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Artistic Discourse Through Sign Language and Interpretation in Poetic Art

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 7, 29 - 37, 27.09.2024


This paper corresponds to a personal experience through social and communicative discourse to investigate human communication and its linguistic treatment in contemporary art, as well as a social and artistic system that uses poetic creativity to create a set of discussions about artworks. The artistic discourse involves creating interpretations related to intertextuality and the communicative act through the dialogical and independent space of the artwork. The purpose is to propose the integration of a series of interdisciplinary projects that incorporate original video art and video performance works, making initiatives more flexible to create (and recreate) innovative artistic experiences for the Deaf community and sign language interpreters by involving the projects, depending on the commitment to the cultural accessibility of the art content for diverse audiences. The linguistic treatment of bilingual speech to develop verbal communication (oral and sounds) and non-verbal (gesture-visual and soundless) communication, that is, regardless of the use of speech, both the verbal communication of hearing people and the non-verbal communication of Deaf people to generate a public act; as well as the argumentative structure to incorporate poetic art and different cultural interpretations through the use of sign language in various countries. In conclusion, much remains to be done to achieve a complete contextual understanding of these works within the scope of contemporary art remains a fundamental challenge.


  • Bajtín, M. M. (1998). Estética de la creación verbal [Toward the aesthetics of the word] (8a ed., T. Bubnova, transl.). Siglo XXI.
  • Benthien, C. (2012). The literariness of new media art – A Case for expanding the domain of literary studies, Journal of Literary Theory, 6(2).
  • Bernaschina, D. (2018a). Video incluye: nuevo diálogo escrito–visual–sonoro [Video includes: new written–visual–audio dialogue]. In D. Cruz (Ed.). Intersecta. Seminario de Artes Mediales (155-159). Ediciones Departamento de Artes Visuales, Facultad de Artes Visuales, Universidad de Chile.
  • Bernaschina, D. (2018b). Arte en el silencio: Nueva experiencia hacia el rol del docente hipoacúsico bilingüe [Art in the Silence: New Experience Towards the Role of the Bilingual Hypoacous Teacher]. EARI, Educación Artística. Revista de Investigación. (9), 45-55.
  • Bernaschina, D. (2020). Arte Incluye chilensis: ausencia de la formación profesional en situación de artista/docente Sordo en Chile [Chilensis Inclusive Art: absence of professional training in situation of Deaf artist/teacher in Chile]. Communiars, Revista de Imagen, Artes y Educación Crítica y Social, 3, 115-133.
  • Bernaschina, D. (2022). The new incorporation of video art and video poetry during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A matter of myth or existing reality. Cultural Arts Research and Development, 2(3), 18-26.
  • Blas, J. L. et al. (Eds). (2006). Discurso y sociedad I. Nuevas contribuciones al estudio de la lengua en un contexto social [Discourse and society I. New contributions to the study of language in a social context.]. Castellón de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I.
  • Blas, J. L. et al. (Eds). (2008). Discurso y sociedad II. Nuevas contribuciones al estudio de la lengua en un contexto social [Discourse and society II. New contributions to the study of language in a social context.]. Castellón de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I.
  • Bovcon, N. (2013). Literary aspects in new media art works. CLCWeb, Comparative Literature and Culture, 15(7), 1-12.
  • Cárdenas Neira, C. (2013). Sociedad y discurso Teun A. Van Dijk [Reseña]” [Society and discourse Teun A. Van Dijk [Review]]. Literatura y lingüística, (28), 287-292. 58112013000200015
  • Cubitt, S. (1993). Videography: video media as art and culture. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Cerrillo, P. & Mendoza, A. (2003). Introducción [Introduction]. In A. Mendoza Fillola, P. C. Cerrillo (coord.), Intertextos: aspectos sobre la recepción del discurso artístico [Intertexts: aspects of the reception of artistic discourse] (9-14). Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Galloway, S. (2009). Theory-based evaluation and the social impact of the arts. Cultural Trends, 18(2), 125–148.
  • Hall, E., & Wilton, R. (2011). Alternative spaces of ‘work’ and inclusion for disabled people. Disability & Society, 26(7), 867–880.
  • Höglund, H. (2017). Video poetry: Negotiating literary interpretations: Students’ multimodal designing in response to literature. Åbo Akademi University Press.
  • Kaneko, M. (2011). Alliteration in sign language poetry. In Roper, J. (eds), Alliteration in Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 231-246.
  • Klima, E. S., & Bellugi, U. (1976). Poetry and song in a language without sound. Cognition, 4(1), 45-97.
  • Konyves, T. (2011). Videopoetry: A manifesto.
  • Kuspit, D. (2006). Del arte analógico al arte digital: de la representación de los objetos a la codificación de las sensaciones [From analogical art to digital art: from the representation of objects to the codification of sensations]. In D. Kuspit (Ed.). Arte digital y videoarte. Transgrediendo los límites de la representación (Transl. M. Caro, 10-37). Madrid: Círculo de Bellas Artes - Ediciones Pensamiento.
  • López Pérez, C. (2018). Comunicación y sentimientos desde la Teoría de Sistemas Sociales de Niklas Luhmann [Communication and feelings from Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems]. Sociológica (México), 33(93), 53-86.
  • Luhmann, N. (2000). Art as a social system (E. M Knody, transl.). Stanford University Press.
  • Luhmann, N. (2005). El arte de la sociedad [The art of society] (J. Torres, transl. et al.). Herder.
  • Meigh-Andrews, C. (2013). A history of video art. A&C Black.
  • Museo de Artes Visuales. (2012, December 14). Canto Visual [Article in Spanish].
  • Naumburg, M. (1955). Art as Symbolic Speech. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 13(4), 435-450.
  • Noemi Padilla, C. J. (1999). Teoría lingüística y sociedad” [Linguistic theory and society]. Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura, (9), 31-40.
  • Noemi Padilla, C. J. (2001). Ética y lenguaje [Ethics and language]. Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura, (11), 125-136.
  • Ramírez, J. L (1999). Arte de hablar y arte de decir: Una excursión botánica en la pradera de la retórica [Art of speaking and art of saying: A botanical excursion in the prairie of rhetoric]. RELEA, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Avanzados, (8).
  • Rose, H. (2006). The poet in the poem in the performance: The relation of body, self, and text in ASL literature. In Bauman, H. D., Nelson, J., & Rose, H., Signing the body poetic: Essays in American sign language literature (pp. 130-146). University of California Press.
  • Sandler, W., & Lillo-Martin, D. (2006). Sign language and linguistic universals. Cambridge University Press.
  • Santibáñez Yáñez, C. (1999). De la información y la discursividad. Aproximación a problemas en comunicación [Of information and discursivity. Approach to communication problems]. Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura, (9), 5–30.
  • Sola, M. (2015, June 4). “Poética y política de «son en señas», la obra de Francisca Benítez para la bienal de La Habana [Artículo]” [Poetics and politics of «son en señas», the work of Francisca Benítez for the Havana Biennial [Article in Sapnosh]]. Artishock, Revista de arte contemporáneo. de habana.
  • The Social Art Award. (2021, February 8). https://social-art-
  • Villasmil, A. (2012, November 27). Canto Visual: un proyecto de Francisca Benítez [Artículo] [Visual Singing: a project by Francisca Benítez [Article]]. Artishock, Revista de arte contemporáneo.
Yıl 2024, Sayı: 7, 29 - 37, 27.09.2024


Bu makale, çağdaş sanat içinde insan iletişimini ve bunun dilsel boyutunu araştırmak, aynı zamanda sanatsal eserler hakkında bir dizi tartışma yaratmak için şiirsel yaratıcılığı kullanan sosyal ve sanatsal bir sistemi incelemek amacıyla sosyal ve iletişimsel bir söylem üzerinden kişisel bir deneyimi yansıtmaktadır. Sanatsal söylem, sanat eserinin diyalojik ve bağımsız alanı aracılığıyla metinlerarasılık ve iletişimsel eylemle ilgili yorumlar yaratmayı içerir. Amaç, özgün video sanatı ve video performans çalışmalarını içeren bir dizi disiplinler arası projeyi entegre ederek, sanat içeriklerinin çeşitli izleyiciler için kültürel erişilebilirliğine bağlı olarak, işitme engelli topluluk ve işaret dili tercümanları için yenilikçi sanatsal deneyimler yaratmayı ve yeniden yaratmayı mümkün kılmaktır. Sözlü iletişimi (sözlü ve sesli) ve sözsüz (jestsel-görsel ve sessiz) iletişimi geliştirmek için iki dilli konuşmanın dilsel işlenmesi; yani, hem işiten insanların sözlü iletişimi hem de işitme engelli insanların sözsüz iletişimi, bir kamusal eylem yaratmak için kullanılmaktadır. Aynı zamanda, şiirsel sanatı ve farklı kültürel yorumları, çeşitli ülkelerdeki işaret dili kullanımı aracılığıyla bütünleştirmek için argüman yapısını içerir. Sonuç olarak, çağdaş sanat kapsamı içinde bu eserlerin tam bağlamsal anlaşılmasını sağlamak için hâlâ yapılacak çok şey vardır ve bu, temel bir zorluk olmaya devam etmektedir.


  • Bajtín, M. M. (1998). Estética de la creación verbal [Toward the aesthetics of the word] (8a ed., T. Bubnova, transl.). Siglo XXI.
  • Benthien, C. (2012). The literariness of new media art – A Case for expanding the domain of literary studies, Journal of Literary Theory, 6(2).
  • Bernaschina, D. (2018a). Video incluye: nuevo diálogo escrito–visual–sonoro [Video includes: new written–visual–audio dialogue]. In D. Cruz (Ed.). Intersecta. Seminario de Artes Mediales (155-159). Ediciones Departamento de Artes Visuales, Facultad de Artes Visuales, Universidad de Chile.
  • Bernaschina, D. (2018b). Arte en el silencio: Nueva experiencia hacia el rol del docente hipoacúsico bilingüe [Art in the Silence: New Experience Towards the Role of the Bilingual Hypoacous Teacher]. EARI, Educación Artística. Revista de Investigación. (9), 45-55.
  • Bernaschina, D. (2020). Arte Incluye chilensis: ausencia de la formación profesional en situación de artista/docente Sordo en Chile [Chilensis Inclusive Art: absence of professional training in situation of Deaf artist/teacher in Chile]. Communiars, Revista de Imagen, Artes y Educación Crítica y Social, 3, 115-133.
  • Bernaschina, D. (2022). The new incorporation of video art and video poetry during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A matter of myth or existing reality. Cultural Arts Research and Development, 2(3), 18-26.
  • Blas, J. L. et al. (Eds). (2006). Discurso y sociedad I. Nuevas contribuciones al estudio de la lengua en un contexto social [Discourse and society I. New contributions to the study of language in a social context.]. Castellón de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I.
  • Blas, J. L. et al. (Eds). (2008). Discurso y sociedad II. Nuevas contribuciones al estudio de la lengua en un contexto social [Discourse and society II. New contributions to the study of language in a social context.]. Castellón de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I.
  • Bovcon, N. (2013). Literary aspects in new media art works. CLCWeb, Comparative Literature and Culture, 15(7), 1-12.
  • Cárdenas Neira, C. (2013). Sociedad y discurso Teun A. Van Dijk [Reseña]” [Society and discourse Teun A. Van Dijk [Review]]. Literatura y lingüística, (28), 287-292. 58112013000200015
  • Cubitt, S. (1993). Videography: video media as art and culture. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Cerrillo, P. & Mendoza, A. (2003). Introducción [Introduction]. In A. Mendoza Fillola, P. C. Cerrillo (coord.), Intertextos: aspectos sobre la recepción del discurso artístico [Intertexts: aspects of the reception of artistic discourse] (9-14). Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Galloway, S. (2009). Theory-based evaluation and the social impact of the arts. Cultural Trends, 18(2), 125–148.
  • Hall, E., & Wilton, R. (2011). Alternative spaces of ‘work’ and inclusion for disabled people. Disability & Society, 26(7), 867–880.
  • Höglund, H. (2017). Video poetry: Negotiating literary interpretations: Students’ multimodal designing in response to literature. Åbo Akademi University Press.
  • Kaneko, M. (2011). Alliteration in sign language poetry. In Roper, J. (eds), Alliteration in Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 231-246.
  • Klima, E. S., & Bellugi, U. (1976). Poetry and song in a language without sound. Cognition, 4(1), 45-97.
  • Konyves, T. (2011). Videopoetry: A manifesto.
  • Kuspit, D. (2006). Del arte analógico al arte digital: de la representación de los objetos a la codificación de las sensaciones [From analogical art to digital art: from the representation of objects to the codification of sensations]. In D. Kuspit (Ed.). Arte digital y videoarte. Transgrediendo los límites de la representación (Transl. M. Caro, 10-37). Madrid: Círculo de Bellas Artes - Ediciones Pensamiento.
  • López Pérez, C. (2018). Comunicación y sentimientos desde la Teoría de Sistemas Sociales de Niklas Luhmann [Communication and feelings from Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems]. Sociológica (México), 33(93), 53-86.
  • Luhmann, N. (2000). Art as a social system (E. M Knody, transl.). Stanford University Press.
  • Luhmann, N. (2005). El arte de la sociedad [The art of society] (J. Torres, transl. et al.). Herder.
  • Meigh-Andrews, C. (2013). A history of video art. A&C Black.
  • Museo de Artes Visuales. (2012, December 14). Canto Visual [Article in Spanish].
  • Naumburg, M. (1955). Art as Symbolic Speech. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 13(4), 435-450.
  • Noemi Padilla, C. J. (1999). Teoría lingüística y sociedad” [Linguistic theory and society]. Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura, (9), 31-40.
  • Noemi Padilla, C. J. (2001). Ética y lenguaje [Ethics and language]. Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura, (11), 125-136.
  • Ramírez, J. L (1999). Arte de hablar y arte de decir: Una excursión botánica en la pradera de la retórica [Art of speaking and art of saying: A botanical excursion in the prairie of rhetoric]. RELEA, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Avanzados, (8).
  • Rose, H. (2006). The poet in the poem in the performance: The relation of body, self, and text in ASL literature. In Bauman, H. D., Nelson, J., & Rose, H., Signing the body poetic: Essays in American sign language literature (pp. 130-146). University of California Press.
  • Sandler, W., & Lillo-Martin, D. (2006). Sign language and linguistic universals. Cambridge University Press.
  • Santibáñez Yáñez, C. (1999). De la información y la discursividad. Aproximación a problemas en comunicación [Of information and discursivity. Approach to communication problems]. Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura, (9), 5–30.
  • Sola, M. (2015, June 4). “Poética y política de «son en señas», la obra de Francisca Benítez para la bienal de La Habana [Artículo]” [Poetics and politics of «son en señas», the work of Francisca Benítez for the Havana Biennial [Article in Sapnosh]]. Artishock, Revista de arte contemporáneo. de habana.
  • The Social Art Award. (2021, February 8). https://social-art-
  • Villasmil, A. (2012, November 27). Canto Visual: un proyecto de Francisca Benítez [Artículo] [Visual Singing: a project by Francisca Benítez [Article]]. Artishock, Revista de arte contemporáneo.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Performans Sanatı, Görsel Sanatlar (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Diego Bernaschina 0000-0002-3317-8580

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 7

Kaynak Göster

APA Bernaschina, D. (2024). Artistic Discourse Through Sign Language and Interpretation in Poetic Art. Art Time(7), 29-37.