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Year 2005, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 405 - 419, 18.02.2010


Firmaların performanslarının artırılmasında yeni ürün geliştirme önemli bir
etkiye sahiptir. Bundan dolayı gerek mal gerekse hizmet üretiminde yeni ürün
geliştirmede etkili olan başarı faktörleri sıklıkla ele alınmaktadır. Bu çabalar
sonucu yeni ürün geliştirme hakkında yığınla bilgi bulunmasına rağmen hala yeni
ürün geliştirme çabaları riskli bir macera olarak görülmektedir.Yeni ticarileştirilen
ürünlerin genel başarı ortalamasının % 60’ın altında olması, yeni ürün
geliştirmeye ayrılan kaynakların başarısız kullanıldığının bir göstergesidir.
Bundan dolayı bu araştırmada, yeni ürün geliştirmeye ayrılan başarısız kaynak
kullanımını engelleyici kritik başarı faktörleri ele alınacaktır.


  • Atuahene, K. (1997), “Adoption of New Products by the Sales Force: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 14, pp.498-514.
  • Barczak, G. (1995), “New Product Strategy, Structure, Process and Performance in the Telecommunications Industry”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 12(2), pp.224–234.
  • Bobrow, E.E. (1997), The Complete Idiot’s Guide to New Product, Development, Macmillan, New York, 1997.
  • Bonner, J.M., Ruekert, R.W., Walker, O.C. (2002), “Upper Management Control of New Product Development Projects And Project Performance”, The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19, pp.233–245.
  • Booz, S., Allen, S., Hamilton, S. (1992), New Product Management for The 1980’s., Booz, Allen and Hamilton Inc., New York.
  • Bowen, H.K., Clark, K.B., Holloway, C.A., Kent, H. (1994), The Perpetual Enterprise Machine: Seven Keys to Corporate Renewal Through Successful Product and Process Development, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Chorda, M.I., Gunasekaran, A., Aramburo, L.B. (2002), “Product Development Process in Spanish SMES: An Empirical Research”, Technovation, 22(5), pp.301–312.
  • Clark, K.B., Fujimoto, T. (1990), The Power of Product Integrity, Harvard Business Review, Boston.
  • ________, (1991), Product Development Performance, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
  • Cooper, R.G., Kleinschmidt, E.J. (1986), “An Investigation into the New Product Process: Steps, Deficiencies And Impact”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 3, pp.71–85.
  • ________, (1987), “New Product: What Separates Winners From Losers?”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 4, pp.169–184.
  • Cooper, L.P. (2003), “A Research Agenda to Reduce Risk in New Product Development Through Knowledge Management: A Practitioner Perspective”, Journal of Engineering Technolgy Management, 20, pp.117–140.
  • Debruyne, M., Moenaert, R., Griffin, A., Hart, S., Hultink, E.J., Robben, H. (2002), “The Impact of New Product Launch Strategies on Competitive Reaction in Industrial Markets”, The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19, pp.159—170.
  • Edgett, S., Shipley, D., Forbes, G. (1992), “Japanese and British Companies Compared: Contributing Factors to Success and Failure in NPD”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 9, pp.3– 10.
  • Firth, R.W., Narayanan, V.K. (1996), “New Product Strategies of Large, Dominant Product Manufacturing Firms: An Exploratory Analysis”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 13(4), pp.334–347.
  • Frambacha, R.T., Prabhu, J., Verhallen, T.M.M. (2003), “The Influence of Business Strategy on New Product Activity: The Role of Market Orientation”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 20, pp.377–397.
  • Gonzalez, F.J.M., Palacios, T.M.B. (2002), “The Effect of New Product Development Techniques on New Product Success in Spanish Firms”, Industrial Marketing Management, 31, pp.261-271.
  • Grant, R.M. (1996), “Prospering in Dynamically Competitive Environments: Organizational Capability As Knowledge Integration”, Organization Science 7(4), pp.125-141.
  • Gupta, A.K., Brockhoff, K., Weisenfeld, U. (1992), “Making Trade-offs in the New Product Development Process: A German/U.S. Comparison”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 9, pp.11–18.
  • Han, J.K., Kim, N., Srivastava, R.K. (1998), “Market Orientation and Organizational Performance: Is Innovation A Missing Link?”, Journal of Marketing, 62, pp.30–45.
  • Huang, G.Q., Mak, K.L., Humphreys, P.K. (2003), “A New Model of The Customer Supplier Partnership in New Product Development”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 138, pp.301–305.
  • Hurley, R.F., Hult, G.T.M. (1998), “Innovation, Market Orientation, and Organizational Learning: An Integration and Empirical Examination”, Journal of Marketing, 62, pp.42– 54.
  • Ilori, M.O., Oke, J.S., Sanni, S.A. (2000), “Management of new product development in selected food companies in Nigeria”, Technovation, 20, pp.333-342.
  • Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (1998), “An Examination of Collaboration in High-Technology New Product Development Processes”, Journal of Innovation Production Management, 15, pp.237-254.
  • Johne, A., Snelson, P. (1990), Successful Product Development: Lessons from American and British Firms, Basil Blackwell Inc, UK.
  • Karagozoglu, N., Brown, W.B. (1993), “Time-Based Management of The New- Product Development Process”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 10, pp.204–215.
  • Kim, J.Y., Wong, V., Eng, T.Y. (2004), “Product Variety Strategy for Improving New Product Development Proficiencies”, Technovation, In Press.
  • Kotler, P. (1991), Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, 7th ed. Prentice Hall, Inc, New Jersey.
  • Leenders R.T.A.J., Engelen J.M.L., Kratzer J. (2003), “Virtuality, Communication, and New Product Team Creativity: A Social Network Perspective”, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20, pp. 69-92.
  • Lewis, M.A. (2001), “Success, Failure and Organisational Competence: A Case Study of The New Product Development Process”, Journal of Engineering Technology Management, 18, pp.185–206.
  • Liu, P.L., Chen, W.C., Tsai, C.H. (2004), “An Empirical Study on The Correlation Between The Knowledge Management Method and New Product Development Strategy on Product Performance in Taiwan’s Industries”, Technovation, In Press.
  • Lu, L.Y.Y., Yang, C. (2004), “The R&D and Marketing Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s It Industry”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33, pp.593– 605.
  • Lukas, B.A., Menon, A., Bell, A.S.J. (2002), “Organizing for New Product Development Speed and The Implications for Organizational Stress”, Industrial Marketing Management, 31, pp.349– 355.
  • Lynn, G.S., Skov, R.B., Abel, K.D. (1999), “Practices that Support Team Learning and Their Impact on Speed to Market and New Product Success”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 16, pp.439– 454.
  • Mahajan, V., Wind, J. (1988), “New Product Forecasting Models: Direction for Research and Implementation”, International Journal of Forecasting, 4, pp. 341–358.
  • Maylor, H. (2001), “Assessing The Relationship Between Practice Changes and Process Improvement in New Product Development”, The International Journal of Management Science, 29, pp.88-96.
  • Millson, M.R., Wilemon, D. (2002), “The Impact of Organizational Integration and Product Development Proficiency on Market Success”, Industrial Marketing Management, 31, pp.1–23.
  • Moorman, C. (1995), “Organizational Market Information Processes: Cultural Antecedents and New Product Outcomes”, Journal of Marketing Research, pp.318–335.
  • Olivera, N., Dostaler, I., Dewberry, E. (2004), “New Product Development Benchmarks: The Japanese, North American, and UK Consumer Electronics Industries”, Journal of High Technology Management Research, 15, pp.249–265.
  • Ozer, M. (1999), “A Survey of New Product Evaluation Models”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 16, pp.77-94.
  • ________, (2003), “Production, Manufacturing and Logistics Factors Which Influence Decision Making in New Product Evaluation”, European Journal of Operational Research, In Press.
  • Page A.L. (1993), “Assesing New Product Development Practices and Performance: Establishing Crucial Norms”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 10, pp.273– 90.
  • Petrick, I.J, Echols, A.E. (2004), “Technology Roadmapping in Review: A Tool for Making Sustainable New Product Development Decisions”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 71, pp.81–100.
  • Poolton, J, Barclay, J. (1998), “New Product Development from Past Research to Future Applications”, Industrial Marketing Management, 3, pp.197– 212.
  • Pujari, D., Wright, G., Peatie, K. (2003), “Green and Competitive Influences on Environmental New Product Development Performance”, Journal of Business Research, 56, pp.657-671.
  • Robinson, W.T., Fornell, C., Sullivan, M. (1992), “Are Market Pioneers Intrinsically Stronger than Later Entrants”, Strategic Management Journal, 13, pp.609–624.
  • Rosenbloom, R.S., Christensen, C. (1994), “Technological Discontinuities, Organizational Capabilities and Strategic Commitments”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 3, pp.655–685.
  • Rosenau, M.D., Moran, J.J. (1993), Managing the Development of New Products: Achieving Speed and Quality Simultaneously through Multifunctional Teamwork, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
  • Sanchez, A.M., Perez, M.P. (2003), “Flexibility in New Product Development: A Survey of Practices and its Relationship with The Product’s Technological Complexity”, Technovation, 23, pp.139–145.
  • Sanders, N.R., Manrodt, K.B. (1994), “Forecasting Practices in US Corporations: Survey Results”, Interfaces, 24 (2), pp.92–100.
  • Slater, S. (1993), “Competing in High-Velocity Markets”, Industrial Marketing Management, 22, pp.80-93.
  • Song, X.M., Montoya-Weiss, M.M. (1998), “Critical Development Activities for Really New Versus Incremental Products”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15(2), pp.124–135.
  • Spivey, W.A., Munson, J.M., Wolcott, J.H. (1997), “Improving The New Product Development Process: Fractal Paradigm for High-Technology Products, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 14, pp.203-218.
  • Stanton, W.J., Etzel, M.J., Walker, B.J. (1994), Fundamentals of Marketing, 10th ed. McGraw Hill, Inc, New York.
  • Swink, M. (2003), “Completing Projects On-Time: How Project Acceleration Affects New Product Development”, Journal of Engineering Technology Management, 20, pp.319–344.
  • Takeuchi, H., Nonaka, I. (1986), The New New Product Development Game, Harvard Bussiness Review, Boston.
  • Teece, D.J., Pisano, G. (1994), “The Dynamic Capabilities of Firms: An Introduction”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), pp.537-556.
  • Tzokasa, N., Hultink, E.J., Hart, S. (2004), “Navigating The New Product Development Process”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33, pp.619- 626.
  • Ulrike, B. (2000), “Innovative Versus Incremental New Business Services: Different Keys for Achieving Success”, Product Innovation Management, 18, pp.169-187.
  • Varela, J., Benito, L. (2004), “New Product Development Process in Spanish Firms: Typology, Antecedents and Technical/Marketing Activities”, Technovation, In Press.
  • Veryzer, R.W. (1998), “Discontinuous Innovation and New Product Development Process”, Journal of Product Innovation management, 15(4), pp.304–321.
  • Wheelwright, S.C., Clark, K.B. (1992), “Competing Through Development Capability in A Manufacturing-Based Organization”, EMR Fall, pp.26– 37.
  • Wilson, R.M.S., Gillican, C., Pearson, D.(1992), Strategic Marketing Management:Planning, Implementation and Control, Butterworth- Heinemann Limited, Oxford.
  • Zirger, B., Maidique, M. (1990), “A Model of New Product Development: An Empirical Test”, Management Science, 36, pp.867–883.
Year 2005, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 405 - 419, 18.02.2010



  • Atuahene, K. (1997), “Adoption of New Products by the Sales Force: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 14, pp.498-514.
  • Barczak, G. (1995), “New Product Strategy, Structure, Process and Performance in the Telecommunications Industry”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 12(2), pp.224–234.
  • Bobrow, E.E. (1997), The Complete Idiot’s Guide to New Product, Development, Macmillan, New York, 1997.
  • Bonner, J.M., Ruekert, R.W., Walker, O.C. (2002), “Upper Management Control of New Product Development Projects And Project Performance”, The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19, pp.233–245.
  • Booz, S., Allen, S., Hamilton, S. (1992), New Product Management for The 1980’s., Booz, Allen and Hamilton Inc., New York.
  • Bowen, H.K., Clark, K.B., Holloway, C.A., Kent, H. (1994), The Perpetual Enterprise Machine: Seven Keys to Corporate Renewal Through Successful Product and Process Development, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Chorda, M.I., Gunasekaran, A., Aramburo, L.B. (2002), “Product Development Process in Spanish SMES: An Empirical Research”, Technovation, 22(5), pp.301–312.
  • Clark, K.B., Fujimoto, T. (1990), The Power of Product Integrity, Harvard Business Review, Boston.
  • ________, (1991), Product Development Performance, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
  • Cooper, R.G., Kleinschmidt, E.J. (1986), “An Investigation into the New Product Process: Steps, Deficiencies And Impact”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 3, pp.71–85.
  • ________, (1987), “New Product: What Separates Winners From Losers?”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 4, pp.169–184.
  • Cooper, L.P. (2003), “A Research Agenda to Reduce Risk in New Product Development Through Knowledge Management: A Practitioner Perspective”, Journal of Engineering Technolgy Management, 20, pp.117–140.
  • Debruyne, M., Moenaert, R., Griffin, A., Hart, S., Hultink, E.J., Robben, H. (2002), “The Impact of New Product Launch Strategies on Competitive Reaction in Industrial Markets”, The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19, pp.159—170.
  • Edgett, S., Shipley, D., Forbes, G. (1992), “Japanese and British Companies Compared: Contributing Factors to Success and Failure in NPD”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 9, pp.3– 10.
  • Firth, R.W., Narayanan, V.K. (1996), “New Product Strategies of Large, Dominant Product Manufacturing Firms: An Exploratory Analysis”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 13(4), pp.334–347.
  • Frambacha, R.T., Prabhu, J., Verhallen, T.M.M. (2003), “The Influence of Business Strategy on New Product Activity: The Role of Market Orientation”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 20, pp.377–397.
  • Gonzalez, F.J.M., Palacios, T.M.B. (2002), “The Effect of New Product Development Techniques on New Product Success in Spanish Firms”, Industrial Marketing Management, 31, pp.261-271.
  • Grant, R.M. (1996), “Prospering in Dynamically Competitive Environments: Organizational Capability As Knowledge Integration”, Organization Science 7(4), pp.125-141.
  • Gupta, A.K., Brockhoff, K., Weisenfeld, U. (1992), “Making Trade-offs in the New Product Development Process: A German/U.S. Comparison”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 9, pp.11–18.
  • Han, J.K., Kim, N., Srivastava, R.K. (1998), “Market Orientation and Organizational Performance: Is Innovation A Missing Link?”, Journal of Marketing, 62, pp.30–45.
  • Huang, G.Q., Mak, K.L., Humphreys, P.K. (2003), “A New Model of The Customer Supplier Partnership in New Product Development”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 138, pp.301–305.
  • Hurley, R.F., Hult, G.T.M. (1998), “Innovation, Market Orientation, and Organizational Learning: An Integration and Empirical Examination”, Journal of Marketing, 62, pp.42– 54.
  • Ilori, M.O., Oke, J.S., Sanni, S.A. (2000), “Management of new product development in selected food companies in Nigeria”, Technovation, 20, pp.333-342.
  • Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (1998), “An Examination of Collaboration in High-Technology New Product Development Processes”, Journal of Innovation Production Management, 15, pp.237-254.
  • Johne, A., Snelson, P. (1990), Successful Product Development: Lessons from American and British Firms, Basil Blackwell Inc, UK.
  • Karagozoglu, N., Brown, W.B. (1993), “Time-Based Management of The New- Product Development Process”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 10, pp.204–215.
  • Kim, J.Y., Wong, V., Eng, T.Y. (2004), “Product Variety Strategy for Improving New Product Development Proficiencies”, Technovation, In Press.
  • Kotler, P. (1991), Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, 7th ed. Prentice Hall, Inc, New Jersey.
  • Leenders R.T.A.J., Engelen J.M.L., Kratzer J. (2003), “Virtuality, Communication, and New Product Team Creativity: A Social Network Perspective”, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20, pp. 69-92.
  • Lewis, M.A. (2001), “Success, Failure and Organisational Competence: A Case Study of The New Product Development Process”, Journal of Engineering Technology Management, 18, pp.185–206.
  • Liu, P.L., Chen, W.C., Tsai, C.H. (2004), “An Empirical Study on The Correlation Between The Knowledge Management Method and New Product Development Strategy on Product Performance in Taiwan’s Industries”, Technovation, In Press.
  • Lu, L.Y.Y., Yang, C. (2004), “The R&D and Marketing Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s It Industry”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33, pp.593– 605.
  • Lukas, B.A., Menon, A., Bell, A.S.J. (2002), “Organizing for New Product Development Speed and The Implications for Organizational Stress”, Industrial Marketing Management, 31, pp.349– 355.
  • Lynn, G.S., Skov, R.B., Abel, K.D. (1999), “Practices that Support Team Learning and Their Impact on Speed to Market and New Product Success”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 16, pp.439– 454.
  • Mahajan, V., Wind, J. (1988), “New Product Forecasting Models: Direction for Research and Implementation”, International Journal of Forecasting, 4, pp. 341–358.
  • Maylor, H. (2001), “Assessing The Relationship Between Practice Changes and Process Improvement in New Product Development”, The International Journal of Management Science, 29, pp.88-96.
  • Millson, M.R., Wilemon, D. (2002), “The Impact of Organizational Integration and Product Development Proficiency on Market Success”, Industrial Marketing Management, 31, pp.1–23.
  • Moorman, C. (1995), “Organizational Market Information Processes: Cultural Antecedents and New Product Outcomes”, Journal of Marketing Research, pp.318–335.
  • Olivera, N., Dostaler, I., Dewberry, E. (2004), “New Product Development Benchmarks: The Japanese, North American, and UK Consumer Electronics Industries”, Journal of High Technology Management Research, 15, pp.249–265.
  • Ozer, M. (1999), “A Survey of New Product Evaluation Models”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 16, pp.77-94.
  • ________, (2003), “Production, Manufacturing and Logistics Factors Which Influence Decision Making in New Product Evaluation”, European Journal of Operational Research, In Press.
  • Page A.L. (1993), “Assesing New Product Development Practices and Performance: Establishing Crucial Norms”, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 10, pp.273– 90.
  • Petrick, I.J, Echols, A.E. (2004), “Technology Roadmapping in Review: A Tool for Making Sustainable New Product Development Decisions”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 71, pp.81–100.
  • Poolton, J, Barclay, J. (1998), “New Product Development from Past Research to Future Applications”, Industrial Marketing Management, 3, pp.197– 212.
  • Pujari, D., Wright, G., Peatie, K. (2003), “Green and Competitive Influences on Environmental New Product Development Performance”, Journal of Business Research, 56, pp.657-671.
  • Robinson, W.T., Fornell, C., Sullivan, M. (1992), “Are Market Pioneers Intrinsically Stronger than Later Entrants”, Strategic Management Journal, 13, pp.609–624.
  • Rosenbloom, R.S., Christensen, C. (1994), “Technological Discontinuities, Organizational Capabilities and Strategic Commitments”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 3, pp.655–685.
  • Rosenau, M.D., Moran, J.J. (1993), Managing the Development of New Products: Achieving Speed and Quality Simultaneously through Multifunctional Teamwork, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
  • Sanchez, A.M., Perez, M.P. (2003), “Flexibility in New Product Development: A Survey of Practices and its Relationship with The Product’s Technological Complexity”, Technovation, 23, pp.139–145.
  • Sanders, N.R., Manrodt, K.B. (1994), “Forecasting Practices in US Corporations: Survey Results”, Interfaces, 24 (2), pp.92–100.
  • Slater, S. (1993), “Competing in High-Velocity Markets”, Industrial Marketing Management, 22, pp.80-93.
  • Song, X.M., Montoya-Weiss, M.M. (1998), “Critical Development Activities for Really New Versus Incremental Products”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15(2), pp.124–135.
  • Spivey, W.A., Munson, J.M., Wolcott, J.H. (1997), “Improving The New Product Development Process: Fractal Paradigm for High-Technology Products, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 14, pp.203-218.
  • Stanton, W.J., Etzel, M.J., Walker, B.J. (1994), Fundamentals of Marketing, 10th ed. McGraw Hill, Inc, New York.
  • Swink, M. (2003), “Completing Projects On-Time: How Project Acceleration Affects New Product Development”, Journal of Engineering Technology Management, 20, pp.319–344.
  • Takeuchi, H., Nonaka, I. (1986), The New New Product Development Game, Harvard Bussiness Review, Boston.
  • Teece, D.J., Pisano, G. (1994), “The Dynamic Capabilities of Firms: An Introduction”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), pp.537-556.
  • Tzokasa, N., Hultink, E.J., Hart, S. (2004), “Navigating The New Product Development Process”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33, pp.619- 626.
  • Ulrike, B. (2000), “Innovative Versus Incremental New Business Services: Different Keys for Achieving Success”, Product Innovation Management, 18, pp.169-187.
  • Varela, J., Benito, L. (2004), “New Product Development Process in Spanish Firms: Typology, Antecedents and Technical/Marketing Activities”, Technovation, In Press.
  • Veryzer, R.W. (1998), “Discontinuous Innovation and New Product Development Process”, Journal of Product Innovation management, 15(4), pp.304–321.
  • Wheelwright, S.C., Clark, K.B. (1992), “Competing Through Development Capability in A Manufacturing-Based Organization”, EMR Fall, pp.26– 37.
  • Wilson, R.M.S., Gillican, C., Pearson, D.(1992), Strategic Marketing Management:Planning, Implementation and Control, Butterworth- Heinemann Limited, Oxford.
  • Zirger, B., Maidique, M. (1990), “A Model of New Product Development: An Empirical Test”, Management Science, 36, pp.867–883.
There are 64 citations in total.


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Journal Section Makaleler

Ekrem Cengiz This is me

Hasan Ayyıldız This is me

Fazıl Kırkbir This is me

Publication Date February 18, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Cengiz, E., Ayyıldız, H., & Kırkbir, F. (2010). Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 405-419.

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