Today, quite number of different materials presently available in restoration of tooth such as resin based restorative materials. Adhesive materials are rapidly becoming one of the important materials in restorative dentistry. During the application, most of these materials are in contact with dental hard tissues, soft tissues and oral liquids (e.g. saliva, gingival crevicular fluid). Despite of being considered highly stable structures, composite materials are susceptible to degradation due to the incomplete polymerization and the influence of the aqueous oral environment. A lot of studies indicated that various components may be released from composite restorations into the oral environment. The elution of components from composite resins may influence the biocompatibility of the restorations. Substances eluted from the polymerized materials (residual monomers, additives and degradation products) may irritate the soft tissue, stimulate the growth of bacteria and promote allergic reactions. Thus, in the selection of new material, besides the mechanical and physical properties also biological characteristics must be taken care. In this study, articles about biocompantibility of composite materials were reviewed.
Zhang Y, Xu J. Effect of immersion in various media on the sorption, solubility, elution of unreacted monomers, and flexural properties of two model dental composite compositions. J Mater Sci: Mater Med, 2008; 19: 2477–83.
Noda M, Wataha JC, Kaga M, Lockwood PE, Volkmann KR, Sano H. Components of dentinal adhesives modulate heat shock protein 72 expression in heat-stressed THP-1 human monocytes at sublethetal concentrations. J Dent Res, 2002; 81: 265–9.
Geurtsen W. Substances released from dental resin composites and glass ionomer cements. Eur J Oral Sci, 1998a; 106: 687-95.
Schmalz G. The biocompatibilty of non-amalgam dental fiilng materials. Eur J Oral Sci, 1998a, 106: 696-70
Schmalz G, Arenholt-Bindslev D. Dental filling materials: Hazards to patients and to environment? Eur J Oral Sci, 1998b; 106: 677.
Elliott JE, Lovell LG, Bowman CN. Primary cyclization in the polymerization of Bis-GMA and TEGDMA: a modeling approach to understanding the cure of dental resins. Dent Mater, 2001; 17: 221Tanaka K, Taira M, Wakasa K, Yamaki M. Residual monomers (TEGDMA and BisGMA) of a set visible-light-cured dental composite resin when immersed in water. J Oral Rehabil, 1991; 18: 353
Olea N, Pulgar R, Perez P, Olea-Serrano F, Rivas A, Fetrell AN, Pedraza V, Soto M, Sonnenschein C. Estrogenicity of resin-based composites and sealants used in dentistry. Environ Health Perspect 1996; 104: 298-305.
Geurtsen W. Biocompantibility of resin-modified filling materials. Crit Rev Oral Biol & Med, 2000; 11: 333-55.
Schafer TE, Lapp CA, Hanes CM, Lewis JB, Wataha JC, Schuster GS. Estrogenicity of bisphenol A and bisphenol A dimethacrylate in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 1999; 45: 192-7.
Wada H, Tarumi H, Imazato S, Narimatsu M, Ebisu S. In vitro estrogenicity of resin composites. J Dent Res 2004; 83: 222-6.
Tuncer S, Demirci M. Dental materyallerde biyouyumluluk değerlendirmeleri [The evaluation of Dent Mater biocompatibility] Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2011;21: 141-9
De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Peumans M, Poitevin A, Lambrecht P, Braem M, Van Meerbek B. A critical review of the durability of adhesion to tooth tissue: methods and results. J Dent Res 2005; 84: 118Hansel C, Leyhausen G, Mai UE, Geurtsen W. Effects of various resin composite (co)monomers and extracts on two caries-associated microorganisms in vitro. J Dent Res 1998; 77: 60-7.
Saku S, Kotake H, Scougall-Vılchıs RJ, Ohashı S, Hotta M, S Horıuchı, Hamada K, Asaoka K, Tanaka E, Yamamoto K. Antibacterial activity of composite resin with glass-ionomer filler particles. Dent Mater J 2010; 29: 193-8.
Khalichi P, Cvitkovitch DG, Santerre JP. Effect of composite resin biodegradation products on oral streptococcal growth. Biomaterials 2004; 25: 5467
Paolantonio M, D’Ercole S, Perinetti G, Tripodi D, Catamo G, Serral E, Brue’ C, Piccolomini R. Clinical and microbiological effects of different restorative materials on the periodontal tissues adjacent to subgingival class V restorations. 1-year results. J Clin Periodont 2004; 31: 200-7.
Demarco FF, Ramos OL, Mota CS, Formolo E, Justino LM. Influence of different restorative techniques on microleakage in Class II cavities with gingival wall in cementum. Oper Dent 2001; 26: 253–9.
Svanberg M, Mjör IA, Qrstavik D. Mutans streptococci in plaque from margins of amalgam, composite, and glass-ionomer restorations. J Dent Res 1990; 69: 861-4.
Günyaktı N, Gür G, Mısırlıgil A. Amalgam ve kompozit restorasyonların üzerinde streptococcus mutans birikiminin in vivo araştırılması. Ankara Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 1990; 17: 83-6
Heasman PA, Collins JG, Offenbacher S. Changes in crevicular fluid levels of interleukin-1b, leukotriene B4, prostaglandin E2, thromboxane B2 and tumor necrosis factor a in experimental gingivitis in humans. J Periodont Res 1993; 28: 241–
Gonza´les JR, Herrmann JM, Boedeker RH, Francz PI, Biesalski H, Meyle J. Concentration of interleukin-1b and neutrophil elastase activity in gingival crevicular fluid during experimental gingivitis. J Clin Periodont 2001; 28: 544-59.
Reichl FX, Durner J, Hickel R, Kunzelmann KH, Jewett A, Wang MY, Spahl W, Kreppel H, Moes GW, Kehe K, Walther U, Forth W, Hume WR. Distribution and excretion of TEGDMA in guinea pigs and mice. J Dent Res 2001a; 80: 1412-5.
Reichl FX, Durner J, Hickel R, Spahl W, Kehe K, Walther U, Gempel K, Liebl B, Kunzelmann KH, Hume W. Uptake, clearance and metabolism of TEGDMA in guinea pigs. Dent Mater 2002; 18: 581Ahmad S, Al-Hiyasat AS, Darmani H. In vivo effects of BisGMA-a component of dental composite-on male mouse reproduction and fertility. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2006; 78A: 66-72.
Seiss M, Marquardt W, Hickel R, Reichl FX. Excretion of dental resin monomers and metabolic intermediates via urine in guinea pigs. Dent Mater 2009; 25: 481-5.
Arenholt-Bindslev D, Breinholt V, Preiss A, Schmalz G.Time-related bisphenol-A content and estrogenic activity in saliva samples collected in relation to placement of fissure sealants. Clin Oral Invest 1999; 3: 120-5.
Fung EYK, Ewoldsen NO, Germain HA, Marks DB, Miaw CL, Siew C, Chou HN, Gruninger SE, Meyer DM. Pharmacocinetics of bisphenol A released from a dental sealant JADA 2000; 131: 51-8.
HashimotoY, Nakamura M. Estrogenic activity of Dent Mater and bisphenol A related chemicals in vitro. Dent Mater J 2000; 19: 245–62.
Tarumi H, Imazato S, Narimatsu M, Matsuo M and Ebisu S. Estrogenicity of fissure sealants and adhesive resins determined by reporter gene assay J Dent Res 2000; 79: 1838-43.
Schmalz G, Preiss A, Arenholt-Bindslev D. Bisphenol A content of resin monomers and related degradation products. Clin Oral Invest 1999; 3: 114Wallenhammar LM, Ortengren U, Andreasson H, Barregard L, Björkner B, Karlsson S, Wrangsjö K, Meding B. Contact allergy and hand eczema in Swedish dentists. Contact Dermatitis 2000; 43: 192–
Goon AT, Isaksson M, Zimerson E, Goh CL, Bruze M. Contact allergy to (meth)acrylates in the dental series in southern Sweden: simultaneous positive patch test reaction patterns and possible screening allergens. Contact Dermatitis 2006; 55: 219–26.
Lygre H, Hol PJ, Solheim E, Moe G. Organic leachables from polymerbased dental filling materials. Eur J Oral Sci 1999; 107: 378-83.
Hallström U. Adverse reaction to fissure sealant: Report of case. ASDC J Dent Child 1993; MarchApril: 143-8.
Goldberg M. In vitro and in vivo studies on the toxicity of dental resin components: a review. Clin Oral Invest 2008; 12: 1-8.
Schweikl H, Spagnuolo G, Schmalz, G. Genetic and cellular toxicology of dental resin monomers. J Dent Res 2006, 85: 870-7.
Lefeuvre M, Bourd K, Loriot MA, Goldberg M, Beaune P, Perianin A, Stanislawski L. TEGDMA modulates glutathione transferase P1 activity in gingival fibroblasts. J Dent Res 2004; 83: 914-9.
Demirci M, Hiller KA, Bosl C, Galler K, Schmalz G, Schweikl H. The induction of oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, and genotoxicity by dental adhesives. Dent Mater, 2008; 24: 362-71.
Lefeuvre M, Amjaad W, Goldberg M, Stanislawski L. TEGDMA induces mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress in human gingival fibroblasts. Biomaterials, 2005; 26: 5130–7.
Noda M, Wataha JC, Lewis JB, Lockwood PE, Komatsu H, Sano H. Hg 2+ and Ni 2+ alter induction of heat shock protein-72 in THP-1 human monocytes. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2003; 67: 240Issa Y, Watts DC, Brunton PA, Waters CM, Duxburya AJ. Resin composite monomers alter MTT and LDH activity of human gingival fibroblasts in vitro. Dent Mater 2004; 20: 12-20.
Reichl FX, Seiss M, Marquardt W, Kleinsasser N, Schweikl H, Kehe K, Hickel R. Toxicity potentiation by H 2 O 2 with components of dental restorative materials on human oral cells. Arch Toxicol 2008; 82: 21-8.
Moharamzadeh K, Noort RV, Brook IM, Scutt AM. Cytotoxicity of resin monomers on human gingival fibroblasts and HaCaT keratinocytes. Dent Mater 2007; 23: 40-4.
Schweikl H, Schmalz G, Rackebrandt K. The mutagenic activity of unpolymerized resin monomers in Salmonella typhimurium and V79 cells. Mutat Res 1998; 415: 119-30.
Heil J, Reifferscheid G, Waldmann P, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. Genotoxicity of Dent Mater. Mutat Res, 1996; 368: 181-194.
Schweikl H, Schmalz G, Spruss T. The induction of micronuclei in vitro by unpolymerized resin monomers. J Dent Res, 2001; 80: 1615-20.
Reichl FX, Esters M, Simon S, Seiss M, Kehe K, Kleinsasser N, Folwaczny M, Glas J, Hickel R. Cell death effects of resin-based dental material compounds and mercurials in human gingival fibroblasts. Arch Toxicol, 2006; 80: 370-7.
Ahmed RH, Aref MI, Hassan RM, Mohammed NR. Cytotoxic effect of composite resin and amalgam filling materials on human labial and buccal epithelium. Nature and Science, 2010; 8: 48-53.
Volk J, Engelmann J, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. Effects of three resin monomers on the cellular glutathione concentration of cultured human gingival fibroblasts. Dent Mater, 2006; 22: 49950
Volk J, Leyhausen G, Dogan S, Geurtsen W. Additive effects of TEGDMA and hydrogenperoxide on the cellular glutathione content of human gingival fibroblasts. Dent Mater 2007; 23: 921-6.
Engelmann J, Volk J, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. ROS formation and glutathione levels in human oral fibroblasts exposed to TEGDMA and camphorquinone. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2005; 75B: 272-6.
Engelmann J, Janke V, Volk J, Leyhausen G, von Neuhoff N, Schlegelberger B, Geurtsen W. Effects of Bis-GMA on glutathione metabolism and apoptosis in human gingival fibroblasts in vitro. Biomaterials 2004; 25: 4573–80.
Martins CA, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W, Volk J. Intracellular glutathione: A main factor in TEGDMA-induced cytotoxicity? Dent Mater 2012; 28: 442-8.
Volk J, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. Glutathione level and genotoxicity in human oral keratinocytes exposed to TEGDMA J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2012; 100B: 391–9.
Noda M, Wataha JC, Lewis JB, Kaga M, Lockwood PE, Messer RLW, Sano H. Dental adhesive compounds alter glutathione levels but not glutathione redox balance in human THP-1 monocytic cells. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2005; 73B: 308-14.
Schweikl H, Altmannberger I, Hanser N, Hiller KA, Bolay C, Brockhoff G, Spagnuolo G, Kerstin G, Schmalz G. The effect of triethylene glycol dimethacrylate on the cell cycle of mammalian cells. Biomaterials 2005; 26: 4111-8.
Janke V, Neuhoff N, Schlegelberger B, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. TEGDMA causes apoptosis in primary human gingival fibroblasts. J Dent Res 2003; 82; 814-8.
Harorlı OT, Bayındır YZ, Altunkaynak Z, Tatar A. Cytotoxic effects of TEGDMA on THP-1 cells in vitro Med Oral, Patolog Oral Cir Bucal 2009; 14: e489
Samuelsen JT, Dahl JE, Karlsson S, Morisbak E, Becher R. Apoptosis induced by the monomers HEMA and TEGDMA involves formation of ROS and differential activation of the MAP-kinases p38, JNK and ERK. Dent Mater 2007; 23: 34-9.
Chang HH, Chang MC, Lin LD, Lee JJ, Wang TM, Huang CH, Yang TT, Lin HJ, Jeng JH. The mechanisms of cytotoxicity of urethane dimethacrylate to Chinese hamster ovary cells Biomaterials 2010; 31: 6917-25.
Wisniewska-Jarosinska M, Poplawski T, Chojnacki CZ, Pawlowska E, Krupa R, Szczepanska J, Blasiak J. Independent and combined cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of triethylene glycol dimethacrylate and urethane dimethacrylate Molecular Biology Reports 2011; 38: 4603–11.
Michelsen VB, Lygre H, Skalevik R, Tveit AB, Solheim E. Identification of organic eluates from four polymer-based dental filling materials. Eur J Oral Sci 2003; 111: 263-71.
Dillingham EO, Lawrence WH, Autian J. Acrylate and methacrylate esters: relationship of hemolytic activity and in vivo toxicity. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 1983; 17: 945-57.
Geurtsen W, Leyhausen G. Concise review biomaterials&bioengineering: chemical-biological interactions of the resin monomer triethyleneglycol-dimethacrylate (TEGDMA). J Dent Res 2001; 80: 2046-50.
Engelmann J, Leyhausen G, Leibfritz D, Geurtsen W. Metabolic effects of dental resin components in vitro detected by NMR spectroscopy. J Dent Res 2001; 80: 869-75.
Geurtsen W, Lehman F, Spahl W, Leyhausen G. Cytotoxicity of 35 dental resin composite monomers/additives in permanent 3T3- and three human primary fibroblast cultures. J Biomed Mater Res, 1998c; 41: 474–80.
Terakado M, Yamazaki M, Tsujimoto Y, Kawashima T, Nagashima K, Ogawa J, Fujita Y, Sugiya H, Sakai T, Furuyama S. Lipid peroxidation as a possible cause of benzoyl peroxide toxicity in rabbit dental pulp-a microsomal lipid peroxidation in vitro. J Dent Res, 1984; 63: 901-5.
Fujisawa S, Kadoma Y, Komoda Y. 1H and 13C NMR studies of the interaction of eugenol, phenol, and triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate with phospholipid liposomes as a model system for odontoblast membranes. J Dent Res 1988; 67: 1438Yazışma Adresi
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Pınar Gül Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Restoratif Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı 25240/Erzurum/Türkiye
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Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi
Günümüzde dişlerin restorasyonunda rezin esaslı materyaller gibi birçok farklı materyaller kullanılabilmektedir. Adeziv materyaller hızlı bir şekilde restoratif diş hekimliğinin önemli materyallerinden bir haline gelmektedir. Bu materyallerin çoğu uygulandıklarında diş dokuları, yumuşak doku ve sıvılarla (tükürük, diş eti oluğu sıvısı) temas etmektedir. Kompozit materyaller her ne kadar stabil olsa da ağız ortamının etkisi ve yetersiz polimerizasyon sebebiyle bozulabilmektedir. Birçok çalışmada kompozit materyallerden ağız ortamına çeşitli komponentlerin salındığı gösterilmiştir. Kompozit rezinlerden salınan maddeler restorasyonların biyouyumluluğunu etkileyebilir. Polimerize olmuş materyalden salınan maddeler (artık monomerler, katkı maddeleri ve parçalanma ürünleri) yumuşak dokuları irrite edebilir, bakteri çoğalmasını uyarabilir ve alerjik reaksiyonlara sebep olabilir. Böylece yeni bir materyal seçiminde, mekanik ve fiziksel özelliklerin yanında biyolojik özellikler de göz önüne alınmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, kompozit materyallerin güvenilirliği hakkındaki çalışmalar derlenmiştir.
Zhang Y, Xu J. Effect of immersion in various media on the sorption, solubility, elution of unreacted monomers, and flexural properties of two model dental composite compositions. J Mater Sci: Mater Med, 2008; 19: 2477–83.
Noda M, Wataha JC, Kaga M, Lockwood PE, Volkmann KR, Sano H. Components of dentinal adhesives modulate heat shock protein 72 expression in heat-stressed THP-1 human monocytes at sublethetal concentrations. J Dent Res, 2002; 81: 265–9.
Geurtsen W. Substances released from dental resin composites and glass ionomer cements. Eur J Oral Sci, 1998a; 106: 687-95.
Schmalz G. The biocompatibilty of non-amalgam dental fiilng materials. Eur J Oral Sci, 1998a, 106: 696-70
Schmalz G, Arenholt-Bindslev D. Dental filling materials: Hazards to patients and to environment? Eur J Oral Sci, 1998b; 106: 677.
Elliott JE, Lovell LG, Bowman CN. Primary cyclization in the polymerization of Bis-GMA and TEGDMA: a modeling approach to understanding the cure of dental resins. Dent Mater, 2001; 17: 221Tanaka K, Taira M, Wakasa K, Yamaki M. Residual monomers (TEGDMA and BisGMA) of a set visible-light-cured dental composite resin when immersed in water. J Oral Rehabil, 1991; 18: 353
Olea N, Pulgar R, Perez P, Olea-Serrano F, Rivas A, Fetrell AN, Pedraza V, Soto M, Sonnenschein C. Estrogenicity of resin-based composites and sealants used in dentistry. Environ Health Perspect 1996; 104: 298-305.
Geurtsen W. Biocompantibility of resin-modified filling materials. Crit Rev Oral Biol & Med, 2000; 11: 333-55.
Schafer TE, Lapp CA, Hanes CM, Lewis JB, Wataha JC, Schuster GS. Estrogenicity of bisphenol A and bisphenol A dimethacrylate in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 1999; 45: 192-7.
Wada H, Tarumi H, Imazato S, Narimatsu M, Ebisu S. In vitro estrogenicity of resin composites. J Dent Res 2004; 83: 222-6.
Tuncer S, Demirci M. Dental materyallerde biyouyumluluk değerlendirmeleri [The evaluation of Dent Mater biocompatibility] Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2011;21: 141-9
De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Peumans M, Poitevin A, Lambrecht P, Braem M, Van Meerbek B. A critical review of the durability of adhesion to tooth tissue: methods and results. J Dent Res 2005; 84: 118Hansel C, Leyhausen G, Mai UE, Geurtsen W. Effects of various resin composite (co)monomers and extracts on two caries-associated microorganisms in vitro. J Dent Res 1998; 77: 60-7.
Saku S, Kotake H, Scougall-Vılchıs RJ, Ohashı S, Hotta M, S Horıuchı, Hamada K, Asaoka K, Tanaka E, Yamamoto K. Antibacterial activity of composite resin with glass-ionomer filler particles. Dent Mater J 2010; 29: 193-8.
Khalichi P, Cvitkovitch DG, Santerre JP. Effect of composite resin biodegradation products on oral streptococcal growth. Biomaterials 2004; 25: 5467
Paolantonio M, D’Ercole S, Perinetti G, Tripodi D, Catamo G, Serral E, Brue’ C, Piccolomini R. Clinical and microbiological effects of different restorative materials on the periodontal tissues adjacent to subgingival class V restorations. 1-year results. J Clin Periodont 2004; 31: 200-7.
Demarco FF, Ramos OL, Mota CS, Formolo E, Justino LM. Influence of different restorative techniques on microleakage in Class II cavities with gingival wall in cementum. Oper Dent 2001; 26: 253–9.
Svanberg M, Mjör IA, Qrstavik D. Mutans streptococci in plaque from margins of amalgam, composite, and glass-ionomer restorations. J Dent Res 1990; 69: 861-4.
Günyaktı N, Gür G, Mısırlıgil A. Amalgam ve kompozit restorasyonların üzerinde streptococcus mutans birikiminin in vivo araştırılması. Ankara Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 1990; 17: 83-6
Heasman PA, Collins JG, Offenbacher S. Changes in crevicular fluid levels of interleukin-1b, leukotriene B4, prostaglandin E2, thromboxane B2 and tumor necrosis factor a in experimental gingivitis in humans. J Periodont Res 1993; 28: 241–
Gonza´les JR, Herrmann JM, Boedeker RH, Francz PI, Biesalski H, Meyle J. Concentration of interleukin-1b and neutrophil elastase activity in gingival crevicular fluid during experimental gingivitis. J Clin Periodont 2001; 28: 544-59.
Reichl FX, Durner J, Hickel R, Kunzelmann KH, Jewett A, Wang MY, Spahl W, Kreppel H, Moes GW, Kehe K, Walther U, Forth W, Hume WR. Distribution and excretion of TEGDMA in guinea pigs and mice. J Dent Res 2001a; 80: 1412-5.
Reichl FX, Durner J, Hickel R, Spahl W, Kehe K, Walther U, Gempel K, Liebl B, Kunzelmann KH, Hume W. Uptake, clearance and metabolism of TEGDMA in guinea pigs. Dent Mater 2002; 18: 581Ahmad S, Al-Hiyasat AS, Darmani H. In vivo effects of BisGMA-a component of dental composite-on male mouse reproduction and fertility. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2006; 78A: 66-72.
Seiss M, Marquardt W, Hickel R, Reichl FX. Excretion of dental resin monomers and metabolic intermediates via urine in guinea pigs. Dent Mater 2009; 25: 481-5.
Arenholt-Bindslev D, Breinholt V, Preiss A, Schmalz G.Time-related bisphenol-A content and estrogenic activity in saliva samples collected in relation to placement of fissure sealants. Clin Oral Invest 1999; 3: 120-5.
Fung EYK, Ewoldsen NO, Germain HA, Marks DB, Miaw CL, Siew C, Chou HN, Gruninger SE, Meyer DM. Pharmacocinetics of bisphenol A released from a dental sealant JADA 2000; 131: 51-8.
HashimotoY, Nakamura M. Estrogenic activity of Dent Mater and bisphenol A related chemicals in vitro. Dent Mater J 2000; 19: 245–62.
Tarumi H, Imazato S, Narimatsu M, Matsuo M and Ebisu S. Estrogenicity of fissure sealants and adhesive resins determined by reporter gene assay J Dent Res 2000; 79: 1838-43.
Schmalz G, Preiss A, Arenholt-Bindslev D. Bisphenol A content of resin monomers and related degradation products. Clin Oral Invest 1999; 3: 114Wallenhammar LM, Ortengren U, Andreasson H, Barregard L, Björkner B, Karlsson S, Wrangsjö K, Meding B. Contact allergy and hand eczema in Swedish dentists. Contact Dermatitis 2000; 43: 192–
Goon AT, Isaksson M, Zimerson E, Goh CL, Bruze M. Contact allergy to (meth)acrylates in the dental series in southern Sweden: simultaneous positive patch test reaction patterns and possible screening allergens. Contact Dermatitis 2006; 55: 219–26.
Lygre H, Hol PJ, Solheim E, Moe G. Organic leachables from polymerbased dental filling materials. Eur J Oral Sci 1999; 107: 378-83.
Hallström U. Adverse reaction to fissure sealant: Report of case. ASDC J Dent Child 1993; MarchApril: 143-8.
Goldberg M. In vitro and in vivo studies on the toxicity of dental resin components: a review. Clin Oral Invest 2008; 12: 1-8.
Schweikl H, Spagnuolo G, Schmalz, G. Genetic and cellular toxicology of dental resin monomers. J Dent Res 2006, 85: 870-7.
Lefeuvre M, Bourd K, Loriot MA, Goldberg M, Beaune P, Perianin A, Stanislawski L. TEGDMA modulates glutathione transferase P1 activity in gingival fibroblasts. J Dent Res 2004; 83: 914-9.
Demirci M, Hiller KA, Bosl C, Galler K, Schmalz G, Schweikl H. The induction of oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, and genotoxicity by dental adhesives. Dent Mater, 2008; 24: 362-71.
Lefeuvre M, Amjaad W, Goldberg M, Stanislawski L. TEGDMA induces mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress in human gingival fibroblasts. Biomaterials, 2005; 26: 5130–7.
Noda M, Wataha JC, Lewis JB, Lockwood PE, Komatsu H, Sano H. Hg 2+ and Ni 2+ alter induction of heat shock protein-72 in THP-1 human monocytes. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2003; 67: 240Issa Y, Watts DC, Brunton PA, Waters CM, Duxburya AJ. Resin composite monomers alter MTT and LDH activity of human gingival fibroblasts in vitro. Dent Mater 2004; 20: 12-20.
Reichl FX, Seiss M, Marquardt W, Kleinsasser N, Schweikl H, Kehe K, Hickel R. Toxicity potentiation by H 2 O 2 with components of dental restorative materials on human oral cells. Arch Toxicol 2008; 82: 21-8.
Moharamzadeh K, Noort RV, Brook IM, Scutt AM. Cytotoxicity of resin monomers on human gingival fibroblasts and HaCaT keratinocytes. Dent Mater 2007; 23: 40-4.
Schweikl H, Schmalz G, Rackebrandt K. The mutagenic activity of unpolymerized resin monomers in Salmonella typhimurium and V79 cells. Mutat Res 1998; 415: 119-30.
Heil J, Reifferscheid G, Waldmann P, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. Genotoxicity of Dent Mater. Mutat Res, 1996; 368: 181-194.
Schweikl H, Schmalz G, Spruss T. The induction of micronuclei in vitro by unpolymerized resin monomers. J Dent Res, 2001; 80: 1615-20.
Reichl FX, Esters M, Simon S, Seiss M, Kehe K, Kleinsasser N, Folwaczny M, Glas J, Hickel R. Cell death effects of resin-based dental material compounds and mercurials in human gingival fibroblasts. Arch Toxicol, 2006; 80: 370-7.
Ahmed RH, Aref MI, Hassan RM, Mohammed NR. Cytotoxic effect of composite resin and amalgam filling materials on human labial and buccal epithelium. Nature and Science, 2010; 8: 48-53.
Volk J, Engelmann J, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. Effects of three resin monomers on the cellular glutathione concentration of cultured human gingival fibroblasts. Dent Mater, 2006; 22: 49950
Volk J, Leyhausen G, Dogan S, Geurtsen W. Additive effects of TEGDMA and hydrogenperoxide on the cellular glutathione content of human gingival fibroblasts. Dent Mater 2007; 23: 921-6.
Engelmann J, Volk J, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. ROS formation and glutathione levels in human oral fibroblasts exposed to TEGDMA and camphorquinone. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2005; 75B: 272-6.
Engelmann J, Janke V, Volk J, Leyhausen G, von Neuhoff N, Schlegelberger B, Geurtsen W. Effects of Bis-GMA on glutathione metabolism and apoptosis in human gingival fibroblasts in vitro. Biomaterials 2004; 25: 4573–80.
Martins CA, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W, Volk J. Intracellular glutathione: A main factor in TEGDMA-induced cytotoxicity? Dent Mater 2012; 28: 442-8.
Volk J, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. Glutathione level and genotoxicity in human oral keratinocytes exposed to TEGDMA J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2012; 100B: 391–9.
Noda M, Wataha JC, Lewis JB, Kaga M, Lockwood PE, Messer RLW, Sano H. Dental adhesive compounds alter glutathione levels but not glutathione redox balance in human THP-1 monocytic cells. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2005; 73B: 308-14.
Schweikl H, Altmannberger I, Hanser N, Hiller KA, Bolay C, Brockhoff G, Spagnuolo G, Kerstin G, Schmalz G. The effect of triethylene glycol dimethacrylate on the cell cycle of mammalian cells. Biomaterials 2005; 26: 4111-8.
Janke V, Neuhoff N, Schlegelberger B, Leyhausen G, Geurtsen W. TEGDMA causes apoptosis in primary human gingival fibroblasts. J Dent Res 2003; 82; 814-8.
Harorlı OT, Bayındır YZ, Altunkaynak Z, Tatar A. Cytotoxic effects of TEGDMA on THP-1 cells in vitro Med Oral, Patolog Oral Cir Bucal 2009; 14: e489
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Yrd.Doç.Dr. Pınar Gül Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Restoratif Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı 25240/Erzurum/Türkiye
Gül, D. P., & Akgül, Y. N. (2013). Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 23.
Gül DP, Akgül YN. Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. Temmuz 2013;23. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.31456
Gül, Dr. Pınar, ve Yrd.doç.dr. Nilgün Akgül. “Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 23, Temmuz (Temmuz 2013).
Gül DP, Akgül YN (01 Temmuz 2013) Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 23
D. P. Gül ve Y. N. Akgül, “Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, c. 23, 2013, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.31456.
Gül, Dr. Pınar - Akgül, Yrd.doç.dr. Nilgün. “Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 23 (Temmuz 2013).
Gül DP, Akgül YN. Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2013;23. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.31456.
Gül, Dr. Pınar ve Yrd.doç.dr. Nilgün Akgül. “Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 23, 2013, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.31456.
Gül DP, Akgül YN. Kompozit Materyallerin Biyouyumluluğu Hakkında Literatür Derlemesi. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2013;23.