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Toksoplazmoz Tanısı

Yıl 2008, , 180 - 190, 01.03.2008



  • Dubey JP. Toxoplasmosis. In: Cox FEG, Kreier JP, Wakelin D, editors. Topley & Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial In- fections. Vol.5 Parasitology Vol. 9th ed. Arnold Press; 1998. p.303-318.
  • Kim K, Weiss LM. Toxoplasma gondii: the model apicomplexan. Int J Parasitol 2004;34:423-432.
  • Dubey JP, Lindsay DS, Speer CA. Struc- tures of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoits, bradyzoits, and sporozoites and biol- ogy and development of tissue cysts. Clin Microbiol Rev 1998;11:267-299.
  • Sibley LD, Boothroyd JC. Virulent strains of Toxoplasma gondii comprise a single clonal lineage. Nature 1982;359:82-85.
  • Cook AJ, Gilbert RE, Holland FJ et al. Sources of Toxoplasma infection in preg- nant women: European multicenter case- control study. European Research Net- work on Congenital Toxoplasmosis. Br 13. Jones J, Lopez A, Wilson M. Congeni- Med J 2000;321:142-147.
  • Altıntaş N, Yolasığmaz A, Yazar S, ve ark. İzmir ve çevresindeki yerleşim bölge- lerinde yaşayan insanlarda Toxoplasma antikorlarının araştırılması. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 1998;21:245-247.
  • Davaro RF, Th irumalai A. Life-threaten- ing complications of HIV infection. J In- tensive Care Med 2007;22:73-81.
  • Campbell AL, Goldberg CL, Magid MS et al. First case of toxoplasmosis following small bowel transplantation and system- atic review of tissue-invasive toxoplas- mosis following noncardiac solid organ transplantation. Transplantation 2006; 81:408-17
  • Dodds EM. Toxoplasmosis. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2006;17:557-61.
  • Petersen E. Toxoplasmosis. Seminars in Fe- tal and Neonatal Medicine 2007;12:214- 223.
  • Kaul R, Chen P, Binder SR. Detection of Immunoglobulin M antibodies speciŞ c for Toxoplasma gondii with increased se- lectivity for recently aquired infections. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:5705-5709.
  • Svobodova V, Literak I. Prevalence of IgM and IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in blood donors in Czech Republic. Eur J Epidemiol 1998;14:803-805. tal toxoplasmosis. Am Fam Physician 2003;67:2131-2138.
  • Meeting report. Th e VIIIth International Congress on Toxoplasmosis. Microb In- fect 2006;8:1979-1983.
  • Montoya JG. Diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection and toxoplasmosis. J In- fect Dis 2002;185(Suppl1):S73-82.
  • Garcia LS. Protozoa from other sites. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology. 5th ed. Washington, D.C.:ASM Press; 2007. p.123-141.
  • Reiter-Owona I, Petersen E, Joynson D, et al. Th e past and present role of Sabin- Feldman dye test in the serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Bull World Health Organ 1999;77:929-935.
  • Rigsby P, Rijpkema S, Guy EC, Francis J, Das RG. Evaluation of candidate inter- national standard preparation for human anti-Toxoplasma immunoglobulin G. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:5133-5138.
  • Meek B, Gool TV, Gilis H, Peek R. Dis- secting the IgM response during the acute and latent phase of toxoplasmosis. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2001;41:131-137.
  • Ashburn D, Joss AW, Pennington TH, Ho-Yen DO. Do IgA, IgE and IgG avid- ity tests have any value in the diagnosis of Toxoplasma infection in pregnancy? J Clin Pathol 1998;51:312-315.
  • Wong S, Hadju M, Ramirez R, Th ulliez P, McLeod R, Remington JS. Role of speciŞ c immunoglobulin E in diagnosis of acute Toxoplasma infection and toxoplasmosis. J Clin Microbiol 1993;31:2952-2959.
  • Sabin AB, Feldman HA. Dyes as micro- chemical indicators of a new immunity phenomenon aff ecting a protozoan para- site (Toxoplasma). Science 1948;108:660- 663.
  • Danneman B, Vaughn W, Th ulliez P, 29. Liesenfeld O, Montoya JG, Kinney S, Remington JS. Diff erential agglutination test for diagnosis of recently acquired in- fection with Toxoplasma gondii. J Clin Microbiol 1990;28:1928-1933.
  • Naot Y, Remington J. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii : use for diagnosis of acute acquired toxoplasmosis. J Infect Dis 1980;142:757-766.
  • Desmonts G, Naot Y, Remington JS. Immunoglobulin M immunosorbent ag- glutination assay for diagnosis of acute congenital and acquired Toxoplasma in- fections. J Clin Microbiol 1981;14:486- 491.
  • Hedman K, Lappalainen M, Seppala I, et al. Recent primary Toxoplasma infection indicated by a low avidity of speciŞ c IgG. J Infect Dis 1989;159:736-739.
  • Montoya JG, Huff man HB, Remington JS. Evaluation of the immunoglobulin G test for the diagnosis of toxoplasmic lymphadenopathy. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:4627-4631.
  • Lappalainen M, Hedman K. Serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Th e impact of measure- ment of IgG avidity. Ann Ist Super Sanita 2004;40:81-88. et al. Eff ect of testing for IgG avidity in the diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii in- fection in pregnant women: experience in a US reference laboratory. J Infect Dis 2001;183:1248-1253.
  • Wilson M, Remington JS, Clavet C, et al. Evaluation of six commercial kits for detection of human immunoglobulin M antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii. J Clin Microbiol 1997;35:3112-3115.
  • Remington JS, Th ulliez P, Montoya JG. Recent development for diagnosis of toxo- plasmosis. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:941- 945.
  • Remington JS, Araujo FG, Desmonts G. Recognition of diff erent Toxoplasma anti- gensby IgG and IgM antibodies in moth- ers and their congenitally infected new- borns. J Infect Dis 1985;152:1020-1024.
  • Liesenfeld O, Montoya JG, Tathineni NJ, et al. ConŞ rmatory serologic testing for acute toxoplasmosis and rate of induced abortions among women reported to have positive Toxoplasma immunoglobulin M antibody titers. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;184:140-145.
  • Reiter-Owona I. Laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis-possibilities and limita- tions. J Lab Med 2005;29:439-445.
  • Chabbert E, Lachaud L, Crobu L, et al. Comparison of two widely used PCR primer systems for detection of Toxoplas- ma in amniotic fl uid, blood and tissues. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:1719-1722.
  • Filisetti D, Gorcii M, Pernot-Marino E, et al. Diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmo- sis: comparison of targets for detection of Toxoplasma gondii by PCR. J Clin Micro- biol 2003;41:4826-4828.
  • Hohlfeld P, Daff os F, Costa JM, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplas- mosis with PCR test on amniotic fl uid. N Engl J Med 1994;331:695-699.
  • Costa JM, Pautas P, Ernault F, et al. Real time PCR for diagnosis and follow up of toxoplasma reactivation after al- logeneic stem cell transplantation using fl uorescence resonance energy transfer hybridization probes. J Clin Microbiol 2000;38:2929-2932.
  • Bulaşıcı hastalıkların ihbarı ve bildirim sistemi, Standart tanı, sürveyans ve labo- ratuvar rehberi. 4th ed. Ankara; 2005. p.115-116, p.249-250.

Toksoplazmoz Tanısı

Yıl 2008, , 180 - 190, 01.03.2008


Toksoplazmoz, Apikompleksan bir protozoon olan Toxoplasma gondii’nin etken olduğu bir paraziter hastalıktır. İmmunkompetan kişilerde çoğunlukla asemptomatik, kendini sınırlayan nezle benzeri bir tablo veya lokal lenfadenopati ile seyrederken; immun yetmezliği olanlarda ve enfekte fetus veya yenidoğanlarda ölümle sonuçlanabilen ağır tablolara yol açabilmektedir. Histolojik tanı veya organizmanın izolasyonu zor ve zaman alıcı olduğu için, tanıda esas olarak serolojik tanı yöntemleri kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemede, toksoplazmoz tanısında değişik hasta gruplarında kullanılabilecek antikor tipleri ve serolojik yöntemler gözden geçirilmiştir. Özellikle toksoplazmoz tanısının önemli ama zor olduğu gebeler ve yeni doğanlarda öne çıkan bazı yeni ve geliştirilmiş tanı yöntemlerinden bahsedilmiş ve serolojik testlerin yorumlanmasında karşılaşılabilecek sorunlar özetlenmiştir.


  • Dubey JP. Toxoplasmosis. In: Cox FEG, Kreier JP, Wakelin D, editors. Topley & Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial In- fections. Vol.5 Parasitology Vol. 9th ed. Arnold Press; 1998. p.303-318.
  • Kim K, Weiss LM. Toxoplasma gondii: the model apicomplexan. Int J Parasitol 2004;34:423-432.
  • Dubey JP, Lindsay DS, Speer CA. Struc- tures of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoits, bradyzoits, and sporozoites and biol- ogy and development of tissue cysts. Clin Microbiol Rev 1998;11:267-299.
  • Sibley LD, Boothroyd JC. Virulent strains of Toxoplasma gondii comprise a single clonal lineage. Nature 1982;359:82-85.
  • Cook AJ, Gilbert RE, Holland FJ et al. Sources of Toxoplasma infection in preg- nant women: European multicenter case- control study. European Research Net- work on Congenital Toxoplasmosis. Br 13. Jones J, Lopez A, Wilson M. Congeni- Med J 2000;321:142-147.
  • Altıntaş N, Yolasığmaz A, Yazar S, ve ark. İzmir ve çevresindeki yerleşim bölge- lerinde yaşayan insanlarda Toxoplasma antikorlarının araştırılması. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 1998;21:245-247.
  • Davaro RF, Th irumalai A. Life-threaten- ing complications of HIV infection. J In- tensive Care Med 2007;22:73-81.
  • Campbell AL, Goldberg CL, Magid MS et al. First case of toxoplasmosis following small bowel transplantation and system- atic review of tissue-invasive toxoplas- mosis following noncardiac solid organ transplantation. Transplantation 2006; 81:408-17
  • Dodds EM. Toxoplasmosis. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2006;17:557-61.
  • Petersen E. Toxoplasmosis. Seminars in Fe- tal and Neonatal Medicine 2007;12:214- 223.
  • Kaul R, Chen P, Binder SR. Detection of Immunoglobulin M antibodies speciŞ c for Toxoplasma gondii with increased se- lectivity for recently aquired infections. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:5705-5709.
  • Svobodova V, Literak I. Prevalence of IgM and IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in blood donors in Czech Republic. Eur J Epidemiol 1998;14:803-805. tal toxoplasmosis. Am Fam Physician 2003;67:2131-2138.
  • Meeting report. Th e VIIIth International Congress on Toxoplasmosis. Microb In- fect 2006;8:1979-1983.
  • Montoya JG. Diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection and toxoplasmosis. J In- fect Dis 2002;185(Suppl1):S73-82.
  • Garcia LS. Protozoa from other sites. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology. 5th ed. Washington, D.C.:ASM Press; 2007. p.123-141.
  • Reiter-Owona I, Petersen E, Joynson D, et al. Th e past and present role of Sabin- Feldman dye test in the serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Bull World Health Organ 1999;77:929-935.
  • Rigsby P, Rijpkema S, Guy EC, Francis J, Das RG. Evaluation of candidate inter- national standard preparation for human anti-Toxoplasma immunoglobulin G. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:5133-5138.
  • Meek B, Gool TV, Gilis H, Peek R. Dis- secting the IgM response during the acute and latent phase of toxoplasmosis. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2001;41:131-137.
  • Ashburn D, Joss AW, Pennington TH, Ho-Yen DO. Do IgA, IgE and IgG avid- ity tests have any value in the diagnosis of Toxoplasma infection in pregnancy? J Clin Pathol 1998;51:312-315.
  • Wong S, Hadju M, Ramirez R, Th ulliez P, McLeod R, Remington JS. Role of speciŞ c immunoglobulin E in diagnosis of acute Toxoplasma infection and toxoplasmosis. J Clin Microbiol 1993;31:2952-2959.
  • Sabin AB, Feldman HA. Dyes as micro- chemical indicators of a new immunity phenomenon aff ecting a protozoan para- site (Toxoplasma). Science 1948;108:660- 663.
  • Danneman B, Vaughn W, Th ulliez P, 29. Liesenfeld O, Montoya JG, Kinney S, Remington JS. Diff erential agglutination test for diagnosis of recently acquired in- fection with Toxoplasma gondii. J Clin Microbiol 1990;28:1928-1933.
  • Naot Y, Remington J. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii : use for diagnosis of acute acquired toxoplasmosis. J Infect Dis 1980;142:757-766.
  • Desmonts G, Naot Y, Remington JS. Immunoglobulin M immunosorbent ag- glutination assay for diagnosis of acute congenital and acquired Toxoplasma in- fections. J Clin Microbiol 1981;14:486- 491.
  • Hedman K, Lappalainen M, Seppala I, et al. Recent primary Toxoplasma infection indicated by a low avidity of speciŞ c IgG. J Infect Dis 1989;159:736-739.
  • Montoya JG, Huff man HB, Remington JS. Evaluation of the immunoglobulin G test for the diagnosis of toxoplasmic lymphadenopathy. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:4627-4631.
  • Lappalainen M, Hedman K. Serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Th e impact of measure- ment of IgG avidity. Ann Ist Super Sanita 2004;40:81-88. et al. Eff ect of testing for IgG avidity in the diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii in- fection in pregnant women: experience in a US reference laboratory. J Infect Dis 2001;183:1248-1253.
  • Wilson M, Remington JS, Clavet C, et al. Evaluation of six commercial kits for detection of human immunoglobulin M antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii. J Clin Microbiol 1997;35:3112-3115.
  • Remington JS, Th ulliez P, Montoya JG. Recent development for diagnosis of toxo- plasmosis. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:941- 945.
  • Remington JS, Araujo FG, Desmonts G. Recognition of diff erent Toxoplasma anti- gensby IgG and IgM antibodies in moth- ers and their congenitally infected new- borns. J Infect Dis 1985;152:1020-1024.
  • Liesenfeld O, Montoya JG, Tathineni NJ, et al. ConŞ rmatory serologic testing for acute toxoplasmosis and rate of induced abortions among women reported to have positive Toxoplasma immunoglobulin M antibody titers. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;184:140-145.
  • Reiter-Owona I. Laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis-possibilities and limita- tions. J Lab Med 2005;29:439-445.
  • Chabbert E, Lachaud L, Crobu L, et al. Comparison of two widely used PCR primer systems for detection of Toxoplas- ma in amniotic fl uid, blood and tissues. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:1719-1722.
  • Filisetti D, Gorcii M, Pernot-Marino E, et al. Diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmo- sis: comparison of targets for detection of Toxoplasma gondii by PCR. J Clin Micro- biol 2003;41:4826-4828.
  • Hohlfeld P, Daff os F, Costa JM, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplas- mosis with PCR test on amniotic fl uid. N Engl J Med 1994;331:695-699.
  • Costa JM, Pautas P, Ernault F, et al. Real time PCR for diagnosis and follow up of toxoplasma reactivation after al- logeneic stem cell transplantation using fl uorescence resonance energy transfer hybridization probes. J Clin Microbiol 2000;38:2929-2932.
  • Bulaşıcı hastalıkların ihbarı ve bildirim sistemi, Standart tanı, sürveyans ve labo- ratuvar rehberi. 4th ed. Ankara; 2005. p.115-116, p.249-250.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Gülay Aral Akarsu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008

Kaynak Göster

APA Akarsu, G. A. (2008). Toksoplazmoz Tanısı. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 61(3), 180-190.
AMA Akarsu GA. Toksoplazmoz Tanısı. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası. Mart 2008;61(3):180-190. doi:10.1501/Tipfak_0000000670
Chicago Akarsu, Gülay Aral. “Toksoplazmoz Tanısı”. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 61, sy. 3 (Mart 2008): 180-90.
EndNote Akarsu GA (01 Mart 2008) Toksoplazmoz Tanısı. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 61 3 180–190.
IEEE G. A. Akarsu, “Toksoplazmoz Tanısı”, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, c. 61, sy. 3, ss. 180–190, 2008, doi: 10.1501/Tipfak_0000000670.
ISNAD Akarsu, Gülay Aral. “Toksoplazmoz Tanısı”. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 61/3 (Mart 2008), 180-190.
JAMA Akarsu GA. Toksoplazmoz Tanısı. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası. 2008;61:180–190.
MLA Akarsu, Gülay Aral. “Toksoplazmoz Tanısı”. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, c. 61, sy. 3, 2008, ss. 180-9, doi:10.1501/Tipfak_0000000670.
Vancouver Akarsu GA. Toksoplazmoz Tanısı. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası. 2008;61(3):180-9.