Topba ' B, Öveço;lu ML, Flexural Strength and Fracture Surface Characterization of Composites Stored in Water, Journal of Marmara University Dental Faculty, 2001; 4, (3) : 238-243.
Clark AE, Anusavice KJ. Dental applications In: Schneider SJ, JR Lampman SR, Woods, MS, Zorc TB (eds.) (1991). Ceramic&Glasses Engineered Materials Handbook Volume:4 American Soceity for Materials (ASM) Knternational Pennsylvania, pp:1091-1099.
Miyazaki M, Hattori T, Ichiishi, Y, Kando M, Onose H, Moore BK, Evaluation of curing units used in private dental offices, Operative Dentistry, 1998 ;23: 50-54
Yoon TH, Lee YK, Lim BS, Kim CW. Degree of Polymerization of resin composites by different light sources, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 2002; 29:1165-1173
Knezevic A, Tarle Z, Meniga A, Sutalo J, Pichler G, Photopolymerization of composite resins with plasma light Journal of oral rehabilition, 2002 ; 29:782-786
Hannig M, Bott B. In-vitro pulp chamber temperature rise during composite resin polymerization with various light-curing sources , Dental Materials , 1999 ; 15:275-281
Tjan AHL, Dunn JR. Temperature rise produced by various visible light generators through dentinal barriers.: J. Prosthet Dent. 1988 Apr;59(4):433-8.
Loney RW, Price RBT. Temperature transmission of high-output light-curing units though dentin.: Operative Dentistry, 2001; 26: 516-520
Soh MS, Yap AUJ, Siow KS.Effectiveness of composite cure associated with different curing modes od led lights ;Operative Dentistry ,2003;28-(4): 371-377
Fowler CS, Swartz ML, Moore BK. Efficacy testing of visible light-curing units, Operative Dentistry, 1994; 19: 47-52
Nomoto R, Uchida K, Hirasawa T. Effect of light intensity on polymerization of light-cured composite resins Dental Materials Journal ,1994;13(2): 198-205
Price BTR, Felix CA, Andreou P. Evulation of a second-generation led curing light Journal of Canadian Dental Association, 2003; 69(10) : 666- 675
Kurachi C, Tuboy AM, Magalhaes DV, Bagnato VS. Hardness Evaluation of a dental composite polymerized with experimental LED-based devices, Dental Materials , 2001; 17:309-315
Tsai PC, Meyers IA, Walsh LJ. ;Depth of cure and surface microhardness of composite resin cured with blue LED curing lights, Dental Matererials, 2004, May; 20(4):364-369.
Civelek A, Özel E. I 'kla polimerize olan kompozitlerin polimerizasyon derinli;i. Akademik Dental .2004 Aral'k;23 :34-39
Spagnuolo G, Annunziata M, Rengo S. Cytotoxicity and oxidative stress caused by dental adhesive systems cured with halogen and LED lights. Clin Oral Investig. 2004 Jun;8(2):81- 85.
Hofmann N, Hugo B, Klaiber B. Effect of irradiation type (LED or QTH) on photo- activated composite shrinkage strain kinetics, temperature rise, and hardness. Eur J Oral Sci. 2002 Dec;110(6):471-9.
Rahiotis C, Kakaboura A, Loukidis M, Vougiouklakis G. Curing efficiency of various types of light-curing units. Eur J Oral Sci. 2004 Feb;112(1):89-94.
Dunn W.J.,Bush, A.C. ;A comparison of polymerization by light-emmiting diode and halogen-based light-curin units, Journal of Amer'can Dental Association , 2002;133(3) : 335-341
Millis RW, Uhl A, Jandt KD. Optical power outputs, spectra and dental composite depths of cure,obtained with blue light emmitting diode (LED) and halogen light curing units(LCUs); British Dental Journal 2002 ;193 (8) :459-462
Uhl A, Sigusch BW, Jandt KD. Second generation LEDs for the polymerization of oral biomaterials ;Dental Materials 2004 Jan;20(1):80-87 Yaz8)ma Adresi: Ara).Gör.Özcan ÇAKMAKCIO/LU Marmara üniversitesi Di .Hek.Fakültesi Di Hastal'kalr' ve Tted.A.B.D. Güzelbahçe büyükçiftlik sok. No:6 Kat:5 Ni anta '/Kstanbul Tel: 0212 –231 91 20/553
Estetik restorasyonlara olan ihtiyac'n artmas'yla birlikte uygun materyallerin geli tirilmesi için birçok ara t'rma yap'lmaktad'r. Bu çal' malar son zamanlarda kompozit materyallerin polimerizasyonundaki dezavantajlar'n ortadan kald'r'lmas' amac'yla polimerizasyon sistemleri üzerinde yo;unla m' t'r. Konvansiyonel halojen cihazlara alternatif olarak ortaya ç'kar'lan sistemlerden biri olan Light Emmiting Diod cihazlar' gerek 's' üretmemeleri gerekse dalga boyu uygunlu;u avantajlar' nedeniyle son zamanlarda kompozit polimerizasyonunda kullan'lmaya ba lanm' t'r. Çal' mam'zda bu cihazlar'n kompozit polimerizasyonunda konvansiyonel halojen cihazlar'na kar ' olan avantajlar' de;erlendirilmi tir. Kullan'lan ' 'kl' cihazlardan 2. jenerasyon Led teknolojisini ta 'yan FreeLight II ,di;er bütün cihazlara 40 sn ' 'nlama süresinde üstünlük sa;lam' t'r. 2 ve 3 mm kal'nl';'nda A1 ve A3 renklerde haz'rlanan kompozit bloklar'nart' 'n'n ve koyu renkte kompozit polimerizasyonunun ' ';'n kompozitin derin noktalar'na penetrasyonunu engelledi;i görülmü tür
Topba ' B, Öveço;lu ML, Flexural Strength and Fracture Surface Characterization of Composites Stored in Water, Journal of Marmara University Dental Faculty, 2001; 4, (3) : 238-243.
Clark AE, Anusavice KJ. Dental applications In: Schneider SJ, JR Lampman SR, Woods, MS, Zorc TB (eds.) (1991). Ceramic&Glasses Engineered Materials Handbook Volume:4 American Soceity for Materials (ASM) Knternational Pennsylvania, pp:1091-1099.
Miyazaki M, Hattori T, Ichiishi, Y, Kando M, Onose H, Moore BK, Evaluation of curing units used in private dental offices, Operative Dentistry, 1998 ;23: 50-54
Yoon TH, Lee YK, Lim BS, Kim CW. Degree of Polymerization of resin composites by different light sources, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 2002; 29:1165-1173
Knezevic A, Tarle Z, Meniga A, Sutalo J, Pichler G, Photopolymerization of composite resins with plasma light Journal of oral rehabilition, 2002 ; 29:782-786
Hannig M, Bott B. In-vitro pulp chamber temperature rise during composite resin polymerization with various light-curing sources , Dental Materials , 1999 ; 15:275-281
Tjan AHL, Dunn JR. Temperature rise produced by various visible light generators through dentinal barriers.: J. Prosthet Dent. 1988 Apr;59(4):433-8.
Loney RW, Price RBT. Temperature transmission of high-output light-curing units though dentin.: Operative Dentistry, 2001; 26: 516-520
Soh MS, Yap AUJ, Siow KS.Effectiveness of composite cure associated with different curing modes od led lights ;Operative Dentistry ,2003;28-(4): 371-377
Fowler CS, Swartz ML, Moore BK. Efficacy testing of visible light-curing units, Operative Dentistry, 1994; 19: 47-52
Nomoto R, Uchida K, Hirasawa T. Effect of light intensity on polymerization of light-cured composite resins Dental Materials Journal ,1994;13(2): 198-205
Price BTR, Felix CA, Andreou P. Evulation of a second-generation led curing light Journal of Canadian Dental Association, 2003; 69(10) : 666- 675
Kurachi C, Tuboy AM, Magalhaes DV, Bagnato VS. Hardness Evaluation of a dental composite polymerized with experimental LED-based devices, Dental Materials , 2001; 17:309-315
Tsai PC, Meyers IA, Walsh LJ. ;Depth of cure and surface microhardness of composite resin cured with blue LED curing lights, Dental Matererials, 2004, May; 20(4):364-369.
Civelek A, Özel E. I 'kla polimerize olan kompozitlerin polimerizasyon derinli;i. Akademik Dental .2004 Aral'k;23 :34-39
Spagnuolo G, Annunziata M, Rengo S. Cytotoxicity and oxidative stress caused by dental adhesive systems cured with halogen and LED lights. Clin Oral Investig. 2004 Jun;8(2):81- 85.
Hofmann N, Hugo B, Klaiber B. Effect of irradiation type (LED or QTH) on photo- activated composite shrinkage strain kinetics, temperature rise, and hardness. Eur J Oral Sci. 2002 Dec;110(6):471-9.
Rahiotis C, Kakaboura A, Loukidis M, Vougiouklakis G. Curing efficiency of various types of light-curing units. Eur J Oral Sci. 2004 Feb;112(1):89-94.
Dunn W.J.,Bush, A.C. ;A comparison of polymerization by light-emmiting diode and halogen-based light-curin units, Journal of Amer'can Dental Association , 2002;133(3) : 335-341
Millis RW, Uhl A, Jandt KD. Optical power outputs, spectra and dental composite depths of cure,obtained with blue light emmitting diode (LED) and halogen light curing units(LCUs); British Dental Journal 2002 ;193 (8) :459-462
Uhl A, Sigusch BW, Jandt KD. Second generation LEDs for the polymerization of oral biomaterials ;Dental Materials 2004 Jan;20(1):80-87 Yaz8)ma Adresi: Ara).Gör.Özcan ÇAKMAKCIO/LU Marmara üniversitesi Di .Hek.Fakültesi Di Hastal'kalr' ve Tted.A.B.D. Güzelbahçe büyükçiftlik sok. No:6 Kat:5 Ni anta '/Kstanbul Tel: 0212 –231 91 20/553
Çakmakcıoğlu, A. G. Ö., & Topbaşı, P. D. B. (2005). FARKLI IŞIK KAYNAKLARININ KOMPOZİT POLİMERİZASYONUNA ETKİSİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2005(1), 48-54.
Çakmakcıoğlu AGÖ, Topbaşı PDB. FARKLI IŞIK KAYNAKLARININ KOMPOZİT POLİMERİZASYONUNA ETKİSİ. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. Ocak 2005;2005(1):48-54. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.31942
Çakmakcıoğlu, Araş. Gör. Özcan, ve Prof. Dr. Bülent Topbaşı. “FARKLI IŞIK KAYNAKLARININ KOMPOZİT POLİMERİZASYONUNA ETKİSİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2005, sy. 1 (Ocak 2005): 48-54.
Çakmakcıoğlu AGÖ, Topbaşı PDB (01 Ocak 2005) FARKLI IŞIK KAYNAKLARININ KOMPOZİT POLİMERİZASYONUNA ETKİSİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2005 1 48–54.
A. G. Ö. Çakmakcıoğlu ve P. D. B. Topbaşı, “FARKLI IŞIK KAYNAKLARININ KOMPOZİT POLİMERİZASYONUNA ETKİSİ”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, c. 2005, sy. 1, ss. 48–54, 2005, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.31942.
Çakmakcıoğlu, Araş. Gör. Özcan - Topbaşı, Prof. Dr. Bülent. “FARKLI IŞIK KAYNAKLARININ KOMPOZİT POLİMERİZASYONUNA ETKİSİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2005/1 (Ocak 2005), 48-54.
Çakmakcıoğlu, Araş. Gör. Özcan ve Prof. Dr. Bülent Topbaşı. “FARKLI IŞIK KAYNAKLARININ KOMPOZİT POLİMERİZASYONUNA ETKİSİ”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 2005, sy. 1, 2005, ss. 48-54, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.31942.