Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 31 Sayı: 2, 207 - 214, 15.04.2021


Aim: Although it has been stated that composite resins should be used in the restoration of teeth after color shade selection, it has recently been stated that single-shade composite resins can be used for all tooth shades. The objective of our study is to evaluate the surface roughness and color change of single-shade composite resins compared with multi-shade system composite resins.
Material and methods: In our study, samples (8 mm diameter and 2 mm depth) were obtained using single-shade (Omnichrorma) and multi-shade system (Filtek Universal Restorative, Clearfil Majesty ES-2 Premium, Harmonize) composite resins. Two steps finishing and polishing system (Clearfil Twist Dia) was used in the finishing polishing processes of the samples. The initial roughness values of the samples were measured with a profilometer and color values with a spectrophotometer. Then, color measurements of the samples kept in coffee were made on the 1st, 7th and 30th days and after the last polishing process. The surface roughness (Ra) and color change (ΔE00) were statistically analyzed using two-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey post-hoc test (p<0.05).
Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the initial surface roughness values of composite resins with single and multi-shade systems (p>0.05). Composite resin with single-shade system showed statistically significantly more color change than composite resin with multi-shade systems in all time periods (p<0.001). Although re-polishing these materials reduced the color changes, it could not decrease it below the acceptability threshold value (ΔE00:1.8).
Conclusion: New generation single-shade composite resin with smart chromatic material technology can simplify color selection without sacrificing esthetic success. However, this composite resin shows more color changes than multi-shade systems composite resins.
Keywords: Color stability, Single-shade composite resin, Surface roughness

Amaç: Kompozit rezinler dişlerin restorasyonunda renk tonu seçildikten sonra kullanılması gerektiği belirtilmesine rağmen son dönemde tek renk kompozit rezinin tüm diş renk tonları için kullanılabileceği belirtilmiştir. Çalışmamızın amacı; tek renk kompozit rezinin çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinlere göre yüzey pürüzlülük ve renk değişimini incelemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda tek renk (Omnichrorma) ve çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinler (Filtek Universal Restorative, Clearfil Majesty ES-2 Premium, Harmonize) kullanılarak örnekler (8 mm çapında ve 2 mm yüksekliğinde) hazırlandı. Hazırlanan örneklerin bitirme ve cila işleminde iki basamaklı bitirme ve cila sistemi (Clearfil Twist Dia) kullanıldı. Örneklerin başlangıç pürüzlülük değerleri profilometre, renk değerleri spektrofotometre ile ölçüldü. Daha sonra örnekler kahve (Nescafe Klasik, Türkiye) içerisinde bekletilerek 1, 7, 30. gün ve son polisaj işleminden sonra renk ölçümleri yapıldı. Yüzey pürüzlülük (Ra) ve renk değişim değerleri (ΔE00) iki yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve Tukey testi kullanılarak istatistiksel analiz yapıldı (p<0.05).
Bulgular: Tek ve çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinlerin başlangıç yüzey pürüzlülük değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık görülmedi (p>0.05). Tek renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezin tüm zaman dilimlerinde çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinlere göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde daha fazla renk değişimi gösterdi (p<0.001). Bu materyaller üzerinde yapılan son polisaj işleminden sonra renk değişimleri azaltmasına rağmen kabuledilebilirlik eşiği değerinin (ΔE00:1.8) altına düşmemiştir.
Sonuç: Akıllı kromatik malzeme teknolojisine sahip yeni nesil tek renkli kompozit rezin estetik başarıdan ödün vermeden renk seçimini basitleştirebilir. Fakat 30 gün sonunda tek renk kompozit rezin çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinlerden daha fazla renk değişikliği göstermektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Renk stabilitesi, Tek renk kompozit rezin, Yüzey pürüzlülüğü


  • 1. Dietschi D. Optimising aesthetics and facilitating clinical application of free-hand bonding using the ‘natural layering concept. Br Dent J 2008; 204:181-5.
  • 2. Kumari RV, Nagaraj H, Siddaraju K, Poluri RK. Evaluation of the effect of surface polishing, oral beverages and food colorants on color stability and surface roughness of nanocomposite resins. J Int Oral Heal 2015; 7:63-70.
  • 3. Trifkovic B, Powers JM, Paravina RD. Color adjustment potential of resin composites. Clin Oral Invest 2018; 22:1601-7.
  • 4. de Abreu JLB, Sampaio CS, Benalcázar Jalkh EB, Hirata R. Analysis of the color matching of universal resin composites in anterior restorations. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;1-8 (Early view).
  • 5. Durand LB, Ruiz-López J, Perez BG, Ionescu AM, Carrillo-Pérez F, Ghinea R, et al. Color, lightness, chroma, hue, and translucency adjustment potential of resin composites using CIEDE2000 color difference formula. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;1-8 (Early view).
  • 6. Lainović T, Blažić L, Kukuruzović D, et al. Effect of diamond paste finishing on surface topography and roughness of dental nanohybrid composites – AFM analysis. Procedia Engineering 2014;69: 945-51.
  • 7. St-Pierre L, Martel C, Crepeau H, Vargas MA. Influence of polishing systems on surface roughness of composite resins: polishability of composite resins. Oper Dent 2019; 44:122-32.
  • 8. Bollen CML, Lambrechts P, Quirynen M. Comparison of surface roughness of oral hard materials to the threshold surface roughness for bacterial plaque retention: a review of the literature. Dent Mater 1997; 13:258-69.
  • 9. Park JW, An JS, Lim WH, Lim BS, Ahn SJ. Microbial changes in biofilms on composite resins with different surface roughness: An in vitro study with a multispecies biofilm model. J Prosthet Dent 2019; 122:493. e1-8.
  • 10. Patel SB, Gordan VV, Barrett AA, Shen C. The effect of surface finishing and storage solutions on the color stability of resinbased composites. J Am Dent Assoc 2004; 135:587-94.
  • 11. Sham AS, Chu FC, Chai J, Chow TW. Color stability of provisional prosthodontic materials. J Prosth Dent 2004; 91:447-52.
  • 12. Bagheri R, Burrow MF, Tyas M. Influence of food simulating solutions and surface finish on susceptibility to staining of aesthetic restorative materials. J Dent 2005; 33:389 98.
  • 13. Fontes ST, Fernández MR, de Moura CM, Meireles SS. Color stability of a nanofill composite: Effect of different immersion media. J Appl Oral Sci 2009; 17:388 91.
  • 14. Aydın N, Karaoglanoglu S, Oktay EA, Kılıçarslan MA. Investigating the color changes on resin-based CAD/CAM blocks. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020; 32:251-6.
  • 15. Chang JY, Chen WC, Huang TK, et al. Evaluating the accurarcy of tooth color measurement by combining the Munsell color system and dental colorimeter. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2012; 28:490-94.
  • 16. Wang F, Takahashi H, Iwasaki N. Translucency of dental ceramics with different thickness. J Prosthet Dent 2013; 110:14-20.
  • 17. Paravina RD, Pérez MM, Ghinea R. Acceptability and perceptibility thresholds in dentistry: A comprehensive review of clinical and research applications. J Esthet Restor Dent 2019; 31:1-10.
  • 18. Luo MR, Cui G, Rigg B. The development of CIE 2000 colour-difference formula CIEDE 2000. Color Res App 2001; 26:340-50.
  • 19. Magne P, So WS. Optical integration of incisoproximal restorations using the natural layering concept. Quintessence Int 2008; 39:633-43.
  • 20. La Rosa GRM, Pasquale S, Pedullà E, et al. Colorimetric study about the stratification’s effect on colour perception of resin composites. Odontology 2020; 108:479-85.
  • 21. Pereira Sanchez N, Powers JM, Paravina RD. Instrumental and visual evaluation of the color adjustment potential of resin composites. J Esthet Restor Dent 2019; 31:465-70.
  • 22. Lopes GC, Vieira LC, Araujo E. Direct composite resin restorations: A review of some clinical procedures to achieve predictable results in posterior teeth. J Esthet Restor Dent 2004; 16:19-32.
  • 23. Aytac F, Karaarslan EŞ, Agaccıoglu M, et al. Effects of novel finishing and polishing systems on surface roughness and morphology of nanocomposites. J Esthet Restor Dent 2016; 28:247-61.
  • 24. Moda MD, Godas AGDL, Fernandes JC, et al. Comparison of different polishing methods on the surface roughness of microhybrid, microfill, and nanofill composite resins. J Invest Clin Dent 2018;9;e12287.
  • 25. Bayraktar D, Doğan D, Ercan D. Effect of the different polishing systems and techniques on surface roughness of three different composıte resıin. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2013; 21:192-8.
  • 26. Paul S, Peter A, Pietrobon N, Hammerle CH. Visual and spectrophotometric shade analysis of human teeth. J Dent Res 2002; 81:578-82.
  • 27. Zenthöfer A, Cabrera T, Corcodel N, et al. Comparison of the Easyshade Compact and Advance in vitro and in vivo. Clin Oral Invest 2013; 18:1473-79.
  • 28. Sharma G, Wu W, Dalal E. The CIEDE2000 color-difference formula: implementation notes, supplementary test data, and mathematical observations. Color Res Appl 2005; 30:21-30.
  • 29. Gómez-Polo C, Portillo Muñoz M, Cruz Lorenzo Luengo M, et al. Comparison of the CIELab and CIEDE2000 color difference formulas. J Prosthet Dent 2016; 115: 65-70.
  • 30. Nasim I, Neelakantan P, Sujeer R, Subbarao CV. Color stability of microfilled, microhybrid and nanocomposite resins-an in vitro study. J Dent 2010;38: 137-42.
  • 31. Ardu S, Braut V, Gutemberg D, et al. A long-term laboratory test on staining susceptibility of esthetic composite resin materials. Quintessence Int 2010; 41:695-702.
  • 32. Beltrami R, Ceci M, De Pani G, et al. Effect of different surface finishing/polishing procedures on discoloration of esthetic restorative materials: A spectrophotometric evaluation. Eur J Dent 2018; 12:49-56.
  • 33. Topcu FT, Sahinkesen G, Yamanel K, et al. Influence of different drinks on the colour stability of dental resin composites. Eur J Dent 2009;3: 50-6.
  • 34. Liebermann A, Wimmer T, Schmidlin PR, et al. Physicomec- hanical characterization of polyetheretherketone and current esthetic dental CAD/CAM polymers after aging in different storage media. J Prosthet Dent 2016;115: 321-8.
  • 35. Soederholm KJ, Zigan M, Ragan M, Fischlschweiger W, Bergman M. Hydrolytic degradation of dental composites. J Dent Res 1984;63 :1248-54.
  • 36. Sideridou I, Tserki V, Papanastasiou G. Study of water sorption, solubility and modulus of elasticity of light-cured dimethacrylate-based dental resins. Biomaterials. 2003;24:655-65.
  • 37. Ertas E, Güler AU, Yücel AC, et al. Color stability of resin composites after immersion in different drinks. Dent Mater 2006; 25:371-6.
  • 38. Paravina RD, Ghinea R, Herrera LJ, et al. Color difference thresholds in dentistry. J Esthet Restor Dent 2015; 27:1-9.
  • 39. Lee YK, Yu B, Lim HN, Lim JI. Difference in the color stability of direct and indirect resin composites. J Appl Oral Sci 2011; 19:154-60.
  • 40. Kanat-Ertürk B. Color stability of CAD/CAM ceramics prepared with different surface finishing procedures. J Prosthodont 2020:29:166-72.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 31 Sayı: 2, 207 - 214, 15.04.2021


Aim: Although it has been stated that composite resins should be used in the restoration of teeth after color shade selection, it has recently been stated that single-shade composite resins can be used for all tooth shades. The objective of our study is to evaluate the surface roughness and color change of single-shade composite resins compared with multi-shade system composite resins.
Material and methods: In our study, samples (8 mm diameter and 2 mm depth) were obtained using single-shade (Omnichrorma) and multi-shade system (Filtek Universal Restorative, Clearfil Majesty ES-2 Premium, Harmonize) composite resins. Two steps finishing and polishing system (Clearfil Twist Dia) was used in the finishing polishing processes of the samples. The initial roughness values of the samples were measured with a profilometer and color values with a spectrophotometer. Then, color measurements of the samples kept in coffee were made on the 1st, 7th and 30th days and after the last polishing process. The surface roughness (Ra) and color change (ΔE00) were statistically analyzed using two-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey post-hoc test (p<0.05).
Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the initial surface roughness values of composite resins with single and multi-shade systems (p>0.05). Composite resin with single-shade system showed statistically significantly more color change than composite resin with multi-shade systems in all time periods (p<0.001). Although re-polishing these materials reduced the color changes, it could not decrease it below the acceptability threshold value (ΔE00:1.8).
Conclusion: New generation single-shade composite resin with smart chromatic material technology can simplify color selection without sacrificing esthetic success. However, this composite resin shows more color changes than multi-shade systems composite resins.
Keywords: Color stability, Single-shade composite resin, Surface roughness

Amaç: Kompozit rezinler dişlerin restorasyonunda renk tonu seçildikten sonra kullanılması gerektiği belirtilmesine rağmen son dönemde tek renk kompozit rezinin tüm diş renk tonları için kullanılabileceği belirtilmiştir. Çalışmamızın amacı; tek renk kompozit rezinin çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinlere göre yüzey pürüzlülük ve renk değişimini incelemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda tek renk (Omnichrorma) ve çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinler (Filtek Universal Restorative, Clearfil Majesty ES-2 Premium, Harmonize) kullanılarak örnekler (8 mm çapında ve 2 mm yüksekliğinde) hazırlandı. Hazırlanan örneklerin bitirme ve cila işleminde iki basamaklı bitirme ve cila sistemi (Clearfil Twist Dia) kullanıldı. Örneklerin başlangıç pürüzlülük değerleri profilometre, renk değerleri spektrofotometre ile ölçüldü. Daha sonra örnekler kahve (Nescafe Klasik, Türkiye) içerisinde bekletilerek 1, 7, 30. gün ve son polisaj işleminden sonra renk ölçümleri yapıldı. Yüzey pürüzlülük (Ra) ve renk değişim değerleri (ΔE00) iki yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve Tukey testi kullanılarak istatistiksel analiz yapıldı (p<0.05).
Bulgular: Tek ve çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinlerin başlangıç yüzey pürüzlülük değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık görülmedi (p>0.05). Tek renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezin tüm zaman dilimlerinde çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinlere göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde daha fazla renk değişimi gösterdi (p<0.001). Bu materyaller üzerinde yapılan son polisaj işleminden sonra renk değişimleri azaltmasına rağmen kabuledilebilirlik eşiği değerinin (ΔE00:1.8) altına düşmemiştir.
Sonuç: Akıllı kromatik malzeme teknolojisine sahip yeni nesil tek renkli kompozit rezin estetik başarıdan ödün vermeden renk seçimini basitleştirebilir. Fakat 30 gün sonunda tek renk kompozit rezin çoklu renk sistemine sahip kompozit rezinlerden daha fazla renk değişikliği göstermektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Renk stabilitesi, Tek renk kompozit rezin, Yüzey pürüzlülüğü


  • 1. Dietschi D. Optimising aesthetics and facilitating clinical application of free-hand bonding using the ‘natural layering concept. Br Dent J 2008; 204:181-5.
  • 2. Kumari RV, Nagaraj H, Siddaraju K, Poluri RK. Evaluation of the effect of surface polishing, oral beverages and food colorants on color stability and surface roughness of nanocomposite resins. J Int Oral Heal 2015; 7:63-70.
  • 3. Trifkovic B, Powers JM, Paravina RD. Color adjustment potential of resin composites. Clin Oral Invest 2018; 22:1601-7.
  • 4. de Abreu JLB, Sampaio CS, Benalcázar Jalkh EB, Hirata R. Analysis of the color matching of universal resin composites in anterior restorations. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;1-8 (Early view).
  • 5. Durand LB, Ruiz-López J, Perez BG, Ionescu AM, Carrillo-Pérez F, Ghinea R, et al. Color, lightness, chroma, hue, and translucency adjustment potential of resin composites using CIEDE2000 color difference formula. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;1-8 (Early view).
  • 6. Lainović T, Blažić L, Kukuruzović D, et al. Effect of diamond paste finishing on surface topography and roughness of dental nanohybrid composites – AFM analysis. Procedia Engineering 2014;69: 945-51.
  • 7. St-Pierre L, Martel C, Crepeau H, Vargas MA. Influence of polishing systems on surface roughness of composite resins: polishability of composite resins. Oper Dent 2019; 44:122-32.
  • 8. Bollen CML, Lambrechts P, Quirynen M. Comparison of surface roughness of oral hard materials to the threshold surface roughness for bacterial plaque retention: a review of the literature. Dent Mater 1997; 13:258-69.
  • 9. Park JW, An JS, Lim WH, Lim BS, Ahn SJ. Microbial changes in biofilms on composite resins with different surface roughness: An in vitro study with a multispecies biofilm model. J Prosthet Dent 2019; 122:493. e1-8.
  • 10. Patel SB, Gordan VV, Barrett AA, Shen C. The effect of surface finishing and storage solutions on the color stability of resinbased composites. J Am Dent Assoc 2004; 135:587-94.
  • 11. Sham AS, Chu FC, Chai J, Chow TW. Color stability of provisional prosthodontic materials. J Prosth Dent 2004; 91:447-52.
  • 12. Bagheri R, Burrow MF, Tyas M. Influence of food simulating solutions and surface finish on susceptibility to staining of aesthetic restorative materials. J Dent 2005; 33:389 98.
  • 13. Fontes ST, Fernández MR, de Moura CM, Meireles SS. Color stability of a nanofill composite: Effect of different immersion media. J Appl Oral Sci 2009; 17:388 91.
  • 14. Aydın N, Karaoglanoglu S, Oktay EA, Kılıçarslan MA. Investigating the color changes on resin-based CAD/CAM blocks. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020; 32:251-6.
  • 15. Chang JY, Chen WC, Huang TK, et al. Evaluating the accurarcy of tooth color measurement by combining the Munsell color system and dental colorimeter. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2012; 28:490-94.
  • 16. Wang F, Takahashi H, Iwasaki N. Translucency of dental ceramics with different thickness. J Prosthet Dent 2013; 110:14-20.
  • 17. Paravina RD, Pérez MM, Ghinea R. Acceptability and perceptibility thresholds in dentistry: A comprehensive review of clinical and research applications. J Esthet Restor Dent 2019; 31:1-10.
  • 18. Luo MR, Cui G, Rigg B. The development of CIE 2000 colour-difference formula CIEDE 2000. Color Res App 2001; 26:340-50.
  • 19. Magne P, So WS. Optical integration of incisoproximal restorations using the natural layering concept. Quintessence Int 2008; 39:633-43.
  • 20. La Rosa GRM, Pasquale S, Pedullà E, et al. Colorimetric study about the stratification’s effect on colour perception of resin composites. Odontology 2020; 108:479-85.
  • 21. Pereira Sanchez N, Powers JM, Paravina RD. Instrumental and visual evaluation of the color adjustment potential of resin composites. J Esthet Restor Dent 2019; 31:465-70.
  • 22. Lopes GC, Vieira LC, Araujo E. Direct composite resin restorations: A review of some clinical procedures to achieve predictable results in posterior teeth. J Esthet Restor Dent 2004; 16:19-32.
  • 23. Aytac F, Karaarslan EŞ, Agaccıoglu M, et al. Effects of novel finishing and polishing systems on surface roughness and morphology of nanocomposites. J Esthet Restor Dent 2016; 28:247-61.
  • 24. Moda MD, Godas AGDL, Fernandes JC, et al. Comparison of different polishing methods on the surface roughness of microhybrid, microfill, and nanofill composite resins. J Invest Clin Dent 2018;9;e12287.
  • 25. Bayraktar D, Doğan D, Ercan D. Effect of the different polishing systems and techniques on surface roughness of three different composıte resıin. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2013; 21:192-8.
  • 26. Paul S, Peter A, Pietrobon N, Hammerle CH. Visual and spectrophotometric shade analysis of human teeth. J Dent Res 2002; 81:578-82.
  • 27. Zenthöfer A, Cabrera T, Corcodel N, et al. Comparison of the Easyshade Compact and Advance in vitro and in vivo. Clin Oral Invest 2013; 18:1473-79.
  • 28. Sharma G, Wu W, Dalal E. The CIEDE2000 color-difference formula: implementation notes, supplementary test data, and mathematical observations. Color Res Appl 2005; 30:21-30.
  • 29. Gómez-Polo C, Portillo Muñoz M, Cruz Lorenzo Luengo M, et al. Comparison of the CIELab and CIEDE2000 color difference formulas. J Prosthet Dent 2016; 115: 65-70.
  • 30. Nasim I, Neelakantan P, Sujeer R, Subbarao CV. Color stability of microfilled, microhybrid and nanocomposite resins-an in vitro study. J Dent 2010;38: 137-42.
  • 31. Ardu S, Braut V, Gutemberg D, et al. A long-term laboratory test on staining susceptibility of esthetic composite resin materials. Quintessence Int 2010; 41:695-702.
  • 32. Beltrami R, Ceci M, De Pani G, et al. Effect of different surface finishing/polishing procedures on discoloration of esthetic restorative materials: A spectrophotometric evaluation. Eur J Dent 2018; 12:49-56.
  • 33. Topcu FT, Sahinkesen G, Yamanel K, et al. Influence of different drinks on the colour stability of dental resin composites. Eur J Dent 2009;3: 50-6.
  • 34. Liebermann A, Wimmer T, Schmidlin PR, et al. Physicomec- hanical characterization of polyetheretherketone and current esthetic dental CAD/CAM polymers after aging in different storage media. J Prosthet Dent 2016;115: 321-8.
  • 35. Soederholm KJ, Zigan M, Ragan M, Fischlschweiger W, Bergman M. Hydrolytic degradation of dental composites. J Dent Res 1984;63 :1248-54.
  • 36. Sideridou I, Tserki V, Papanastasiou G. Study of water sorption, solubility and modulus of elasticity of light-cured dimethacrylate-based dental resins. Biomaterials. 2003;24:655-65.
  • 37. Ertas E, Güler AU, Yücel AC, et al. Color stability of resin composites after immersion in different drinks. Dent Mater 2006; 25:371-6.
  • 38. Paravina RD, Ghinea R, Herrera LJ, et al. Color difference thresholds in dentistry. J Esthet Restor Dent 2015; 27:1-9.
  • 39. Lee YK, Yu B, Lim HN, Lim JI. Difference in the color stability of direct and indirect resin composites. J Appl Oral Sci 2011; 19:154-60.
  • 40. Kanat-Ertürk B. Color stability of CAD/CAM ceramics prepared with different surface finishing procedures. J Prosthodont 2020:29:166-72.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Numan Aydın Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8628-4507

Serpil Karaoğlanoğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0601-8028

Elif Aybala Oktay Bu kişi benim

Bilge Ersöz Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1668-0592

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 31 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, N., Karaoğlanoğlu, S., Oktay, E. A., Ersöz, B. (2021). INVESTIGATION OF SINGLE SHADE COMPOSITE RESIN SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND COLOR STABILITY. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 31(2), 207-214.
AMA Aydın N, Karaoğlanoğlu S, Oktay EA, Ersöz B. INVESTIGATION OF SINGLE SHADE COMPOSITE RESIN SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND COLOR STABILITY. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. Nisan 2021;31(2):207-214. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.895734
Chicago Aydın, Numan, Serpil Karaoğlanoğlu, Elif Aybala Oktay, ve Bilge Ersöz. “INVESTIGATION OF SINGLE SHADE COMPOSITE RESIN SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND COLOR STABILITY”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 31, sy. 2 (Nisan 2021): 207-14.
EndNote Aydın N, Karaoğlanoğlu S, Oktay EA, Ersöz B (01 Nisan 2021) INVESTIGATION OF SINGLE SHADE COMPOSITE RESIN SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND COLOR STABILITY. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 31 2 207–214.
IEEE N. Aydın, S. Karaoğlanoğlu, E. A. Oktay, ve B. Ersöz, “INVESTIGATION OF SINGLE SHADE COMPOSITE RESIN SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND COLOR STABILITY”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, c. 31, sy. 2, ss. 207–214, 2021, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.895734.
ISNAD Aydın, Numan vd. “INVESTIGATION OF SINGLE SHADE COMPOSITE RESIN SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND COLOR STABILITY”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 31/2 (Nisan 2021), 207-214.
MLA Aydın, Numan vd. “INVESTIGATION OF SINGLE SHADE COMPOSITE RESIN SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND COLOR STABILITY”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 31, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 207-14, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.895734.
Vancouver Aydın N, Karaoğlanoğlu S, Oktay EA, Ersöz B. INVESTIGATION OF SINGLE SHADE COMPOSITE RESIN SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND COLOR STABILITY. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2021;31(2):207-14.

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