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Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 177 - 192, 29.12.2022


The aim of this study is to determine the quadriceps femoris muscle angle (Q-angle) of elite and sub-elite female weightlifters, and also to examine the relationship of Q-angle with some physical parameters, training experience and weightlifting performances. Elite weightlifters (EWL) participating in international Olympic style weightlifting championships (n=18) and sub-elite healthy female weightlifters participating in weightlifting championships in National-International Weightlifting Tournaments participated in the research (n=18). The Q-angles were determined with a goniometer in the supine position at rest. Also, thigh length (TL), thigh girth (TG), pelvic width (PW) and knee extension-flexion muscle strength were measured. Statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS program. p< .05 was accepted significantly. No difference was observed between the demographic and anthropometric values of the EWLs and sub-EWLs (except for age; p>.05). It was determined that the right-left Q-angle values of the sub-EWLs (16.67±2.43o and 18.28±2.70o, respectively) were greater than the EWLs (14.56±2.68o± and 14.94±2.21o, respectively, p<.05, p<.001, respectively). Differences were detected between the right-left Q-angles of sub-EWLs (p<.05). In sub-EWLs, it was observed that the right Q-angle was positively correlated with weightlifting performances and training experience (p<.05). In this study, it was observed that while weightlifting performance increased depending on the elite weightlifting level, the Q-angle decreased.

Destekleyen Kurum



The authors thank the Turkish Weightlifting Federation and weightliftersfor their cooperation and participationin the study and instructor Erkan ÖZBAY for him contribution.


  • Baltzopoulos, V., Gleeson, N. (2009). Skeletal muscle function. In Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual, (3rd ed., Eds R Eston, T Reilly): 3-32. London, Routledge, 2009.
  • Bayraktar, B., Yücesir, İ., Öztürk, A., Çakmak, A. K., Taşkara, N., Kale, A., et al. (2004). Change of quadricepsanglevalueswithageandactivity. SaudiMed J, 25 (6):756-760.
  • Biedert, R. M., and, Warnke, K. (2001). Correlationbbetweenbthe Q angle and the patella position: a clinical and axial computed tomography evaluation. Arch Orthop Traum Su, 121: 346-9.
  • Bloomfield, J., Polman, R., O'Donoghue, P., & McNaughton, L. (2007). Effective speed and agility conditioning methodology for and omintermittent dynamic type sports. J Strength CondRes. 21:1093-100.
  • Byl, T., Cole, J., Livingston, L. A. (2000). What determinest hemagnitude of the Q-angle? A preliminarystudy of selectedskeletalandmuscularmeasures. Journal of Sports Rehabilitation. 9 (1):26-34.
  • Caia, J., Weiss, L. W., Chiu, L. Z., Schilling, B. K., & Paquette, M. R. (2016). Consistency of lower-body dimensions using surfacel and Marks and simple measurement tools. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30(9): 2600-2608.
  • De, SteCroix., M., Deighan, M., & Armstrong, N. (2004) Time to peak torque for knee and elbow extensors and flexors in children, teenagers and adults. IsokinetExercSci.12: 143-8.
  • Dunn, J., Iversen, M. (2003). Interrater reliability of knee muscle forces obtained by hand-held dynamometer from elderly subjects with degenerative back pain. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 26 (3), 436–442.
  • Eliöz, M., Atan, T., Saç, A., Yamak, B. (2015). The investigion of the relatonship between some physicial features with Q angle in athletes and sedanteres. Journal of Sports andPerformance Researches, 6(1):58-65.
  • Erdağı, K., Altunok, M. K., Tüfekçi, O., Özel, R., Işık, B., & Ünüvar, S. B. (2022). Quadrıceps Femorıs Angle Of Elıte And Non-Elıte Athletes In Olympıc Style Weıghtlıftıng. Khyber Medıcal Unıversıty Journal, 14(1); 56-62.
  • European Weightlifting Federation. http://result.ewfed.com/ (accessed Jun 2022).
  • Hahn, T., & Foldspang, A. (1997). The Q angle and sport. MedSci Sports Exerc. 7: 43-48.
  • Hazar, K., Gürsoy, R., Günay, A. R. (2016). The analysıs of patellafemoral(q)angle’s correlatıon between leg strength and balance ın athletes. Niğde University Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 10(2), 182-192.
  • Herrington, L., & Nester, C. (2004). Q-angleundervalued? Therelationshipbetween Q-angleandmedio-lateralposition of thepatella. ClinBiomech. 19: 1070-3.
  • Hewett, T. E., Meyer, G. D., Ford, K. R., et al., (2005). Blome Biomechanical measures of neuromuscular control and valgus loading of the knee predict anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in female athletes: a prospective study. Am J Sports Med.33: 492-501.
  • Horton, M. G & Hall, T.L.. (1989). Quadriceps femoris muscle angle: normal values and relationships with gender and selected skeletal measures. PhysicalTherapy, 69(11), 897–901.
  • Kishali, N. F., İmamoglu, O., Burmaoglu, G., Atan, T., Yildirim, K. (2004). Q-angle values of elite soccer and taekwondo athletes. ThePainClinic, 16(1), 27–33.
  • Messier, S. P., Davis, S. E., Curl, W. W., Lowery, R. B., & Pack. R. J. (1991). Etiologic factors associated with patellofemoral pain in runners. MedSci Sports Exerc. 23: 1008-15.
  • Mohamed, E. E., Useh, U., Mtshali, B. F. (2012). Q-angle, Pelvic width, and Intercondylarnotch width as predictors of knee injuries in women soccer players in South Africa. African health sciences. 12(2), 174-180.
  • Mohanty, N. R., Tiwari, A., & Koley, S. (2019). Bilateral Correlation Of Q-Angle With Selected Lower Extremity Biomechanical Alignment variables InState Level Female Basket-BallPlayers. EJPESS.
  • Muratlı, S., Toraman, F., Çetin, E. (editors). (2000). Sportif hareketlerin biomekanik temelleri. Ankara, Bağırgan Yayınevi. p.198-228. (In Turkish).
  • Norton, K. (2018). Standards for anthropometry assessment. In Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology, (4th ed., Eds K Norton, R Eston ): 68-137. London and New York, Routledge, 2018.
  • O'brien, M. (2001). Clinical anatomy of the patellofemoral joint. IntSportMed J.2(1): 1-8.
  • Sarkar, A., Razdan, S., Yadav, J., Bansal, N., Kuhar, S, and Pahuja, P. (2009). Effect of isometricquadricepsactivation on "Q" angle in youngfemales. Indian J PhysiolPharmacol. 53: 275-8.
  • Turkish Weightlifting Federation. https://halter.gov.tr/sonuclar/ (accessed Jun 2022).
  • Weiss, L., DeFores,t B., Hammond, K., Schilling, B., Ferreira, L. (2013). Reliability of goniometry-based Q-angle. PM&R. 5(9): 763-768.
  • Wilson, T., Kitsell, F. (2002). Is the Q-angle an absolute or variable measure? Physiotherapy. 88:296–302.
  • Woodland, L. H., & Francis, R. S. (1992). Parameters and comparisons of the quadriceps angle of college-aged men and women in the supine and standing positions. Am J Sports Med. 20:208-11.
  • World Weightlifting Federation. https://www.iwf.net/new_bw/results_by_events/ (accessed Jun 2022).
  • Yilmaz, A., Kabadayi, M., Mayda, M., Çavusoglu, G., Tasmektepligi, M. (2017). Analysis of Q angle values of female athletes from different branches. SciMovHeal. 17(2), 141-146.
  • Yücel DB. (1995). Normal q-angle values and the factors that effect these values, Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2:28–37. (In Turkish).

Olimpik Stil Halterde Elit ve Sub-Elit Kadın Haltercilerin Q-Açıları

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 177 - 192, 29.12.2022


Bu araştırmanın amacı, elit ve sub-elit kadın halter sporcularının quadriseps femoris kas açısını (Q açısı) belirlemek ve ayrıca, Q açısının bazı fiziksel parametreler, spor seviyeleri ve halter performansları ile ilişkisini incelemektir. Araştırmaya uluslararası Olimpik halter şampiyonalarına katılan elit halterciler (EH), (n=18) ve ulusal-uluslararası halter turnuvalarında halter şampiyonalarına katılan sub-elit sağlıklı kadın halterciler (n=18) katılmıştır. Q açıları, sporcular sırtüstü yatar pozisyonunda hareketsizken bir gonyometre ile ölçüldü. Ayrıca, uyluk uzunluğu (UU), uyluk çevresi (UÇ), pelvik genişlik (PG) ve diz ekstansiyon-fleksiyon kas kuvvetleri ölçüldü. İstatistiksel analiz; t-Test, eşleştirilmiş örneklem t-Testi ve Pearson korelasyon analizleri ile SPSS programıyla yapıldı. p< .05 anlamlı olarak kabul edildi. EH ve sub-EH’lerin demografik ve antropometrik değerleri arasında yaş haricinde fark gözlenmedi (p>.05). Sub-EH'lerin sağ-sol Q açısı değerlerinin (sırasıyla 16,67±2,43o ve 18,28±2,70o) EH'lerden (sırasıyla 14,56±2,68o± ve 14,94±2,21o), p<.05, p<.001, sırasıyla) daha büyük olduğu belirlendi. Sub-EH'lerin sağ-sol Q açıları arasında da farklılıklar tespit edildi (p<.05). Sub-EH'lerde sağ Q açısının vücut kitle indeksi, sağ UU, sol UÇ, PG, halter performansları ve spor geçmişi ile pozitif ve anlamlı olarak ilişkili olduğu görüldü (p<.05). Bu araştırmada, elit halter seviyesine bağlı olarak halter performansı artarken, Q açısının azaldığı gözlendi.


  • Baltzopoulos, V., Gleeson, N. (2009). Skeletal muscle function. In Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual, (3rd ed., Eds R Eston, T Reilly): 3-32. London, Routledge, 2009.
  • Bayraktar, B., Yücesir, İ., Öztürk, A., Çakmak, A. K., Taşkara, N., Kale, A., et al. (2004). Change of quadricepsanglevalueswithageandactivity. SaudiMed J, 25 (6):756-760.
  • Biedert, R. M., and, Warnke, K. (2001). Correlationbbetweenbthe Q angle and the patella position: a clinical and axial computed tomography evaluation. Arch Orthop Traum Su, 121: 346-9.
  • Bloomfield, J., Polman, R., O'Donoghue, P., & McNaughton, L. (2007). Effective speed and agility conditioning methodology for and omintermittent dynamic type sports. J Strength CondRes. 21:1093-100.
  • Byl, T., Cole, J., Livingston, L. A. (2000). What determinest hemagnitude of the Q-angle? A preliminarystudy of selectedskeletalandmuscularmeasures. Journal of Sports Rehabilitation. 9 (1):26-34.
  • Caia, J., Weiss, L. W., Chiu, L. Z., Schilling, B. K., & Paquette, M. R. (2016). Consistency of lower-body dimensions using surfacel and Marks and simple measurement tools. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30(9): 2600-2608.
  • De, SteCroix., M., Deighan, M., & Armstrong, N. (2004) Time to peak torque for knee and elbow extensors and flexors in children, teenagers and adults. IsokinetExercSci.12: 143-8.
  • Dunn, J., Iversen, M. (2003). Interrater reliability of knee muscle forces obtained by hand-held dynamometer from elderly subjects with degenerative back pain. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 26 (3), 436–442.
  • Eliöz, M., Atan, T., Saç, A., Yamak, B. (2015). The investigion of the relatonship between some physicial features with Q angle in athletes and sedanteres. Journal of Sports andPerformance Researches, 6(1):58-65.
  • Erdağı, K., Altunok, M. K., Tüfekçi, O., Özel, R., Işık, B., & Ünüvar, S. B. (2022). Quadrıceps Femorıs Angle Of Elıte And Non-Elıte Athletes In Olympıc Style Weıghtlıftıng. Khyber Medıcal Unıversıty Journal, 14(1); 56-62.
  • European Weightlifting Federation. http://result.ewfed.com/ (accessed Jun 2022).
  • Hahn, T., & Foldspang, A. (1997). The Q angle and sport. MedSci Sports Exerc. 7: 43-48.
  • Hazar, K., Gürsoy, R., Günay, A. R. (2016). The analysıs of patellafemoral(q)angle’s correlatıon between leg strength and balance ın athletes. Niğde University Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 10(2), 182-192.
  • Herrington, L., & Nester, C. (2004). Q-angleundervalued? Therelationshipbetween Q-angleandmedio-lateralposition of thepatella. ClinBiomech. 19: 1070-3.
  • Hewett, T. E., Meyer, G. D., Ford, K. R., et al., (2005). Blome Biomechanical measures of neuromuscular control and valgus loading of the knee predict anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in female athletes: a prospective study. Am J Sports Med.33: 492-501.
  • Horton, M. G & Hall, T.L.. (1989). Quadriceps femoris muscle angle: normal values and relationships with gender and selected skeletal measures. PhysicalTherapy, 69(11), 897–901.
  • Kishali, N. F., İmamoglu, O., Burmaoglu, G., Atan, T., Yildirim, K. (2004). Q-angle values of elite soccer and taekwondo athletes. ThePainClinic, 16(1), 27–33.
  • Messier, S. P., Davis, S. E., Curl, W. W., Lowery, R. B., & Pack. R. J. (1991). Etiologic factors associated with patellofemoral pain in runners. MedSci Sports Exerc. 23: 1008-15.
  • Mohamed, E. E., Useh, U., Mtshali, B. F. (2012). Q-angle, Pelvic width, and Intercondylarnotch width as predictors of knee injuries in women soccer players in South Africa. African health sciences. 12(2), 174-180.
  • Mohanty, N. R., Tiwari, A., & Koley, S. (2019). Bilateral Correlation Of Q-Angle With Selected Lower Extremity Biomechanical Alignment variables InState Level Female Basket-BallPlayers. EJPESS.
  • Muratlı, S., Toraman, F., Çetin, E. (editors). (2000). Sportif hareketlerin biomekanik temelleri. Ankara, Bağırgan Yayınevi. p.198-228. (In Turkish).
  • Norton, K. (2018). Standards for anthropometry assessment. In Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology, (4th ed., Eds K Norton, R Eston ): 68-137. London and New York, Routledge, 2018.
  • O'brien, M. (2001). Clinical anatomy of the patellofemoral joint. IntSportMed J.2(1): 1-8.
  • Sarkar, A., Razdan, S., Yadav, J., Bansal, N., Kuhar, S, and Pahuja, P. (2009). Effect of isometricquadricepsactivation on "Q" angle in youngfemales. Indian J PhysiolPharmacol. 53: 275-8.
  • Turkish Weightlifting Federation. https://halter.gov.tr/sonuclar/ (accessed Jun 2022).
  • Weiss, L., DeFores,t B., Hammond, K., Schilling, B., Ferreira, L. (2013). Reliability of goniometry-based Q-angle. PM&R. 5(9): 763-768.
  • Wilson, T., Kitsell, F. (2002). Is the Q-angle an absolute or variable measure? Physiotherapy. 88:296–302.
  • Woodland, L. H., & Francis, R. S. (1992). Parameters and comparisons of the quadriceps angle of college-aged men and women in the supine and standing positions. Am J Sports Med. 20:208-11.
  • World Weightlifting Federation. https://www.iwf.net/new_bw/results_by_events/ (accessed Jun 2022).
  • Yilmaz, A., Kabadayi, M., Mayda, M., Çavusoglu, G., Tasmektepligi, M. (2017). Analysis of Q angle values of female athletes from different branches. SciMovHeal. 17(2), 141-146.
  • Yücel DB. (1995). Normal q-angle values and the factors that effect these values, Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2:28–37. (In Turkish).
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Bülent Işık 0000-0001-8753-8302

Kenan Erdağı 0000-0002-2338-6546

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Işık, B., & Erdağı, K. (2022). Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches, 3(2), 177-192.
AMA Işık B, Erdağı K. Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting. ASUJSHR. Aralık 2022;3(2):177-192.
Chicago Işık, Bülent, ve Kenan Erdağı. “Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting”. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches 3, sy. 2 (Aralık 2022): 177-92.
EndNote Işık B, Erdağı K (01 Aralık 2022) Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches 3 2 177–192.
IEEE B. Işık ve K. Erdağı, “Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting”, ASUJSHR, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 177–192, 2022.
ISNAD Işık, Bülent - Erdağı, Kenan. “Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting”. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches 3/2 (Aralık 2022), 177-192.
JAMA Işık B, Erdağı K. Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting. ASUJSHR. 2022;3:177–192.
MLA Işık, Bülent ve Kenan Erdağı. “Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting”. Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches, c. 3, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 177-92.
Vancouver Işık B, Erdağı K. Q-Angles of Elite and Sub-Elite Female Weightlifters in Olympic Style Weightlifting. ASUJSHR. 2022;3(2):177-92.