Prof. Dr. Ahmet Duran ŞAHİN, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Uçak ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi Meteoroloji Mühendisliği Bölümü’nden 1994 yılında Lisans; İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Meteoroloji Mühendisliği Programı’ndan 1996 yılında Yüksek Lisans; 2002 yılında da Doktora derecelerini almıştır. 2004-2005 yılları arasında doktora sonrası çalışmalar yapmak üzere Kanada University of Ontario Institute of Technology’de bulunmuştur.
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Duran Şahin, meteoroloji, atmosfer bilimleri, iklim, enerji, ekserji, yenilenebilir enerjiler (rüzgar, güneş), modern sayısal çözümleme yöntemleri gibi belli başlı konularda bilimsel araştırmalar yapmıştır. Üstün nitelikte uluslararası düzeydeki çalışmalarının sonucunda 2006 yılında Mühendislik Bilimleri alanında TÜBİTAK Teşvik Ödülü’ne layık görülmüştür. Ulusal ve uluslararası alanda birçok yayınının bulunmasının yanı sıra, araştırma ve sektörel anlamda birçok projede yürütücülük görevi üstlenmiş, kongrelerde ve sempozyumlarda görevler alarak, düzenlenme ve yayın aşamalarına bilfiil katkıda bulunmuştur.
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Duran Şahin 2012 yılından itibaren Meteoroloji Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkanlığı ve Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı görevlerini ve Uçak ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliği’ni yürütmektedir. 2014-2020 yılları arasında da İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yönetim Kurulu üyesi olarak görev yapmıştır. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Duran Şahin Şubat 2021-Kasım 2024 tarihleri arasında İTÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim enstitüsü Müdürlüğü görevini yürütmektedir.
Detaylı bilgi için:,
Dr. Hasan TATLI is -meteorological engineer- a full Professor in the Department of Geography at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University. He focuses on climate, climate change, and meteorology. His study focuses on developing small-scale regional climate models (downscaling) and evaluating the relevance of variability to predict climate change effects. His current research interests include meteorological-climatological disasters and climate change implications, multidimensional drought sensitivity, developing Copula-based multidimensional drought indicators, and forest fire monitoring and forecasting. He also does theoretical research in the areas of chaos theory and uncertainty.
Dr. Hasan TATLI develops the source codes for the computer programs used in all of his investigations; he also has professional experience using the FTN 90-95-2000, MATLAB, Python, R-language, MS-Office, Statistica and SPSS, Golden Software tools.
Profesor S.Incecik is President of the International Union of Air of Air Pollution Prevention & Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA), since November 2017. A highly experienced atmospheric and environmental scientist accustomed to working with Government and Organizations at nationally and internationally. His research encompasses the Urban Air Quality and Climate Change, Air Pollution and Climate Interactions; Air Quality Management and Modeling; Atmospheric boundary layer processes; The interaction and feedbacks between surface ozone and the corresponding precursors.
Istanbul Technical University (ITU) 1971;
B.S. and M.S. (Meteorology)
Ist.Tech.Univ. 1983,
Ph.D. (Meteorology)
Pennsylvania State University (PSU) 1987, 1992
Post Doctoral
Professional Experience
2020-to Present Teaching Professor at Environmental Engineering Department, Marmara University
January 2016 Retired Professor, Istanbul Technical University.
2006 to Present Senior Advisor to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (formerly TAEK) for atmospheric dispersion and meteorological studies at Akkuyu and Sinop Nuclear Power Plants in Türkiye.
2003 to 2016 National Representative and Executive Scientific Committee Member in
NATO- ITM Air Pollution Modeling and Its Applications
2002 to 2016 Representative of University in Turkish National Geodesy and Geophysics
Union Council
2011 to 2012 Expert Scientist at Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MEU) for
NEC National Emission Ceiling inventory for industrial emissions
2009 to 2011 Expert Scientist at Operational Improvement Potential of the Thermal
Power Plants as mitigation of CO2 to be privatized in Turkey
2003 to 2006 Scientist at IPCC Special Report, Ch.2, Leading Author
2000 to 2003 Head of the Graduate Program, Atmospheric Sciences, ITU
1997 to 2000 Head of the Department (Meteorological Engineering),ITU
1995 to Present Professor, Department of Meteorology Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul.
1994 to 1996 Vice Dean of Aeronauticas and Astronautics Faculty, ITU
1989 Associate Professor, Department of Meteorology, Istanbul Technical University.
1987 Assistant Professor, Department of Meteorology, Istanbul Technical University.
1984 to 1987 Lecturer, Department of Meteorology, Istanbul Technical University.
1977 to 1983 Teaching Assistant, Department of Meteorology, Istanbul Technical University.
Honors & Awards
Contributing to the Award of the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE for 2007 to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change by Special Report as lead author. Prof. Incecik’s contribution of Nobel Peace Prize Award 2007 winning UN IPCC -Climate Change with a Special Report on Chemical and Radiative Effects of Halocarbons and Their Replacement Compounds” in Safeguarding the ozone layer and the global climate system: issues related to hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons in the member of the Working Group I as lead author in Chapter 2.
• President the International Union of Air of Air Pollution Prevention & Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA) (2017-present)
• Board Member, European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection
Associations (EFCA) (2016-present)
• Board member the International Union of Air of Air Pollution Prevention & Environmental Protection Agencies (IUAPPA) (2007–2017)
• Representative of University in Turkish National Geodesy and Geophysics Union Council (2002-2016)
• Executive Board Member, Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution and Control (2003-Present)
• Board member of the Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen Association (TUSIAD) Environmental Group for the Air quality and Climate and Adaptation-Mitigation (1998-2015)
• National Representative in IGIP International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (1998-2001)
• Board member in ISARS, International Society for Acoustic Remote Sensing (1990-1994)
• Scientific Committee Member in Air Quality-Science and Application Conference Series (2008-Present)
Editorial Advisory Board of the Journals:
Atmospheric Pollution Research (Elsevier), (2010-Present)
Int.Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology (Inderscience) (2011-Present)
Austin Journal of Irrigation (Austin Publishing Group) Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Research (ISSN: 2642-0449) An International Journal, (2015-Present)
Journal Guest Editor:
T.Plocoste, S.İncecik, F.Schmitt, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2024 (process continues)
H.Choi, M.S.Speer, S.İncecik, Applied Sciences, MDPI, Short- and Long-Term Air Pollution
Analysis, Modeling and Prediction, 2024.
S.İncecik, H.Herrmann,P.Kassomenos, A.Gertler The Science of the Total Environment,
Elsevier, 2020.
S.Incecik, M.Talib Latif, J.Jalaludin, N.Zaitun Yahaya, M.G.Cayeteno, Better Air Quality in
Asia by MYCAS, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2020.
S.İncecik, A.Heikkile, Zia ul-Haq, Maria A. Revuelta, Advances in Meteorology, Hindawi,
S.İncecik, P.Kassomenos, A.Gertler, The Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, 2013
Special Issue for Aerosols and Air Quality, from selected papers in 4rd Int Conference
of Air Quality Management.
S.Incecik, A.Atimtay, H.Choi, Int. J. of Env. and Pollution, Inderscience, 2009
A.Atimtay, S.Incecik, A.Gertler, Atmospheric Research, Elsevier, 2008,
Muezzinoglu A, A.Atimtay, S.Incecik , Environmental International,Elsevier, 2008
Atimtay A,and S.İncecik, Journal of Water & Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus, Kluwer Academic
Publisher, 2003
Recent Research Projects (2003-):
• TÜBİTAK 123Y363, Determination of Climate Change Related Hazards in Western Turkey Using High Resolution Cosmo-Clm Model According to SSP3-7.0 Scenario, Sample Risk Analysis for a Region and Sector Sensitive to Climate Change, (2024-2026) (Researcher)
• TÜBİTAK, 117Y298, An analysis and solution offers of the air pollution and full costs of urban transportation in Dilovası, Kocaeli, (2017-2021). (Researcher)
• TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey): Analysis of the change in the static wave structure in the middle atmosphere according to different climate scenarios (2018-2020). (Researcher)
• EU ERA-NET TUBITAK ERAfrica, 114Y047: Local climate change in three cities (Cairo, Nairobi and Istanbul) with different population, urban structure, land use classification and climate characteristics and compare different adaptation strategies to local climate change in these cities ,(2014-2018). (Researcher)
• EU ERA-NET, TÜBİTAK, 215M386 ‘The New European Wind Atlas (NEWA), 2015-2019, (Researcher)
• TÜBİTAK, 112Y545 ‘3D Analysis of the impact of the past and future climate change on Brewer Dobson’, (2014 – 2016), (Researcher)
• Ministry of Water and Forest, IO Environment, The impact of climate change on the water resources in Turkey: 2015-2100 (2014-2016), (PI)
• TUBITAK, 111Y319, Online integration of air quality and meteorological models, (2012-2015). (Researcher)
• TUBITAK,111Y234, Short term forecasting of Solar Irradiation in Southeastern and Marmara regions of Turkey (COST Action Project -ES1002) (2012-2014). (PI)
• TUBITAK,105Y005, An assessment of urban and regional air pollution using complex meteorological fields simulations, (COST Action Project -728) (2007-2010)(PI).
• TUJJB (Turkish Geodesy and Geopghysical Union) Project: TUJJB-TUMEHAP-03-06, Evaluation of photochemical pollution in urban , suburban and rural areas in Istanbul through measurements and modeling, (2007-2010)(PI).
• TUBITAK Project: 109Y132, Investigation of air quality in Kagıthane, Istanbul, (2009-2012) (Researcher)
• TUBITAK Project: 110Y050, Short term forecasting of wind energy, (2010-2013) (Researcher)
• TUBITAK, 105Y363,GSRT, Development of a tool for the prognosis and confrontation of forest fires and droughts in Greece and Turkey, (2003-2006). (Researcher)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Yılmaz, M., Kara, Y., Toros, H.,İncecik, S (2024). Analysis of the summer thermal comfort
indices in İstanbul. Int J Biometeorol
1 April 2024
Diren-Üstün.D.H., Y. S. Ünal, S. İ.Bilgen, C. Y. Sonuç, S. Sodoudi, C.Güney, A. Ö. Doğru and
S.İncecik, (2024), Effects of Land-Use Mitigation Scenarios on Urban Heat Island
Intensity in Istanbul, Atmospheric Research,
Incecik,S., R.Bornstein, A.Baklanov (2023), Obituary - Prof. George Kallos 1951-2022, Urban
Climate, 49.
Sonuç.C.Y, Y. Ünal and S. İncecik (2023), Convection-permitting climate simulations with COSMO-CLM over northwestern Turkey under the RCP8.5 scenario" International Journal of Climatology, 1-18, DOI: 10.1002/joc.8061. 43, 3841-3858.
Özdemir,E.T., İ.Sezen, B.Efe,A.Deniz, S.İncecik (2022). Analysis of the severe southerly winds affecting the Marmara region of Turkey and a case study for December 20th 2009, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15:985.
Tan, E.,S.Mentes, Y.S.Unal, S.İncecik, S.Topcu, , B.Önol, B.Barutcu, E.Unal (2021). Short term
wind energy resource prediction using WRF model for a location in western part of Turkey,
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,13, 0133.
Sarı.D, S.Incecik, N.Ozkurt (2020).Analysis of surface ozone episodes using WRF-HYSPLIT
model at Biga Peninsula in the Marmara region of Turkey, Atmospheric Pollution Research,
11,12, 2361-2378.
Incecik.S (2020).Preface for the World Clean Air Congress 2019 on One Atmosphere: Climate and
Pollution Interactions and Challenges, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11,12,2087, 25.
Unal.Y.S, C. Yürük Sonuç, S. İncecik, H.S.Topcu, Deniz H.Diren-Ustun, H.Perim Temizöz
(2020). Investigating urban heat island intensity in Istanbul, Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 139, Issue 1–2, 175–190.
Incecik.S, S. Sakarya , S. Tilev , A. Kahraman, B.Aksoy , E.Calıskan , S.Topcu, C.Kahya and
M. Talat Odman (2019). Evaluation of WRF parameterizations for global horizontal
irradiation forecasts: A study for Turkey, Atmosfera, 32, 143-158.
Yılmaz M.,Toros H.,İncecik S.,Öztürk Z.,Kirkil G.,Öztaş, D.,Akçay M.,Dinç U.,Gültekin,
M.,Emanet H.,Arslantaş O. A. (2019). Investigation of Air Pollution Using a Model in
Dilovası and GebzeRegion: A New Approach, Journal of Research in Atmospheric
Kasparoğlu, S., Incecik S., Topcu S (2018). Spatial and temporal variation of O3, NO and
NO2 concentrations at rural and urban sites in Marmara region of Turkey, Atmospheric
Pollution Research, 9,1009-1020.
Özer B, S.İncecik, E.Görgün (2017). The evaluation of CO2 emissions mitigation scenarios for
Turkish electricity sector, International Journal of Global Warming, 11,157-181.
Sarı D, S.İncecik, N.Ozkurt (2016). Surface ozone levels in the forest and vegetation areas of
the Biga Peninsula, Turkey, Science of The Total Environment, 571,1284–1297.
Incecik, S, A. Gertler, P. Kassomenos (2014). Aerosols and air quality, Science of the Total Environment, 488, 355-355, (DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.012).
Im,U, S. Incecik, M. Guler, S. Topcu, Y.S. Unal, O. Yenigun, T. Kindap, M.T.Odman, M.
Tayanc, A. Tek (2013). Analysis of surface ozone and nitrogen oxides at urban, semi-urban
and rural sites in Istanbul, Turkey, Science of the Total Environment, 443,920-931.
Özer B, E. Görgün, S.Incecik (2013). The scenario analysis on CO2 emission mitigation
potential in Turkish electricity sector: 2006-2030, Energy, 49,395-403.
Deniz.A, H. M. Çelebi, S. İncecik, H. Toros (2013). Analysis of ozone and its precursors at an
urbanized and industrialized creek valley (Golden Horn), Istanbul, Turkey, Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin. 22, 2524-2532.
Incecik.S, (2013). Short - Lived Climate Pollutants and Clean Air Coalition, Bahçeşehir
University Faculty of Law Journal, 8, 409-414.
Markakis, K., Im, U., Unal, A., Melas, D., Yenigun, O., Incecik, S (2012). Compilation of a high
resolution emissions inventory for the Greater Istanbul Area. Atmospheric Pollution
Research. 3-5, 112-125, 2012
Unal Y.S., A.Deniz, H.Toros and S Incecik (2012). Temporal and spatial patterns of precipitation
variability for annual, wet and dry periods in Turkey, International Journal of Climatology,
32, 392-405, DOI: 10.1002/joc.2274.
Hänninen.O, S. Vardoulakis, D. A. Sarigiannis, S. Incecik, R. S. Sokhi, (2011). Focus on
exposure to air pollution and related health impacts, Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, DOI 10.1007/s11869-011-0137-4.
Unal.Y.S, A.Deniz, H.Toros and S.Incecik (2011).Influence of meteorological factors and
emission sources on spatial and temporal variations of PM10 concentrations in Istanbul
metropolitan area. Atmospheric Environment, 45,5504-5513.
Im, U., K.Markakis, S.Incecik, O.Yenigun, A.Unal, T.Kindap, S.Topcu, M.Tayanc, M.Guler
(2011). The Impact of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Emissions on Surface Ozone
Concentrations in Istanbul, Science of the Total Environment, 409, 1255-1265.
Deniz, A, H.Toros, S.Incecik (2011). Spatial variations of climate indices in Turkey,
International Journal of Climatology, 31, 3, 394-403.
Im.U, K.Markakis, A.Unal, T.Kindap, A. Poupkou, S.Incecik, O.Yenigun, D.Melas, C.Theodosi,
N.Mihalopoulos (2010). Study of a winter PM episode in Istanbul using the high resolution
WRF/CMAQ modelling system, Atmospheric Environment, 44, 3085-3094,
Unal Y,S, S.Incecik, S.Topcu and A.Oztopal, (2010). Daily Peak Ozone Forecast in Istanbul,
Int. Journal of Remote Sensing, 31, 551-561. 2010
Barı.D.D., S.Topcu, S.İncecik, C.Kahya (2010). Stratospheric ozone climatology and its
variability over Ankara, Advances in Geosciences 16, 203-215, 2010.
Aksoy B, S.Incecik, S.Topcu,C.Kahya, D.Demirhan (2009). Total Ozone over Ankara and its
Forecasting using Regression Models, Int. Journal of Remote Sensing,30,17, 4387-4400.
Incecik S, A.Atimtay and H.Choi (2009). Air Quality Management (Editorial), Special Issue.
Int. Journal of Environment and Pollution, 39, 3-4. 201-203.
İncecik,S, (2009). Air Quality in Istanbul: In the Past and Today, NewsLetters of the FP7 EC
MEGAPOLI Project, Issues 4.
Atimtay AT, S.Incecik, A.S.Gertler (2008), Air Quality: Aersols, dust storms, photochemical
pollutant-Preface (Editorial), Special Issue, Atmospheric Research, 89, 305.
Muezzinoglu A, Atimtay AT, Incecik S (2008), Assessment of urban and regional air quality
and its impacts, Preface- (Editorial)Special Issue. Environmental International, 34, 579.
Kambezidis, H.D.,D.G. Kaskaoutis, P. Kassomenos, D. Melas, A. Papadopoulos , O.Yenigün, U.
Anteplioglu, U. Im, S. Topcu, S. Incecik, and T. Onay (2006). An investigation on forest-
fire risk assessment in selected areas in Greece and Turkey, Forest Ecology and
Management, 234, 1,15,46.
Kahya.C, D.Demirhan, S.Topcu , S.Incecik, (2006), An examination of the laminae
characteristics in ozone profiles in Eastern and South Eastern Europe, Int. Journal of
Remote Sensing, 26, 3455-3466.
Demirhan D, C.Kahya, S.Topcu, S.Incecik (2005). Total ozone variation in south eastern
Europe, Int. Journal of Remote Sensing, 26, 3455-3466.
Velders,G., Sasha Madronich, Cathy Clerbaux, Richard Derwent, Michel Grutter, Didier
Hauglustaine, Selahattin Incecik, Malcolm Ko, Jean-Marie Libre, Ole John Nielsen, Frode
Stordal, Tong Zhu.,(2005). “Chemical and Radiative Effects of Halocarbons and Their
Replacement Compounds” in Safeguarding the ozone layer and the global climate system:
issues related to hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons. Contribution of Working Group I
of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change. WMO-UNEP. Cambridge University
Anteplioğlu.U, S.Topçu and S.İncecik (2003), An application of a photochemical model for urban
airshed in Istanbul, Journal of Water, Air & Soil Pollution:Focus, 3(5-6), 55-66.
Topcu.S, and S.İncecik (2003). Characteristics of surface ozone concentrations in urban atmosphere
of Istanbul: A Case Study, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 12,3.
Topcu.S, S.İncecik and Y.S.Ünal, The influence of meteorological conditions and stringent emission
control on high episodes in Istanbul, Env. Science and Pollution Research, 10 (1), 24-32, 2003.
Topcu.S and S.İncecik (2002). Surface ozone measurements and meteorological influences in the
urban atmosphere of Istanbul, Int.Journal of Environment and Pollution 17,4, 390-404.
Topcu.S, S.İncecik and A.T.Atimtay (2002). An investigation of chemical composition of rainwater
at the EMEP station in Turkey, Atmospheric Research, Elsevier, 65,1-2,77-92.
Topcu.S, Y.S.Unal and S.İncecik (2001). Analysis of meteorological conditions leading to TSP
episodes in Istanbul, Journal of Science and Technology, Anadolu University, 3, 1, 131-136,
Sahin, M, S.İncecik, A.Yıldırım and S.Topcu (2000). Analysis of atmospheric conditions during air
pollution episodes in Ankara,Turkey, Journal of Air &Waste Management Assoc. 51, 174-185.
Unal, Y.S. S.İncecik, Y.Borhan and S.Menteş (2000). Factors influencing SO2 levels in Istanbul,
Journal of Air & Waste Management Assoc. 50,75-84.
Erdun, H, S.İncecik, M.O.Kaya and İ.Özkol (1997). Realistic approach to the 2-D flow modelling
for complex terrain, Int.Journal Environment and Pollution, 8, 500-512.
Incecik, S (1996). An investigation of the atmospheric conditions in Istanbul leading to air pollution
episodes. Atmospheric Environment, 30,101-111.
Incecik, S. and Thomson, D (1995). “Surface Ozone at a Rural Site in the Nittany Valley, PA.”
Transactions, Regional Photochemical Measurement and Modeling Studies
TR-24, Air and Waste Management Association. Paper FM1-II.7.
Incecik, S and F.Erdoğmuş (1995). An investigation of wind power potential in Western Coast of
Anatolia. Int. Journal of Renewable Energy, 6,863-865.
Borhan.Y, and S.Incecik (1993). Spatial variation of the seasonal precipitation over a transitional
region, Bull. of the Technical University of Istanbul. 48,439- 449.
Incecik, S.(1989). A study of daytime planetary boundary layer heights with acoustic sounding and
radiosonde profiles", Bull. of the Technical University of Istanbul, 42,99 110.
Incecik, S.(1986). A Mesometeorological investigation of the Golden Horn Istanbul, Boundary-
Layer Meteorology,36, 93 100.
20 Mayıs 1997'de İstanbul'da doğdum. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi'nde Meteoroloji Mühendisliği lisans eğitimimi tamamladıktan sonra, aynı üniversitenin Atmosfer Bilimleri yüksek lisans programına kabul edildim ve şu anda tez çalışmamı sürdürmekteyim. Yüksek lisans derecemi 2025'te almayı planlıyorum.
Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü'ndeki stajımda saha çalışmalarına katılarak akış hızı, derinlik ölçümleri ve kuraklık analizleri üzerine çalıştım. Lisans tezimde Avrupa'da gözlemlenen sting jet olaylarını inceledim, yüksek lisans tez çalışmamda ise Türkiye'deki bulutluluk analizine odaklanıyorum. Ayrıca meteorolojik uydu verileri üzerine devam eden projelerde yer alıyorum.
Akademik yaşamım dışında ulusal ve uluslararası etkinliklerde organizasyon komitelerinde görev aldım ve takım projelerinde liderlik yaptım. Meteorolojik verilerin analizine yönelik Fortran gibi ileri düzey programlama dillerinde çalışmalar yaptım ve bu yeteneklerimi sürekli olarak geliştirmekteyim. Teknik becerilerimin yanı sıra, ileri düzey İngilizce bilgimle uluslararası platformlarda da aktif bir şekilde yer alıyorum.
Atmosfer ve İklim Dergisi (ATİK)
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