Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 25 - 34, 28.12.2020


Bu çalışma 12-14 yaş tenisçilerde 10 haftalık bosuball egzersizlerinin statik dengeye etksini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmamıza Ankara ili tenis kulübünde aktif olarak tenis oynayan çocuklar oluşturmuştur. Çalışmamızan örneklemini Antrenman planına uygun olarak haftalık 7 saat üzeri (4-5 birim) antrenman yapan 12-14 yaş arası denekler oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmaya katılan denekler 2 gruba ayrılmıştır. Birinci grupta 8 tenisçi çocuk bosuball egzersizleri ve (4-5 birim) tenis antrenmanı, ikinci grupta 8 tenisçi çocuk (4-5 birim) tenis antrenmanı yapmıştır. Çalışma haftalık en az 7 saat olmak üzere toplamda 10 hafta devam etmiştir. Çalışmaya katılan deneklerden egzersiz periyodu öncesi ve sonrasında boy, vücut ağırlığı, BKİ ve statik denge ölçümleri alınmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS 22 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan deney grubunun yaş, boy, vücut ağırlığı ve BKİ değerleri sırasıyla 13,62±0,51 yıl, 1,49±0,15 m, 40,75±11,57 kg ve 17,84±2,33 kg/boy2 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Kontrol grubunun ise sırasıyla 13,21±0,45 yıl, 1,52±0,16 m, 42,75±12,92 kg ve 18,34±4,41 kg/boy2 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Deney ve kontrol grupları arasında öne arkaya salınım standart sapma değerinde bir farklılık bulunmamıştır. Fakat sağa sola salınım standart sapma, statik denge skoru, öne arkaya salınım hızı, sağa sola salınım hızı ve statik denge skoru salınım hızında p<0,05 düzeyinde anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur. Deney grubunun tüm grupiçi skorlarında p<0,05 düzeyinde anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur. Kontrol grubunun grupiçi karşılaştırmalarında anlamlı farklılık bulunmamıştır. Bu sonuçlara dayalı olarak düzenli bosuball egzersizlerinin devamlılık prensibine göre haftada üç sıklıkla, her antrenman biriminde 60 dakika olmak üzere 10 hafta ve üzeri uygulanmasında sağlık ve performans açısından faydalar sağlayacağı söylenebilir.


  • Aggarwal, A., Zutshi, K., Munjal, J., Kumar, S., & Sharma, V. (2010). Comparing stabilization training with balance training in recreationally active individuals. International Journal of Therapy and rehabilitation, 17(5), 244-253.
  • Bayrakdar, A., Yıldız, Y., & Bayraktar, I. (2020). Do e-athletes move? A study on physical activity level and body composition in elite e-sports. Physical education of students, 24(5), 259-264.
  • Bayrakdar, A. (2020). Yüzücü Çocuklarda Stabil ve Stabil olmayan zeminlerde yapılan kalistenik egzersizlerin dengeye etkisi, Gazi kitabevi, 1. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Bayrakdar, A., Boz, H. K., & Işıldar, Ö. (2020). The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise/Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi, 22(1), 87-95.
  • Bayrakdar, A., Demirhan, B., & Zorba, E. (2019). The Effect Of Calisthenics Exercises Of Performed On Stable and Unstable Ground On Body Fat Percentage and Performance In Swimmers. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(3), 2979-2992.
  • Behm DG, Drinkwater EJ, Willardson JM, Cowley PM. (2010). Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology position stand: the use of instability to train the core in athletic and nonathletic conditioning. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 35(1):109–12.
  • Bressel, E., Yonker, J. C., Kras, J., & Heath, E. M. (2007). Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female collegiate soccer, basketball, and gymnastics athletes. Journal of athletic training, 42(1), 42.
  • Bruhn, S., Kullmann, N., & Gollhofer, A. (2004). The effects of a sensorimotor training and a strength training on postural stabilisation, maximum isometric contraction and jump performance. International journal of sports medicine, 25(01), 56-60.
  • Cole, T. J., Flegal, K. M., Nicholls, D., & Jackson, A. A. (2007). Body mass index cut offs to define thinness in children and adolescents: international survey. Bmj, 335(7612), 194.
  • Cosio-Lima, L. M., Reynolds, K. L., Winter, C., Paolone, V., & Jones, M. T. (2003). Effects of physioball and conventional floor exercises on early phase adaptations in back and abdominal core stability and balance in women. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 17(4), 721-725.
  • Demir, A., & Akın, M. (2018). Aktif Video Oyunları ve Bosu Topu Egzersizleri Çocuklarda Dinamik Dengeyi Geliştirebilir Mi?. Cemil Meriç 10. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve Spor Kongresi, 23-25 Kasım 2018, Hatay / Türkiye
  • Emery, C. A., Cassidy, J. D., Klassen, T. P., Rosychuk, R. J., & Rowe, B. H. (2005). Development of a clinical static and dynamic standing balance measurement tool appropriate for use in adolescents. Physical therapy, 85(6), 502-514.
  • Genç, H. (2020). Effect Of The Calisthenics Exercises on Static and Dynamic Balance in Tennis Players. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, (9)3.
  • Gioftsidou, A., Malliou, P., Pafis, G., Beneka, A., & Godolias, G. (2011). Effects of a soccer training session fatigue on balance ability, Journal of Human Sport Exercise. 6, 521-527.
  • Granacher, U., Wick, C., Rueck, N., Esposito, C., Roth, R., & Zahner, L. (2011). Promoting balance and strength in the middle-aged workforce. International journal of sports medicine, 32(01), 35-44. Hrysomallis C. (2011). Balance ability and athletic performance. Sports Med. 41(3):221–32.
  • İpekoglu, G., Karabıyık, H., Er, F., Erdogan, C. S., Cakır, E., Koz, M., ... & Colakoglu, F. F. (2018). Does Bosu Training Affect On Dynamic And Static Balance In Adolescent Taekwondo Athletes?. Kinesiologia Slovenica, 24(1), 5-13.
  • Johnson, E. G., Larsen, A., Ozawa, H., Wilson, C. A., & Kennedy, K. L. (2007). The effects of Pilates-based exercise on dynamic balance in healthy adults. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 11(3), 238-242.
  • Kean, C. O., Behm, D. G., & Young, W. B. (2006). Fixed foot balance training increases rectus femoris activation during landing and jump height in recreationally active women. Journal of sports science & medicine, 5(1), 138.
  • Kejonen P. (2002). Body Movements During Postural Stabilization. Dissertation, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Oulu University. 78-81.
  • Kibele A, Granacher U, Muehlbauer T, Behm DG. (2015). Stable, unstable and metastable states of equilibrium: definitions and applications to human movement. J Sports Sci Med. 14(4):885–7.
  • Kiers H, van Dieen J, Dekkers H, Wittink H, Vanhees L. (2013). A systematic review of the relationship between physical activities in sports or daily life and postural sway in upright stance. Sports Med. 43(11):1171–89.
  • Koz, M., & Ersöz, G. (2010). Spor Yaralanmalarının Önlenmesinde Fiziksel ve Kassal Uygunluğun Önemi. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Special Topics, 3(1), 14-19.
  • Mickle KJ, Munro BJ, Steele JR. (2011). Gender and age affect balance performance in primary school-aged children. Journal Science Medicine Sport. 14(3):243–8.
  • Okudur, A., & Sanioğlu, A. (2012). 12 Yaş Tenisçilerde Denge ile Çeviklik İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(2), 165-170.
  • Roncesvalles MN, Woollacott MH, Jensen JL. (2001). Development of lower extremity kinetics for balance control in infants and young children. J Mot Behav. 33(2):180–92.
  • Samson, K. M., Sandrey, M. A., & Hetrick, A. (2007). A core stabilization training program for tennis athletes. Athletic Therapy Today, 12(3), 41-46
  • Sato, K., & Mokha, M. (2009). Does core strength training influence running kinetics, lower-extremity stability, and 5000-M performance in runners?. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 23(1), 133-140.
  • Saygın, Ö., Polat, Y., & Karacabey, K. (2005). Çocuklarda hareket eğitiminin fiziksel uygunluk özelliklerine etkisi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi, 19(3), 205-212.
  • Schilling, B. K., Falvo, M. J., Karlage, R. E., Weiss, L. W., Lohnes, C. A., & Chiu, L. Z. (2009). Effects of unstable surface training on measures of balance in older adults. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 23(4), 1211-1216.
  • Scibek, J. S. (1999). The effect of core stabilization training on functional performance in swimming (Doctoral dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).
  • Sekendiz, B., Altun, Ö., Korkusuz, F., & Akın, S. (2007). Effects of Pilates exercise on trunk strength, endurance and flexibility in sedentary adult females. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 11(4), 318-326.
  • Spennewyn, K. C. (2008). Strength outcomes in fixed versus free-form resistance equipment. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 22(1), 75-81.
  • Standaert, C. J., Weinstein, S. M., & Rumpeltes, J. (2008). Evidence informed management of chronic low back pain with lumbar stabilization exercises. The spine journal, 8(1), 114-120.
  • Stanton, R., Reaburn, P. R., & Humphries, B. (2004). The effect of short-term Swiss ball training on core stability and running economy. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 18(3), 522- 528.
  • Suveren Erdoğan, C., Er, F., İpekoğlu, G., Çolakoğlu, T., Zorba, E., & Çolakoğlu, F. F. (2017). Farklı denge egzersizlerinin voleybolcular da statik ve dinamik denge performansı üzerine etkileri. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(1), 11-18.
  • Tsang, W. W., & Hui-Chan, C. W. (2003). Effects of tai chi on joint proprioception and stability limits in elderly subjects. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,
  • Unierzyski P. (2003). Altyapı Çalışmalarında Modern Yaklaşımlar Konulu Uluslararası Antrenör Gelişim Semineri Notları. Ankara.
  • Yaggie, J. A., & Campbell, B. M. (2006). Effects of balance training on selected skills. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 20(2), 422-428.
  • Yaggie, J. A., & Campbell, B. M. (2006). Effects of balance training on selected skills. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 20(2), 422.
  • Yıldızer G. (2014). Effects of 8-week core stability training on junior male soccer players static balance performance. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Ankara.


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 25 - 34, 28.12.2020


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of 10-weeks bosu ball exercises on static balance in 12-14 years tennis players. Children playing tennis actively in Ankara tennis club participated in the sample of the study. In accordance with the training plan, it consists of 12-14 years old subjects who train over 7 hours (4-5 units) weekly. The subjects participating in the study were divided into 2 groups. In the first group, 8 tennis player children did bosu ball exercises and (4-5 units) tennis training, in the second group 8 tennis players (4-5 units) did tennis training. The study continued for a total of 10 weeks, at least 7 hours a week. Height, body weight, BMI and static balance measurements were taken from the subjects participating in the study before and after the exercise period. The data obtained were evaluated in the SPSS 22 package program. The age, height, body weight and BMI values of the experimental group participating in the study were 17.84 ± 2.33 kg / height2 40.75 ± 11.57 kg and 1.49 ± 0.15 m, 13.62 ± 0.51 years respectively. The control group was determined as 18.34 ± 4.41 kg / height2 and 42.75 ± 12.92 kg, 1.52 ± 0.16 m, 13.21 ± 0.45 years respectively. There was no difference in the oscillation standard deviation between the experimental and control groups. However, a significant difference was found at the level of p <0.05 in the swing velocity of the swinging speed to the left and right, the standard deviation of the swing to the left, the static balance score, the swing speed back and forth, the swing speed to the right and left, and the static balance score. A significant difference was found at the level of p <0.05 in all in-group scores of the experimental group. No significant difference was found in the in-group comparisons of the control group. Based on these results, it can be said that regular bosuball exercises will provide benefits in terms of health and performance if they are applied three times a week, 60 minutes in each training unit for 10 weeks or more, according to the continuity principle.


  • Aggarwal, A., Zutshi, K., Munjal, J., Kumar, S., & Sharma, V. (2010). Comparing stabilization training with balance training in recreationally active individuals. International Journal of Therapy and rehabilitation, 17(5), 244-253.
  • Bayrakdar, A., Yıldız, Y., & Bayraktar, I. (2020). Do e-athletes move? A study on physical activity level and body composition in elite e-sports. Physical education of students, 24(5), 259-264.
  • Bayrakdar, A. (2020). Yüzücü Çocuklarda Stabil ve Stabil olmayan zeminlerde yapılan kalistenik egzersizlerin dengeye etkisi, Gazi kitabevi, 1. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Bayrakdar, A., Boz, H. K., & Işıldar, Ö. (2020). The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise/Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi, 22(1), 87-95.
  • Bayrakdar, A., Demirhan, B., & Zorba, E. (2019). The Effect Of Calisthenics Exercises Of Performed On Stable and Unstable Ground On Body Fat Percentage and Performance In Swimmers. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(3), 2979-2992.
  • Behm DG, Drinkwater EJ, Willardson JM, Cowley PM. (2010). Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology position stand: the use of instability to train the core in athletic and nonathletic conditioning. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 35(1):109–12.
  • Bressel, E., Yonker, J. C., Kras, J., & Heath, E. M. (2007). Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female collegiate soccer, basketball, and gymnastics athletes. Journal of athletic training, 42(1), 42.
  • Bruhn, S., Kullmann, N., & Gollhofer, A. (2004). The effects of a sensorimotor training and a strength training on postural stabilisation, maximum isometric contraction and jump performance. International journal of sports medicine, 25(01), 56-60.
  • Cole, T. J., Flegal, K. M., Nicholls, D., & Jackson, A. A. (2007). Body mass index cut offs to define thinness in children and adolescents: international survey. Bmj, 335(7612), 194.
  • Cosio-Lima, L. M., Reynolds, K. L., Winter, C., Paolone, V., & Jones, M. T. (2003). Effects of physioball and conventional floor exercises on early phase adaptations in back and abdominal core stability and balance in women. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 17(4), 721-725.
  • Demir, A., & Akın, M. (2018). Aktif Video Oyunları ve Bosu Topu Egzersizleri Çocuklarda Dinamik Dengeyi Geliştirebilir Mi?. Cemil Meriç 10. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve Spor Kongresi, 23-25 Kasım 2018, Hatay / Türkiye
  • Emery, C. A., Cassidy, J. D., Klassen, T. P., Rosychuk, R. J., & Rowe, B. H. (2005). Development of a clinical static and dynamic standing balance measurement tool appropriate for use in adolescents. Physical therapy, 85(6), 502-514.
  • Genç, H. (2020). Effect Of The Calisthenics Exercises on Static and Dynamic Balance in Tennis Players. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, (9)3.
  • Gioftsidou, A., Malliou, P., Pafis, G., Beneka, A., & Godolias, G. (2011). Effects of a soccer training session fatigue on balance ability, Journal of Human Sport Exercise. 6, 521-527.
  • Granacher, U., Wick, C., Rueck, N., Esposito, C., Roth, R., & Zahner, L. (2011). Promoting balance and strength in the middle-aged workforce. International journal of sports medicine, 32(01), 35-44. Hrysomallis C. (2011). Balance ability and athletic performance. Sports Med. 41(3):221–32.
  • İpekoglu, G., Karabıyık, H., Er, F., Erdogan, C. S., Cakır, E., Koz, M., ... & Colakoglu, F. F. (2018). Does Bosu Training Affect On Dynamic And Static Balance In Adolescent Taekwondo Athletes?. Kinesiologia Slovenica, 24(1), 5-13.
  • Johnson, E. G., Larsen, A., Ozawa, H., Wilson, C. A., & Kennedy, K. L. (2007). The effects of Pilates-based exercise on dynamic balance in healthy adults. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 11(3), 238-242.
  • Kean, C. O., Behm, D. G., & Young, W. B. (2006). Fixed foot balance training increases rectus femoris activation during landing and jump height in recreationally active women. Journal of sports science & medicine, 5(1), 138.
  • Kejonen P. (2002). Body Movements During Postural Stabilization. Dissertation, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Oulu University. 78-81.
  • Kibele A, Granacher U, Muehlbauer T, Behm DG. (2015). Stable, unstable and metastable states of equilibrium: definitions and applications to human movement. J Sports Sci Med. 14(4):885–7.
  • Kiers H, van Dieen J, Dekkers H, Wittink H, Vanhees L. (2013). A systematic review of the relationship between physical activities in sports or daily life and postural sway in upright stance. Sports Med. 43(11):1171–89.
  • Koz, M., & Ersöz, G. (2010). Spor Yaralanmalarının Önlenmesinde Fiziksel ve Kassal Uygunluğun Önemi. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Special Topics, 3(1), 14-19.
  • Mickle KJ, Munro BJ, Steele JR. (2011). Gender and age affect balance performance in primary school-aged children. Journal Science Medicine Sport. 14(3):243–8.
  • Okudur, A., & Sanioğlu, A. (2012). 12 Yaş Tenisçilerde Denge ile Çeviklik İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(2), 165-170.
  • Roncesvalles MN, Woollacott MH, Jensen JL. (2001). Development of lower extremity kinetics for balance control in infants and young children. J Mot Behav. 33(2):180–92.
  • Samson, K. M., Sandrey, M. A., & Hetrick, A. (2007). A core stabilization training program for tennis athletes. Athletic Therapy Today, 12(3), 41-46
  • Sato, K., & Mokha, M. (2009). Does core strength training influence running kinetics, lower-extremity stability, and 5000-M performance in runners?. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 23(1), 133-140.
  • Saygın, Ö., Polat, Y., & Karacabey, K. (2005). Çocuklarda hareket eğitiminin fiziksel uygunluk özelliklerine etkisi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi, 19(3), 205-212.
  • Schilling, B. K., Falvo, M. J., Karlage, R. E., Weiss, L. W., Lohnes, C. A., & Chiu, L. Z. (2009). Effects of unstable surface training on measures of balance in older adults. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 23(4), 1211-1216.
  • Scibek, J. S. (1999). The effect of core stabilization training on functional performance in swimming (Doctoral dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).
  • Sekendiz, B., Altun, Ö., Korkusuz, F., & Akın, S. (2007). Effects of Pilates exercise on trunk strength, endurance and flexibility in sedentary adult females. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 11(4), 318-326.
  • Spennewyn, K. C. (2008). Strength outcomes in fixed versus free-form resistance equipment. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 22(1), 75-81.
  • Standaert, C. J., Weinstein, S. M., & Rumpeltes, J. (2008). Evidence informed management of chronic low back pain with lumbar stabilization exercises. The spine journal, 8(1), 114-120.
  • Stanton, R., Reaburn, P. R., & Humphries, B. (2004). The effect of short-term Swiss ball training on core stability and running economy. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 18(3), 522- 528.
  • Suveren Erdoğan, C., Er, F., İpekoğlu, G., Çolakoğlu, T., Zorba, E., & Çolakoğlu, F. F. (2017). Farklı denge egzersizlerinin voleybolcular da statik ve dinamik denge performansı üzerine etkileri. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(1), 11-18.
  • Tsang, W. W., & Hui-Chan, C. W. (2003). Effects of tai chi on joint proprioception and stability limits in elderly subjects. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,
  • Unierzyski P. (2003). Altyapı Çalışmalarında Modern Yaklaşımlar Konulu Uluslararası Antrenör Gelişim Semineri Notları. Ankara.
  • Yaggie, J. A., & Campbell, B. M. (2006). Effects of balance training on selected skills. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 20(2), 422-428.
  • Yaggie, J. A., & Campbell, B. M. (2006). Effects of balance training on selected skills. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 20(2), 422.
  • Yıldızer G. (2014). Effects of 8-week core stability training on junior male soccer players static balance performance. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Ankara.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Akan Bayrakdar 0000-0002-3217-0253

Erdal Zorba 0000-0001-7861-8204

Mehmet Gunay 0000-0001-8230-7521

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayrakdar, A., Zorba, E., & Gunay, M. (2020). 12-14 YAŞ TENİSÇİLERDE 10 HAFTALIK BOSUBALL EGZERSİZLERİNİN STATİK DENGEYE ETKİSİ. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches, 1(1), 25-34.
Chicago Bayrakdar, Akan, Erdal Zorba, ve Mehmet Gunay. “12-14 YAŞ TENİSÇİLERDE 10 HAFTALIK BOSUBALL EGZERSİZLERİNİN STATİK DENGEYE ETKİSİ”. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches 1, sy. 1 (Aralık 2020): 25-34.
EndNote Bayrakdar A, Zorba E, Gunay M (01 Aralık 2020) 12-14 YAŞ TENİSÇİLERDE 10 HAFTALIK BOSUBALL EGZERSİZLERİNİN STATİK DENGEYE ETKİSİ. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches 1 1 25–34.
IEEE A. Bayrakdar, E. Zorba, ve M. Gunay, “12-14 YAŞ TENİSÇİLERDE 10 HAFTALIK BOSUBALL EGZERSİZLERİNİN STATİK DENGEYE ETKİSİ”, ASUJSHR, c. 1, sy. 1, ss. 25–34, 2020.
ISNAD Bayrakdar, Akan vd. “12-14 YAŞ TENİSÇİLERDE 10 HAFTALIK BOSUBALL EGZERSİZLERİNİN STATİK DENGEYE ETKİSİ”. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches 1/1 (Aralık 2020), 25-34.
MLA Bayrakdar, Akan vd. “12-14 YAŞ TENİSÇİLERDE 10 HAFTALIK BOSUBALL EGZERSİZLERİNİN STATİK DENGEYE ETKİSİ”. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches, c. 1, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 25-34.