İlk defa Alman yazar Johann Wolfgang von Goethe tarafından 1794 yılında
yazılan Wilhelm Meister’s Lehrjahre adlı romanla ortaya çıkan Bildungsroman
türü, genç bir ‘erkek’ kahramanın ahlaki, psikolojik ve entelektüel gelişiminden
ibarettir. Geleneksel romandan keskin bir şekilde ayrılan Bildungsroman,
‘Çıraklık Modeli’ adı verilen bir model sayesinde henüz olgunlaşmamış
kahramanının içsel gelişimini aşama aşama gözler önüne sermeyi amaçlar.
Bu makaleyle amaçlanan, F. Scott Fitzgerald’ın ilk romanı olan ve çoğunlukla
tematik açıdan incelenen This Side of Paradise’ın Bildungsroman tekniği
bakımından incelenmesidir.
Arsdale, Nancy P. Van. “Princeton as Modern Hermeneutics: Rereading”. F. Scott Fitzgerald: New Perspectives, eds. Bryer Jackson, Margolies Alan, Prigozy Ruth. Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 2000.
Barney, Richard A. Plots of Enlightenment: Education and the Novel in Eighteenth Century England. California: Stanford University Press, 1999.
Bryer, Jackson The Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Conference With Professor Jackson Bryer. 04 Ağus.2005.
Buckley, Jerome Hamilton. Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974.
“Crain, Calep”. Scott Fitzgerald Was Different. 04 Ağus. 2005.
“Daniel, Anne M.” Fitzgerald, F. Scott. 04 Ağus. 2005.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. This Side of Paradise. New York: Penguin Publications, 1963
Hendriksen, Jack. This Side of Paradise as a Bildungsroman. New York: P.Lang, 1993.
Hook, Andrew. F.Scott Fitzgerald. New York: Biddles Ltd, 1992.
Kahn, Sy. “This Side of Paradise: A Pageantry of Disillusion”, F.Scott Fitzgerald: Critical Assessments, Volume II. ed. Claridge, Henry
Kester, Gunilla Theander. Writing the Subject: Bildung and the African American Text. New York: P.Lang, 1995.
Mangum, Bryan.” Introduction to the Novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald. 04 August. 2005. <>
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 2006 04 August 2005 <>
Moretti, Franco. The Way of the World: The Bildungsroman in European Culture. London: Verso, 1978
Pelzer, Linda C. Student Companion to F. Scott Fitzgerald. London: Greenwood Press, 2000
Wilson Edmund. “F. Scott Fitzgerald”. Modern Critical Views: F. Scott Fitzgerald, ed. Bloom, Harold. New York: Chelsea House, 1985
Year 2007,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 65 - 79, 18.02.2010
Arsdale, Nancy P. Van. “Princeton as Modern Hermeneutics: Rereading”. F. Scott Fitzgerald: New Perspectives, eds. Bryer Jackson, Margolies Alan, Prigozy Ruth. Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 2000.
Barney, Richard A. Plots of Enlightenment: Education and the Novel in Eighteenth Century England. California: Stanford University Press, 1999.
Bryer, Jackson The Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Conference With Professor Jackson Bryer. 04 Ağus.2005.
Buckley, Jerome Hamilton. Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974.
“Crain, Calep”. Scott Fitzgerald Was Different. 04 Ağus. 2005.
“Daniel, Anne M.” Fitzgerald, F. Scott. 04 Ağus. 2005.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. This Side of Paradise. New York: Penguin Publications, 1963
Hendriksen, Jack. This Side of Paradise as a Bildungsroman. New York: P.Lang, 1993.
Hook, Andrew. F.Scott Fitzgerald. New York: Biddles Ltd, 1992.
Kahn, Sy. “This Side of Paradise: A Pageantry of Disillusion”, F.Scott Fitzgerald: Critical Assessments, Volume II. ed. Claridge, Henry
Kester, Gunilla Theander. Writing the Subject: Bildung and the African American Text. New York: P.Lang, 1995.
Mangum, Bryan.” Introduction to the Novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald. 04 August. 2005. <>
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 2006 04 August 2005 <>
Moretti, Franco. The Way of the World: The Bildungsroman in European Culture. London: Verso, 1978
Pelzer, Linda C. Student Companion to F. Scott Fitzgerald. London: Greenwood Press, 2000
Wilson Edmund. “F. Scott Fitzgerald”. Modern Critical Views: F. Scott Fitzgerald, ed. Bloom, Harold. New York: Chelsea House, 1985
Tanrıtanır, B. C., & Eleman, A. (2010). BILDUNGSROMAN OLARAK F. S. FITZGERALD’IN THIS SIDE OF PARADISE ADLI ROMANI. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(1), 65-79.