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Yıl 2006, Cilt: 2006 Sayı: 2, 52 - 60, 01.02.2006




  • Aydn C, Ylmaz H, Korkmaz T, Atl Y, Zan T. De5iik kron-köprü veneer materyallerinin sertliklerinin incelenmesi. Cum Ü Dihek Fak Der 1998; 1(2): 93-96.
  • Dyer SC, Lassila L V J, Jokinen M, Valittu P K. Effect of fiber position and orientation on fracture load of fiber-reinforced composite. Dental Mater 2004;20: 947-955.
  • Freilich MA, Meiers JC, Duncan JP, Goldberg AJ. Fiber-reinforced composites in clinical dentistry 2000; Quntessence Pub. Co. Inc, Illinois.
  • Valittu PK, Sevelins C. Resin-bonded, fiberreinforced composite fixed partial dentures: A clinical study. J. Prosthet Dent 2000; 84: 413418.
  • Cho L, Song H, Koak J, Heo S. Marginal accuracy and fracture strength of ceromer/ fiber-reinforced composite crowns: Effect of variations in preparation design. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 88: 388-395.
  • Ellakwa AE, Shortal AC, Marquis PM. Influence of fiber type and wetting agent on the flexural properties of an indirect fiber reinforced composit. J Prosthet Dent 2002, 88:485-490.
  • Freilich MA, Meiers JC. Fiber-reinforced composite prostheses. Dent Clin N Am 2004; 48: 545-562. Atatürk Üniv. Di Hek. Fak. Derg.
  • Pfeiffer, P., Grube, L., In Vitro Resistance of Interim Fixed Partial Dentures, J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 170-174.
  • Ylmaz H, Aydn C: Akrilik resinlerin güçlendirme teknikleri. Atatürk Üniv Di Hek Fak Derg 2002; 12(1): 46-53.
  • Freitas CRB, Miranda MIS, Andrade MF, Flores VHO, Vaz LG, Guimaraes NC. Resistance to maxillary premolar fractures after restoration of class 2 preparations with resin composite or ceromer. Quinttessence Int 2002; 33: 589-594.
  • Jain P, Cobb D. Evaluation of fiber-reinforced, bonded, inley- supported fixed partial enture-4year results. Compendium 2002; 23(9): 779-792.
  • Ku CW, Park SW, Yang HS. Comparison of the fracture strengths of metal-ceramic crowns and three ceromer crowns. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 88: 170-175.
  • Waki T, Nakamura T, Wakabayashi K, Mutobe Y, Yatani H. Adesive strength between fiberreinforced composites and veneering composites and fracture load of combinations of these materials. Int J Prosthodont 2004; 17: 364-368.
  • Behr M, Rosentritt M, Lazel D, Kreisler T. Comparison of three types of fiber-reinforced composite molar crowns on their fracture resistance and marginal adaptation. J Dent 2001; 29: 187-196.
  • Bohlsen F, Kern M. Clinical outcome of glass-fiberreinforced crowns and fixed partial dentures: A three-year retrospective study. Quinttessence Int 2003; 34: 493-496.
  • Kükrer D, Gemalmaz D, Kuybulu EO, Bozkurt FÖ. A retrospective clinical study of ceromer inlays: Results up to 53 months. Int J Prosthodont 2004; 17: 17-23.
  • Edelhoff D, Spiekermann H, Yildirim M. Metal-free inlay-retained fixed partial dentures. Quintessence Int 2001; 32: 269-281.
  • Altieri JV, Burstone CJ, Goldberg AJ, Patel AP. Longitudinal clinical evaluation of fiber-reinforced composite fixed partial dentures: A pilot study. J. Prosthet Dent 1994; 71: 16- 22.
  • Rosentritt M, Behr M, Leibrock A, Handel G, Friedel KH. Intraoral repair of fiber-reinforced composite fixed partial dentures. J. Prosthet Dent 1998; 79: 393- 398.
  • Duke ES. The introduction of a new class of composite resins: Ceromers. Compendium 1999; 20(3): 246-247.
  • Replacement of an anterior tooth with a fiberreinforced resin bridge. Compendium 2001; 22(1): 68-74.
  • Park S-H. Comparison of degree of conversion for light-cured and aditionally heat-cured composites. J Prosthet Dent 1996; 76: 613-618.
  • Samadzadeh A, Kugel G, Hurley E, Aboushala A. Fracture strengths of provisional restorations reinforced with plasma-treated wowen polyethylene fiber. J Prosthet Dent 1997; 78(5):447-450.
  • Kern M, Strub JR, Lü XY. Wear of composite resin veneering materials in a newly developed chewing simulator. J Dent Res 1998; 77: 901-906.
  • Tanue N, Matsumura H, Atsuta M. Wear and surface rougness of prosthetic composites after toothbrush- dentifrice abrasion. J Dent Res 2000; 79: 350-355.
  • Göhring TN, Mörmann WH, Lutz F. Clinical and scanning electron microscopic evaluation of fiberreinforced inlay fixed dentures: Preliminary resuls after one year. J. Prosthet Dent 1999; 82: 662668.
  • Behr M, Rosentritt M, Ledwinsky E, Handel G. Fracture resistance and marginal adaptation of conventionally cemented fiber-reinforced composite three unit FPDs. Int J Prosthodont 2002; 15: 467-472.


Yıl 2006, Cilt: 2006 Sayı: 2, 52 - 60, 01.02.2006


Rezin kimyas ndaki son geli meler, fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri geli tirilmikompozitlerin üretimini sa5lam t r.materyallerinin kullan m alanlar geni tir ve fiber ile güçlendirilen kompozit (FRC) rezin sistemleri, seramik ve polimer kimyas n ngetirmektedir. Güçlendirilmi kompozitler içeri5indeki materyale göre iki ana gruba ayr lmaktad r.güçlendirme materyali fiber ise FRC, seramik parçac klar ise seromer ismini almaktad rlar. FRC’ler resin matriks içerisine ilave edilen de5i ik yap ve ekildeki fiberlerden (Cam, karbon, polietilen, aramid gibi) meydana gelirken, seromerler cam polimerler diye adland r lan, seramik parçac klar yla güçlendirilmihibrit resin kompozitlerdir. FRC protezler, diteknisyeni taraf ndan laboratuarda veya di hekimi taraf ndan hasta ba nda haz rlanabilmektedir. Makalede, metal desteksiz restorasyonlara iyi bir alternatif olan FRC protezlerin yap lar ve özellikleri hakk nda bilgi verilmi ,endikasyon, kontrendikasyon ve uygulama alanlaranlat lm t r


  • Aydn C, Ylmaz H, Korkmaz T, Atl Y, Zan T. De5iik kron-köprü veneer materyallerinin sertliklerinin incelenmesi. Cum Ü Dihek Fak Der 1998; 1(2): 93-96.
  • Dyer SC, Lassila L V J, Jokinen M, Valittu P K. Effect of fiber position and orientation on fracture load of fiber-reinforced composite. Dental Mater 2004;20: 947-955.
  • Freilich MA, Meiers JC, Duncan JP, Goldberg AJ. Fiber-reinforced composites in clinical dentistry 2000; Quntessence Pub. Co. Inc, Illinois.
  • Valittu PK, Sevelins C. Resin-bonded, fiberreinforced composite fixed partial dentures: A clinical study. J. Prosthet Dent 2000; 84: 413418.
  • Cho L, Song H, Koak J, Heo S. Marginal accuracy and fracture strength of ceromer/ fiber-reinforced composite crowns: Effect of variations in preparation design. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 88: 388-395.
  • Ellakwa AE, Shortal AC, Marquis PM. Influence of fiber type and wetting agent on the flexural properties of an indirect fiber reinforced composit. J Prosthet Dent 2002, 88:485-490.
  • Freilich MA, Meiers JC. Fiber-reinforced composite prostheses. Dent Clin N Am 2004; 48: 545-562. Atatürk Üniv. Di Hek. Fak. Derg.
  • Pfeiffer, P., Grube, L., In Vitro Resistance of Interim Fixed Partial Dentures, J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 170-174.
  • Ylmaz H, Aydn C: Akrilik resinlerin güçlendirme teknikleri. Atatürk Üniv Di Hek Fak Derg 2002; 12(1): 46-53.
  • Freitas CRB, Miranda MIS, Andrade MF, Flores VHO, Vaz LG, Guimaraes NC. Resistance to maxillary premolar fractures after restoration of class 2 preparations with resin composite or ceromer. Quinttessence Int 2002; 33: 589-594.
  • Jain P, Cobb D. Evaluation of fiber-reinforced, bonded, inley- supported fixed partial enture-4year results. Compendium 2002; 23(9): 779-792.
  • Ku CW, Park SW, Yang HS. Comparison of the fracture strengths of metal-ceramic crowns and three ceromer crowns. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 88: 170-175.
  • Waki T, Nakamura T, Wakabayashi K, Mutobe Y, Yatani H. Adesive strength between fiberreinforced composites and veneering composites and fracture load of combinations of these materials. Int J Prosthodont 2004; 17: 364-368.
  • Behr M, Rosentritt M, Lazel D, Kreisler T. Comparison of three types of fiber-reinforced composite molar crowns on their fracture resistance and marginal adaptation. J Dent 2001; 29: 187-196.
  • Bohlsen F, Kern M. Clinical outcome of glass-fiberreinforced crowns and fixed partial dentures: A three-year retrospective study. Quinttessence Int 2003; 34: 493-496.
  • Kükrer D, Gemalmaz D, Kuybulu EO, Bozkurt FÖ. A retrospective clinical study of ceromer inlays: Results up to 53 months. Int J Prosthodont 2004; 17: 17-23.
  • Edelhoff D, Spiekermann H, Yildirim M. Metal-free inlay-retained fixed partial dentures. Quintessence Int 2001; 32: 269-281.
  • Altieri JV, Burstone CJ, Goldberg AJ, Patel AP. Longitudinal clinical evaluation of fiber-reinforced composite fixed partial dentures: A pilot study. J. Prosthet Dent 1994; 71: 16- 22.
  • Rosentritt M, Behr M, Leibrock A, Handel G, Friedel KH. Intraoral repair of fiber-reinforced composite fixed partial dentures. J. Prosthet Dent 1998; 79: 393- 398.
  • Duke ES. The introduction of a new class of composite resins: Ceromers. Compendium 1999; 20(3): 246-247.
  • Replacement of an anterior tooth with a fiberreinforced resin bridge. Compendium 2001; 22(1): 68-74.
  • Park S-H. Comparison of degree of conversion for light-cured and aditionally heat-cured composites. J Prosthet Dent 1996; 76: 613-618.
  • Samadzadeh A, Kugel G, Hurley E, Aboushala A. Fracture strengths of provisional restorations reinforced with plasma-treated wowen polyethylene fiber. J Prosthet Dent 1997; 78(5):447-450.
  • Kern M, Strub JR, Lü XY. Wear of composite resin veneering materials in a newly developed chewing simulator. J Dent Res 1998; 77: 901-906.
  • Tanue N, Matsumura H, Atsuta M. Wear and surface rougness of prosthetic composites after toothbrush- dentifrice abrasion. J Dent Res 2000; 79: 350-355.
  • Göhring TN, Mörmann WH, Lutz F. Clinical and scanning electron microscopic evaluation of fiberreinforced inlay fixed dentures: Preliminary resuls after one year. J. Prosthet Dent 1999; 82: 662668.
  • Behr M, Rosentritt M, Ledwinsky E, Handel G. Fracture resistance and marginal adaptation of conventionally cemented fiber-reinforced composite three unit FPDs. Int J Prosthodont 2002; 15: 467-472.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Dt. Esra Çiğdem Kurt Bu kişi benim

Dt. M. Sertaç Özdoğan Bu kişi benim

Prof. Dr. Handan Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 2006 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurt, D. E. Ç., Özdoğan, D. M. S., & Yılmaz, P. D. H. (2006). SEROMERLER VE FİBERLE GÜÇLENDİRİLMİŞ KOMPOZİTLER. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2006(2), 52-60.
AMA Kurt DEÇ, Özdoğan DMS, Yılmaz PDH. SEROMERLER VE FİBERLE GÜÇLENDİRİLMİŞ KOMPOZİTLER. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. Şubat 2006;2006(2):52-60.
Chicago Kurt, Dt. Esra Çiğdem, Dt. M. Sertaç Özdoğan, ve Prof. Dr. Handan Yılmaz. “SEROMERLER VE FİBERLE GÜÇLENDİRİLMİŞ KOMPOZİTLER”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2006, sy. 2 (Şubat 2006): 52-60.
EndNote Kurt DEÇ, Özdoğan DMS, Yılmaz PDH (01 Şubat 2006) SEROMERLER VE FİBERLE GÜÇLENDİRİLMİŞ KOMPOZİTLER. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2006 2 52–60.
IEEE D. E. Ç. Kurt, D. M. S. Özdoğan, ve P. D. H. Yılmaz, “SEROMERLER VE FİBERLE GÜÇLENDİRİLMİŞ KOMPOZİTLER”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, c. 2006, sy. 2, ss. 52–60, 2006.
ISNAD Kurt, Dt. Esra Çiğdem vd. “SEROMERLER VE FİBERLE GÜÇLENDİRİLMİŞ KOMPOZİTLER”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2006/2 (Şubat 2006), 52-60.
MLA Kurt, Dt. Esra Çiğdem vd. “SEROMERLER VE FİBERLE GÜÇLENDİRİLMİŞ KOMPOZİTLER”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 2006, sy. 2, 2006, ss. 52-60.
Vancouver Kurt DEÇ, Özdoğan DMS, Yılmaz PDH. SEROMERLER VE FİBERLE GÜÇLENDİRİLMİŞ KOMPOZİTLER. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2006;2006(2):52-60.

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