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The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Work-Family Conflict, Family-Work Conflict, Organizational Identification and Turnover Intention: A Research on Defence Sector

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 209 - 232, 30.07.2010


The expectations of the human resource that have an important role in the success of organization differ in time. Perceived organizational support (POS) for employees is an important factor which affects employees’ attitudes. The study focuses on the determination of the effects of POS on work-family conflict (WFC), family-work conflict (FWC), organizational identification (OI) and turnover intention (TI). Five variables, discussed at the research which is related to defense sector employees, were analyzed with structural equation model and mediating effects were researched according to the derived data. As a result of analysis, it was determined that POS has significant effect on WFC, FWC, OI and TI. It was also determined that WFC and OI has a partial mediating role on POS’s effect on TI.


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  • Coyle-Shapiro, J.A-M., ve Conway, N. (2005). “Exchange Relationships: Examining Psychological Contracts and Perceived Organizational Support”. Journal of Applied Psy- chology, Vol. 90, No. 4.774–781.
  • Çetin, C., Urfalıoğlu, F. ve Uysal, B. (2008) “İş-Aile Çatışması ve Örgütsel Sonuçlar ile İlişkisi: Bankacılık Sektöründe Bir Araştırma”. 16.Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Antalya.
  • Deconninck, J. (2005). “An Analysis of Turnover Amaong Retail Buyers”. içinde Bach- mann, D. (Ed.) Journal of Business Research, Vol.58, 874- 882.
  • Dubrin, A. J. (1997). Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior, Cincinnati, Ohio:South- Western College Publishing.
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  • Eby, L. T., Casper, W. J., Lockwood, A., Bordeaux, C., ve Brinley, A. (2005). “Work and Family Research in IO/OB: Content Analysis and Review of The Literature (1980– 2002)”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66, 124–197.
  • Efeoğlu, I. F. (2006. İş-Aile Yaşam Çatişmasinin İş Stresi, İş Doyumu ve Örgütsel Bağlı- lık Üzerindeki Etkileri: İlaç Sektöründe Bir Araştırma, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Adana: Çukurova Üniversitesi.
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Algılanan Örgütsel Desteğin Çalışanların İş-Aile, Aile-İş Çatışması, Örgütsel Özdeşleşme ve İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisi: Savunma Sektöründe Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 209 - 232, 30.07.2010


Örgüt başarımında önemli bir role sahip işgücünün beklentileri gün geçtikçe
farklılaşabilmektedir. Çalışanlar için örgütsel destek, çalışanların tutumlarında etkisi
olan önemli bir faktördür. Örgütsel desteğin çalışanların örgütsel özdeşleşme düzeyine,
iş-aile ve aile iş çatışması düzeyi ile işten ayrılma niyetine etkilerini belirlemek bu çalışmanın
temel konusudur. Savunma sektörü çalışanları üzerinde yapılan araştırmada
konu edilen beş değişken yapısal eşitlik modeli ile analiz edilmiş ve elde edilen veriler
doğrultusunda aracılık etkileri araştırılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda algılanan örgütsel
desteğin(AOD) iş-aile çatışması(İAÇ), aile-iş çatışmasını(AİÇ) ve işten ayrılma niyetini
(İAN) anlamlı olarak azalttığı, örgütsel özdeşleşmeyi(ÖÖ) anlamlı olarak artırdığı belirlenmiştir.
Ayrıca, AOD’nin İAN’ye etkisinde İAÇ ve örgütsel özdeşleşmenin kısmi aracılık
rolü üstlendiği tespit edilmiştir


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  • Eby, L. T., Casper, W. J., Lockwood, A., Bordeaux, C., ve Brinley, A. (2005). “Work and Family Research in IO/OB: Content Analysis and Review of The Literature (1980– 2002)”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66, 124–197.
  • Efeoğlu, I. F. (2006. İş-Aile Yaşam Çatişmasinin İş Stresi, İş Doyumu ve Örgütsel Bağlı- lık Üzerindeki Etkileri: İlaç Sektöründe Bir Araştırma, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Adana: Çukurova Üniversitesi.
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  • Foley, S., Hang-Yue, N. Lui, S., (2005), “The Effects Ofwork Stressors, Perceived Orga- nizational Support, and Gender on Work-Family Conflict in Hong Kong”. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 22, 237–256.
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  • Gakovic Anika ve Tetrick Lois E. (2003). “Perceived Organizational Support and Work Status: A Comparison of The Employmentrelationships of Part-Time and Full-Time Employees Attending University Classes”. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24, 649– 666.
  • Grant-Vallone, E. J., ve Ensher, E. A. (2001). “An Examination of Work and Personal Life Conflict, Organizational Support, and Employee Health Among International Expat- riates”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 25, ss.261–278.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., Collins, K. M. ve Shaw, J. D. (2003). “The Relation Between Work- Family Balance and Quality of Life”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., ve Beutell, N. J. (1985). “Sources of Conflict Between Work and Family Roles”. Academy of Management Review, 10, ss.76–88.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., ve Parasuraman, S. (1999. Research on Work, Family, and Gender: Current Status and Future Directions içinde G. N. Powell (Ed.), Newbury Park, CA: Handbook of Gender and Work, 391–412.
  • Gutek, B., Searle, S. ve Klepa, L. (1991). “Rational Versus Gender Role Explanations For Work-Family Conflict”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76.
  • Higgins, C. A. ve Duxbury L.E. (1992). “Work-Family Conflict: A Comparison of Dual- Career and Traditional-Career Men”. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13.
  • Hui, C., Wong A. ve Tjosvold D. (2007). “Turnover Intention and Performance in China: The Role of Positive Affectivity, Chinese Values, Perceived Organizational Support and Constructive Controversy”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 80, 735–751.
  • Jackofsky, E. F. (1984). “Turnover and Job Performance: An Integrated Process Model”. The Academy of Management, Vol.9. 74-83.
  • Johnson, D. W., ve Johnson, R. T. (1989). Cooperation and Competition: Theory and Research. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company.
  • Joreskog, K. G. ve Sorbom, D. (1993). Lisrel 8: Structural Equation Modeling with The SIMPLIS Command Language. Chicago, IL: Scientific International Software.
  • Karatepe, O. M. ve Baddar L. (2006). “An Empirical Study of The Selected Consequen- ces of Frontline Employees’ Work–Family Conflict and Family–Work Conflict”. Tourism Management. 27, 1017–1028.
  • Karatepe O. Kılıç H. (2007). “Relationships of Supervisor Support and Conflicts in The Work–Family Interface With the Selected Job Outcomes of Frontline Employees”. Tourism Management, 28, 238–252.
  • Kinnunen, U., Geurts, S. ve Mauno, S. (2004). “Work-To-Family Conflict and Its Rela- tionship with Satisfaction and Well-Being: A One-Year Longitudinal Study on Gender Differences”. Work ve Stres, January-March, 18(1).
  • Kline, R. B., (1998). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Küçükusta, D. (2007), Konaklama Işletmelerinde İş-Yaşam Dengesinin Çalışma Yaşami Kalitesi Üzerindeki Etkisi, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İzmir.
  • Lee, T. W., Maurer S. D. (1999). “The Effects of Family Structure on Organizational Commitment, Intention to Leave and Voluntary Turnover”. Journal of Managerial Issues, 11 (4).
  • Loi, R., Hang-Yue, N. ve Foley, S. (2006). “Linking Employees’ Justice PerceptionsTo Organizational Commitment and Intention to Leave: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 79, 101–120.
  • Mael, F. ve Tetrick, L.E. (1992). Identifying Organizational Identification, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52, 813-824.
  • Mael, F. ve Ashforth, B. (1992). “Alumni and Their Alma Mater: A Partial Test of The Reformulated Model of Organizational Identification”. Journal of Organizational Beha- vior, Vol. 13.
  • Mignonac, K. ve Herrbach, O., Guerrero, S. (2006). “The Interactive Evects of Perceived External Prestige and Need for Organizational Identification on Turnover Intentions”. Journal of Organizational, 27, 571–584.
  • Namasivayam, K., Zhao X. (2007). “An Investigation of the Moderating Effects of Or- ganizational Commitment on the Relationships between Work–Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction Among Hospitality Employees in India”. Tourism Management, 28: 5, Oc- tober, 1212-1223
  • Netemeyer, R.G., Boles, J. S. ve Mcmurrian, R. (1996). “Development and Validation of Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict Scales”. Journal of Applied Psycho- logy, 80.
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Toplam 73 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Ömer Turunç Bu kişi benim

Mazlum Çelik Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Turunç, Ö., & Çelik, M. (2010). Algılanan Örgütsel Desteğin Çalışanların İş-Aile, Aile-İş Çatışması, Örgütsel Özdeşleşme ve İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisi: Savunma Sektöründe Bir Araştırma. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(1), 209-232.

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