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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 81 - 93, 25.03.2016


Porsuk Stream passing from the borders of  Eskişehir and Kütahya has a significant water supply, feeds Sakarya River, which has an important water potential in Turkey. In particular, Porsuk Stream is used as drinking water in the Eskişehir Provinces. Therefore, determination of water quality of Porsuk Stream has a great importance for the health of ecosystems for the region. Water samples were collected seasonally (2010-2011) from 13 stations selected on the Porsuk Stream and temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, conductivity, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, sulphate, phosphate, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, total phosphorus, total chlorine, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium parameters were investigated. The detected physicochemical parameters were statistically compared among the stations and the effective factors were classified by using the Factor Analysis (FA). Also, Cluster Analysis (CA) was applied to the results to classify the stations according to physicochemical characteristics by using the Past package program. The data observed were evaluated with national and international water quality criteria. This study presents the necessity and usefulness of statistical techniques such as CA, FA and One-Way ANOVA in order to get better information about the surface water quality monitoring studies.


  • Shrestha S, Kazama F. Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of the Fuji river basin; Japan. Environmental Modelling and Software 22:464–475, 2007. DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2006.02. 001
  • Singh P K, Malik A, Sinha S. Water quality assessment and apportionment of pollution sources of Gomti river (India) using multivariate statistical techniques—a case study. Analytica Chimica Acta. 538, 355–374, 2005. DOI:10. 1016/j.aca.2005.02.006
  • Chen K, Jiao JJ, Huang J, Huang R. Multivariate statistical evaluation of trace elements in groundwater in a coastal area in Shenzhen, China. Environmental Pollution 147: 771-780, 2007. DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2006.09. 002
  • Kazi G, Arain K M, Jamali M K, Jalbani N, Afridi I H., Sarfraz A R, Baig A J, Shah A Q. Assessment of water quality of polluted lake using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72: 301– 309, 2009. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2008.02.024
  • Iscen F C, Altın A, Senoğlu B, Yavuz S H. Evaluation of surface water quality characteristics by using multivariate ststistical techniques: A case study of the Euphrates river basin, Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 151: 259–264, 2009. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-008-0267-9
  • Iscen F C, Emiroğlu Ö, Ilhan S, Arslan N, Yılmaz V, Ahiska S. Application of multivariate statistical techniques in the assessment of surface water quality in Uluabat Lake, Turkey. Environ Monit Assess, 144: 269–276, 2008. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-007-9989-3
  • Ragno G, Luca De, M. and Ioele, G. An application of cluster analysis and multivariate classification methods to spring water monitoring data. Microchemical Journal 87:119–127, 2007. DOI:10.1016/j.microc.2007.06.003
  • Altın A, Filiz Z, Iscen F C. Assesment of seasonal variations of surface water quality characteristics for Porsuk Stream. Environ Monit Assess. 158:51–65, 2009. DOI:101007/s10661008-0564-3
  • Jiang-Qi Q, Qing-Jing Z, Pan, L., Cheng-Xia, J., Mu, Y. Assessment of water quality using multivariate statistical methods: A case study of an Urban Landscape Water, Beijing. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, 3(3):196-200, 2013. DOI: 10.7763/IJBBB.2013.V3.195
  • EN ISO 10304: Water quality -- Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions -- Part 1: Determination of bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and sulfate.
  • EN ISO 10304-2: Water Quality-Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromotography of ions.-- Determination of sulfate.
  • EN ISO 2677. Water Quality-Determination of Dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions-- Determination of Nitrite.
  • DIN 38409 H41-H44. German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; anions (group H); determination of chemical oxygen demand (H41-H44)
  • U.S. EPA (2001) EPA method 200.7. Determination of Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry.
  • Simeonov V, Stratis J A, Samara C, Zachariadis G, Voutsa D, Anthemidis, A., Sofoniou, M. & Kouimtzis, Th. Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research, 37:4119 – 4124, 2003. DOI:10.1016/S00431354(03)00398-1
  • Yang YH, Zhou F, Guo HC, Sheng H, Liu H, Dao X., He CJ. Analysis of spatial and temporal water pollution patterns in Lake Dianchi using multivariate statistical methods. Environ Monit Assess. 170 (1-4):407-16, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/ s10661-009-1242-9.
  • Satheeshkumar P, Senthilkumar D. Identification of Heavy Metals Contamination by Multivariate Statistical Analysis Methods in Pondicherry mangroves, India. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. 1 (1):30-48, 2011. ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
  • Tokatlı C, Çiçek A, Emiroğlu Ö, Arslan N, Köse E, Dayıoğlu H., Statistical Approaches To Evaluate The Aquatic Ecosystem Qualities of A Significant Mining Area: Emet Stream Basin (Turkey). Environmental Earth Sciences, 71 (5): 2185-2197, 2014.
  • EC Directive 2006. DIRECTIVE 2006/44/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 6 September 2006 on the quality of fresh waters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life (codified version)
  • Turkish Regulations, 2012. Sutface Wtare Quality Management Regulation. The official journal, No:28483, tr.
  • Özyurt S. M, Dayıoğlu H, Bingöl N, Yamık A. Porsuk Baraj Havzası’nın Kütahya Kökenli Kirlilik Problemi. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 6:43-52, 2004.
  • Orak E. Porsuk Çayı’nın Su Kalitesinin Bulanık Mantık Metodu İle Değerlendirilmesi. T.C. Gebze İleri teknoloji Enstitüsü Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çevre Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Tezi 37, 2006.
  • Eskişehir Valiliği İl Çevre ve Orman Müdürlüğü, Eskişehir City Environment Situation Report, 2008.
  • Karpuzcu M. Çevre Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolü, 381, 2007.
  • Kalyoncu H, Yorulmaz B, Barlas M, Yıldırım M Z, Zeybek M. Aksu Çayı’nın Su Kalitesi ve Fizikokimyasal Parametrelerinin Makroomurgasız Çeşitliliği Üzerine etkisi. Fırat Ünv. Fen ve Müh. Bil. Dergisi 20 (1):23-33, 2008.
  • Uyanık S, Yılmaz G, Yesilnacar M I, Aslan M, Demir Ö. Rapid Assesment of River Water Quality in Turkey using Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 14 (4):268–272, 2005.
  • Yılmaz F, Alaş A, Solak K. Lymnological Features of Porsuk Dam Lake and its Effects on Growth of Fish. Fish International Symposium on Fisheries and Ecology Proceedings (FISHECO’98), Trabzon, 1998.
  • Burak S, Duranyıldız İ. ve Yetiş Ü. Su Kaynakları Yönetimi, Devlet Su İşleri, Ulusal Çevre Eylem Planı, 1997.
  • Bakış R, Koyuncu H, Özkan A, Banar M, Yılmaz, G., Yörükoğulları, E. Porsuk Havzası Yüzeysel ve Yer altı Suyu Kirlilik Düzeyinin Araştırılması. Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi-A.Uygulamalalı Bilimler ve Mühendislik , 12 (2):75-89, 2011.
  • Egemen Ö, Sunlu U. Su Kalitesi, Ege University Publishing, İzmir, 1996.
  • Taş B. Derbent Baraj Gölü (Samsun) Su Kalitesinin İncelenmesi. Ekoloji. 15:61: 6-15 2006.
  • Tepe Y, Alparslan A, Mutlu E. and Töre Y. Karagöl’ün (Erzin-Hatay) Bazı Fiziko-Kimyasal Özellikleri. E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 23:155-161, 2006.
  • Kara C, Çömlekçioğlu U. Karaçay (Kahramanmaraş)’ın Kirliliğinin Biyolojik ve Fiziko-Kimyasal Parametrelerle İncelenmesi. KSÜ Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 7 (1): 1-7, 2004.
  • Cirik S. ve Cirik Ş. LİMNOLOJİ- Ege University Publishing, İzmir, 2008.
  • BEBKA Bursa, Eskişehir Bilecik Development Ageny, TR 41 Bölgesi Çevre Durum Raporu, 2011.
  • Liu C W, Lin, K H, Kuo Y M. Application of factor analysis in the assessment of groundwater quality in a Blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment, 313, 77–89, 2003. DOİ:10.1016/S0048-9697(02)00683-6
  • Yücel E, Doğan F, Öztürk M. Porsuk Çayı’nda Ağır Metal Kirlilik Düzeyleri ve Halk Sağlığı İlişkisi, Ekoloji Dergisi, 17:29-32, 1995.
  • Canbek M, Demir T A, Uyanoğlu M, Bayramoğlu G, Emiroğlu Ö, Arslan N, Koyuncu O. Preliminary assessment of heavy metals in water ve some Cyprinidae species from the Porsuk River, Turkey. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 1(3): 91-95, 2007.


Yıl 2016, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 81 - 93, 25.03.2016


Porsuk Çayı, Kütahya ve Eskişehir il sınırlarından geçerek Türkiye’nin önemli su potansiyellerinden biri olan Sakarya Nehri’ni besleyen önemli bir akarsudur. Özellikle, Eskişehir iline kadar olan kısmının kullanma suyu olarak değerlendirilmesi nedeni ile Porsuk Çayı’nın su kalitesinin belirlenmesi bölgede bulunan ekosistemlerin sağlığı açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Su örnekleri Porsuk Çayı üzerinde seçilen 13 istasyondan (Mayıs 2010- Şubat 2011) mevsimsel olarak toplanmış ve sıcaklık, pH, çözünmüş oksijen, tuzluluk, iletkenlik, amonyum nitrojen, nitrit nitrojen, nitrat nitrojen, sülfat, fosfat, kimyasal oksijen ihtiyacı, biyokimyasal oksijen ihtiyacı, toplam fosfor, toplam klor, kalsiyum, magnezyum, sodyum, potasyum parametreleri belirlenmiştir. Tespit edilen fizikokimyasal parametreler istasyonlar arasında istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırılmış ve Faktör Analizi kullanılarak etkili faktörler sınıflandırılmıştır. Aynı zamanda, Past istatistik programı kullanılarak suda ölçülen parametrelere göre istasyonların benzerliğini belirlemek amacı ile kümeleme analizi uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler uluslar arası ve ulusal su kalite kriterleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu çalışma, yüzey suyu izleme çalışmaları hakkında daha iyi bilgi edinebilmek için Kümeleme Analizi (CA), Faktör Analizi (FA) ve tek yönlü varyans analizi (One-Way ANOVA) gibi istatistiksel tekniklerin kullanımı ve gerekliliğini göstermiştir.


  • Shrestha S, Kazama F. Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of the Fuji river basin; Japan. Environmental Modelling and Software 22:464–475, 2007. DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2006.02. 001
  • Singh P K, Malik A, Sinha S. Water quality assessment and apportionment of pollution sources of Gomti river (India) using multivariate statistical techniques—a case study. Analytica Chimica Acta. 538, 355–374, 2005. DOI:10. 1016/j.aca.2005.02.006
  • Chen K, Jiao JJ, Huang J, Huang R. Multivariate statistical evaluation of trace elements in groundwater in a coastal area in Shenzhen, China. Environmental Pollution 147: 771-780, 2007. DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2006.09. 002
  • Kazi G, Arain K M, Jamali M K, Jalbani N, Afridi I H., Sarfraz A R, Baig A J, Shah A Q. Assessment of water quality of polluted lake using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72: 301– 309, 2009. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2008.02.024
  • Iscen F C, Altın A, Senoğlu B, Yavuz S H. Evaluation of surface water quality characteristics by using multivariate ststistical techniques: A case study of the Euphrates river basin, Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 151: 259–264, 2009. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-008-0267-9
  • Iscen F C, Emiroğlu Ö, Ilhan S, Arslan N, Yılmaz V, Ahiska S. Application of multivariate statistical techniques in the assessment of surface water quality in Uluabat Lake, Turkey. Environ Monit Assess, 144: 269–276, 2008. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-007-9989-3
  • Ragno G, Luca De, M. and Ioele, G. An application of cluster analysis and multivariate classification methods to spring water monitoring data. Microchemical Journal 87:119–127, 2007. DOI:10.1016/j.microc.2007.06.003
  • Altın A, Filiz Z, Iscen F C. Assesment of seasonal variations of surface water quality characteristics for Porsuk Stream. Environ Monit Assess. 158:51–65, 2009. DOI:101007/s10661008-0564-3
  • Jiang-Qi Q, Qing-Jing Z, Pan, L., Cheng-Xia, J., Mu, Y. Assessment of water quality using multivariate statistical methods: A case study of an Urban Landscape Water, Beijing. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, 3(3):196-200, 2013. DOI: 10.7763/IJBBB.2013.V3.195
  • EN ISO 10304: Water quality -- Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions -- Part 1: Determination of bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and sulfate.
  • EN ISO 10304-2: Water Quality-Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromotography of ions.-- Determination of sulfate.
  • EN ISO 2677. Water Quality-Determination of Dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions-- Determination of Nitrite.
  • DIN 38409 H41-H44. German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; anions (group H); determination of chemical oxygen demand (H41-H44)
  • U.S. EPA (2001) EPA method 200.7. Determination of Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry.
  • Simeonov V, Stratis J A, Samara C, Zachariadis G, Voutsa D, Anthemidis, A., Sofoniou, M. & Kouimtzis, Th. Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research, 37:4119 – 4124, 2003. DOI:10.1016/S00431354(03)00398-1
  • Yang YH, Zhou F, Guo HC, Sheng H, Liu H, Dao X., He CJ. Analysis of spatial and temporal water pollution patterns in Lake Dianchi using multivariate statistical methods. Environ Monit Assess. 170 (1-4):407-16, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/ s10661-009-1242-9.
  • Satheeshkumar P, Senthilkumar D. Identification of Heavy Metals Contamination by Multivariate Statistical Analysis Methods in Pondicherry mangroves, India. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. 1 (1):30-48, 2011. ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
  • Tokatlı C, Çiçek A, Emiroğlu Ö, Arslan N, Köse E, Dayıoğlu H., Statistical Approaches To Evaluate The Aquatic Ecosystem Qualities of A Significant Mining Area: Emet Stream Basin (Turkey). Environmental Earth Sciences, 71 (5): 2185-2197, 2014.
  • EC Directive 2006. DIRECTIVE 2006/44/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 6 September 2006 on the quality of fresh waters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life (codified version)
  • Turkish Regulations, 2012. Sutface Wtare Quality Management Regulation. The official journal, No:28483, tr.
  • Özyurt S. M, Dayıoğlu H, Bingöl N, Yamık A. Porsuk Baraj Havzası’nın Kütahya Kökenli Kirlilik Problemi. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 6:43-52, 2004.
  • Orak E. Porsuk Çayı’nın Su Kalitesinin Bulanık Mantık Metodu İle Değerlendirilmesi. T.C. Gebze İleri teknoloji Enstitüsü Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çevre Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Tezi 37, 2006.
  • Eskişehir Valiliği İl Çevre ve Orman Müdürlüğü, Eskişehir City Environment Situation Report, 2008.
  • Karpuzcu M. Çevre Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolü, 381, 2007.
  • Kalyoncu H, Yorulmaz B, Barlas M, Yıldırım M Z, Zeybek M. Aksu Çayı’nın Su Kalitesi ve Fizikokimyasal Parametrelerinin Makroomurgasız Çeşitliliği Üzerine etkisi. Fırat Ünv. Fen ve Müh. Bil. Dergisi 20 (1):23-33, 2008.
  • Uyanık S, Yılmaz G, Yesilnacar M I, Aslan M, Demir Ö. Rapid Assesment of River Water Quality in Turkey using Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 14 (4):268–272, 2005.
  • Yılmaz F, Alaş A, Solak K. Lymnological Features of Porsuk Dam Lake and its Effects on Growth of Fish. Fish International Symposium on Fisheries and Ecology Proceedings (FISHECO’98), Trabzon, 1998.
  • Burak S, Duranyıldız İ. ve Yetiş Ü. Su Kaynakları Yönetimi, Devlet Su İşleri, Ulusal Çevre Eylem Planı, 1997.
  • Bakış R, Koyuncu H, Özkan A, Banar M, Yılmaz, G., Yörükoğulları, E. Porsuk Havzası Yüzeysel ve Yer altı Suyu Kirlilik Düzeyinin Araştırılması. Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi-A.Uygulamalalı Bilimler ve Mühendislik , 12 (2):75-89, 2011.
  • Egemen Ö, Sunlu U. Su Kalitesi, Ege University Publishing, İzmir, 1996.
  • Taş B. Derbent Baraj Gölü (Samsun) Su Kalitesinin İncelenmesi. Ekoloji. 15:61: 6-15 2006.
  • Tepe Y, Alparslan A, Mutlu E. and Töre Y. Karagöl’ün (Erzin-Hatay) Bazı Fiziko-Kimyasal Özellikleri. E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 23:155-161, 2006.
  • Kara C, Çömlekçioğlu U. Karaçay (Kahramanmaraş)’ın Kirliliğinin Biyolojik ve Fiziko-Kimyasal Parametrelerle İncelenmesi. KSÜ Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 7 (1): 1-7, 2004.
  • Cirik S. ve Cirik Ş. LİMNOLOJİ- Ege University Publishing, İzmir, 2008.
  • BEBKA Bursa, Eskişehir Bilecik Development Ageny, TR 41 Bölgesi Çevre Durum Raporu, 2011.
  • Liu C W, Lin, K H, Kuo Y M. Application of factor analysis in the assessment of groundwater quality in a Blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment, 313, 77–89, 2003. DOİ:10.1016/S0048-9697(02)00683-6
  • Yücel E, Doğan F, Öztürk M. Porsuk Çayı’nda Ağır Metal Kirlilik Düzeyleri ve Halk Sağlığı İlişkisi, Ekoloji Dergisi, 17:29-32, 1995.
  • Canbek M, Demir T A, Uyanoğlu M, Bayramoğlu G, Emiroğlu Ö, Arslan N, Koyuncu O. Preliminary assessment of heavy metals in water ve some Cyprinidae species from the Porsuk River, Turkey. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 1(3): 91-95, 2007.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Esengül Köse

Arzu Çiçek

Kazım Uysal

Cem Tokatlı

Naime Arslan

Özgür Emiroğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Mart 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Köse, E., Çiçek, A., Uysal, K., Tokatlı, C., vd. (2016). EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN PORSUK STREAM. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology, 4(2), 81-93.
AMA Köse E, Çiçek A, Uysal K, Tokatlı C, Arslan N, Emiroğlu Ö. EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN PORSUK STREAM. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology. Nisan 2016;4(2):81-93. doi:10.18036/btdc.35567
Chicago Köse, Esengül, Arzu Çiçek, Kazım Uysal, Cem Tokatlı, Naime Arslan, ve Özgür Emiroğlu. “EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN PORSUK STREAM”. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology 4, sy. 2 (Nisan 2016): 81-93.
EndNote Köse E, Çiçek A, Uysal K, Tokatlı C, Arslan N, Emiroğlu Ö (01 Nisan 2016) EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN PORSUK STREAM. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology 4 2 81–93.
IEEE E. Köse, A. Çiçek, K. Uysal, C. Tokatlı, N. Arslan, ve Ö. Emiroğlu, “EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN PORSUK STREAM”, Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology, c. 4, sy. 2, ss. 81–93, 2016, doi: 10.18036/btdc.35567.
ISNAD Köse, Esengül vd. “EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN PORSUK STREAM”. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology 4/2 (Nisan 2016), 81-93.
JAMA Köse E, Çiçek A, Uysal K, Tokatlı C, Arslan N, Emiroğlu Ö. EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN PORSUK STREAM. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology. 2016;4:81–93.
MLA Köse, Esengül vd. “EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN PORSUK STREAM”. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology, c. 4, sy. 2, 2016, ss. 81-93, doi:10.18036/btdc.35567.
Vancouver Köse E, Çiçek A, Uysal K, Tokatlı C, Arslan N, Emiroğlu Ö. EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN PORSUK STREAM. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology. 2016;4(2):81-93.