A Sequential Random Airy Type Problem of Fractional Order: Existence, Uniqueness and ß-Differential Dependance
Yıl 2021,
, 277 - 286, 30.09.2021
Zoubir Dahmani
Yfrah Hafssa
In this work, a new class of sequential random differential equations of Airy type is introduced. An existence and uniqueness criteria for stochastic process solutions for the introduced class is discussed. Some notions on β−differential dependance are also introduced. Then, new results on the β−dependance are discussed. At the end, some illustrative examples are discussed.
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Yıl 2021,
, 277 - 286, 30.09.2021
Zoubir Dahmani
Yfrah Hafssa
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Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential equations with multi-point boundary conditions in generalized Banach spaces, Dynamics Systems and Applications. 28(2) (2019)
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MECSJ. 15 (2018).
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21(3) (2018) 669-680.
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gestures with Caputo derivative, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics. 16(4-5)
(2013) 287-296.
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fractional differential equation : existence, uniqueness and new data dependence.
- [31] H. Yfrah, Z. Dahmani, L. Tabharit and A. Abdelenbi, High order random fractional
differential equations: existence, uniqueness and data dependence, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics. (2020) Accepted.