hafızası. https://filmhafizasi. com/ise-yarar-bir-sey-pelin-esmer-ile-siirsel-bir-yolculuk-soylesisi/
  • Yıldırım, A., & Vardar, B. (2024). Feminist kuramın sinematografik anlatımla ifadesi. MUJAD-Marmara Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, 15(1), 1-22. 36
  • Zinn, G., & Stanley, M. T. (Eds.). (2012). Exile through a gendered lens-women’s displacement in recent European history, literature, and cinema (1st ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.

İşe Yarar Bir Şey (2017) Filminde Filmsel Metin Analizi ile Sinematik Dişil Nazarın İzini Sürmek

Yıl 2024, , 122 - 134, 31.10.2024


Kadın yönetmenlerin çektikleri filmlerde geleneksel sinemadan olası bir farklılaşmadan söz edebilmek için sinematik dişil nazarın ne olduğunu araştırmak gerekir. Son yıllarda sıkça gündeme gelen dişil nazar kavramı halen akademide araştırılan bir konu olmaya devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı sinemada dişil nazarın nasıl inşa edildiğini inceleyerek sinematik dişil nazar kavramının tanımına katkı sunmaktır. Bu amaçla, Pelin Esmer tarafından yönetilen İşe Yarar Birşey (2017) filmi seçilerek, görsel, işitsel ve tematik öğeleri önceleyen filmsel metin analizi metodu ile analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, İşe Yarar Birşey filminde kadın karakterin bakışı, bakış açısı, duygu, düşünce ve hisleri, içsel ruh hali, kısaca onun öznelliğini besleyen nitelikler, çeşitli sinematografi, kurgu ve mizansen araçları ile seyirciye gösterilmiş veya seyircinin hissetmesi sağlanmıştır. Filmde kadının öznelliği kadınlar arası ilişkiler, kadının yaşamı anlama ve tanımlama merakı ve sosyal yaşam ile etkileşim içinde olması ile tematik olarak da vurgulanmıştır. Film seyircinin yaşadığı hazzı kesintiye uğratan ve süreç odaklı bir film olması ile ana akım sinema kodlarından farklılaşmıştır. Bu özellikler alanyazında yapılmış diğer çalışmalar ile beraber ele alındığında, sinematik dişil nazarın inşası için olası bir tanım ortaya koymak mümkün hale gelir.

Etik Beyan

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Destekleyen Kurum

Destekleyen kurum bulunmamaktadır.


  • Akerman, C. (Director). (1975). Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles [Movie]. Paradise.
  • Ayala, D. (n. d.). The female gaze: Simply, what is it? Sociomix.
  • Barsam, R., & Monahan D. (2016). Looking at movies-An Introduction to film (5th ed.). W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Bateman, J. E. ,& Wildfeuer, J. (2017). Film text analysis: New perspectives on the analysis of filmic meaning (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Bergman, I. (Director). (1966). Persona. [Movie]. Svensk Filmindustri.
  • Bordwell, D., Thompson K., & Smith J. (2017). Film Art-An Introduction (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Citron, M. (Director). (1980). Daughter rite [Movie]. Women Make Movies.
  • Coles, H. C., (2023). Desire in Bridgerton: Defining the female gaze. (Publication No. 844) [Honors College Theses, Georgia Southern University]. Digitalcommons. https://digitalcommons.
  • Cuarón, A. (Director). (2013). Gravity [Movie]. Warner Brothers.
  • De Lauretis, T. (1984). Alice doesn’t - Feminism, semiotics, cinema (1st ed.). Indiana University Press.
  • Dyer, R. (2016, January 26). The persistence of textual analysis [Video]. Kracauer Lectures-King’s College. https://www.
  • Esmer, P. (Director). (2017). Something useful [Movie]. Sinefilm.
  • Forster, S. (2018, June 12). Yes, there’s such a thing as a ‘female gaze.’ But it’s not what you think. Medium. https://medium. com/truly-social/yes-theres-such-a-thing-as-a-female-gaze-but-it-s-not-what-you-think-d27be6fc2fed
  • French, L. (2021). The female gaze in documentary film-An international perspective (1st ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Genette, G. (1980). Narrative discourse- An essay in method (1st ed.) (J. E. Lewin, Trans.). Cornell University.
  • Haskell, M. (1974). From reverence to rape: The treatment of women in the movies (1st ed.). Penguin Books.
  • Huvenne, M. (2017). Editing space as an audio-visual composition. In J. E. Bateman & J. Wildfeuer (Eds.), Film text analysis: New perspectives on the analysis of filmic meaning (pp. 46-65). Routledge.
  • Ince, K. (2017). The body and the screen-female subjectivities in contemporary women’s cinema (1st ed.). Bloomsbury.
  • Irigaray, L. (1993). An ethics of sexual difference (2nd ed.) (C. Burke & G. C. Gill, Trans.). Cornell University Press. Johnston, C. (1999). Women’s cinema as counter cinema. S. Thornham (Ed.), Feminist film theory-a reader (pp. 31-40) Edinburgh University Press.
  • Jost F. (1989). L’oeil camera: Entre film et roman (2nd ed.). Presses Universitaires de Lyon.
  • Jost, F. (2004). The look: from film to novel-An essay in comparative narratology. In R. Stam & A. Raengo (Eds.), A companion to literature and film (pp. 71-80). Blackwell.
  • Kaplan, E. A. (2001). Women and film: Both sides of the camera (7th ed.). Methuen & Co.
  • Kaya, A. Z. (2024). Türk sinemasında feminist perspektife bir örnek: Bana karanlığını anlat film analizi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 39-56. tr/pub/pauibd/issue/85587/1478524
  • Kuhn, A. (1982). Women’s pictures, feminism and cinema (1st ed.). Verso.
  • Malone, A. (2018). The female gaze-Essential movies made by women (1st ed.). Mango Publishing Group.
  • Mulvey, L. (1975). Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. Screen, 16(3), 6-19.
  • Mulvey, L. (1996). Fetishism and curiosity (1st ed.). BFI Publishing.
  • Mulvey, L., & Wollen, P. (Director). (1977). Riddles of the sphinx [Movie]. BFI.
  • Öztürk, S. R. (2004). Sinemanın dişil yüzü Türkiye’de kadın yönetmenler (1st ed.). Om Yay.
  • Petrie, D. W., & Boggs, J. M. (2018). The art of watching films (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Potter, S. (Director). (1979). Thriller [Movie]. Arts Council of Great Britain.
  • Raamanujan. (2023, May 27). The female gaze: Why women in art matter? Medium. the-female-gaze-why-women-in-art-matter-fb41e7655859#:~: text=To%20put%20it%20simply%2C%20the,portrayal%20of%20women%20having%20agency
  • Rainer, Y. (Director). (1972). Lives of performers [Movie]. Zeitgeist.
  • Rashkin, E. J. (2001). Women filmmakers in Mexico: The country of which we dream (1st ed.). University of Texas Press.
  • Reynolds, L. (n. d.). Riddles of the sphinx. Luxonline. https://www.
  • Rosen, M. (1973). Popcorn venus: Women, movies, & the American dream (1st ed.). Coward, Mccann & Geoghegan.
  • Silverman, K.(1990). Dis-embodying the female voice, In P. Erens (Ed.), Issues in feminist film criticism (pp. 309-327). Indiana University Press.
  • Sistach, M. (Director). (1991). Anna’s steps [Movie]. Imcine.
  • Smelik, A. (1998). And the mirror cracked-Feminist cinema and film theory (1st ed.). MacMillan.
  • Sönmez, S., & Satıcı, H. (2019). Kadının kamerasından-2000 sonrası Türkiye’de kadın yönetmenler (1st ed.). Doruk Yayıncılık.
  • Tanrıöver, H. U. (2016). Women as film directors in Turkish cinema. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 25(4), 321-335.
  • Telfer, T. (2018, August 2). How do we define the female gaze in 2018? Vulture.
  • Tiff. (2016). Joey Soloway on the female gaze MASTER CLASS/ TIFF [Youtube channel]. ppooD9I/
  • Uğuz, B. (2023). Constructing a perspective: Female gaze in Ceylan Özgün Özçelik’s film Inflame. Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies, (27), 90–102. iukad.2023.1330638
  • Van Leeuwen, T., & Boeriis, M. (2017). Towards a semiotics of film lighting. In J. E. Bateman & J. Wildfeuer (Eds.), Film text analysis: New perspectives on the analysis of filmic meaning (pp. 24-45). Routledge.
  • Yaşartürk, G. (2018). Changing images of women in Turkish cinema in the 2000s: Woman as subject in ‘The Blue Wave’ and woman as riddle of narrative in ‘For both of Us’. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 8(3), 518-525.
  • Yenilmez, Ö. (2017, October 26). İşe yarar bir şey: Pelin Esmer ile şiirsel bir yolculuk söyleşisi. Fil’m Hafızası. https://filmhafizasi. com/ise-yarar-bir-sey-pelin-esmer-ile-siirsel-bir-yolculuk-soylesisi/
  • Yıldırım, A., & Vardar, B. (2024). Feminist kuramın sinematografik anlatımla ifadesi. MUJAD-Marmara Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, 15(1), 1-22. 36
  • Zinn, G., & Stanley, M. T. (Eds.). (2012). Exile through a gendered lens-women’s displacement in recent European history, literature, and cinema (1st ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Film Eleştirisi, Türk Sineması
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Beril Uğuz 0000-0001-5928-1343

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 10 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Uğuz, B. (2024). Tracing The Cinematic Female Gaze Through Textual Film Analysis of Something Useful (2017). Art Vision, 30(53), 122-134.

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