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Aggressive periodontitis

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 2011 Sayı: 4, 15 - 23, 01.04.2011




  • Jasim M, Albandar. Epidemiology and risk factors of periodontal diseases. Dent Clin N Am 2005; 49: 517–532.
  • Hugoson A, Norderyd O. Has the prevalence of periodontitis changed during the last 30 years? J. Clin Periodontol 2008; 35 (8): 338–45.
  • Stawinska N, Kochanowska I, Zietek M. A new specific and useful tool in differential diagnosis of periodontitis. Journal of Physiology And Pharmacology 2009; 60(8): 73-75.
  • Nevins M, Mellonig JT, Cappetta EG. Periodontal Therapy. 1 ed, Quintessence Publishing Co: 1998; p. 101-116.
  • Newman MG, Takei HH, Carranza FA, Klokkevold PR. Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology.10 ed, Saunders Company : 2006; pp. 506- 512.
  • Armitage GC. Development of a classification system for periodontal diseases and conditions. Annals of Periodontology 1999; 4: 1–6.
  • Black GV. Chronic suppurative pericementitis. A work on special dental pathology, 1st edn. Chicago: Medico-Dental Publishing Co., 1915; 158– 184.
  • Armitage GC, Cullınan MP. Comparison of the clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis. Periodontology 2000 2010; 53:12-27.
  • Dorfer CE. Antimicrobials for the Treatment of Aggressive Periodontitis. Oral Diseases 2003; 9: 51–53.
  • Ishikawa I, Kawashima Y, Oda S, Iwata T, Arakawa S. Three case reports of aggressive periodontitis associated with porphyromonas gingivalis in younger patients. J Periodontol Res 2002; 37: 324-332.
  • Rateitschak EM,Klaus H, Wolf HF, Hassell TM. Color Atlas of the Periodontology. 3 ed, 2007; p: 55-76.
  • Armitage GC. Comparison of microbiological features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis. Periodontology 2000 2010; 53: 70-88.
  • Mombelli A, Meier C. On the symmetry of periodontal disease. J Clin periodontol 2001; 28: 741 -745.
  • Karakuş A, Tüfekçi ZI, Atalay Z. Agresif periodontitis vakasında kombine periodontal, ortodontik ve implant destekli protetik tedavi. Hacettepe Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007; 31(4): 52-57.
  • Mısırlıoğlu M, Görgün S. Agresif periodontitis’li Türk Hastalarda vitamin D reseptör geni Apa I ve Taq I polimorfizmlerinin görülme sıklığı. Hacettepe Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007; 31(2): 79-84.
  • Albandar, J. M. & Tinoco, E. M. Global epidemiology of periodontal diseases in children and young persons. Periodontology 2000 2002; 29: 153–176.
  • Ereş G, Sarıbay A, Akaya M. Periodontal treatment needs and prevalence of localized aggressive periodontitis in a young turkish population . J periodontol 2009; 80(6): 940-944.
  • Löe H, Anerud A, Boysen H. Natural History of Periodontal Disease in Man. Rapid, moderate and no loss of attachment in Sri Lankan Labores 14 to 46 years of age. J Clin. Periodontol 1986; 13: 431.
  • Carvalho RP, Mesquita JS, Bonomo A, Elsas PX, Colombo AP. Relationship of neutrophil phagocytosis and oxidative burst with the subgingival microbiota of generalized aggressive periodontitis. Oral Microbiol Immunol 2009; 24: 124-132.
  • Genco R, Kornman K, Williams R, Offenbacher S, Zambon JJ, Listgarten M, Michalowicz B, Page R, Schenkein H, Slots J, Socransky S, Van Dyke T. Consensus report periodontal diseases: pathogenesis and microbial factors. Ann Periodontol 1996; 1: 926-932.
  • Meng H, Xu L, Li Q, Han J, Zhao Y. Determinants of host susceptibility in aggressive periodontitis. Periodontol 2000 2007; 43:133–59.
  • Shapira L, Wilensky A, Kinane DF. Effect of genetic variability on the inflammatory response to periodontal infection. J Clin Periodontol 2005; 32(6): 72–86.
  • Kornman KS, Page RC, Tonetti MS. The host response to the microbial challenge in periodontitis: assembling the players. Periodontol 2000 1997; 14: 33–53.
  • Rescala B, Rosalem W, Teles RP, Fischer RG, Haffajee AD, Socransky SS, Gustafsson A, Figueredo CM. Immunological and microbiological profiles of chronic and aggressive periodontitis subjects. Journal of Periodontology 2010; 81: 1- 11.
  • Emingil G, Darcan Ş, Atilla G, Aksu G. Tip I diabetli hastada lokalize agresif periodontitis. E.Ü. Diş hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2001; 2(2): 79-84.
  • Armitage GC, Cullinan MP, Seymour GJ. Comparative biology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis: introduction. Periodontology 2000 2010; 53: 7-11.
  • Stein J, Reichert S, Gautsch A, Machulla HKG. Are there HLA combinations typical supporting for or making resistant against aggressive and/or chronic periodontitis? J Periodont Res 2003; 38: 508–517.
  • Stein JM, Machulla HK, Smeets R, Lampert F, Reichert S. Human leukocyte antigen polymorphism in chronic and aggressive periodontitis among Caucasians: a meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol 2008: 35: 183–192.
  • Stabholz A, Soskolne W.A, Shapira L. Genetic and environmental risk factors for chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis. Periodontology 2000 2010; 53: 138-153.
  • Ha¨gewald S, Bernimoulin JP, Ko¨ttgen E, Kage A. Salivary IgA subclasses and bacteria-reactive IgA in patients with aggressive periodontitis. J Periodont Res 2002; 37: 333–339.
  • Yoo-Jung Um, Ui-Won Jung, Chang-Sung Kim, Eun-Jung Bak, Jeong-Heon Cha Yun-Jung Yoo, Seong-Ho Choi. The inluence of diabetes mellitus on periodontal tissues: a pilot study. J Periodontal Implant Sci 2010; 40: 49-55.
  • Mombelli A, Lakshman P. Topikal and systemic antibiotics in the management of periodontal diseases. International Dental Journal 2004; 54: 3- 14.
  • Monteiro da Silva AM, Oakley DA, Newman HN, Nohl FS, Lloyd HM. Psychosocial factors and adult onset rapidly progressive periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 1996: 23: 789–134.
  • Tanner AC, Kent R Jr, Van Dyke T, Sonis ST, Murray LA. Clinical and other risk indicators for early periodontitis in adults. J Periodontol 2005; 76: 573–581.
  • Yek EC, Cintan S, Topcuoglu N, Kulekci G, İssever H, Kantarci A. Efficacy of amoxicillin and metronidazole combination for the management of generalized aggressive periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology. 2010; 81: 964-974.
  • Xajigeorgiou C, Sakellari D, Slini T, Baka A, Konstantinidis A. Clinical and microbiological effects of different antimicrobials on generalized aggressive periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 2006; 33: 254-264.
  • Slots J, Ting M. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and porphyromonas gingivalis in human periodontal disease: Occurrence and treatment. Periodontol 2000 1999; 20: 82-121.
  • Drisko HC. Nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Periodontology 2000 2001; 25: 77- 88.
  • Haas AN, de Castro GD, Moreno T, Susin C, Albandar JM, Oppermann RV, Rosing
  • CK. Azithromycin as an adjunctive treatment of aggressive periodontitis: 12-months
  • randomized clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2008; 35: 696–704.
  • Deas DE, Mealey BL. Response of chronic and aggressive periodontitis to treatment
  • Periodontology 2000 2010; 53: 154–166.
  • Kornman KS, Robertson PB. Clinical and microbiological evaluation of therapy for juvenile periodontitis. J Periodontol 1985; 56: 443–446.
  • Lindhe J, Nyman S. Long-term maintenance of patients treated for advanced periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol 1984; 11: 504-514.
  • Yukna RA, Sepe WW. Clinical evaluation of localized periodontosis defects treated with freeze dried bone allografts combined with local and systemic tetracyclines. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1982; 2: 8–21.
  • Sirirat M, Kasetsuwan J, Jeffcoat MK. Comparison between 2 surgical techniques for the treatment of early onset periodontitis. J Periodontol 1996; 67: 603–607.
  • Lindhe J, Westfelt E, Nyman S, Socransky S, Heijl L, Bratthall G. Healing following surgical/nonsurgical treatment of periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol 1982; 9:115-128.

Agresif periodontitis

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 2011 Sayı: 4, 15 - 23, 01.04.2011


Periodontal hastalık ve diş çürüğü ağız kavitedeki iki ana hastalıktır. Bu hastalıklar diş kayıplarının da temel iki nedeni olarak kabul edilir.Periodontitis; periodontal ligament, sement, alveolar kemik dişetini içeren yıkıcı, inflamatuar ve yaygın bir hastalıktır.Periodontitisler kronik ve agresif olarak iki major gruba ayrılmıstır. Agresif periodontitis genellikle 30 yaşın altında ve sistemik olarak sağlıklı bireylerin periodonsiyumunda gözlenen inflamatuar bir hastalıktır. Agresif periodontitis, kronik periodontitisten; hastalığın başlama yaşı, hastalığın ilerleme hızı, ilişkili subgingival mikrofloranın yapısı ve kompozisyonu, konak cevabındaki değişiklikler ve ailesel yatkınlık gibi farklılıklarıyla ayrılır. Bu hastalığa siyah ırkta daha fazla rastlanır. Agresif periodontitis, daha önce erken başlayan periodontitisler olarak tanımlanan grupta yer alanprepubertal,juvenil ve hızlı ilerleyen periodontitisleri içerir


  • Jasim M, Albandar. Epidemiology and risk factors of periodontal diseases. Dent Clin N Am 2005; 49: 517–532.
  • Hugoson A, Norderyd O. Has the prevalence of periodontitis changed during the last 30 years? J. Clin Periodontol 2008; 35 (8): 338–45.
  • Stawinska N, Kochanowska I, Zietek M. A new specific and useful tool in differential diagnosis of periodontitis. Journal of Physiology And Pharmacology 2009; 60(8): 73-75.
  • Nevins M, Mellonig JT, Cappetta EG. Periodontal Therapy. 1 ed, Quintessence Publishing Co: 1998; p. 101-116.
  • Newman MG, Takei HH, Carranza FA, Klokkevold PR. Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology.10 ed, Saunders Company : 2006; pp. 506- 512.
  • Armitage GC. Development of a classification system for periodontal diseases and conditions. Annals of Periodontology 1999; 4: 1–6.
  • Black GV. Chronic suppurative pericementitis. A work on special dental pathology, 1st edn. Chicago: Medico-Dental Publishing Co., 1915; 158– 184.
  • Armitage GC, Cullınan MP. Comparison of the clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis. Periodontology 2000 2010; 53:12-27.
  • Dorfer CE. Antimicrobials for the Treatment of Aggressive Periodontitis. Oral Diseases 2003; 9: 51–53.
  • Ishikawa I, Kawashima Y, Oda S, Iwata T, Arakawa S. Three case reports of aggressive periodontitis associated with porphyromonas gingivalis in younger patients. J Periodontol Res 2002; 37: 324-332.
  • Rateitschak EM,Klaus H, Wolf HF, Hassell TM. Color Atlas of the Periodontology. 3 ed, 2007; p: 55-76.
  • Armitage GC. Comparison of microbiological features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis. Periodontology 2000 2010; 53: 70-88.
  • Mombelli A, Meier C. On the symmetry of periodontal disease. J Clin periodontol 2001; 28: 741 -745.
  • Karakuş A, Tüfekçi ZI, Atalay Z. Agresif periodontitis vakasında kombine periodontal, ortodontik ve implant destekli protetik tedavi. Hacettepe Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007; 31(4): 52-57.
  • Mısırlıoğlu M, Görgün S. Agresif periodontitis’li Türk Hastalarda vitamin D reseptör geni Apa I ve Taq I polimorfizmlerinin görülme sıklığı. Hacettepe Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2007; 31(2): 79-84.
  • Albandar, J. M. & Tinoco, E. M. Global epidemiology of periodontal diseases in children and young persons. Periodontology 2000 2002; 29: 153–176.
  • Ereş G, Sarıbay A, Akaya M. Periodontal treatment needs and prevalence of localized aggressive periodontitis in a young turkish population . J periodontol 2009; 80(6): 940-944.
  • Löe H, Anerud A, Boysen H. Natural History of Periodontal Disease in Man. Rapid, moderate and no loss of attachment in Sri Lankan Labores 14 to 46 years of age. J Clin. Periodontol 1986; 13: 431.
  • Carvalho RP, Mesquita JS, Bonomo A, Elsas PX, Colombo AP. Relationship of neutrophil phagocytosis and oxidative burst with the subgingival microbiota of generalized aggressive periodontitis. Oral Microbiol Immunol 2009; 24: 124-132.
  • Genco R, Kornman K, Williams R, Offenbacher S, Zambon JJ, Listgarten M, Michalowicz B, Page R, Schenkein H, Slots J, Socransky S, Van Dyke T. Consensus report periodontal diseases: pathogenesis and microbial factors. Ann Periodontol 1996; 1: 926-932.
  • Meng H, Xu L, Li Q, Han J, Zhao Y. Determinants of host susceptibility in aggressive periodontitis. Periodontol 2000 2007; 43:133–59.
  • Shapira L, Wilensky A, Kinane DF. Effect of genetic variability on the inflammatory response to periodontal infection. J Clin Periodontol 2005; 32(6): 72–86.
  • Kornman KS, Page RC, Tonetti MS. The host response to the microbial challenge in periodontitis: assembling the players. Periodontol 2000 1997; 14: 33–53.
  • Rescala B, Rosalem W, Teles RP, Fischer RG, Haffajee AD, Socransky SS, Gustafsson A, Figueredo CM. Immunological and microbiological profiles of chronic and aggressive periodontitis subjects. Journal of Periodontology 2010; 81: 1- 11.
  • Emingil G, Darcan Ş, Atilla G, Aksu G. Tip I diabetli hastada lokalize agresif periodontitis. E.Ü. Diş hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2001; 2(2): 79-84.
  • Armitage GC, Cullinan MP, Seymour GJ. Comparative biology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis: introduction. Periodontology 2000 2010; 53: 7-11.
  • Stein J, Reichert S, Gautsch A, Machulla HKG. Are there HLA combinations typical supporting for or making resistant against aggressive and/or chronic periodontitis? J Periodont Res 2003; 38: 508–517.
  • Stein JM, Machulla HK, Smeets R, Lampert F, Reichert S. Human leukocyte antigen polymorphism in chronic and aggressive periodontitis among Caucasians: a meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol 2008: 35: 183–192.
  • Stabholz A, Soskolne W.A, Shapira L. Genetic and environmental risk factors for chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis. Periodontology 2000 2010; 53: 138-153.
  • Ha¨gewald S, Bernimoulin JP, Ko¨ttgen E, Kage A. Salivary IgA subclasses and bacteria-reactive IgA in patients with aggressive periodontitis. J Periodont Res 2002; 37: 333–339.
  • Yoo-Jung Um, Ui-Won Jung, Chang-Sung Kim, Eun-Jung Bak, Jeong-Heon Cha Yun-Jung Yoo, Seong-Ho Choi. The inluence of diabetes mellitus on periodontal tissues: a pilot study. J Periodontal Implant Sci 2010; 40: 49-55.
  • Mombelli A, Lakshman P. Topikal and systemic antibiotics in the management of periodontal diseases. International Dental Journal 2004; 54: 3- 14.
  • Monteiro da Silva AM, Oakley DA, Newman HN, Nohl FS, Lloyd HM. Psychosocial factors and adult onset rapidly progressive periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 1996: 23: 789–134.
  • Tanner AC, Kent R Jr, Van Dyke T, Sonis ST, Murray LA. Clinical and other risk indicators for early periodontitis in adults. J Periodontol 2005; 76: 573–581.
  • Yek EC, Cintan S, Topcuoglu N, Kulekci G, İssever H, Kantarci A. Efficacy of amoxicillin and metronidazole combination for the management of generalized aggressive periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology. 2010; 81: 964-974.
  • Xajigeorgiou C, Sakellari D, Slini T, Baka A, Konstantinidis A. Clinical and microbiological effects of different antimicrobials on generalized aggressive periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 2006; 33: 254-264.
  • Slots J, Ting M. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and porphyromonas gingivalis in human periodontal disease: Occurrence and treatment. Periodontol 2000 1999; 20: 82-121.
  • Drisko HC. Nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Periodontology 2000 2001; 25: 77- 88.
  • Haas AN, de Castro GD, Moreno T, Susin C, Albandar JM, Oppermann RV, Rosing
  • CK. Azithromycin as an adjunctive treatment of aggressive periodontitis: 12-months
  • randomized clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2008; 35: 696–704.
  • Deas DE, Mealey BL. Response of chronic and aggressive periodontitis to treatment
  • Periodontology 2000 2010; 53: 154–166.
  • Kornman KS, Robertson PB. Clinical and microbiological evaluation of therapy for juvenile periodontitis. J Periodontol 1985; 56: 443–446.
  • Lindhe J, Nyman S. Long-term maintenance of patients treated for advanced periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol 1984; 11: 504-514.
  • Yukna RA, Sepe WW. Clinical evaluation of localized periodontosis defects treated with freeze dried bone allografts combined with local and systemic tetracyclines. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1982; 2: 8–21.
  • Sirirat M, Kasetsuwan J, Jeffcoat MK. Comparison between 2 surgical techniques for the treatment of early onset periodontitis. J Periodontol 1996; 67: 603–607.
  • Lindhe J, Westfelt E, Nyman S, Socransky S, Heijl L, Bratthall G. Healing following surgical/nonsurgical treatment of periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol 1982; 9:115-128.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Dt. Tuba Talo Yıldırım Bu kişi benim

Doç. Dr. Filiz Acun Kaya Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 2011 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldırım, D. T. T., & Kaya, D. D. . F. A. (2011). Agresif periodontitis. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011(4), 15-23.
AMA Yıldırım DTT, Kaya DDFA. Agresif periodontitis. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. Nisan 2011;2011(4):15-23.
Chicago Yıldırım, Dt. Tuba Talo, ve Doç. Dr. Filiz Acun Kaya. “Agresif Periodontitis”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2011, sy. 4 (Nisan 2011): 15-23.
EndNote Yıldırım DTT, Kaya DDFA (01 Nisan 2011) Agresif periodontitis. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2011 4 15–23.
IEEE D. T. T. Yıldırım ve D. D. . F. A. Kaya, “Agresif periodontitis”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, c. 2011, sy. 4, ss. 15–23, 2011.
ISNAD Yıldırım, Dt. Tuba Talo - Kaya, Doç. Dr. Filiz Acun. “Agresif Periodontitis”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2011/4 (Nisan 2011), 15-23.
JAMA Yıldırım DTT, Kaya DDFA. Agresif periodontitis. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2011;2011:15–23.
MLA Yıldırım, Dt. Tuba Talo ve Doç. Dr. Filiz Acun Kaya. “Agresif Periodontitis”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 2011, sy. 4, 2011, ss. 15-23.
Vancouver Yıldırım DTT, Kaya DDFA. Agresif periodontitis. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2011;2011(4):15-23.

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