Tanrıcı Varoluşcu Felsefe ile Varoluşculuk Sorununu Çözme: Henderson The Rain King
Year 2010,
Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.07.2010
Bülent Cercis Tanrıtanır
Özcan Akşak
Saul Bellow modern dönemde yazmıştır. Bu dönemdeki çoğu yazar, dönemin
kendine özgü ve yaygın olan insan sorunlarına eğilmiştir. Bu dönemdeki felsefi akımlar da,
dönemin yazarlarını etkilemiştir. Varoluşculuk, yazarların etkilendiği felsefi akımlardan
biridir. Bu makale Henderson’un savaş sonrası modern Amerika’daki hoşnutsuzluğunu
ve Henderson’un Afrika’daki ruhsal değişimini, Henderson’un dini yadsımadığına işaret
ederek göstermektedir. Bu makale Bellow’un romanlarında dini öğeler kullandığını
ve sevgi ve kardeşlik esasına dayanan Soren Kierkegard’ın tanrıcı varoluş felsefesine
yaklaştığını göstermektedir
- Bancroft, Michael (1984 ). “Recommended: Saul Bellow”. The English Journal. Vol. 73, Pp.77- 78.
- Bellow, Saul (1976). Henderson the Rain King. New York: Penguin Books.
- Charlesworth, Max J. (1976). The Existentialists and Jean-Paul Sartre. George Prior.
- Connell, George B and Evans, C. Stephen (1992). Foundations of Kierkegaard’sVisionof Community: Religion, Ethics, and Politics in Kierkegaard. London: Humanities Press International.
- Fishman, Etham (1983). “Saul Bellow’s Likely Stories”. The Journal of Politics. Vol. 45 No.3, (Aug.), Pp.61-634.
- Gerhard, Bach (1995). The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Westport: Greenwood Press.
- Harap, Louis (1987). In the Mainstream: The Jewish Presence in Twentieth-Century American Literature, 1950s-1980s., Westport: Greenwood Press.
- Hicks, Grandville (1995). “The Search for Salvation”. The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Ed. Gerhard Bach, Westport: Greenwood Press, 100-102.
- Lehan, Richard (1973). A Dangerous Crossing: French Literary Existentialism and the Modern American Novel. Southern Illinois University Press.
- Marcos, W. Donald (1995). “Life against Death in Henderson the Rain King” in The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Ed. Gerhard Bach, Westport: Greenwood Press.
- Pfizer, Donald (1982). Twentieth-Century American Literary Naturalism: An Interpretation, Southern Illinois University Press.
- Rodriguez, Eusebio L. (1995). “Saul Bellow’s Henderson as America”. The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Ed. Gerhard Bach, Westport: Greenwood Press.
Year 2010,
Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.07.2010
Bülent Cercis Tanrıtanır
Özcan Akşak
- Bancroft, Michael (1984 ). “Recommended: Saul Bellow”. The English Journal. Vol. 73, Pp.77- 78.
- Bellow, Saul (1976). Henderson the Rain King. New York: Penguin Books.
- Charlesworth, Max J. (1976). The Existentialists and Jean-Paul Sartre. George Prior.
- Connell, George B and Evans, C. Stephen (1992). Foundations of Kierkegaard’sVisionof Community: Religion, Ethics, and Politics in Kierkegaard. London: Humanities Press International.
- Fishman, Etham (1983). “Saul Bellow’s Likely Stories”. The Journal of Politics. Vol. 45 No.3, (Aug.), Pp.61-634.
- Gerhard, Bach (1995). The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Westport: Greenwood Press.
- Harap, Louis (1987). In the Mainstream: The Jewish Presence in Twentieth-Century American Literature, 1950s-1980s., Westport: Greenwood Press.
- Hicks, Grandville (1995). “The Search for Salvation”. The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Ed. Gerhard Bach, Westport: Greenwood Press, 100-102.
- Lehan, Richard (1973). A Dangerous Crossing: French Literary Existentialism and the Modern American Novel. Southern Illinois University Press.
- Marcos, W. Donald (1995). “Life against Death in Henderson the Rain King” in The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Ed. Gerhard Bach, Westport: Greenwood Press.
- Pfizer, Donald (1982). Twentieth-Century American Literary Naturalism: An Interpretation, Southern Illinois University Press.
- Rodriguez, Eusebio L. (1995). “Saul Bellow’s Henderson as America”. The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Ed. Gerhard Bach, Westport: Greenwood Press.